American History 132

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the period of social development that Lenin championed where an intellectual class must lead the masses to revolution

Although they advocated for many of the same ideas, women's organizations like the General Federation of Women's Club were segregated based on race.


German Americans experienced very stark anti-German public displays, such as the banning of, or intolerance to, the public speaking of languages like German, Dutch, and Czech during WWI.


Some black leaders like W.E.B. DuBois saw WWI as an opportunity for black Americans to demonstrate citizenship through their service in the war effort.


The German Army was only 50 miles from Paris as late as 1918 (the last year of the war).


Which of the following was part of Nixon's plan of "Vietnamization?"

The gradual withdrawal of American soldiers A gradual transferal of the security of South Vietnam to the South Vietnamese

Which of the following was a "first" of the Vietnam War?

It was the first war that was broadcast to millions of television sets across the nation. It was the first war in Southeast Asia that involved the efforts of the United States

Which of the following refers to the Marshall Plan?

A European Recovery Program that funneled billions of dollars to European nations rebuilding after WWII

Describe Social Darwinism

A belief that greatly supported theories of imperialism in the late 19th century. The belief that certain races of people were more fit and therefore were justified in being over other races The application of the principles of the theory of evolution to human society.

The Birmingham Campaign

A broad campaign of direct action aiming to topple segregation in Alabama's largest city. Activists used business boycotts, sit-ins, and peaceful marches as part of the campaign.

The Tennessee Valley Authority(TVA)

A job-creating and economically-modernizing program that provided navigation, flood control, electricity generation, fertilizer manufacturing, regional planning, and economic development to the Appalachian region, among others.

The Chinese Exclusion Act...

Banned Chinese immigrants from earning U.S. Citizenship. Eventually cut off all Chinese immigration entirely until the 1940s. Initially put limits on the amount of Chinese people that could immigrate to the United States.

Which of the following was a service offered by Jane Addams's Hull House?

A nursery and kindergarten to provide childcare for working families. The hosting of social and cultural events to build a community among the residents. Classes for parents to learn a trade or more traditional academic subjects.

Which of the following was a factor in the beginning of the Dust Bowl?

A period of drought in the 1920s and 1930s Large scale and long term overproduction of crops in the Great Plains region The destruction of bison herds that had, and would have continued to, densely pack the soil of the Great Plains

The 1920s and the Great Depression Which of the following best describes Herbert Hoover's economic approach to the depression?

A traditional, classical capitalist and pro-business Republican who was against the government's directly involvement in the economy

Which of the following best describes the "Open Door Policy" at the end of the nineteenth century?

A policy that imperial powers held towards China which said that these powers would split China evenly and have equal access to funneling their industrial products to Chinese consumers.

measures adopted in the Jim Crow South to disenfranchise black (as well as immigrant and lower-class white) voters?

A poll tax The "Grandfather Clause," which stated that if your grandfather could not vote in 1867, neither could you. Literacy tests Often violent voter suppression

What happened in Tulsa, Oklahoma in May/June of 1921?

A racial massacre led by local whites destroyed over 1,000 homes of black residents and killed several hundred local black residents.

Which of the following does apply to issues in disproportionate racial and gendered hiring practices in the Great Depression?

Black Americans were often the first to be fired and the last to have new job opportunities extended to them Women were barred from certain New Deal programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps

explanations for the destruction of the bison population

Due to the increased amount of Indigenous peoples located in the Great Plains after the early 1800s, more Indigenous peoples became reliant on bison hunting for their livelihood. American ranchers brought their livestock which introduced disease and competition for grazing with the bison. series of droughts and failure of the bison's food source, plains' shortgrass, led to their depopulation.

Which of the following does apply to the "sexual revolution" of the 1970s?

Straight couples married later in life (if at all) Divorce levels climbed Cohabitation without marriage spiked

Which of the following does apply to the 1920s?

Jamaican born Marcus Garvey led the UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association) and preached ideals of Pan-Africanism The Emergency Immigration Act limited immigration through "country-of-origin" quotas The Christian Fundamentalist movement took root through A.C. Dixon's publications meant to combat religious liberalism

Which of the following does apply to the Modernist Era?

Literary works that highlighted alienation and anxiety. Abstract, existential art. The dominance of Enlightenment style philosophy.

How did American advertisers and business owners ensure that American consumers would continue to purchase a large supply of new consumer goods in the 1920s?

Developing modern advertising strategies like billboards and modern large scale electrical advertising to display products Extending credit lines to consumers to ensure an easier path to purchasing consumer products Offering monthly payment plans to ensure an easier path to purchasing consumer products

How did the (later named) "Spanish Flu" initially spread in late 1918?

