ALL Material for History Final

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to set free


to withdraw

What was Lincoln's main goal in issuing the Ten Percent Plan?

to help both sides (North and South) recover and rebuild the economy

William Tecumseh Sherman

tough Union army general

How much freedom did slaves actually get?

very little

George McClellan

very organized but cautious Union General


warships covered with protective iron plates

At the start of the war, Southerners compared themselves to....... (a) Americans who fought for independence in 1776. (b) slaves who were trying to escape from their masters. (c) mercenary soldiers hired by Britain during the Revolutionary War. (d) Native Americans fighting to keep their land.

(a) Americans who fought for independence in 1776.

Where did General Grant make the following statement? "The war is over. The rebels are our countrymen again." (a) Appomattox Court House. (b) Richmond. (c) Vicksburg. (d) Gettysburg.

(a) Appomattox Court House.

Why did Congress propose the Wade-Davis Bill? (a) Congress wanted a stricter policy toward Reconstruction than Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan. (b) The bill was meant to be a challenge to President Johnson. (c) Congress wanted "soft" Reconstruction. (d) The bill had the support of the South's new state governments.

(a) Congress wanted a stricter policy toward Reconstruction than Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan.

Keeping slavery out of the western territories was the main goal of the........ (a) Free-Soil Party. (b) Whig Party. (c) Democratic Party. (d) all of the above

(a) Free-Soil Party

Why was Senator Charles Sumner badly beaten with a cane on the Senate floor in 1855? (a) He had denounced the ideas of his attacker's uncle, an elderly senator. (b) He had previously beaten his assailant, Preston Brooks. (c) He had spoken out in favor of slavery in Kansas. (d) The cause is unknown, as the assailant was never captured.

(a) He had denounced the ideas of his attacker's uncle, an elderly senator.

What extra danger did African American soldiers face in the Civil War? (a) If they were captured they might be returned to slavery. (b) Many used new weapons and technology that had not been tested. (c) They could be put on trial for war crimes if the Union lost. (d) They were often shot while running away during battle.

(a) If they were captured they might be returned to slavery.

Which of the following statements is true? (a) In the South, food became harder to obtain because invading Union armies made farming difficult. (b) The Union blockade of southern ports made it easier to buy goods from Europe. (c) As the war continued, prices went down in the South. (d) The war helped the southern economy.

(a) In the South, food became harder to obtain because invading Union armies made farming difficult.

Why were some abolitionists unhappy with the Emancipation Proclamation? (a) It did not apply to the entire country. (b) They felt Lincoln had issued it too soon. (c) They wanted the South to be punished for starting the war. (d) It freed too many slaves too quickly.

(a) It did not apply to the entire country.

Which of the following was part of Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan? (a) New state governments had to declare an end to slavery. (b) All southern voters had to swear an oath of loyalty to the United States. (c) All Confederates received amnesty. (d) Enslaved African Americans who were freed received land.

(a) New state governments had to declare an end to slavery.

Who wrote the Dred Scott decision? (a) Roger Taney. (b) Stephen Douglas. (c) John Brown. (d) Harriet Beecher Stowe.

(a) Roger Taney.

Which of the following is an example of how freedmen were treated during the early days of Reconstruction? (a) Some people tried to cheat them by not paying for work they had done. (b) They were given 40 acres, but received no mules with which to work the land. (c) Black codes gave them more rights than white people had. (d) They were given money as payment for years of slavery.

(a) Some people tried to cheat them by not paying for work they had done.

Which of the following statements would John Brown probably agree with most? (a) The Fugitive Slave Act needed to be resisted. (b) The Compromise of 1850 was a good way to end slavery. (c) The Missouri Compromise should have been repealed. (d) Kansas should have been made a pro-slavery state.

(a) The Fugitive Slave Act needed to be resisted.

What did Frederick Douglass mean when he said that the freedmen "were sent away empty handed, without money, without friends, and without a foot of land to stand upon"? (a) The freedmen had little with which to start a new life. (b) The freedmen lost their land during the war. (c) Sharecroppers should form organizations to support each other and gain land. (d) In order to be allowed to vote, freedmen had to pass a literacy test.

(a) The freedmen had little with which to start a new life.

How did Reconstruction finally come to an end? (a) To become President, Rutherford B. Hayes promised the Democrats that he would end Reconstruction. (b) The Democrats won the election of 1876 and ended Reconstruction. (c) President Grant ended Reconstruction just before leaving office. (d) Congress voted to end Reconstruction.

