Anatomy 1- truncus pulmonalis. Arcus aortae, truncus branchiocephalicus, aorta thoracica. Vena cava cranialis

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The vv. pulmonales: is... made of.... carry.... from... to....

the veins of the small or pulmonary circulation are devoid of valves and carry arterial blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.

The pulmonary trunck is jointed to the.... by ligamentum ..... Devision of it.

to the aorta by ligamentum arteriosum. A short distance beyond ligament and ventral to tranchea the pulmonary trunk divides into the a.pulmonalis sinistra and the a. pulmonalis dextra

Vena cava cranialis-V. azygos dextra

(2) V. bronchoesophagea [-oesophagea] (ca, eq) (34) Vv. intercostales dorsales (32) --Ramus dorsalis ----- V. intervertebralis V. costoabdominalis dorsalis (33) ---Ramus dorsalis -------V. intervertebralis Vv. lumbales I et II (III) ---Ramus dorsalis ------- V. intervertebralis

abdominal part (aorta abdominalis).

(aorta descendens)

thoracic part (aorta thoracica)

(aorta descendens)

descending aorta (aorta descendens) devides

(aorta descendens). The descending aorta may be divided further into a thoracic part (aorta thoracica) and an abdominal part (aorta abdominalis)

Arteries of the trunk of the horse

1 arcus aortae; 2 truncus brachiocephalicus; 3 a. subclavia sinistra; 4 truncus costocervicalis; 5 a. vertebralis; 6,7 r. spinales; 6' r. descendes; 7' r. anastomoticus cum a. occipitalis; 8 a. cervicalis profunda; 9 a. scapularis dorsalis; 10 a. intercostalis suprema; 12 a. thoracica interna; 13 rr. perforantess su r. sternalis; 14 a. musculophrenica; 15 a. epigastrica cranialis; 16 rr. intercostales ventralis; 19 a. cervicalis superficialis; 20 r. deltoideus; 21 r. ascendens; 22 a. suprascapularis; 23 a. axillaris; 24 a. thoracica externa; 26 truncus bicaroticus; 27 a. carotis communis sinistra; 28 a. carotis interna; 29 a. occipitalis; 30 a. carotis externa; 31 aorta thoracica; 32 aa. intercostales dorsales; 33 r. dorsalis, r. cutaneus medialis; 34 rr. cutanei lateralis; 35 rr. collarerales; 38 a. bronchoesophagea;

Arteries of the trunk of the dog-pic

1 arcus aortae; 2 truncus brachiocephalicus; 3 a. subclavia sinistra; 4 truncus costocervicalis; 5 a. vertebralis; 8 a. cervicalis profunda; 9 a. scapularis dorsalis; 11 a. vertebralis thoracica; 12 a. thoracica interna; 13 rr. perforantess su r. sternalis ir rr. mammarii; 14 a. musculophrenica; 15 a. epigastrica cranialis; 16 rr. intercostales ventralis; 18 a. epigastrica cranialis; 19 a. cervicalis superficialis; 20 r. deltoideus; 24 a. thoracica externa; 25 a. thoracica lateralis; 31 aorta thoracica; 32 aa. intercostales dorsales; 33 r. dorsalis, r. cutaneus medialis; 34 rr. cutanei lateralis; 35 rr. collarerales; 36 a. costoabdominalis dorsalis; 38 a. broncho-esophagea; 40 aa. lumbales; 44 a. celiaca; 45 a. mesenterica cranialis.

Truncus costocervicalis (su) 15

A. cervicalis profunda 16 -- A. intercostalis dorsalis I sinistra 17 A. intercostalis suprema 18 --Aa. intercostales dorsales III-V 19 -----Ramus dorsalis 20 --------Ramus spinalis 21 A. scapularis dorsalis (13) A. vertebralis (1)