It likely initially came from U.S. troops from Kansas who came into contact with soldiers of other nations during WWI.

The Bull Moose Party

Advocated for political ideas like Civil Service reform and the direct election of Senators.


Advocated for the abolition of or extreme limitation of alcoholic consumption.

Social Gospel

Advocated for the extension of Jesus's teachings to the whole of society.


Advocated for the protection of land for purposes of monitored human use for industries like logging.


Advocated for the protection of land to remain in its natural state, only to be used by humans for leisure and connection to nature.


Advocated on the reformation of the relationship between the common laborers and production.


Advocating for the use of print media like newspapers and magazines to expose the conditions of things like the meat-packing industry.

Which of the following was an effect of the Dust Bowl?

Americans left the Great Plains states, like Oklahoma, in the hundreds of thousands Dust storms ravaged farms and communities and had very negative health effects on those prone to long term exposure to dust storms

The 1970s and Reagan's America Which of the following led to an energy crisis in the United States in the 1970s?

An OPEC embargo on oil exports to the United States in retaliation for American intervention in the Middle East

Which of the following was a target of the Red Scare in the United States following WWI?

Anarchists The Industrial Workers of the World Russian (and other) immigrants

Which of the following contributed to appeals towards Nixon's calls for "Law and Order" in his presidential campaign?

Assassinations like that of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968 Conservative hostility towards the hippie, free-love movement. Civil disorder associated with the Civil Rights movement

What was the shared ultimate purpose of the Dawes Act and the Indian Appropriation Act?

Assimilating Indigenous Americans to remove their unique tribal identities and cultures.

Which of the following was a way in which American men responded to this "crisis of masculinity?"

By forming sports associations like the YMCA By forming outdoor boys clubs like the Woodcraft Indians, the Sons of Daniel Boone, and the Boy Brigades, which were precursors to the Boy Scouts. By supporting imperialism and imperialistic wars like the Spanish American War to demonstrate military manhood.

Which of the following best summarizes Carnegie's philosophy on why the wealthy should remain wealthy?

Carnegie believes that wealth in the hands of the few is a much more potent force for the elevation of human kind than in the hands of the mass of the population.

How did automobiles influence American culture?

Changing sexual morals among young Americans that had access to the freedom brought by cars Intense infrastructural development of gas stations, roadside diners, and property-uprooting road networks to accommodate an increasing number of drivers The inter-United States tourism industry thrived

Which of the following is a changing foreign policy development that marked the end of the 1940s?

China's successful communist revolution The beginning of the era of "Mutually Assured Destruction" as the Soviet Union successfully developed atomic weapons The formation of the international partnership between the capitalist Western nations in NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

Which of the following does apply to Reagan's first year in office?

Congress supported Reagan's tax plan and passed a $675 billion dollar tax cut Reagan saw a brief and severe economic recession beginning in 1981

Which of the following describes the early policy of the United States when it came to the potential spread of Communist revolution in Europe and Asia?


Which of the following is true about "cowboy" living in the United States?

Cowboy culture was largely derived from the culture of Mexican vaqueros. The "Golden Age" of the cowboy was relatively short. Only about thirty years, from the 1860s to the 1890s Many black Americans saw opportunity and freedom in the experience of being a cowboy, and many of them took up this occupation.

Which of the following was a territory that came into the United States' imperial possessions following the Spanish American War?

Cuba, Guam, The Philippines, and Puerto Rico

How and why did the Gilded Age see reactions against big businesses, social problems within society, and reactions against traditional politics?

During the Gilded Age the big businesses were dominating everything around them. The owners of these businesses were on top of the world; they owned way more than the other people. There was such a huge gap between the business owners and the people working for corporations that there was essentially no middle class. The "captains of industry" or "robber barons" had the vast majority of the money that should have been distributed throughout the population. A lot of these issues were blamed on the corrupt members of the government that were taking advantage of the way things were by taking all of the money that could get and ignoring the people in need. Things were going well for the people gaining all of the money and power, but the people with almost nothing couldn't live in those conditions for much longer. The corruption of this system was brought to light through the press.

Which of the following does apply to Frederick Jackson Turner's "Frontier Thesis?"

Each western frontier presented it's own unique character and challenges, creating their own individual frontier characters. The West was the source of a pure American character separate from old European values. The path westward of American society was inevitable and supported by Manifest Destiny.

Which of the following was a region that was experiencing its first major influx of immigrants heading to the United States during this era (1850s-1900)?

