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We know the origin of life on Earth.



The highlighted "T" (Thymine) at position 162 is what kind of trait? -Pleisiomorphic -Homoplasic -Autapomorphic -Synapomorphic

Interference competition and exploitation competition are two mechanisms of competition that can be either intraspecific or interspecific.


Mutation rates vary substantially among organisms.


Natural selection acts on existing traits, but new traits can evolve


Random genetic drift can cause maladaptive evolution.


The brown community has the highest species richness and evenness.


Which biome could have a positive feedback loop effect on increased atmospheric CO2 levels and accelerate global warming? -Tropical rainforest -Taiga -Tundra -Temperate rain forest -Temperate seasonal forest


vertebral column

What is the plesiomorphic trait on the chordate phylogeny above? -hinged jaws -hair -amnion -vertebral column -four walking legs

all of the above

What is true about these rank-abundance curves? -Community 1 has the least species richness, and the least evenness. -Community 2 has the highest species richness, and a greater evenness than 1. -Community 3 has species richness between 1 and 2, and is the most even community. -All of the above. -None of the above.

Central Gulf

Which community has the highest species richness? -Northern Gulf -Central Gulf -Southern Gulf -All communities have equal species richness


Which of the following biomes does the climate diagram below represent? -Tundra -Subtropical desert -Temperate seasonal forest -Savannah -Taiga

produce seeds

Which of the following options would most accurately be places on the phylogeny at "b" according to the table above? -produce seeds -enclosed seeds -conifers -naked seeds -ferns

The common ancestor of leopards and badgers is marked at node #3

Which of the following statements is FALSE about the phylogeny below? -Leopards are the basal taxa -The common ancestor of leopards and badgers is marked at node #3 -Otters are equally related to coyotes and wolves -Badgers and otters are sister taxa


Which period is notable for having the highest levels atmospheric oxygen levels? -Carboniferous -Devonian -Triassic -Cambrian

You will assume that the above phylogeny is the correct one based on support from many characters. For character Y, if taxa 6 had character state 1 and all the other terminal taxa had 0, that character would be called a ________. 1 = present 0 = not present


Define extinction -The rapid loss of many animal species -Failure of a lineage to leave any any descendants -One chronospecies replaces another -Failure for a population to adapt

failure of a lineage to leave any descendants

Genetic variation -arises in response to changes in the environment -is always increased in a population by the action of natural selection -is always decreased in a population by the action of natural selection -must be present in a population before natural selection can act -is diminished when diploid organisms produce gametes

must be present in a population before natural selection can act

Species richness is the number of [x] in the community.


You will assume that the above phylogeny is the correct one based on support from many characters. For character W, if taxa 2, 3, 4, 5 had character state 1 and all the other terminal taxa had 0, that character would be called a ________. 1 = present 0 = not present


What does the existence of a 2 billion year old cyanobacteria fossil indicate? -That cyanobacteria are the most recent common ancestors to all DNA based life. -The earliest known evidence of life. -That the most recent common ancestor of DNA based life existed at least 2 billion years ago. -All of the above -None of the above

that the most recent common ancestor of DNA based life existed at least 2 billion years ago

Rodents use invasive black mustard plants for shelter and forage in the surroundings, creating a gradient of decreasing herbivore pressure away from the mustard patches. The native bunchgrass density increases farther from the mustard patches. What is this an example of? -apparent competition -direct competition -interspecific competition -indirect competition

apparent competition


A long DNA molecule with part or all of the genetic material of an organism.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a symbiotic relationship? -A tape worm living in a cow's intestine -Streptococcus bacterial infection in a person's throat -A barnacle on the back of a whale -A remora feeding from a shark -A mother bear caring for her cub

-A mother bear caring for her cub

Which of the following scenarios would you expect to observe exponential population growth? (check all that apply) -A population approaches it carrying capacity -A population recovers from a recent decline -The population exploits new favorable conditions with respect to resource availability -A situation in which resources and space are not limited

-A population recovers from a recent decline -The population exploits new favorable conditions with respect to resource availability -A situation in which resources and space are not limited

Which of the following are TRUE about trait heritability? -A slope of 1 in a parent-offspring regression means the trait is completely heritable -Misidentified paternity can result in an underestimate of heritability -Shared environments by parents and offspring have no effect on heritability estimates

-A slope of 1 in a parent-offspring regression means the trait is completely heritable -Misidentified paternity can result in an underestimate of heritability

Which of the following best describe a keystone species? -It can only be a species that is abundant in the community. -A species that greatly alters the environment. -None of these are true about a keystone species -A species that has a disproportionate effect on its environment relative to its abundance

-A species that greatly alters the environment. -A species that has a disproportionate effect on its environment relative to its abundance

Which of the following traits could be under intrasexual selection? -A trait increasing sperm velocity in species where sperm competition occurs -Aggressive behavior specific to females used to compete among other females for access to males -An extravagant ornament specific to males, that females base mating decisions.

-A trait increasing sperm velocity in species where sperm competition occurs -Aggressive behavior specific to females used to compete among other females for access to males

Which of the following statements about carry capacity (K) are correct? (check all that apply) -At K, immigration and emigration are not important factors contributing to N. -At K, the birth rate is greater than then the death rate. -As N approaches K, the rate of growth decreases. -K is defined as the maximum number of individuals in a population that the environment can support.

-As N approaches K, the rate of growth decreases. -K is defined as the maximum number of individuals in a population that the environment can support.

Which of the following statement about inbreeding depression is FALSE? -As the inbreeding coefficient (F) increases, fitness often increases. -As homozygosity increases, there is an increased exposure of deleterious recessive alleles. -Inbreeding depression has been observed in a wide range of species, including humans. -All of the above. -None of the above.

-As the inbreeding coefficient (F) increases, fitness often increases.

Which of the following is an exploitative interaction? -Cannibalism -Herbivory -Parasitism -Carnivory -Competition

-Cannibalism -Herbivory -Parasitism -Carnivory

Which of the following is true with regards to the study of ecology? -Ecologists study the relationships and interactions among organisms and their physical environment -Ecologists are interested in the level that is above an individual organism -A biome is defined by where in the world an area is located -An ecosystem is a biological community of organisms

-Ecologists study the relationships and interactions among organisms and their physical environment -Ecologists are interested in the level that is above an individual organism

Which types of interactions are considered part of food webs? -Exploitative interactions -Parasite-host interactions -Herbivore-plant interactions -Predator-prey interactions

-Exploitative interactions -Parasite-host interactions -Herbivore-plant interactions -Predator-prey interactions

If the fitness of a hybrid is higher than the fitness of the parental species, which is/are the potential outcome(s)? -Formation of a new species -Homogenization to a single species -Maintenance of hybrids -Reinforcement of reproductive isolation

-Formation of a new species -Maintenance of hybrids

Which of the following statements about gene flow is NOT correct? -Gene flow can counter-act local adaptation. -Gene flow may introduce alleles with a selective advantage. -Gene flow is a more powerful evolutionary mechanism when a large population receives migrants from a small source compared to gene flow from large to small. -Gene flow prevents evolutionary divergence of populations.