Arcus aortae and truncus brachiocephalicus

1. arcus aortae; 2. truncus brachiocephalicus; 3. a. subclavia sinistra; 3'. dextra; 4. truncus bicaroticus; 5. a. carotis communis sinistra; 5' dextra; 6. truncus costocervicalis sinister; 6' dexter; 7. a. scapularis dorsalis sinistra; 7' dextra; 8. a. vertebralis thoracica sinistra; 8' a. vertebralis thoracica dextra; 9. a. intercostalis suprema sinistra; 9' dextra; 10. a. cervicalis profunda sinistra; 10' a. dextra; 11. a. vertebralis sinistra; 11' dextra; 12 a. cervicalis superficialis sinistra, 12' dextra; 13. a. thoracica interna sinistra; 13'dextra; 14 a. thoracica externa sinistra; 14' dextra; 15 a. axillaris sinistra; 15' dextra

Veins of the trunk of the horse

1. v. cava cranialis; 2 v. azygos dextra; 3 v. costocervicalis; 4 v. vertebralis with 5,6 vv. Intervertebralis; 5' r. descendens; 6' r. anastomoticus cum v. occipitali; 7 v. cervicalis profunda; 9 v. scapularis dorsalis; 10 v. intercostalis suprema; 11 v. thoracica interna; 12 vv. perforantes; 13 v. musculophrenica; 14 v. epigastrica cranialis; 15 vv. intercostales ventrales; 17 v . epigastrica cranialis superficialis; 19 v. subclavia; 20 v. axillaris; 21 v. thoracica externa; 23 v. thoracica superficialis (in the horse from v. thoracodorsalis); 24 v. jugularis externa; 26 v . occipitalis; 27 v. cephalica; 28 v. cervicalis superficialis; 29 v. linguofacialis; 30 v. maxillaris; 32 vv. intercostales dorsalis 32' r. dorsalis; 33 v. costoabdominalis dorsalis; 34 v. broncho-esophagea or vv . bronchales and vv. esophagae; 35 v. cava caudalis; 36 v. phrenica cranialis; 37 vv. lumbales; 38 r. dorsalis; 39 v . phrenica caudalis; 42 vv. hepaticae; 43 v. renalis; 44 v. testicularis/v. ovarica;

sinus trunci pulmonalis

First part of pulmonary trunck, which is flanked by 2 auricles, has shallow depressions known as the sinus trunci pulmonalis.

Vena cava cranialis

1. v. cava cranialis; 2. v. brachiocephalica sinistra; 2' v. brachiocephalica dextra; 3. v. subclavia sinistra; 3' v. subclvia dextra; 4. v. jugularis externa sinistra; 4' v. jugularis externa dextra; 5. v. jugularis interna sinistra; 5' v. jugularis interna dextra; 6' v. azygos dextra; 7. v. costocervicalis sinistra; 7' v. costocervicalis dextra; 8' v. vertebralis dextra; 9. v. thoracica iterna sinistra; 9' v. thoracica interna dextra; 10. v. cervivalis superficialis sinistra; 10' v. cervicalis superficialis dextra; 11. v. cephalica sinistra; 11' v. cephalica dextra; 12. v. axillaris sinistra; 12' v. axillaris dextra

a. cervicalis profunda sinistra; a. dextra

10, sinistra; 10' dextra

11. a. vertebralis sinistra; 11' dextra;

11 sinistra, 11' dextra

12 a. cervicalis superficialis sinistra, 12' dextra;

12 sinistra 12' dextra

13. a. thoracica interna sinistra; 13'dextra;

13 sinistra 13' dextra

14 a. thoracica externa sinistra; 14' dextra;

14 sinistra 14' dextra

15 a. axillaris sinistra; 15' dextra

15 sinistra 15'dextra

a. subclavia sinistra dextra;

3 (sinistra) & 3' (dextra)

truncus bicaroticus


a. carotis communis sinistra; dextra;

5 sinistra 5' dextra

truncus costocervicalis sinister; dexter;

6 sinistra 6'

7. a. scapularis dorsalis sinistra; 7' dextra;

7 sinistra 7'dextra

a. vertebralis thoracica sinistra; 8' a. vertebralis thoracica dextra

8 sinistra 8' dextra

a. intercostalis suprema sinistra; dextra;

9 sinistra 9' dextra

ligamentum arteriosum. devisions

A short distance beyond ligament and ventral to tranchea the pulmonary trunk divides into the a.pulmonalis sinistra and the a. pulmonalis dextra


