Agrarian Law - CARP

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What is the deadline for the government to distribute lands under CARPER?

June 30, 2016.

Who are entitled for CARP?

Landless farmers, including agricultural lessees, tenants, as well as regular, seasonal and other farmworkers. The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) identifies and screens potential beneficiaries and validates their qualifications. For example, to qualify, you must be at least 15 years old, be a resident of the barangay where the land holding is located, and own less than 3 hectares of agricultural land pursuant of Sec 25. RA 6657.

If the government fails to distribute the land by the deadline in CARPER, will the lands be excluded from distribution already?

No. As long as Notice of Coverage are issued on or before June 30, 2014, land distribution to beneficiaries shall continue until completion, according to Section 30 of CARPER (RA No. 9700). Meaning, even after CARPER's deadline, the law itself mandates the concerned agencies to finish distributing up to the very last hectare. This assures to the farmers that the process for receiving their land will continue (e.g beneficiary identification, survey, registration of land titles to the beneficiaries).by by

What is NOC?

Notice of Coverage (NOC) is a letter informing the landowner that his/her land is covered by CARP, and is subject to acquisition and distribution to beneficiaries. It likewise informs the landowner of his/her rights under the law, including the right to retain 5 hectares.

What is PARC? What is its role in the implementation of CARP in our country?

PARC means Presidential Agrarian Reform Council. It is the agency of the government which is tasked along with DAR, to plan and program the final acquisition and distribution of all remaining un-acquired and undistributed agricultural land in the country from the effectivity of RA 9700 on August 2009 until June 30, 2014

What is PARC?

PARC means Presidential Agrarian Reform Council. It is the agency of the government which is tasked, along with DAR, to plan and program the final acquisition and distribution of all remaining un-acquired and undistributed agricultural lands in the country from the effectivity of RA 9700 on August 2009 until June 30, 2014.

When do we say that a land is agricultural?

"Agricultural land" is a land that officially classified as mineral, forest, residential, commercial or industrial and is devoted to agricultural activities. (Heirs of Luis A Luna vs. Afable-689 SCRA 207) Agricultural activities include land cultivation, farming, planting, root crops production and fisheries.

Who is the "FARMER" defined under RA 9700?

"Farmer" refers to a natural person whose primary livelihood is cultivation of land or the production of agricultural crops and/or fisheries either by himself/herself, or primarily with the assistance of his/her immediate farm household, whether the land is owned by him/her, or by another person under a leasehold or share tenancy agreement or arrangement with the owner thereof.

What are the procedural steps for the acquisition of private lands under CARP?

1. Service to owner of Notice of Coverage and posting thereof to public places. a. After identifying the land, the landowner and the beneficiaries, DAR shall send its notice to acquire land to its owner, by personal delivery or registered mail, and post the same in a conspicuous place in the municipal building and barangay hall of the palace where property is located. Notice shall contain offer of DAR to pay just compensation. 2. Acceptance or rejection of the offer by the landowner a. Within 30 days from the date of receipt of written notice by personal delivery or registered mail, the landowner, his administrator or representation shall inform the DAR, through the Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (PARAB) of his acceptance or rejection of the offer. 3. Payment to the landowner if the offer of DAR is accepted. a. If the landowner accepts the offer of the DAR, the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) shall pay the landowner the purchase price of the land within 30 days after he executed and delivers a deed of transfer in favor of the government and surrenders the Certificate of Title and other muniments of title. 4. Conduct of summary administrative proceeding in case of rejection or failure to reply from the offer of DAR. a. In case of rejection or failure to reply, DAR will conduct summary administrative proceedings to determine compensation for the land requiring the landowner, the LBP and other interested parties to submit evidence within 15 days from notice, as to the just compensation for the land. After said period, the matter is deemed submitted for decision. The DAR shall decide within 30 days after case is submitted for decision. b. Note: During the administrative proceeding, the only material issue to be resolved is the proprietary of the rate of just compensation to be paid to the owner. c. After the Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (PARAB) had decided on the amount of just compensation, the same shall be either be paid/tendered to the landowner OR consigned or deposited by DAR to a designated depository bank. 5. Possession and take over by DAR of the subject land after payment or deposit of the just compensation. a. Upon receipts by landowner of the payment or in case of rejection or no response from the owner and the just compensation had already been deposited by DAR to the appropriate bank after it was determined in a summary proceeding, the DAR shall take immediate possession of the land and shall request the Register of Deeds concerned it issue the Transfer of Certificate of Title (TCT) in the name of the Republic of the Philippines. 6. Judicial recourse, if necessary, to the regular court, by the aggrieve party. a. Within 15 days from notice, any landowner who disagrees with such decision of the Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (PARAB) as to the amount of just compensation may bring the matter to the court of proper jurisdiction (RTC where the land is situated) for the final determination of just compensation. b. Note: The issue to be settled is still just compensation 7. Actual distribution of the land to the qualified beneficiary a. After the DAR had taken over ownership and possession of the land, it shall thereafter proceed with the actual re-distribution thereof to the qualified beneficiaries.