-Gene flow is a more powerful evolutionary mechanism when a large population receives migrants from a small source compared to gene flow from large to small.

What does a significant statistical departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium suggest? -Genotype frequencies have changed. -One or more assumptions from the Hardy-Weinberg Principle are not satisfied. -The population is likely not evolving.

-Genotype frequencies have changed. -One or more assumptions from the Hardy-Weinberg Principle are not satisfied.

r-selected species

-High intrinsic rate of increase -Many, small offspring -Adapted for early reproduction -Rapid development of offspring -Type III survivorship curve -Adapted for an unstable environment

Which of the following is TRUE about the Hardy-Weinberg Principle? -If deviations from HWE expectations are observed, it can be concluded that evolution occurred through natural selection. -If one or more of the assumptions (excluding random mating) of the H-W principle are not satisfied in the population, evolution will occur. -It assumes random mating, no gene flow, no genetic drift, no mutation, and no selection.

-If one or more of the assumptions (excluding random mating) of the H-W principle are not satisfied in the population, evolution will occur. -It assumes random mating, no gene flow, no genetic drift, no mutation, and no selection.

What can we determine about the competitive interactions in this scenario? -The interaction leads to a stable equilibrium -Interspecific interactions are stronger than intraspecific in determining the outcome -Intraspecific interactions are stronger than interspecific in determining the outcome -The interaction leads to an unstable equilibrium

-Interspecific interactions are stronger than intraspecific in determining the outcome -The interaction leads to an unstable equilibrium

Which of the following statement(s) regarding phenotypic plasticity is TRUE? -It describes the ability of the same genotype to produce different phenotypes in response to different environmental conditions. -It implies that a trait is not under genetic control. -It describes the ability to change a phenotype by altering the genes of an individual.

-It describes the ability of the same genotype to produce different phenotypes in response to different environmental conditions.

Which of the following statements about the comparative method for recognizing adaptations is FALSE? -It requires a resolved phylogeny -It addresses whether different lineages respond to similar, independent selective pressures in the same way -It tests a hypothesis of divergent evolution -It corrects for trait similarity among multiple groups caused by common ancestry -None of the above

-It tests a hypothesis of divergent evolution

What was missing from Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection? -Knowledge about how selection acted on individuals for populations to evolve -Knowledge about how mutations created variations in populations -Knowledge about how genetic information was transmitted to offspring

-Knowledge about how mutations created variations in populations -Knowledge about how genetic information was transmitted to offspring

Which of the following can NOT result from a genetic inversion? -A supergene. -Loss of genetic information. -Absence of recombination in the chromosome segment being reversed.

-Loss of genetic information.

k-selected species

-Low intrinsic rate of increase -Slow development of offspring -Density dependent -Type I survivorship curve

The equilibrium model of island biogeography predicts which of the following? -More species on large and near islands than small and far -More species on small and far islands than large and near -Species diversity is the same, no matter the difference in island distance -The model predicts turnover in species composition over time

-More species on large and near islands than small and far -The model predicts turnover in species composition over time

Which of the following is NOT true about mutation? -Mutation are random with respect to their position in the genome. -Mutation is the only process that creates new alleles. -Mutations are random with respect to their ultimate function.

-Mutation are random with respect to their position in the genome.

Which of the following statements about the sulfur cycle are TRUE? -Pure sulfur gas is found in the atmosphere and can re-enter the soil as it rains and dissolves into water. -Some organisms are able to use sulfur from the environment. -Sulfur enters the soil when rocks that contain it are broken down. -Humans release sulfur into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.

-Some organisms are able to use sulfur from the environment. -Sulfur enters the soil when rocks that contain it are broken down. -Humans release sulfur into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.

Which of the following statements about mutation and evolution is TRUE? -Mutation by itself is not a rapid agent of evolutionary change, and is therefore of little importance with respect to evolution. -Mutation by itself is not a rapid agent of evolutionary change, but it is important with respect to evolution by generating the genetic variation upon which other mechanisms act. -Mutation-selection balance results in the maintenance of deleterious alleles in populations.

-Mutation by itself is not a rapid agent of evolutionary change, but it is important with respect to evolution by generating the genetic variation upon which other mechanisms act. -Mutation-selection balance results in the maintenance of deleterious alleles in populations.

Which of the following point mutations could change the functionality of a protein? -Non-synonymous -Synonymous -Nonsense

-Non-synonymous -Nonsense

Which of the following does the equilibrium model of island biogeography predict? -Over time, the rate of immigration from the mainland to the island is expected to decline and the rate of extinction on the island is expected to increase -Near islands should have a higher immigration rate compared to far islands -Far islands should have a higher immigration rate compared to near islands -Over time, the rate of immigration from the mainland to the island is expected to increase and the rate of extinction on the island is expected to decline

-Over time, the rate of immigration from the mainland to the island is expected to decline and the rate of extinction on the island is expected to increase -Near islands should have a higher immigration rate compared to far islands

Which of the following is NOT true about phylogenies? -Phylogenies are not used to classify organisms. -The number of possible phylogenetic trees increase exponentially as the number of taxa increase. -Phylogenies can be used to understand disease transmission. -Phylogenies are useful to test whether species coevolved.

-Phylogenies are not used to classify organisms.

Which of the following is an example of primary succession? -A plant community becoming simplified with fewer species and less biomass -A succession of larger plants (trees, shrubs, etc.) following the establishment of pioneer species -A transition from one ecosystem type to another -Plant communities are established in a lifeless environment, usually devoid of soil -An ecosystem diversifying, supporting more species and increases in biomass

-Plant communities are established in a lifeless environment, usually devoid of soil

What do the reciprocal oscillations in predator and prey populations in the Lotka-Volterra predation model suggest? -Predator population growth is dependent of prey population size -Prey population growth is no dependent of predator population size -Predator population growth is not dependent of prey population size -Prey population growth is dependent of predator population size

-Predator population growth is dependent of prey population size -Prey population growth is dependent of predator population size

Why is RNA considered to play a role in the origin of life? -RNA is needed to form DNA -RNA can do work, such as catalyze reactions -RNA can store information -RNA has both a genotype and a phenotype

-RNA can do work, such as catalyze reactions -RNA can store information -RNA has both a genotype and a phenotype

Which of the following is FALSE about trait heritability? -Misidentified paternity can result in an underestimate of heritability -Shared environments by parents and offspring have no effect on heritability estimates -A slope of 1 in a parent-offspring regression means the trait is completely heritable

-Shared environments by parents and offspring have no effect on heritability estimates

Which of the following statements about the sulfur cycle are TRUE? -Some organisms are able to use sulfur from the environment. -Pure sulfur gas is found in the atmosphere and can re-enter the soil as it rains and dissolves into water. -Humans release sulfur into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. -Sulfur enters the soil when rocks that contain it are broken down.

