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The average life span of a red blood cell is about

120 days

The following is a list of the steps involved in the process of hemostasis and clot removal: 1. coagulation phase 2. fibrinolysis 3. vascular phase 4. retraction 5. platelet phase The correct sequence of these steps is:

3, 5, 1, 4, 2.

If you have a blood pressure of 110/80 mmHg, what is your pulse pressure

30 mmHg

The following are various components of the conducting system of the heart: 1 - Purkinje cells 2 - AV bundle 3 - AV node 4 - SA node 5 - bundle branches The sequence in which an action potential would move through this system is

4, 3, 2, 5, 1.

Blood is approximately ________ percent plasma by volume.


The following is a list of vessels and structures that are associated with the heart. 1. right atrium 2. left atrium 3. right ventricle 4. left ventricle 5. vena cavae 6. aorta 7. pulmonary trunk 8. pulmonary veins What is the correct order for the flow of blood entering from the systemic circulation?

5, 1, 3, 7, 8, 2, 4, 6

What percentage of our blood is plasma?


If you have a blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg, what is your diastolic pressure?

80 mmHg

If Sarah has A positive blood, she may receive blood from all of the following except:

AB positive

Karen has AB negative blood. Which blood types can receive Karen's blood?

AB positive

The universal recipient is _______.

AB positive

This area is known as the pacemaker of the heart.

AV node

The buffy coat contains ________.


The renin-angiotensin mechanism stimulates the release of which hormone?


Baroreceptors in our arteries respond to ________.

An increase in blood pressure

________ is a condition in which the oxygen-carrying capacity of RBCs is reduced.


Blood being pumped out of the left ventricle enters the:


Blood is prevented from flowing back into the left ventricle by the:

Aortic semilunar valve

These vessels are able to constrict.


Which of the following blood vessel types have the greatest effect on peripheral resistance?


The first portion of the aorta is called the ________.

Ascending aorta

These cells contain histamine and are the least numerous of the circulating white blood cells.


Which cell population of WBCs migrate to sites of injury and cross the capillary wall to accumulate within damaged tissues, where they discharge their granules into the interstitial fluids?


Blood flowing from the left atrium to the left ventricle flows through the ________ valve.


Bill wants to determine his blood type, so he takes a few drops of blood from a puncture wound in his finger and mixes it with various antisera. His blood cells agglutinate when mixed with the anti-A serum and anti-Rh serum, but not with the anti-B serum. This means

Bill's plasma contains anti-B antibodies.

Sinusoids are a highly modified form of these vessels.


The exchange between blood vessels and cells occurs here.


The vessels that permit exchange of materials between the blood and the surrounding interstitial fluid are termed


These are the smallest blood vessels in our body.


________ permit the exchange of nutrients, dissolved gases, and waste products between the blood and surrounding tissues.


Which of the following helps force fluids out of the blood into the tissues?

Capillary hydrostatic pressure

The amount of blood pumped out of each ventricle in one minute is called:

Cardiac output

These structures prevent prolapse of the atrioventricular valves.

Chordae tendinae

Deoxygenated blood from the myocardium enters the right atrium through the:

Coronary sinus

Relaxation of the heart chambers is called


Which of the following is not a type of capillary?


Drifting blood clots, air bubbles, or fat globules are called ________.


The most important factor for stretching cardiac muscle is:

End diastolic volume

Hypertension can decrease cardiac output by directly causing an increase in:

End systolic volume

The innermost layer of the heart wall is the


These cells are important in fighting parasitic infections.


________ are the most abundant cell population of the formed elements of blood.


The production of red blood cells is called _________.


The protein backbone of a blood clot is ________.


The left and right coronary arteries supply blood to the muscle tissue of the


Carbon dioxide bonds to what part of the hemoglobin molecule?


Red blood cells result from the divisions of ________, which are multipotent stem cells.


As blood flows through peripheral tissues, what occurs regarding the hemoglobin molecules of RBCs?

Hemoglobin binds carbon dioxide and releases its bound oxygen.

An increase in end diastolic volume would have which effect on cardiac output?


An increase in peripheral resistance would have what effect on blood pressure?


These arteries supply 80% of the cerebrum.

Internal carotids

The bundle of His is located here.

Interventricular septum

All four heart valves are closed during this time.

Isovolumetric contraction

The greatest decrease in ventricular pressure occurs at this time.

Isovolumetric relaxation

Which of the following blood components is a complete cell?


Which organ produces most of the plasma proteins?


In which of the following tissues would low oxygen levels cause vasoconstriction?


The right ventricle pumps blood to the


Some of these cells become plasma cells which can produce antibodies.


Platelets are fragments of which cells?


During which part of the cardiac cycle would pressure in the ventricle be at its lowest?


All of the following are granulocytes except:


These cells can enter the tissues as macrophages and are important in chronic infections.


________ are large phagocytic WBCs that remain in circulation for only about 24 hours before entering peripheral tissues to become tissue macrophages.


Cardiac muscle tissue is found in which layer of the heart?


The muscle layer of the heart is the ________.


Which of the following are the MOST active type of leukocytes, phagocytically, and are usually the first to arrive at an injury site?