What are the elements needed in order to determine that a Tenancy relationship or tenurial arrangement exist?

1. The parties are the landowner and the tenant or agricultural lease 2. The subject matter of the relationship is an agricultural land. 3. There is consent between the parties for the relationship. 4. The purpose of the relationship is to bring about agricultural production 5. There is personal cultivation on the part of the tenant or agricultural lessee 6. The harvest is shared between the parties. (Valcurza vs Tamparong, Jr)

What are the key principles and rational behind the formulation of CARP of the Philippines?

1. Welfare of the landless farmers. a. The welfare of the landless farmers and farm workers will receive the highest consideration to promote social justice, to enhance their dignity and improve quality of their lives and to move the nation towards sound rural development and industrialization and the establishment of owner cultivatorship of an economic-size farms as the basis of Philippine agriculture. 2. Equality and Just Compensation The agrarian reform is founded on the right of farmers and regular farm workers who are landless, to own the land they till or receive a just share of the fruits thereof. To this end, the State undertakes the just distribution of all agricultural lands, subject to priorities and retention limits & payment of just compensation. The Stat also respects the right of small landowners, and provides incentives for voluntary land-sharing. 3. Equitable Distribution and Industrialization The State recognizes that there is not enough agricultural land to be divided and distributed to each farmers and regular farm worker so that each one can own an economic-size family farm. Hence, a meaningful agrarian reform program to uplift their lives and economic status can only be achieved through simultaneous industrialization to develop a self-reliant & independent national economy effectively controlled by the Filipinos 4. Community-based implementation As much as practicable, the implementation of CARP shall be community-based to assure, among others that the farmers shall have greater control of farm gate prices and easier access to credit. 5. Social Function and Social Responsibility The State shall be guided by the principles that land has a social function and land ownership has a social responsibility. Owners of agricultural land have the obligation to cultivate directly or through labor administration the lands they own and thereby make the land productive.

CASE SCENARIO 7 Spouses Andres and Rowena Castillo are the registered conjugal owner of 12-hectare coconut farm in Iloilo with at least 15 regular workers. They have 3 elementary grader children. When DAR subjected their farm to CARP in 1999, spouses Castillo argued that they are entitled to retention right of 5-hectares each over the farm or a total of 10 hectares, DAR disagreed and argues that spouses Castillo should be treated as one. Question: Whose contention is correct?

Answer: DAR is Correct. The Farm is a conjugal property of the spouses based on its title. Such being the case, they are deemed to have owned the farm as one and not as separate individuals. Hence, they are only entitled to the maximum retention limit of 5-hectares under CARP. If Lands are separately titled to two persons even if subsequently married they are entitled to separate retention limit of 5-hectares each.

CASE SCENARIO 11 Pilar owns a 17-hectare vegetable farm in Bicol. It has 2 tenant-farmers A & B. 2 Regular farmworkers, C &D and 3 seasonal farmers X, Y and Z. All of them are landless. In 2002, the farm was subjected to CARP for distribution to qualified beneficiaries. Question: How shall the farm be distributed among all the qualified farmers? How much share shall each get from the Farm as a matter of right?

Answer: First, Pilar will retain 5 hectares of her farm. Second, tenant-farmers A & B will get maximum of 3 hectares each from the farm as priority beneficiaries. Third, regular farm workers C & D will also get a maximum of 3 hectares each from the farm as priority beneficiaries. Since the farm is already fully exhausted, X & Y & Z will not get any share anymore being less priority beneficiaries.

Assuming you are qualified beneficiary of CARP, how much share can you get from the land that is subject for distribution of the government?

