All Books - Part One

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What did Hagrid bring for Harry in a squashed box?

A chocolate cake with 'Happy birthday Harry' written in green icing.

What did Bowser find in the back of the Sheriff's car?

A cigar

"Jim didn't really have a wooden leg, but only what?"

A corroded old sliver in his big toe

What did Miss Trunchbull think the newt was?

A crocodile

What did Oliver have on his forearm when Felicity first met him?

A dark tattoo of a dove

What did Grandpa Gooley think Hopper would be when he grows up?

A doctor or an Olympic swimmer

What did Maybelline bring to the house for Bowser?

A dog biscuit

How did Bowser get caught and put into the animal shelter?

A dog catcher trapped him in an alley in the city

What did Kyle tell Beebee they were making behind the tree?

A dog sandwich

"What did Hagrid really want for a pet, ever since he was a little kid?"

A dragon

What did Grammy call the Hilton?

A duck blind in the bayou

What did Miss Eliza Crumb-Biddlecomb own and manage?

A finishing school for young ladies

What did Ranger find buried in the dirt?

A first aid box with a strap of animal hide

Comparing Peter Pan to Captain Hook was like comparing what?

A flea to a king cobra

What did Ramona think the drawing Mr. Quimby did of his foot looked like?

A flipper

What did Matilda say was in the Wormwood's dining room?

A ghost

What did Hopper's house look like?

A gingerbread house

What did Birdie say when she and Bowser went out alone on the swamp tour boat at night?

A good night for fishing

What did Frank B Sanborn put into Annie's hand when she first met him?

A handkershief

What did Grammy have on her wrist?

A hospital wristband

What did Jon wear for his 3rd grade picture?

A jazzy striped coat

What did Dad Scieszka come up with to make sure the boys did work?

A job chart

What did Edgar Allan bring to Jocelyn?

A letter from her father

What did Jocelyn give to Edgar?

A letter to Roger

What did Mrs. Hopkins give to Annie as a going away gift?

A little red dictionary

"What did Berry Weatherly give to Cleo's mother, in addition to his banjo?"

A locket that would not open

What did Felicity's mom call the heart-shaped freckle under her right eye?

A love bit

What did Miss Eliza get for Jocelyn that Prissy wanted too?

A maidservant

What did Birdie have in a little box that was her dad's?

A medal of honor from the New Orleans police department

"What did Nubbins request, rather than a pair of crocodile boots?"

A new chef's apron

What did Mr. Quimby give to Ramona for her first day of school?

A new pink eraser

What did Quinny see when she looked out her window after hearing tapping?

A picture of herself

What did Frannie paint on a river rock?

A piece of cheese

Aunt Petunia said Dudley looked like a baby angel. What did Harry think he looked like?

A pig in a wig.

What did Cleo make for Felicity for the night of the duel?

A pink dress

What did Helen bring to Annie for her bed?

A quilt

How did Fink describe the work he was doing for Captain Justice?

A rebranding effort

"What did Eldee Mae Cotton drive from Knoxville, Tennessee?"

A red pickup truck

What did Lionel give to Abigail so people could see her after she disappeared?

A red umbrella

What did Bax turn into to save Andres?

A rope

What did Ranger go looking for in the wagon to save Pa from the river?

A rope

"What did Eugenia Throckmorton say a person with upside down magic should build, deep in the unruly jungle of their talent?"

A safe box -- a box of normal -- a safe place inside their brain

What did Nory do to save Andres' life?

"Exploded her box of normal, and turned herself into a giant bluebird to fly and catch him"

How was Beebee different from typical 8 year olds?

"She was obsessed with finances (money, economics)"

How was the Great Hall decorated at the beginning of the end-of-year feast?

"Slytherin colors of green and silver, and a banner with a serpent on it"

What did Jon and Jim say to Mom when they brought Greg home with a broken collarbone?

"Sorry mom, we broke Greg."

How did Mr. Terupt have the classroom set up that was different from other classes?

"Students sat in table groups, rather than in rows"

What did Norm and Josie say they would do for the Davidsons after the tsunami was over?

"Take them to their place to stay the night and give Arnie, their son's old bear, to Beebee"

What did Anna announce to Danielle and Jessica?

"That Charlie was at her house with her mom, and that if he married her, that would make her and Danielle sisters"

What did Luke tell everyone about Mr. Terupt's head injury and his own responsibliity?

"That he had concussions that caused the coma, and that he was the one that made Peter throw the snowball."

What came out of Harry's crackers at Christmas?

"non-explodable luminous balloons, Grow Your Own Warts kit, and a new wizard chess set"

How much did Richard have to read every night?

"one chapgter, and summarize it in complete sentences"

What did Brenda and Heather feed their bean plant?

"orange jice, ketchup, and pepto-bismol"

What animals could possibly eat Freya?

"possum, hawk, or fox"

What did Mom Scieszka teach Jon how to do?

"read, cook, make gold spray painted decorations out of dried pasta, and to hate dressing like anyone else."

"How many children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren did Dorothy end up with?"

"seven children, 18 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren"

How many times was Hortensia put into the Chokey during her first term?

"six times - twice for a whole day, 4 times for 2 hours earch"

What characterized Ravenclaw?

"smart, studious"

What did Hawthorn like to do?

"sports, cooking, bossing people around, and setting things on fire"

What did Principal Gonzalez look like?

"tall, big silly mustache, tan skin, bald, 3-piece velvet suit"

What after school activities did Quinny do in New York?

"theatre camp, tap dance, tae kwon do, and accordion lessons"

What are the drawbacks to having zombies?

"they're impossible to control, have insatiable appetite for brtains, and terrible grooming habits"

What did Peter Pan think mothers did?

"told stories, did the washing, mending, and scolding"

What did Mr. McSoren send to Quinny and Hopper with Mrs. Porridge?

"two black and white, zebra-striped chickens"

What did Peter and Alexia feed their bean plant?

"used cat litter, soda, maple syrup, and bit of Peter's pee"

How much did Jon tell Tom the soldier set cost?


How much did Snoozy pay for the crawfish from Uncle Lem?

$1.95 a pound

How much did they charge per night at the Totem Inn?


How much had a tourist offered Grammy for Black Jack?


How much did Grammy sell crawfish for?

$6 a pound

How much money did Beebee save the family by saying they should get a lower rate at the Totem Inn?


How was Peg able to find Dr. Bevis years later?

A school librarian who read her book gave birth to a premature baby and he was her doctor. She told Peg where the hospital was and she found his phone number

"What did Kyle make with shells, wood, and feathers on the beach?"

A sea picture

What did Annie use to teach Helen to make stitches with wool yarn?

A sewing card

What did Ramona hear Mr. Whaley call Ramona?

A show-off and a nuisance

"By the time Jennifer Honey was ten, what had she become?"

A slave to her aunt

What did Nory's face start to turn into during the Big Test when she was a kitten?

A snake

What is a bezoar?

A stone taken from the stomach of a goat that can save someone from most poisons

What did Granny Opal tell Florentine she had to have of her own?

A story

How far could a car get with its gear box full of oil and sawdust before it started to rattle?

100 miles

What book Hopper start reading on the first day of 3rd grade?

101 Things You Didn't Know about the Human Heart

How old did Birdie turn on her birthday?


How old is Kyle?


How far did Smee row a leaky dinghy to get Captain Hook's favorite smoking jacket?

14 furlongs

How many staircases were at hogwarts?


How long did it take Captain Justice to do all his exercises with his new machine?

15 minutes

How old was Leila's daughter?

15 months

How long had it been since a tsunami hit Fisher Beach?

15 years

How many points did Gryffindor win the first Quidditch match by?

175 points to 60

In what year was the first clinical description written about polio?

1789 by a British physician

In what year was F.B. Chamerlain on Independence Rock?


In what year was the Totem Pole Inn built?


In what year did Annie Sullivan die?


What did Mr. Wormwood always have for breakfast?

2 fried eggs on fried bread with 3 pork sausages and 3 strips of bacon and some fried tomatoes

How long did Mrs. Phelps say Matilda could borrow a book?

2 weeks

How long did it take for Jon to save $1 from his allowance?

2 weeks

How much older than Aunt Cleo was Holly?

20 years

How many pounds of flour did Mr. Palmer say to pack for the trip?

200 pounds

How much did Jon and Jim charge Greg for an extra cookie after bedtime?

25 cents

How many pupils attended Crunchem Hall Primary School?


How many bones are in the human foot?


How many cents did the letter 'z' equal?


How many can's of Dr. Pepper did Milton ask for?

26 cans

How many Dr. Pepper's could a human of Milton's size drink in a 2 hour period?

26.22 cans

How many days is Ramadan?

29 or 30

What class were Hopper and Victoria together in?

2nd grade

For how long had Miss Eliza been the headmistress of the finishing school?

3 decades (30 years)

How long did each participant's talent have to last in the duel?

3 minutes

How much of the Oil of Violets Hair Tonic did Matilda pour down the drain?

3/4 of the bottle

How many pounds of pilot bread did Mr. Palmer say to pack?

30 pounds

How long had it been since Maybelline had seen Claire Gaux (Grammy)?

30 years

How fast does a hedgehog's heart beat?

300 times a minute

How many yards was it from the last of the Three Islands to the shore?

300 yards

By what percent did Phineas Vex announce that international conflict had risen?


The letter to Harry said he needed to reply by owl by what date?


How many liquid ounces of Dr. Pepper could a human of Milton's size drink in a 2 hour period?

314.65 liquid ounces

How many points did Hufflepuff house have at the end of the year?

352 (3rd place)

How many wagon rotatoins made one mile?


How high did Richard's mom set the oven?

375 degrees

In what year did Ollivander start making magic wands?

382 BC

What part of Hogwarts was out of bounds?

3rd floor corridor on the right-hand side

How long did Miss Honey have to ride the bus to get to the Teacher's Training College?

40 minutes

How many kids were in each class in the Catholic School?

40 or more

How much did Miss Honey give the farmer when she first rented the cottage?

40 pence (one month's rent)

How fast does a horse's heart beat?

40 times a minute

How many pieces were in the human heart puzzle Hopper put together?

400 pieces

How long had it been since Nearly Headless Nick had eaten food?

400 years

How many pages did the copy of Great Expectations that Matilda read have in it?


How many points did Ravenclaw house have at the end of the year?

426 (2nd place)

How long had Norm and Josie been together?

47 years

How many points did Slytherin house have at the end of the year?

472 (1st place.....and then 2nd place)

In what class was Bill M. the resident wise guy?

4th grade science

It was good news if you reached Independence Rock by what date?

4th of July

How old was Mozart when he started composing for the piano?


How tall was Daren?

5 foot 7

How long did the trip take along the Oregon Trail?

5 months

How much did Gryffindor lose for Hermione going to deal with it on her own?

5 points

How long was a howler monkey's tail?

5 times as long as it's body

How much did Jim sell Jon the shirt for?

50 cents

How much did Jon and Jim want to charge Tom to let him stay up an hour later?

50 cents - but he wouldn't pay

What did Hortensia pay for the itching powder?

50 pence a packet

How many trading cards had Ron collected?


How big was Fun n' Games?

60 feet long

How far could Fun 'n games go?

600 miles (all the way to Galveston)

Waves after an earthquake can travel how fast?

600 miles per hour

How fast does a mouse's heart beat?

650 times a second

How old was Perenelle Flamel (Nicolas Flamel's wife)?

658 years old

How old was Nicolas Flamel?

665 years old

How much did the war comic advertise 2-way radios for?

69 cents

How many pounds of pressure can break your collarbone?

7 pounds of pressure

How many ways are there to commit a Quidditch foul?


How many utensils did James accurately count on the table when they were sorting them?


How many pounds of bacon did they need to bring for each adult on the Oregon Trail?

75 pounds

On what floor was the Gryffindor common room?

7th floor

On what date was the Brothers Threadbare famous dual?


How long is the crack in the earth's crust off the shore of Oregon?

900 miles long

At what time did the duel start?

9:15 AM

What books did Emeric Switch write?

A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration

What books did Bathilda Bagshot write?

A History of Magic

What did a group of women in Phoenix Arizona organize in 1950?

A Mother's March on Polio

What brooms did Wood recommend that Harry get?

A Nimbus 2000 or a Cleansweep 7

What did Dumbledore use to put out the street lights on Privet Drive?

A Put-Outer - it looked like a silver lighter

What did a barn owl bring to Neville when they were waiting for flying lessons?

A Remembrall to turn red whenever there was something he forgot to do

What always comes along with the Flying Dutchman?

A Storm

What book did Jessica carry with her on her first day of school at Snow Hill School?

A Wrinkle in Time

What did Eric Ink tell Miss Trunchbull she must have started out as?

A baby

What did Nigel Hicks have on the front of his shirt?

A baked bean

What did Dumbledore call the 'truth'?

A beautiful and terrible thing that should be treated with great caution.

What car did the Wormwoods take off to the airport in?

A black Mercedes motorcar

What chessman did Harry play as himself?

A black bishop

What did Hagrid have in the fire inside his house?

A black dragon egg

How did people believe Grammy's father died?

A boating accident

What book did the narrator of Hook's Revenge once read?

A book about getting rid of unwanted pests

What are powder monkeys?

A boy who carries gunpowder from the powder magazine (the room where it's stowed) to the cannons

What did Alice give to Peg on her birthday?

A card she had made

Who was Argus Filch's helper?

A cat named Mrs. Norris

What did Bower remember about knitting?

A cat unravelling a ball of yarn and him getting in trouble for it

For how long had magic powers been separated into the five Fs?

A century (100 years)

What did Joshua try to practice his gyft on?

A ceramic lawn gnome given to his mom by his Aunt Linda

What did Matilda give to Fred in exchange for borrowing his parrot?

All her week's pocket-money

What did Mr. Cohen take lots of picture of?

All of Elliott's ices

How big was the rattlesnake that Ranger saved Sam from?

Almost 4 feet long

How old was Frannie?

Almost six

What did Joshua have for 7th period?

American History

What did Matilda's mom like to watch on TV?

American soap operas

What did Felicity tell her mom she felt for Jonah?

An 'inflate' (opposite of a crush)

Where did Professor Quirrel say his turban had come from?

An African prince as a thank you gift for getting rid of a zombie

What did Jessica call her dad's girlfriend?

An airheaded bimbo

What did Nana Emmy have behind her house?

An alley where Jon and Jim could shoot the arrows she bought for them

What did Jocelyn give to Dirty Bob as an apology?

