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C. 1Lt Davidson knew it was wrong, but wanted to keep his job (making him a survivor)

1Lt Davison is the Assistant Operations Flight Commander in a maintenance squadron. 1Lt Davison noticed that the Operations Flight Commander was using fear tactics and yelling at people to get things accomplished. Although 1Lt Davison knew it was wrong, he chose to do nothing about it because he didn't want to make waves and risk jeopardizing his position. What kind of followership style does 1Lt Davison exhibit? A. Sheep B. Yes Person C. Survivor D. Alienated Follower E. Effective Follower

B. 3 Laws of Mastery: Believe you can accomplish the job, improve your faults through long and hard work, mastery may never fully be reached

1st Lt Johnson believes her followers want to contribute to mission accomplishment and encourages their input when she is making decisions. 1st Lt Mason believes his followers just want a steady paycheck. He tries to keep them happy and avoid conflict so they will get their work done. Which of the following BEST EXPLAINS the three laws of mastery? A. Being intrinsically motivated to make a difference rather than simply aiming for profit, given limitless boundaries to complete the mission, and believing that you can achieve a task. B. Having the belief that you can accomplish the job, improving your faults while working long and hard, and realizing mastery may never fully be reached. C. One may get close to mastery but never reach it, carrots and sticks work as a method of motivation for straightforward things, and mastery requires great proficiency.

B. APTECT Critique stage identifies lessons learned

Which stage of APTEC includes identifying lessons learned? A. Execute Stage B. Critique Stage C. Analyze Stage D. Train Stage E. Plan Stage

D. Since TSgt Greene is very social and SSgt Lewis likes creating plans, they should work together and have SSgt Baker, who likes working alone, publish the plan

MSgt Osborne's shop has been tasked with building a very technical checklist that spans the responsibilities of several different organizations. MSgt Osborne supervises three people in his shop and knows them each very well. TSgt Greene is very social and would be comfortable talking to the different people involved. SSgt Lewis likes to create plans and is very good at keeping track of all pertinent details. SSgt Baker is very independent and likes to use his imagination to come up with new solutions to problems. He also knows that SSgt Lewis and SSgt Baker do not work well together. Based on the scenario above, what is the most effective way for MSgt Osborne to accomplish the task considering the personalities involved? A. Put TSgt Greene, SSgt Lewis and SSgt Baker on a team to spread the workload fairly across his shop. B. Task TSgt Greene with the project since he has the personality type to work well with all other organizations involved. C. Take the project on himself since he has the experience to do it best and it would take more time to train his people on how to do it. D. Task TSgt Greene and SSgt Lewis with designing the checklist since their strengths balance each other well and task SSgt Baker with publishing it.

B. Autonomy is given to let the worker do what they choose to be most motivated

Maj Blanton has a strong desire to get the mission accomplished. He is willing to put in long hours and do whatever it takes. His supervisor lets him work at his pace, empowers him to use his own craft on assignments, lets him assign members as he sees fit and stays out of his way upon giving him assignments. Which element of intrinsic motivation has Maj Blanton's supervisor used? A. Purpose. B. Autonomy. C. Mastery.

B. She shows passion about her work because she knows how critical it is

A1C Smith is a personnel specialist in a flying squadron. Though her day-to-day responsibilities are behind the scenes and her efforts often go unnoticed, she works very hard because she knows her job is critical to keeping pilots in the air. She often works late in order to process her paperwork without any delays. What characteristic(s) of an effective follower is A1C Smith displaying? A. Is enthusiastic B. Recognizes how their work contributes to the mission C. Is a problem solver D. Has good communication skills

C. You DO NOT come to attention when any USAF/USSF member enters

All the items below are true about AFROTC classes except: A. The classes are taught by members of the USAF and USSF B. You will come to the position of "attention" when an officer enters the room C. You will come to the position of "attention" when any USAF or USSF member enters the room D. You will come to the position of "attention" when an officer leaves the room