Eastern Europe (like Russia) Southern Europe (like Italy) East Asia (like China)

Which of the following was a country the United States was military involved in during the 1980s?

El Salvador Lebanon Grenada

The Works Progress Administration(WPA)

Employed millions of job-seekers in public works projects and even oral history projects like the recording of enslaved narratives by the remaining Americans that were born into slavery

The Civilian Conservation Corps(CCC)

Employed young, often unmarried men on conservation and reforestation projects and required these men to send 80% of their pay back home to their families

The Glass-Steagall Banking Act

Established the FDIC and barred the mixing of commercial and investment banking

The Progressives and WWI and Nationalism This Socialist Party leader was one of the many jailed during WWI for his outspoken opposition to the "Great War."

Eugene Debs

Which of the following was a target of Johnson's so called "Great Society" program?

Federal funding of elementary and secondary education programs The improvement of much of the nation's health and educational infrastructure The implementation of Medicare and Medicaid as public healthcare options The nation's first modern food stamp programs

Which of the following was NOT a group of immigrants banned from immigrating to the United States between 1880 and 1910?

Filipinos, potentially those displaced from fighting in the Philippines.

Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care book in 1946 became incredibly popular and influential in training women to raise their children. What was the major focus of Spock's book?

Focusing on emotional needs of children in order to avoid building walls of trauma early in the child's life

According to the Zimmerman Telegram, which of the following was part of the deal offered between Germany and Mexico?

Generous financial support To make peace together To make war together Mexico's goal of reconquering Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico

Which of the following does apply to the Potsdam Conference?

Germany's fate, ultimately resulting into its division into four occupation zones Reversing the annexations made by Nazi Germany in the 1930s The announcement of reparation payments from Germany to the Soviet Union

Which of the following did help to fuel the rise of suburbia in the Post-WWII era?

Greater access to mortgages caused by the Federal Housing Administration and the Home Owners' Loan Corporation So called "White Flight" away from the growing power of non-white communities. Much more large scale and cheaper suburban housing projects like Levittown

How did Richard Nixon approach diplomatic relations with China?

He pursued re-establishing diplomatic and economic relations with China for the first time since 1949.

Which of the following is a way in which Franklin Roosevelt transformed the office of the presidency?

His "Fireside Chats" expanded the notion to which Americans felt they had access to national political figures and the politics of the day The powers of the presidency, especially when it comes to economic intervention, drastically expanded during his tenure in office

Which of the following was an example of how black activism began to change in the late 1960s?

Huey Newton and Bobby Seale formed the Black Panther Party in 1966 Many organizations of black activism began to shun interracial attempts at Civil Rights reform The Black Power movement, largely led by Stokely Carmichael, became very popular and departed from some of the older styles of activism

When the "new immigrants" of the late nineteenth century moved to urban centers, where were they likely to live?

In ethnic neighborhoods with other immigrants from their home region, in order to maintain a semblance of familiarity and safety. Urban areas like New York and Chicago that had an availability of employment. Usually in low income tenement housing with very poor living conditions.

In your opinion, was imperialism something new to the United States at the end of the nineteenth century? Regardless, how was American imperialism changing or taking form during the late nineteenth century? What did it look like? Why were some Americans pro-imperialism and some anti-imperialism?

In my opinion, imperialism was not completely new to the United States, but it was growing at the end nineteenth century. Imperialism was growing with the rise in production of goods and increasing ease in transportation. Americans could see the opportunities for growth in other countries. America started doing business with more foreign countries and the amount of power, money, and land that they were seeing was enticing to many Americans. They moved outward and liberated the Cubans from Spain, but the Americans were primarily looking to find more influence in Cuba. Many Americans were pro-imperialism and many were anti-imperialism. The people who were pro-imperialism wanted to move outward and grow the American economy. They saw many opportunities to gain from the expansion of America. The people who were against imperialism saw it as immoral and as a breach of the Constitution. The people who were anti-imperialist thought that taking land and seeking power from other countries was wrong. They saw it as taking liberty from the people living in the countries that America was trying to gain from.

Which of the following contributed to a "crisis of masculinity" among many American men in the late nineteenth century?

Industrial age women were pushing even harder against the image of the "traditional" domesticated woman. The creation of a large class of white collar workers engaging in non-laborious work made some men worry about male effeminacy. As increased urbanization offered space (sometimes public space) for marginalized groups, like non-heterosexual Americans, many heterosexual American men became more concerned with images of masculinity.

What was central to the Teapot Dome Scandal of Warren G. Harding's administration in the early 1920s?

