AMS 100 KU: Mid Term Review

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racial terrorism, over 4,000 African Americans lynched 1877-1950, no punishments given for the men who conducted theres murders

identity specific example

recognizing gay couples/marriage in 2015, because identity is so apparent and gay people "suffer real damage, when society mirrors back conflicting or demeaning or contemptible picture of themselves" social

America identity

reinforces ways of thinking while repressing others, idenity

Current Border Policy

the border with Mexico is the most militarized in the world between two countries at peace


the idea that different factors interact uniquely with systems of power and create different experiences of oppression for different people

American Exceptionalism definition

"a model of the future" to Euro societies, propaganda academic discourse, political doctrine, and regulatory ideal with responsibility to define, support and develop U.S. national identity deeply rooted in U.S. citizens conceptualized and legitimized as national identity, vast and complex ideas policies and actions not stemming from singular source

Why is nativism important today

"they're stealing our jobs" South Park; contradicting to what the U.S started as and was built on,

Black Panthers

-Not advocating violence for the sake of violence but for fair treatment by whites/gov't -originally created to police the police in california -targeted by FBI -2/3 women

why is culture important today (3)

-increasing of world trade "captured" by symbolic goods (music, tv) gives cultural sphere greatest importance its ever had -more multicultural tolerance and civic participation -blurring of distinction between cultural, social, economic programs: some backlash

Insular Cases

1901-1922: Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines political status decided.... claimed not foreign so no

Buck Vs Bell: Eugenics Question

1927: "feeble-minded victim of abuse/rape committed and involuntarily sterilized Supreme Court forced sterilization constitutional "3 generations of imbeciles is enough" never expressly over turned, not favored after WW2

Why is the term "America" still important today

America still has complex meaning, and like Pres. Janice Radway addressed to ASA it is important to include queer, women, class, ethnic studies because understanding America because it is a complex culture construction Must look at past, embrace it, in order to renew and refine thinking so that American culture can fully connect nationally, globally, and regionally.

3 Waves of Immigration prior to 21st century

Anti-Catholic: 1830s-1850s Anti-Asian: 1870s-1882 (Japanese mid 80s, Filipinos 1920s and 30s) Anti-All Immigrants: mid 1880s


Divides East and West... west is superior, for the US it is "deeply committed to primacy and to multiculturalism. belief that asians are both necessary for economy and a danger to society

politics of respectability: specific example

Fannie Lou Hamer trying to vote as an upstanding citizen, dressed nice, talked appropriately and carefully

why is American Exceptionalism important today

Is used as a tool for governing and holds itself as apart of national identity but differs among sources... G.W.Bush: after 9/11 "global war on terror" give differ meaning and function from morally exemplary, multicultural and multi lateral AE that Obama campaigned for regime change in policies

Irish in America

pull factor: poverty and famine discriminated against until slowly classified as white

Harriet Tubman

OG feminist, worked on Underground Railroad, 1st female black soldier, racial and woman equality

Ku Klux Klan

Reconstruction era 1865-77 claimed to be christian upholders with a moral duty to maintain white supremacy. anti sematic/catholic Part 1: 1865-71 P 2: 1915-44 3-6 million members 9 3: 1945-today 3-6 thousand (now more Neo nazi and alt right)

"White Mans Burden"

Rudyard Kipling; moral duty of white men, who settle the Philippines to save the indigenous people from savagery, famine, and disease. -really an excuse for enslavement

American Exceptionalism specific example

Social mobility: deeply rooted thought that if you work hard enough you can move up in social class because AE represents how America has "absence" of class conflict, intolerance of diversity, hospitality towards immigrants, and liberal individualism

Major immigration police of 1924: Nativism

quota system allowing 2 percent of total number of people, favored west europeans and prohibited asians

slavery: specific example

Thomas Jefferson; wrote in DOI that "all men created equal" but owned approx. 175 slaves deeply committed to slavery, views stemmed from money, status, and racism justified through pseudoscience. punish slaves by selling their family/friends, thought blacks were not capable human emotion