The most common blood type in the United States is _________.


The parasympathetic nervous system decreases heart rate by:

Opening potassium gates

Depolarization of the atria is represented on an electrocardiogram by the

P wave

All of these structures can be identified in the ventricles except:

Pectinate muscles

The heart is surrounded by the ________ cavity.


Which of the following is present in a red blood cell?

Plasma membrane

A series of vessels that connect two capillary beds is a(n) _______.

Portal system

An increase in heart rate by the sympathetic nervous system is a:

Positive chronotropic effect

Blood flow during ventricular filling is most dependent upon ________.

Pressure changes

The first blood vessels to branch from the pulmonary trunk are the

Pulmonary arteries

All oxygenated blood returns to the heart via the:

Pulmonary veins

Nerve impulses are directly supplied to the papillary muscles by the:

Purkinje fibers

Specialized ________ convey the impulses to the contractile cells of the ventricular myocardium.

Purkinje fibers

Atrial repolarization occurs during this period of time, seen on an EKG.

QRS complex

The pulse point that is palpated on the lateral wrist is actually the location of which of the following?

Radial artery

In adults, the stem cells responsible for the production of red and white blood cells originate primarily in the

Red bone marrow

The target organ of erythropoietin is the ______.

Red bone marrow

Long-term mechanisms control blood pressure by:

Regulating blood volume

Red blood cells enter the bloodstream as _______.


Which of the following is not a branch off the arch of the aorta?

Right common carotid artery

The anterior surface of the heart consists mostly of this chamber.

Right ventricle

The right atrium receives blood from the systemic circuit and pumps it to the ________.

Right ventricle

The entire ventricular myocardium is depolarized during this time on an EKG.

S-T segment

The cardiac pacemaker cells are located in which of the following?

SA node

Platelets release this substance, which contributes to vascular spasms.


This condition is caused by abnormal hemoglobin.

Sickle cell anemia

This part of the nervous system is responsible for vasomotor tone.


The ________ circuit carries blood to and from all parts of the body except the lungs.


A faster-than-normal heart rate is called ________.


The lub-dup heart sounds heard during auscultation of the heart are associated with:

The heart valves closing

Which enzyme converts fibrinogen into fibrin?


A blood clot attached to the wall of a vessel is called a(n)


This valve is found between the right atrium and the right ventricle.


The outermost layer of the arterial wall is the

Tunica externa

This is the muscular layer of blood vessels.

Tunica media

All of the following would be found in large arteries except:


The immediate response to blood vessel damage is a ________.

Vascular spasm

Blood is carried to the heart by these vessels.


Sinusoids are a highly modified form of these vessels.


Venules unite to form ________.


Blood from the systemic circulation returns to the heart by way of the

Vena cava

The semilunar valves prevent backflow into the


These vessels carry blood toward the heart.


The term ________ refers to the combination of plasma and the formed elements together.

Whole blood


are a major component of the vascular clotting system.

Which condition is described as the formation of lipid deposits in the tunica media associated with damage to the endothelial lining?


The least numerous white blood cells in peripheral circulation are the


The tricuspid valve is located

between the right atrium and right ventricle.

The function of hemoglobin is to

bind and transport oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The function of an atrium is to

collect blood returning to the heart.

A hemoglobin molecule contains

four protein chains, four heme groups, and four iron ions.

The primary function of white blood cells is to

help defend the body against infectious organisms.

The percentage of whole blood volume occupied by cellular elements is termed (the) ________.


The vessel that receives most of the blood from organs inferior to the diaphragm is the

inferior vena cava.

The aortic reflex sends ______________.

inhibitory impulses to the vasomotor center

In general, for a vessel of a given size, a typical artery ________ compared to a typical vein.

is more elastic

Which condition results from abnormally high levels of bilirubin in the plasma of blood?


When foreign cells attack the body, one would most likely expect to see increased numbers of


Which of the following represents the correct sequence of stages in RBC maturation?

myeloid stem cell, proerythroblast, erythroblast, reticulocyte, RBC

The most abundant type of WBC in a normal blood sample is the ________.


The loose-fitting sac around the heart is lined by the

parietal pericardium.

A person's blood type is determined by the

presence or absence of specific surface antigens on the plasma membrane.

Blood returning directly from the systemic circulation enters the

right atrium.

Which disease is characterized by defective hemoglobin that results from a mutation affecting the amino acid sequence of one pair of the globular proteins of the hemoglobin molecule resulting in stiff, markedly curved red blood cells?

sickle cell anemia

The instrument used to measure blood pressure is the ________.


Which of the following is the top number in a blood pressure reading?

systolic pressure

The main event of the coagulation phase is

the formation of a platelet plug.

The muscular layer of blood vessels is the

tunica media.

The QRS complex on an ECG tracing represents

ventricular depolarization.

The T wave of an ECG corresponds to

ventricular repolarization.

Gaining weight may increase blood pressure because increased adipose tissue causes an increase in ________.

Blood vessel length

If John has O positive blood, he will have which of the following antibodies in his blood?

Both anti-A and anti-B

The buffy coat contains ________.

Both leukocytes and platelets

________ is a condition in which the heart rate is slower than normal.


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