(a) To become President, Rutherford B. Hayes promised the Democrats that he would end Reconstruction.

Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866....... (a) because African Americans were being unfairly treated in the South. (b) to grant Native Americans the right to vote. (c) to show support for President Johnson. (d) because Lincoln had been in favor of it.

(a) because African Americans were being unfairly treated in the South.

One reason Radical Reconstruction was able to bring change to the South was that...... (a) federal soldiers were stationed in the South to enforce new laws. (b) white southerners supported the changes brought about by Radical Reconstruction. (c) African Americans voted for Radical Reconstruction. (d) it was part of General Lee's surrender terms.

(a) federal soldiers were stationed in the South to enforce new laws.

Which of the following tactics were especially successful for General Grant? (a) siege and constant attack. (b) increasing the number of ships and their artillery power in naval battles. (c) caution and frequent retreats. (d) waiting for the right weather and additional troops.

(a) siege and constant attack.

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 election for President because..... (a) the Democratic Party was split. (b) he won the debates with Stephen Douglas. (c) Jefferson Davis supported him. (d) he won many southern votes.

(a) the Democratic Party was split.

How might Stephen Douglas have responded to Lincoln's "house divided" speech? (a) "The government should outlaw slavery throughout the country to preserve the Union." (b) "The Union could succeed if the issue of slavery were decided through popular sovereignty." (c) "Slavery is not an issue that is important enough to dissolve the Union." (d) "The Union should solve its problems by allowing slavery in all states."

(b) "The Union could succeed if the issue of slavery were decided through popular sovereignty."

At the beginning of the Civil War, ........... (a) there were African American officers in all Union armies. (b) African American troops were not allowed to join the Union army. (c) there were African American officers in all Confederate armies. (d) both sides agreed not to let African Americans join their armies.

(b) African American troops were not allowed to join the Union army.

As opponents of the Republicans began to take back the South, (a) African Americans slowly gained more rights. (b) African Americans lost more rights. (c) campaigns of terror against African Americans came to an end. (d) Democrats lost power in the South.

(b) African Americans lost more rights.

Which of the following statements about public schools in the South is true? (a) Before the Civil War, there were public schools in every southern state. (b) After the Civil War, the Freedmen's Bureau established public schools for African American children. (c) During the Civil War, southern states built public schools for the children of soldiers. (d) Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan called for building public schools throughout the South.

(b) After the Civil War, the Freedmen's Bureau established public schools for African American children.

Whom was Lincoln talking about when he said, "If [he] does not want to use the army, I would like to borrow it for a time"? (a) Ulysses S. Grant. (b) George McClellan. (c) Robert E. Lee. (d) Stonewall Jackson.

(b) George McClellan

Why was the Supreme Court's decision in the case Plessy v. Ferguson important? (a) It granted citizenship to Native Americans. (b) It supported segregation laws. (c) It gave Congress the power to impeach the president. (d) It struck down "separate but equal."

(b) It supported segregation laws.

One reason for the conflict between President Johnson and Congress was...... (a) Johnson had been a Copperhead during the war. (b) Johnson put his plan for Reconstruction into effect without consulting Congress. (c) Congress did not want a Democrat to be president. (d) Congressmen resented the fact that Johnson was a southerner.

(b) Johnson put his plan for Reconstruction into effect without consulting Congress.

How did sharecropping affect freedmen after the Civil War? (a) Most were able to save money and buy land of their own. (b) Many became locked into a cycle of debt and fell into poverty. (c) They were able to raise enough money to fund schools for their children. (d) Good weather and successful harvests made the freedmen very wealthy.

(b) Many became locked into a cycle of debt and fell into poverty.

Which of the following is an example of the Ku Klux Klan's reaction to voting by African Americans? (a) Members of the Ku Klux Klan helped to register black voters in the South. (b) Members of the Ku Klux Klan conducted acts of violence that led to the decline of voting by African Americans. (c) Members of the Ku Klux Klan pledged to protect the rights of African Americans. (d) Members of the Ku Klux Klan were willing to share political power with African Americans.

(b) Members of the Ku Klux Klan conducted acts of violence that led to the decline of voting by African Americans.