Answer: Maximum of 3 hectares. As a rule, beneficiaries shall be awarded an area not exceeding the award ceiling of three (3) hectares which may cover a contiguous tract of land or several parcels of land cumulated up to prescribed award limit. Distribution Limit - No qualified beneficiary may own more than three hectares of agricultural land (Sec 23 RA 6657)

CASE SCENARIO 4 In 2002, Jake, John and Joseph inherited from their mother a sugarcane in Negros Oriental with a total area of 150,000 square meters. Upon settlement of their mother's estates, a new title for the land was issued naming all, Jake, John and Joseph therein as registered co-owners. Question: Is the said land covered by CARP?

Answer: No, because the landholdings of each individual registered owner as state in the tile did not exceed the retention limit of 50,000 square meters or five hectares. It appears that as co-owners, each of the three heirs owns an equal portion of the land which is 5 hectares. Unless the title clearly states otherwise, the presumption is that the rest of all co-owners to the land.

CASE SCENARIO 5 For the past 16 years since 1995, Alfredo serves as a caretaker of the rest house of Julio Mendez situated in the middle of his 85-hectare Mango farm in Zambales. In 2011, DAR issued a Notice of Coverage to CARP over the said farm and began identifying its qualified beneficiaries among its 150 workers. Questions: Can Alfredo qualify as beneficiary of CARP over the said Mango Farm?

Answer: No. Because Alfredo is not a farmer within the meaning of RA 9700 and does not actually till the subject land. As a policy, only farmers (tenants or lessees) and regular farmworkers actually tilling the lands as certified under oath by the Barangay Agrarian Reform Council (BARC) and attested under oath by landowners, are qualified beneficiaries.

CASE SCENARIO 6 For the past 20 years since 1994, Rosa has been working as farmer in the 30-hectare vegetable farm of Dona Cecillia in Benguet. In 1999, it was trough her hard work that Rosa was able to have a land of her own measuring 4 hectares in the adjacent town of Busagong, where her family plants banana, palay and root crops. When Dona Cecilia's farm was declared by CARP in 2000, Rosa is one of its applicants as beneficiary. Question: Is Rosa qualified as beneficiary of CARP?

Answer: No. Because Rosa already has an agricultural land of her own with area that exceeds the maximum ownership limit of less than 3 hectares, hence she is already disqualified to benefit from CARP. As a rule, to qualify as beneficiary of CARP, the farmer must be "landless" but a landless farmer is defined who owns less than three (3) hectares of agricultural land (Sec 25, RA 6657).

CASE SCENARIO 16 In an effort to resolve the issue of whether the land of Joel is CARPABLE or not, DAR Secretary initiated an administrative proceeding where parties can ventilate all their respective arguments. In its course however, upset Joel had made foul remarks against DAR and labeled it as corrupt. Right away, the offended DAR Secretary summarily adjudged Joel guilty of direct contempt and ordered his one-day imprisonment. Question: Did the DAR Secretary err in his action against Joel?

Answer: No. The action of DAR Secretary against Joel is within his quasi-judicial power. As a rule, DAR shall likewise have their power to punish direct and indirect contempt's in the same manner and subject to same penalties as provided in the rules of court (Sec 50 RA 6657). A person guilty of misbehavior before a hearing officer may be summarily adjudged guilty of direct contempt which is punishable by a fine of not more than P200 or imprisonment not exceeding one day.

CASE SCENARIO 15 By virtue of CARP, Roy was awarded in the year 2000 with a 3-hectare rice farm in Bicol. His commitment was to pay the government the amount of P300T in 30 annual amortizations until 2030. But he was able to completely pay the same in advance for just a period of 8 years in 2008. The title was eventually issued and registered in his name. In 2009, Roy sold the farm to his uncle for 2x its original value. Question: Is the said sale between Roy and His uncle valid?

Answer: No. The said sale of CARP land between Roy and his uncle is void for being contrary to law. As a rule, lands acquired by the beneficiaries under agrarian reform laws shall not be sold, transferred or conveyed for a period of 10 years (Sac 13 RA9700). The title to the land is indicated with a notice to the public that it is an emancipation patent which transfer to stranger within a prescribed period if prohibited.

