Anatomy Ch 12

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White matters refers to myelinated fibers in the: CNS PNS ANS SNS both ANS and SNS


The medulla oblongata regulates somatic motor contractions. food intake. auditory reflexes. vision and hearing blood pressure and respiration.

blood pressure and respiration

The midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata are housed in the: diencephalon hypothalamus brain stem pineal gland cerebellum

brain stem

The corpus callosum is composed of association fibers arcuate fibers longitudinal fasciculi commissural fibers

commissural fibers

The motor cortex is located in the postcentral gyrus of the frontal lobe. True False


After suffering a blow to the back of the head, Phil loses his vision. The blow probably caused damage to the prefrontal cortex. postcentral gyrus. cerebral nuclei. limbic system. occipital lobe.

occipital lobe

The region of the cerebral cortex inferior to the lateral sulcus is the temporal lobe occipital lobe frontal lobe parietal lobe

occipital lobe

The region(s) of the cerebral cortex superior to the lateral sulcus is/are the parietal lobe. temporal lobe. frontal lobe. occipital lobe. parietal and frontal lobes.

parietal and frontal lobes

Damage to the premotor cortex of the frontal lobe would interfere with the ability to understand written words. understand spoken words. understand visual images. play the piano. sense the texture of velvet.

play the piano

The tracts that connect the cerebellum to the brain stem are located in the medulla oblongata. pons. mesencephalon. diencephalon. thalamus.


The primary motor cortex is located in the region of the precentral gyrus arcuate gyrus postcentral gyrus insula

precentral gyrus

The primary motor cortex is located in the region of the precentral gyrus insula arcuate gyrus postcentral gyrus

precentral gyrus

The primary motor cortex is located in the region of the precentral gyrus insula postcentral gyrus arcuate gyrus

precentral gyrus

The primary motor cortex is the surface of the insula. precentral gyrus. postcentral gyrus. arcuate gyrus. corpus callosum.

precentral gyrus

The region of the brain responsible for predicting the consequence of events or actions is the prefrontal cerebral cortex. occipital association cortex. reticular formation. temporal lobe. cerebral ganglia.

prefrontal cerebral cortex

Abstract intellectual functions such as predicting the consequences of a particular response occur in the premotor cortex precentral gyrus postcentral gyrus prefrontal cortex

prefrontal cortex

Abstract intellectual functions such as predicting the consequences of a particular response occurs in postcentral gyrus premotor cortex precentral gyrus prefrontal cortex

prefrontal cortex

Loss of ability to perform skilled motor activities such as piano playing, with no weakness or paralysis in specific muscles, might suggest damage to the: rubrospinal tracts primary motor cortex spinal cord premotor cortex

premotor cortex

Which of these is not one of the main divisions of the adult brain? cerebrum diencephalon prosencephalon midbrain pons


The basal nuclei plan and coordinate voluntary muscle activity. provide the general pattern and rhythm for movements such as walking. coordinate sensory information. control the secretions of the pituitary gland. control respiration and blood pressure.

provide the general pattern and rhythm for movements such as walking.

The ________ integrate(s) sensory information for projection to the cerebral cortex. pulvinar lateral geniculates medial geniculates supraoptic nuclei paraventricular nuclei


The area of the mesencephalon that is involved with the maintenance of muscle tone and posture is the superior colliculi red nuclei tectum cerebral peduncles

red nuclei

Damage to the preoptic area of the hypothalamus leads to which problem? an intense thirst an uncontrolled sex drive reduced ability to regulate body temperature an insatiable appetite production of a large volume of urine

reduced ability to regulate body temperature

Regions of the brain that are involved in interpreting data or coordinating motor responses are called ____ areas. association commissural processing sensory


The cells that cover the outer surfaces of CNS capillary endothelial cells are the blastocytes. astrocytes. monocytes. leukocytes. lymphocytes.


the Schwann cell forms a myelin sheath around the: dendrites cell body nucleus axon nodes of Ranvier


Sally has a brain injury; she knows what she wants to say but can't vocalize the words. The part of her brain that deals with the ability to speak is the: longitudinal fissure gyrus central sulcus Broca's area primary motor area

Broca's area

A person with a damaged visual association area may be unable to see rows of letters. declared legally blind. unable to recognize letters but able to identify whole words and their meanings. able to see letters but unable to associate them into words. unable to understand spoken words.

able to see letters but unable to associate them into words.