Which of the following issues caused disagreement between the North and the South in 1850? (a) Northerners wanted a law that would force the return of fugitive slaves. (b) Northerners wanted the slave trade abolished in Washington, D.C. (c) Southerners wanted to stop the spread of slavery into the territory gained in the Mexican-American War. (d) Whigs and Democrats wanted to repeal the Missouri Compromise.

(b) Northerners wanted the slave trade abolished in Washington, D.C.

Which of the following was NOT a problem facing the nation after the Civil War ended? (a) Much of the South was destroyed. (b) Many refugees were homeless and needed food, shelter, and work. (c) Much of the North lay in ruins. (d) Many people in the North and the South still felt hatred for their enemy.

(c) Much of the North lay in ruins

Which result of the election of 1854 showed the importance of the antislavery issue to northern voters? (a) The Republican Party's candidate for President, John C. Frémont, won 11 of the nation's 16 free states. (b) One hundred and five Republican Party candidates were elected to the House of Representatives. (c) Democrat and pro-slavery candidate James Buchanan won the election for President with less than 50 percent of the popular vote. (d) all of the above

(b) One hundred and five Republican Party candidates were elected to the House of Representatives.

Which of the following were NOT a part of Radical Reconstruction? (a) The governments of southern states that had refused to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment were removed. (b) States returning to the Union could decide for themselves whether or not African Americans could vote. (c) Before they could return to the Union, Confederate states had to write new constitutions. (d) Martial law was imposed on southern states that had refused to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment.

(b) States returning to the Union could decide for themselves whether or not African Americans could vote.

Which southern leader opposed secession? (a) Mississippi senator Jefferson Davis. (b) Texas governor Sam Houston. (c) Chief Justice Roger B. Taney. (d) South Carolina senator John C. Calhoun.

(b) Texas governor Sam Houston.

Which of the following statements about the Civil War draft laws is NOT true? (a) People who had money could easily escape the draft. (b) The draft laws applied equally to everybody. (c) In the South, a man who had at least 20 slaves did not have to join the army. (d) In the North, people could avoid the draft by paying the government $300.

(b) The draft laws applied equally to everybody.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why some northerners opposed the war? (a) They did not approve of the Emancipation Proclamation. (b) They thought the country would be stronger if there were fewer states in the Union. (c) They believed the South should be allowed to leave the Union. (d) They felt the South had been forced into fighting the war.

(b) They thought the country would be stronger if there were fewer states in the Union.

Why did South Carolina secede from the Union in 1860? (a) A new law passed by Congress abolished slavery in every state in the nation. (b) When Abraham Lincoln was elected President, people in the state believed that the United States government was working against the state's interests. (c) United States armed forces attacked Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. (d) all of the above

(b) When Abraham Lincoln was elected President, people in the state believed that the United States government was working against the state's interests.

Which of the following is remembered for his march to the sea? (a) George Meade, (b) William Sherman, (c) Stonewall Jackson, (d) Joseph Hooker

(b) William Sherman

Which general is most closely associated with waging total war? (a) Robert E. Lee. (b) William T. Sherman. (c) Joseph Hooker. (d) Stonewall Jackson.

(b) William T. Sherman.

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was most likely a response to which of the following? (a) the Thirteenth Amendment (b) black codes (c) the Fourteenth Amendment (d) Plessy v. Ferguson

(b) black codes

In the years following Reconstruction, ....... (a) southern states saw a sharp fall in industrial growth. (b) new industries began to develop in the southern economy. (c) the South's economy went into a permanent decline. (d) the South's dependence on cotton grew.

(b) new industries began to develop in the southern economy.

The Republican Party was formed because....... (a) the Senate passed a law creating it. (b) northern Whigs felt that their party was not doing enough to stop the spread of slavery. (c) southerners believed that they had no voice in the national government. (d) Abraham Lincoln proposed it.

(b) northern Whigs felt that their party was not doing enough to stop the spread of slavery.

Ironclads were..... (a) a new kind of cannonball. (b) ships covered with iron plates. (c) ships that could not be sunk. (d) a new kind of rifle made of iron.

(b) ships covered with iron plates.

Senator John C. Calhoun of South Carolina would have agreed that....... (a) California should be admitted as a free state. (b) states should have the right to own slaves. (c) slavery in the South should be abolished. (d) the North and the South should compromise on the issue of slavery.

(b) states should have the right to own slaves.

