Advanced Nutrition 1 - FAT

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What is the carrier molecule needed for mitochondrial membrane transport of long-chain fatty acids and their CoA derivatives? A.) Carnitine B.) Citrate C.) Pyruvate D.) Malate


What is the function of Lecithin:Cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT)? A.) It converts free CHOL to cholesteryl ester B.) It converts cholesteryl ester to free CHOL C.) It converts acetyl CoA to cholesterol D.) None of the above


Which fatty acid is considered essential and must be supplied by the diet? A.) Arachidonic acid B.) n-9 fatty acid C.) Linoleic acid D.) Oleic acid


Which of the following is NOT correct about LDL? A.) It is to transport cholesterol from hepatic to non-hepatic tissues B.) LDL is taken up by tissues through receptor-mediated endocytosis C.) Apo-A interacts with LDL receptors on cells D.) All of the above are correct E.) None of the above are correct


Difference between exogenous fat and endogenous?

exogenous - comes from diet endogenous - comes from body

Name 3 functions of apolipoproteins

1. stabilize the lipoproteins in blood circulation 2. give specificity on the lipoprotein to be recognized by specific receptors on cell surfaces 3. stimulate certain enzyme reactions

Cholesterol serves as a precursor for all of the following except: A.) Phospholipids B.) Estrogen C.) Bile acids D.) Vitamin D


Which of the following is NOT correct about the metabolism of VLDLs? A.) The synthesis of VLDL is similar with the synthesis of chylomicrons, except it occurs in the liver B.) VLDLs contain ApoB-100, Apo E, and ApoC-2 C.)VLDLs distribute TAG to hepatic tissues D.) TAG in VLDLs is hydrolyzed into FA and DAG by extra-hepatic lipoprotein lipase and FA and DAG are absorbed into non-hepatic tissues E.) VLDLs become IDLs and eventually become LDLs as it loses TAG


Which of the following is correct about regulation of lipid metabolism? A.) Adequate carbohydrate consumption decreases B-oxidation B.) Increased concentration of malonyl CoA from adequate carbohydrate consumption increases the activity of carnitine acyltransferase I C.) Citrate is the negative modulator for acetyl CoA carboxylase D.) Palmitoyl CoA is the positive modulator for acetyl CoA carboxylase E.) All of the above F.) None of the above


Which of the following is correct about regulation of lipid metabolism? A.) Adequate carbohydrate consumption decreases B-oxidation B.) Increased concentration of malonyl CoA from adequate carbohydrate consumption increases the activity of carnitine acyltransferase I C.) Citrate is the negative modulator for acetyl CoA carboxylase D.) Palmitoyl CoA is the positive modulator for acetyl CoA carboxylase E.) All of the above F.) None of the above


In what form is most body fat stored? A.) Fatty acids B.) Triacylglycerols (TAG) C.) Cholesterol D.) Phospholipids


What of the following is correct about the regulatory function of free cholesterol? A.) Free cholesterol stimulates the activity of HMG CoA reductase B.) It increases the activity of Acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) C.) It raises the synthesis of LDL receptors D.) None of the above are correct E.) All of the above are correct


Which enzyme is necessary for the B oxidation of unsaturated fatty acid? A.) Propionyl CoA carboxylase B.) Enoyl-CoA isomerase C.) Acetyl CoA ACP transacylase D.) Enoyl-ACP reductase


What organ provides the major site for lipoprotein formation from exogenous lipids? A.) Skeletal muscle B.) Adipose tissue C.) Intestine D.) Liver


Which of the following is NOT correct about n-3 and n-6 essential fatty acids? A.) Linoleic acid is n-6 fatty acid and a-linolenic acid is n-3 fatty acid B.) EPA or DHA can be derived from n-6 essential fatty acid C.) Arachidonic acid, derived from n-6 essential fatty acid is the precursor to prostaglinaind-2, thromoxane-2, and leukotrine-4 series, which have pro-arrhythmic and pro-inflammatory effects D.) EPA is the precursor of the prostaglinaind-3, thromoxane-3, and leukotrine-5 series which have anti-arrhythmic (prevent the abnormal rhythms of the heart) and anti-inflammatory effects E.) All of the above F.) None of the above


