American Rationalism Test- Menesses

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The Precept of Order requiring that every part of my business should have its allotted time, one page in my little book contained the following scheme of employment for the twenty-four hours of a natural day. From this excerpt, the reader can infer that the author is-

Disciplined and organized

What did Ben Franklin help do?

Draft the Declaration of Independence

Where does Rationalism start?

Europe in the 17th/18th centuries

When did Benjamin Franklin live?

From 1706-1790 and he was one of 17 children

How long did American Rationalism last?

From 1750-1800

What could come about through reason?


The Rationalists movement is dominated by which of the following figures?

Philosophers and scientists

For the Americans ____________, the city and civilization represent opportunity and sophistication.


Mostly comprised of philosophers, scientists, writing speeches and pamphlets.


What was literature about?

Reality, "age of pamphlets"

Franklin's tone in "Poor Richards Almanack" may be best described as:


In "Speech at the Virginia Convention," Patrick Henry says, surprisingly, that he must take a certain action against England in order to be a true patriot. What is this action?

Speak out against England

"Speech at the Virginia Convention" SOAP:

Speaker- Patrick Henry Occasion- The meeting of the VA Convention, before we declare independence Audience- Delegates of the Virginia Convention Purpose- To encourage the English to take up arms to fight the British

"The Declaration of Independence" SOAP:

Speaker- Thomas Jefferson Occasion- Requesting/ declaring their freedom from Great Britain Audience- All the members of the 13 colonies colonists (every citizen) also for the king of Great Britain Purpose- To show the colonists what we want and why we want it


Speaker: Appeals to the credibility of the writers

Henry continues (at the end of Paragraph 1) saying that if he does not share his opinions, he would consider himself guilty of:

Treason against his country

A rhetorical question in which the answer is already known/ presented. What would be the answer to the questions Henry asks in this passage from "Speech at the Virginia Convention?" And what have we to oppose them (the British government)? Shall we try argument?

We have nothing to fight them with but arms because arguments don't work

What did Ben Franklin do?

Work to improve streets, lighting, etc

Silence: Better slip with foot than tongue

You should chose what you say wisely

Ben Franklin structures "Poor Richard's Almanack" by listing advice in the form of aphorisms, or essentially-

Concrete illusions of abstract ideas

Read this excerpt from the selection: "Don't throw stones at your neighbors', if your own windows are glass." In this excerpt, windows represent one's-

Core values

What was at the root of Rationalism?


What "storm" does Henry say approaches the new nation?

Disagreements among speakers

Which of the following aphorisms from Franklin's "Poor Richard's Almanac" best characterizes him as a Rationalist writer?

"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of"

How does Jefferson use parallel structure in the DOI?

"It is their right, it is their duty"

Which statement from "Speech at the Virginia Convention" appeals to reader's emotions?

"The war is inevitable- let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come!"

What makes American literature American? In what ways do the goals Franklin sets for himself and the aphorisms he wrote express values that are still widely held in America? Explain.


Note three aphorisms in "Poor Richard's Almanack" that directly deal with friendship. Is his message about friendship consistent throughout?

1. A friend in need is a friends in deed 2. Fish and visitors smell in three days 3. If you would keep your secret from your enemies; tell not your friend

Find examples of literary elements, such as simile, metaphor, personification, symbolism, oxymoron and symbolism, in Franklin's sayings. Discuss how Franklin uses these elements to make his point in a humorous way.

1. Exaggeration: Fish and visitors smell in 3 days; humorous; Three may keep a secret if the other two are dead. 3. Metaphor: Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship

What were the Rationalists views on God?

1. God is like a clockmaker 2. Man is perfectible 3. Man's duty is to cultivate reason and do good works 4. Emphasis is on happiness on earth 5. Reason is authority

Read this aphorism from "Poor Richard's Almanack": "Fish and visitors smell in three days." In this excerpt, the author means that visitors should-

Avoid taking advantage of the kindness of others

Why is Benjamin Franklin a self-made man model?

Because he rose from poverty to prosperity

What is juxtaposition?

A literary device wherein the author places a person, concept, place, or idea or theme parallel to another. Its putting two things next to each other that are seemingly different to highlight the contrast and compare them.

_____ & _____ Which two descriptions describe individuals Franklin would most likely believe could benefit most from his advice in the Almanack?

A person who is putting off small problems and a person who trusts every person they meet

Who was among the Rationalist heros?

Benjamin Franklin

What did Benjamin Franklin own?

A print shop

What was Ben Franklin?

A scientist/inventor

What was a Rationalist Hero?

A self-made man


A way for a speaker/writer to emphasize a particular set of points. It's used to refer to the practice of placing together similarly structured related phrases, words, or clauses. The repetition draws attention and signifies the importance of meaning. It's not repetition, it's a form of repetition using the same structure.

How can human beings arrive at the truth?

By using deductive reasoning, rather than relying on the authority of the past, on religious faith, or intuition

What was Rationalism influenced by?

Advances in science and the scientific method

"We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne..." is an example of which rhetorical device?


A saying that contains a general truth.


Look at the list of grievances that Jefferson lists as reasons that the King has violated the natural rights of the colonists. Highlight the three grievances that you feel are the worst violations. Explain why you believe them to be important. Why would Jefferson blame the King for the problems leading to the Declaration? Explain your view.