Insider trading surrounding oil resources in the state of Wyoming

What happened to the Ottoman Empire following the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

It was divided into sections and subjected to a colonial status under Britain and France until they were "ready" for independence.

Which of the following best describes why efforts at Reconstruction slowed or stopped after 1873?

Many Republicans were simply losing their energy to support the larger efforts of Reconstruction, instead turning to business and profits. The Panic of 1873 led to economic restrictions on supporting Reconstruction efforts. Many white southerners began to regain some political power, thereby leading to greater suppression of black rights.

1. Reconstruction and Capital and Labor, The American Borderlands Which of the following applies to conflicts with Indigenous Americans at the end of the nineteenth century?

Massacres like that at Wounded Knee served as means of forcibly removing Indigenous peoples The United States felt threatened by the growing Ghost Dance movement among Indigenous peoples that highlighted a return to Indigenous American heritage. Occasional engagements like that at Little Bighorn would result in victories for Indigenous peoples

Which of the following was one of the new military technologies involved in WWI?

Military aircraft, like balloons and biplanes. Machine guns capable of firing 500 rounds a minute. Flamethrowers and weaponized gas. Submarines/U-Boats (at least submarines that actually worked)

How was life for American women changing during the 1960s?

Morals for women, both sexually, in fashion, and in the workplace were beginning to change due in part to women's activism and broader economic and social forces The first birth control pill, Enovid, was introduced in 1960 and changed women's views on so called sexual morality Women formed organizations like the National Welfare Organization and so called "consciousness raising groups" to affect national change.

Which of the following does apply to the Watergate scandal?

Nixon attempted to exert "executive privilege" to effectively withhold incriminating evidence This scandal affected widescale disillusionment among many Americans towards the federal government This scandal initially erupted because of plans to break in to the Watergate Hotel and spy on Nixon's political opponents

what describes the purpose of a labor union at this time?

Organized defense on the behalf of workers' rights. Collective Bargaining power among workers. Advocating for ideas such as the 8 hour workday and prohibited child labor

Which of the following best describes the process of the United States' imperialism over the Hawaiian Islands?

Over the course of several decades, sugar companies made greater claims over Hawaiian land and laborers, gaining enough power to support a U.S. sponsored coup of the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893.

Which of the following describes the goal of women's rights activists of the 1920s?

Passing an equal rights amendment which would eliminate legal distinctions on account of sex

Which of the following does apply to the Iran-Contra affair?

President Reagan was not found guilty of any direct involvement in the conspiracy This scandal involved the U.S. funneling money to the Contras of Nicaragua from arms sales to Iran

Which of the following is applicable to the changes wrought by widely available radios in the United States?

Professional and collegiate sports become more popular and accessible The Jazz Age expanded to audiences beyond the American South and some major urban centers. Americans became more connected to contemporary political commentary and frequent news updates

Which of the following was a justification used by Anti-Prohibitionists of the 1920s?

Prohibition caused a huge decrease in the value of farms Alcoholism among Americans was actually dropping in the years before the passage of the amendment Prohibition introduced corruption to federal government agencies responsible for Prohibition's enforcement.

Which of the following does apply to North Carolina and North Carolinians' role in the early Civil Rights Movement?

Prominent North Carolinians like Ella Baker coordinated the Freedom Rides of 1961 with SNCC and CORE The Greensboro Sit-Ins launched a nationwide peaceful protest campaign centered around the sit-in style of protest Ella Baker, raised in North Carolina, started the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee at Shaw University in Raleigh

The "Battle of Ole Miss"

Protesting James Meredith's, a black man, college enrollment, which led to violent clashes between protestors and national guard troops

The Social Security Administration/Act

Provided a social safety net for American seniors and dependent children through payroll taxes on the American people

Which of the following refers to the era of McCarthyism?

Rampant allegations of communist intrusion into spheres of government and other cultural industries in the United States

The Wagner Act

Reaffirmed Americans legal right to collectively unionize and form labor unions

Which of the following does apply to Reagan's approach to government?

Reagan came out against social services like welfare programs Reagan supported economic theories like "trickle down economics"

What about the "New South" was supposedly so "new?"

Rebuilding after Reconstruction and changes to the labor system brought new industries, like textile mills, to the South.

Which of the following describes the reasons for the poor living conditions of workers in the late nineteenth century?

Scientific management practices (Taylorism) contributed to mundane and repetitive tasks in the workplace, negatively impacting the mental health of workers. Urban centers like Chicago and New York did not have the housing to accommodate a new influx of industrial workers, so cramped and poorly built housing had to be built. A lack of urban amenities like sewer systems led to dirty and depraved living conditions in urban environments.

