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According to the periodic chart from the Appendix of your text the atomic mass for sulfur is __.


How many bones make up the axial skeleton?


Approximately what percentage of total body heat is produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles?


The role of tropomyosin in skeletal muscle is to _.

block the active sites on the actin during periods of rest

Synovial fluids are derived from _.


connective tissue serves as the primary transport medium of the body and possesses a liquid matrix


The shape of a protein is critical for its ability to function properly. Uncoiling a protein's 3-dimensional shape by exposure to acids or high temperatures is called ____________.


Nerve impulses are received and conducted toward the cell body by ___________________________.


Which of the following is NOT one of the four main tissue types?

endocrine tissue

Which of these specialized structures forms holes within the plasma membranes of adjacent epithelial cells so that they can share cytoplasm, nutrients, ion, and other materials in order to communicate with each other?

gap junctions

This part of the brain which allows us to combine different separate pieces of sensory information into a coherent whole (i.e. "the big picture").___.

general interpretive area

An atom becomes a cation by _____________.

giving up electrons from its outermost shell

Cranial nerve that innervates the parotid salivary glands responsible for the secretion of saliva and the muscles associated with the elevation of throat during swallowing, also conveys some sensory stimuli related to taste.


Cranial nerve that transmits motor function of the tongue for the use in speech, swallowing, and chewing.


The most common example of a monosaccharide is ______.


Name the main source of energy in our foods that is used to convert ADP + P to ATP.


The monomer units of a triglyceride are: three fatty acid chains and one _______.


Starch is the storage form glucose in plants while __________is the storage form of glucose in most animal cells.


Which of the following is a highly branched polysaccharide created by animal cells to store excess glucose?


The scientific name for nearsightedness is __________________________ and it is the result of the eyeball being too ______________________________.

myopia, long

Name the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine.


What is the primary criteria used to name the trapezius muscle?

shape of the muscle

Anatomy is to __ (1) ___ as physiology is to __(2)__.

(1) form... (2) function

The two hydrogen atoms of a water molecule will form __(1)__ bonds with the oxygen atom by unequally sharing a pair of electrons. However when placed into a container neighboring water molecules are held together by __(2)__ bonds which are created by the weak attractions between opposite charged ends of the polar molecules.

(1) polar covalent...(2) hydrogen

An action potential produces a change in voltage across the membrane that ranges between ____________________ mV and ____________________ mV.

-70, +30

Which of the following best describes the charge within a neuron during the resting membrane potential?

-70 mV

The suffix that means to "love" is _________.


A neutral atom of sodium has an atomic number of 11 and a mass number of 23. How many electrons would it possess?


Whenever a lever situate the fulcrum between the applied force and the load, as with a pair of scissors or the capitis muscles of the neck, they are described as a _ class lever.


Which of the following describes the action of the sodium-potassium pump within the hyper polarized membrane?

2 K+ ions are pumped out while 1 Na+ ion is pumped in

Which of the following correctly lists the levels of organization from least complex to most complex?

2, 1, 4, 5, 3

How many different amino acids are there?


Whenever a lever situate the load between the applied force and the fulcrum, as with a wheelbarrow or a gastrocnemius muscle of the leg, they are described as a _ class lever.


Approximately how many myosin molecules will form a single thick filament of myosin?


The biceps brachii is an example of a _ class lever.


The biceps brachii muscle or a pair of tweezers is an example of a _ class lever where the applied force lies between the load and the fulcrum.


Olfactory neurons are frequently replaced because their lifespan is only about ________ days.


A neutral atom of phosphorus has an atomic number of 15 and a mass number of 31. How many valence electrons does it possess?


DNA and RNA are polymers made of nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of a _______________.

5 carbon sugar, a nitrogen base, and a phosphate group

The following events of the sliding filament theory occur in which order?


A neutral atom of carbon has an atomic number of 6 and a mass number of 14. How many neutrons would it possess?


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A and B are true statements

Which of the following is indicated by the letter E and corresponds to areas of overlapping actin and myosin?

A band


A fracture in which a bone is broken into many pieces would be classified as a ___________ fracture.


A long bone forms by a process known as ____________ ossification.


A narrow slit-like opening generally between tow bones is called a _______.


A round or oval hole through a bone that contains blood vessels and or nerves is called a _______.

The start codon during the process of translation is always ___.


Which of the following structures is NOT correctly matched to its description?

Arachnoid villi - finger-like structures responsible for the removal of CSF from around the brain

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

Atoms are the smallest indivisible unit of an element and are therefore the smallest stable units of matter.