A major criticism of black codes was that...... (a) they applied only to African Americans. (b) they replaced slavery with a similar system. (c) Northern states did not have them. (d) Congress had not approved them.

(b) they replaced slavery with a similar system.

The proposal by Stephen Douglas on the issue of slavery in the Kansas and Nebraska territories was that..... (a) the Missouri Compromise should not be changed. (b) voters in the territories should decide the issue. (c) the number of slaves in any territory should be limited. (d) slavery should be abolished in all new territories.

(b) voters in the territories should decide the issue.

Which battle is described in the following statement? "On July 21, 1861, hundreds of people rode out from Washington to see the battle, expecting an easy Union victory." (a) Battle of Fredicksburg. (b) Battle of New Orleans. (c) First Battle of Bull Run. (d) Battle of Gettysburg.

(c) First Battle of Bull Run

Which of the following is an example of efforts to limit the freedoms of African Americans during Reconstruction? (a) Fifteenth Amendment (b) Radical Reconstruction (c) Ku Klux Klan (d) Ten Percent Plan

(c) Ku Klux Klan

Why did President Lincoln choose not to defend Fort Sumter with additional troops and guns? (a) Lincoln decided that Fort Sumter was a small and unnecessary military post. (b) Lincoln believed that even with extra forces, the Confederacy would still overtake the fort. (c) Lincoln did not want a show of force by the U.S. military to cause other states to secede from the Union. (d) Lincoln believed that the number of troops and guns already at the fort were enough to defend it against attack.

(c) Lincoln did not want a show of force by the U.S. military to cause other states to secede from the Union.

What earned the territory of Kansas the name "bleeding Kansas"? (a) Slave owners in the territory had a reputation for badly mistreating their slaves. (b) Residents of the territory fought over whether or not Kansas should join the Union. (c) Pro-slavery and antislavery forces fought violently over whether Kansas would be a free state or a slave-holding state. (d) The territory lost a large number of soldiers during the Mexican-American War.

(c) Pro-slavery and antislavery forces fought violently over whether Kansas would be a free state or a slave-holding state.

Republicans who wanted "hard" Reconstruction were called...... (a) freedmen. (b) Copperheads. (c) Radical Republicans. (d) carpetbaggers.

(c) Radical Republicans.

Which statement most accurately describes each side's main strategy at the start of the Civil War? (a) The South planned to invade the North; the North planned to stop this invasion in the border states. (b) The North planned to seek help from Europe; the South planned to blockade northern seaports. (c) The North planned to isolate the South and invade it; the South planned to resist invasion and ask European nations for help. (d) The South planned to capture Washington, D.C., and end the war quickly; the North planned to capture New Orleans and invade the Confederacy from there.

(c) The North planned to isolate the South and invade it; the South planned to resist invasion and ask European nations for help.

How did General Ulysses S. Grant's victories in the West help the Union? (a) They freed many slaves. (b) They prevented border states from rebelling. (c) They gave the Union control over many railroads and waterways in the South. (d) They gave the Union control over southern cities, such as Atlanta.

(c) They gave the Union control over many railroads and waterways in the South.

How were the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments similar? (a) They were immediately approved by all of the states. (b) They were based on the idea of "separate but equal." (c) They helped African Americans gain civil rights. (d) They helped southern states set up new governments.

(c) They helped African Americans gain civil rights.

A provision saying that a voter does NOT have to take a literacy test if his father was eligible to vote on a certain date is an example of........ (a) sharecropping. (b) a poll tax. (c) a grandfather clause. (d) home rule.

(c) a grandfather clause.

The Radicals began to lose power (a) with Johnson's impeachment. (b) with the assassination of Lincoln. (c) after Reconstruction ended. (d) when Grant was elected President

(c) after Reconstruction ended.

Which of the following battlefield tactics became outdated during the war? (a) fighting an attacking enemy from behind barricades. (b) using soldiers mounted on horses. (c) an all-out charge against a waiting enemy. (d) surprise attacks.

(c) an all-out charge against a waiting enemy.

Lincoln and Johnson...... (a) both favored "hard" plans for Reconstruction. (b) differed in their plans for Reconstruction. (c) both favored lenient plans for Reconstruction. (d) both received full support from Congress for their Reconstruction plans.

(c) both favored lenient plans for Reconstruction.

