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RPA - Tools (5)

- Automation Anywhere - Blue Prism - NICE - Thoughtonomy - UiPath

Consultant characteristics (4)

- Be curious/ Learning Mindset - Embrace continuous learning - Don´t lose sight of the customer - Focus on outcomes and measurements

Digital Transformation Drivers (4)

- Changing customers' expectations - More capable technology - Heightened competitive dynamics (global competition, companies getting more complex) - Big Data


- Eine Blockchain ist ein gemeinsames Register, in dem Transaktionen durch Anhängen von Blöcken dauerhaft aufgezeichnet werden. - Die Blockchain dient als historische Aufzeichnung aller Transaktionen, die jemals stattgefunden haben, vom Genesis-Block bis zum neuesten Block, daher der Name Blockchain.

Key challenges in implementing automation

- Lack of talent skilled in automation technologies - Internal resistance to change due to fear of job loss - Lack of technological awareness in mid-management level - Lack of clear understanding of the benefits from automation

Fokus Technologien

- Machine Learning (Predictive Analytics, Image Analysis) - Natural Language Processing/ Generation - Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Benefits of RPA

- Organization Benefits: Shareholder Value Accuracy Process speed improvements Quality improvements Better compliance Agility - Employee Benefits Redeployment of employees to do high-value work Higher employee satisfaction Reduction in employee attrition rates Extra Time - Customer Benefits Improved Quality 24/7 customer service

Process Mining Tools

- Process Street - ARIS Process Mining - Celonis Celonis focuses its sell on leveraging machine learning to calculate ways you can make your processes more efficient. Instead of just working out what is happening and whether there is conformance, Celonis' Proactive Insights (PI) tries to calculate these decisions for you. It brings in data from Salesforce, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics and many more platforms. This data is then visualized in an easy to understand way, and presented along with the recommendations for improvement.

Advantages of Blockchain (5)

- Reduced costs - Increased efficiency and speed - Improved traceability - Enhanced security - Greater transparency

RPA Stakeholders

- SME (Subject Matter Expert) People with expertise in the process you are automating who validate the process and workflow - Team Leads People who manage the SME - Project Managers Personnel who interface and communicate all things project related, ensuring that development progresses smoothly and that issues are raised properly - IT Team Must be involved at an early stage - Infrastructure support Those who handle the machine and servers for RPA to operate in-application-specific teams - Information security IT team member - Executives

Main objective behind automation

- To improve quality - To improve workforce productivity - To improve customer satisfaction - To reduce cost

Shared Services Bereiche

- finance - purchasing - inventory - payroll - hiring - information technology

As a consultant, understand (3)

- the latest technologies & what business problems they solve - the customers need & what he expects/ demands - How the capabilities can be linked together and drive and transform business models and customer experience

Capgemini Process Automation

0) Prepare - Identify and document process 1) Eliminate - Identify sources of effort and eliminate them at their roots 2) Standardize - Standardize operation process within organization or team 3) Optimize Reduce time spent in handling end-to-end work 4) Automate Deploy technology to automate standardized processes 5) Robotize Use RPA for repetitive/rule-managed processes 6) Augment - Add more intelligence and autonomy to processes with AI 7) Re-imagine - Apply AI-first approach to challenge the status quo

Drei Werthebel zur Datenmonetarisierung (The what) (value)

1) Wachstum unterstützen 2) Effizienz erhöhen 3) Sicherheit gewährleisten

Business process optimization

A process redesign approach focused on efficient task processing, where organizations systematically look to drive incremental changes in the efficiency and quality of processes.

Machine Learning

Ability of computers to learn without being explicitly programmed

Speech recognition

Ability of computers to understand and interpret the spoken word.

Deep Learning

Algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain creating an artificial neural network

Automation COE

An automation center of excellence goes beyond seeing automation as a tool or tactic for streamlining individual tasks and looks at the bigger picture. The COE treats enterprise automation as an ongoing project requiring planning, testing, and regular evaluation.

Artificial solutions

Artificial Solutions' conversational AI technology makes it easy to implement a wide range of natural language applications such as virtual assistants, chatbots, speech-based conversational UIs for smart devices and more.

Automated Business Process Discovery (ABPD)

Automated Business Process Discovery is the technical term for what people commonly refer to as process mining. However, with process mining as a concept having been used for a range of different use cases, Automated Business Process Discovery has kind of taken on a role as a sub section of process mining. In short, ABPD is about tracking event logs to discover what people are doing and then defining a process around those actions.