The middle ear and the nasopharynx are connected by the ____________________________ tube which helps to regulate pressures within the ear.


Which of the following symbols is not correctly matched to the element for which it is designated?

B - beryllium


Blood cell formation that occurs within the bone marrow is called _____________.

Nasal mucus is produced by _____________.

Bowman gland inside Lamina propria

The ion that rushes into the axon terminal causing the release of the neurotransmitters into the synapse by exocytosis is ________________________________________________.


According to the sliding filament theory, the release of _ causes the myosin heads to bend and pull on the actin fibers.


Namr the ion that must enter the axon in order for the neuron to release its neurotransmitters.


Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of connective tissue?

Connective tissues typically possess large numbers of goblet cells

___ __________ is the enzyme that adds complimentary DNA nucleotides during replication.

DNA polymerase

At an electrical synapse, transmission of a nerve impulse from the presynaptic neuron into the postsynaptic neuron occurs by means of _________.

Direct passage of ions through gap junctions into the adjacent neurons.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Each neuron possesses a single axon capable of producing an action potential.

Which of the following lists the meninges of the spinal cord in the correct order from outermost to innermost?

Epidural space, dura mater, subdural space, arachnoid, subarachnoid space, pia mater, spinal cord

Which of the following is indicated by the letter B and corresponds to an area of myosin only?

H zone

The _ actin is described as a globular actin that must polymerize in order to produce two F actins that then twist to form a single actin filament.


_____ proteins extend all the way through a plasma membrane.


_____ _______ is the organelle responsible for processing and packaging proteins and lipids made by the cell.

Golgi complex

________ is the enzyme that unwinds the DNA strand during replication.


Which of the following is indicated by the letter D and corresponds to the areas of actin only?

I band

Olfactory sensation reaches the brain via which cranial nerve?

I olfactory

Which of the following combinations represents the cranial nerves that are sensory only?


Which of the following combinations represents the cranial nerves that are motor only?


Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding nucleic acids?

In RNA, three ionic bonds will attach cytosine to guanine.

_ are made of dense regular connective tissue and are responsible for attaching bone to bone.


______ glues together the fragments produced on the lagging strand of DNA during replication.


Which of the following is indicated by the letter C and corresponds to the proteins that anchor the myosin?

M line

Which of the following brain vesicles is NOT correctly matched to its function?

Metencephalon - primary brain vesicle that gives rise to the midbrain portion of the brainstem

Name the cation that crosses the cell membrane of the muscle cell during the depolarization reaction just before a muscle contracts.


skull, sternum, ribs

Name three bones of the axial skeleton.

__________ cells differentiate to form osteoblasts and osteocytes.


An earache is called _______________________________________________.


Which of the following hormones would produce the following effects as a result of hypocalcemia: increased bone resorption, increased intestinal absorption of Ca+ from food, and increased Ca+ reabsorption from urine?


The amino acid specified by the codon UUU is ___.


Which of the following bone fractures is NOT correctly matched to its description?

Pott's - break in the distal part of the radius and ulna

Which of the following is NOT correctly matched to its description?

Primary fissure - separates the occipital lobe of the cerebrum from the parietal lobe of the cerebrum

Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding the differences between RNA and DNA?

RNA contains thymine while DNA contains uracil.

___ __________ is the enzyme that adds complimentary RNA nucleotides during transcription.

RNA polymerase

Axons from which neuron in the retina make up the optic nerve?

Retinal ganglion cell

Thread-like collagen fibers that anchor the periosteum to the outside surface of a bone.

Sharpy's fibers

Which of the following terms refers to the deep invaginations within the muscle cell membrane?

T tubule

If one side of the DNA strand reads: ATCTCAG, the complementary DNA strand would read _______.



The __ hormone causes the development of bone by the action of osteoblasts.

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

The cerebellum accounts for 30% of the total mass of the brain.


The external ears are a site of _______ cartilage.

flat bone

The scapula is classified as which shape of bone?


The scientific term for a small rounded process used for muscle attachment is ________.

Ringing of the ears is called ____________________________________.



Too much growth hormone as an adult results in a condition called __________.


____________ is a disease of the bone in which bone reabsorption outpaces bone deposition.

If one side of the DNA strand reads: ATCTCAG, the complementary RNA strand would read _______.


Which of the following combinations represents the cranial nerves that are mixed nerves?


Cranial nerve _________ also called the _______ nerve is responsible for general sensations of touch, pain, and temp of face.

V, trigeminal

Motor functions of the facial muscles as well as taste from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is carried by cranial nerve ________.

VII facial

Cranial nerve _________ also called the __________ nerve is associated with balance and equilibrium.