-Some organisms are able to use sulfur from the environment. -Humans release sulfur into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. -Sulfur enters the soil when rocks that contain it are broken down.

Which of the following is TRUE? -The "big five" extinction events account for 4% of all extinctions. -The extinction of the dinosaurs are a good example of pseudoextinction. -The "big five" extinctions are all likely caused by meteorite impacts on Earth. -The rate of extinction is likely to be higher in species with broad geographic ranges than in species with wide geographic ranges.

-The "big five" extinction events account for 4% of all extinctions.

Which of the following can explain the presence of a trait that is non-adaptive but that looks like an adaptation? -The trait is a consequence of phylogenetic history -The trait evolved through natural selection -The trait evolved because it was genetically correlated with another trait under selection

-The trait is a consequence of phylogenetic history -The trait evolved because it was genetically correlated with another trait under selection

In which regards are inbreeding and genetic drift similar? -They both lead to a decrease in observed heterozygosity. -They both lead to changes in allele frequencies. -They both lead to changes in genotype frequencies.

-They both lead to a decrease in observed heterozygosity. -They both lead to changes in genotype frequencies.

The major genetic effect of inbreeding is to _______________.

-increase the exposure of deleterious recessives alleles. -increase homozygosity, i.e. the number of loci at which the average individual is homozygous.

When anagenesis leads to such a drastic change in the form that a paleontologist gives the recent form a new species name, what has happened to the original species? -chronospecies -it failed to leave any descendants behind -pseudoextinction -extinction -it split into several species

-pseudoextinction -chronospecies

Which of the following characteristics distinguish terrestrial biomes from one another? -seasonal variation in percipitation -seasonal variation in temperature -predominant flora (plants) -predominant fauna (animals)

-seasonal variation in percipitation -seasonal variation in temperature -predominant flora (plants)

What features characterize pioneer species? -require little sun exposure -short life span -very deep root systems -rapid growth rate -large dispersal distance

-short life span -rapid growth rate -large dispersal distance

The similarities in bone sequence and arrangement in vertebrate forelimbs is best explained by_________ -the hypothesis that a common ancestor to vertebrate taxa had a similar bone sequence and arrangement. -the hypothesis that the bone sequence and arrangement represent homologous characters among all vertebrates - the hypothesis that bone sequence and arrangement resulted from convergent evolution

-the hypothesis that a common ancestor to vertebrate taxa had a similar bone sequence and arrangement. -the hypothesis that the bone sequence and arrangement represent homologous characters among all vertebrates

Which of the following statements about the climate diagram below are NOT correct? -there is substantial water for plant growth between October and April -the diagram is representative of a temperate seasonal forest -the mean temperature does not substantially fluctuate throughout the year -the diagram is representative of a tropical rainforest

-there is substantial water for plant growth between October and April -the digram is representative of a temperate seasonal forest -the diagram is representative of a tropical rainforest

A population has an observed heterozygosity of 0.3. What is the observed heterozygosity after five (5) generations? Round your answer to two digits after the decimal


If the expected heterozygosity of a population is 0.32, but the observed heterozygosity is 0.3. What is the coefficient of inbreeding for that population? (Round to three significant figures, 4 numbers after the decimal)

0.0625 F = (Hexp-Hobs)/Hexp

What is the Simpson's D of Community A?


A population of cheetahs has an allele frequency of p = 0.2 and q = 0.8. The fraction of the population that is autozygous is 1/16. What is the observed heterozygosity of the population?


Based on the gel electrophoresis results below, what is the observed heterozygosity of this population of ten individuals? (answer as a decimal, two significant figures)


A population of cheetahs has an allele frequency of p = 0.2 and q = 0.8. The fraction of the population that is autozygous is 1/16. What is the expected heterozygosity of the population if it is in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium?


Calculate the observed dominant allelic frequency based on the following numbers of each genotype: 22 AA 43 Aa 16 aa Round your answer to two (2) significant figures.


Calculate observed heterozygosity based on the following numbers of each genotype: 12 AA 77 Aa 39 aa Round to two (2) significant figures


Given the following table, what is the correct RO of this population?


G 0 population of 1000 individuals has an initial frequency of the "A" allele (p) = 0.2 and the frequency of the "a" allele (q) = 0.8 Test whether selection occurred by looking at the next generation (G 1). The number of individuals per genotype in the G 1 generation are as follow: AA = 20, Aa = 200, aa = 380. What is the mean fitness of the G 1 population?


Place the appearance of these conditions/organisms in chronological order from oldest to youngest 1. Primordial Soup 2. Animals 3. Origin of Life 4. RNA World 5. DNA-based life

1. Primordial Soup 4. RNA World 3. Origin of Life 5. DNA-based life 2. Animals

Match which diversity index is best described by each statement 1. Accounts for the proportion of species in the community 2. Accounts for species richness and evenness 3. More universally accepted index for calculating diversity 4. Used to estimate the dominance of a species in a community

1. Simpson's Index 2. Shannon-Weiner Index 3. Shannon-Weiner Index 4. Simpson's Index

Match the symbiotic interaction with the symbolic description of the relationship between two species. 1. Mutualism 2. Commensalism 3. Ammensalism 4. Herbivory 5. Competition

1. +,+ 2. +,0 3. -,0 4. +,- 5. -,-

Match the biome with it's characteristic climate zone or vegetation 1. Tropical rain forest 2. Tropical savanna 3. subtropical desert 4. woodland 5. temperate rain forest 6. temperate seasonal forest 7. temperature grassland/desert 8. boreal forest 9. tundra A. evergreen, lacking seasonality B. Rainy season and dry season C. Hot desert D. drought-adapted, Mediterranean E. Evergreen, mainly warm, but with occasional frost F. Decidous G. Cold desert H. Evergreen coniferous forests I. Permafrost

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E 6. F 7. G 8. H 9. I

Identify if the following examples are analogous or homologous structures. 1. The prickles of a rosebush are sharp extensions of epidermal cells used for defense. Spines of cacti are modified leaves used for defense. 2. The complex eyes of a squid (a mollusk) can see light and form images. The complex eyes of a human (a chordate) can also see light and form images. 3. The forelimb of a horse is modified to allow it to run. The forelimb of a human is modified for manipulation of objects; it does not carry any weight. Both organisms are vertebrates and the same bones are found in each forelimb but have slightly different shapes. 4. The leaves of a pitcher plant arise at soil level and curl around, forming an open-topped pitcher. This pitcher fills with water and digestive juices but is also green and photosynthetic. Insects are captured and digested in the pitcher for their nitrogen. The leaves of a maple tree are broad and flat, performing photosynthesis.