John Brown led a raid on Harpers Ferry to get...... (a) boats to help slaves escape. (b) help from trained U.S. military forces. (c) guns for a slave revolt. (d) southern support for antislavery ideas.

(c) guns for a slave revolt.

Jim Crow laws....... (a) expanded the rights granted to African Americans during Reconstruction. (b) were constantly struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. (c) led to segregation of the races. (d) were part of the Fourteenth Amendment.

(c) led to segregation of the races.

The Wilmot Proviso, a proposal that slavery be banned in all territory gained from Mexico, .......... (a) became law but was more popular in the South. (b) became law but was more popular in the North. (c) never became law but alarmed people in the South. (d) never became law but alarmed people in the North.

(c) never became law but alarmed people in the South.

During the Civil War, women such as Clara Barton, Dorothea Dix, and Harriet Tubman began to serve as..... (a) army officers. (b) factory workers making supplies for the war. (c) nurses caring for wounded soldiers. (d) journalists writing about battles.

(c) nurses caring for wounded soldiers.

Enslaved African Americans tried to hamper the Confederate war effort by all of the following EXCEPT...... (a) providing military information to Union troops. (b) damaging farm equipment. (c) spying for the Confederacy. (d) refusing to work.

(c) spying for the Confederacy.

Which of the following includes the statement "We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain ... and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth"? (a) the Emancipation Proclamation. (b) the Thirteenth Amendment. (c) the Gettysburg Address. (d) Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address.

(c) the Gettysburg Address.

Many of the teachers in schools set up by the Freedmen's Bureau...... (a) were men who had fought for the Union during the war. (b) refused to teach black and white children in the same school. (c) were women who had been educated in the North. (d) did not want to work in the South.

(c) were women who had been educated in the North.

What was the Supreme Court's position in Plessy v. Ferguson? (a) "Separate but equal" was unconstitutional. (b) Only states that had seceded could require separate facilities. (c) "Separate but equal" applied only to trains and buses. (d) A law could require separate facilities, if all facilities were equal.

(d) A law could require separate facilities, if all facilities were equal.

Why did the Emancipation Proclamation end the South's hope that Britain would recognize it as an independent nation? (a) Britain did not want to send its soldiers against freed slaves who joined the Union army. (b) Britain was angry that the South had allowed slavery to end. (c) Britain did not want a confrontation with Abraham Lincoln. (d) Britain would not help a country that was fighting to maintain slavery.

(d) Britain would not help a country that was fighting to maintain slavery.

What was one of the first signs of conflict between President Johnson and Congress over Reconstruction? (a) Johnson vetoed every bill sent to him by Congress. (b) Congress refused to let Johnson succeed Lincoln as President. (c) Johnson gave a speech in which he said that he could not work with Congress. (d) Congress refused to seat southern senators and representatives who had been newly elected by Southern states.

(d) Congress refused to seat southern senators and representatives who had been newly elected by Southern states.

Why did Confederate general Robert E. Lee decide to invade the North in 1862? (a) He needed a quick victory after Richmond fell to McClellan. (b) He was a confident general who thought he could win any battle. (c) He was trying to split the North in two. (d) He hoped a southern victory would gain support from Europe and create opposition to the war in the North.

(d) He hoped a southern victory would gain support from Europe and create opposition to the war in the North.

The president of the Confederate States of America was (a) Abraham Lincoln. (b) Andrew Johnson. (c) John Breckinridge. (d) Jefferson Davis.

(d) Jefferson Davis.

Which of the following was a border state? (a) Virginia. (b) Maine. (c) Pennsylvania. (d) Maryland.

(d) Maryland

The tone of Radical Reconstruction was set by the...... (a) Emancipation Proclamation. (b) Thirteenth Amendment. (c) Ten Percent Plan. (d) Reconstruction Act of 1867.

(d) Reconstruction Act of 1867.

In what way did the Union blockade of the South contribute to the Battle of Gettysburg? (a) Southern troops went to Gettysburg to capture weapons that would help break the blockade. (b) Northern troops had been sent to Gettysburg to help strengthen the blockade. (c) Northern troops fought to hold Gettysburg because it was the key to maintaining the blockade. (d) Southern troops approached Gettysburg looking for shoes, which were hard to get in the South because of the blockade.

(d) Southern troops approached Gettysburg looking for shoes, which were hard to get in the South because of the blockade.