VII, vestibulotrochlear

1. Which of the following sensory areas of the cerebral cortex is NOT correctly matched to its location and function?

Vestibular Cortex - found within the insula; responsible for conscious perception of the organs such as a full bladder, upset stomach, racing heart, etc.

Which of the following areas of the cerebral cortex is NOT correctly matched to its location and function?

Wernicke's Area - part of the temporal lobe, this part of the brain is responsible for interpreting information from the ears that relates to balance and equilibrium

The stenocleidomastois is controlled by cranial nerve _______ also called the ___________.

XI accesory, motor

Muscle control of the tongue for speech is accomplished by the _________ nerve.

XII hypoglossal

Which of the following is indicated by the letter A and corresponds to the ends of a sarcomere?

Z disc


______ bone marrow contains large amounts of fat and is located in the medullary cavity of adults.


___________ are multinucleated cells specialized for the breakdown of bone.

Name the area of the circle near where you get overlapping actin and myosin filaments.

a band (zone of overlap)

Cranial nerve that innervates the lateral rectus of the eye.


Damage to the _________ nerve, also known as cranial nerve VI, would result in internal strabismus.

abducens, VI

When a cheerleader performs a split, the legs are _ from the midline of the body.


Moving the arm away from the midline of the body is an example of _.


Cranial nerve that innervates the sternocleidomastiod and levator scapulae and hence aids in the rotation of the head and neck as well as shrugging of the shoulders.


Name the neurotransmitter that is associated with the induction of a muscle contraction.


The axon terminal (or synaptic terminal) possesses vesicles that contain the neurotransmitter _.


Which of the following enzymes remove the neurotransmitter from the synapse so that the ion channels within the muscle cell membrane close?


Which of the following best describes H2SO4 if when placed in solution: H2SO4 > H+ + HSO4-?


Which of the following describes the activity if the interior of the neuron is moving from -60 mV to +30 mV?

action potential

connective tissue found especially in the flanks, breasts, and buttocks area provides cushioning, prevents heat loss, and provides an immediate energy source for the body


With only a few exceptions, virtually all sensory neurons are structurally classified as _______________ while most association neurons are almost exclusively classified as _____________________________.

afferent, interneuron

____________________ neurons carry nerve impulses from receptors toward the central nervous system.


The loss of taste sensation is called ______.


Which of the following is not true of the resting membrane potential?

all chemical-gated ion channels are open

What is a function of bone or osseous tissue?

all of the above

Which of the following factors is required for humans to exist?

all of these

Which of the following best describes the function of the epiphyseal?

allow a means by which bone can increase in length

The monomer unit of a protein is a (an) ____________________.

amino acid

The monomer unit of a protein is a(an) ________.

amino acid

Slightly movable joints are called _.


Articulations that allow only a slight degree of movement are classified as an _.


This part of the limbic system is responsible for recognizing angry and fearful facial expressions, assessing danger, and eliciting fear responses.


This structure of the limbic system is associated with expressing our emotions through gestures, body language, and facial expressions.


The limbic system is composed of which of the following combinations?

amygdala, cingulate gyrus, and hippocampus

Which two structures meet at the neuromuscular junction?

an axon terminal and the sarcoplasmic reticulum

Chromatids are pulled apart and move to opposite ends of cell during _______ of mitosis.


When the prime mover contracts, the _ relaxes.


The anatomical term that describes the inside of the elbow is ____________.


Exocrine glands that secrete by pinching off portion of the cell from the apical surface are called:

apocrine gland

Growth from the outside of a bone that results in an increase in bone width is called ____________.


Which of the following refers to the growth of a long bone in terms of its width?

appositional growth

The cornea is avascular. It receives most of its nutrients from the __________________________ within the anterior chamber.

aqueous humor

The capillaries of the ciliary processes produce ______________________ which leaves the eye through the canals of __________________________.

aqueous humor, scleral venous sinus (canal of Schlemm)

loose connective tissue sometimes called the superficial fascia and possesses a large number of scattered collagen and elastin fibers


The _ of the knee joint is an example of a fibrocartilage pad used to absorb shock.

articular disc/meniscus

Neuroglial cells that regulate the environment around the cell body of a neuron in the CNS:


Which of these sensory modalities does not pass through the ventral posterior thalamus?


Graded potentials must collect in an area nicknamed the "trigger zone" in order for an action potential to be generated. This area is called the _________________.

axon hillock

Nerve impulses arise in an area called the "trigger zone" of the ________________________________.

axon hillock

The _____________________ is sometimes called the "trigger zone" because it is the site where graded potentials are converted to action potentials.

axon hillock

The specialized cytoplasm of the cell body is called the __________.