Microsoft Azure

Bei Microsoft Azure handelt es sich um eine hoch skalierbare Cloud-Computing-Plattform aus dem Hause Microsoft, die Cloud-Dienste wie IaaS, PaaS und SaaS sowie weitere Services weltweit bereitstellt. Microsoft erweitert Azure kontinuierlich mit neuen Diensten.


Bei einem Chatbot handelt es sich um ein technisches Dialogsystem, mit dem per Texteingabe oder Sprache kommuniziert werden kann. Chatbots werden häufig eingesetzt, um Anfragen automatisiert und ohne direkten menschlichen Eingriff zu beantworten oder zu bearbeiten.

Business Process Management (BPM)

Business process management (BPM) is the discipline of improving a business process from end to end by analyzing it, modelling how it works in different scenarios, executing improvements, monitoring the improved process and continually optimizing it.

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning in artificial intelligence (AI) that has networks capable of learning unsupervised from data that is unstructured or unlabeled. Also known as deep neural learning or deep neural network.

Supply Chain

Eingangslogistik - Produktion - Marketing/ Sales - Ausgangslogistik - After Sales Service

The Difference between Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence

For simplicity, you can think of RPA as a software robot that mimics human actions, whereas AI is concerned with the simulation of human intelligence by machines. RPA is highly process-driven — it is all about automating repetitive, rule-based processes that typically require interaction with multiple, disparate IT systems. AI, on the other hand, is all about good quality data.

Process Mining Einsatzgebiete

Grundsätzlich kann Process-Mining überall dort eingesetzt werden, wo einzelne Schritte eines Prozesses so in einem IT-System gespeichert werden, dass die Zusammengehörigkeit und Chronologie der Schritte nachvollziehbar ist. Diese Nachvollziehbarkeit wird durch ein Prozess- oder Ablaufprotokoll sichergestellt. Besonders trifft das auf Workflows zu, die in Workflow-Management-Systemen gespeichert und verwaltet werden.

Conformance Checking

Once you have your processes defined, the next step is to make sure people are following them and to check the process is working. This is often referred to as conformance checking. Strictly, conformance checking is analyzing the event logs to check actions line up with the process model.

Chat bots

Online virtual agent for customer service or human language interaction


Robotic Process Automation RPA is a versatile form of software automation that allows businesses to relief teams from the many repetitive, rule-based actions and processes that might otherwise exist as pain-points. Humans are always involved. RPA is a class of software that allows you to transact in any IT application or website typically in the same way a human would, to perform complex rule-based work. One of the most important thing is to educate the key stakeholders. Capgemini: Uses software to handle high-volume, repeatable, and rule-based tasks

Shared Services

Shared services" is a term defining an operational philosophy that involves centralizing those administrative functions of a company that were once performed in separate divisions or locations

Artificial Intelligence

Simulates human cognition using AI-based technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, and biometrics intelligence, enhancing users' ability to solve business problems

Be agile - start with proofs of concept and minimum viable products

The proof of concept (PoC) shows the technical feasibility of rule-based solutions within the organization's IT environment and the minimum viable product (MVP) demonstrates the minimum functionalities of the AI solution. PoCs and MVPs not only test the operating model but can also address any doubts or concerns that leaders have about the benefits of automation. An agile approach - involving small steps, small failures, and fast recovery - can deliver the quick results that clearly demonstrate automation's value. Organizations should also capture successes, identify ambassadors in the organization, and keep the relevant stakeholders updated on the progress of the automation journey.

Swarm Intelligence

Use of a large group of autonomous agents; each contributing to solve a problem

Process Mining

Using software to look at what the people in your company do, and having the software describe those actions to you in the form of processes. Process mining is a family of approaches which look at data from event logs to see what people are doing. From looking at the steps someone takes to complete a task, a process can be automatically constructed. By continuing to gather this data over time you can start to see where bottlenecks occur or where inefficiencies lie within the process.

Intelligent Automation

We define intelligent automation as the right combination of RPA, artificial intelligence, and business process optimization applied cohesively to achieve strategic business objectives:

RPA Opportunities

o Nature of work: Judgment based vs. Rule-based o Inputs and Outputs: Unstructured Analog vs. Structured digital o Integration Options: API (Application programming interface) vs. UI o Data Type: Image interpretation vs. Text and numbers

AI automation examples

• Customer support: detecting customer emotion, routing tickets to the right rep based on language • Operations: analyzing large data sets and summarizing the findings in a human-readable report • Marketing: predicting which kinds of leads are most likely to convert so you can optimize your targeting • Sales: determining the best time to call a prospect based on similar cases

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