Why were southern laws that stopped African Americans from voting NOT considered illegal? (a) They were never tested in court. (b) They were not public laws, so no one knew about them. (c) Congress said that the states could pass the laws. (d) They applied in theory to both whites and African Americans.

(d) They applied in theory to both whites and African Americans.

The Fifteenth Amendment says that states....... (a) cannot deny women the right to vote. (b) must treat all people equally. (c) must end the practice of slavery. (d) cannot deny people the right to vote because of race.

(d) cannot deny people the right to vote because of race.

Uncle Tom's Cabin was an important book because it..... (a) caused people to support slavery. (b) told a true story about slavery. (c) supported southern slave masters. (d) persuaded many people that slavery was wrong.

(d) persuaded many people that slavery was wrong.

The Ku Klux Klan and other groups like it........ (a) helped get African Americans elected to office. (b) stopped their activities after being outlawed. (c) helped to continue Reconstruction. (d) played a role in the decline of voting by African Americans.

(d) played a role in the decline of voting by African Americans.

The process of allowing people of each state or territory to decide for themselves whether to allow slavery was called...... (a) voter compromise. (b) direct election. (c) secession. (d) popular sovereignty.

(d) popular sovereignty

In the Civil War, the term border state referred to..... (a) states that had coastlines on the ocean. (b) states that bordered Mexico or Canada. (c) territories in the West that were not yet states. (d) slave states that remained in the Union.

(d) slave states that remained in the Union.

During the Civil War, both Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis......... (a) wanted to end slavery. (b) had to flee when their capital fell to the enemy. (c) tried to preserve the Union at all costs. (d) suspended the right of habeas corpus in some places.

(d) suspended the right of habeas corpus in some places.

Which of the following BEST defines "home rule"? (a) military rule for all southern states that had refused to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment (b) the ability of southern African Americans to vote in their home towns (c) the reentry to the Union by former Confederate states (d) the withdrawal of federal troops and full amnesty for former Confederates

(d) the withdrawal of federal troops and full amnesty for former Confederates

Who became President after Lincoln was assassinated?

Andrew Johnson

General McClellan was able to block General Lee at ____________ because he knew the Confederate army was divided into 2 parts.


The Union army gained control of western Tennessee after the ________________.

Battle of Shiloh

Expectations of a quick victory were dashed for both sides at _____________.

Bull Run

What act did President Johnson veto that was later overrode by Congress?

Civil Right Act of 1866

Over 250,000 _______________ soldiers had been killed during the Civil War.


Leadership by the most experienced military officers was an advantage held by the ___________________.


Property damage was so extensive in the ____________ that some areas took years to recover due to the Civil War.


What song did Lincoln ask the band to play at his first public appearance after the war?

Dixie, a favorite Southern song

True or False: In northern states, dissenters called abolitionists spoke out against the war.


True or False: In the South, strong beliefs in military service caused some governors to object to their troops being commanded by officers from other states.


True or False: The Union blockade prevented the South from gaining more money by selling rice overseas.


What was one reason Lincoln did NOT sign the Wade-Davis Bill?

He favored a more lenient plan for Reconstruction.

What do you think Lincoln's motives were in limiting the reach of the Emancipation Proclamation?

He wanted to hurt the southern war effort in those areas not under Union control

Stephen Douglas

Illinois senator who pushed the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854

Soldiers on both sides faced harsh conditions, _____________, and if captured, starvation and exposure in prison camps.


Reconstruction caused one of the greatest ______________ in the United States.


General ________________ was confident in victory before his army was crushed at Chancellorsville.

Joseph Hooker

Henry Clay

Kentucky senator who worked on the Missouri Compromise

A major reason why Lincoln's plans for Reconstruction were NOT put into practice was because.........

Lincoln was assassinated.

General Robert E. Lee decided to invade the ______________ when General George McClellan was forced to retreat near Richmond.


Most Northerners believed that ________________ was necessary because of conditions in the Southern states, but few agreed on what should be done.


Abraham Lincoln

elected President in 1860

True or False: Both the North and the South had draft laws.


True or False: During the Civil War, some women worked in factories making ammunition.


In 1864, Ulysses S. Grant became the commander of all the ____________ forces.


The _____________ Army had destroyed homes, businesses, farm animals, and fields because of the Civil War.


