American Imperialism

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What is a protectorate?

1. A country that is independent, but is actually under the control of another country. 2. Imperial power allows local ruler to stay in control and protects them against rebellious and invasions 3. In exchange, local rulers accept adivce from imperial power

What are some economic reasons for American Imperialism?

1. Desire new markets 2. New tech= more goods than Americans can consume 3. Foreign trade solve unemployment and economic depression

What are some methods of maintaining economic control?

1. Exploiting a colony for its raw materials and natural resources 2. Making a colony dependent on the colonizer's agricultural and manufactured goods.

What were the reasons why U.S HAD to take control of Philippines

1. Filipino rebels were unfit to govern, civil war erupt 2. American needed to Christianize and cilize them 3. Another European power might seize them

What happened in Japan?

1853 Japan only trades with Dutch and China Fillmore decide to force Japan to trade Sent Commodore Matthew Perry to Edo Bay w/4 ships Treaty of Kanagawa - U.S permission to trade (2 ports), Japan help shipwreck and buy supplies

What happened in Hawaii?

1891- Queen Liliuokalani throne, brother Kalakaua die January 1893 tried to create new constitution to replace Bayonet (striped king of power) Americans forced way, make provisional gov. Sanford B Dole- pres. of Hawaii Overthrow Queen Pres. Cleveland- do nothing

What is colony?

A body of people living in a new territory but retains ties with the parent state.

What is sphere of influence?

An area where a foreign nation controlled economical development, and had certain rights and power despite host nation.

How long was the Spanish American War?

April - July 1898

When did the U.S declare war on Spain?

April 19 1898

What happened in the Pacific?

As trade grew with Asia, they began to seek ports to refuel and resupply while crossing Pacific.

What is Aniti-Imperialism

Belief in promoting peace, not conquest

What is World Power?

Controlled oversea territories, had large, vigorous economy.

What did the Platt Amendment do?

Cuba could not enter foreign agreements Allow U.S to create naval bases when needed Give U.S right to intervin

What is the Treaty of Paris do?

Cuba's independence For $20 mill. Spain gave up Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam - become territories

What is Roosevelt's corollary?

Denied U.S wanted more land, wanted other counties to be more prosperous, but if economy bad or doing something harmful to U.S, intervene.

Who has political and economical control in a colony?

Imperial Power (king)

What happened in China?

Japan beat China- got Manchuria Korea independence from China All other counties wanted to "lease" area

What is expansionism?

The act or process of increasing or enlarging the extent, number , volume, or scope. The policy of taking control of land in other nations aside from one's own.

What is Manifest Destiny?

The belief that it was a nation's God-given right to expand according to its needs.

What is Imperialism?

The economic and political domination of a strong nation over weaker ones

Why do nations want to Imperialize?

To gain control of the and or resources of another nation.

What happened in the South Pacific?

U.S negotiated with Samoa 1878 base in Pago Pago

What is the rally cry for the Spanish American War?

"Remember the Maine"

What are some political reasons for American Imperialism?

1. Cultural superiority 2. Racial superiority of Anglo Saxons (whites) 3. Western laws and gov.

What did the Teller Amendment do?

Promised the U.S would NOT annex Cuba

What other reasons (besides the 3) caused American Imperialism?

1. American - new country 1776 2. European nations already had expanded overseas 3. In order to compete with European nation, US had to expand.

What are some military reasons for American Imperialism?

1. Desire for military strength 2. Modern naval fleet- protect American buss. and shipping around world

What methods did the Anti-Imperialist do to maintain peace?

1. Influence others by good example and wise counsel 2 Support the rights and respect ourselves and others 3. Stay out of other nation's domestic affairs

What are some methods of maintain military control?

1. Military force to support or overthrow regimes 2. Establish and maintain oversea bases

What did opponents of imperialism believe?

1. U.S already had enough land 2. U.S had too many domestic problems with immigration and poverty. 3. U.S economy would regulate itself

Describe the events of the Panama Canal.

Hay Banau Varilla Treaty- US guaranteed the independence of Panama and secured a 10 mile strip of land for canal for 10 mill.

What are some methods of maintaining political superiority?

Manipulate or encourage leadership in U.S Spreading Anglo Saxon political and cultural influence and identity.

Who annexed Hawaii and when?

McKinley, 1898

What happened IN the Spanish - American War?

Offensive Operations- Philippines 4 American warships--> Manila Bay, destroy 8 warships Rough Riders - San Juan Hill (bloodiest) Spanish attempt to escape to Cuba U.S sank every Spanish ship Spanish surrounded on August 1989 Treaty of Paris - December 1898

What is the Open Door Policy?

Opened trade for all in China

What are the three causes for American Imperialism?

Political - Belief in superiority of American Culture. Military - Nation needed large navy for security Economic - Economy needed overseas markets

What happened in the Boxer Rebellion?

Society of Harmonious First (The Boxers 1.fight foreign control 2. destroy foreigners and Chinese Christians 3. Killed German ambassador. 8 nations came together- decided to intervene International force to rescue foreigners and put down rebellion

What happened BEFORE the Spanish - American War?

Spain control Cuba (1/3 sugar), Philippines Both revolted, unsuccessful 1890 - Cuba, U.S. linked. U.S invest sugar 1895, Cuba revolt. Seize Eastern Cuba McKinley set USS Maine, explosion, it sank

What is the "big stick" policy?

Strong military presence, displaying American power to the world would make nations not fight, thus promoting peace.

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