Semicircular canals are associated with ________________________________________ equilibrium.


The hip joint, like the shoulder joint, is a _ type of synovial joint.

ball and socket

Which of the following synovial joints best describes the hip joint with a spherical end of the femur fits into the cuplike socket of the pelvis?

ball and socket

These are the islands of gray matter involved in automatic skeletal movements like arm swinging when you walk and produces copious amounts of dopamine.

basal nuclei

_______have a bitter taste feel slippery are located above 7 on the pH scale and are proton acceptors.


The _______________________________ membrane separates the cochlear duct from the scala tympani.


The _________________________________ membrane must contact the spiral organ of Corti to generate a nerve impulse.


The orbicularis oris is best described as _ because the fascicles are arranged in rings.


The rectus femorus is best described as _ because the fascicles insert into attending from opposite sides.


In order for a substance to be detected by a taste bud, the substance must first be _____________________.

bind to specific receptor plasma membrane protein of justatory cell

A neuron with one dendrite and one axon is classified as a (an) _________________________ neuron.


The neurons found in the retina of the eye are __(1)___ while most association neurons are classified as __(2)__.

bipolar and multipolar

The eye and olfactory epithelium possess specialized neurons that have only a single dendrite and an axon. This type of neuron is called ____________________________.

bipolar neuron

Which of the following prefixes suffixes, or root words is NOT correctly matched to its definition?

blast - to burst or loosen

Which of the following is an example of a positive feedback mechanism commonly employed by the body?

blood clotting

Cerebrospinal fluid flowing within the brain ventricles is derived from which of the following?

blood plasma

Which of the following disorders of the muscular system is not correctly matched to its description?

botulism- a clostridium tetani infection that thrives in low oxygen environments (such as puncture wounds), produces a powerful tocsin that interferes with motor neuron communications, and is often associated with lockjaw

A football running back catches a pass and is immediately tackled. During the tackle, his arm is sharply wrenched backwards. He immediately loses movement to his entire arm. Which of the following was likely damaged?

brachial plexus

The central nervous system contains the _____________________ and the ______________________.

brain, spinal cord

The cheeks are compressed into a sucking action by the _.


Weak acids and weak bases help the body to resist shifts in pH and are therefore called ________.


Which of the following refers to a fluid filled sac that reduces friction where a tendon crosses a bone?


When the axon terminal receives the nerve impulse, which of the following ions moves into the axon terminal to stimulate the release of neurotransmitters in to the synapse via exocytosis?


Which of the following will remove calcium from the circle mirror at the conclusion of a contraction?

calquestrin and calmodulin

Small channels radiating from the central canal towards the lacunae.


The corner of the eye next to the nose is called the ________________________________ and it possesses a fleshy elevation called the _________________________________________.

canthi or palpebral commisure, lacrimal caruncle

The biceps brachii has _ origins while the triceps has _.

caracoid process, humerus

Which of the following types of muscle tissue is involuntary, possesses striations, and demonstrates an intermediate twitch?

cardiac muscle

Which of the following structural classifications best describes the joint between the first rib and the sternum?


Positively charged atoms formed by the loss of one or more electrons are called ________.


The nucleus of the neuron is located within the ________________________________ of the neuron.

cell body/soma

Passsageway running through the middle of each osteon and contains arteries, veins, and nerves.

central canal

This part of the brain is the second largest part of the brain and is responsible for the fine muscle control of the body that helps to coordinate one's balance and equilibrium.


Which of the following is a direct target of the vestibular ganglion?


The primary gustatory area is located in which part of the brain?

cerebrum (insula)

The external ear canal is lined with many modified sweat glands called ______________________ glands. These glands produce earwax.


The anatomical term referring to the neck is ___________.


The vascular tunic of the eyeball is made of a highly vascularized, brown pigmented layer called the ________________________________.


To which of the following levels of organization do atoms molecules, monosaccharides, and proteins belong?


The fascicular arrangement in which the fasciculi run in concentric rings around a body opening is called a _ arrangement.


Performing the windmill motion with the upper appendages during exercise is best described as _.


The sternocleidomastoid has its origins on the sternum and the _.


Nissl bodies, also known as chromatophilic substances, are _______________.

clusters of rough ER

The three channels of the cochlea are the ____________________, the ____________________, and the ____________________________.

cochlea, vestibule, and semicircular canal

Which nucleus in the medulla is connected to the inferior colliculus?


Water molecules that stick to each other are said to demonstrate _________.


