American Government Ch.5 (Governing California) Inquizitive

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California has a bicameral legislature consisting of the -member Senate and the - member Assembly.

40. 80.

In 2017-18, there were nine standing or permanent committees in the California state Assembly and five in the California state Senate.


There is no limit to the number of bills a member of the Assembly or the Senate can introduce during a legislative session.


Which term refers to drawing district lines in a manner that favors one party over another?


How has the power of lobbyists and executive branch bureaucrats to shape policy changed in recent years?

It has increased in recent years due to the imposition of term limits for all members of the state legislature.

When the state Assembly holds hearings to investigate construction flaws in the new Bay Bridge or to evaluate the progress of the high-speed rail project, what is it engaging in?


Since 2008 a series of initiatives have been passed that appear to have strengthened the legislative process and reduced gridlock. Match each of these propositions with its main feature.

Prop 28: Reduced the term limits in the legislative from 14 to 12 years. Prop 11: Took redistricting of the state legislature away from the legislature and put it in the hands of the newly created Citizens' Redistricting Commission. Prop 55: Extended Prop 30's income tax increases for 12 years. Prop 20: Extended the jurisdiction of the Citizens' Redistricting Commission to congressional districts.

Suppose you felt that you were treated unfairly by a state building inspector while attempting to get a permit to remodel your house. If your representative in the state Assembly were to investigate this complaint on your behalf, what would this be an example of?

Constituency Service

Which of the following statements about the legislative process in California are accurate?

Correct: If the governor vetoes a bill, a 2/3 vote in each house is required to override the veto. Committees in the Assembly and Senate cannot act on a bill until it has been in print for 30 days. k Incorrect: Any member of the legislature and any statewide elected official can introduce a bill to the Assembly or Senate. All bills require a supermajority in both houses to pass (54 in the Assembly and 27 in the Senate).

Which of the following statements about California's immigration-related laws are accurate?

Correct: Landlords are prohibited from reporting a tenant's immigration status. Incorrect: The police are required to detain all crime victims and crime witnesses if they have violated federal immigration law. State law enforcement agencies are strictly prohibited from ever detaining immigrants for federal immigration enforcement. Colleges and universities that offer Cal Grants are required to provide on-demand access to their campuses for federal immigration officials.

If you were elected to the state Assembly in 2020, which of the following could you do after serving your first term?

Correct: Serve two terms in the Senate. Serve one additional term in the Assembly and the two terms in the Senate. Incorrect: Serve three additional terms in the Assembly and two terms in the Senate. Serve seven additional terms in the Assembly.

Which of the following are features of the California state legislature but not of the U.S. Congress?

Correct: Term limits for representatives. Incorrect: Seniority determining who is appointed to serve in and lead legislative committees. Senatorial approval of judicial appointments. Filibustering in the Senate.

Which of the following statements about redistricting in California are accurate?

Correct: The Citizens Redistricting Commission is given the responsibility of drawing new districts. Redistricting is done every 10 years. Incorrect: The final district maps must be approved by a majority of both houses and be signed by the governor before going into effect. Redistricting frequently leads to state Assembly districts that vary dramatically in terms of population.

Identify where all members of the California state legislature have offices.

Correct: The district they represent. Sacramento. Incorrect: Los Angeles. Washington, D.C.

Identify which of the following reduced California's budgetary gridlock after 2010.

Correct: The increase in tax revenue brought about by the passage of Prop 30. The lowered requirements for passing a budget through the legislature imposed by Prop 25. Incorrect: The reduction in the size of the Democratic Party's legislative majority after the 2012 elections. The increase in tax revenue brought about by repealing Prop 13.

Which of the following are powers of the speaker of the Assembly?

Correct: The power to assign parking spaces and offices for members of the legislature. The power to appoint who will serve as the majority floor leader. The power to assign and remove representatives from all Assembly committees. Incorrect: The power to redraw Assembly district lines after reapportionment.

Which of the following could the governor do with a budget bill passed by the legislature that allocated $6 billion in funding for the California State University system and $8 billion in funding for the University of California system?

Correct: Veto the bill in its entirety. Reduce the amount of funding for the California State University system to $0. Reduce the amount of funding for the University of California system to $6 Billion. Incorrect: Increase the amount of funding for the California State University system to $8 billion.

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