1. Analogous 2. Analogous 3. Homologous 4. Homologous

Match the type of succession that would take place in each of the following examples. 1. On a remote island where nuclear bombs are tested, a dead area where no life can exist is created. Only after thirty years of weathering of existing rocks do lichens begin to grow. 2. After a glacier recedes, Scots Pine eventually exists in the climax community at the site 9,500 years ago. 3. In 2011, a wildfire burned over 32,000 acres in Bastrop County and all of Bastrop State Park was affected by the fire. This has the potential to lead to a shift in the climax community. Native oak trees could take the place of the native pines that burned, dramatically altering an area. 4. Slash and burn farming in the rainforest is a common practice to clear forested area for agriculture and a way to enrich the poor tropical soils for farming. Once the nutrients are depleted, the location is abandoned and left to regenerate.

1. primary succession 2. primary succession 3. secondary succession 4. secondary succession

What is the Shannon-Wiener index (H') for Community C?


If 8 is the outgroup, which of the following is the most recent common ancestor to the clade consisting of taxa 2, 3, 4, 5?


For the character Z, if taxa 2, 3, 6, and 7 had the character state 1 and the rest of the taxa had 0, what is the minimum number of evolutionary changes if the trait was a synapomorphy? What about if the trait was a homoplasy?

3 changes if a synapomorphy, and 2 changes if a homoplasy

Arrange the order of appearance in the fossil record from oldest to youngest. 1. Reptiles in the Carboniferous 2. Angiosperms in the Cretaceous 3. First chordates in the Cambrian 4. Insects in the Devonian 5. Land plants in the Ordovician 6. Dinosaurs in the Triassic

3. First chordates in the Cambrian 5. Land plants in the Ordovician 4. Insects in the Devonian 1. Reptiles in the Carboniferous 6. Dinosaurs in the Triassic 2. Angiosperms in the Cretaceous

When did the first life on Earth appear?


The Earth formed ____ billion years ago


What will be the expected parental fitness of a blue tit female if she produces 10 offsprings, each weighing 4 grams, and the probability of survival for an individual offspring weighing 4 grams is 0.5?


Sort the following into the correct taxonomic hierarchy, beginning with the most inclusive (Domain). 1. Kingdom 2. Class 3. Genus 4. Phylum 5. Domain 6. Species 7. Family 8. Order

5. Domain 1. Kingdom 4. Phylum 2. Class 8. Order 7. Family 3. Genus 6. Species

Place the biological hierarchy in order from smallest to largest. 1. Molecule 2. Body System 3. Biosphere 4. Organism 5. Cell 6. Organ 7. Atom 8. Tissue 9. Ecosystem 10. Population 11. Community

7. Atom 1. Molecule 5. Cell 8. Tissue 6. Organ 2. Body System 4. Organism 10. Population 11. Community 9. Ecosystem 3. Biosphere


A basic unit of heredity and a sequence of nucleotides in DNA that encodes the synthesis of a gene product, either RNA or protein.

11 t= ln(Nt/N0)/r

A continuously reproducing population of house-elves has a population growth rate of 0.51. How many years would it take the population to increase from 12 to 3,280? NOTE: Round to one decimal place

Which of the following scenarios produces a type I survivorship curve? -A high juvenile death rate and a low adult death rate -A low juvenile death rate and a high adult death rate -A low juvenile death rate and a low adult death rate -A constant death rate across the life span of the organism -None of the above

A low juvenile death rate and a high adult death rate

Which of the following is NOT a mutualistic relationship? -A nest in the branches of a tree -a bumblebee collecting pollen from a flower -bacteria living in the gut of a human -a shark using an aquatic cleaning station

A nest in the branches of a tree

Which of the following statement(s) about the concept of the ecological niche is CORRECT?

A niche is the n-dimensional hypervolume, where n equals the number of factors important to the survival and reproduction by a species

bottom left

A series of new beetles were discovered deep in the Amazon rainforest. Scientists have contacted you to develop a cladogram of these beetles using characteristics they have noted. Using the following character matrix, select the cladogram that BEST classifies these new beetles.

Which of the following are true about the long-term and short-term carbon cycles? A. A long-term cycling involves geological processes, such as weathering of rocks B. long-term cycling enters the system from geothermal vents C. short-term cycling involves primary consumers decomposing D. Short-term cycling involves photosynthetic primary producers

A, C, D

opposable thumbs

According to the phylogeny above, which character is an autapomorphy for humans? -opposable thumbs -mammary glands -jaws -tetrapod

Which factors cause global patterns in temperature and percipitation? A. The angle of incident solar radiation at the surface of the Earth. B. The orientation of the Earth's axis relative to the sun. C. The surface winds under the Coriolis Effect. D. All of the above (A, B, & C) E. A & B

All of the above (A, B, & C)

Given the following table, which of the following lx values is correct? l0 = 1.0 l1 = 0.1 l2 = 0.09 l3 = 0.005 All of the above lx values are correct

All of the above lx values are correct

What is an ecosystem?

All of the living and non-living things in an area

When a population is physically separated into two populations via dispersal and gene flow is prevented between the two sub-populations, which kind of speciation may occur over time?


What best describes an interspecific interaction in which one species is negatively affected and the other species in not affected, either positively or negatively.


Evidence from which of the following does NOT support evolution? -Fossil record -Analogy -Direct observation of natural selection -Homology


Why is carbon so important to organisms on Earth?

Animals need carbon so they can use it to build compounds within their body.

decrease, increase

At the population sizes indicated on the graph (*), species 1's population size will _______ and species 2's population size will ________. -decrease, increase -decrease, decrease -increase, increase -increase, decrease

x: Northern y: Southern

Based on the fish communities in the table above, the [x] Gulf is the most diverse and the [y] Gulf is the least diverse.