When a nurse takes a sample of blood from a patient the blood is drawn into a capillary tube without the use of suction. One reason this occurs is because water molecules in the plasma stick to each other. This is called:


connective tissue is assoc with the Haversian canal system and is the site of hematopoiesis

compact bone

Name the type of filament that forms thick fibers.

complete tetanus

Substances made of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds is called a(an) ________.


Which of the following classifies any fracture whenever the bone protrudes through the skin?


Rounded surface for the formation of a joint like those found on the bottom fo the femur.


Which of the following synovial joints best describes the articulation at the first carpometacarpal joint where the concave articular surface of one bone fit into a complementary convex surface of another?


Which of the following synovial joints best describes the articulation between the metacarpalphalangeal joints were an oval articular surface of the metacarpal fits into a complementary depression on the proximal phalanx?


Which of the following synovial joints best describes the proximal articulation of the radius to the ulna?


Which of the following terms refers to the type of nerve impulse generated by an unmyelinated neuron?

continuous conduction

The three components of homeostatic regulation include: receptor effector, and ______________.

control center

When fixating on close objects, our eyes _________________________.

converge (Contraction of the ciliary muscle_/lenses become more spherical or curved)

The pectoralis major is best described as _ because it has a broad origin and a narrow insertion.


The joint between the frontal and the parietal bone is called a _ and it belongs to the structural class called a _ joint.

coronal, fibrous

This large C-shaped structure represents the largest collection of commissure fibers in the brain.

corpus callosum

Atoms that share electrons are said to possess ________bonds.


The _________ cavity contains only the brain.


Prominent, narrow ridge like the one found on the top edge of the ilium.


The word transverse in a muscle name means _.

crosswise or perpendicular to the midline of the body

In a DNA molecule guanine will always hydrogen bond to _______.


The skeletal system is ____ to the muscular system.


All organic polymers are made by an anabolic reaction called ___________ where water molecules are removed from between the monomers.

dehydration synthesis

The prime mover in the abduction of an arm is the _.


connective tissue is the primary tissue found in the dermis of the skin and possesses a large number of non-parallel collagen fibers

dense irregular

connective tissue located within the tendons and ligaments of the body and possess a large number of collagen fibers that withstand heavy forces

dense regular

During a typical myogram, the latent period corresponds to_.

depolarization in the propagation of the action potential is occurring

Which of the following is not a function of skeletal muscle tissue?

detoxify the body by the removal of toxins via sweat production

The subatomic particle that possesses a negative charge is the ________.


When light levels are low, the pupils will ___________________________. This is regulated by the __________________________________ nervous system.

dialate, sympathetic

The floor of the thoracic cavity is formed by the _.


The shaft of a long bone is called the _________.


The scientific term for a freely moveable joint is _.


What is the primary criteria used to name the external abdominal oblique muscle?

direction/arrangement of muscle fibers

A ballerina stands on the points of her toes by an action best described as _.


_ Is a sex-linked inherited disorder that results in the rapid the generation of one's muscle tissue. Generally occurs in males.

duchenne muscular dystrophy

Of the 3 embryonic germ tissues, which of the following gives rise to nervous tissue?

ectoderm only

connective tissue supports the external ear and epiglottis

elastic cartilage

Shrugging one's shoulders as if to say "I don't know" is an example of which of the following types of movements?


Shrugging the shoulders is an example of _.


The _____________ system secretes hormones that regulate other organ system's processes.


Any gland that lacks ducts and produces hormones is called a:

endocrine gland

Which of the following connective tissue membrane surrounds each muscle cell?


The layer of connective tissue that surrounds the axon of each neuron is called the _________.


Neuroglial cells of the CNS that possess cilia and circulate CSF within and around the brain:


__________________________ neuroglial cells line the ventricles of the brain and are responsible for circulating CSF.


Which of the following connective tissue membrane surrounds the entire muscle?


The layer of connective tissue that surrounds the entire nerve is called the _________.


Growth in the length of long bones occurs at the __________ plate.


Which of the following characteristics is NOT TRUE regarding epithelial tissues?

epithelial tissues are highly vascularized and highly innervated

Turning one's leg and foot so that the person is standing pigeon toed would be described as _.


Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE regarding chemical reactions?

exergonic reactions require more energy than is produced by the reaction.

Looking up at the stars is an example of _ of the neck.


The muscle that acts as the prime mover of toe extension and aids in the dorsiflexion of the foot is the _.

extensor digitorum longus

The superior and inferior oblique muscles cause rotation of the _.


Cranial nerve that innervates the muscles of the face for facial expressions, conveys taste stimuli from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue, and stimulates the secretion by the submandibular, sublingual, and lacrimal glands.