An apology note and Captain Hook's sterling-silver double cigar holder

How did Miss Ballard describe Peg to Dr. Bevis?

An exemplary patient and very brave

What did Jocelyn wish for on the north star?

An extraordinary adventure for her and Roger

What did Helen persuade Annie to accept in 1932?

An honorary degree from Temple University

What mail did Harry receive from Hedwig (his owl) on Friday morning?

An invitation from Hagrid to have tea.

What did Quinny use to make a lasso?

An old jump rope

What character from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory did Hopper think Ms. Yoon looked like?

An oompa loompa

What bothered Bowser about the big tree in front of Birdie's house?

Another dog had marked it.

What did Oliver do when he found out what Jonah had done for the kids in Haiti?

Appointed him the new Beedle

What was Mr. Filch's full name?

Argus Filch

How was Peg able to get upstairs to her room when she visited home during Christmas?

Art and her dad made a chair out of their hands to carry her up and down

How big was the steering wheel of the moving truck?

As big as a hula hoop

"What did Anna do, while working on the holiday center, that she never had the courage to do before?"

Asked Jessica and Danielle if they wanted to come over to my house for a play date

What did Anna do that helped Danielle's mom accept her and her mom?

Asked to pray with her

What did Mr. Wormwood say he read from cover to cover every week?

Autocar and Motor

What books did Jessica want to read to comfort her when Mr. Terupt went into a coma?

Bridge to Terabithia and Missing May

What did Danielle do with James in the Collaborative Classroom?

Brought pictures from her home's farm

What did Jonah do with the money he made from saving Coke cans and recycling them?

Built a little school for some kids in Haiti

What did Dudley's parents say they would do to make sure Dudley got more birthday presents?

Buy two MORE for him while they were out.

What did Mom Scieszka do to the boys every June outside?

Buzzed their hair

How did Vex say he was going to kill Captain Justice and Sophie?

By filling the neutralizing barrier trapping them with poisonous gas

How did Kyle burn his hand?

By grabbing the brass door handle to get out of the hotel

How did Mrs. Quimby come and pick up Ramona from school?

By taxi

How could Felicity tell how much someone loved someone else?

By the way they say their name

How did Malfoy know when and where they were going to deliver Norbert?

Charlie's letter was in the book Malfoy took from Ron.

What course did Professor Flitwick teach?


What did Bowser do when he saw Loco (the red and white dog) jump into the black pick up?

Chased the truck all the way to the canal

What did Mr. Quimby have to study in order to become a teacher?

Child development

What candy had trading cards with famous wizards and witches inside?

Chocolate Frogs

What did Hermione give to Harry for Christmas?

Chocolate Frogs

on Thursday?

Chutes and Ladders

What did Joshua's mom usually do after handling zombies?

Cleaned her hands with hand sanitizer

What did Felicity say her two talents were?

Climbing trees and drinking a milk shake real fast without getting a brain freeze

In what TV show did the boys learn about war?


What did Danielle's and Anna's moms agree to do on the afternoon on the last day of school?

Come to Anna's house for coffe or tea and hang out

What did Joshua call the Cafeteria girl dressed in pink camouflage?

Commando Barbie

What did Jonah try to convince Felicity to do so she could stay in Midnight Gulch?

Compete in the talent show

What book did Hagrid check out from the library?

Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit

What did Dr. Dread invent that allowed users to create a 3D image of a magnified object?


How did Quinny want to play fashion show?

Dress Walter (the cat) up for a cat fashion show...or have a zombie fashion show

What did Hopper do to Quinny's backpack?

Drew her flife on it.

What did DEAR stand for in school?

Drop everything and read

What did Jocelyn do when she first saw the crocodile?

Dropped her sword to the bottom of the boat

"What did Jo Auchterlonie, a 5th grade teacher in Wichita Kansas, do with her students after they read Small Steps?"

Had them spend half a day in a wheelchair so they could feel what it would be like

What did Arly give to Jewel before he got deployed?

Half a red heart he made from sheet metal

Brick Gristol was the only kid in the 6th grade that .....(what?)

Had a five-o-clock shadow and a learner's permit

At what time was the midday meal at the finishing school?

Half past twelve

On what night did Harry's parent's die?


How did the owl carry the five knuts?

Harry put them in a little leather pouch tied to its leg.

Ice cream flavor: Bridgett's ______

Hawaiian Pineapple

What did Jessica find out about her dad dumping her mom?

He also was dumping her

How did Joshua distract Captain Justice so his dad could get away from him?

He asked to take a picture with him

How did Marcus Flint foul Harry?

He blocked him and made Harry's broom spin off course

How did Hopper use the rock to catch Freya?

He blocked the door from the inside of the porch so she couldn't escape.

How did Harry catch the snitch in his first Quidditch game?

He caught it in his mouth

How did Uncle Lem know Birdie's dad?

He coached him in peewee football.

How did Toast Terry get his nickname?

He could make grilled cheese with a clothes iron

What ability did Bowser discover he had when he and Birdie jumped into the river?

He could swim

What did Jessica notice about Mr. Terupts visitors at the hospital?

He didn't have any family there

What did Aunt Margo yell to Stone Horace that she felt he did bad?

He didn't talk about things with his children

How did Jeffrey know that James was autistic?

He didn't talk or look at them

How did Kyle get Daren down the stairs?

He drug him by his feet

How did Richard erase his name from the whiteboard completely?

He erased it with his elbow as he was taking papers to the recycling box

How did Elliott help Marigold when she got burned by the radiator?

He froze an eraser

How did the ghost of JEB Stewart save the tank commander?

He gave him warnings that saved him from the nazis

How did Tom get his hand cut by a knife?

He got too close to Jon and Jim playing mumbly peg.

How did Bowser get to enjoy the taste of boudin twice?

He had an upsurge from his stomach into his mouth

How did Bowser know what a safe was?

He had seen them before with the gangsters

What did Harry dream Professor Quirrel's turban was telling him?

He had to transfer to Slytherin because it was his destiny

How did Professor Snape feel about Harry?

He hated him.

How did Harry spot a magical family at the train station?

He heard the mom say 'muggles' and all the boys had owls.

"What did Bowser do when the Sheriff, Birdie, and Rory drove over the bridge on the canal?"

He jumped out the window

How did Jon get the extra 25 cents he needed to buy the soldier toy set?

He popped a quarter out of one of Jim's coin collecting books

How did Peg's dad learn to play Beer Barrel Polka on the accordion so well so fast?

He rented one from the music store and practiced til midnight every night

What did Matilda say about Hemingway's writing?

He said a lot of things she didn't understand.

What did Jim McCraig do that made everyone able to understand his speech?

He sang

What did Harry's father do to Snape that Snape could never forgive him for?

He saved his life.

What did Harry see when he went into the staffroom to ask Snape for the book back that he took?

He saw that one of Snapes legs was bloody and mangled. Filch was handing him bandages.

What bad habit did Daren have?

He smoked

What did Charlie Weasley do after graduating from Hogwarts?

He studied dragons in Romania

What did Miss Honey's father do for a living?

He was a doctor

What did Jonah's uncle do?

He was a missionary

What did Birdie notice about Black Jack when she saw it hanging on the wall?

He was dusty

How was Stone Weatherly related to Boone?

He was his great-great-grandfather

How did Dan Phelps die?

He was killed in action in France at the Battle of the Bulge

What did Day Grissom come to tell Cleo?

He was sorry and that he should have married her

How did Captain Magellan die?

He was stabbed to death by angry natives wielding bamboo spears

What happened to Daren when the tsunami hit?

He was swept away by the first wave and dropped on top of the Totem Pole Inn's elevator tower

How did Hagrid get a dragon egg?

He won it in a card game

How did Mr. Davidson win the trip?

He won salesman of the year

What did Jon promise God after he stole Jim's quarter?

He would let him play with the army set a couple of times so he woudln't kill him with an earthquake for stealing

What did Luke do to solve the problem of Jessica not having any snow clothes?

He would loan her his sister's old snow pants

What did Jim become in the boys choir?

Head choir boy

What did Nory's father (Dr. Horace) do for a living?

Headmaster of Sage Academy

"What did Ms. Starr have her students do so they could flip their world upside down, calm their brains, and relieve stress?"


What did Captain Justice try to engage in order to break free from the cage Fink put him into?

Heat Beam of Honesty

What did Harry name his owl?


What did Annie call Helen for the first time after five weeks?

Helen (her name)

What did Ms. Starr feel her job was?

Helping her students understand their abilities and accept make the most of their talents

What book was Richard reading?

Henry Huggins

What did Harry see when he looked into the Mirror of Erised?

His whole family around him

What was the most boring class at Hogwarts?

History of Magic

What did Miss Trunchbull do to Jennifer Honey if she didn't think she had washed enough?

Hold her head under water

What did Andres' sister Carmen have to do with him?

Hold him on a red rope attached to his ankle so he wouldn't float away

What did Peter like to do with the drinking fountain in the classroom?

Hold his thumb over it and squirt water on the floor

What did Piers Polkiss usually do for Dudley?

Hold peoples arms behind their backs so he could hit them.

What did Florentine call Jonah?


What did Jocelyn christen her ship?

Hook's Revenge

What did Oliver's mom say it meant whenever you saw a dove?

Hope is coming down

What did Joshua imagine the robot birds looked like?

Hot Pockets with Wings

What did Peter suggest doing for the holiday party?

Inviting the Collaborative Classroom kids to the party

How did the No Handz Wonderbrush hurt Joshua?

It brushed his eyeballs

How did Peter and Lexie's plant do after they started feeding it their concoction?

It died in two days

What did Bowser notice about the sun when it gets lower in the sky?

It gets bigger

How did Quinny's backpack from New York get ripped?

It got stuck in the subway door when she was running late for school

How was the Scieszka house different from other houses?

It had a big metal 'S' on the front door for Scieszka.

"Nubbins had lost his left thumb in a cooking accident, but how did he claim he had lost it?"

It had been bitten off by a giant squid.

What did Mr. Quimby say happened inside the warehouse when someone opened the door and let in warm air?

It snowed

How does a journey feel when you are anxious to get there?

It takes forever

What always happened when Nory turned into a kitten?

It turned into other animals at the same time

What did Harry think his burning scar meant?

It was a warning

"What did Hermione read about the ceiling in the Great Hall in Hogwarts, a History?"

It was bewitched to look like the outside sky

Why was the forest forbidden?

It was full of dangerous beasts.

"After two days, what other symptoms did Peg have, in addition to being paralyzed?"

It was harder to breathe or swallow

What did Jocelyn think of a white dress?

It was like a blank canvas

How did Birdie respond to taxidermy 'recapturing the perfect moment in a creature's life'?

It's a life a hunter or fisherman just ended

What did Jessica say to Jeffrey that only Michael had said to him before?

It's not your fault

How does a journey feel when you are NOT anxious to get there?

It's over quickly

What did Jocelyn say was the twelfth course in an English meal?

Jellied Egg Custard

What did Miss Trunchbull and Miss Honey's father call her?


What did Jessica notice that Jeffrey called her twice?


What did Mike expect to do for a living when he grew up?

Join his dad in the family business of selling second hand cars

How did Jon sign his name till 2nd grade?

Jon S.

What did Jim say to explain the broken couch?

Jon did it

What did Pansy find that made Kyle and Beebee think maybe Norm and Josie had survived?

Josie's handkerchief

What did Birdie do when the police car came over the bridge when she was on it at night?

Jumped into the river

What did Harry do to the troll?

Jumped on its back and shoved his wand up its nose

What did Bowser do when they started driving him home in the pickup truck?

Jumped through the window into the front seat

Jim's ...

Just Vanill'as -All - I want

What did Captain Justice think that Joshua had hidden in his pocket?

Justice Jerky

What did Joshua do to distract a zombie so he could get into the ChemiCo building?

Justice Jerky

What did Oliver's special formula do to ice cream?

Kept it cold for at least 24 hours even if not in a freezer

"To avoid contracting polio, what did parents do with their children?"

Kept them out of swimming pools and crowded public places

How did it seem Miss Honey's father died?

Killed himself

What did Milton do to save Joshua's life?

Knocked him out of the way when Phineus Vex aimed the glowing skull eyes at him

What did Hortensia do to Ollie Bogwhistle?

Knocked his front teeth out

What did Hagrid name his baby dragon?


What did Peg tell Dr. Bevis was the worst thing about being paralyzed?

Not being able to paint her toenails

How long did Snoozy say he had been asleep?

Not more than 30 seconds

In what month did Quidditch season start?


What did Matilda's father rub into his hair every morning?

Oil of Violets Hair Tonic

"After Professor McGonagall saw Harry catch the Remembrall after a 50 foot dive, who did she take Harry to see?"

Oliver Wood - captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team

How did Miss Trunchbull know that Hortensia put the syrup in her chair?

Ollie Bogwhistle told on her

"How did Joshua, Sophie, and Milton get to Carrolshire, ME?"

On Joshua's parents' hover scooters

How did Hagrid get to the Dursley's house?

On a flying motorcycle

How old was Helen when she took her first steps?

On her first birthday

How did Birdie talk with her mom?

On the computer

"In the history of the world, wishes made on the north star only come true when?"

On the wisher's birthday

How often did Dorothy's parents try to come visit?

Once a month

How often did the goblins at Gringotts check to see if anyone was stuck inside a vault?

Once every ten years

What book did Phyllida Spore write?

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

What was the textbook for Professor Snapes Potions class?

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

What did Ranger take home tucked into his collar?

One of Sam's friendship quilt squares

"What did Harry see flashing gold that he thought, at first, was the golden snitch?"

One of the Weasley's wristwatches

What did Harry's friends use to make a banner for Harry?

One of the sheets Scabbers had ruined by chewing

What did Mrs. Meany do?

Opened an antiques shop

What color was the lunch box Quinny's dad gave her?

Orange with green polka dots

How big was the crocodile?

Over 25 feet long

What did Dr. Bevis do to Peg's toes?

Painted them bright red

What city was hardest hit in 1916 when the first major US polio epidemic occured?

New York City

What did Felicity write on the note from The Beedle with the new banjo strings for Boone?

New strings for new songs

What award did The Summer of the Swans win?

Newbery Medal in 1971

What did Beezus and Ramona make for dessert?

Pear halves heated up with butter and apricot jam

What did Quinny call Piper?

Pee-U Piper

What did Jon & Jim do with the space heater?

Peed on it to put it out

Which ghost was a poltergeist?


How shallow was snapdragon pond?