Ulysses S. Grant

Union General who was very successful in the West

What is most likely the reason that the Union army did not draft African Americans?

Union leaders feared it would turn northern whites against the war

The Union forces won major battles at __________________ and Gettysburg that helped them gain the upper hand in the war.


The western countries of _________________ (state) refused to secede and later formed a new state.



a system of required military service

Martial law

a type of rule in which the military is in charge and citizens' rights are suspended

Civil War

a war between opposing groups of the same country

Harriet Beecher Stowe

daughter of an abolitionist minister and author of Uncle Tom's Cabin

Black Codes

designed to continue providing cheap resources of labor for white Southerners and were based on the belief that blacks were inferior beings; intended to keep the social situation in the South as close as possible to what it had been before the Civil War


a military action to prevent traffic from coming into an area or leaving it


a person killed, missing, or wounded in action

Dred Scott

a slave seeking emancipation

Border state

a slave state that did not secede

Horace Greeley

abolitionist newspaper publisher

Total War

all-out attacks aimed at destroying an enemy's army, its resources, and its people's will to fight


an attempt to capture a place by surrounding it with military forces and cutting it off until the people inside surrender

John Brown

antislavery settler from Connecticut who led an attack on a pro-slavery settlement

Union Army

army of the North

Confederate Army

army of the South

Why were parts of the South in ruins by 1865?

because of the North's strategy of total war

The three _______________ with divided loyalties were Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky.

border states

Habeas Corpus

constitutional protection against unlawful imprisonment


enslaved people who have run away




false or misleading information that is spread to further a cause

One of the great tragedies of the war was that it divided _____________.


General Ulysses S. Grant was able to capture two important ________________ in the western Confederacy.


During the Civil War, African American troops.....

fought on the Union side in large numbers

What did the Thirteenth Amendment do? Who wrote it?

freed ALL slaves within the United States (even seceded states) and made slavery illegal forever, gave Congress power to enforce this amendment; Abraham Lincoln

Thirteenth Amendment

freed all slaves within the United States and made slavery illegal forever, gave Congress the power to enforce this amendment; issued by Abraham Lincoln

Civil Rights Act

gave freedmen their civil rights and promised protection of their rights, conferred citizenship upon black men and guaranteed them equal rights with whites


general rise in prices

Fourteenth Amendment

granted citizenship to men over 21 who had been born or naturalized in the United States, guaranteed due process and equal protection under the law to all citizens

The Monitor and the Merrimack were examples of _______________, which changed the nature of naval warfare.


Northerners who supported Lincoln's plan were called ______________.


Confederate _____________ was worthless when the Civil War was over.


Johnson's plan for Reconstruction was even _____________ liberal than Lincoln's.



neither extreme nor conservative

Did Johnson believe that all people should have the right to vote?

no, only whites

Did Johnson favor equal rights for blacks?

no; believed that "white men alone must manage the South"; because of this, he offered blacks no role in Reconstruction


not favoring either side

Popular Sovereignty

policy having people in the territory or state vote directly on issues rather than having elected officials decide


rebuilding of the South after the end of the Civil War

What was the Ten Percent Plan and who wrote it?

required that 10% of the voters in a state that had joined the Confederacy must take an oath of loyalty to the United States; President Abraham Lincoln

Ten Percent Plan

required that ten percent of the voters in a state that had joined the Confederacy must take an oath of loyalty to the United States

Johnson always _______________ those who had money because he grew up ______________.

resented; poor

Abraham Lincoln's main goal was to.....

reunite the nation

Due Process

right to a trial by a jury

Lincoln and moderates believed that the Southern states ______________ (should or should not) be harshly punished for seceding from the Union and be readmitted as quickly as possible.

should not

The _______________ _________________ that had existed in the South before the Civil War had been destroyed.

social system

The fall of Richmond led Robert E. Lee to _______________, bringing an end to the war.


Income Tax

tax on the money people receive

Roger B. Taney

the Chief Justice who ruled in Scott's case

What effect did the Civil War have on the North and the South?

the Confederacy lost a majority of the key Civil War battles

After Admiral David G. Farragut captured New Orleans, the Union army gained control of almost all of _____________________.

the Mississippi River

Prices of goods rose in.....

the North and the South

Which side (North or South) was in ruins after the Civil War?

the South

After the first battle at Bull Run the North and the South realized that......

the war would be a long, hard struggle

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