Advocacy practice quizzes

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In comparison to persons without disabilities, persons living with a disability earn ______% less income.


What percentage of foster children become homeless the first 2 years after they "graduate" from foster care?


How many policy sectors does the text discuss?


Which of these describes a reason to maintain micro policy advocacy, rather than switch to mezzo or macro level policy?

All efforts to resolve the client's problem have been unsuccessful.

Which of the following statements reflects Ronald Reagan's beliefs?

Deep tax cuts stimulated economic growth without causing deficits.

______ are issued by chief executives and do not require legislative approval.

Executive orders

Advocates do not typically involve family and friends in micro advocacy due to potential conflict of interest.


As a result of in-service trainings and continuing education, providers are always able to stay current with existing research.


Being one of the wealthiest countries in the world, the United States exceeds most other industrialized nations in terms of income equality and elimination of significant social problems.


Even when a court has ruled that a specific client is mentally incompetent, providers are still required by law to obtain informed consent.


Heads of agencies are examples of elected officials.


Members of neighborhood watch groups are trained to intervene when they become aware of suspicious activity.


Micro policy advocacy skills are typically among the first skills taught in most social work school programs.


Once a policy is adopted, it is time to cease advocacy and move on to the next strategy.


Regulations are enacted by legislatures, while statues are fashioned by civil servants.


Social programs are funded only by the federal, state, and local governments.


The Civil Rights Act of 1965 prohibits the discrimination by employers against people of color and individuals with disabilities.


The United States does not have a welfare state and would need to begin forming one from the ground up.


The feminization of poverty refers to female single heads of households that are among the wealthiest in society.


The top 0.1% of American families own more than 40% of all household wealth in the nation.


There are eight core problems in seven policy sectors.


When engaging in the eight policy advocacy challenges, it is crucial to follow them in a sequential process.


When social workers help specific clients, families, and communities obtain rights, benefits, opportunities, and services that they need and to which they are entitled, this is considered a mezzo level intervention.


Which period featured extreme economic inequality, where billionaires were juxtaposed with penniless immigrants?

Gilded Age

______ populations are subject to policy discrimination and subsequent unmet needs due to a lack of funding of services and programs.


______ practice encompasses the roles, tasks, skills, and strategies that policy practitioners need to read contexts as well as develop, propose, enact, implement, and evaluate policies in specific settings.


______ is a sequence of actions and verbal exchanges that will increase the likelihood that a proposal will be enacted.

Political strategy

______ shape(s) the content of specific publicly funded programs as they define program details.


______ prevention seeks to screen, detect, treat, and slow down disease or social problems.


One of the reforms that President Nixon achieved was to index ______ to inflation, to guarantee regular increases.

Social Security

Which of the following is considered an entitlement program?

Social Security

Which of the following is a means-tested program?

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

______ savaged the nation from the stock market crash of 1929 to the American entry into World War II.

The Great Depression

An example of a manifestation of the core problem quality care is nonbeneficial treatment.


Clients who repeatedly return to service providers are sometimes described as "revolving door" clients.


Each policy sector has its own distinctive policies, sources of funds, agencies, programs, and literature.


Homeless individuals are eligible to vote.


In the early 1900s, Jane Addams supported social reforms such as housing codes to protect tenants, governmental inspection of food to avert illness, factory regulations to protect workers, and pensions for single mothers with children.


Informal policies can be reflected in the values and preferences of staff members and the expression and interpretation of specific policies.


Macro policy advocates often use procedural power to increase the changes that a particular measure will be enacted.


Micro policy advocacy can be provided directly to patients or through referrals, provided that micro policy advocates ascertain that their clients or consumers of service actually received assistance.


People become homeless due to financial crisis, mental illness, substance abuse, and medical emergencies.


Social workers need to continue to engage in policy advocacy at micro, mezzo, and macro levels to help American society catch up to other industrialized nations.


State governments often share most of the costs of public education with the federal government.


The majority party of the legislature appoints the chairs of all committees and has a majority of the members on each committee of the chamber.


The purpose of zero displacement policy is to prevent resident displacement when development and construction occurs in a community.


Legislation for Social Security and Medicare is processed by which committee in the House of Representatives?