Which of the following is a function of the hypothalamus? produces ADH controls autonomic centers regulates body temperature secretes oxytocin All of the answers are correct.

all of the answers are correct

The presence of many large, highly-branched Purkinje cells in a sample of brain tissue indicates that it came from the pons. medulla. cerebral cortex. cerebellar cortex. arbor vitae.

cerebellar cortex

The arbor vitae refers to: the pleatlike convolutions of the cerebellum cerebellar white matter flocculonodular nodes cerebellar gray matter

cerebellar white matter

Overseeing the postural muscles of the body and making rapid adjustments cerebrum pons mesencephalon cerebellum


Which of the following is not part of the brainstem? cerebellum midbrain pons medulla


The third and fourth ventricles are linked by a slender canal designated as the central canal. tentorium cerebelli. cerebral aqueduct. interventricular foramina. pontine canal.

cerebral aqueduct

Nerve fiber bundles on the ventrolateral surface of the mesencephalon are the tegmenta. corpora quadrigemina. cerebral peduncles. superior colliculi. inferior colliculi.

cerebral peduncles

The highest levels of information processing occur in the mesencephalon cerebellum cerebrum medulla


The region of the brain that is involved in conscious thought and intellectual function as well as processing somatic sensory and motor information is the cerebrum medulla mesencephalon pons


The region of the brain that is involved in conscious thought and intellectual function as well as processing somatic sensory and motor information is the cerebrum mesencephalon pons medulla


The region of the brain that is involved in conscious thought and intellectual function as well as processing somatic sensory and motor information is the diencephalon pons cerebrum medulla


The corpus callosum is composed of arcuate fibers. longitudinal fasciculi. association fibers. commissural fibers. projection fibers.

commissural fibers

The mamillary bodies of the hypothalamus regulate lactation. secrete oxytocin. control feeding reflexes. control heart rate and blood pressure. secrete antidiuretic hormone.

control feeding reflexes

A reflex that is used to assess the sensory function of the trigeminal nerve is the ________ reflex. corneal tympanic auditory vestibulo-ocular consensual


The functions of commissures is to connect: areas of cortex with lower centers corresponding areas of the two hemispheres pyramidal cells with corresponding cerebellar cells adjacent areas of gray matter within a cerebral hemisphere

corresponding areas of the two hemispheres

Gustatory information reaches the brain by way of: cranial nerve I cranial nerve II cranial nerve X cranial nerve IV cranial nerve IX

cranial nerve IX

Collections of nerve cell bodies inside the CNS are called: ganglia tracts nerves nuclei tracts or ganglia


Which of the following lies between the cerebrum and the brain stem? medulla oblongata pons mesencephalon diencephalon cerebellum


Which of the following links the cerebral hemispheres with the brain stem? mesencephalon pons diencephalon medulla oblongata


The pineal gland is located: hypophysis cerebri epithalamus corpus callosum mesencephalon


One of the major functions of the pons is to produce releasing factors that control the function of the anterior pituitary. true false


Which of the following is (are) true of the epithalamus? contains the mamillary body forms the roof of the diencephalon processes sensory information and relays it to the cerebrum forms the cerebrum creates the lateral ventricles

forms the roof of the diencephalon

The ventricle associated with the pons and upper medulla is the second third first fourth


A stroke in the primary motor area has caused Don to lose control over his skeletal muscles on the right side of his body. What lobe of his brain was damaged: occipital lobe temporal lobe frontal lobe parietal lobe pyramidal tract

frontal lobe

The area anterior to the central sulcus is the parietal lobe temporal lobe occipital lobe frontal lobe

frontal lobe

The area anterior to the central sulcus is the temporal lobe frontal lobe parietal lobe occipital lobe

frontal lobe

Which lobe contains the primary motor area and enables voluntary control of skeletal muscle movements: parietal lobe temporal lobe occipital lobe frontal lobe diencephalon

frontal lobe

Which of the following would you not find in the cerebral cortex? unmyelinated axons dendrites cell bodies ganglia


Which of the following would you not find in the cerebral cortex? dendrites ganglia unmyelinated axons cell bodies


Bob is struck on the left side of the head and is knocked unconscious. When he recovers consciousness, he can hear individual words but cannot understand the meaning of phrases or sentences. This implies damage to his vestibulocochlear nerve. general interpretive area. speech center. prefrontal lobe. temporal lobe.

general interpretive area

A patient develops a tumor of a cranial nerve that leads to difficulty in speaking from a loss of tongue movement. Which cranial nerve is affected? glossopharyngeal hypoglossal vagus spinal accessory trigeminal


Control of temperature, endocrine activity, metabolism, and thirst are functions associated with the: medulla oblongata cerebellum hypothalamus thalamus cerebrum


The floor of the diencephalon is formed by the hypothalamus. thalamus. brain stem. mesencephalon. myelencephalon.


Which of the following represents a link between the nervous and endocrine systems? hypothalamus medulla oblongata cerebrum cerebellum


Excitation of neurons in the basal nuclei would lead to increased muscle tone. loss of consciousness. inability to sense pain. sexual arousal. involuntary speech production.

increased muscle tone

The medulla oblongata relays auditory information to the substantia nigra. red nuclei. cerebral peduncles. superior colliculi. inferior colliculi.

inferior colliculi

The reflex movement of the head toward a loud noise is directed by the mesencephalon. Which nuclei accomplish this? substantia nigra red nuclei tectum superior colliculi inferior colliculi

inferior colliculi

The sense of taste projects to the gustatory cortex located in the ________ and ________. insula; parietal lobe frontal lobe; temporal lobe insula; frontal lobe precentral gyrus; prefrontal cortex. corpus callosum; fornix

insula; frontal lobe

Each lateral ventricle communicates with the third ventricle through a(n) aqueduct of Sylvius. cerebral aqueduct. aqueduct of midbrain. interventricular foramen. medulla oblongata.

