AMS 205 Final Study Guide

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Doctrine of Discovery SIG

(Indigenous) Today there is a widespread movement among indigenous peoples to demand the Vatican revoke the 1493 edict, especially since European settlers still use the doctrine to rationalize the conquest of indigenous lands in order to perpetuate the legal fiction of land possession. This doctrine is infringing on the widely practiced indigenous belief that land is not a right, it is a responsibility. This comes from the saying, "the land does not belong to us; we belong to the land." In a way to compromise with the natives, the government established reservations. Although, in this way, the U.S. government considers tribal nations as only mere occupants with use rights.

Liberty Link SIG

(Keywords to link: Capitalism, Neoliberalism) The whole point of corn farming in Iowa now is solely to produce a high yield - no matter what. This neoliberalistic idea associated with King Corn & Liberty Link that ensures a free-market economy of farmers allows for only the strongest and most yield focused to survive. This externalization of risk through neoliberalism mitigates risk of their crops dying by increasing the pesticides ensuring a good harvest. With this, there is limited government intervention to keep the smaller farmers in business - massive government subsidies for those who are still growing corn now. So using harmful pesticides like ammonia, liberty, and atrazine are common occurrences to find on our corn to keep them alive. Fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico are losing their jobs too because of this atrazine being carried down through water supplies all the way to the Gulf of Mexico and killing fish.

Nutraloaf SIG

(prison, abolition) The food in these prisons now days are not great, which goes back to the history of prisons in how they were first founded upon. Originally, convicted felons used to have a public execution which eventually turned into just imprisoning those who have committed crimes. Originally, prison was a place where criminals would go to be treated and formed into better people through rehab. Now, it is more of a place to put bodies and can be perceived as torturous. Nutraloaf can support this statement as it is purposely made to taste poorly and this could be seen as a type of torture. Nutraloaf, which is now on the decline, is something that abolitionists now are trying to do away with because it is considered unconstitutional and inhumane to feed people these products.

Doctrine of Discovery DATE


Law of the Indies DATE

1573; Philip II Spain

Gebhardt's Chili Powder DATE

1895; William Gebhardt

Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza DATE


South Central Farmers Feeding Families DATE


South Central Farmers Feeding Families DEFINITION

: South Central Farmers Feeding Families refers to the largest (13 acres) community garden in the United States located in the south central part of Los Angeles, California. This keyword was the big tagline used by the garden community for the press to really show what they're all about - growing food in a major urban city just to feed their families. This land was given to the community after riots in 1992 to notice the struggles of low-income families. In 2004 they were noticed for an eviction from the land. This was to build a soccer field and warehouses which was said to have been established before the farmers were given the land. The land was owned by Mr. Horowitz and he sold it to the state in 1986 for $5 million and then bought it back for the same price in the late 1990s with Jan Perry behind closed doors. However, they were being driven out by Mr. Horowitz in 2004 which stirred up some real political theories about people like Jan Perry and Juanita Tate. At one point they were granted a preliminary injunction, but this was later lifted. Here we saw a lot of inter-community battles and some real community gatherings. Mr. Horowitz said he would sell them the land for $16.3 million, and when they raised this he backed out saying that he would never sell them the land because he did not like what they stood for. There is still nothing on the land today. This series of events demonstrated the power of a community.

Gebhardt's Chili Powder DEFINITION

A chili powder that came to be manufactured by William Gebhardt, a German Immigrant, called Eagle Chili Powder. It was the only authentic and true chili powder produced and manufactured - it was a staple of Mexican cuisine. It transforms all kinds of American foods (soups, salads, meats, vegetables) into Mexican foods

Law of the Indies DEFINITION

A law that was drafted by Philip II of Spain with the help of the Council of Indies. It laid out, in a very uniform way, that all Spanish cities in the Americas will be organized around military plazas and main plazas. For the first time, laid out in written/uniform way, urban planning- how cities will be designed

Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza DEFINITION

Gloria Anzuldua; She was a border theorist who, through her book Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, brought attention to the violent history of anti-Mexican racism, making note of murders, borderland rapes, and land grabs. She also critiqued homophobic and misogynist acts in Anglo and Mexican culture. She developed the term frontera which was a metaphor of accepting multiple contradictions and refuse the effort to synthesize them fully, which turns seemingly opposite topics into sources of insight.

Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza SIG

Her concepts and ideas led to widespread alertness of border issues on the Mexican-American border. Also, the concept of the frontera influenced other writers to consider culture from a more subaltern perspective of diversity rather than one of the accepted stereotypes of other cultures

Law of the Indies SIG

It counts for vernacular architecture - so spread out, center for social life. It is also significant because it showed how the difference of cities arose in how they were created and based on their architecture. It showed that even though America is one nation, it has many different parts to it - it challenged the notion that America is one unified nation because all cities look differently.


Non Edible- Commodity Crop. From the documentary "King Corn" - Liberty Link is the brand of corn a lot of the farmers in Iowa and other farm mass producing areas use. GMO variety of yellow dent#2 corn. This type of corn is genetically modified so that it can withstand the toughest of weather, corn spread diseases and most fertilizers. It has come to contain high starch and very little protein it can also grow close together, which allows for more corn. This is the exact opposite of what corn was decades ago. Farming now puts the stress on farmers to only focus on yield; not quality - most farmers don't ever even eat their own corn.


Nutraloaf, also nicknamed disciplinary loaf, is a product made from a lot of different things which is served in prisons to inmates as punishment for doing something wrong. The food is considered to be extremely nutritional by prison wardens. On the contrary, nutraloaf is considered one of the most disgusting foods by inmates and others who try it, it also has lead to some real intestinal issues with some people who eat it. Sheriff Arpaio in Mericopa County, Arizona is known for using Nutraloaf because he favors that type of punishment and it saves the prison money. There have even been quite a few states who have banned nutraloaf because they have lost in the supreme court saying that forcing inmates to eat this violates the 8th amendment (no cruel and unusual punishment).

South Central Farmers Feeding Families SIG

SC Farmers Feeding Families ties closely to the idea of community and how it's a very watered down term. This term of community means so many different things to so many different people. There are even sub-communities within each community. In this documentary, we saw a large quantity of tensions between different groups and communities. Between the gardeners and the mayor, the leaders within the garden and the gardeners, the community versus Juanita Tate, and even the city versus the community. This idea of community has so many different meanings and tensions within those meanings where it really showed everyone's true colors which is why the term is considered to be so over-used. The SC farmers ended up losing the garden but ultimately came out on top with even more land outside of the city.

Gebhardt's Chili Powder SIG

The manufacturing of this chili powder allowed Mexican dishes to easily become part of American homes; authentic ethnic identity. It mimicked the work of White Castle in display a sense of sanitization and hygiene through advertising inspections. The cookbook, Mexican Cookery for American Homes allowed Mexican cuisine to enter American homes and promote the Chili Powder as well, explosive growth of chili and chili powder. This is the perfect example of the commercialization of ethnic identity. This inspired the spin-off of chili powder in many other immigrant groups (i.e. Macedonians). *modern example= curry powde

Doctrine of Discovery DEFINITION

This concept originated in a papal bull written in 1493 to legitimate Columbus' second voyage to the Americas. The doctrine established Christian dominion and subjugated non-Christian peoples by invalidating aboriginal possession of land in favor of the government whose subjects explored and occupied a territory whose inhabitants were not subjects of a European Christian monarch. It was subsequently used in the 1823 Supreme Court ruling Johnson v. M'Intosh to justify colonial powers' claims to lands belonging to sovereign indigenous nations.

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