A. bronchoesophagea 23 ---Ramus bronchalis ----Ramus esophageus Rami esophagei (su, ov) Rami pericardiaci (ca) Rami mediastinales (ca) A. phrenica cranialis (eq) Aa. intercostales dorsales 21

Truncus costocervicalis 4-dog

A. intercostalis dorsalis A. scapularis dorsalis 9 A. cervicalis profunda 8 A. vertebralis thoracica (ca) 11 ---Aa. intercostales dorsales II et III 32 ---Rami dorsales --------Ramus spinalis A. intercostalis suprema (fe) -- Aa. intercostales dorsales II et III ------Ramus dorsalis -----------Ramus spinalis

Truncus costocervicalis 4- horse

A. intercostalis suprema 10 --Aa. intercostales dorsales II-V ----Ramus dorsalis ----------Ramus spinalis A. scapularis dorsalis 9

Arteries of the trunk of the horse-A. thoracica interna 12

A. pericardiacophrenica Rami thymici Rami mediastinales Rami perforantes 13 ---Rami sternales Rami intercostales ventrales 16 A. musculophrenica 14 --- Rami intercostales ventrales A. epigastrica cranialis 15

Arteries of the trunk of the dog- A. thoracica interna 12

A. pericardiacophrenica Rami thymici Rami mediastinales R ami perforantes 13 ---Rami sternales ---Rami mammarii Rami intercostales ventrales 16 A. musculophrenica 14 ---Rami intercostales ventrales A. epigastrica cranialis 15 --- A. epigastrica cranialis superficialis 18 ---Rami mammarii

A. thoracica interna 1- su

A. pericardiacophrenica 2 Rami thymici 3 Rami mediastinales 4 Rami perforantes 5 ---Rami sternales 6 ---Rami mammarii 7 Rami intercostales ventrales 8 A. musculophrenica 9 ---Rami intercostales ventrales 10 A. epigastrica cranialis 11 ---Rami intercostales ventrales 12 ---Ramus costoabdominalis ventralis 13 ---Rami mammarii 14

A. thoracica interna 20- bo

A. pericardiacophrenica 21 Rami thymici 22 Rami mediastinales 23 Rami perforantes 24 --- Rami sternales 25 Rami intercostales ventrales 26 A. musculophrenica 27 ---Rami intercostales ventrales 28 ---Ramus phrenicus 29 A. epigastrica cranialis 30 ---A. epigastrica cranialis superficialis 31 ---Rami intercostales ventrales 32 ---Ramus costoabdominalis ventralis33

runcus costocervicalis 15-bo

A. scapularis dorsalis 16 A. intercostalis suprema 17 --Aa. intercostales dorsales I et II (III) 18 -----Ramus dorsalis 19 --------Ramus spinalis 20 A. cervicalis profunda 21

The vv. pulmonales: arising from ... to..... There the truncus pulmonalis .... number depends on....

Arising from the roof of the left atrium, ventral to the hillus of the lung where the truncus pulmonalis divides into its branches, these veins are invariably multiple, the number depending on the species. Their number usually corresponds to the number of pulmonary lobes and the veins are arranged almost symetrically into left and right group.

brachiocephalic trunk, loc, diff animals, leaaving pericardium runs ....

At its origin the brachiocephalic trunk is still encased within the pericardial sac. In carnivores, pigs, small ruminants and horses its origin is at the level of the 3rd rib whereas in the ox is level with the 4th rib. After leaving the pericardium the trunk runs cranially and ventrolateral to the trachea within the mediastinum.

V. jugularis externa, in car,pig,ru, horse

In carnivores and pigs the V. jugularis externa (24) is the second branch of the division of the brachiocephalic vein, the other branch being the subclavian vein. In ruminants and horses the external jugular veins of the two sides represent the terminal division of the cranial vena cava. The external jugular vein reach the jugular groove between the scalenus medius and the sternohyoideus and sternothyroideus muscules. V. azygos sinistra (31) Vv. esophageae [oesophageae] Vv. bronchales Vv. intercostales dorsales (32) Ramus dorsalis V. intervertebralis V. costoabdominalis dorsalis (33) Ramus dorsalis V. intervertebralis Vv. lumbales I et II Ramus dorsalis V. intervertebralis

cave cranialis -->v. azygos dextra --> v.costocervicalis --> vv. thoracica internae dextra and sinistra --> ... --> ....

