anatomy exam

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What is the likely problem the patient is suffering from?

Congestive heart failure

Which of the following is the most common capillary type in the human body?


Match each capillary type to a location in which it is found.

Continuous-skin fenestrated-small intestine sinusoid-bone marrow

Which of the following have a fibrous capsule and thus need afferent vessels for fluids to get in?

Lymph nodes

Excessive interstitial fluid enters blind-ended lymphatic capillaries because...

Lymphatic capillaries are at a lower fluid pressure than the interstitial space.

Which of the following statements regarding resistance to blood flow is correct?

Resistance to flow increases with increased blood viscosity.

When reporting your blood pressure history to your physician, it is important that with each BP record, you note rather it was a resting BP or not.


The facial artery, occipital artery and superficial temporal artery are all branches of the

external carotid artery

The immune system ________.

is capable of differentiating self from nonself possesses memory of prior exposure to foreign threats

A lymphocyte ________. Select all that apply.

is produced by the same process that produces erythrocytes has a small amount of cytoplasm is part of the adaptive immune response

The movement (flow) of blood from one point to the next in a capillary, exerts a(n) ___ pressure.


Which of the following is/are NOT part of the cerebral arterial circle. Select all that apply.

posterior cerebral arteries

What capillary type is found in the red bone marrow?


Arrange the capillary types in order from most to least permeable.

sinusoid fenestrated continuous

The cisterna chyli is the beginning point for the

thoracic duct

Which lymphatic trunk drains lymph that was collected from your right foot?

thoracic duct

Arrange the layers of a blood vessel wall, from superficial to deep.

tunica externa tunica media tunica intima

Which of the following would increase resistance to blood flow?

turbulent flow of blood

Which type of vessels serve as a sort of blood reservoir?


Which class of antibodies is more likely to be found in tear or semen?


Why does IgA make up only 15% of serum antibodies even though it is produced at a higher rate each day than any other antibody?

IgA are found in surface secretions on mucosal membranes, protecting against foreign threats without triggering inflammation.

Which antibody type is associated with allergic reactions?


______________ antibodies make up the largest group produced during a secondary immune response.


Which antibody type activates complement? Select all that apply.


Explain the function of venous valves.

In veins, valves ensure that blood flow is unidirectional despite being under low pressure.

Which of the following statements best explains the concept of memory within the adaptive immune system?

Increased growth of specific B cells or T cells after antigen exposure

Breastfeeding babies is important because it allows mothers to:

Induce passive immunity in the baby through IgA in breast milk.

Which of the following is an example of passive artificial adaptive immunity?

Injection of blood factors collected from patients who successfully fought off a hepatitis infection into a nurse accidentally stuck with a needle

Which feature of the capillary wall results from incomplete tight junctions?

Intercellular clefts

Antiviral proteins


What does a plasma B cell do? Select all that apply.

It carries the memory of prior exposure to a foreign threat. It produces antibodies. It is aided by Th cells during maturation. It can last for the lifetime of a person.

What does the spleen do?

It filters blood.

What are the characteristics of the thymus?

It helps to mature lymphocytes.

Which of the following are characteristics of a lymph node? Select all that apply.

It is a secondary lymphatic organ. It is filled with both T cells and B cells. It is important for neutralizing foreign threats.

What is an antigen?

It is recognized by the adaptive immune system.

Which process physically removes a B cell or T cell that is recognizing a self-antigen from the body?


If your systolic blood pressure is 140 mm Hg and your pulse pressure is 60 mm Hg. What is your mean arterial pressure?

100 mm Hg

If your systolic blood pressure is 118 mm Hg and your diastolic blood pressure is 76 mm Hg. What is your pulse pressure?


Starling's Law of the Capillaries teaches us that ___% of the blood filtered out of a blood capillary will be collected by the lymphatic system.


What is the mean arterial pressure (MAP) for a person who's BP is 120/80 (mmHg)?

93 mmHg

Inflammation is triggered by ________.

Cell damage

Which of the following is the best definition of a cluster-of-differentiation (CD)?

A CD is a protein expressed on the surface of some but not all lymphocytes.

Cytotoxic T-cells recognize antigen presented by__ along with__ .

A viral-infected cell; MHC I protein

Which arteries are most directly responsible for controlling the amount of blood entering individual capillary beds?


Match each blood vessel type to its description.

Artery-distribute blood Vein-carry blood toward heart capillary-carry blood within tissues to allow for exchange

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between the cross-sectional area of blood vessels (A) and the velocity of blood flow through those vessels (V)?

As A decreases, V increases.

How does acute inflammation differ from chronic inflammation?

Acute inflammation lasts for a short period of time, and chronic inflammation lasts for a long time.

What type of immunity is her son gaining by these vaccinations?

Adaptive artificial immunity

Which of the following is true about afterload?

Afterload is the amount of fluid pressure generated by the ventricle during isotonic emptying.

Describe the process by which an APC presents an antigen to other cells.

An APC engulfs and digests the foreign protein and then presents peptide fragments on the surface of the MHC complex for other immune cells to detect

Which of the following may be causing her unusual symptoms?

