Anatomy Exam 3

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Chordae tendineae

"heart strings" are tiny white collagenic cords that anchor the cusps to the ventricular walls.

As the food in the stomach is repeatedly squeezed and mixed with gastric juice, it is converted into a semi-fluid paste called: A bolus, Chyme, Bile, Feces


The artery that nourishes the walls of the left atrium is the Anterior Interventricular, Circumflex, Posterior Interventricular, Marginal


Blood is carried to capillaries in the myocardium by way of the Coronary Sinus, Fossa Ovalis, Coronary Arteries, Coronary Veins

Coronary Arteries

The muscularis layer of the urinary bladder is also known as the _____________________ muscle.


During swallowing the _____________ is pushed backward by the tongue to cap the glottis so food does not do down the larynx: Thyroid, Arytenoid, Epiglottis, Cricoid


The pain from "heartburn" is actually a sensation from the Pleural Cavity, Heart, Esophagus, Thoracic Duct


Which muscle group combination permits normal inspiration? diaphragm - abdominal complex, scalenes - diaphragm, external and internal intercostals, external intercostals - diaphragm

External Intercostals - Diaphragm

How many pulmonary veins enter the left atrium? None (they enter the right atrium), One, Two, Four


The mucosal folds in the bladder (rugae) Act to increase the surface area for absorption, Thicken the bladder wall so it does not burst, Are not present in life only in cadavers, Function to accommodate stretching as the bladder fills

Function to accommodate stretching as the bladder fills

All these structures touch the dome of the diaphragm except the Liver, Stomach, Esophagus, Gallbladder


Bile leaves the liver via the _____________________ duct.


Tracing blood that drains from the large intestine, we find that blood leaves the intestinal capillaries and passes through the inferior mesenteric vein, the hepatic portal vein, the liver sinusoids, and the inferior vena cava. Which vessel is missing from this sequence? Celiac Vein, Umbilical Vein, Hepatic Vein, Azygos Vein

Hepatic Vein

Which of these structures does not enter or leave the porta of the liver? Hepatic Veins, Hepatic Portal Vein, Hepatic Artery, Hepatic Ducts

Hepatic Veins

The region where bronchi and pulmonary vessels enter and leave the lungs is the Hilum, Apex, Capsule, Pleurae


The terminal portion of the small intestine is the Duodenum, Ileum, Jejunum, Pyloric Sphincter


Which of the following is NOT a structural component of the large intestine? Taeniae Coli, Ileum, Haustra, Epiploic Appendages


This artery arises from the inferior part of the abdominal aorta, and it supplies the last half of the large intestine: Gonadal, Inferior Mesenteric, Superior Phrenic, Superior Mesenteric

Inferior Mesenteric

Which is NOT a function of saliva? Initiate Protein Digestion, Solvent in Cleansing Teeth, Lubricate the Pharynx, Assists in Formation of Bolus

Initiate Protein Digestion

Vessels that run in the renal columns are the Vasa Recta, Interlobar Veins, Renal Arteries, Arcuate Arteries

Interlobar Veins

Arteries that branch to form the afferent arterioles to the glomeruli are Lobar Arteries, The Pericortical Arteries, Interlobular Arteries, Interlobar Arteries

Interlobular Arteries

The _____________________________ connects the pharynx to the trachea.


The thoracic duct ends by emptying into the __________ vein. Left Subclavian, Right Subclavian, Right Brachiocephalic, Right Lymph

Left Subclavian

The apex of the heart is formed by the Right Atrium, Left Atrium, Right Ventricle, Left Ventricle

Left Ventricle

The heart chamber with the thickest wall is the _______________ ___________________.

Left Ventricle

Which of these organs lies in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen? Spleen, Liver, Cecum, Ascending Colon


__________________ is the chewing of food, while _________________ is the swallowing of the bolus of food.

Mastication, Deglutition

A superficial vein that runs anterior to the elbow joint, and into which IV catheters are often inserted is: Basilic Vein, Cephalic Vein, Brachial Vein, Median Cubital Vein

Median Cubital Vein

Tributaries that empty urine directly into the major calyces are the Minor Calyces, Renal Pyramids, Renal Papillae, Glomeruli

Minor Calyces

Urine passing through the ureter is in contact with the Muscularis, Mucosa, Fibrous Tunic, Submucosa


Which layer of the GI tract is responsible for peristalsis? Serosa, Mucosa, Muscularis, Submucosa


Cardiac muscle is also known as _____________________________.


During swallowing the soft palate and uvula are elevated to close off the Laryngopharynx, Oropharynx, Parapharynx, Nasopharynx


The __________________ is the functional unit of the kidney that is responsible for the formation of urine.