Which of these cranial nerves is part of the gustatory system?


The three cranial nerves that transmit gustatory impulses are the _________, _____________, and ____________.

facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus

Which of the following structures is defined as a bundle of muscle fibers?


Which of the following types of skeletal muscle fiber is described as a large diameter, white color, low resistance to fatigue, few mitochondria, low amounts of myoglobin, scarceblood supply, and ATP production limited to carbohydrates?

fast fibers

Which of the following nerves innervates the adductor muscles on the medial surface of the thigh?

femoral nerve

Which of the following nerves innervates the quadriceps muscle of the anterior surface of the thigh?

femoral nerve

connective tissue is located in the pubic symphysis, the intervertebral discs, and the knee where it acts as a shock absorber

fibrous cartilage

The articular capsule is made of the _ and the -.

fibrous connective tissue, synovial membrane

Which of the following structural classifications describes the type of joint found between cranial bones?

fibrous joint

Which of the three papillae lacks taste buds?


Narrow, slit-like opening that can be found in the eye sockets.


Muscles that help stabilize movements and help prime movers work more efficiently are called _ and _.

fixators, syngergist

Bones such as the skull bones, sternum, and ribs are best described as:


when bending the arm at the elbow to lift something up off the floor or to perform a biceps curl, the biceps brachii is _.


A round or oval hole in a bone for the passage of blood vessels or nerves.


Nerve cell bodies in the PNS generally are clustered together to form a _________________________.


Shallow, basin-like depression like the three associated with the scapula.


The fix point in any lever is called the _.


The pivot point in any lever system is called the _.


Which of the following sources will provide the most ATP for muscle contraction?

glycogen used during aerobic respiration

Which of the following best describes a peg in socket joint such as a tooth in the alveolar margin?


A _ joint is found between the articulation of a tooth and the alveolar margin of the jawbone.


The accumulation of uric acid results in _ arthritis.


Which of the following disorders results from the accumulation of uric acid in the joint space?

gouty arthritis

Myelinated neurons make up ______________ matter and transmit impulses ____________________.

gray, faster

_____ anatomy concerns itself with the identification of structures that can be observed with the naked eye.


Which of the three cell types releases neurotransmitters?

gustatory cell

A taste bud is composed of three cell types. Name them.

gustatory cell, basal cell, supporting cell

The "wrinkles or folds" of the cerebrum are called:


The first step in bone repair after a fracture is ________ formation.


During the repair of a broken bone, which of the following list the process of repair in order?

hematoma, fibrocartilage callus, bony callus, remodeling

Which of these specialized structures anchors the basal surface of epithelial cells to the underlying basal membrane?


The prefix that means "blood" is ___________.


Which of the following prefixes suffixes, or root words is NOT correctly matched to its definition?

hetero - same

The elbow is an example of a _ type of synovial joint.


Which of the following synovial joints best describes the elbow joint where the cylindrical projection of the humerus it into the trough shaped surface of the ulna?


This part of the limbic system is primarily responsible for the formation of memories.


The microscopic study of tissues is known as _____________.


____________________ is a dynamic equilibrium of your internal environment; a "steady state".


connective tissue found in the trachea, tip of the nose, and attaching the ribs to the sternum

hyaline cartilage

The inorganic mineral salts deposited into osseous tissue to make it rigid.


The organic-based ground substance found between adjacent lacunae, composed primarily of collagen fibers to provide both strength and flexibility, and accounts for 1/3 the weight of bone tissue.


Angling the head to look up at the stars is an example of _.


The scientific name for farsightedness is ___________________________ and it is the result of the eyeball being too ______________________________.

hyperopia, short

Which of the following describes the activity if the interior of the neuron is moving from -70 mV to -90 mV?


Which of the following regions of the abdominopelvic cavity contains the uterus and vagina of the female reproductive tract?

hypogastric region

Damage to the __________ nerve, also known as cranial nerve ________, would result in loss of speech and inability to protrude the tongue.

hypoglossal, XII

This part of the diencephalon controls most of the homeostatic functions of the body (such as body temperature, water balance, food intake, etc) by regulating the release of hormones from the pituitary gland.


Name the area of a sarcomere where you would find only the actin filaments.

i band

According to the octet rule which of the following best describes neon if neon possesses an atomic number of 10 and a mass number of 20?


This part of the corpora quadrigemina is responsible for the startle reflex.

inferior colliculi

Visual stimuli in the upper-left visual field will be processed in what region of the primary visual cortex?

inferior right

During the depolarization of a neuron, which of the following is the primary activity?

influx of soduim ions into the cell

Which of the following structures refers to the stalk that attaches the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus?