An autoimmune disorder attacking her nervous system (both sensory and motor control)

Why do some cells have both MHC I and MHC II proteins expressed on their surface?

Antigen-presenting cells, which express MHC II, also need to establish that they are a self-cell, so they need to also express MHC I on their surface.

What is the likely problem the patient is suffering from?

Aortic dissection (tearing)

During B-cell activation, helper T-cells:

Bind B-cells and activate them to divide and produce plasma and memory cells.

What is the first step in B cell activation?

Binding of antigen to the BcR

What do mast cells and basophils have in common?

Both secrete histamine

Responsible for the movement of most solutes between the blood of the capillary and the interstitial area around the capillary

Bulk Flow

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the movement of individual red blood cells through a capillary vessel?

Capillary vessels are sometimes smaller in diameter than red blood cells, forcing the cells to squeeze through. If the vessel is larger, red blood cells must still travel through it in single file.


Causes increased capillary permeability.

Match each of the following to its described impact on blood pressure.

Decreased HR-decreased BP due to decreased CO Increased SV-increased BP due to increased CO Increased blood vessel diameter-decreased BP due to increased R

Which of the following effects would cause decreased venous return?

Decreased breathing rate

Fick's law states that the flow of blood through a vessel is...

Decreased if the resistance is increased.

Interferons do not carry out which of the following in innate immunity?

Direct attacks on virally infected cells

When activated as part of a primary immune response, specific B-lymphocytes:

Divide to form a clone of daughter cells. Differentiate into plasma cells. Differentiate into memory cells.

Match each artery type to its description.

Elastic arteries-these arteries are closest muscular arteries-these arteries have the thickest Arterioles-these arteries can be so small

An increased heart rate (pulse), like when exercising, will decrease blood pressure.


Arteries are almost always the most superficial of blood vessels.


B-lymphocytes achieve self-tolerance in the thymus.


Chylomicrons are amino based molecules absorbed through the lining of the stomach and collected by absorptive cells in the micro-villi of the esophageal lining.


The spleen is located inferior to the right lobe of the liver and is connected to the right kidney by a gastric tendon.


The three arteries that originate at the arch of aorta are the: brachiocephalic trunk, right common carotid, and right subclavian arteries.


Which of the following is a "first line" of defense?

Gastric acid Mucous membranes in mouth Mucous escalator Ciliated epithelium in bronchi

Which of the following is not a normal physiological function of the lymphatic vessels?

Growth and development of connective tissue cells

What is the likely problem the patient is suffering from?


When evaluating if sufficient blood is flowing through key organs of the body, the medical professional would find it most helpful to hear the ___ of the patient.


Why are proteins the most effective antigens?

Mainly because, there is no other equivalent mechanism for the processing of carbohydrates, lipids, or nucleotides by APCs.

The largest (by area) component of the innate immune system is the ________.

Mucosal membrane

Which type of arteries are often referred to as distributing arteries?

Muscular arteries

Assume that the following are the hydrostatic and osmotic conditions at the venous end of a capillary bed: CHP = 17 mmHg, IFHP = 0 m Hg, BCOP = 26 mmHg, IFCOP = 12 mmHg. Based on these conditions, which statement below correctly describes NFP and the direction of fluid movement?

NFP is 3 mmHg, filtration is occurring.

Fill in the Blanks

NK cells secrete PERFORIN AND ALPHA-DEFENSINS to destroy virally infected cells.

Which of the innate defenses produce perforin (which "perforates")?

Natural Killer cells

Match the cell with its main function in the innate immune system.

Neutrophils- phagocytosis mast cells-histamine release basophils-histamine release eosinophils-protection against parasites

During a trip to Las Vegas you are bitten by a rattlesnake. You recover only after treatment with snake anti-venom. You plan another trip to the same area this year and you wonder if you are protected against future rattlesnake bites. Are you?

No, because this is an example of passive immunity.

Are the effects of gravity the same in the body when a person is swimming compared with standing or with lying down?

No, when people are swimming, they are at neutral buoyancy

Briefly describe the relationship between blood flow, blood pressure, and resistance using the formula discussed. What is the relationship between flow and pressure? What is the relationship between flow and resistance?

P increases, F increases; as R increases, F decreases

Injection of anti-venom is an example of:

Passive immunity.

NK cells secrete ________ to lyse infected cells.


Which of the following is true about preload?

Preload is affected by venous return to the heart.

The complete absence of macrophages would impair the body's ability to:

Present antigens after phagocytosis of foreign material. Activate helper T-cells. Activate cytotoxic T-cells.

Memory cells:

Produce the secondary immune response.

Which of the following best describes a major difference between specific and non-specific defense?

Production of memory cells

Which blood vessels carry oxygenated blood? Select all that apply.

Pulmonary arteries Pulmonary veins Systemic arteries Systemic veins

Difference between SBP and DBP

Pulse Pressure (PP)

Which of the following is an example of a primary lymph organ?


Which would you expect to change more following exercise, systolic or diastolic blood pressure? What impact would this have on pulse pressure? And why?

Systolic blood pressure will increase more than diastolic blood pressure. Because of this, the pulse pressure will increase. Increasing stroke volume will increase systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure.