In carnivores and pigs, rarely in goats, the cranial vena cava then divides at the thoracic inlet into the vv. brachiocephalicae dextra and sinistra and only then does it forks into the vv. jugulares externa dextra and sinistra immediately cranial to the apertura thoracic cranialis.

ca, ru,eq v azygos dextra aries from....

In carnivores, ruminants and horses the v. azygos dextra arises from this segment of the cranial vena cava which also gives rise to the v. broncho-esophagea in cats.

left subclavian artery in differetn animals, rum, eq,

In ruminants and horse the left subclavian artery arise from the brachiocephalic trunk before the right subclavian artery.

A. cervicalis superficialis 24- truncus branchiocephalicus, right aspect su

Ramus ascendens 25 Ramus prescapularis 26 Ramus acromialis 27

A. cervicalis superficialis 12- branches of a cervicalis superficialis, lat asect ov

Ramus deltoideus Ramus ascendens 14 Ramus prescapularis 15 A. suprascapularis (ov, cap) 16 ---Ramus acromialis 17 Ramus suprascapularis (bo) ---Ramus acromialis

A. cervicalis superficialis 19- arteries of trunk of horse

Ramus deltoideus 20 Ramus prescapularis Ramus ascendens 21

A. cervicalis superficialis 26- lat aspect ca

Ramus deltoideus 27 Ramus ascendens 28 Ramus prescapularis 29 A. suprascapularis 30 ---Ramus acromialis 31

A. pulmonalis dextra, subparts

Ramus lobi cranialis ---Ramus ascendens (Ru) ---Ramus descendens (Ru) Ramus lobi medii Ramus lobi caudalis ---Ramus lobi accessorii

A. pulmonalis sinistra, subparts

Ramus lobi cranialis ---Ramus ascendens (abscent in eq) ---Ramus descendens (abscent in eq) Ramus lobi caudalis

horses, right subclavian artery

Since in the horse the right subclavian artery arise in a much more cranial position, the costocervical trunk, the deep cervical artery and the vertebral artery of the right side all originate directly from the brachiocephalic trunk.


Sinus trunci pulmonalis

aorta thoracica gives of from its dorsal wal as "..." starting from...

Starting from between the 3rd and 6th thoracic vertebrae, depending on individual and species variation it gives off from its dorsal wall the aa. inetrcostales dorsales, which are segmentally distributed to both sides of the thorax. Ramus dorsalis Ramus spinalis Ramus cutaneus medialis Ramus collateralis (Car, su) Rami cutanei laterales Rami mammarii Rami phrenici

subclavia runs in... from it ..... runt in number (diff animals) it contiunues into...

The a. subclavia runs in a cranial convex curve to the anterior border of the first rib and, because of its more dorsally situated origin, the left artery is tilted cranioventrally. From the subclavian artery arise the a. vertebralis, a. cervicalis profunda, a. scapularis dorsalis and a. intercostalis suprema or a. vertebralis thoracica. -Two (pig and horse), -three (carnivores) or all these arteries (ruminant can be fused into a. common stem of origin, the truncus costocervicalis. Before the subclavian continues in to the axillary artery it gives off, at the thoracic entrance at the level of the 1st rib, the a. thoracica interna which runs in a caudoventral direction and the a. cervicalis superficialis which runs in a cranial direction.

The cranially directed carotid arteries are united into the .... exept in....

The cranially directed carotid arteries are united into the truncus bicaroticus exept in carnivores in which the a. carotis communis sinistra leaves the brachiocephalicus trunk before the a. carotis communis dextra.

external jugular vein gives rise to and divides into...

The external jugular vein gives rise to the v. cervicalis superficialis (28) and the v. cephalica (27), v. omobrachialis in the dog. The external jugular divides into the v. linguofacialis (29) and the v. maxillaris (30) ventral to the wings of the atlas.

next branch of cava cranialis

The next branch is the v. costocervicalis which occurs only on the right in the dog but bilaterally in the other domestic mammals.