Crocodilians are more closely related to ornithischian dinosaurs than lizards.

Based on the phylogeny above, which of the following statements is NOT true? -Ornithischian dinosaurs and saurischian dinosaurs are more closely related to birds than lizards and snakes. -Crocodilians are more closely related to ornithischian dinosaurs than lizards. -Pterosaurs are a sister group to the clade containing ornithischian dinosaurs, saurischian dinosaurs, and birds. -The lineage leading to the lizards and snakes was the first to diverge from the other lineages.

The camera eye is an analogous characteristic that both octopuses and vertebrates possess.

Based on the two phylogenies above, what is true about the evolution of the camera eye? -The camera eye is a homologous characteristic that both octopuses and vertebrates possess. -The camera eye is an analogous characteristic that both octopuses and vertebrates possess. -The camera eye is a vestigial structure in mollusks. -The camera eye arose from divergent evolution.

Tropical seasonal forest/savannah

Based on this figure, which biome has the greatest variation in annual precipitation? -Temperate rain forest -Chaparral / Woodland /shurbland -Tundra -Tropical seasonal forest/savannah

Why do we find a tropical climate at the equator and deserts at 30° N and 30° S? -Because ascending warm moist air at the equator forms local precipitation, while descending dry air flowing at the north and south absorb moisture. -Because ascending warm moist air at the equator forms local precipitation, while ascending dry air flowing at the north and south absorb moisture. -Because descending warm moist air at the equator forms local precipitation, while ascending dry air flowing at the north and south absorb moisture. -Because descending warm moist air at the equator forms local precipitation, while descending dry air flowing at the north and south absorb moisture.

Because ascending warm moist air at the equator forms local precipitation, while descending dry air flowing at the north and south absorb moisture.

1,967 R0 = λ = 1.967 N1 = 1000*1.967^1

Calculate N1 for this non-continuously reproducing population of weird bugs that live on a planet far far away. Hint: N0 = 1000. round to whole number

Which period in the geologic timeline was characterized by the appearance of jawless fish? -Ordovician -Carboniferous -Devonian -Permian -Cambrian


What does microevolution typically refers to? -Major morphological changes among related taxa -Changes in allele frequencies and trait distributions from one generation to the next, or over small time scale -Patterns that are observed in the fossil record -Speciation events -None of the above

Changes in allele frequencies and trait distributions from one generation to the next, or over small time scale

Characters possessed by two organisms that share similarity due to descent from a common ancestor are called -beneficial -homologous -adaptive -analogous -vestigial

Characters possessed by two organisms that share similarity due to descent from a common ancestor are called

Which of the following spatial distributions most likely result from attraction between individuals or attraction to a common resource? -Random distribution -Regular distribution -Clumped distribution -Uniform Distribution

Clumped distribution

Which community has the highest diversity based on either Simpson's D or Shannon-Wiener H'?

Community C

Organisms require particular sets of abiotic conditions to survive and reproduce. Which of the following is NOT an example of an abiotic component?


Which of the following is NOT an exploitative interaction? -Cannibalism -Carnivory -Competition -Parasitism -Herbivory


Which of the following statement is a necessary criteria for life as we know it? A. The ability to store information specifying a phenotype B. Energy acquisition and utilization for metabolism and growth C. The ability to produce progeny of the same type D. All of the above (A, B, C) E. None of the above are criteria for life

D. All of the above (A, B, C)

Once nitrogen makes its way into the soil, which of the following processes allows it to reenter the atmosphere as a gas?


"Descent with modification" as illustrated in the "Origin of the species" refers to

Diversification of phenotypically distinct forms via natural selection and from a common ancestor

Which of the following is not considered a fossil? A. Petrified wood taken from the Brazos River. B. A frozen woolly rhino recovered from Siberia. C. A compression of a fern found in the Burgess Shale. D. None of the above (A, B, C) are fossils E. A, B, and C are all fossils.

E. A, B, and C are all fossils.

In the Lotka-Volterra competition equations, the parameter α21 relates to the...

Effect of the species 1 on the population growth rate of species 2

Based on a whole genome approach, what is our current understanding of the relatedness of the three domains of life? -Bacteria and Eukarya are sister taxa -Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya are equally related -Eukarya and Archaea are sister taxa -Bacteria and Archaea are sister taxa

Eukarya and Archaea are sister taxa

Sexual reproduction generates genetic variation by creating new alleles and by reorganizing allele combinations.


Simpson's Index is more sensitive to rare species than the Shannon-Weiner Index.


Which of the following statements is TRUE about natural selection? -Natural selection is random -Natural selection results in individuals that are adapted to future conditions -Even if natural selection acts on a trait, it is possible for evolution to not occur in the population -All of the above -None of the above

Even if natural selection acts on a trait, it is possible for evolution to not occur in the population

What is attributed to the radiation of mammals 66 million years ago? -Extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Triassic -Extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Jurassic -Extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous -Extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Permian

Extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous

Like all alder species, red alder can release nitrogen into soil through nodules on its roots where the plant has a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. The bacteria have an enzyme that converts atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, which promotes plant growth. These plants are important in ecological succession. Which model of succession is red alder most likely to play a role in? -Tolerance model -Inhibition model -Facultative model

Facultative model

(T/F) Sexual reproduction offers an advantage over asexual reproduction by allowing for more rapid population growth and energy savings that promote adaptation with to changing environments.


Which type of organism would make a good compression fossil? -Clams -Fern -Birds -Large reptiles -Tree trunk



For a continuous-breeding population of 100 Wookiees on the planet Kashyyyk, what will the population size be after five generations, assuming that the intrinsic rate of increase is 0.066? NOTE: Round to a whole number (i.e., no decimals)


For a population of 500 bees (Amegilla dawsoni) with non-overlapping generations, where the bees leave an average of 0.8 offspring per individual per generation, what would the population size be after two generations?

2 or 4

For the character B, if taxa 5, 6, and 7 had the character state 1 and the rest of the taxa had 0, the minimum number of evolutionary changes would be [x] for a synapomorphy and [y] for a homoplasy.


For this cladogram, if you grouped together Seals, Bears, and Other Carnivores, you would be creating a [x] group.

A storm leads to the random death of many oak trees. The population is reduced from 500 trees to 30. What evolutionary mechanism will have the biggest impact on the genetic diversity in this population?

Genetic Drift

The founder effect is most likely due to which of the following evolutionary mechanisms?

Genetic Drift

0.96 n1/n0 = l1

Given the following life table, calculate the value of l1.