Grievances allowed the British military occupation of colonial cities to impose taxes without consent. Grievances limited self-government and caused insurrections of Native Americans. It would be easier for the colonists to focus their anger on one individual, King George, than on the Parliament. His likeness was on colonial money, so he was known by all the colonists, while most members of Parliament were not known to the average colonist. Jefferson blames the King because he has done nothing to help the people of the colonies. According to Jefferson and other leaders presenting the DOI, the King has become "destructive to the ends of which it (the colonies) was created. It is time for them to separate from England.

What specific efforts does Franklin make to become more orderly?

He created a detailed daily schedule with time notations for the important things that needed to be done

Why do you think Franklin devoted such a large portion of his autobiography to a discussion of his failures to achieve perfect virtue? What message do both his efforts and his failures convey?

He devoted such a large portion to show he wasn't perfect and never gave up. This conveys his determination and inspires others to never give up

Jefferson noted that "all men are created equal," suggesting that this was "self-evident." Speculate as to what he meant by that statement. What sorts of conflicts and misconceptions may have stemmed from this statement?

He means that you've got the 13 colonies who are a part of England but don't feel that way. They want to be treated the same as the people actually living in England. It means that they want to be treated the same as the other England citizens.

When Franklin began his project, he was a young man. How do you think he felt at the time about his changes of attaining moral "perfection"? What insights does Franklin gain about the goal of achieving perfection as he gets older?

He most likely thought he would be successful. He didn't think it would be as difficult or as time consuming as it was to be successful

How does Jefferson explain the reason for a formal declaration of independence? Why do you think it was necessary for Jefferson to state the "causes which impel them to the separation"?

He shows the need for separation in the first paragraph, followed by the list of grievances. It is necessary to create this list as evidence. Without the list, this seems like a simple demand, and not a true argument

In "Speech at the Virginia Convention," which passage appeals to the reader's sense of reason?

His actions are guided by "lamp of experience"

In "Speech at the Virginia Convention," what emotion does Henry say is natural to people but should not be trusted in dealing with Britain?


The schedule that follows this excerpt is an effective accompaniment because it demonstrates-

How the author organized his goals

What does Deism stress?

Humanity's goodness

Which of the following virtues from Franklin's "Autobiography" best characterizes him as a Rationalist thinker?

Industry- "Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions"

In his autobiography, Benjamin Franklin provides a list of virtues and instructions on keeping a notebook in order to:

Instruct others on how to attain moral perfection and make perfection seem attainable for any motivated individual

Why is repetition effective in speaking/writing?

It draws attention and emphasizes a particular part

Jefferson chose to begin the Declaration with the words, "The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America." Do you feel this was necessary? Why or why not? Could the 13 colonies have declared independence if they were not unanimous? Why or why not?

It is necessary because it shows the strength of the argument. EVERY colony is on board. Without the unanimous decision, the remaining colonies would have shown weakness.

What is diction? Why does it matter?

It is the distinctive tone or tenor of an author's writings. It's not just a writer's choice of words; it can include the mood, attitude, dialect and style of writing. The speaker or writer does this to evoke a particular emotion out of the audience (basically persuasion).

How does word choice affect a specific piece of writing?

It's used to evoke a particular emotion out of the audience.

Read this aphorism from "Poor Richard's Almanack": "A mob's monster; heads enough but no brains." In this excerpt, the author means that a mob is-

Less rational than an individual

What does Rationalism focus on?

Man and his role in this world


Message: Emotion he's trying to evoke from the people


Message: These are using logic and reasoning through the grievances

Which sentence from "The Autobiography" is best supported by evidence in FRanklin's schedule?

Order, too with regard to places for things papers, ect., I found extremely difficult to acquire

Which of the following characterizes the preferred genres of the Rationalists?

Pamphlets and speeches

What does Deism believe?

That God made it possible for all people at all times to discover natural laws and that the universe was orderly and good

What does Rationalism stem from?

The Age of Reason

What was Ben Franklin a member of?

The Constitutional Convention in 1787

Rationalism is a literary movement of though that stems from the originally European, scientific movement called ___ _____________.

The Enlightenment

What is the Age of Reason also known as?

The Enlightenment

What is syntax?

The actual way in which words and sentences are placed together in the writing (basically sentence structure and word placement). It should follow a pattern of subject - verb - object agreement but sometimes authors play around with this to achieve a lyrical, rhythmic, rhetoric or questioning effect.

According to Jefferson, what was the purpose of government? What does Jefferson suggest should happen whenever the government becomes "destructive of the ends for which it was created?" According to Jefferson, how do governments derive their powers?

The purpose of the government is to protect the people. If a government no longer does that, then the people should stand up against that government. A government gets its power from the people.

What does an Impulse toward self-examination lead to?

The idea of "rags-to-riches" story; the triumph of a self-made person

What does Rationalism challenge?

The sole faith perspective of the Puritans

When Patrick Henry ends his speech with "... give me liberty or give me death," he repeats words. What else does he repeat in this phrase?

The structure of a verb followed by a pronoun and a noun

Industry: Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today

They are telling you to be productive with your time and not waste it

Temperance: Eat to live and not live to eat

This is telling you to not have gluttony with what you eat

What action does Henry want his audience to take in "Speech at the Virginia Convention?"

To fight for independence

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