People put their camping chairs in the middle of the water and sat there all day.

What did Peg's parents ask for in December?

Permission to take Peg home for an overnight visit

What are the magic words to do a Full Body Bind?

Petrificus Totalus

What did Ambrose do during dinner?

Picked his nose

What are Quinny's sister's names?

Piper and Cleo

What did Mrs. Wormwood use every month to freshen up her hair color?

Platinum Blonde Hair-Dye Extra Strong

What did Felicity ask Boone to do while she recited her poetry to help her words flow?

Play his bajo

What did Jeffrey do with Joey?

Played a memory game with him and gave him a hug when they left the room

What did Jonah's shadow do at the duel when Boone and Toast played their music?

Played air guitar

What did Bowser love when humans did to point to something?

Pointed with their chins

What class did Neville do really bad in?


What did Hortensia do to get thrown into the Chokey the first time?

Poured half a tin of golden syrup on the seat of Trunchbull's chair

How did Hopper get to be such a fast runner?

Practice running away from Trevor and Ty.

Who taught History of Magic?

Professor Binns - the only ghost that taught at Hogwarts

Who was head of Gryffindor house?

Professor Mcgonagall

Who was the head of Slytherin house?

Professor Severus Snape

Who was the Herbology professor?

Professor Sprout

What did Frannie do to Ronnie Barnhill?

Put an open peanut butter sandwich in his seat and he sat on it

"What did Peter do to Luke's shoes while he was lying down, working on his holiday project gameboard?"

Put glue all over the bottom of his shoes

What did Jon do when Jim jumped him in the living room?

Put him in a headlock

What did Peg's dad want to do with BJ because he kept wanting to jump on Peg?

Put him in the basement

What did Birdie do with her gum when she was finished chewing it?

Put it behind her ear

What did Quinny do to Trevor and Ty's soccer net?

Put it sideways and lie down on it like a hammock

What did Hermione do to Neville?

Put the Full Body-Bind curse on him

What did Anna have a meltdown about?

Putting her bean plant in a box

What book did Hermione lend to Harry?

Quidditch through the Ages

What did Ms. Shelby-Ortiz give her students time to do on Thursday in place of journal writing?

Quiz each other on spelling words

How did Ramona always sign her name?

Ramona Quimby Age 8 - in cursive

What did Franklin Roosevelt do in 1928?

Ran for governor of New York

What did Fig do for a living?

Ran the pharmacy in town

What DID Ms. Shelby-Ortiz make her students do with reports?

Read and put what they read into their own words

What did Ms. Starr have her students do in order to 'get in touch with their emotions'?

Read poems and do interpretive dance

What did Felicity plan to do for the talent show?

Read some of her peoms

What did Peg start doing every day once she was able to get from the bed to the wheelchair by herself?

Read to the little kids

What color hair did Felicity have?

Red like her dad

What bird sang at dusk at the summer cottage?

Red winged blackbirds

What did Holly Harness do if she tasted something sour that brought a bad memory?

Replaced it with a good one

What did Ms. Shelby-Ortiz make Richard write on the whiteboard?

Richard's Note

How did the plastic container with cereal in it get melted?

Richard's mom turned on the oven to make chocolate chip cookies and it was still in there

What did Captain Justice do to the school bus?

Ripped the top off it

What did Jocelyn say was the eighth course in an English meal?

Roasted Rutabaga Ragout

What author took Matilda to india?

Rudyard Kipling

What did Felicity decide to do to her fears to make her feel brave?

Run at them

What did Grammy hardly ever do when it was hot because it cost money?

Run the air conditioner

What affliction did Joshua's mom accuse his dad of having?

SADD - Supervillain Attention Deficit Disorder

"What did Miss Lawson do that made the words ton, turboboy, note and ruby crawl across the walls and under the door?"

She split the word Stoneberry in two pieces -- stone and berry

What did Jocelyn do when she saw Neverland?

She squealed

How did Quinny try to repair the soccer net?

She taped the two pieces together with packing tape

How did Richard's mom know he had a rainforest project to do?

She found a note in his jeans pocket

How did Helen become deaf and blind?

She got a fever

What did Luke notice about Mrs. William's underwear?

She had a wedgie

What did Petunia think of her sister?

She thought she was a freak.

What did Hermione do to the Devil's Snare?

She threw bluebell flames at it because it hated light and warmth.

How did Birdie get the thermometer hiding place to open?

She turned the arrow on it around and around until it sprung open

What did Nory do when she got mad at the way the Sparkies treated Elliott?

She turnked into a skunkaphant

What did it mean when Helen rubbed her cheek?

She wanted her mother

What did Grannie Effie do?

She was a bounty hunter

What did Peg's mother do?

She was a homemaker

What did Anna's mom do for work?

She was a library assistant at another school

What did Birdie's mom do for a living?

She was an engineer on an oil rig off Angola

What could Bowser tell about Birdie's breathing at night?

She was awake.

What did Matilda say she felt and was doing when she concentrated and got the magic feeling?

She was flying past the stars on silver wings

What did Felicity tell her mom as a reason she couldn't leave town?

She was in the talent show--the Stoneberry Duel

How do we know that Mrs. Porridge is probably going to help Quinny and Hopper build a chicken coop?

She was smiling when she said she wouldn't.

How did Aunt Margo know Elliot?

She was the taxi that took his mom to work at a hospital in another town

What did Kyle and Beebee do when the second wave came?

Sheltered themselves behind a big cedar tree while holding Pansy between them

What did Captain Justice engage to protect himself from the plasma gun ray?

Shield of Honor

What did Oliver used to do when he was a kid while sitting up in a window?

Shoot doves

What did Aunt Petunia do with all the letters that arrived for Harry?

Shred them in her food processor.

What did Peg name her wheelchair?


What did Peg give up after two weeks of using the walking sticks?

Silver -- her wheelchair

How long had Black Jack been hanging on the wall in the bait shop?

Since 1945

How long did Daren and Kyle know each other?

Since the 1st day of kindergarten when they were five.

"Elliott only got cucumbers with his lunch, and Nory only got cherry tomatoes. What did that make them?"

Single veggie guy and single veggie girl

"What are Nollie Nerd Flips, Underflips, and Fakie Frontsides?"

Skateboard tricks

How did Beezus get out of playing with Willa Jean?

She had homework to do

How had Aunt Marge gotten sick?

She hat a funny whelk.

How did Alexia know what room Mr. Terupt was in?

She heard Luke talking about it

How did Matilda know Miss Honely's first name?

She heard another teacher calling her it.

What did Birdie do when she heard her grandma put the key in the lock of the door?

She jumped into bed with wet clothes on

What did Birdy do to Bowser when he sat for her?

She kissed his nose.

What did Elinor Boxwood Horace decide at the end?

She liked being upside down

How did Alice know so many songs?

She listened to the radio a lot for entertainment

How did Ramona get out of playing with Willa Jean?

She said she had sustained silent reading to do.

How did Felicity know someone in the beauty shop was thinking about her mom?

She saw the words 'Holly Harness' floating in the air

What did Quinny do when Victoria and her friends tried to force Hopper and Quinny to kiss?

She side-kicked Victoria's knee

What did Hermione see through binoculars when Harry's broom was going crazy?

Snape fixing his eyes on Harry and muttering

How did Jon learn to make a bed at the Culver Military Academy?

So tight you could bounce a quarter off of it

What did Jon get a LOT of for birthday presents?


What did Peg's father do for a living?

Sold meat for the Hormel Company

How did Sophie's mom die?

Someone planted a bomb in her car

What continent did Richard draw?

South America

"Roger taught Jocelyn how to throw a punch, and Jocelyn taught Roger how to ....?"


What did Jocelyn and Roger do to agree on a deal or bargain?

Spit on their hands

What did Jim and Jon do with Grandma Scieszka's candies?

Spit them out and put them back in the glass jar

What did Jonah say was Felicity's word?


What comic did Jon like to read in MAD Magazine?

Spy vs. Spy

What did old man Straker think Birdie was doing when she was on the old town side of the bayou?


What did Felicity's mom do to the spider egg?

Squashed it with her rhinestone flip-flop

What did Matilda do to her dad's hat?

Squeezed a line of superglue around the inside rim o fthe hat

What did Mrs. Whaley's students have to do for their book report?

Stand in front of the class and sell the book.

What did Matilda do for the first time when she was 5 1/2 ?

Started school

"Nory and Elliott were normal, as long as they did what?"

Stayed in their boxes

What did Dr. Horace say was the key to strong magic?

Staying in control and never getting emotional

What did Abigail do with all her memories when she realized Burl wasn't coming home?

Steeped all of them in a teapot and poured all of them into the river at Snapdragon Pond

What did Daren do to Kyle's sea picture?

Stepped on it

What did Isabella Thistle do right after she set the curse on the Brothers Threadbare?

Stole something that belonged to them and left town

What did Elvis Phillips do?

Stood on Main St. and sung songs by Elvis Presley

What did Peg do right before Thanksgiving?

Stood up by herself

What did Hopper do to Trevor and Ty that he had never done before?

Stood up to them and sprayed them with a hose

Ice cream flavor: Rosie's _______

Strawberry Rhubarb

What did Grandma pray for Danielle to have at school?

Strength to stand up to mean girls

What did Bricka dn Joey threaten to do to Joshua?

Stuff him into a locker

New flavor of ice cream... 'Sarah's ____'

Sunday Breakfast

What did Ramona tell Danny he should call her?


What did Hopper like to do in the pool?

Swim laps

What did Felicity have the idea that her mom could paint a mural on in Midnight Gulch?

The Gallery

What bridge did the Bumbles cross leaving New York?

The George Washington Bridge

What book did Joshua's parents give to him?

The Handbook for Gyfted Children

What did Peg not want to miss on the the day she started having symptoms?

The Homecoming Parade

What book did Mrs. Whaley send for Ramona to read for her book report?

The Left-Behind Cat

What did Harry find in an unused classroom?

The Mirror of Erised

What did Annie and Jimmie make paper dolls from?

The Police Gazette

What book did Mr. Terupt assign to the class to read?

The Summer of the Swans by Betsy Byars

What did Kyle and Beebee find stuck in the ground on top of the hill after the 2nd wave?

The Totem Pole Inn sign

What did Danielle like best about Anna's place?

The artwork hanging on some of the walls

What did Matilda figure out about Miss Honey's father's death?

The aunt killed him and made it look like suicide.

What day did Burl tell his parents was his happiest one?

The blackberry sunrise day

What did Bowser and Birdie hide in when people came into Straker's place?

The boat hanging from the ceiling on cables

What did people call Harry Potter on the day that Voldemort disappeared?

The boy who lived

What did Ramona like to watch on TV during the day?

The cat food commercial

What did Mr. Terupt promise to Anna if she allowed her bean plant to be put in a box?

The control plant that never had anything done to it

"In what room did Felicity, Frannie Jo and Biscuit sleep in Cleo's house?"

The craft room

What did Darnell blackmail Richard into doing for him in exchange for him not giving mom the note he found?

The dishes

What did Felicity notice about Oliver's arm before she left?

The dove tattoo had disappeared

What did Lexie call Danielle?

The fat one

What did Harry use to make Fluffy go to sleep?

The flute Hagrid gave him for Christmas

What did Peg want to do in Hawaii?

The hula

What did Jeffrey bring to the hospital when Mr. Terupt had his brain surgery?

The microphone so they could all take turns telling stories and memories of Mr. Terupt

What did Albus Dumbledore say death was to an organized mind?

The next great adventure

What was the fat woman in a pink silk dress in a portrait in charge of?

The password into Gryffindor's common room

What did Howie say about Ramona's new sandals?

They make her feet look big.

How did 3rd graders eat their oranges?

They poked a hole in them and sucked out the juice

What did Kyle's parents decide to do after everything and how he handled the emergency?

They raised his allowance

"Even though they know their parts, what did Richard think about how Dyamond and Angela said their lines?"

They spoke to slowly and sounded like robots

"What did Mr. Terupt teach Jessica, Danielle, and Anna? That they were stronger when..."

They stuck together

How did Nola and Birdie get Bowser into the assisted living center?

They told them he was a trained service dog to comfort lonely old people

How did Principal Gonzalez and Dr. Horace know each other?

They went to Sage Academy throught he Flicker studies together

How did things change for Harry at the Dursleys after they knew he was a wizard?

They were afraid and stopped speaking to him

What did Florentine and Felicity have in common?

They were both poets who had trouble speaking out loud to people

What did both Hermione's parents do for a living?

They were dentists

How did Steve Straker Senior and Donald L. Spires know each other?

They were in the same fraternity at Tulane.

What did Mrs. Whaley say about Ramona's shoes?

They were musical

How did Petunia and Lily's parents feel about having a witch in the family?

They were proud of her.

What did Peg's want to hear about when they visited her?

What it was like to have polio

What did Daren Hazelton's mom do for a career?

Worked for the online branch of the real estate company

What did Elliott's dad (Mr. Cohen) do for a living?

Worked from home as a guitar teacher

In what war was Elizabeth Kenny commissioned 'sister'?

World War I

What did Fred tell Ron he had to do in order to be chosen for a house?

Wrestle a troll

What did Kyle do while Beebee watched Money Talk on TV?

Wrote postcards to Gary and Grandpa & Grandma

What did Aunt Margo think Nory was going to do when she made a face because she was almost going to cry?


What did Mr. McSoren always play on the 4th of July on the harmonica?

Yankee Doodle Dandy

What Beatles song did Quinny's mom play on her accordion?

Yellow Submarine

What did Ms. Starr have in the classroom in preparation for Willa's power demonstration?

Yellow umbrellas

What did Jeffrey realize about life at the end?

You just do the best you can because you can't control what happens. It's okay to hope for things. Sometimes it works out.

What did Beezus's cooking teacher always say?

You should check to see if you have all the ingredients before you start to cook.

"What did Mr. Terupt say to Lexie when she said, ""I've been being nice now, Teach""?"

You've always been nice. You've just figured out how to show it.

What did almost everyone call Voldemort?


What did Aunt Margo and Nory both say as an exclamation?