The Gilded Age did:

See the decline of labor unions due to increased government suppression. Get it's name from Mark Twain who claimed the prosperity and visions of gold from the outside did not represent what was going on in the inside of the country. See the rise of monopolies, vertical/horizontal integration, and a growing gap between rich and poor.

The Fair Labor Standards Act

Set the first national minimum wage at .25 cents an hour.

Which of the following is one of Betty Friedan's main points in her book, The Feminine Mystique?

She discussed how the age of marriage was dropping, college attendance among women was dropping, the birthrate was increasing, yet unhappiness was also persisting among housewives That men were dictating women's lives both in the home and through advertisements and social power dynamics That education systems blunt women's intellectual prowess by putting them in non-challenging classes like home-economics. That a lack of stimulation led to many women finding fulfillment in sex, often leading to affairs or driving away their husbands through sexual obsession

Which of the following was targeted by anti-communist "Cold Warriors" in the United States during the early Cold War?

So called "deviant" behavior like non-heterosexuality Atheistic or other non-Christian religious affiliations within the United States Active or former members of the American Communist Party

The Agricultural Adjustment Act

Sought to raise the price of agricultural products by providing farmers monetary incentive for cutting crop production

Which of the following does apply to the early years of the Great Depression?

Tens of thousands of immigrants, especially Mexican immigrants, were deported by the United States government out of fears that they would exacerbate the economic crisis through unfair competition for jobs An army of WWI veterans marched on Washington D.C. to demand an early payment of bonuses that they were due in 1945 Unemployment rates reached as high as 25%, and close to 50% among black Americans due to unfair hiring practices.

Which of the following does apply to the Great Depression in the South?

Textile workers launched a long series of strikes across the nation, especially in the South Many New Deal programs failed to aid Americans who needed it most, like black Americans who saw opportunities of employment denied to them or sharecroppers who lost their access to farm land due to large landowners Some southerners, primarily Huey Long of Louisiana, advocated for "Share Our Wealth" programs that would redistribute the assets of the extremely wealthy to the average American Reports of large scale economic underdevelopment across the South by people like Lorena Hickock and FDR's National Emergency Council

Which of the following terms was used to describe the consumer economy and political culture of the immediate Post-WWII era in the United States?

The Affluent Society

What did the American West provide to the American imagination of both today and the late 19th century, what opportunities did it provide to Americans of the late 19th century, and what role does the West have in shaping American culture?

The American West provided the hope of new horizons. In the late 19th century the American West gave people the prospect of new farmlands and profitable supplies. The American West provides a sense of wonder and images of conquering heroes today. Sadly, many of those images of heroes are very mythologized by the media and are do not very accurately depict the real American West that people fought to live through. Nevertheless, The people who did live through the difficult times in the American West were strong and determined, even if they weren't the invincible heroes that are often shown in the media. It provided Americans in the late 19th century with a chance to start over and build new lives for themselves. Even though the farm lands were rough and farming was difficult, especially with the dropping of the prices of crops, the American West provided land for many frontiersmen. The American West gave people the chance to gain money from the livestock as well, although the increase in hunters dropped the population of the livestock to dangerously low numbers. Parts of the American West is depicted in paintings, books, movies, and memorials all across America. The determination of the settlers of the American West is still impacting American culture today.

Which of the following does NOT match? a. The House Un-American Activities Committee targeted and tried potential communists within the United States b. The Taft-Hartley Act (1947) gave union officials the initiative to purge communists from the labor movement c. The McCarran Act mandated that all "communist organizations" register with the government d. The Comintern took an international stance against the spread of global Communism

The Comintern took an international stance against the spread of global Communism

Which of the following applies to Phyllis Schlafly's arguments against the Equal Rights Amendment?

The ERA would force women into the draft The ERA could potentially separate women from their children in divorce cases The ERA would threaten the family as the basic unit of society

In the late 1940s, how did the Federal Communication Commission handle the licensing of television channels?

The FCC froze the issuing of any additional licenses beyond what they had given out to only four major companies.

This large scale strike in May of 1886, primarily organized by the Knights of Labor, turned calamitous after a bomb was thrown at police. This led to an association towards strikers as lawless, anarchist, and dangerous radicals and severely harmed the reputation of the Knights of Labor.

The Haymarket Riot

Which of the following was a development of the so called "Military Industrial Complex" during this era?