The circulatory system of birds- right atrium first part of aorta

The reight atrium receives paired cranial veae cavae and a single caudal vena cava. The first part of the aorta gives rise to reight and left coronary arteries and a. brachiocephalic trunk that immediately divides into right and left brachiocephalic arteries tha send common carotid arteries forward

rr. esophagei, pericardiaci and medistinales, horses have...

The thoracic aorta also gives rise to the rr. esophagei, pericardiaci and medistinales. Only in the horse are the a. phrenica cranialis, which supply the thoracic surface of the diaphragm, given off in the region of the hiatus aorta.

cave cranialis -->v. azygos dextra --> v.costocervicalis --> ..... + animal diff

Then follows the vv. thoracica internae dextra and sinistra, which in carnivores usually arise by a common steam. In the horse only, the cranial vena cava gives rise to the v. vertebralis on the right side.

The vessels from arcus aortae are the..... They are united into the into.... exept in... rum & eq:

These vessels are the right and left a. subclavia and the right and left a. carotis communis. These two arteries are united into the truncus brachiocephalicus except in carnivores and pigs in which the left subclavian artery is not included in the brachiocephalic trunk but arise directly from aorta.

Arteria - vena broncho-esophagea of a dog

a trachea; b esophagus 1 aorta thoracica; 2 a. inrercostalis dorsalis; 3 a. broncho-esophagea sinistra; 4 r. bronchalis; 5 r. esophageus; 6 a. intercosralis dorsalis VI dextra; 7 a. broncho-esophagea dextra; 8 r. bronchales; 9 r. esophageus; 10 v. cava cranialis; 11 v. azygos dextra; 12 v. inrercostalis dorsalis v. sinistra; 13 v .intercostalis dorsalis VI dextra: 14 v. broncho-esophagea sinistra; 15 v. bronchalis; 16 v. esophagea; 17 v. broncho-esophagea dextra; 18 vv. bronchales; 19 v. esophagea

Heart and aorta of a horse

a ventriculus dexter; b ostium trunci pulmonalis with valva trunci pulmonalis; c atrium sinistrum 1 aorta ascendens; 2 a. coronaria sinistra; 3 r. interventricularis paraconalis; 4 r. circumflexus; 5 arcus aortae; 6 truncus brachiocephalicus; 7 a. subclavia; 8 truncus costocervicalis; 9 a. intercostalis suprema; 10 a. scapularis dorsalis; 11 a. cervicalis profunda; 12 a. vertebralis; 13 a. thoracica interna; 14 a. cervicalis superficialis; 15 r. deltoideus; 16 a. axillaris; 17 truncus bicaroticus; 18 a. carotis communis; 19 lig. arteriosum (ductus arteriosus); 20 aorta descendens, aorta thoracica; 21 aa. intercostales dorsales; 22 a. costoabdominalis dorsalis; 23 a. broncho-esophagea; AORTA DESCENDENS AORTA THORACICA A. bronchoesophagea 23 Ramus bronchalis Ramus esophageus Rami esophagei (su, ov) Rami pericardiaci (ca) Rami mediastinales (ca) A. phrenica cranialis (eq) Aa. intercostales dorsales 21

a. broncho-esophagea from.... to .... is it paired? branches?

a. costoabdominalis dorsalis extends into lateral abdominal wall --> The a. broncho-esophagea arises dorsal to the base of the heart, in some animals it is paired but these two branches may be united close to their origin. It often has two branches, the r. bronchalis and r. esophageus, but these may also arise directly from the thoracic aorta and indeed, they may sometimes even originate from one of the dorsal intercostal arteries.