What did Kyle find for him and Beebee to drink?

a 6 pack of 7 up

What did George and Fred tell Ginny they would send her?

a Hogwarts toilet seat

What did Quinny use as a crystal ball?

a New YOrk City snow globe

What did a tea tray of French pastries drop on?

a Persian rug in Hopewell Manor

What did Dorothy and Renee give to Peg for her birthday?

a bead bracelet they had made in occupational therapy class

What did Grandpa Gooley bring to Quinny and Hopper to help catch Freya?

a big net on a stick

What chessman did Hermione play as herself?

a black castle

What did Jocelyn's ship's flag look like?

a black flag with a large red hook

What chessman did Ron play as himself?

a black knight

What did Jonah give to Felicity to give to Boone as The Beedle?

a box of new banjo strings

What did Miss Trunchbull always wear?

a brown cotton smock with a wide silver buckled leather belt around the middle and green twill pants

What did Bowser eat out of the trash can in Birdie's kitchen?

a burger

What did Beebee want to play with when she was two?

a calculator

What did Officer Perkins accidentally drop in the water?

a camera

Harry was the youngest Quidditch player in how long?

a century

What did Quinny want on the cover of her school notebook?

a chicken

What did Bowser find in the grass next to the Straker place?

a cigar butt

What did Peg make in OT?

a coin purse

What did Jocelyn vow never to wear?

a corset

What did Peg love at school at Sheltering Arms that helped her write?

a desk that attached to the arms of the wheelchair

Mr. Terupt said Peter did more peein' than....

a dog walking by a mile of fire hydrants

What did Joshua throw at a smoke monster at the Vile Fair?

a fiery piece of tofu

What did Mr. Quimby drive in the warehouse?

a forklift

What did McGonagall place the sorting hat on top of?

a four-legged stool

What animals did Lee Jordan have?

a giant tarantula

"What did Peg want to get, but couldn't reach for, on the first morning at Sheltering Arms?"

a glass of ice water

What did Matilda's father grab as a weapon when she thought there were people in the house?

a golf club

What did Jocelyn catch and plan to put in Prissy's pocket?

a green snake

What did Mrs. Weasley give to Harry for Christmas?

a hand-knitted green sweater and a box of homemade fudge

What did Hermione carry the blue fire she conjured up in?

a jam jar

What did Miss Trunchbull always have on her desk?

a jug of water

What did Jim become when he grew up?

a lawyer

What did Birdie buy for Bowser at Claymore's General Store?

a leathr collar and a bright orange leash

What bit Peg on the cheek because she couldn't swat it?

a mosquito

How did Jonah get around?

a motorized wheelchair

What did animal the woman change into to test Nory's ability to stay kitten?

a mouse

How did BJ sign his get well card to Peg?

a muddly paw print

What did Matilda's parents call her when she was one and a half?

a noisy chatterbox

What did Annie find in the house where she wiped dishes?

a piano

What did Captain Justice almost throw at Dr. Dread that would have killed him?

a piece of the wall of the Chinese restaurant

What did Professor McGonagall change her desk into?

a pig

What did Joshua slip on when he was trying to escape from the smoke monster?

a pile of Cheswick's Vintage Villain Uniforms

What did Jocelyn tell her grandfather she was going to be when she grew up?

a pirate

What did a neighbor tell Jim and Jon about setting on fire?

a plastic dry-cleaning bag to drip melting plastic onto the model tanks

What did Matilda's mother grab as a weapon when she thought there were people in the house?

a poker from the fireplace

What did Miss Lawson wear on Felicity's first day of school?

a polka dot sweater and a green skirt and purple heels

"What did Mr. Anagnos, the director of Perkins Institute, give to Annie before she left?"

a ring with a red stone

What did Felicity think Toast had drawn a picture of?

a robo chicken

What did Bax constantly turn into?

a rock

What did Phineus Vex have on his face?

a scar and an eye patch

What did Maybelline do taxidermy on for Des's family in the 50's?

a shark

What would you get if you added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?

a sleeping potion called the Draught of Living Death

What did Miss Trunchbull think Matilda had put under her desk in the morning?

a stinkbomb

What did Peg call the place under her bed?

a supermarket

What did Matilda's mother grab as a weapon when she thought there were people in the house?

a table-lamp

What did Fred have that Matilda borrowed?

a talking parrot

What did Fred and George try to send Harry when he was in the infirmary?

a toilet seat

What did Jeffrey and Jessica make to teach people about Ramadan?

a trivia game about it

What did an electronics store manager use to fight off looters?

a vacuum cleaner

What did Nory's father call good magic?

a well-trained house pet that you had to discipline

What did Dr. Howe use to protect himself from his fiercest deaf-blind student?

a wire mask and leather gloves

What did Mrs. Quimby say Ramona was acting like that made her know she as getting well?

a wounded tiger

What did Matilda say a boy down the road did with superglue?

accidentally glued his finger to his nose

What did all Jewell's mechanics have to be able to do?

acrylic nails

What did Miss Honey's students need to have memorized by the end of the year?

all the multiplication tables up to twelve

What did Bowser smell very strong near the duck blind in Lafitte Creek?


What dangourous animal lived in the bayou?


What did Dorothy play int he Christmas play?

an angel

What did Hagrid buy for Harry as a birthday present?

an owl

What did Jack hold while Smee rowed the boat?

an umbrella

"What did Annie describe as ""round, firm, smooth, with a soapy sweet scent""?"


What did Mr. Savoy smell like?


"Toys break, stock....."


What did people do with their mules if they decided not to travel the Oregon Trail?

auctioned them off at a jumping off point

What did Mrs. Wormwood think people learned at university?

bad habits

What did Birdie's hands taste like when Bowser first licked them?


Miss Trunchbull never spoke in a normal voice...she either....(what?) or (what?)

barked or shouted

How did Quinny get to school in New York?

by train underground

What did Gerta smell like?

cabbage soup

What did Grandma have in glass bowls in the living room?

candies that tasted like medicine

What did Klargon manufacture?


What did Hopper eat for lunch?

cauliflower sandwich

What did every stylist at the Lube & Dye know how to do?

change oil

What did Hopper use to draw?

charcoal pencils

What did Mom Scieszka get for her birthday when the boys were younger?

cheap jewlery or perfume

What did Hopper fix for Quinny and himself as a snack?

cheese and crackers

What did Bowser find to eat inside Straker's place?

chicken nuggets

What animals were on the lawn in front of the trailer park houses Birdie and Bowser passed by?


What animals did Grandpa Scieszka raise?

chickens and turkeys

What did Bob Quimby have on his hamburger?


What did Bowser smell when he was drinking from the canal?

cigar smoke

What did Captain Hook's jacket smell like?


"What did Fig, Aunt Margo, and Nory have for lunch"

cinnamon rolls

What did Hopper have in his fish tank?

clown fish and crabs

What did Charlie Sue Hancock smell like?

coffee and expensive perfume

What did Miss Honey tell Mrs. Wormwood a doctor and a lawyer would both be?

college graduates

"Principal Gonzalez said he wasn't friend's with Dr. Horace, but they were what?"


What did Lizzie do alot?


How much did Harry spend on candy on the train?

eleven silver sickles an seven bronze knuts

"How long had Voldemort been in power, terrorizing people?"

eleven years

What color cloakd id Professor Mcgonagall wear?

emerald green

How often did Richard have to show his homework journal to his mom?

every evening

What could Dr. Dread do with his superpowered eyesight?

examine atomic particles without a microscope

What did Peg do every morning once she moved back home?


What did Ramona read for Sustained Silent Reading?

fairy tales

What did Felicity make for everyone for their day at Snapdragon Pond?

fairy wings

How did Elliot describe Nory's smile when he met her?


What did Danielle find out James was really into?


What did Cleo do alout?

fart really loud

What did Felicity's mom used to braid into her hair before they lived in Kentucky?


What did all the Neverland warriors have sprouting from their nostrils?


How old was Miss Trunchbull?


For how long had the Beedle been doing anonymous good deeds?

fifty years

How many dollar words covered Luke's recording breaking poster of dollar words?


How old was Rosie when she went to Nashville?


How many smoke monsters did Joshua see surround his parents in the ChemiCo building?


How many terms did Roosevelt serve as President of the United States?


How old was Matilda when she could read well and wanted to read books?


How old was Piper?


How old was Willa Jean?


How high did Hermione make the feather hover?

four feet above their heads

How many roommates did Peg have at Sheltering Arms?

four girls

How long did the Botanist give the government to meet their demands before they would destroy every continent on earth?

four hours

How much bigger than Harry was Dudley?

four times

How long had it been since Sarah had last seen her Uncle Aaron.

four years

How man phalanges are there in the human foot?


How old were Dorothy and Shirley?


What did Aunt Petunia say her sister came home with every vacation with in her pockets?

frog spawn

How did Jim and Jon hang planes from the ceiling?

from fishing wire

What color did Victoria paint Quinny's nails?

fuschia forever

What did Professor Quirrel's classroom smell like?


What did a neighbor tell Annie's mother to wash her eyes with?

geranium water

What did Nory say (lying) she was afraid of?


What did Charlie Sue say her family's magic did in the present day?

go blurry in pictures

How did Dumbledore describe to Harry how Nicolas and Perenell Flamel thought about dying?

going to bed after a very very long day

What did Dad Scieszka like to do?


"What did Harry practice catching, instead of actual snitch balls?"

golf balls

What did Ramona have for snack every day at the Kemp's house?

graham crackers and apple juice

"Although talent bloomed, what prevailed?"


What color did Quinny decide to paint all 20 of her nails?


What color flash of light did Harry sometimes see in his mind when his scar hurt?


What color were Jonah Pickett's eyes?


What color were the Slytherin's Quidditch robes?


What did Hagrid tell the kids to send up if they found the unicorn?

green sparks

What did Nory see the Fuzzy class doing when she passed by?

grooming and feeding carrots to a silver unicorn

What did Helen and Martha hunt for in the fields?

guinea hen eggs

What did Quinny put in Hopper's bird feeder to attract Freya?

gummy worms

What are nun's uniforms called?


What did most old people give to cats instead of cream because it was too expensive?

half and half

At what time did Mr. Dursley leave for work?

half past eight

How did Alexia feel at the same time?

happy and sad

What did Neville do after the sorting hat put him into Gryffindor?

he ran off still wearing the hat

How did Ranger understand sadness?

he remembered when Luke and Sadie's grandmother had died

How did Hawthorn cook eggs?

heated it with his hands

What did Joshua concentrate his gyft on in the mornings?

heating up his toast

What did Aunt Cleo collect?


What did Annie think made her ugly?

her eyes

What did Ollivander say Harry had like his mom?

her eyes

What did Joey like that Alexia had?

her feather boa

What did Cleo have tied around her red dress at the duel?

her leopard print bathrobe

What did James Wendler say he would give Milton for his copy of Super Scoop signed by Captain Justice?

his chocolate milk for the rest of the year

What did Hopper ask Quinny about that was on her face?

holes (dimples)

What did Anna and Peter win?

homework passes

"What did Birdie's friend, Nola, smell like?"

honey and lemon

What did Beebee suggest for an all clear signal?

horses neighing

What did Miss Ballard switch Peg to instead of hot packs?

hot baths

What did Matilda like to drink in her room while she read books?

hot chocolate

What did Berry Weatherly like to drink?

hot coffee

What did Bowser eat while Nola and Birdie were drinking cold drinks?

ice cubes

What did Quinny call Cleo?

icky sticky screamy Cleo

What did Hortensia put into Trunchbull's underwear?

itching powder called Skin Scorcher

What did Matilda's father like to wear?

jackets with brightly-colored checks and yellow or pale green ties

What did Hopper teach Quinny how to do?


What did Peter tell the lost boys that girls like to give?


What are the parts at the bottom of the cypresses called that stick out?


What did Quinny want to start out juggling with?

knives or fire sticks

How long did it take Harry Wormwood to figure out the math problem he gave to his son?

less than ten minutes

What did Dorothy ask for Peg's parents to bring for her?


"Once she got good at pushing the cigar, what did she practice doing?"

lifting it

How was Donny shaped?

like a pear

What did 8th grade boys act like at parties?

little kids

"If magic is a puppy, what did Ms. Starr want her students to do, rather than master it?"

love it

What did both Nory and Elliot get for lunch at school?

mac and cheese

"Miss Trunchbull never walked, she ....what?"


What did Miss Honey have to put on their brown bread that made Matilda know she was poor?

margarine instead of butter

What color sweater did Mrs. Weasley always make for Ron?


Some people could catch stars in what?

mason jars

What color did Madam Malkin dress in?


How fast can a peregrine falcon dive?

more than 200 miles an hour

How far away could a howler monkey smell food?

more than one mile

What did Jocelyn's crew call her?


What did Mrs. Quimby mix chicken thighs into?

mushroom soup

What did Mr. Puthoor tell Nory to try to feed to Pokey?


"What did Dumbledore call 'a magic beyond all we do here!""?"


"What did Freya love, more than treats?"


What did Frannie Joe hear that other people couldn't?


What did Matilda think Dylan Thomas's poem was like?


What did Ms. Yoon's class have right after gym class?


What did all Hogwarts pupils need to have on their clothes?

name tags

What affliction did the narrator's Aunt Sophia have?

narcolepsy - falling asleep without warning

What did Quinny's ceiling taste like?


How did Victoria make Hopper feel?


What did Felicity tell Uncle Boone his words were?

new beginning

How many floors were in Quinny's building in New York?


How old was Annie the first time she rode a train?


"For how many years did Annie, John Macy, and Helen Keller live together and tour the United States and Canada giving speeches and performing?"

nine years

On what flood was Mr. Dursley's office?


What are people that move around a lot called?


What did Malfoy usually taunt Harry about?

not having any family

"What did Jon like to stand over in the kitchen on a cold, winter morning?"


What did Florentine and Waylon buy with money they put together?

old bicycles and a mermaid map

How old was Matilda when her speech was perfect and she knew as many words as most grown-ups?

one and a half

How many years had it been since the Brothers Threadbare's guitar and banjo been played together?

one hundred

How far was the special hospital from Peg's home?

one hundred miles

What did Matilda practice on moving around in her room?

one of her dad's cigars

What did Birdie forget inside Straker's place?

one of her polka-dot flip flops

How long did it take after she got home for Peg to be able to walk without sticks?

one year

How old was Cleo?

one year old

How old was Harry when his parents were killed?

one year old

What did people buy in Catholic School that is almost impossible to explain?

pagan babies

"What did Mom Scieszka want the boys to say, instead of 'fart'?"

pass gas

What did Bowser say smells were like?


What did Hopper think Quinny smelled like?


What chemical do they put down the lavatory to disinfect the pan?