Name the type of muscle attachment that is attached to the movable bone.


The sartorius muscle attaches to the ASIS of the pelvis into the medial condyles of the tibia and femur. Which would best describe the muscle attachment to the tibia and femur?


Which of the following lobes is found deep to the lateral sulcus?


The __________________ system is responsible for external support and protection as well as vitamin D production.


Which of the following nerves does not intertwine with others to form a plexus as it exits the spinal cord?

intercostal nerve

The muscles between the ribs are innervated by the ________ nerves that extend from the ________ region of the spinal cord.

intercostal, thoracic

Which of the following disorders is not correctly matched to the nerve to which it is associated?

internal strabismus-occulomotor nerve

_________ is a disaccharide made of one glucose molecule and one galactose molecule bound together by chemical bonds.


The development of flat bones occurs by a process known as _______________ ossification.


A patient with the disorder commonly referred to as club foot bears their weight on the outside of their foot. This condition is best described as an example of _.


Turning the foot medially at the ankle so that a person stands on the outside of their foot would be called _.


Bones such as the vertebrae and mandible are best described as:


Type of muscle tone/contraction where the muscle contracts but does not shorten

isometric contraction

Which of the following contractions creates long, lean, well-defined muscles because the muscles do not shorten or lengthen during contraction?

isometric contractions

Elements with the same number of protons and electrons but different number of neutrons are called a (an) ________.


The attachment of a muscle tendon to the movable bone is called the _.


_______energy is the energy of motion.


List in order the flow of tears from the lacrimal gland to the nasal cavity.

lacrimal gland, lacrimal puncta, canaliculus, sac, nasolacrimal duct, nasal cavity

Name the toxic substance that is produced by muscle cells when they attempt to do work without the presence of oxygen (anaerobic).

lactic acid

Small voids in the matrix of bone, sometimes called "little lakes", where the osteocytes are located.


Concentric rings of osseous tissue found around each central canal.


The word Maximus in a muscle name means _.


The acromial region is __________ to the sternal region.


Ion channels that are always open are called _______________________ channels and are responsible for maintaining __________________________ potential.

leakage, resting

Of the 9 abdominopelvic regions (think of the tic-tac-toe picture) the spleen is located with the _______________________.

left hypochondriac region

The muscle responsible for raising the eyelids is called the ______________________________ muscle

levator palpebrae superioris

The aponeurosis of the external oblique muscles is attached to a white seam-like structure that runs from the sternum to the pubic symphysis. This area is called the _.

linea alba

Which location on the body has the largest region of somatosensory cortex representing it, according to the sensory homunculus?


What is the primary criteria used to name the sternocleidomastoid muscle?

location of the attachment points

The abdominopelvic region that is lateral to the umbilical region to its right and left is called the ________ region.


Which of the following systems of the human body is NOT correctly matched to its function and major organs?

lymphatic system - lungs, trachea, and diaphragm; responsible for inhalation of oxygen, exhalation of carbon dioxide, and gas exchange between the alveoli and the bloodstream.

At the posterior pole of the eye is an oval region called the ___________________________________.

macula lutea

Name a function (other than support) of muscle tissue.

maintain posture, body temp, and movement

The three ossicles in order are: _________________, _________________, and _________________.

maleus, incus, and stapes

Anything that has mass and occupies space is called _____.


Canal-like passageway like that of an ear canal.


What type of receptor cell is involved in the sensations of sound and balance?


Which of the following nerves is responsible for pronating the forearm, flexing the wrist and fingers, and opposing the thumb?

median nerve

The part of the brain stem which serves as the centers that coordinate vomiting, coughing, sneezing, and hiccupping.

medulla oblongata

Which of the following parts of a long bone is NOT correctly matched to it's description?

medullary cavity - hollow cavity of the diaphysis filled with yellow marrow in adult long bones

Endolymph is a fluid that fills the ____________________________________________ labyrinth.


The embryonic cell type from which ALL other connective tissues arise is called:


Which of the following refers to a shock absorber made a fibrocartilage specifically within the knee joint?


All three types of muscle tissue are derived from which of the following germ tissues?


______________ is the broad term that covers all the chemical reactions that occur in the human body.


Neuroglial cells that acts as phagocytic cells within the central nervous system:


A plane or section that divides an organ such that equal right and left halves are created is called ______.


The brain stem is composed of which of the following combinations?

midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata

A cut that results in producing equal right and left halves is said to be on the ____________ plane.