Given the phylogenetic tree shown below, which of the following two species (A-F) most recently shared a common ancestor? -BD -AD -CD -DE -BC

In a given ecosystem, if the total plant production is 3% of total solar input, while plant respiration accounts for 1%, complete the following statement with the correct terms: _____ primary productivity is 3% and ______ primary productivity is _____% that is available to primary consumers. -Net, gross, 1% -Net, gross, 2% -Gross, net, 1% -Gross, net, 2%

Gross, net, 2%

If an allele is rare, which genotype that carry the rare allele will be more common?


6 or 7

How many clades are there on the phylogeny above?There are [x] clades on the phylogeny.


Identify the outgroup on this phylogeny. Click on the appropriate animal name.

light light green

Identify which section on the graph represents the Boreal Forest biome

light purple

Identify which section on the graph represents the Temperate Grassland biome

By using index fossils for relative dating the sedimentary layers

In the Grand Canyon there are three sets of rocks, 1) Layered Paleozoic Rocks, 2) Super Group Rocks, and 3) Basement Rocks. How are we able to know the dates of the layered Paleozoic Rocks? -By using relative dating of the metamorphic rock -By using absolute dating for the sedimentary strata -By using index fossils for relative dating the sedimentary layers -By using stable isotopes in the water for relative dating

-Decrease in the species richness of the community -Bivalve populations decline. -Gooseneck barnacles take over most of the available space.

In the above food web, Pisaster is a keystone species and apex predator. Which of the following scenarios is/are plausible outcome(s) if Pisaster were removed from the community? -Decrease in the species richness of the community -Bivalve populations decline. -Acorn barnacles take over most of the available space. -Thais populations decline. -Gooseneck barnacles take over most of the available space.

Far right

In the following three graphs, the lines represent different genotypes and if they vary (or not) in different environments. Which of the graphs represents a genotype-by-environment interaction?

Species 2 decreases the carrying capacity of species 1

In this equation, what impact does species 2 have on species 1? -Species 2 increases the carrying capacity of species 1 -Species 2 increases the population of species 1 -Species 2 has no effect on species 1 -Species 2 decreases the carrying capacity of species 1 -Species 2 decreases the population of species 1

Which of the following statements about iteroparous species is correct? -Individuals have a single reproductive event in their lives -Individuals usually survive to reproduce again after a given reproductive event -Individuals devote most of the early life to growth Individuals die shortly after reproduction

Individuals usually survive to reproduce again after a given reproductive event

Which of the following is NOT an example of intrasexual selection? -None of the above; all are examples of intrasexual selection. -Scrambles -Sperm competition -Contests -Mate choice

Mate choice

Which cellular process describes Mendel's First Law, and which genetic process describes Mendel's Second Law? Give the correct answer in that particular order, if appropriate.

Meiosis, Recombination

Which of the following statements does NOT describe natural selection? -If a group of organisms relocates to a new environment, or if its current environment changes, the organisms that have higher fitness in the new environment will leave more offspring and may, over time, give rise to a new species. -Natural selection can randomly cause favorable traits to increase in the populations. -Individual organisms with certain characteristics are more fit for their environment than organisms without certain characteristics. The organisms with the best-suited characteristics for their environment will live to reproduce, and pass those characteristics on to their offspring. -Natural selection can lead to microevolution.

Natural selection can randomly cause favorable traits to increase in the populations.

Which of the following is a trait of K-selected species?

Multiple reproductive cycles

Which of the following are true about natural selection? -Natural selection leads to organisms that perfectly adapted to their current environment. -Natural selection acts on individuals, not for the good of the species. -Natural selection is limited to acting on existing material and new traits cannot evolve. -Natural selection acts on adaptations that will increase the fitness of organisms in the future.

Natural selection acts on individuals, not for the good of the species.

Which pattern of nutrient distribution has been found across the chronosequence on the Hawaiian islands? -Nitrogen is always the limiting nutrient throughout succession -Phosphorus is always the limiting nutrient throughout succession -Phosphorus is limiting early on in succession while nitrogen is limiting later in succession -Nitrogen is limiting early on in its succession while phosphorus is limiting later in succession

Nitrogen is limiting early on in its succession while phosphorus is limiting later in succession

Which of the following is a relationship where species are so dependent on their mutualistic relationship they cannot live in the absence of each other? -Facultative mutualism -Symmetric mutualism -Obligate mutualism -Asymmetric mutualism

Obligate mutualism

Which of the following is NOT an example of a mechanism for sexual selection? -Mate choice -Endurance rivalry -Post-copulatory selection -Scramble competition -None of the above; all are examples of mechanism for sexual selection


Which of the following does NOT represent a potential allocation trade-off between the life history patterns described below? -Offspring size and number of offspring -Offspring size and dispersal ability -Adult survival and age of reproduction -Body size and number of offspring -None of the above

None of the above

Which of the following four postulates about evolution via natural selection is NOT correct? -There is individual variation within populations -The variations among individuals are, at least in part, heritable -In every generation, some individuals are more successful at surviving and reproduction than others The fitness of individuals is linked to the phenotypic traits that vary among individuals -The fitness of individuals is linked to the phenotypic traits that vary among individuals -None of the above

None of the above

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism of evolution? Mutation Nonrandom mating Natural selection Genetic drift None of the above

None of the above

What is an allele? -The location of a gene on a chromosome -The result of a cross-over event -An optimal fit of genotype and phenotype to environment -A structural component of a chromosome -One of a number of alternate forms of a DNA sequence at a particular genetic locus

One of a number of alternate forms of a DNA sequence at a particular genetic locus


One of two or more alternative forms of a gene that arise by mutation and are found at the same place on a chromosome

Which of the following statements correctly defines a species? -Organisms that can interbreed to produce offspring -Organisms that have similar characteristics -Organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring -Organisms that share a common ancestor

Organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring

Which era was characterized by small organisms with simple morphology, such as Poriferans (sponges) and Cniderians (e.g., jellyfish)? -Precambrian -Cenozoic -Paleozoic -Mesozoic


What best describes facilitation as a mechanism of succession? -Pioneer species inhibit new colonizers and are only displaced by distrubance -Pioneer species modify the environment so that it becomes less suitable for themselves -Pioneer species modify the environment so that it becomes more suitable for new species

Pioneer species modify the environment so that it becomes more suitable for new species

When most of us think of a fossil, we picture a dinosaur skeleton. What type of fossil is this? -Ichnofossil -Unaltered remains -Premineralized fossil -Compression fossil -Cast or Mold

Premineralized fossil

When can genetic variation be increased during meiosis? -Telophase I -Prophase I -Anaphase I -Metaphase I

Prophase I Metaphase I

What is the difference between r and R0 -r only accounts for reproduction, while R0 accounts for births and deaths -R0 and r are the same, but one is used for discrete non-continuous reproducing species and the other fro continuously reproducing species -R0 only accounts for reproduction, while r accounts for births and deaths -R0 is only useful for measuring the spread of viruses, while r measures population growth of living organisms

R0 only accounts for reproduction, while r accounts for births and deaths

Which of the following is support for the RNA World Hypothesis? -RNA is unstable and breaks down easily -RNA is necessary for making DNA -Ribosomes are the most highly conserved component of metabolic machinery -proteins are able to catalyze reactions

Ribosomes are the most highly conserved component of metabolic machinery

For the process of speciation to result in a new species forming from two populations, what must occur?

