Anatomy 2- Chpt 17

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T/F: The first step in the formation of hydrochloric acid is the active transport of carbon dioxide into the parietal cells?


T/F: When chyme enters the duodenum, gastric secretion increases?


The enzyme ____ begins digestion of protein in the stomach.


What enzyme is produced by the stomach?


How many secondary teeth are in the upper jaw?


What is peristalsis?

A propulsive movement of contents of the lumen from one area to another

What ion is transported into the bloodstream?

Bicarbonate ion

What is the definition of digestion?

Digestion is the mechanical and chemical process of breaking down foods into smaller ones

T/F: The carbonic acid ion is joined to a hydrogen ion by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase?


How does the function of the digestive system relate to the characteristics of life?

It provides energy that can be used in metabolic processes.

In which organ do the peristaltic waves typically occur only 2-3 time each days?

Large intestine

What is segmentation?

Localized contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle that help to mix food and secretions

What molecule is absorbed into lymph?

Long-chain fatty acids

What is the process of breaking down large molecules into small ones without affecting the chemical composition?

Mechanical digestion

In the small intestine, ____ impulses stimulate peristaltic movements, while ____ impulses inhibit.

Parasympathetic; Sympathetic

Increased peristaltic activity in the small intestine is due to ____ nervous stimulation and distention of the ____ wall.

Parasympathetic; stomach

What is mechanical digestion?

Physical breakdown of large pieces of food into smaller pieces

When hydrogen ions pass from the parietal cell into the duct of the gastric gland, they are exchanged for what ion?

Potassium ion

What is the correct order of vessels as blood flows through the liver?

Sinusoids, central vein, hepatic vein

What is chemical digestion?

The chemicals in food being broken down by enzymes

Why does the superior part of the esophagus contain skeletal muscle instead of smooth muscle?

The first phase of swallowing is under voluntary control.

What is an effect of the secretion on the pancreas?

The pancreas releases more bicarbonate in the pancreatic juice.

What stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCI) in the stomach?

The smell and taste of food

What is the function of the gallbladder?

To store bile between meals

T/F: Gastrin functions to increase the production of HCl in the stomach?


T/F: The body utilizes the absorbed nutrients to produce ATP?


What is the term to describe the mass of chewed food mixed with saliva?


What are the major function(s) of the digestive system?

breakdown and absorption of food

In the parietal cells, the enzyme carbonic anhydrase causes a reaction between which two compounds or molecules?

carbon dioxide and water

The hydrogen ions used to form hydrochloric acid in the stomach are derived from what compound?

carbonic acid

What part of the tooth is composed of cellular tissue similar to bone, but harder?


What disorder is characterized by a weakened intestinal wall resulting in the inner mucous membrane protruding through the wall?


What is xerostomia?

dry mouth due to lack of saliva

What part of the tooth often thins from years of brushing, teeth grinding, and eating acidic foods?


Where are haustra found?

large intestine

Which of the following is needed to digest fats?


Where are sensory signals from the stomach and small intestine sent to trigger a vomiting reflex?

medulla oblongata

Which layer of the digestive tract is composed of epithelial tissue and may contain folds and mucus secreting glands?


The first stage of swallowing involves the tongue moving the bolus of food into the ____. This process is a(n) ____ action.

oropharynx; voluntary

The ____ plexus controls secretions of the GI tract and the ____ plexus control's digestive motility.

submucosal; myenteric

The alimentary canal of the digestive system is controlled by which nervous system?

sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

What structure is pulled upward during swallowing to close the opening between the nasal cavity and pharynx?


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