Which of the following is NOT correct about the functions of apolipoproteins? A.) ApoA-1 found in chylomicron serves as the activator of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) B.) ApoB-100 contained in chylomicron serves as the activator of LCAT C.) ApocC-2 contained in chylomicrons serves as an activator of extrahepatic lipoprotein lipase D.) ApoE contained in chylomicron remnants serves as the ligand for chylomicron remnant receptor E.) All of the above are correct


Which of the following is NOT correct about the transferring of acetyl CoA for fatty acid synthesis? A.) Acetyl CoA from pyruvate, fatty acids, amino acids can be used to synthesize fatty acids B.) Acetyl CoA in cytosol is transferred to mitochondria for fatty acid synthesis C.) Because acetyl CoA cannot pass the inner membrane of the mitochondria, it forms citrate with oxalocetate D.) Citrate formed from acetyl CoA and ocalocetate pass the inner membrane of mitochondria through facilitated diffusion E.) Fatty acid synthesis occurs in the cytosol F.) All of the above are correct


Which of the following is correct about the absorption of final products of lipid digestion? A.) The final products form chylomicrons to enter into enterocytes B.) Fatty acids and mono-& diacyl-glycerol are thought to enter into enterocytes through diffusion or facilitated diffusion C.) The same carrier protein of monosaccharides also facilitates the absorption of fatty acids into enterocytes D.) Most cholesterol tends to be absorbed into enterocytes through facilitated diffusion E.) None of the above are correct


Which of the following lipoproteins are normally not present in blood in the fasting state (18 hours to 2 days without food intake)? A.) VLDL B.) Chylomicrons C.) LDL D.) HDL


All of the following are functions of apolipoproteins EXCEPT: A.) Stimulating enzymatic reactions that regulate the metabolic functions of lipoproteins B.) Stabilizing circulating lipoproteins in the blood C.) Decreasing the density of the lipoprotein D.) Conferring specificity for recognition by receptors on cells


What is the function of bile? A.) It hydrolyzes ester bonds of TAG B.) IT anchors into dietary lipid so that pancreatic lipases can act C.) It emulsifies dietary lipid to increase its surface area D.) It digests the ester bond of the dietary cholesteryl ester


Which of the following is NOT correct about fatty acid synthesis? A.) The starters of fatty acid synthesis include acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA B.) Condensing enzyme and acyl carrier protein are essential for fatty acid synthesis C.) NADH is a hydrogen donor during fatty acid synthesis D.) Malonyl CoA is the donor of 2 carbon units during fatty acid synthesis E.) The first step of fatty acid synthesis is formation of malonyl CoA through the caboxylation of acetyl CoA by acetyl-CoA caroxylase


Which of the following is NOT correct about gastric lipase? A.) It can readily penetrate milk fat globules without bile salt stabilization B.) It hydrolyzes short-chain fatty acids from the sn-3 position C.) It requires an alkaline environment for optimal activity D.) It is highly stable in an acid environment


Which of the following is correct about the composition of lipoproteins? A.) Chylomicrons are mainly composed of cholesterol B.) Approximately half of VLDLs are composed of cholesterol C.) Approximately half of VLDLs are composed of Triacylglycerol D.) All of the above are correct E.) None of the above are correct


Which one of the following lipoproteins is the major carrier of cholesterol to tissues for use in construction of membranes or steroid hormones? A.) VLDL B.) HDL C.) LDL D.) Chylomicrons


Triacylglycerol with with saturated fatty acids of longer chain length tend to be _________ at room temperature. A.) Liquid oils B.) Emulsified C.) Non-esterified fats D.) Solid fats


Which of the following is correct about HDL? A.) It is synthesized in the liver B.) It transports cholesterol from non-hepatic tissues to hepatic tissues C.) HDL can bind to SR-B1 (scavenger receptor) on both hepatic and extra-hepatic cells D.) All of the above E.) None of the above