Ways and Means

______ is the practice of designating land within a jurisdiction for various purposes.


In a sequence of actions, if a referral is not received from a provider, an advocate could work with a nurse to get another referral. This is an example of ______.

a contingency

Sometimes, external advocates are useful in resolving a dispute or providing redress. An example of an external advocate is ______.

a government regulator

Which of the following is an example of a social welfare strategy that involves public policies?

a law enacted in local, state, or federal legislatures

Social workers can use intermediaries to assist their clients in obtaining services. An example of an intermediary is ______.

a nurse in a hospice agency who has some oversight of the program

When considering solutions to improve the well-being of specific persons, social workers use ______ skills to understand certain situations and issues.


The top of an organizational chart would typically include ______.

board of directors

A community's demographic characteristics are defined by ______.

census data

Which of the following is an example of a personal power resource, according to the text?

communication skills

Which of the following has not been identified as one of the Four C's of culture?


When evaluating ______, it is important to identify both external and internal assets and liabilities.


Providing ______ care involves respecting consumer views about health and preferences for how to receive health care, communicate about health, receive treatment, and/or use complimentary and alternative medicine.

culturally competent

When a mezzo level advocate narrows their advocacy efforts to local, state, or federal levels of government, they are engaging in which challenge?

decide where to focus (challenge 2)

Members of local school boards are examples of ______.

elected officials

When an advocate shows a client Internet resources, it is an example of ______.


Which type of evaluation requires an experimental design to ascertain if persons who receive services or benefits from a specific program benefit from them when compared to a control group that does not receive these services or benefits?

gold standard

Which of the following is an example of a social injustice that occurs with vulnerable populations?

higher levels of incarceration

A provider who avoids communicating with a client's primary physician would be considered ______ and is likely ______.

insular; specialized

Which social policy addresses global national security migration; environmental, social, and economic issues?

international treaties

Determining how bills become laws is the purview of the ______ branch of government.


Some social scientists contend that extreme income inequality contributes to which of the following?

low life expectancy

The United States taxes its affluent citizens and even its middle and lower-middle classes at ______ other industrialized nations.

lower levels than

Policy advocacy at the level of agencies, legislative and executive branches of government, and political campaigns is referred to as ______.

macro practice

During the first part of Donald Trump's presidency, social workers did which of the following?

marched to protect immigrant rights

When a mezzo policy advocate is identifying points or issues that competing groups have in common or using process skills with committees to facilitate positive outcomes, the skill being utilized is known as ______.

mediating conflicts

Imagine a city has no regulations that limit the number of fast-food outlets in specific neighborhoods, which has led to a disproportionate location of them in low-income areas. Which type of policy advocacy would workers engage in when addressing this problem?


When a social worker helps clients navigate the social policies that impact them at the organization and community levels, the social worker engages in which type of advocacy?

mezzo policy advocacy

Which type of advocacy involves advocating for specific persons or families to obtain services, rights, and benefits?

micro advocacy

A mezzo level advocate must establish policy goals, hone their proposal, establish a style, and secure support. These tasks are an example of which challenge?

obtain support for their strategy or policy proposal (challenge 6)

Imagine that a retirement facility refused to admit an elderly person due to a medical condition. Which of these responses would be considered micro policy advocacy?

orchestrating a case conference to discuss why he was rejected

Which of the following is an example of an informal agency policy?

organizational culture

When there is opposition to specific policy reforms, policy advocates may exert pressure on decision makers by taking a(n) ______ approach.


In ______ organizations, members interact with others in ways that do not threaten their own security.


When members of an organization feel pressure to please others and to follow rules and procedures without question, the culture can be described as ______.


Advocates must be ______ when seeking help from civil servants.


In 1984, ______ practice emerged in social work.


What is the goal of primary prevention?

preventing the emergence of specific social problems such as cancer, diabetes, truancy, and mental illness

Districts are ______ as the population shifts.


A(n) ______ approach is when a social worker involves family members and other professionals in the process of helping a consumer.


Medicare was originally enacted in which legislation?

the Great Society

Jane Addams is well known for being a founder of the social work profession. Addams worked with Theodore Roosevelt to found which party?

the Progressive Party

In addition to including Civil Rights Acts, President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society included ______.

the War on Poverty

Consumers are considered ______ when they lack medical insurance or are underinsured.


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