A. Informative, he isn't gathering the information while doing other tasks

Cadet Ramsey has noticed that he struggled last week to listen to the lectures in his history class. He realized doing other things in class could possibly be a reason why he is distracted in that class. He also determines that he must take notes on the challenging information for better retention and test preparation. The two areas which Cadet Ramsey has identified, which contribute to his lack of listening fall under which of the following category/categories? A. Informative B. Empathic C. Critical D. Investigative

B. Listening for every word to get all knowledge is informative listening

Capt Daye is listening to her instructor speak in class. She is concentrating on every word and her primary concern is to get all the knowledge and instruction from her instructor. What type of listening is Capt Daye demonstrating? A. Critical B. Informative C. Empathic D. Good

A. She wants to be the example and influence others to follow

Captain Greene understands that she is a role model in the organization and works her best to ensure her dress and appearance are in accordance with the instruction. Captain Greene is displaying which element of the Full-Range Leadership Model? A. Idealized Influence B. Intellectual Stimulation C. Inspirational Motivation D. Individual Consideration

B. 80% class attendance is required to pass

Per AFROTCI 36-2011, Volume 3, Cadet Operations, what percentage of class attendance must be achieved to pass? A. 90 B. 80 C. 75 D. 70

C. They need to have proper standards

Technical Sergeant Rhodes is the Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC) of the training element within the 433rd Maintenance Squadron. Among his many duties, he is expected to prepare Airmen and Guardians for skill-level upgrades, primarily by coordinating on-the-job training (OJT) through scheduled weekly rotations through the flights and internal academic tests. Over the last year, he has scheduled the OJT rotations but not followed up to ensure the Airmen and Guardians are learning anything. When taking their tests, if they don't earn the mandatory 80% score then TSgt Rhodes moves them ahead to the next section anyway and tells them to study harder. How is this lack of accountability to standards MOST LIKELY to impact mission accomplishment? A. Mission accomplishment is far less important than finding someone to replace TSgt Rhodes when he retires next year. B. The 433rd Maintenance Squadron will accomplish its mission in record time since its Airmen and Guardians are completing the mandatory training so quickly. C. The 433rd Maintenance Squadron's mission will be impaired or even fail because its Airmen and Guardians have not been adequately trained to do their jobs at the appropriate level. D. Mission accomplishment will not be compromised at all due to the many redundancies built into the system; there will always be someone who knows how to do things the right way.

B. People must be held accountable

To be eligible for field training this summer, Cadet Strauss needs to meet Air Force physical fitness standards. As his friend and workout partner, Cadet Votcher has been building up Cadet Strauss' confidence by counting every attempted push-up during practice assessments—even though his form suffers when he gets tired. During a fitness assessment to qualify for field training, Captain Wilson told Cadet Strauss he failed because seven of his push-ups did not count when he failed to go down far enough. Next month is the last chance to qualify for field training. Based on this scenario, which statement BEST compares/contrasts Airmen and Guardians actions regarding the concept of accountability? A. Cadet Strauss should hold Captain Wilson accountable by reporting her to the detachment commander for not counting all his attempted push-ups. B. Cadet Votcher failed to inform Cadet Strauss when he failed to meet Air Force fitness standards, but Captain Wilson held him accountable because it is a requirement for field training. C. Captain Wilson was wrong to hold Cadet Strauss to a higher standard than Cadet Votcher because Cadet Strauss is trying to better himself by going to field training this summer. D. Realizing that Cadet Strauss may be stressed about meeting the standards, Cadet Votcher's plan to build up his confidence by counting all attempted push-ups held him accountable to standards.

B. PPSM addresses documenting the change

What dedicated piece does the 8-Step Practical Problem Solving Method address that is different than APTEC's Critique Stage?? A. APTEC determines what should be done differently to ensure success. B. The 8-Step Practical Problem Solving Method addresses documenting the successful change. C. The 8-Step Practical Problem Solving Method includes a specific Plan Stage. D. APTEC's Critique Stage standardizes the change.