Which of the following is not one of the ketone bodies? A.) Acetoacetate B.) B-hydroxybutyrate C.) Acetone D.) Acetyl CoA


Which of the following is correct about B-oxidation? A.) It occurs in cytosol B.) Both short-chain and long-chain fatty acids need the membrane transport system, Carnitine C.) If there are two fatty acids with the same number of carbons, there is more ATP synthesis from B-oxidation of the unsaturated fatty acid than that of the saturated fatty acid D. ) The final product of B-oxidation of even-chain fatty acid is acetyl CoA E.) All of the above F.) None of the above

D - occurs in mitochondiral matrix, only long chain FA use carnitine, saturated FA > unsaturated FA

What of the following is correct? A.) SR-B1 (scavenger receptor) and CETP (cholesteryl ester transfer protein) CETP are involved in transferring cholesteryl ester from HDL to the liver B.) ABCA1 (ATP-binding cassette transporter) transfers free CHOL and phospholipids from non-hepatic tissues to HDL C.) LCAT (Lecithin:cholesteroal) acyltransferase can be activated by Apo A-1 D.) Cholesterol ester in HDL can be transferred to VLDL/LDL through CETP E.) All of the above


Which of the following can result in familial hypercholesterolemia? A.) No LDL receptor synthesized B.) Even though LDL receptors are synthesized, they cannot process properly C.) Even though LDL receptors are processed after they are synthesized, they cannot bind LDL normally D.) Even though LDL receptors bind LDL, they cannot cluster in the coated pit E.) All of the above


Which of the following is correct about the functions of enzymes related to lipoprotein metabolism? A.) Acyltransferase catalyzes the synthesis of tracylglycerol (TAG) from monoacylglycerol (MAG) and diacylglycerol and long chain fatty acids (FA) in endoplasmic reticulum B.) CHOL is esterified by the enzyme, acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase 1 and 2 (ACAT1 & ACAT2) and becomes CHOL ester C.) Lipoprotein lipase on the endothelial cell surface of the small blood vessels and capillaries of non-hepatic tissues breaks down TAG in chylomicrons into FFA and DAG, which can be absorbed into the tissues D.) Lipoprotein lipase on the endothelial cell surface of the small blood vessels and capillaries of non-hepatic tissues is sensitive to insulin (insulin stimulates lipoprotein lipase activity and increases the uptake of fatty acids in the adipose tissue) E.) All of the above are correct F.) None of the above are correct


Which of the following is correct about the functions of lipoproteins? A.) Chylomicrons deliver dietary fat to hepatic tissues B.) Chylomicron remnants deliver dietary fat to non-hapatic tissues C.) VLDLs deliver cholesterol to non-hepatic tissues D.) All of the above are correct E.) None of the above are correct


Which of the following is correct about triacylglycerol? A.) It can be hyrolyzed by intracellular lipase in the liver and adipose tissue B.) It can be hydrolyzed by lipoprotein lipase in chylomicrons C.) Intracellular lipase can be activated by glucagon D.) Lipoprotein lipase can be activated by insulin E.) All of the above F.) None of the above


Which of the following is correct syntheses of triacylglycerol (TAG) and cholesterol? A.) Dihydroxyacetone can be used to TAG B.) Glycerol should be phosphorylated to be used to synthesize TAG C.) The rate-limiting enzyme for cholesterol synthesis is HMG CoA reductase D.) Acetyl CoA is the precursor of cholesterol synthesis E.) All of the above F.) None of the above


Which of the following is correct? A.) Ketogenesis is the synthesis of ketone bodies from acetyl-CoA B.) Ketosis is a pathological condition of excessive synthesis of ketone bodies C.) The synthesis of ketone bodies occurs in the mitochondria of liver cells D.) Uncontrolled diabetes can stimulate excessive amounts of ketone bodies -ketosis E.) All of the above F.) None of the above


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