interventricular foramen

The fiber tract that links the cerebellum with the pons is the superior cerebellar peduncle transverse fibers inferior cerebellar peduncles middle cerebellar peduncle

middle cerebellar peduncle

The optic tracts carry visual information from the retina to the pulvinar. lateral geniculates. medial geniculates. supraoptic nuclei. paraventricular nuclei.

lateral geniculates

The inferior border of the frontal lobe is marked by the insula lateral sulcus longitudinal fissure central sulcus

lateral sulcus

In most cases, the general interpretive center and the speech center are located in the ________ cerebral hemisphere.


After suffering a stroke, Mary finds that she cannot move her right arm. This would suggest that the stroke damage is in the area of the ________ lobe. right frontal left frontal right temporal left temporal occipital

left frontal

The putamen and globus pallidus are frequently considered to be subdivisions of the caudate nucleus. claustrum. lentiform nucleus. corpus striatum. limbic system.

lentiform nucleus

As you ascend from the medulla oblongata to the cerebrum, the functions of each successive level become more complex. simpler. better understood. more crucial to visceral functions. critical to reflexes.

more complex

The two cerebral hemispheres are separated by the longitudinal fissure. central sulcus. transverse fissure. parieto-occipital sulcus. postcentral sulcus.

longitudinal fissure

the two cerebral hemispheres are separated by the lateral sulcus longitudinal fissure parieto-occipital sulcus central sulcus

longitudinal fissure

The ________ relay auditory information to the auditory cortex. pulvinar lateral geniculates medial geniculates supraoptic nuclei paraventricular nuclei

medial geniculates

Autonomic centers that control blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion are located in the medulla oblongata. pons. mesencephalon. diencephalon. cerebellum.

medulla oblongata

Major centers concerned with autonomic control of breathing, blood pressure, heart rate and digestive activities are located in the medulla oblongata mesencephalon diencephalon pons

medulla oblongata

Major centers concerned with autonomic control of breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, and digestive activities are located in the: mesencephalon diencephalon medulla oblongata pons

medulla oblongata

Major centers concerned with autonomic control of breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, and digestive activities are located in the: pons mesencephalon medulla oblongata diencephalon

medulla oblongata

The vital centers for the control of visceral activities such as heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, swallowing, and vomiting are located in the: pons medulla oblongata midbrain cerebrum hypothalamus

medulla oblongata

the cardiovascular reflexes are based in the cerebrum. mesencephalon. cerebellum. medulla oblongata. spinal cord.

medulla oblongata

the control of heart rate and blood pressure is based in the cerebrum. cerebellum. diencephalon. medulla oblongata. heart.

medulla oblongata

The cerebellum and pons develop from the telencephalon. diencephalon. mesencephalon. metencephalon. myelencephalon.


The thin partition that separates the first and second ventricles is the cerebral aquaduct interventricular foramina septum pellucidum falx cerebri

septum pellucidum

You suspect your friend has damage to cranial nerve I when he is unable to smell his food. smile. blink his eyes. nod his head. hear your voice.

smell his food

Fibers that carry information from the skin, joints, and skeletal muscles to the central nervous system are: motor visceral sensory somatic sensory interneurons parasympathetic

somatic sensory

Brodmann's numbers refer to: structurally distinct cortical areas rate of neural division in embryogenesis counts of neurons per fiber bundle molecular weight of types of neurons

structurally distinct cortical areas

Examination of a tissue sample from the central nervous system reveals many darkly pigmented cells. This tissue probably came from the nucleus gracilis. nucleus cuneatus. motor cortex. substantia nigra. red nucleus.

substantia nigra

The tectum of the mesencephalon contains the substantia nigra. red nuclei. superior and inferior colliculi. cerebral peduncles. basal ganglia.

superior and inferior colliculi.

During embryonic development, which of the following brain vesicles will form the cerebrum? metencephalon mesencephalon telencephalon diencephalon


The auditory cortex is located in the frontal lobe parietal lobe occipital lobe temporal lobe

temporal lobe

The auditory cortex is located in the frontal lobe. parietal lobe. temporal lobe. occipital lobe. insula.

temporal lobe

The region of the cerebral cortex inferior to the lateral sulcus is the occipital lobe frontal lobe parietal lobe temporal lobe

temporal lobe

Terry suffers from dissociation of memories from their emotional content as the result of an automobile accident. What system of the brain is probably damaged? the prefrontal lobe the general interpretive area the limbic system the thalamus the putamen

the limbic system

The respiratory rhythmicity center is located in the pons. the cerebrum. the medulla oblongata. the cerebellum. the midbrain.

the medulla oblongata

The cranial nerve that has three major branches is the abducens. facial. vagus. trigeminal. glossopharyngeal.


In most humans, the area that controls the comprehension of language is located in the left cerebral hemisphere.


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