What did Piper do a lot?

pick her nose

What activity did Peg continue to do order to strengthen her feet and leg muscles?

pick up marbles with her toes

What was on the shelves on the walls of the Potions class?

pickled animals floating in glass jars

What did Maybelline Peckham give to Bowser?

pieces of ham sandwich

What did Jim and Jon do whenever they said 'pinch' (five) in Polish?

pinch their little brother

What did Bax tell Elliott to do in order to maintain balance?

pinch your earlobe

What color was Hagrid's umbrella?


What color were Aunt Cleo's glasses?


What color was the room at the finishing school?

pink (Prissy's favorite color)

What did Peg's parents bring for Alice?

pink lipstick

What did Aunt Margo eat a lot?


What did Luke and Sadie eat for lunch?


What color was Mrs. Wormwood's hair dyed?

platinum blonde

How can anybody calm Fluffy down and make him go to sleep?

play him some music

What color did Quinny try to paint Victoria's nails?

popsicle pink

What did Mr. McSoren feed to Freya out of his hand?

potato chips

What course did Snape teach?


What did Joshua realize was appealing about the life of a supervillain?

power--a way to take control in an uncontrollable world

How two feelings did Richard have at the end of the book?

proud and hungry

What color cloak did Albus Dumbledore wear?


What color did Boone see C-sharp as?


What color were Harry Wormwood's pajamas?


What couldn't Beezus stand touching?

raw meat

What did Mrs. Cannon give to Bowser and Sugarplum?

rawhide chews

What could Peg do now that she was able to have her bed cranked up to sitting position?

read books

What did Mr. Dursley see a cat doing?

reading a map

What did Donny do for a living?

real estate

What did Kyle's parents do for a living?

real estate

How did Maybelline describe taxidermy?

recapturing the perfect moment in a creature's life

What color bird once lived in the birdcage in the carriage house?


What color hair did the secretary of Snow Hill School have?


What color hair do all the Weasleys have?


What color were the lockers at Snow Hill School?


What color was the Fun 'n Games boat?

red and black

What did Holly Harness paint on paper plates in Birmingham?

red roses

What did Hagrid tell the kids to send up if they got into trouble?

red sparks

What color hair did Des have?


What did Milton hear was left in the home ec room?

reject cookies from second period

What did Peter call the kids in the Collaborative Classroom?


What did Jocelyn declare as the purpose of her visit to Neverland?


What did Nory see the 5th grade Flares doing in their class when she passed by?

roasting marshmallows in their hands

What did Felicity write on the toe of her shoe?


For how many years did Harry live with Dursley's before he got the letters from Hogwarts?

ten years

What did Miss Honey give Matilda to do in her class while she taught the others?


"How were all the women dressed in Independence, Missouri when Ranger showed up?"

skirts and aprons

What did Mr. Beaumont's class perform for Ms. Shelby-Ortiz's class?

skits they wrote

"Instead of floral patterns, what did Jocelyn embroider?"

skull and crossbones patterns or torture devices

What color were Holly Pickle's eyes?

sky blue

"Other than biting Goyle, what did Scabbers do?"


What did Mrs. Porridge give to Quinny and Victoria for dessert?

sliced strawberries on top of peach ice cream

How big were the soldiers that Jon ordered?

smaller and skinnier than a dime

What did Pepper say she was afraid of?


What did Jim and Jon call Fred and Bobby D. when they came?


What did Quinny keep in the freezer?

snowballs made in Central Park

How many cases of polio were reported in the United States in 1916?

twenty seven thousand

"On formal occasions, how many courses did Jocelyn say may be in England?"


How many knuts were equal to one sickle?


How much did a silver unicorn horn cost?

twenty-one galleons each

How many dresses did Victoria own?


How many links did it take for the chain to touch the floor?


How many wooden steps led from the lodge down to the beach?


How old were Charlie and Anna's mom?


How many students were in Mrs. Whaley's class?


How old was Miss Honey?


How many teeth did Quinny and Hopper have?


How often were visitors allowed at Sheltering Arms?

twice a week

How often did Mrs. Wormwood go to the hairdresser's?

twice ayear

How many times had Shirley's parents come to visit her?

twice in seven months

How man cigars could Captain Hook's silver cigar holder hold?


How many unicorns had been killed in one week?


How old was Hopper's cousin Max?


How far did Mr. Puthoor ask Nory to lift herself into the air?

two feet

How many Fierces had there been in history?

two feet

For how long did Gregory's mom reserve the skate park?

two hours

How long did it take to drive from Austin to Sheltering Arms in Minneapolis?

two hours

How many hours difference are there between Kansas and Oregon time?

two hours

For how long had Miss Honey been living in the cottage?

two years

How long did it take for Annie to finish sewing an apron at Perkins Institute?

two years

What did Ramona's school look like?

two-story red brick

Miss Honey thought that parents never did what in regard to their own chldren's abilities?

underestimated them

UDM is not about controlling your's about

understanding them

How could you tell Ron's wand was old?

unicorn hair was nearly poking out of the end

What caused cholera?

unsanitary concditions and contaminated drinking water

How did Danielle drink her iced tea?

unweetened because she wanted to be tough like her grandma

"What did Mom Scieszka want the boys to say, instead of 'pee'?"


What did Mom Scieszka make for all the boys for Christmas?


What did Ramona stop doing so that she wouldn't be a nuisance?

volunteering answers

In what box was Quinny's mom's makeup bag?

Box #29

In what box was Quinny's puppy bank?

Box #67

What did Oliver own?

Dr. Zook's Ice Cream Company

How many in Russia were vaccinated with Sabin's vaccine?

10 million

How long did it take for Matilda to walk from her home to the library?

10 minutes

How far was the Sage Academy from Nory's house?

10 minutes walk

How many pounds of rice did Mr. Palmer say to pack?

10 pounds

What did Grandpa Scieszka make?

His own wine

What did Owen bring with him everywhere?

His pocket dictionary

What did Hortensia find in a drawer?

Trunchbull's gym knickers (underwear)

On what day did the strangeness begin for Mr. Dursley?


What day was Harry's eleventh birthday on?


What college did Stevie Straker plan to attend?


What did Isabella steal from the Weatherly brothers?


What did Mrs. Larson tell Ramona was wonderful for your hair?

egg shamppos

How many vitamins were advertised as enriching Frosted Fuel Flakes?


How old is Quinny Bumble?


How old was Tommy?


How long would Mr. Terupt's brain surgery take?

eight hours

How far was it from Matilda's house to Miss Honey's house?

eight minutes walk

How old was Jon when he became a wolf scout?

eight years old

How many miles did the wagon train make on the third day of travel?


How old was Art?


How old was Miss Honey when she attended the Teacher's Training College?


What did Louis Scieszka do for a living?

elementary school principal

How many stairs were in the Bumbles house?


How old was Anna?


How old was Grammy when her father died?


By how many years did Peg miss the polio vaccine?

six years

How long does the periodical cicada spend as a grub underground?

six years

How long had Nory's mother been dead?

six years

How old was Hawthorn?


How old was Stevie Straker?


How did Jocelyn's crew rank in terms of pirates in Neverland?


What did Ramona like to do outside?


At what time did Matilda have to leave the library?

ten to five

For how long had the Dread Duo been trying to kill Captain Justice?

ten years

What did Elliott do to the lemonade at the picnic?

turned them to slushies

"How many courses did Jocelyn teach the Karnipinae, generally, in England?"


How many blocks did Peg have to walk home?


How many fairies in waiting attended to Queen Mab and Jocelyn?


How many letters arrived for Harry on Friday?


How many times had the Vile Fair been held?


How many uses of dragon blood did Dumbledore discover?


How old was Jocelyn?


How old was Jonah?


How old was Peg Schulze when she got polio?


How old was Renee?


How big was the television screen in Matilda's house?

twelve inches

How many miles did the wagon train make on the second day of travel?


How many wagons were in the Abbott's wagon train?


How old was Annie Sullivan the day she met Helen Keller?


What did Captain Justice say at ChemiCo labs that annoyed Joshua?

"""Another evil scheme thwarted by Captain Justice"""

What did Harry say to Draco Malfoy when Harry refused to shake Malfoy's hand?

"""I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks"""

What did Jonas Salk say when people asked him who owned the patent on his vaccine?

"""There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?"""

What did Captain Keller say they told the Yankees when Lee surrendered to Grant?

"""You only won because you had more Irish"""

How much money did they raise during the first national Mother's March on Polio?


What did Jon spend $1.25 on?

"100 toy soldier set that ended up being a cheap, tiny set (not cool like he thought)"

How many people were waiting at the emergency tent?

"12 people inside, and 25 in the line outside"

"How many miles was it from Independence, Missouri to Oregon?"

"2,000 miles"

How many cases of polio were reported in the US in 1949?


How far was Dunwiddle Magic School from Aunt Margo's house?

"6 blocks one way, 4 blocks another (10 blocks)"

How many blades of grass (approximately) were on the soccer field?

"77,537,412 -- seventy-seven million, five hundred thirty seven thousand, four hundred twelve"

What did Harry Wormwood tell his son never to ask for when selling a car?

"A big round number. Always go just below it so it sounded like a lot less, but really wasn't."

How did the dent get into the door of Charlie's truck?

"Anna's mom, Terri, kicked it because she was so upset about him and everyone else treating her unkindly when she was pregant at 16."

What did Oliver look like?

"Bald head, fuzzy white mustache"

"What city did the boat, Fun 'n Games come from?"

"Biloxi, Mississippi"

"What city is located at latitude: +45.262321, longitude: -69.012489?"

"Carrolshire, Maine"

How did Jim & Jon figure out how to make some money while babysitting?

"Charged kids 10 cents to watch their baby brother, Jeff, chew up cigarette butts and spit them out"

Jeff's nicknames

"Chas (Chuzzlewit) Chuff, chuffrey, chuffrey Fred, Chas Bon des,"

What did Jeffrey do to his mom after James' party and every day after school after that?

"Climbed into bed next to her, put his arm around her, and told her ""It's not your fault. I love you"""

What did Jim and Jon like to add to the nativity scene?

"Davy Crocket, action figures, etc."

How did 4th grade boys show their love for Sister Helen Jude?

"Did everything she did....drawing, practiced handwriting, sung in choir"

What book did Peg see a boy reading that she wanted to grab from him?

"Donkey, Donkey"

What did Milton stuff his backpack with for the trip to Carrolshire?

"Dr. Pepper, potato chips, and Justice Jerky"

How was the Dread's house different from other hourses?

"Extra-tall fence in the back yard, invisible sensor beams around all the doors and windows, and curtains on the basement windows"

What book did Jon's mom read to him?

"Green Eggs and Ham, and Go Dog Go"

What are the four houses of Hogwarts?

"Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw"

What did James do to Peter at the going-away party?

"He hugged him and yelled, ""Peter, not your fault. Not your fault. Accident!"""

How did Hagrid send Harry's response back to Professor Dumbledore?

"He rolled up a note, put it into the beak of an owl, and threw the owl out into the storm."

How did Dr. Bevis convince Peg to do the exercises?

"He said if she did them, she would walk again, but if she didn't, she probably wouldn't"

What did Jennifer Honey's aunt tell her she had to pay her for 10 years?

"Her salary, minus one pound a week pocket money"

How did Peg sing differently in chorus when she came back from Sheltering Arms?

"Her voice had improved, but she used her stomach muscles rather than her diaphragm"

What did Hopper wear to catch Freya?

"His mom's snorkling mask and gardening gloves,"

What did Bowser notice about the bald guy who drove Fun N' Games?

"His mouth was friendly, but his eyes were not."

What book had Jocelyn torn a page from to write her apology note to Roger?

"Immpress Your Friends, Confound Your Enemies: 1001 Poisonous Jungle Plants and How to Use Them"

What did Dr. Jonas Salk do with this polio vaccine that showed how confident he was of its safety and effectiveness?

"Injected himself, his wife, and his three sons before he gave it to the public"

What did Peg know about polio before she got it?

"It killed or crippled thousands of people, mainly children, each year."

What did Mr. Terupt whisper into Peter's ear?

"It's okay, Peter. I forgive you."

What characters did Jessica want the company of when she was upset about Mr. Terupt?

"Jesse Aarons, Summer and Uncle Ob"

"What did Jessica, Anna, and Danielle bring to the hospital?"

"Jessica brought a book (Al Capone Does my Shirts), Anna brought her plant, and Danielle brought her special sketch from her wall"

On what date did Sarah write her name on Independence Rock?

"July 3, 1850"

What did Granny Opal tell Florentine the bag full of burdens would do to her?

"Keep her safe, but make her heavyhearted and sad"

In what parts of England did people report seeing shooting stars?

"Kent, Yorkshire, and Dundee"

What did Jeffrey tell the other students about kids with autism?

"Lots of them have special talents, in addition to problems."

What did Birdie's house look like?

"Low and white, shutters the color of the sky, big shady tree in front."

What did Grammy store look like?

"Low and yellow with a long porch crowded with fishnets, buoys and barrels of coils of rope"

What company manufactured the toy soldier set?

"Lucky Products Inc., New York"

How did Peg get polio when she never knew anyone with polio?

"Many people had polio with very mild symptoms, so they never knew they had it. "

What did Dad Scieszka always get for his birthday and Christmas?

"Matched things... salt shaker, then pepper shaker, two socks (one each day), birthday cuff link and Christmas cuff link"

What did Mrs. Wormwood call Miss Honey rather than her real name?

"Miss Hunky, Miss Hawkes, and Miss Harris"

What did Alice do after she graduated from high school?

"Moved to a home for adults with disabilities and was secretary for the United Handicapped Federation in St. Paul, Minnesota. She also sang in a church choire"

How did Harry get the stone out of the mirror?

"Only someone who wanted to find the stone, but not use it, would be able to get to it."

"After they got past the wooden door, what did Ron, Harry, and Hermione have to do to reach the Sorcerer's Stone?"

"Play chess to the other side of the room, with themselves as chessmen"

What did Krueger do to himself because of the gold fever curse?

"Pulled out his own teeth for their gold fillings, and replaced them with shark teeth"

What cartoon did Mr. Quimby draw for Ramona?

"Ramona and the car both looking sick, leaning against trees"

What did Daren do when he woke up and realized there was a fire in the hotel?

"Ran past Kyle, and shoved Beebee and made her fall down two steps"

What did Jon do when it rained at the summer cottage?

"Read all kinds of things...ield & Stream magazine, Reader's digest condensedd, joke books, WWII service manuals"

How did the Scieszka boys dress up for Halloween?

"Rotated four costumes - witch, Chinaman, bunny, bum"

How did Owen Triplett get into trouble?