A. vertebralis

a. intercostalis dorsalis I dextra (su) r. spinales ---a. spinalis dorsalis (su, ru, eq) (6) --- a. spinalis ventralis (car, su, ru, eq) (7) r. anastomoticus cum. a. occipitali (car, su, eq (7') r. descendens (car, su, eq) (6') A. basilaris ---r. descendens (ru)

a. costoabdominalis dorsalis goes to...

aa. intercostales dorsales: goes to the caudal border of the last rib--> a costoabdominalis dorsalis. The name of this vessel indicates that it runs along the border between the thoracic and abdominal wall but that it is no longer situated in an intercostal space. Its area of supply extends into the lateral abdominal wall.

v. cava cranialis aries from ... to.... corresponding to the ....

arises from the craniodorsal part of the sinus venosus of the right atrium. Although there are some species differences, its origin lies on a transverse plane passing through about the 4th pair ribs. It is the vein which corresponds to the brachiocephalic trunk. It runs toward the thoracic inlet in the cranial mediastinum to the right of the midline and ventral to the trachea. At first it is situated to the left of the brachiocephalic trunk but by the thoracic inlet is reached it has become ventral to it.

Aorta subparts

ascending aorta (aorta ascendens) aortic arch (arcus aortae). descending aorta (aorta descendens) thoracic part (aorta thoracica) abdominal part (aorta abdominalis).

conus arteriosus

final chamber of the heart that contains valves to prevent blood from flowing back into the ventricle

arcus aortae give rise to.... and supplly the

gives rise to vessels which supply the head, the neck, the forelimb and the cranial region of the thorax as well as some of the thoracis organs.

into the neck and subclavian arteries towards the wings.The aorta gives rise to the following major branches: BIRDS

into the neck and subclavian arteries towards the wings.The aorta gives rise to the following major branches: celiac, cranial mesenteric, cranial renal, external iliac, ischial and caudal mesenteri.

The v. azygos sinistra only present in... aries from... over... to...

is presently only in pigs and ruminants. It arises from the sinus coronarius of the heart. It rans dorsally over the left atrium, caudally around the pulmonary veins and along the dorsal border of the left auricle It then swings to the left of the pulmonary artery and dorsal to the aorta. Curving caudad it accompanies the thoracic aorta along the origins of the intercostal arteries from the 5th or 6th thoracic vertebra. Together with aorta it passes through the aortic hiatus to join the first lumbar veins, their common vessel origin or, in the pig, directly with the caudal vena cava.

Truncus pulmonalis is... it carries.... to the.... I aries from ... to .... the first part...

is the main artery of pulmonary circulation. Carries- venous blood to lungs. Arise from conus arteriosus of right ventricle at ostium trunci pulmonalis. First part of pulmonary trunck, which is flanked by 2 auricles, has shallow depressions known as the sinus truncu pulmonalis.

Aorta leaves the.... it is a .... devision. initial part of it is attached to

leaves the left ventricle near the center of the base of the heart. It is a thick-walled vessel through which all the systemic blood of the body passes. All of the large systemic arteries arise directly from it. For descriptive purposes, it may be divided into an ascending and a descending portion, separated by the aortic arch. The initial part attaches to the fibrous base of the heart, is largely located within the pericardium, and is known as the ascending aorta (aorta ascendens). Before it makes a U-turn dorsocaudally and to the left as the aortic arch (arcus aortae). The remainder of the aorta, from the arch to its terminal iliac branches, is the descending aorta

cutaneus colli muscle

v jugularis externa: In the lower third of the neck it is covered by the cutaneus colli muscle. In the upper third of the neck, it crosses the lateral face of the omohyoideus muscle. At this site it is accessible for intravenous injection, especially in ruminants and horses.

hiatus aorticus.

v. azygos dextra, ---> Then, lying to the right and dorsal of the thoracic aorta, companies this vessel and the thoracic duct through the hiatus aorticus. After passing through the aortic hiatus it terminates in one of the first lumbar veins, their common vessel of origin or in the caudal vena cava. In ruminants the right azygos vein runs vertically in dorsal direction, immediately cranial to the tracheal bronchus, continues over the lateral surface of the right longus colli muscle to the 2nd or 3rd intercostal space and then swings caudad.

The v. azygos dextra, missing in... aries from... to... on trachea/eosophagus ... side

which is missing in the pig, arise in carnivores, ruminants and horse from that part of the cranial vena cava which lies close to the insertion of the pericardium. In carnivores and horses it rises in a cranially convex curve to the thoracic vertebral column, crossing the trachea and esophagus on their rigth side.

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