Some type of reproductive barrier must arise between the populations.

If the isocline for species 1 is above the isocline for species 2 and K1/α12>K2 and K1>K2/ α21... -A stable coexistence of the two species has been established -Species 1 will grow and eventually exclude species 2 -Species 2 will grow and eventually exclude species 1 -An unstable coexistence of the two species has been established

Species 1 will grow and eventually exclude species 2

The diagram below represents the ranges of 3 species (A, B, and C), which are separated by a mountain range and a river. If allopatric speciation between these 3 species occurred through vicariance from a single species after 1) its range was split by the mountains and 2) later by a river, the phylogenetic analysis should reveal that:

Species B and C are each other's closest relatives.

If individuals of an ancestral fruit fly population become dependent on different host plants occupying the same area, which kind of speciation may occur over time?


interspeific intraspecifc

The above figure represents when [x]specific interactions are greater than [y]specific interactions, leading to an unstable equilibrium.


The entire genetic constitution of an individual; also, the alleles present at one or more specific loci.

When populations that have diverged in allopatry come back into secondary contact and there is still the potential to interbreed, which of the following causes a hybrid zone to become stably maintained over time?

The fitness of the hybrids is higher in the zone of contact than the fitness of the parental populations.

Following the 2004 drought on Daphne Major, the medium ground finch evolved smaller beak depths because: -The drought killed all plants with larger seeds and only small seeds were left -The drought caused the beak depth of individual medium ground finches to decrease -There were more mutations that resulted in smaller beak depths -The large ground finch invaded the island and outcompeted the medium ground finches with larger beak depths -All of the above

The large ground finch invaded the island and outcompeted the medium ground finches with larger beak depths

Which of the following is NOT true about the phosphorus cycle? -Volcanic ash transports phosphorus to terrestrial ecosystems. -The main store of phosphorus is in the atmosphere. -Sediments and rocks are a source of phosphorus. -Humans add phosphorus to the environment with fertilizers

The main store of phosphorus is in the atmosphere.

What happens to the mean and variance of a trait under directional and disruptive selection?

The mean increases or decreases under directional selection but stays the same under disruptive selection. The variance gets smaller with directional selection but increases with disruptive selection

Which of the following information is NOT attainable from the rings of a tree? -A relative depiction of good years and bad years (e.g. rainfall or drought) -occurrence of a flash flood -the age of a 5,000 year old tree -the dating of human structures -an estimate of climatic conditions from 4,000 years ago

The occurrence of a flash flood

You create a life table for a population of annual flowering plants, Phlox drummondii, with R0 = 2.42. Given this R0 value, what is happening to the population? -The population is stable -The population will go extinct in one generation -The population in growing -The population will reach K in one generation -The population is declining

The population in growing

What does K2/α21 = N1 represent in the Lotka-Volterra Models? -The population growth rate of species 2 when species 2's use of species 1's resources equals the carrying capacity of species 1 -The population size of species 1 when species 1's use of species 2's resources equals the carrying capacity of species 2 -The population size of species 2 when species 2's use of species 1's resources equals the carrying capacity of species 1 -The population growth rate of species 1 when species 1's use of species 2's resources equals the carrying capacity of species 2

The population size of species 1 when species 1's use of species 2's resources equals the carrying capacity of species 2

Why is the variable p present in both the predator and prey population growth modeling equations? -The predation rate can increase predator population and decrease the prey population -The predator conversion rate can decrease predator population and increase the prey population -The predation rate can decrease predator population and increase the prey population -The predator conversion rate can increase predator population and decrease the prey population

The predation rate can increase predator population and decrease the prey population

Which of the following is always true of a declining population?

The sum of the birth and immigration rates is less than the sum of the death and emigration rates

How does the removal of adult Balanus barnacles in the middle intertidal zone impact adult Chthamalus barnacles? -There is competitive release and Chthamalus expands to its realized niche -There is competitive release and Chthamalus expands to its fundamental niche -There is no competitive release and Chthamalus does not expand it's range -There is no effect since Chthamalus is competitively superior -Chthamalus and Balanus are niche partitioning their shared fundamental niche

There is competitive release and Chthamalus expands to its fundamental niche

Which of the following statements best describes a selection regime in which wAA = 1-s, wAa = 1-s, and waa = 1?

There is selection against "A", the dominant allele.

An adaptation is a trait that increases the fitness of individuals relative to another individual without the trait.


Apparent competition is an example of an indirect interaction by which two species appears to be differentially affected by the same natural enemy.


In the Grand Canyon there are three sets of rocks, 1) Layered Paleozoic Rocks, 2) Super Group Rocks, and 3) Basement Rocks. How are we able to know the dates of the basement rocks? -We are able to use relative dating of wooden artifacts in the strata -We are able to use relative dating on the igneous rocks -We are able to use index fossils for absolute dating of sedimentary rocks -We are able to use absolute dating of metamorphic rocks

We are able to use absolute dating of metamorphic rocks

Smaller organisms tend to live at higher population densities

What general pattern does the figure below support? -Smaller organisms tend to live at higher population densities -Larger organisms tend to live at higher population densities -Only small organisms show a negative relationship between size and density -A & C -None of the statements above illustrate the pattern in the graph

rapidly growing

What is happening to the human population A based on the current age structure below? -declining -stable -rapidly growing -slowing growing


What is the Shannon-Wiener index (H') for Community B? (round to two (2) decimal places)


What is the Simpson's D for Community A? (round to two (2) decimal places)

Nitrogen increases because of an increase in nitrogen fixing organisms in the community

Why does nitrogen increase during succession? -Nitrogen increases because because the soil is enriched by rainfall over time -Nitrogen increases because of human activities in the region -Nitrogen increases because of an increase in nitrogen fixing organisms in the community -Nitrogen increases because of increased animal biomass