CASE SCENARIO 12 Century farm corp is the registered owner of a 10-hectare pineapple farm in Bukidnon. Its stockholders A, B, C, D and E are all married but without children. When DAR subjected their farm to CARP in 2000. The aforesaid corporate owners argued that their farm must not be given to someone else because they are all equally entitled to retention right over the farm. Question: How much portion of the farm in the case at bar can A, B, C, D and E claim as a matter of retention right under the law.

Answer: None. Because the landholding is registered not in the name of the individual stockholders. It is registered instead in the name of the corporation. The corporation has a separate juridical personality which is distinct from that of its stockholders. The corporation as the registered owner can retain up to 5 hectares but its stockholders have no separate retention right thereto. The remaining portion shall be distributed to the beneficiaries.

CASE SCENARIO 10 Don Ramon is the owner of a 7-hectare mango farm in Bicol. Bob is occupying the house and lot in the middle of the said farm where he stay with his family for the last 15 years. Yet, Bob pays no actual rent therefore and Don Ramon is even sending Bob's children to school but in return, Bob helps Don Ramon in cultivating the Mango Farm. In 2008, Bob's family was ejected from said house and lot. Bob wants to contest the ejectment. Question: Will DARAB have jurisdiction over their issue?

Answer: None. Because there is no tenancy relationship between the parties hence DARAB has no jurisdiction over the case. Bob's stay in the agricultural land of Don Ramon cannot be considered as leasehold or share tenancy within the context of the CARP's law. It is not predicated on a clear agreement for sharing of harvest as a legal consequence of tenant's effort to cultivate the land but merely as act of Don Ramon's of generosity to Bob.

CASE SCENARIO 13 For the past 30 years since 1972, Godo had been tilting his 8 hectares corn farm in Zambales. He had acquired ownership over the dame by virtue of PD27 which Marcos issued in 1972. Even so, in 2002, DAR issued a Notice of Coverage to CARP over the said farm but Gog contested that his land is exempted form the coverage of CARP. Question: Is Godo correct in his contention?

Answer: Yes, As a homestead under PD 27 Godo has the right to retain the subject land without being covered by CARP. As a rule, landowners, whose land have been covered by PD 27 shall be allowed to keep the areas originally retained by them there under. The original homestead grantees or their direct compulsory heirs who still own the original homestead at the time of the approval of RA 6657 shall retain the same areas as long as they continue to cultivate said homestead.

CASE SCENARIO 1: In the year 2000, Spouses Adela and Macario Ignacio have in their name a 50,000 square meter corn farm in Nueva Ecija where at least 20 farmers work and reside as tenants together with their families. In compliance with its mandate to implement CARP, DAR issues a Notice of Coverage subjecting said corn farm to CARP for acquisition and distribution to beneficiaries. Question: Did DAR err in its action to subject SPS Ignacio's land under CARP?

Answer: Yes, it is wrong for DAR to subject the said land under CARP because it is exempted from its coverage. Although, the corn farm is an agricultural land but its area or measurement does not exceed 50,000 square meters or Five Hectares such that it is exempted from the coverage of CARP. Answer: Yes, Agricultural landholdings of landowners with a total area of Five hectares or below shall not be covered for acquisition and for distribution of qualified beneficiaries. So if your agricultural land just measure 5 hectares or less then it will not be covered by CARP.

CASE SCENARIO 8 Spouses Vic and Fe Diaz own a 14-hectare pineapple farm in Bukidnon with 18 stay-in workers. Spouses Diaz have 3 children aged 17, 19 and 23. Since high school, these children have been helping their parents tilt in the farm and working very hard like normal farmers do. When DAR subjected their farm to CARP in 1999, spouse argued that their farm must not be given to someone else because their children should be the priority beneficiaries thereof under CARP law. Question: Is Spouses Diaz Contention Correct?

Answer: Yes. First, spouses Diaz is entitled to retention limit of 5 hectares. In addition, their 3 children are also entitled to award of 3 hectares each since they are qualified as priority beneficiaries under CARP. In effect, the entire 14 hectares remain to them. As a rule, 3 hectares may also be awarded to each child of the landowner, subject to the following qualifications: 1) that he is at least 15 years old 2) that he is actually tilling the land or directly managing the farm.