"Selling starlight in jars to tourists, but the starlight would escape"

How many cherries were in the bowls of whipped cream?

"more than five, fewer than 25"

What advice did Charlie give Danielle about Anna and her mom?

"That they were not bad influence on her, but he didn't think she should try to change her mom's or grandma's opinions about it"

What adult books did Peg read that the librarian at the Minneapolis Public Library brought?

"The Hunchback of Notre Dame, War and Peace, the Scarlet Letter"

What book did Matilda tell Miss Honey she liked from the public library?

"The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"

How did Ramona decide to always write her name?

"The Q in printing, but the rest in cursive"

"Who often ran around in the forest, even though they weren't supposed to?"

"The Weasley twins, Fred and George"

What did Miss Honey teach Matilda to identify as they walked to her cottage?

"The trees (oak, sycamore, ash, and sweet chestnut)"

What did Birdie's room look like?

"The walls were the color of the sky, and there were puffy white clouds and a rainbow painted on them."

What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?

"They are the same plant, also called aconite"

How did Richard know that Gavin was in the top reading group?

"They got to do independent activities: writing skits, letters to famous people from the past, rewriting the ending to their favorite book..."

What did Malfoy's father tell him about Weasleys?

"They had red hair, freckles, and more children than they could afford"

What did Ramona think of daytime TV programs?

"They were dumb, stupid and boring"

How were babies protected even when they were infected?

"They were still protected by their mother's antibodies and their immune systems were stimulated, so their symptoms were mild and they developed lifelong protection against polio"

What did Joshua finally do with the Handbook for Gyfted Children?

"Threw it, flaming, at Phineus Vex, but it his a silver canister and exploded it"

How does the poliovirus get into a person's body?

"Through the mouth, into the digestive system, then to the bloodstream, and finally to the nervous system "

What did Quinny do with the blue juggling scarves?

"Tied one around her head like a pirate, and another around her body like a genie"

What did Jocelyn do to finally get rid of Gerta?

"Took care of herself (picking out her own clothes, combing her hair, washing herself)"

What did Professor McGonagall have students do for final exam?

"Turn a mouse into a snuffbox - with extra points for it being pretty, less points if it had whiskers"

What did Peg's grandpa do for a living?

"Worked in a print shop, setting type"

What did Old Man Straker look like?

"a big heavy due with shoulder-length, graying hair"

What did Felicity expect the Beedle to look like?

"a cape, mask, and mustache"

What did Maybelline Peckham smell like to Bowser?

"a stack of dusty, yellowed newspapers"

How did Danielle's grandma drink her coffee?

"black, because she's tough"

What color hair did Frannie Jo have?

"blonde, like her mom"

What did Holly paint on the gallery wall?

"blue sky, silver river, buildings on Main Street, fields and forest"

What did Snape tell his students he could teach them to do?

"bottle fame, brew glory, or stopper death"

What did Norbert eat and drink?

"brandy, chickens, and dead rats"

What characterized Gryffindor?

"brave, daring, chivalrous"

What characterized Slytherin?

"cunning, ruthless, do whatever it takes to get what they want"

What characterized Hufflepuff?

"fair, lyal, patient, hard working"

What chores did Kyle do around the house?

"fed the cat, cleaned the litter box, carried out the garbage, made popcorn for the family when they rented a movie"

How many mancala pieces did Calvin have in his pockets?

"five -- three in one, two in the other"

How many rooms did the Dursley's house have?

"four - one for Uncle Vernon & Aunt Petunia, one for guests like Aunt Marge, one for Dudley to sleep in, and one for all of Dudley's toys"

How many children and grandchildren did Art have?

"four children, seven grandchildren"

How much profit did Matilda tell her father he made?

"four thousand, three hudjred, and three pounds and fifty pence"

What did anyone who didn't get a real costume have to be for Halloween?

"ghost, or whatever was lying around the house (boy scout or dog collar)"

How did Sarah describe prairie dogs?

"half squirrel, half puppy"

What did Birdie smell like to Bowser?

"kid, girl, strawberry chewing gum, lemon soap, salty sweat"

What did Peg's mom make for dinner on the night she came home to visit?

"macaroni and cheese, green beans, Waldorf salad, and cream puffs for dessert"

What did Jim and Jon catch in the lake at the cottage to use for bait?

"minows, crayfish and frogs"

What did Jim and Jon like to build?

"models - cars, planes, etc."

How much did Jon and Jim charge Brian to have the dog sleep in his room?

10 cents

How many days did Richard have to miss dessert?

10 days

How big was the floor of the Chokey?

10 inches square so you coudn't sit down or squat

What did Hagrid pack for Norbert so he wouldn't get lonely?

A teddy bear

What did all the Polio Pioneer kids get after they tested the vaccine?

A tin button

What could Jocelyn see from her window?

A tiny piece of the ocean

What did Quinny wear to school in New York?

A uniform

What did Dorothy get for Christmas?

A watch and a dress from her great aunt in Montana

What did Renee write after she graduated high school?

A weekly column in the local newspaper and a history of her church

What did Hagrid tell Harry he was?

A wizard

What did Malfoy challenge Harry to?

A wizard's duel - wands contact

What did Harry get for Christmas from Hagrid?

A wooden flute he whittled himself

What did Jim McCraig have?

A wooden leg

What did Isabella Thistle wear in her long black braid?

A yellow flower behind her ear

What did Annie put in Helen's hair?

A yellow satin ribbon

How big are newts?

About 6 inches long

How big was the box that came to Jon from Lucky Products?

About the size of a deck of cards

How do all Jessica's parts of the book start?

Acts and Scenes like in a play

What did Nancy Smith do in the pie shop during the Civil War?

Baked spy pies

What did Pansy do when the tsunami came?

Barked and trembled

What did Burl want to do for a living?

Be an actor in New York City

What did first years have to do before sitting in the Great Hall?

Be sorted into their houses by the sorting hat

What did Helen Keller do in 1904?

Become the first deaf-blind person to earn a college degree

What did Peg's dad learn to play on the accordion?

Beer Barrel Polka

What book character was honest and courageous that Jessica wanted to be like?

Belle Teal

How does an iron lung work?

Bellows pump air in and out of patient's lungs

How did Cleo get Berry Weatherly's banjo?

Berry Weatherly gave it to Cleo's mother

Where was magic not allowed to be used?

Between classes in the corridors

What did Danny nickname Ramona?


What did Owen build?

Birdhouses out of toothpicks

What did Bowser do to the driver of the black pickup?

Bit his arm

What did Ms. Shelby-Ortiz tell Richard's parents he had done with his rainforest project?

Blew it off

What children's game scene was etched onto the light cover?

Blindman's Bluff

What did Mr. Whaley give the kids to grow fruit fly larva in?

Blue oatmeal

What did Boone Harness go by for a stage name?

Boone Taylor

What did Oliver say was important to learn before you decide what's true?

Both sides of a story

"What did Franlklin Roosevelt and his partner, Basil O'Connor do in 1926?"

Bought WArm Springs spa and made it into a nonprofit foundation for polio survivors

What did Evelina's father do that attracted Captain James Hook's attention?

Bought a ship and sent her out for a pleasure cruise.

What did Great Uncle Algie do for Neville because he was so happy he had magic in him?

Bought him a toad

How did Mom Scieszka solve the mixed up sweatshirts problem?

Bought six identical sweatshirts and ironed numbers on them

What did Matilda sometimes drink instead of hot chocolate?

Bovril or Ovaltine

What did Birdie name her new dog?


What camp song does Jon Scieszka know the words to?

Camp Grenada

How did Fink address Captain Justice?

Captain J

What did all the oil paintings in gold frames in the Justice home show?

Captain Justice

How did Annie get out of her room after Helen locked her in?

Captain Keller carried her out the window and down a ladder

What was the password on the first night to get into Gryffindor's common room?

Caput Draconis


Caramel Apple Pie

What did Felicity often do for Frannie Jo?

Catch poems for her

What did Peg's friend Karen want to do at school?

Change the rules so girls could wear pants to school

What did Oliver serve for breakfast?

Charlie Sue's chocolate pancakes and a side of Blackberry Sunrise

In what state was Snow Hill School?


What did Day Grissom end up doing with the old bus?

Converted it to shuttle tourists to the historic locations

What did Ms. Shelby-Ortiz NOT let her students do with reports?

Copy stuff from the Internet.

What did Hopper enjoy doing with his fish tank?

Correct the pH level

What cartoon did Jon like to watch?

Coyote and Roadrunner

What card game did Quinny plan with Piper in the car?

Crazy Eights

on Friday?

Crazy Eights

What did Ramona use instead of cornmeal?

Cream of Wheat

What did Dr Loring do every day to Sam when he had a fever?

Cut his arm to drain out the bad blood

What did Hagrid say had to be making Harry's broom go crazy?

Dark Magic

What advice column in the newspaper did Ramona and Beezus like to read?

Dear Abby

What course did Professor Quirrel teach?

Defense Against the Dark Arts

"What did Harry, Ron, and Hermione fall into when they dropped through the trapdoor under Fluffy?"

Devil's Snare plant that tried to tie them up

What did Ms. Starr have her students do with cherries?

Dig them out of bowls of whipped cream --the team that found the most cherries won

What did Jessica's dad do for a living?

Directed small plays in California

What did Holly end up doing as a job in Midnight Gulch?

Director of the new community arts center and helped Aunt Cleo launch a quilting business

What did Dr. Dread do to the family TV set?

Disintegrated it with his plasma gun

What did Jeffrey and Jessica focus on for the holiday project?

Doing research

What did Beebee name her new teddy bear?

Dollar Bill

What did Peg's mom want to do with her toys and books?

Donate them to the kids in the hospital

What did Birdie notice about the photo Mr. Savoy showed her?

Donny was standing beside the black pickup with tinted windows.

What class did Ron and Harry have with the Slytherins?

Double Potions with Professor Snape

Waht did Jon notice that Dick and Jane said a lot?

Each other's names

What did Danny (Yard Ape) say he would do if Ramona didn't get well?

Eat her eraser

What did Peg want to be when she grew up?

Either a veterinarian or a writer

What did Birdie want to change her name to when she turned 21?


In what country did Matilda live?


In what country did Sir Charles live?


What author took Matilda to Africa?

Ernest Hemingway

How often did the nurse tell Peg she could be turned in her bed?

Every 30 minutes

When did students study the night sky?

Every Wednesday at midnight

What did Kyle realize was worse than 'getting thrashed' by Daren?

Feeling shame for not having the courage to do what's right

What did Captain Hook call Jocelyn in his letter to her?

Female Offspring

"What did Felicity, Frannie, and her mom do at the park in North Carolina?"

Flew butterfly kites

What did Day Grissom ask Boone to play on his banjo?

Foggy Mountain Breakdown

What did Annie finally get Helen to do at the dinner table?

Fold her napkin and eat with a spoon

What did Elliott do in order to save Andres' life?

Forgot about his box of normal and froze the leash

How did Captain Krueger get a scar on his face?

From a knife fight with a witch

From where did Uncle Vernon's sister Marge send a postcard?

From the Isle of Wight

What did Elliott do to make Nory turn from a koat (half kitten/half goat) back into a human?

Froze a flower she was eating


Get-Outta-My-Face Fudge Ripple


Get-outta-my-face fudge ripple

What did Ramona worry about happening to her father at work?

Getting locked in the frozen food warehouse and freezing to death

What did Matilda's 'ghost' tell Miss Trunchbull to do?

Give Jenny back her house and her wages. or else he would come and get her like she got him.

What did Miss Honey want to do with Matilda after school?

Give her private tutoring

What books did Dad Scieszka leave around?

Go Dog Go and The Cat in the Hat

What did Daren decide to do after talking to the bellhop?

Go down to the waters edge to watch

What did Peg get to do in February?

Go home for good

What did Peg beg to do for Christmas?

Go home for two days - Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

"Everytime the Scieszka family was all in the car, ready to go somewhere, what did someone have to do?"

Go to the bathroom

What did Hogwarts students do three times a week?

Go to the greenhouses behind the castle to study Herbology

"What did Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Malfoy have to do for detention if they wanted to stay at Hogwarts?"

Go with Hagrid into the forest to find an injured unicorn

What book did Annie and Jimmie cut fashion plates from to hang on the walls of the dead house?

Godey's lady's Book

What did Matilda's father think good strong hair meant?

Good strong brain underneath

What did Hopper read to his mom?

Goodnight Moon

What did Peter like to do in the bathroom?

Grab the bars to the stalls and swing

What did Harry do to Quirrel to stop him from doing a curse on him?

Grabbed his face (burning him) and held on to him.

"If Jocelyn decided NOT to be a fairy, what would Queen Mab do to thank her for saving Meriwether's life?"

Grant her another wish

What color was the backpack Quinny's dad gave her?

Green with orange polka dots

How did Jessica feel about Mr. Terupt's accident?

Guilty because she got Danielle and Anna to carry out her plan to attack Peter which let to him throwing the snowball

What book lay on the table when Jocelyn woke up in a bedroom suite?

Gulliver's Travels

How was Dorothy able to move back home even thought she wasn't able to use braces?

Her brothers built her a ramp so she could get in and out of the house with her wheelchair

What did Danielle tell Anna about Charlie marrying her mom?

Her family would never allow it because they didn't approve of her mother

What apparition did Jocelyn see in the Black Swamp?

Her father - Captain James Hook

What did Peg discover when she tried to play piano when she visited hom?

Her foot could not long work the sustain pedal

What did Lavender use as a net to catch a newt?

Her hat

How did Peg stay up with her classmates at her regular school?

Her mom brought textbooks and weekly assignments for her to do

What did Felicity grab to hold onto during the tornado?

Her mom's paintbrushes wrapped in an old T-shirt and her blue book

How did Richard's mom's face change right before she came up with some awful punishment?

Her nostrils flared and her eyes got squinty

How did Peg get the chocolate milkshake?

Her parents brought it into the hospital

What did Lavender keep the newt in until she got it to school?

Her pencil box

What did Peg leave for Tommy when she left for Sheltering Arms?

Her radio

What did Helen Keller call the day she met Annie Sullivan?

Her soul's birthday

What did Helen first find out about in 1926 in regard to Annie?

Her terrible experiences in Tewksbury

What did Quinny give to Victoria?

Her watermelon barrette

What did a Youtube video show happening to Dr. Dread?

Him getting caught in the Net of Truth

What did Dumbledore say he saw when he looked into the Mirror of Erised?

Himself holding a pair of woolen socks because everyone always gave him books for Christmas.