In cats, the allele for short hair (D) is dominant to the allele for long hair (d). A cat with short hair [a] was mated with a cat with long hair [b]. All of the offspring (F1) had short hair. Fill in the genotypes (DD, Dd, or dd) in this Punnett square and identify the genotypes of the parents:

a. DD b.dd c. Dd d. Dd e. Dd f. Dd

Which of the following are reasons for the evolution of "choosiness" during sexual selection? -The intent to get better genes for the offspring. -The direct benefit for the mates through the acquisition of resources -The advantage taken by the non-choosy sex from a preexisting sensory bias present in the choosy sex


Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? -The sister clade to clade 1 is a clade with taxa 2, 3, 4, 5. -The sister clade to clade 2-3 is clade 4-5. -The sister clade to clade 6-7 is a clade with taxa 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


Which of the following statements about genetic drift is TRUE? -Genetic drift proceeds randomly in any given population. -Genetic drift tends to lead to fixation or loss of any given allele eventually. -Genetic drift affects populations of all sizes. -Genetic drift causes allele frequencies to fluctuate between 0 and 1.


According to the table above, which of the above species are most closely related to ferns? -conifers -ginkgos -monocots -eudicots -all of the above

all of the above

Life tables provide critical information for which of the following? -They provide information on survivorship and fecundity -They can provide information on generation time -They can be used to obtain information about whether a population is growing or declining -All of the above -None of the above

all of the above

The inbreeding coefficient, F can be defined as the following: A. The probability that a randomly chosen individual carries two copies of an allele identical by descent from a recent ancestor. B. The probability that an individual is autozygous. C. F = (Hexp - Hobs) / Hexp D. B and C E. All of the above

all of the above

The Hardy-Weinberg Law states that _________frequencies do not change from generation to generation and that after one generation of random mating _________frequencies will be in equilibrium

allele, genotype

The above graph represents the Equilibrium Model of Island Biogeography. The blue line represents the [b] rate and the green line represents the [g] rate.

b: immigration g: extinction

One frog species in a pond has a low, slow-repeating mating call while another species in the same pond calls with a high-pitched trill. What type of reproductive barrier is keeping these species separate?

behavioral isolation

What is the impact of removing a keystone species from a community? -removing one species causes the diversity to decrease by 1 -biodiversity increases -biodiversity decreases -not enough information to tell

biodiversity decreases

The movement of mineral nutrients through organisms and their environment is called a cycle.


Carbon is present in the atmosphere as:

carbon dioxide

The mammals radiated about 66 million years ago during the [x] era.


In a logistic growth model, population size should be ___________ when the population size is above K and ______________ if below K. -increasing, decreasing -exponential, geometric -increasing, remain stable -decreasing, remain stable -decreasing, increasing

decreasing, increasing

What is a possible negative effect of excess phosphorus in the water? -how nutrients are dispersed to organisms -not really relevant to living organisms -how inorganic matter cycles between living organisms and their environment -how water transports elements through the environment

development of dead zones

What makes a good index fossil? -The ability to store information specifying a phenotype -Energy acquisition and utilization for metabolism and growth -The ability to produce progeny of the same type -All of the above (A, B, C) -None of the above are criteria for life

fossils that are found in many locations, but in only one strata

The [x] niche of an organism is the full range of environmental conditions under which it can exist.


[x] variation is the raw material of evolution.


One species of buttercup plant is found in well-drained soils along hillsides, while a closely related species of buttercup thrives only in soggy areas of the floodplain along the nearby river. These two species are most likely maintained as separate biological species because of

habitat isolation

If migration proceeds unopposed by any other evolutionary process, the result will be _____________.

homogenization of allele frequencies among populations

Biogeochemical cycles are...

how inorganic matter cycles between living organisms and their environment

During a succession process, what would you NOT expect to find with regards to changes in the ecosystem -increased bulk density -increased species diversity -increased nutrient retention -increased primary productivity -increased biomass

increased bulk density

A burrowing owl living in the abandoned burrow of a prairie dog is an example of


You will assume that the above phylogeny is the correct one based on support from many characters. For character X, if taxa 1 through 8 had the same character state (remember 8 is the outgroup), that character would be called a _____________.


A clade with only the taxa 2, 3, 6 and 7 is said to be ___________.


For this cladogram, if you grouped together Seals and Ceteceans, you would be creating a [x] group.


What does the "r" in "r-selected" stand for?

population growth rate

A community is an assemblage of [x] of living organisms in a particular area or habitat.


Natural selection acts on individuals, but [x] evolve.


prevents the formation of a new species

postzygotic isolation

prevents viable, fertile offspring

postzygotic isolation

prevents fertilization

prezygotic isolation

prevents mating

prezygotic isolation

The fitness of the sex experiencing weaker sexual selection is more limited by the ________ of mates than the ________ of mates.

quality, quantity

The production of sterile mules by interbreeding between female horses (mares) and male donkeys (jacks) is an example of ________.

reduced hybrid fertility

What is represented by rhNh in the equation: dNh/dt = rhNh-pNhNp -rate of prey population change -the exponential rate of increase by the predator population -the exponential rate of increase by the prey population -rate of predator population change -the rate that prey are converted to predator offspring

the exponential rate of increase by the prey population

Which of the following statements describes mechanical isolation as a prezygotic barrier?

two snails have shells that spiral in different directions

Certain cavefish and salamanders have non-functional eyes, which are remnants of the functional eyes of their ancestors. Structures like this are: -analogous structures -vestigial structures -derelict structures -homologous structures

vestigial structures homologous structures

G0 population of 1000 individuals has an initial frequency of the "A" allele (p) = 0.2 and the frequency of the "a" allele (q) = 0.8 Test whether selection occurred by looking at the next generation (G1). The number of individuals per genotype in the G1 generation are as follow: AA = 20, Aa = 200, aa = 380. What is the relative fitness for each of the three genotypes in G1?

wAA = 0.8, wAa = 1, waa = 0.95

G0 population of 1000 individuals has an initial frequency of the "A" allele (p) = 0.2 and the frequency of the "a" allele (q) = 0.8 Test whether selection occurred by looking at the next generation (G1). The number of individuals per genotype in the G1 generation are as follow: AA = 20, Aa = 200, aa = 380. How many of each genotype were the adults in G0? AA = [x] Aa = [y] aa = [z]

x: 40 y: 320 z: 640

If over several generations a population remained stable from 850 to 850, what would λ and r be? -λ = 1, r = 1 -λ = 0, r = 1 -λ = 0, r = 0 -λ = 1, r = 0

λ = 1, r = 0

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