CASE SCENARIO 9 Since 1998, Mrs. Lulu Erize owns and operates a 100,000 square meter swine and poultry farm in Laguna with at least 250 cattles, swines and chicken layers. In compliance with CAR law, DAR issued in 2001 a notice of coverage subjecting said farm for acquisition and distribution to beneficiaries. Mrs. Erize contested the coverage as erroneous and argued that said farm is exempted for not being an agricultural land. Questions: Is Mrs. Erize correct in her argument?

Answer: Yes. It is wrong for DAR to subject the said swine and poultry farm under CARP because it is exempted from its coverage. Lands devoted to Livestock, Poultry and Swine raising are classified as industrial, not agricultural lands and thus exempt from Agrarian Laws (DAR vs CA, 706 SCRA 213).

CASE SCENARIO 2 In the year 1999, spouses Rose and Andres Delarma applied in advance for the exemption of their 5-hectare banana plantation in Batangas from the mandatory coverage of CARP. DAR Batangas noted the application and certified it as exempted from CARP. Question: Can the government still acquire the said banana plantation for other lawful purposes despite the certification of exemption by DAR?

Answer: Yes. Local government units may still acquire private agricultural lands by expropriation or other modes of acquisition to be used for actual, direct and exclusive public purposes such as roads, bridges, etc... without being restricted by the 5-hecatre retention limit of RA6657. Provided, that if the land is subject to CARP, it shall first undergo the land acquisition and distribution of the program before it can be expropriated for some other public purposes: Provided further, that after these lands have been expropriated, the agrarian reform beneficiaries therein shall be paid just compensation.

CASE SCENARIO 3 In the year 1997, the sole heir of late Miguel Hipolito have registered in his name a 23-hectare lansones farm in Occidental Mindoro. However, BIR certified that 50% of the said farm's net annual income are always reserved for donation to government charities for the last 10 years. Question: Can the government still acquire the said farm of Miguel for distribution under CARP?

Answer: Yes. Regardless of the purpose for which the income of a farmland is devoted, the same remains to be covered by CARP if more than 5 hectares & may be acquired by government for distribution under such program. However, the acquisition is always subject to 5-hectare retention limit, which means that out of 23 hectares, only 18-hectares can be covered by CARP after paying Miguel a just compensation therefore, while the remaining 5-hectares shall be retained by Miguel.

CASE SCENARIO 14: By virtue of CARP, Lola was awarded with a 2-hectare rice farm in Quezon. In turn, she signed a mortgage contract thereof in favor of the government and committed to pay LBP the amount of PHP 200,000 in 30 annual amortization at 6% per annum. On the first 5 years, Lola paid her dues but defaulted on the 6th and 7th year. Thereof due to the gambling addiction. Hence, LBP foreclosed the mortgage over Lola's farm due to said none-payment. Question: Did LBP err in decision to foreclose the mortgage over Lola's farm?

Answer: Yes. The decision of the LBP to foreclose the mortgage over Lola's farm is too premature and contrary to the provision of the law. As a rule, the LBP shall have a lien by way of mortgage on the land awarded to the beneficiary; and this mortgage may only be foreclosed by the LBP for Non-Payment of an aggregate of three annual amortization (Sec 18 RA 9700)

What is the beneficiary of landowners who voluntarily offer their lands to CARP?

As a rule, Landowners, other than banks and other financial institutions, who voluntarily offer their lands for sale to the government through CARP shall be entitled to an additional five percent case payment. (Section 19, RA 6657)

Under CARP Law, what is the "Order of Priority" in the distribution of lands among the qualified beneficiaries?

CARP lands shall be distributed to qualified beneficiaries in the following order or priority" a. Agricultural lessees and share tenants b. Regular farmworkers c. Seasonal farmworkers d. Other farmworkers e. Actual tillers or occupants of public lands f. Cooperatives of above beneficiaries g. Others directly working on the land Lands shall be distributed first to beneficiaries under a and b up to maximum of 3 hectares each. The remaining portion, if any, shall be distributed to other beneficiaries under c, d, e, f and g. Take Note: That before distributing any portion of CARPABLE lands, the first and foremost consideration is the retention right of the landowner up to the maximum 5 hectares, then followed by the right of the qualified children of the landowners to retain 3 hectares each from the land. The excess. If any, shall be distributed to the qualified beneficiaries, in the order of priority as provided for under Section 8 of RA 9700.

What is CARP?