How does T cell activation differ from B cell activation?

T cells interact with antigen-presenting cells.

Match the T cell with its function.

Thcells-aid in ma Tccells-destruction Tmcells-memory Trcells-Termination

Which of the following is an accurate description of the tunica media?

The layer responsible for changing the diameter of the blood vessel.

Predict what would happen if MHC II was removed from the surface of macrophages.

The macrophage could no longer present antigens to TH cells.

Which of the following is an example of active immunity?

The production of antibodies after a flu vaccination

How feasible as a clinical treatment is the removal of mast cells from people suffering from seasonal allergies?

The removal of mast cells would compromise that aspect of innate immunity and might affect adaptive immunity also.

How might a splenectomy (spleen removal as a result of physical damage) affect the adaptive immune response?

The spleen directly filters the blood by the adaptive immune system. Losing the spleen therefore means there is no direct filtering of blood.

Which of the following statements correctly describe complement proteins? Select all that apply.

They are a family of proteins produced by eosinophils that attack cancer cells in the body. They act to inhibit inflammation at sites of damage or infection. They can lyse cells through the formation of the membrane-attack complex.

What are cytokines? Select all that apply.

They are part of the innate immune response. They are an autocrine factor.

Which of the following variables does NOT influence resistance to blood flow?

Thickness of the vessel's tunica externa (adventitia)

Innate and adaptive immunity work together as a sort of team.


Interstitial fluid moves down its pressure gradient and enters lymphatic capillaries by pushing the over-lapping endothelial cells apart.


Lymph nodes, lymphatic nodules and the thymus all contain both T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes.


MHC-II proteins are found in macrophages, dendritic cells, and B cells.


Nutrients are supplied to the tunic layers by the blood flowing through the lumen of the vessel.


Plasma cells are involved in the "Sensitization" phase of antibody production


Regulatory T-cells (e.g., suppressor cells) are made as part of the differentiation process of helper T cell activation.


The thymus is most robust and active during your teen to early 20's years, and almost completely atrophied by your senior adult years. This would possibly help us understand why seniors are less capable of fighting infections.


Match each layer of the blood vessel wall to a description of its tissue content.

Tunica intima-simple squamous endothelium tunica media-smooth muscle and elastic connective tissue tunica externa-collagenous connective tissue

What is the name given to the network of smaller blood vessels providing nutrition to the walls of larger blood vessels?

Vasa vasorum

Match each component of the cardiovascular center to the description of the outcome of its activation.

Vasomotor center-vasoconstriction of arterioles Cardioinhibitory center-decreased heart rate and contractibility Cardioacceleratory center-increased heart rate and contractibility

Which vessel types may be porous enough to allow diapedesis? Select all that apply.


Recognition and memory is part of ________ immunity.


Most lymphocytes are involved in

adaptive immunity

What is the largest artery in the body?


Which of the following blood vessel types have only endothelium and subendothelial layers?


Sort these vessel types in the order of blood flow, starting with those that first carry blood away from the heart and finishing with those that eventually return blood to the heart.

arteries arterioles capillaries venules veins

What vessel type plays the key role in regulating blood flow (distribution) to the tissues?


Humans exhibit


The "exchange" blood vessels of the body are called


Neutrophils are drawn toward sites of infection by the ________.

chemotactic cues released by infected cells

Which of the following is NOT a function of the lymphatic-immune system(s)?

collection of the majority of dietary proteins and vitamins

What is the most abundant capillary type in the body?


Require a confirmation signal for full activation

cytotoxic T-cells

If a tissue group needed to produce additional ATP for it's required activity, would the supplying vessels respond by constriction or dilation?


Peripheral resistance is ________________. Select all that apply.

directly proportional to blood vessel diameter

Match each region of the vasculature to the percentage of total blood volume it contains at rest.

heart-7% pulmonary circulation-64% systemic capillaries-7% Systemic arteries-13% Systemic veins-9%

Identify the tonsils at the base of the tongue


Trace the path a foreign object would take from the interstitial space to the vein passing through the lymphatic system.

lymph capillary lymph vessel lymph node veins

Foreign threats are filtered from the lymph in structures known as ________.

lymph nodes

Lymph nodes play a key role in immunity by filtering ________.

lymphatic fluid

The blood pressure control centers are located in the

medulla oblongata

At which site does influenza gain access to the body?

mouth nostril area kinda

I spent several year researching with federally endangered bats. A few bats, like many wild mammals, are known to carry viral rabies. To get my license to work with these animals, I was required to get a prophylactic anti-rabies immunization shot of antibodies, and to have my titer checked every two years to be sure there was still sufficient numbers of antibodies to defend in case I was exposed to rabies. This form of immunization/vaccination shot was

naturally acquired active immunity

The basilar artery is formed by the merging of the

vertebral arteries

Arrange the steps of the auscultatory method of measuring blood pressure into the appropriate order.

wrap the sphy inflate the cuff to apply pressure gradually reduce listen to

Look closely at Poiseuille's equation. If the viscosity (thickness) of a fluid moving through a tube were to decrease, what would happen to the value of ΔP?

ΔP would decrease.

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