What did Harry tell Quirrel he saw in the Mirror of Erised?

Himself shaking hands with Dumbledore after winning the house cup for Gryffindor

What did Harry see in the Mirror of Erised when he was with Quirrel?

Himself with the Sorcerer's Stone in his pocket.

What did Harry step on when he tried to sneak to the front door to get his letters?

His Uncle Vernon's face

What did Jeffrey give to Michael in the summer before 4th grade?

His bone marrow

What did Nory want to eat in her father's office?

His bookshelf

How did Joshua know his parents had left in a hurry to capture the zombie at school?

His dad was still wearing his house slippers.

How was Seamus 'half and half'?

His dad's a Muggle but his mom's a witch

What did Professor McGonagall tell Harry he had in common with his father?

His father was an excellent Quidditch player

How did Harry know he found the right wand?

His fingers got warm and red and gold sparks shot from the end

What did Ramona notice about her dad's head?

His hair was thinning

What did Jonah call his sense of knowing when someone had something wrong in need of fixing

His know-how

How did Jonah know Aunt Cleo?

His mom did Aunt Cleo's hair

How did Bax know about the ear lobe trick to maintain balance?

His mom made him go to yoga class with her

What did Anna's mom recognize of Charlie's?

His old red farm truck with the dent in the driver's side door

What did Jim try to sell to Jon?

His own clean shirt

What did Mr. Quimby have to draw for art class?

His own foot

What did Jocelyn say to Meriwether that made him live?

I believe in you.

What book did Jessica read where a girl feels better after she talks about her secret?

Ida B

What did Malfoy ask Harry about his parents when he met him?

If they were 'our' kind -- magical

How did Sister Kenny develop her treatments?

In 1903 she put hot pieces of wet fabric on a sick child to relieve her muscle spasms

How did Stone Weatherly meet his wife?

In a hot air balloon race

How did Marigold get Bax to the nurse's office when he turned into a rock?

In a wheel barrow

How did the Davidsons get from where their yacht docked to Fisher Beach?

In a yellow school bus

"How did Harry, Hagrid, and Griphook get to the vaults in Gringotts bank?"

In carts on railway tracks

How were all the comatose supervillains dressed behind the glass wall?

In identical white robes

How did Arly Pickett and Jonah's mom (Jewel) meet?

In mechanic school

How did Aunt Petunia say Harry had gotten his scar?

In the car crash that killed his parents.

What did Liam Crewson do?

Invited the whole class to his birthday party

"How did Sam, Sarah, Lizzie, Ma, Amelia, and Baby Isaac get across the river?"

Lakota men got them across in canoes

What did Annie do with the expensive model skeleton in the closet where she was put as punishment for not sewing fast enough?

Laughed and rattled its bones until they let her out

What did Quinny suggest to Hopper they should do about the soccer net that is impossible?

Leave it alone to heal.

What did Lexie's mom tell her not to do?

Let other people push her around

What did Alexia tell Jessica her friends called her?


What did Peter hit with his piece of cardboard for sampling the soccer field?

Lexie's tushie

What did GI Combat comic tell about?

Lieutenant Jeb Stewart and his haunted tank.

How did Mr. McSoren talk to Freya?

Like a regular person

What did Harry think Marcus Flint looked like?

Like he had troll blood in him.

What did it feel like when a ghost patted Harry's arm?

Like he just put his arm in a bucket of cold water

How had the other kids been treating Peter until James hugged him?

Like he was invisible

How did Joshua describe what happened to him when the light shot out of his fingers and time stood still?

Like his Gyft took over

What comic books did Renee ask for Peg's parents to bring her?

Little Lulu or Archie and Veronica

What did Kyle say he and Beebee would do if their parents didn't survive?

Live with their grandpa and grandma

What did Helen do to Annie when she was making the bed?

Locked her in her room

What did Harry magically do to the glass that caged the boa constrictor?

Made it disappear.

What charm did Hermione do to the banner Harry's friends made for him?

Made it so the paint flashed different colors

What did Elliott do to the cherry?

Made the stem burst into flame

What books did Arsenius Jigger write?

Magical Drafts and Potions

What book did Adalbert Waffling write?

Magical Theory

What did Professor Flitwick have students do for practical exam?

Make a pineapple tapdance across a desk.

What did Danielle's grandma want God to do to Alexia?

Make her fat

What did Jessica teach Anna to do?

Make worry dolls

How did they make an approximation of the number of blades of grass on the field?

Making 10 centimeter by 10 centimeter squares and throwing them onto the field to collect random ten-centimeter samples that they would count.

"What did Felicity describe as ""harder than fractions""?"

Making new friends in a new place when you're the new girl

How did Filch know that Harry Potter would be in the trophy room at night?

Malfoy set him up-- he never planned to show up for the duel. He told Filch that Harry would be there.

"What did Peg Kehret and her mom do, a year after she came home from the hospital?"

Marched in the Mother's March to collect money for polio research

How did Maybelline get the map?

Maurice gave it to her after he buried the necklace in Lafitte Creek

What did Joshua try to tempt the zombie at school with?

Meat Surprise

What did Mrs. Quimby do for a living?

Medical receptionist

How did Victoria and her friends always start their recess?

Meeting by the sycamore tree

What did Lexie tell Jessica that Danielle called her?

Miss Goody Two-shoes and a snotty bookworm

Dr. Zook's ice cream flavor....Mean Gene's ______

Mocha Coconut


Mocha Delight

How many tribes of Indians lived and passed through the areas around the Oregon Trail?

More than 20

What did Mr. Palmer say about most of the Indians on the Oregon Trail?

Most are friendly and just want to trade. They help with river crossings.

What did Captain Justice crash into when the tree threw him?

Mr. Chow's Chinese Buffet

Who was the caretaker of Hogwarts?

Mr. Filch

What did Mr. Terupt say he was going to call Peter because he went to the bathroom so much?

Mr. Peebody or Peter the Pee-er

What did Annie yell to Mr. Sanborn when he came to Tewksbury?

Mr. Sanborn! I want to go to school!

What did Luke overhear when he went to the bathroom to clean off his glue-covered shoes?

Mr. Terupt scolding Lexie

What did Mrs. Crab call Peg's first physical therapist?

Mrs. Crab

What did kids get to use when giving a report?

Ms. Shelby-Ortiz's pointer

What did Quinny say when people asked about her backpack?

My friend Hopper is an artist.

What can animals sometimes sense ahead of time?

Natural disasters

What did Alice do in the Christmas play?

Sang a solo of Silent Night

What did Mr. Quimby call himself because of his part time job?

Santa's Little Helper

What did Harper do that bothered Richard on the bench?

Sat next to him and talked to him

What did Peter's older brother tell him the principal made his friend do as punishment for plugging the toilet with toilet paper?

Scrub the toilets with a toothbrush and then brush his teeth with the toothbrush

What did Neville melt during Potions class?

Seamus's cauldron

When would quidditch trials be held?

Second week of the term

What did Beebee plan to do with the shells she found on the beach?

Sell them to kids in her school for 10 cents each

What did Eddie Cantor encourage people to do?

Send bags of dimes to the White House

What did Dorothy do until she retired?

Senior receptionist at the Courage Center in Minneapolis - a rehab center for people with physical disabilities

What burritos did Captain Justice endorse?

Senor Loco's three-minute Mexican Feast

What did Felicity do with the dove tattoo?

Sent it to Arly Pickett for Jonah

In what month did Peg start having symptoms of polio?


On what date did Hogarts fall term start?

September 1st

What did Lacey do to Andres when he spit on her head?

Set his leash on fire

What did Hermione do to stop Snape from jinxing Harry's broom?

Set his robes on fire

How did Darnell help Mrs. Johnson?

Set up the party at the park

What did Laura Bridgman do to help with the doll for Helen?

Sewed clothes for it

What bald author did Matilda say was 'brainy'


What did Day Grissom to himself do for Cleo?

Shaved off his beard and cut his hair and wore nicer clothes

What did Anna notice about Miss Kelsey?

She didn't wear a wedding ring

How did Quinny tell Hopper that Freya died?

She died of loneliness.

What did Lady Trottington do when Jocelyn announced who her father was?

She fainted in her jellied eels

How did Aunt Cleo say was the only way to conquer a fear?

Tackle it head-on

What did Lexie tell Danielle about her bean plant falling over?

Taht Jessica knocked it over on purpose

What did Burl's dad want him to do for a living?

Take over the ice cream factory

What did Piers say Harry was doing with the boa constrictor?

Talking to it.

What did Quinny yell at Piper when she told on her?

Tattletale for sale!

What did Beebee say they could buy with the money they would save if they stayed in a Motel6?

Tax free municipal bonds

What did Grammy always have at noon?

Tea with two sugars

What did Helen always call Annie?


What did Ramona discover when she was sitting in the office?

Teachers talk about their classes

What did Harry figure out the centaurs saw in the sky?

That Voldemort was coming back

What did Jim tell Jon and Tom he could do to them when he came back after a year of high school at Culver Military Academy?

That he could take both of them wrestling at the same time.

What did Harry tell Neville he was in comparison to Malfoy?

That he was worth twelve of Malfoy.

"What did Eveline say to her brother, Captain Arthur Keller, if he let Annie go?"

That he would be a pigheaded fool

"What did Mrs. Whaley mean when she said ""What a nuisance""?"

That it was a nuisance for Mrs. Larson to wash the egg out of Ramona's hair.

What did Alexia say about Jessica and Jeffrey's trivia game?

That no one would understand the questions and that Jessica was just trying to sound smart

What did Felicity worry about when her mom went driving?

That she would leave her and Frannie behind

What did Hopper read chapters four and five of?

The Bat Poet

What did Aunt Cleo call her Nissan sedan?

The Beast of Burden

"In Midnight Gulch, who was always watching?"

The Beedle

What book did Miss Ballard put on Peg's head?

The Birds of North America bird identification book

Who was the only one who could control Peeves?

The Bloody Baron

What book did Nory find in her desk?

The Box of Normal

What did Milton and Joshua call the four 7th grade girls who sat together in the cafeteria?

The Cafeteria Girls

What curse did Professor Quirrel talk about to his students?

The Curse of the Bogies

What book did Quentin Trimble write?

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self Protection

What did Luke call Mr. Terupt at the end?

The Dollar-Word Man

What are Joshua's parents called by the public?

The Dread Duo

What did Dad Scieszka run in the summer?

The Flint Junior Golf program

How did Beezus remind Ramona of how to spell principal?

The principal is your PAL

"What day did the weatherman, Virgil Duncan, say September 7th would be like?"

The rainiest day of the year

What did Birdie find in Lafitte Creek?

The remains of a duck blind

"The scientific weather instruments can predict the TIME of a tsunami, but no what?"

The size of the waves

What did Quinny call her smelling game?

The smelling bee

What did Aunt Cleo call the smell of the waffle cones baking in Dr. Zook's ice cream factory?

The sugar wind

How did Kyle know they were heading westward down from the mountain?

The sun came from behind them (in the east)

"What did Birdie talk about that her dad, a detective, always talked about?"

The theory of the case

What did Maybelline bring for Grammy?

The treasure map

What did Mrs. Cannon tell Birdie and Rory about?

The treasure map

What did Maybelline Peckham say was the problem with dogs?

Their life spans don't match up with ours

What did Ms. Shelby-Ortiz make students come up with if they did something wrong?

Their own consequences

What did Miss Honey's students have to learn by heart by the end of the week?

Their two-times tables

What did Matilda say was C.S. Lewis's and Tokein's failing?

There are no funny bits in his book

Waht did Joshua notice about Sophie's sleeve of her shirt?

There was a jagged rip in it

What did Professor Quirrel announce before fainting in the Great Hall?

There was a mountain troll loose in the dungeons

What did Des say about the fish (Black Jack)?

There was a treasure map hidden behind its right eye.

What did Quinny say about all the friends?

They all belong to Victoria.

How did Nory and Hawthorn explain the mess in their father's office?

They blamed it on Dalia's rabbits

What did Danielle and Terri Adams have in common?

They both were talented artists

How were Peg and Tommy able to listen to the Lone Ranger?

They brought in a small portable radio

How did fairy magic protect Evelina and Jocelyn?

They could stay and talk together for as long as Jocelyn wanted--time would not touch them there.

What did both Salk and Sabin NOT do which showed how good they were?

They didn't patent their vaccine. They made it available for the public good.

How are walking sticks different from crutches?

They end below the elbow and have rings of metal circles at the top

How did Filch catch Harry and Hermione in the corridor after they delivered Norbert?

They forgot the invisibility cloak up at the top of the tower

How did Dr. Dread capture some nano-beings?

They got caught in the burning tofu that Joshua threw at the smoke monster

"What did John Macy, the editor of Helen Keller's autobiography, do with Annie Sullivan?"

They got married

How could Jon and Jim afford to go to Culver Military Academy?

They got scholarships

How did Joshua know the rompers were connected to the smoke monsters?

They had the same logo marked on them

What did Hopper think about Quinny's teeth?

They were the happiest teeth he had ever seen

How long was Dorothy sick before her parents could get her to the doctor when she started having polio symptoms?

Three days

What did Brick do to Joey when Joey tried to throw fire at him?

Threw him into the girls bathroom

What did Jocelyn do with the bottle of perfume?

Threw it at the mirror and broke it.

What did Birdie do with the necklace?

Threw it right down the alligator's throat

What did Mr. Terupt say they could NOT do outside in the snow?

Throw snowballs

What did Bowser see someone do from the canal bridge?

Throw something long and stiff with a tail on one end into the canal

What did Nigel's dad say to do to people who had fainted?

Throw water on them

What did did Joshua get to school early to catch up on homework?


What did did Richard's mom usually take off from the food bank?


What did Mr. Terupts grandpa tell him to do to stop peeing so much?

Tie a knot in it

What did Jon and Jim do to Tom because he wouldn't pay to stay up past his bedtime?

Tied him to his bed with dad's ties

What did Matilda cause the glass with the newt in it to do?

Tip over all over Miss Trunchbull

"All Jennifer Honey's relatives were either dead, or had moved where?"

To Australia

What did Jessica's mom think wasn't fair for Mr. Terupt to expect from kids?

To assume so much responsibility and to act like adults

"Ramona and Beezus liked to cook, but they didn't like what?"

To be punished

What did Peter Pan think Jocelyn wanted?

To be rescued

What did Mr. Wormwood think Miss Honey wanted when he knocked on the door?

To sell raffle tickets

What did Jessica decide to do because of Belle Teal?