The Interstate Highway System build over 41,000 miles of highways over 10 years, largely connected to potential mobilization and evacuation in an event of war Many communities across the country were becoming more and more economically reliant on Defense contracts The Defense Production Act of 1950 authorized the president to require businesses to accept and prioritize national defense contracts, as well as giving the president other strong regulatory power.

Which of the following does apply to the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s?

The Klan became increasingly more public as members paraded through Washington D.C. and politicians openly painted themselves as the Klan approved candidates The KKK saw its largest enrollment in its sixty year history The Klan was reinvigorated by the Birth of a Nation film of 1915 and the lynching of Jewish-American factory superintendent Leo Frank

Which of the following does apply to the "New Right?"

The New Right formed the political basis of Ronald Reagan's political movement The New Right was committed to reversing the "New Deal" style government intervention into the economy The New Right effectively combined Christian style Conservatism with Corporate style Conservatism

The Populist Party:

The Populist party was not formed from the Progressive Party The Populist Party's cohesion was harmed by divisions over racial politics, with many white Populists blaming black farmers for the overproduction of crops and subsequent drop in profits for farmers. These Populists were largely Western farmers agitated by agricultural mechanization and railroad companies. The Populist Party reached its height in the 1890s, winning several Senate and House seats, as well as a few governorships.

What was the essence of George Kennan's "Long Telegram" of February, 1946?

The Soviet Union lives in a state of "capitalist encirclement" and can have no peaceful coexistence with those capitalist powers. The United States' intervention into the affairs of Greece and Turkey to protect them from Communist Revolution was necessary

Franklin Roosevelt's program as Governor of New York that supplied public work jobs and traditional "welfare" services like food, shelter, and clothing.

The Temporary Emergency Relief Administration(TERA)

WWII and the Cold War Using at least two specific examples of domestic and/or international developments during the early Cold War, answer the following question in at least 10 sentences: How did the United States experience a dramatic shift in culture, international politics, and/or technological advancements in the early Cold War? How did those dramatic shifts affect the lives of every day Americans?

The United States and the entire world saw drastic military advancements. The most world-changing of those advancements was the atomic bomb. The advancements in atomic warfare caused a wide-spread panic. Literature focusing on the end of the world became a more popular genre. The concept of inevitable death was absolutely terrifying to the people living in the United States, so there was a lot of propaganda being spread that told people how they could supposedly survive an atomic bomb. During the Cold War the Americans were mainly fighting to stop the spread of communism. Americans became very afraid that their own country was being infiltrated by communists. Many Americans attempted to show just how not communist they were by supporting Christian ideals and having the "good American" picture of a nuclear family. Americans that exhibited any traits that didn't resemble the "good American" life were accused of being communist spies. McCarthyism was prominent during this time and it sent people into a panicked witch hunt for communism. Many people became scared that the government was infested with communist spies. The general American life during the early Cold War was a life filled with fear.

Which of the following does apply to American foreign and domestic policy in the Cold War?

The United States established propaganda networks to disseminate pro-American cultural products both domestically and internationally American Christianity saw greater adoption and legitimization by conservatives in the United States, both politically and culturally The United States began maintaining what might be called a "permanent war economy" as it continued its militarism following WWII

Which of the following is true about the United States' early involvement in Vietnam (that is, pre-1966).

The United States justified greater military escalation through the Gulf of Tonkin incident/resolution The United States began financially supporting France, and later South Vietnam, as early as 1949 to stop a potential spread of Communism

Which of the following was a tactic employed by the United States government to ensure stability during the war?

The War Industries Board to maximize mass-production and control union membership. Propaganda campaigns to encourage patriotism among the U.S. population. "Victory Garden" campaigns to get Americans to grow their own food so mass produced food could be shipped to soldiers. Liberty Bonds were sold to raise funding for the American war effort.

Which of the following was the main catalyst that pushed the United States into war in 1917?

The Zimmerman telegram

Which of the following does apply to the Pro-Prohibitionist perspective of the 1920s?

The belief in Prohibition was something that "real" Americans valued, while most resistance came from Catholic and immigrant groups They held that legal bars/saloons were "centers of evil, vice, and corruption." It was something supported by the majority of the Federal Congress, thereby making it something that represented the will of the country

Which of the following was one of the major factions within the Democratic Party of the mid-1980s?

The black-led arm of the Democratic Party under Jesse Jackson's leadership Centrist Democrats more aligned with Reaganomics Old school "New Deal" style Democrats

The 1950s and Counterculture and the 1960s The Brown v Board (abbreviated name) decision resulted in...

The desegregation of public schooling "with all deliberate speed."