CARP stands for Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program, a government initiative that aims to grant landless farmers and farmworkers ownership of agricultural lands. RA 6657 was signed into law by Pres Cory Aquino on June 10, 1988 and effective for completion until 1998. On the year of its deadline, Congress enacted RS 8532 extending the automatic appropriation of ill-gotten wealth recovered by the PCGG for until 2008. Then RA 9700 was enacted for the completion of the program on June 30, 2014. CARP expired in June 2014 when the congress did not approve President Aquino's proposal to extend it for two more years until June 2016. The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) had processed 494,945 agrarian law implementation cases since the start of the program, which the KMP claims, by way of criticism, that it demonstrates the program's failure and negative impact on the lives of the tenants and the farmers.

What is a CARPABLE land?

CARPABLE Land is an agricultural land identified & certified by DAR and DENR to be covered under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program of the Government which is intended for distribution to the beneficiaries. An estimated 7.8 Million Hectares of land are identified alienable are covered. As of December 31, 2013, the government has acquired and distributed 6.9M hectares of land, equivalent to 88% of the total land subject to CARP. A total balance of 906,652 hectares still needs to be acquired by the government for distribution from 2014 up to 2016. By June 30, 2014, the government has acquired 99% and 8% are yet to be distributed. What is the deadline for the government to acquire covered lands under CARPER?-June 30, 2014.

What is CARPER?

CARPER, or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with Reforms, is the amendatory law (RA 9700) that extends yet again the deadline of distributing agricultural lands to farmers for five years. It also amends other provisions stated in CARP, CARPERS was signed into law on August 7, 2009.

What is DARAB?

DARAB stands for Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudicatory Board. It is the adjudicatory arm of DAR that is vested with original and exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving agrarian disputes, including incidents arising from the implementation of agrarian laws and cancelation of Certificate of Land Ownership awards. There must be a tenancy relationship between the parties for DARAB to have jurisdiction over the case.

What are the different modes of acquiring and distributing public and private agricultural lands?

For private lands, it can be done through voluntary transfer or voluntary offer for sale but the most common is by compulsory acquisition, through which the DAR issues Notices of Coverage to the original owners of the lands. Notices of coverage will be issues to most of the landholdings by June 30, 2014.

What lands are covered by CARP of our government?

Generally: a. All alienable and disposable lands of the public domain devoted to or suitable for agriculture. b. All lands of the public domain in excess of the specific limits as determined by Congress. c. All other lands owned by the Government devoted to or suitable for agriculture. d. All private lands devoted to or suitable for agriculture regardless of the agricultural products raised or that can be raised thereon. Specifically: a. All private agricultural lands in excess of retention limit of five (5) hectares. b. All rice and corn lands under PD 27. Under PD 27, tenant farmers of rice and corn agricultural lands are deemed owners of the land that they till as of October 21, 1972. Land transfers under PD 27 is effected in two (2) stages, issuance of Certificate Land Transfer and Emancipation Patent. c. All idle or abandoned agricultural lands acquired through cadastral by the government. d. All private agricultural lands for voluntarily offered and transferred by the owners for agrarian reform. e. All private agricultural lands voluntarily offered for sale to the government for purposes of CARP. f. Those acquired by law the government through the mode of compulsory acquisitions. g. All alienable and disposable agricultural lands including those under agro-forest, pasture and agricultural leases, and h. All public agricultural lands which are to be offered for new development for new development and resettlement.

Who determines whether a land is agricultural or not?

The determination of the land's classification as either an agricultural or industrial land - and, in turn whether or not the land falls under agrarian reform exemption, must be preliminary threshed out before the Department Agrarian Reform, particularly before the DAR Secretary (DAR vs CA-706 SCRA 213)

What is the obligation of an intended beneficiary under the CARP Law as a form of commitment to the land being awarded to him?

The intended beneficiary shall state under oath before the judge of the city or municipal court that he/she is willing to work on the land to make it productive and to assume the obligation of paying the amortization for the compensation of the land and the land taxes thereon.

What is the composition of PARC under the law?

a. President of the Philippines as the Chairman b. Secretary of DAR as Vice-Chairman c. Members: Secretaries of DA, DENR, DBM, DILG, DPWH, DTI, DOLE, Director-General of NEDA, President of LBP, Administrator of NIA d. Three representatives of affected landowners to represent Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. e. 6 representatives of agrarian reform beneficiaries ( two of each from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao provided that one of them shall be from the cultural communities)

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