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848

Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Limits and Settlement between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic, is the peace treaty signed on February 2, 1848

Personal identity

a value, unchanged by physical development or external circumstances "personality" evolves over your life and involves things you cannot control like where you grew up or skin color

13th Amendment

abolished all slavery in the U.S.


freeing of slaves in rebellious states and then freeing of all slaves on June 19th 1865

why is slavery important today

arguments of criminality, lack of self control, whites having paternalistic duty over other groups, morality and emphasis on upholding law/order, stay consistent when defending segregation, defunding the poor, incarceration of blacks U.S. still needs to recognize slavery as an "element not of our past but of global present"

Emmitt Till

brutally beaten and killed by two white men, who suffered no charges, his mother had open casket, and the uprising movement against lynching and racism in the south began to take form 1955

Culture definition

civilization with in practices of intellectual, spiritual, (even more today) political, and aesthetic activity/development, process/way of life for group or humanity in general identify based group claims and differentiating from society


conservative policy making group, model legislation for state law makers, mostly benefiting for-profit prisons

Manifest Destiny

crucial to our americanness, expansion is divinely ordained, settling of farms and agriculture is super American west is place of renewal, rugged individualism, and development empire building

disability example: women

deemed emotionally unstable, physically fragile, irrational, as a way to keep them from reaching equality diversity memo "men value things and women value people and have more openness with feelings/aesthetics rather than ideas. male gender role is inflexible"

Nativism: specific example

first instance of gov't nativism was 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, it wasn't until laws in 1965 ended quota system that favored Euro immigrants

Specific example of "America"

foldaways, culture practices (ex. baseball, hot dogs, Chevrolet (1970s ad campaign))

identity definition

how we label ourselves and how others label us, and how these attributes affect our behavior chosen or given? we don't possess or defines us, its never ending process of becoming fluid vs fixed "who are we"


human differences, highlighted through capitalism used in America to divide people into undesirable and desirable forms makes hierarchies: groups of less civilized, capable, advanced, valuable causes unequal social advantages for profit

importance of identity today

identity is wrapped in politics more than it ever has been before religion, tribal, nat. royalties challenge broader political coalitions and excuse for systematic social violence

why is politics of respectability still important today

if an young African teen has not looked the part of white conformity, more likely subject to police brutatlity


inequality issues no one talks about but is present and plays a role in citizenship debates (women's suffrage, African freedom, immigration restriction)

Indigenous Peoples Day

instead of celebrating Christopher Columbus day

Affirmative Action (and diversity)

law, educational policy, shows importance of the Supreme Court, freedom is not enough, LBJ "he has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him to start line and say you are free to compete with others, and justify that it is completely fair" when affirmative action is white (30s-60s) lots of government help

social identity

persons sense of who they are based on group membership, how they are perceived affects their behavior

American Imperialism

policy of extending a countries power and influence through diplomacy/military force American justify violent displacement of natives, because it was an exception in US history not a norm Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Collary


policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against immigrants

Class according to British historian

relational category, always defined "against" and in tension with its dialectical others. Saying what class you are in is saying what class you are not in, who you are not

disability example: African Americans

slave owners rationalized equality for blacks based on ideas that their head shape was different so had lesser of their brain so were unable to care for themselves, or that when they ran away it was attributed to illness.


socially constructed not biological, shaped meaning/profile of citizenship and labor, differentiation to exclusion to violence, shapes social formations of freedom and unfreedom gives acces to some supremacy vs inferiority


statement, action, incident regarded as an instance, subtle, unintentional discrimination against race or ethnic minority groups Not everyone agrees with microagressions (Factual Feminist)

politics of respectability definition

the idea that if blacks look the part of whites, and socially conform, they will be protected from prejudice or systematic conjuncture


the place an individual takes in our society, based on race, class, background

cultural constructionism

theory that many social and cultural constructs are not made by culture but by peoples characteristics

slavery definition

violent system of kidnapping, dispossession, and forced labor in the 15th century

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