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PICTURE WHITE MANS BURDEN Which of the following would have been least likely to have imperialism

A Marxist

General Giuseppe garibaldi "ITALIANS! THE SICILIANS ARE FIGHTING AGAINST" What government developed in Italy once garibaldis uprising was complete

A monarchy led by the piedmont kind victor emmanuel

PICTURE JEAN-FRANCOIS MILLET Based in the painting above all of the following would be characteristics of realism except

An emphasis on the imagination and emotion

RUSSIAN ESTATE OWNER ADDRESSING HIS SERFS "I AM YOUR LORD AND MY" The persistence of the social and economic system illustrated by the passage contributed strongly to which of the following

An increasing productivity gap between Russia and industrialized Europe

Which of the following was most affected by a rising tide of nationalism


ANDREW URE "WHEN THE FRIST WATER-FRAMES" Which of the following contributed to the rise of the new labor system in England that Andrew ure refrenced

Avalible supply of natural materials like coal and iron ore

JAN DE VRIES "THE IND REV WITH ITS TECH DRIVEN" Which of the following best supports de vries' argument

Before the advent of steam engine, a defense network of canals roads had been built....

JAN DE VRIES "THE IND REV WITH ITS TECH DRIVEN" The conventional view of pre-industrial economies as incapable of sustained economic growth was impart informed by which of the following assumptions!

Before the middle of the eighteenth century the Europeans pop was subject to Malthusian crises

PICTURE CRUSTAL PALACE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION What comparison can be made if the crystal palace and absolute monarchs palaces of the 17th century

Both were built to express the might and power of the enlightened ruling class

PICTURE POKER AND TONGS which of the following was the most significant factor contributing to the rivulet depicted in the cartoon

British economic reliance on an overseas colonial empire

EMILE ZOLA "I ACCUSE LT-COL" What was British response to this request by Chinese gov

British instigated a war using free trade as justification

CARLSBAD DECREE "THE CONFEDERATED GOV MUTUALLY" The Carlsbad decree limited the activities of all of the following groups except

Catholic priests and Protestant ministers

EDWIN CHADWICK "THE VARIOUS FORMS OF EPIDEMIC" WhAt disease outbreak prompted this report by Edwin Chadwick


CARLSBAD DECREE "THE CONFEDERATED GOV MUTUALLY" Which nineteenth century ideology triumphed with the issuance of the Carlsbad decrees in 1819


MIKHAIL BAKUNIN ROMAN 1and2 What ideology was Mikhail Bakunin influenced by when he developed the anarchist plan in the above document


PICTURE KARL KONRAD THE INSURRECTION OF What political ideology triumphed at the conclusion of the Decembrist uprising


BRIAN MEVAK EDWARD MUIR AND MEREDITH VELMAN What additional innovation was a part of the movement discussed in this passage

Cottlieb dallimers internal combustion engine

General Giuseppe garibaldi "ITALIANS! THE SICILIANS ARE FIGHTING AGAINST" All of the following events helped inspire this action in 1860 except

Creation of indp united German state at the Frankfurt assembly

PICTURE WHITE MANS BURDEN All used to justify imperialism except


LETTER DRIN LIN TSE-HSU CHINESE what motivated British trade discussed

Desire if merchants to use goods secured in India to improve their trade position in china

EMILE ZOLA "I ACCUSE LT-COL" Why has evidence proving dreyfus' innocence been suppressed resulting in a false conviction

Dreyfus was a victim of anti Semitic attitudes UN both society and gov

REPORT TO THE SERBIAN TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Conditions referred to most directly result of

Emergency of new Balkan states as the Ottoman Empire declined

JS MILL ON LIBERTY "THE OBJECT OF THIS ESSAY IS TO ASSERT" In addition to his ideas in this passage what other cause did john start mill support in the nineteenth century

Enfranchisement of women

PICTURE WHITE MANS BURDEN During last 2 decades of 19 cent how did imperialism differ from previous decades

Europeans employed military strength and ind tech to control new terrorizes rather than controlling regional trade

ANDREW URE "WHEN THE FRIST WATER-FRAMES" Who was most likely to provide the capital needed for this system of labor and production

Factory owner

FILLIPO TOMMASO MARTINETTI MARTINETTI manifesto had most influence on


FILLIPO TOMMASO MARTINETTI his scorn for woman was reaction to

Feminist agitation for greater political and social rights

EMILE ZOLA "I ACCUSE LT-COL" What nineteenth century liberal idea about free trade was challenged by this disagreement with China

Free trade led to peaceful relationships with other countries

CHART ANS EXCERPT FROM A LECTURE FOR CIVICS COURSES The two sources hear support which of the statements about 19th century Gov and pub edu

Gov used expansion of public education as an opportunity to promote nationalistic movements

FILLIPO TOMMASO MARTINETTI Futurist move was most clearly part of which intellectual trend

Growing disconetent with the conventions and values of contemporary society

MIKHAIL BAKUNIN ROMAN 1and2 What was Bakunin belief about the role of Gov in society

He beloved that structures govs were oppressive and not necessary in a modern society

KARL MARX "WHEN IN THE COURSE OF DEV CLASS" What did Marx and Engels view as the fundamental cause of the conflict discussed in this selection

Historical tension concerning the control of the means of production

REPORT TO THE SERBIAN TEACHERS ASSOCIATION The report best reflects which goal of edu systems before ww1