Which of these regions of the nephron is most likely to be found in the renal medulla? Glomerulus, Proximal Convoluted Tubule, Distal Convoluted Tubule, Nephron Loop

Nephron Loop

If you looked closely at the tip of a renal papilla with a hand lens, you would see hundreds of little openings on its surface; these openings are: Minor Calyces, Openings of Papillary Ducts, Glomeruli, Cut Ends of Interlobar Arteries and Veins

Openings of Papillary Ducts

Which of these organs is not covered by a visceral peritoneum? Stomach, Pancreas, Large Intestine, Ileum


The tube that receives urine from several nephrons is called the Papillary Duct, Proximal Convoluted Tube, Distal Convoluted Tube, Henle's Duct

Papillary Duct

The serous membrane lining the thoracic walls and the thoracic surface of the diaphragm is the Visceral Pleura, Parietal Pleura, Peritoneum, Costal Pleura

Parietal Pleura

The largest salivary gland is: Buccal, Submandibular, Sublingual, Parotid


Blood vessels that surround the urinary tubules to reabsorb salt, water, and other molecules needed by the body are the __________________________________.

Pertitubular Capillaries

The apneustic part of the respiratory center is located in the Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Pons, Medulla Oblongata


The sphincter between the stomach and duodenum is the ________ sphincter. Pyloric, Cardiac, Hepatopancreatic, Ileocecal


Oxygen-poor blood returns to the heart and enters the Right Atrium, Left Atrium, Left Ventricle, Right Ventricle

Right Atrium

Which of the following is NOT a function of the greater omentum? Secretion of enzymes, Supports and cushions Viscera, Storage of Fats, Protection against the spread of infections

Secretion of enzymes

If an incision is made in the jejunum to remove an obstruction, the first layer of tissue to be cut is the Muscularis, Mucosa, Serosa, Submucosa


The loudness of vocal sound is determined by Tensed Vocal Cords, Relaxed Vocal Cords, The Length of the Vocal Cords, The force that air passes over the vocal cords

The force that air passes over the vocal cords

Surgical cutting of the lingual frenulum could occur in which part of the body? Salivary Glands, Esophagus, Nasal Cavity, Tongue


The semilunar valves lie between the Atria and Ventricles, Atria and Vena Cavae, Two Ventricles, Ventricles and Great Arteries

Ventricles and Great Arteries

When the diaphragm contracts, the thoracic volume increases Vertically, Anteroposteriorly, Laterally, Medially


Structures in the small intestine that increases its surface area and thus aid in the absorption of nutrients are Intestinal Crypts, Villi and Microvilli, Haustra, Rugae

Villi and Microvilli

nasal septum

a wall of cartilage that divides the nose into two equal sections


another term for urination

A renal corpuscle is the same as A uriniferous tubule plus the associated blood vessels, A nephron, A glomerulus plus a glomerular capsule, Renal fascia

A Glomerulus plus a Glomerular Capsule

The term respiration refers to Ventilation (breathing), Gas Exchange within the Lungs, Oxygen Utilization within the cells, All of the above

All of the above

The functional units of the respiratory system where gas exchange occurs are the____________________.


Which of the following is NOT part of the conduction division of the respiratory system? Alveoli, Terminal Bronchiole, Segmental Bronchus, Trachea


During ventricular systole, blood exits the heart to enter the Aorta, Pulmonary Trunk, Pulmonary Veins, Aorta and Pulmonary Trunk, Aorta and Pulmonary Veins

Aorta and Pulmonary Veins

Tracing venous blood from the superior left side of the posterior abdominal wall to the heart, we find that blood enters the posterior intercostal veins, the hemiazygos vein, communicating vein, the superior vena cava, and the right atrium. Which vessel is missing from this sequence? Azygous Vein, Hepatic Portal Vein, Inferior Vena Cava, Right Brachiocephalic Vein

Azygous Vein

The first large arterial branch off the aorta, other than the coronary arteries, is the __________________.


The three arteries that branch from the aortic arch are the Coronary Arteries, Brachiocephalic, Left Subclavian, and Left Common Carotid, Right and Left Brachiocephalic and Coronary Descending Aorta, Ligamentum Arteriosum, and Right Subclavian

Brachiocephalic, Left Subclavian, and Left Common Carotid

The nutrient (oxygenated) blood supply to the tissue of the lungs is provided by the Pulmonary Arteries, Aorta, Pulmonary Veins, Bronchial Arteries

Bronchial Arteries


nasal opening in the hard palate

Functionally, why are there no valves in arteries (as opposed to in veins)? valves only direct blood toward the heart and arterial blood passes away from the heart, valves would tear apart from the high arterial pressure, since arteries get more atherosclerosis valves would cause lethal blood clotting, the blood pressure in arteries is high enough that there is no back-flow of blood

the blood pressure in arteries is high enough that there is no back-flow of blood

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