The first Civil Rights Act since Reconstruction, the Civil Rights Act of 1957, was compromised down to very little. However, what did this act in 1957 actually accomplish?

The establishment of the Civil Rights Commission within the Department of Justice

Which of the following of Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points was included in the Treaty of Verailles?

The establishment of the League of Nations

Which of the following is one of the considered "end dates" of the Cold War?

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 The dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1991 The dissolution of the Soviet Union on Christmas day, 1991.


The final stage of social progress which begins after a crisis of capitalism and revolution

Which of the following drove President Lyndon B. Johnson to decide to not seek reelection as president?

The harsh criticism he faced due to the Vietnam War


The humanistic aspects of society, like culture, politics, etc.

Which of the following refers to the Truman Doctrine?

The intervention of the United States, specifically initially in Greece and Turkey, through funding of anti-Communist forces and resist Communist "subjugation"

describe some of the changes wrought by Thomas Edison's power generator, first patented in 1879?

The introduction of electricity and its subsequent connection to Edison's lightbulb transformed urban nightlife. Electricity allowed for cities to introduce electric elevators and rail cars, transforming city landscape up (that is taller) and out (cities could now spread farther while being connected by electric public transportation) The introduction of electricity would help to power and increase the scale of industrial production.

Which of the following was banned under the 18th amendment (The Prohibition amendment)?

The manufacturing of alcohol The transportation of alcohol The sale of alcohol

The 1963 March on Washington DC

The march called for, among other things, civil rights legislation, school integration, an end to discrimination by public and private employers, job training for the unemployed, and a raise in the minimum wage. Where Dr. King gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.


The middle class, characterized by materialism and exploitation of labor

Which of the following does apply to the Korean War?

The military leader behind operations in Korea, Douglas MacArthur, advocated for an invasion of China and potentially the use of nuclear weapons The war was initially marked by a successful invasion and occupation of South Korea by the North The United States, after successfully reaching the Chinese-North Korean border, was pushed back to South Korea by joint Chinese-North Korean forces

Which of the following is true about the Temperance movement of this era?

The movement often associated immigrants, urban Americans, Catholics, and wage laborers with alcoholism. The 18th Amendment would eventually be passed, thereby making alcohol virtually illegal across the country.

How did the new industrial world separately impact the agricultural industry and farmers, as well as urban industries and wage laborers? How were these two sectors of the economy connected?

The new industrial world impacted the agricultural industry by bringing many innovations that made farming easier. many new and improved tools were introduced that made working in the fields easier and the transportation of goods became much quicker with the introduction of faster vehicles. The new industrial world made the Urban industries increase in productivity. It gave people working in factories simpler jobs to do and opened up new opportunities for growth. The new industrial world also made things more readily available, which resulted in the prices of goods dropping. The farmers worked very hard to keep up with the others and they could hardly make enough money to live off of because the prices of the goods they were selling had dropped so low. The wage laborers weren't working for much of a wage because pay was dropping with the introduction of machinery that did many of the jobs that once needed people more efficiently than the people could do them. The packaging and processing of meat was a huge industry because it was easier for the farmers to transport the meat and it was easier to process and send out to sell than it had ever been before. The world was speeding up; things could be produced and shipped faster than ever before. It just became more difficult for everyone to keep up and make the money that they needed to live. The new innovations made the jobs easier, but they made it harder to make a living doing those jobs.

Which of the following does apply to the American occupation of Japan?

The presence of over a million American soldiers over seven years impacted Japanese culture in lasting ways Fearful of sexual exploitation of Japanese women by American soldiers, the Japanese government organized brothels to "serve" those soldiers The Japanese constitution was entirely re-written Economic alliances between the United States and Japan that lasted decades were established

Which of the following describes "redlining?"

The process of home loaning organizations assigning "grades" to parts of a community, largely based on the racial makeup of that community

What was the "Rust Belt?"

The region of the United States that experienced rapid deindustrialization during the 60s and 70s


The relationships to production that currently govern society

Which of the following was one of the changes that Christian Conservatives felt threatened their "way of life" from the 1960s to the 1980s?

The rise of abortion rights The removal of class-led prayer and bible reading in public schools The social changes wrought by the sexual revolution and the Civil Rights Movement

Which of the following does apply to how many (especially young) Americans began to resist the society of the 1950s?

The so called "Beat Generation," or "Beatniks," adopted worldly and cosmopolitan ideas like adopting eastern religions and denouncing commercialism Rock and Roll introduced a new loud and often sexually aggressive style of music that challenged the morals of the time

According to the "The Dust Bowl" reading, which of the following is one of the ecological values taught by the capitalist ethos?

