What is lordosis?
- a sign that a queen is in estrus - an encouragement to toms to engage in mating - a flattening of the back and elevation of the hind quarters
What is a nictitating membrane?
A movable membrane that may cover part of the eye
What is the scientific name of the cat?
Felis catus
What is a common health problem occurring in cats that should be checked when cleaning the litter pan?
Which of the following statements about cats is FALSE? - cats have retractable claws - cats have broad heads and forward facing eyes - neutered males tend to have odorless urine - female cats have pale yellow urine with a faint odor
Neutered males tend to have odorless urine
If a cat is acting extremely fearful, what is the course of action that would make the procedure safer to perform?
Postpone the procedure until the cat is more calm
What's the best way to restrain a cat to transport it into another room?
Scruff the cat, restrain hindquarters, holding the cat upright and away from your body.
In order to comply with federal law, where MUST the disposition of a cat's carcass be recorded?
In the institution's records, including retention of the cat's unique identification tag
How long is the gestation period of a cat?
58-67 days
Which statement regarding cat handling is FALSE?
Cats bites are painful but not serious
Which statement describing cat behavior is FALSE?
Cats prefer to be housed singly.
What is the type of commercial cat food that has 10-12% moisture content?
Dry feed
What method of identification for cats is NOT appropriate, according to the USDA?
Ear clip
Kittens should be acclimatized to handling and restraint early to make procedures less stressful once the cat is an adult.
In an adult female cat, how log can estrus last if no mating occurs?
Up to 10 days
Which statement regarding cat husbandry is TRUE?
Water bowls should be hand cleaned daily