To walk to Danielle

What did Donny do when they passed by Lafitte Creek in the swamp tour boat?

Took a picture

What did Snape do because Harry couldn't answer any of his questions?

Took away a point from Gryffindor House

What did Aunt Margo do to cheer Nory up?

Took her for a fly

What did 1.8 million children do in 1984?

Took part in trials of the Salk vaccine

What did Dan do in a weak moment?

Took the necklace that did not belong to him

What did Harry Wormwood do to The Red Pony?

Tore it to pieces

What did Peg call physical therapy time?

Torture Time

What are Hoppers twin brother's names?

Trevor and Ty

How did Joshua practice his gyft in PE?

Tried burning up his gym shorts

What did Harry do to his teacher's wig at school when he was with the Dursley's?

Turned it blue

What did Professor Quirrel do when Seamus asked how he fought the zombie?

Turned pink and started talking about the weather.

What did Aunt Petunia say her sister did to teacups?

Turned them into rats

In what town in Alabama did the Kellers live?


What animals were floating on a log in the bayou?

Two box turtles and one snapper

What did Ramona play in the wedding party game?

Uncle Rat

How high can tsunami waves be?

Up to 100 feet tall

What color dress was dry-clean only?

Victoria's itchy pink dress

What did Mrs. Hazelton win?

Virtual Salesperson of the Year

How did Harry's parents really die?

Voldemort killed them.

How did one get onto platform 9 3/4?

Walk or run fast at the barrier between platforms nine and ten.

What did Hopper put on Freya?

Walter's red leash

What did Helen always do at meal times with everyone's food at the dinner table?

Wander around and take food off people's plates with her hands

What did Michael do when the Wormwoods drove away?

Waved to Matilda from the back window

On what day was Jon's piano lessons?


On what day and at what time did Boone play in front of the Gallery?

Wednesday afternoon

What did Piper do behind one of the trees in their yard?

Went to the bathroom like a dog

What book was Jessica reading when she first went to talk to Danielle?

Where the Red Fern Grows

Suzie's ...

White Chocolate Cherry Walnut

What did Alexia need to tell Jessica on the first day?

Who she could be friends with

What are the magic words to make something fly?

Wingardium Leviosa!

How did the Brothers Threadbare always start their concerts?

With a few magic tricks

How did Miss Honey teach her students to spell words?

With little songs

How was Peg able to reach and pull out cookie containers from under her bed?

With the back scratcher Grandpa had given her

What did Peg do after graduating from Austin High School?

Wnet to the University of Minnesota

"What did Boone tell Cleo she was, now that she was old and not pretty like she was when she was young?"


What did 'all clear' signals sound like after the tsunami danger was over?

beep beep beep like a truck backing up

What are Fred and George Weasley famous for?

being jokers

What did Hagrid do with Uncle Vernon's gun?

bent it into a knot

How did Nory describe her hair?

big hair

What did Principal Gonzalez say he would not tolerate?


What color did the kitten have to be?


What color hair did Matilda's father have?


What did Darnell do with his root beer float?

blew into it to make extra bubbles

What color hair did Dr. Bevis have?


What color was Holly Pickle's hair?


What color sweaters did Fred and George get from their mom?


What color was Fred's parrot?

blue and yellow

What did Quinny start out with juggling?

blue silk scarves

what did Matilda's mom call girls who read and studied a lot?

blue stocking girls

What did Miss Trunchbull's water jug look like?

blue-glazed pottery

What color eyes did Sophie have?


What color was the carpet in Snow Hill School?


What color was Sugarplum?


"What are the calcaneus, the cuboid, and metatarsals?"

bones in the foot

What did Piper add to the pile of treats to attract Freya?


What did Florentine fill her backpack with?

books and the burdens from Granny Opals cupboard

"Mr. Quimby said that, if someone was nice all the time, they were what?"


"What did Grammy cook that was like sausage, but better?"

boudin slices

What did Kyle and Beebee find in the refrigerator that had been carried up onto the mountain to eat?

bread and pickles

What color hair did Maybelline Peckham have?

bright orange

What did all the Neverland warriors have on their faces?

brightly dyed mustaches

What did Quinny do for her tae kwon do belt test?

broke a piece of wood in two with her bare foot

"What color hair did Mrs. Williams, the principal, have?"


What color does still Jon hate?


What did Granny Opal keep locked in her cupboard?


What could Matilda's mother not do because she was so exhausted after bingo?

cook dinner

Jon traded jobs with Brian and Jeff whenever they had what job?


What class did Beezus get to take in junior high?


What did Ramona want for dinner?

corn bread

What did Napolean say was the only sensible thing to do when you are attacked?


What did Frannie Jo's 1st grade classroom smell like?

crayons and peanut butter sandwiches

What did Peg always ask for on birthdays or special occasions to eat for dessert?

cream puffs

What did Annie bring from the fields in her pockets to put into Helen's hands?


How did working as a checker make Mr. Quimby feel?


What did Peg's grandpa do when she left for the hospital that she had never seen him do?


What color hair and eyes did Harry's mother have?

dark red hair and green eyes

"Captain Hook knew that if Jocelyn was reading his letter, then he must be ...."


What did Hedwig keep bringing to Harry?

dead mice

What did Jim and Jon throw when they had war?

dirt clod grenades

What did Matilda call the money her dad earned from cheating people?

dirty money

What did Nigel Hick's father do for a living?


"Every couple of years, what did Dad Scieszka's school have?"

donkey basketball

What did Aunt Margo and Nory eat for dinner on Nory's first day of school?

double pepperoni pizza and apples

What did people say guarded the security vaults at Gringotts?


What did Ramona and her dad both like to do?


"Because of her fever, it was very important for Peg to do what?"

drink lots of liquid

What condition did Alice have with her feet?

dropfoot -- her toes pointed permanently down

What did Helen exercise with to the tune of Verdi's Anvil Chorus?


What did Annie do with her hands whenever she was nervous?


How many brothers did Jon Scieszka have?


How many metatarsals are there in the human foot?


How much did Sam's pa pay to have each wagon crossed over the river on a ferry boat?

five dollars

"How much did the Davidsons play their baby sitter, Shelly?"

five dollars an hour

How tall was Peg at the age of twelve?

five foot eight

How much did beetle eyes cost?

five knuts a scoop

How long did the second Quidditch game last before Harry caught the snitch?

five minutes

How many people did it take to move Miss Trunchbull from the classroom to the sick-room

five teachers and the matron

How many times did the Slytherins score with the quaffle while everyone was looking at Harry holding onto the wild broom?

five times

"How much older than her was Matilda's brother, Michael?"

five years

"What did Gryffindor and Slytherin have to learn together, starting on Thursday?"

flying lessons

How did Hermione win a bunch of points from Professor McGonagall for House Gryffindor?

for knowing about switching spells

For how many years had Phineas Vex been running VexaCorp?


For how long did MIss Trunchbull say she would put Matilda in a reformatory for delinquent girls?

forty years

How many flavors of ice cream were at Dr. Zook's?


How old were Danielle's parents?


How many balls does Quidditch use?


How many dogs was Figs licensed to turn into?


How many grandchildren does Peg have?


How many people knew about Jonah's alias (The Beedle)?


How did Bowser describe swimming?

running in the water

What did David and Nick feed their bean plant?

salad dressing

What did Matilda's dad put in the gear-box of old cars?


Hopper thought that sometimes it's easier to draw how you feel than to what?

say how you feel

What color were the Gryffindor's Quidditch robes?


What color uniform was the goblin in front of Gringotts wearing?

scarlet and gold

What did Joshua watch a man and dog do in a surveillance video?

scratch themselves

What birth order is Jon Scieszka?

second oldest

What did Jim and Jon do with the model planes to make fighting with them more exciting?

set them on fire

How many months had Peg been gone from home?


How many players are on a quidditch team?


How many states sent reporters to the original duel?


How many tornadoes blew through Florentine's town in one night when she was a girl?


How many years did students attend Hogwarts?


How much did Harry's wand cost?

seven gold galleons

How many miles did the wagon train make on the first day of travel?


How many silver sickles was equal to one galleon?


How much did dragon liver cost?

seventeen sickles an ounce

What did Beebee ask from Santa for Christmas?

shares of a toy company's stocks

What did badly played musical instruments look like to Sebastian?

sharp knives on his eyeballs

What did Des's parents do for a living?

shrinks (psychiatrists) at Mercy Hospital

How did the teacher communicate with Emily?

sign language

What color is unicorn blood?


"How did the nun describe TV shows, comic books, and MAD magazine?"


"In Kansas, what happened when there was a tornado?"

sirens to tell people to go down in the basement till the 'all clear' signal sounded

"How much older was Peg's brother, Art, than she was?"


How many horses pulled the Wells Fargo bank's stagecoach?


How many states had the Pickle family lived in?


How many times did Annie have to change trains on the way to Alabama?


How many years in a row had the Slytherins won the House Cup?


How old was Fred?


How old was Helen Keller when Annie first went to teach her?


How long does a periodical cicada spend as a free creature that can fly?

six days

How many days after they left Independence Rock did the wagon train get smaller when some people went other ways?

six days

"How old was Helen when she could say ""how d'ye', 'tea-tea-tea' and 'wah-wah'?"

six months

How many deaths were reported in 1916 from polio?

six thousand

What did Matilda's dad do for a living?

sold second-hand cars

What did Jocelyn want to put in the beds at the finishing school?


What did Donny say he used for bait?


What did Andres do to Lacey when she was ridiculing Nory?

spit a loogie on her head

What did Darnell know that Richard was squeamish about?

spit mixed with toothpaste

What did Aquila want wolf scouts to be?


What did Professor Flitwick have to do in order to teach?

stand on a pile of books because he was so short

How did every poor person use to wash?

standing up and washing with a cloth and water they heated up

What did Annie give to Annie and Percy when they learned to spell?

sticks of candy

What did 11 year old Bruce Bogtrotter do?

stole a slice of Trunchbull's private chocolate cake from her tea tray

What did Annie have Helen do to keep her occupied and help her use her energy?

stringing beads or crotcheting

What did Ramona say she would give her own daughter to eat if she had one?

stuffed olives and whipped cream (not tongue)

What are antibodies?

substanced produced by the body's immune system that destroy bacteria and viruses.

What did Jim and Jon realize crossing pee streams when they were all going at the same time was like?

sword fighting

What did Jim do a LOT?


What did Nubbins cook for the feast?

tarragon-scented salt pork with saurkraut and hardtack topped with lime-ginger creme.

What did Birdie keep calling a taxidermist?


What did Brian and Jon Scieszka become?


What did Quinny tell Hopper he was good at drawing?


How many freckles did Jonah have on his face?


How many steps did Peg take on the first day of learning to use the walking sticks?


How many wagons in the Abbott's group were from Missouri and going to Oregon for better farmland?


How much did the farmer rent the cottage to Miss Honey for?

ten pence a week

What app finally shut down the red barrier and saved Captain Justice and Sophie from being poisoned?

the 'Z' app

What did Hermione study that she didn't need to know for final exams?

the 1637 Werewolf Code of Conduct and the Uprising of Elfric the Eager

What did Captain Justice rank at the top of for 8 years in a row?

the Annual list of Highest Paid Superheroes

What did all the Neverland warriors have on their bodies?

the Union Jack (Great Brittain's flag) tattoo

What did Jon and Jim break in the living room?

the couch

Some people left the main trail to save three or four days by going through what?

the desert

What did Felicity paint on a river rock?

the dog

What did Matilda grab as a weapon when she pretended there were people in the house?

the knife she had been eating with

What did Ramona get to eat at Whopperburger?

the smallest adult item on the menu - a hamburger and fries

What always happened right before the smoke monsters made people disappear?

there was a flash of lightning

How old was Alice?


How old was Dalia?


How long did Helen Keller live after Annie died?

thirty years - until she was 88 years old in 1968

How old was Franklin Delano Roosevelt when he was diagnosed with polio in 1921?


How many birthday presents did Dudley count for his birthday that made him upset?

thirty-six - two less than last year

How old did children have to be to get the 'Child's Plate' on the Whopperburger restaurant menu?

twelve or younger

How many boxes of tofu brains did Joshua's mom buy?


How many children did Mrs. Larsen have?


How many deadbolts were on the Dread's front door?


How many dinghies did the Hook's Revenge carry?


How many dresses did Quinny own?


How many floors were in Quinny's school in New York?


How many kinds of polio did Peg have?


How many presidents had stayed at the Totem Pole Inn?


How old was Alice when she first came to Sheltering Arms?


How old was Matilda when she taught her self to read?


What did Ramona make for her book report?

three cat masks

How long was Harry asleep in the infirmary after the fight with Quirrel/Voldemort?

three days

How many sets of plain black work robes did first years need to bring to Hogwarts?

three sets

How tall was Peg's school in Austin?

three stories

How many times was it rumored Brick Gristol had been held back?

three times

How often was Quidditch practice?

three times a week

How long had Peg been paralyzed before she was able to move a little?

three weeks

what caused rocky mountain spotted fever?

tick bites

What did Nubbins's friend hear coming from one of the sea caves?


"What did Helen try to teach Miss Bell, the dog?"

to spell the word doll

"The valet tag stated they wouldn't be responsible for items that were lost, stolen, damanged, or irreversibly....(what?)"


"What did Annie Sullivan die of in 1936, the same thing that killed her brother Jimmie?"


"What did Peeves,t he poltergeist, throw at Percy?"

walking sticks

What did Piper stop doing now that they lived in the middle of nowhere?

wearing clothes

What did people always want on their wedding quilts?

wedding rings

What did Quinny try to teach Hopper how to do?

whistle for a taxi

Members of the royal family of fairies were the only ones allowed to wear pure what?


What color was Gringotts Bank?


What did Anna's house look like?

white with gray shutters

How did Jonah say he felt any time he was around Felicity?


What did Nigel Hicks have to spell for Miss Trunchbull?


What did Miss Honey ask Miss Trunchbull to spell backwards?


What did Mr. Palmer say people did on Independence Rock?

wrote their names

What did Ramona call boys who always got the best balls on the playground?

yard apes

What color did Boone see A-flat as?


What did Florentine have twisted through her black braided hair?

yellow ribbons

What did Felicity's heart say when good things happened?

yes yes yes

What did Ramona use instead of buttermilk?


"VexaCorp motto....""We do our best so you can do....(what?)"""

your worst

What did Joshua hide in his pocket from ChemiCo labs?

zenoplyric acid

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