The social order should permit and encourage this continual increase of personal wealth Man has a right, even an obligation, to use this capital for constant self-advancement Nature must be seen as capital

Which of the following is primarily responsible for stoking vast paranoia among the American population and strengthening support for the so called "Space Race?"

The successful launching of the first satellite, Sputnik, by the Soviet Union.

Which of the following describes the relationship between the United States and Mexico in the 1910s?

The two nations had a tenuous relationship during the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) as its revolutionary government would flip-flop between anti-American administrations against imperialism and pro-American allied administrations. The U.S. and Mexico had some small border skirmishes during this decade as some Mexican revolutionaries sought to resist pressure from the United States and support their own anti-U.S. revolutionary governments. After a long history of American imperialism threatening Mexico, many Mexicans were actively trying to resist further imperialist encroachments by the United States.

Which of the following does apply to the culture of the Post-WWII era?

There was unrivaled prosperity alongside persistent poverty There was life-changing technological innovation alongside social and environmental destruction There was expanded opportunity alongside entrenched discrimination There were new liberating lifestyles alongside a stifling conformity

What marked the fate of former European colonies like Algeria and Vietnam in the 1940s and 1950s?

These nations, among others, began fighting wars of independence to maintain some brief respite from colonialism during and/or after WWII

Which of the following best describes how leading "captains of industry" like Andrew Carnegie believed they should use their new and vast wealth?

They believed that the concentration of business in the hands of the few is beneficial and essential for future progress. They felt it was their job to use their wealth to bend the "universal tree of humanity" in the direction most favorable to the common good. They felt they should distribute that wealth amongst the population through whatever means, method, or medium they feel to be most beneficial.

Which of the following applies to how novelists, advertising agencies, and national economic organizations marketed themselves in the 1950s?

They pitched values of a so called "American Way of Life" that highlighted white, middle-class values Much of this focused on an idea of libertarianism that was growing in popularity Much of this focused on free market advocacy, individual liberty and property rights, and little government intervention

What was the most common justification that white southerners gave for the purpose of public lynchings?

They were necessary to maintain social order in the face of black Americans that would "threaten" the "sanctity" of white southern women.

Which of the following applies to the War Powers Resolution?

This law forces the president to gain presidential approval to commit U.S. troops overseas beyond 60 days

Which of the following does apply to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986?

This officially established new safeguards to limit future unsanctioned immigration This extended legal status to nearly 3 million undocumented workers

Which of the following best describes the Roosevelt Corollary?

This was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine, which stated that the United States had the right to preemptively intervene in North and South America to ensure that the nations of those regions did not do "bad business" with Europeans.

What was unique about the Nixon-Kennedy presidential race of 1960?

This was the first race to hold a televised presidential debate

Industrialization and Imperial America Which of the following best describes a political machine?

Urban political groups that preyed on and occasionally assisted urban populations, often unprotected immigrants, to ensure the success (often through corruption) of the leaders of that "political machine" like Tammany Hall in New York.

How were urbanization, industrialization, and technological progress at the end of the nineteenth century changing American culture? You might consider the effects of these forces on workers, life in American cities, agriculture, and/or imperialism.

Urbanization, industrialization, and technological advancements at the end of the nineteenth century changed American culture in a lot of ways. Traveling was becoming easier and faster, making the transportation of goods much more efficient. Cities were able to grow to larger scales because of the increased ease in traveling farther distances. The creation of some items became much easier with the help of machines and electric light, but the ease in producing these items also made them cheaper, so there was less money for the workers' wages. The introduction of more advanced farming equipment resulted in a rise in the amount of produce that could be harvested, but it also brought the price of the produce down. The improved ways to travel and increased amount of goods resulted in America looking farther outward for places to do business. America set their sights on the vast markets of the world. Americans were now able to sell their goods to far away places much more easily. Imperialism clearly grew with the American market and ease of transportation. Americans were seeing a multitude of new ways to gain more money and power from other countries.

"Bloody Sunday"

When activists attempted to march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, on behalf of local African American voting rights and peaceful protesters were attacked by white law enforcement with batons and tear gas

Which of the following made the Sacco and Vanzetti trial so controversial?

claims of anti-immigrant and anti-Italian prejudice in the process

After Fidel Castro took power over Cuba in 1959, what major event caused Cuba to become even more hostile towards the United States and move towards alliance with the Soviet Union?

the failed Bay of Pigs invasion

Historical Materialism

the idea that relations to production drive human history


the laboring class

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