Instilling feelings of nationalism

EMILE ZOLA "I ACCUSE LT-COL" WhT did the Dreyfus affair help convince Theodore Herzl to do

Launch European Zionist movement

JS MILL ON LIBERTY "THE OBJECT OF THIS ESSAY IS TO ASSERT" what nineteenth ideology is reflected in this selection by john Stuart mill


PICTURE CRUSTAL PALACE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION where did this international exhibition take place


PICTURE THE PLAYROOM and ONE WITH CAPTION A historical of nineteenth century European society is most likely to use image 2 as

Many men feared the woman's participation in the public sphere would undermine the established social order

EMILE ZOLA "I ACCUSE LT-COL" What had the victim in this newspaper been falsely accused of

Passing French military secrets to Germans

PICTURE POKER AND TONGS Which described purpose of cartoon

Portray the British naval buildup as a justification reaction to German threat

BRIAN MEVAK EDWARD MUIR AND MEREDITH VELMAN The suppression of the Paris commune represented

Protection of private property and capitalism

PICTURE JEAN-FRANCOIS MILLET The painting above represents which of the following artistic movement


FILLIPO TOMMASO MARTINETTI Reference to beautiful ideas worth dying for influenced


REPORT TO THE SERBIAN TEACHERS ASSOCIATION All of these terms are linked to these docs except

Russian REV

EDWIN CHADWICK "THE VARIOUS FORMS OF EPIDEMIC" What specific type of reform did Chadwick's summary from the poor law commissioners help promote

Sanitation reform

PICTURE WHITE MANS BURDEN WHich of the following motives did new imperialism is reflected in the advertisement

Social duty to spread European civilization to the natives

KARL MARX "WHEN IN THE COURSE OF DEV CLASS" Marx and Engels assertion that the free development of each is the condition for free development of all is an extension of what other intellectual idea


CHART ANS EXCERPT FROM A LECTURE FOR CIVICS COURSES In 1881 and 1882 the French Gov passed laws making primary education free based in source 1 all of the following influenced legislators except

Supporting a large number of small schools was economically inefficient

RUSSIAN ESTATE OWNER ADDRESSING HIS SERFS "I AM YOUR LORD AND MY" The following passage provides evidence for which of the following features of Russian society

The continued dominance of landowning elites

JAN DE VRIES "THE IND REV WITH ITS TECH DRIVEN" Compared with a historian espousing the more traditional view of the industrial revolution as a turkey transformative event the importance of all of the following except

The greater ability of inventors to profit from their inventions due to government support

PICTURE THE PLAYROOM and ONE WITH CAPTION In the late nineteenth century the ideals of family life and gender roles reflected in the two images underwent which of the following transformations

The ideals were increasingly adopted by working class families

PICTURE CASPER DAVID FRESRICH THE POLAR SEA ode to interaction of immortality reflect romanticism tendency to believe that

The individuals experience is of the utmost importance

PICTURE JEAN-FRANCOIS MILLET The emergence of Realism stemmed largely from which of the following

The materialistic outlook of the nineteenth century society

PICTURE CASPER DAVID FRESRICH THE POLAR SEA What common elements of romanticism do these two artistic pieces reflect

The power and attraction of nature

PICTURE CASPER DAVID FRESRICH THE POLAR SEA What ideas associated with the romantic movement of the nineteenth century did Caspar fried rock demonstrate in the polar sea

The power of nature is much greater than the influence of mankind

RUSSIAN ESTATE OWNER ADDRESSING HIS SERFS "I AM YOUR LORD AND MY" The estate owner admonition that the tsar cannot give orders directly to the seeds is best understood in the context of which of the following

The push by reformers to end serfdom

PICTURE KARL KONRAD THE INSURRECTION OF What was the immediate cause of this uprising in Russia in 1825

The rejection of Nicholas' leadership and calls for a constitution

PICTURE THE PLAYROOM and ONE WITH CAPTION the material prosperity evident in image 1 was in part attributable to which of the following

The restoration of political stability in the aftermath of the congress of Vienna

KARL MARX "WHEN IN THE COURSE OF DEV CLASS" What specific economic and social conditions were Marx and Engels referring to in this selection

The social and economic order that emerged with the industrial revolution

BRIAN MEVAK EDWARD MUIR AND MEREDITH VELMAN What historical process had the greatest influence on the architectural and technological innovations discussed in this passage

The transition into the second industrial revolution

General Giuseppe garibaldi "ITALIANS! THE SICILIANS ARE FIGHTING AGAINST" What was the objective of the "brace and generous companions who will shed their last drop of blood

The unification of the Italian states into one nation

General Giuseppe garibaldi "ITALIANS! THE SICILIANS ARE FIGHTING AGAINST" Which of the following events indirectly led to the completion of Italian unification?

The wars of German unification

PICTURE CRUSTAL PALACE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION They crystal palace depicted in the painting was built for which of the following purposes

To celebrate England's advancements in the commercial interests and industry

PICTURE POKER AND TONGS Rivalry depicted had which of the following effect of European politics

Undermines Germany's efforts to isolate France diplomatically

CARLSBAD DECREE "THE CONFEDERATED GOV MUTUALLY" Why did the Carlsbad decrees implement these particular restrictions and limitations

University groups were viewed as promoters of liberalism and nationalism

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