C. Found in the AFROTC detachment course syllabus

Where can students find a listing of assignments and testing requirements? A. The university course catalog B. AFH 33-337, The Tongue and Quill C. AFROTC detachment course syllabus D. AS100 student study guide

D. All of the above

Which answer describes the relationship between followership and leadership? A. Leaders often perform both roles simultaneously B. To be a good leader, one first needs to know how to be a good follower C. The characteristics of an effective follower are similar to, if not the same as, the characteristics of an effective leader D. All of the above

A. Can do whatever they want, freedom to deliver a product how they want, the ability to choose their personnel, and having limitless boundaries to do their duties

Which of the following BEST SUMMARIZES the four main aspects of Autonomy? A. An employee given opportunities at work to do whatever they want, the freedom to deliver a product however they choose to, the ability to select their own personnel, and having limitless boundaries to complete their duties. B. A person having the desire to improve something that matters, to do things in service of something larger than themselves, given the opportunities at work to do whatever they want, and having limitless boundaries to complete their duties. C. A person given the freedom to deliver a product however they choose to, having limitless boundaries to complete their duties, having the opportunity to collaborate and cross-skill while working, and working on their shortcomings at work.

B. Leaders need to adjust their behaviors regardless of their personality preference

Which of the following BEST describes how leaders modify personality preference. A. A leader must never change their behavior to accommodate anyone else. B. Leaders need to adjust their behaviors regardless of their personality preference. C. Personality types are inflexible and therefore conflicts in personality types are excusable. D. Leaders are comfortable filling any personality preference

C. Self-assessments help increase self-awareness to prompt self-reflection and develop life-long learning habits which produces effective leaders

Which of the following BEST describes how self-assessment helps produce effective leaders? A. Confirms how certain personality types produce more effective leaders B. Gains insight into one's strengths, weaknesses and personality preferences C. Increases self-awareness which prompts self-reflection and develops life-long learning habits D. Describes how to improve one's weaknesses, solve their problems and make future decisions

C. Meeting and exceeding standards show a commitment to the Core Values, anyone who doesn't meet the standards must be held accountable

Which of the following BEST explains the relationship between standards, accountability, and the Air Force Core Values? A. Having Air Force Core Values guarantees Airmen and Guardians will consistently meet all standards and be accountable. B. Since Airmen and Guardians may have different values, it is better to hold them accountable to clearly defined standards instead of the Air Force Core Values. C. An Airman or Guardian's willingness to meet and exceed standards displays a commitment to the Air Force Core Values, and those who fail to meet standards must be held accountable. D. An awareness and understanding of both the Air Force Core Values and established standards eliminates the need for holding Airmen and Guardians accountable with disciplinary actions.

C. Allows autonomy

Which of the following is the BEST EXAMPLE of a technique to build intrinsic motivation? A. 1st Lt Edwards does favors for his followers so they will be more likely to do the tasks he assigns. B. Col Reuben takes care of making the decisions and tells his followers to just concentrate on doing their work. C. Capt Bello gives his followers the opportunity to learn more about a colleague's function to help widen the learning culture.

C. Transactional and transformational leadership can be used effectively depending on the situation

Which of the following statements BEST describes how to apply Full-Range Leadership? A. Transformational leadership represents an ideal state and should be the preferred leadership style. B. Transactional leadership is preferred in a military environment because it produces immediate results. C. Transactional and transformational leadership behaviors can both be used effectively by leaders depending on a given situation. D. Idealized influence is generally superior to other transformational behaviors because it can produce the most significant changes in subordinate behavior.

B. Listen and wait to respond, don't interrupt

Which one of the following BEST Interprets a good listening technique? A. Attend to some of the things that interests you during an instructor's lecture. B. Reply and investigate after the speaker has completed his/her statement. C. Formulate your response while the speaker is still talking or teaching. D. Show a negative attitude about the topic and focus on speaker's missteps.

E. Planning would catch the oversights and plan to avoid them

Which stage of APTEC includes catching and correcting oversights? A. Execute Stage B. Critique Stage C. Analyze Stage D. Train Stage E. Plan Stage

B. OODA Loop ORIENT fits PPSM "Setting improvement targets" and "Determining root causes"

Which two steps of the 8-Step Practical Problem Solving Method fit within the ORIENT Process of the OODA Loop? A. Clarify the problem and Set improvement target. B. Set improvement target and Determine root causes. C. Set improvement target and Develop countermeasures. D. Clarify the problem and Break down the problem and identify performance gaps.

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