When a nerve has both afferent and efferent nerve fibers, it is called ______________.

mixed nerves

The highly folded region of the muscle cell's membrane is called the_.

motor end plate

Which of the following membranes is found lining the internal surfaces of organs that have contact to the outside environment via a body opening?

mucous membranes

Which of the following movements is allowed by a plane joint?


The deltoid is best described as _ because it looks like several feather grouped together.


The shoulder joint located between the humerus and the glenoid cavity is described as _.


Which of the following terms best describe a neuron that has with one axon and lots of dendrites?


Name the individual components of a fascicle.

muscle fibers

Which of the following demonstrates the order of muscle design from largest to smallest?

muscle, fasicle, muscle fiber, myofibril, myofiliments, actin/myosin

The __________ nerve extends from the _________ plexus where it innervates the flexor muscles of the anterior forearm.

musculocutaneous, brachial

An insulating membrane around the axon of some neurons is called the _________.

myelin sheath

Which of the following prefixes, suffixes, or root words is NOT correctly matched to its definition?

nephr - fire

Photoreceptors are located within the nervous coat also called the _____________________________.

neural layer of retina

The outer layer of a Schwann cell where all the cytoplasm and organelles are located is called the __________.


Which of the following is a subatomic particle found within the nucleus possesses a neutral charge low energy and high mass?


Synaptic vesicles store __________________________________.


Clusters of rough endoplasmic reticulum are called _________________________________________.

nissi bodies

What type of receptor cell is responsible for transducing pain stimuli?


The gaps within the myelin sheath of a myelinated peripheral neuron are called the __________.

nodes of Ravier

The sartorius is best described as _ because the fasicles all run along the axis.

non-fusifo parallel

What is the primary criteria used to name the pronator teres muscle?

number of origin and shape of the muscle

What is the primary criteria used to name the triceps brachii muscle?

number of origins

Which of the following is defined by an element's atomic number?

number of protons (p)

The chemical behavior of an atom including whether it will form bonds is determined by the _________.

number of valence electrons

The ________ nerve extends from the ________ plexus and innervates the adductor muscles located on the median aspect of the thigh.

obturator, lumbar

Cranial nerve that innervates the superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, and the inferior oblique.


Name the three nerves that innervate the extrinsic eye muscles.

oculomotor(III)-lavetor palpebrae inferior oblique, Trochlear (IV) superior oblique muscle, lateral rectus muscle by abducens(VI)

Cranial nerve that conveys sensory information regarding smell.


Olfactory neurons synapse with mitral cells within complex structures called ___________-.

olfactory bulb

The main difference between gustatory receptor cells and olfactory receptor cells is that _____________.

olfactory receptor cells are bipolar neuron

A bundle of mitral cell axons form ________________________ which extend from the olfactory bulbs.

olfactory tracts

Neuroglial cells that form the myelin sheath within the central nervous system:


The neuroglia that produce the myelin sheath in the CNS are the ______________________________.


Cranial nerve that conveys sensory information regarding vision.


Which cranial nerve transmits sensory information from the eye? _____________________________.


The X-shaped structure at the base of the brain where visual images cross over to the opposite side of the brain is called the ________________________________________.

optic chiasma

Damage to the ___________ nerve, also known as cranial nerve _________ would result in loss of vision.

optic, II

The eye is closed by the _.

orbicularis oculi

Any compound that possesses carbon is said to be ______ and is typically associated only with living things.


Which of the following statements regarding osteogenesis is NOT TRUE?

osteogenesis begins at 12-16 weeks after fertilization

The function of an osteoclast is:


The functional unit of compact bone forming cylindrical-shaped rods that lay parallel to the axis and protect against compression forces.


During the repolarization of a neuron, which of the following is the primary activity?

outflow of potassium ions from the cell

The biceps brachii is best described as _ because the belly of the fascicle is wider than both the origin and insertion.


The "rest and digest" division of the autonomic nervous system is actually called the ___________________________________ division.


Which of the following divisions of the nervous system is often called the "rest and digest" division and is characterized by the three Ds: digestion, diuresis, and defecation?


The muscles that move the humerus but originate on the axial skeleton are the latissimus dorsi and the _.

pectoralis major

In a growing amino acid strand, _______ bonds form between each amino acid.


Numerous passageways running perpendicular through compact bone which allow blood vessels to pass from one osteon to another.

perforating canal

The horizontal canals extending from the Haversian canal of compact bone are called ___________ _____.

perforating canal

Which of the following is a serous membrane surrounding only the heart?

pericardial membrane

Which of the following serous membranes lines the surface of the cavity that contains only the heart?


Name the connective tissue that surrounds each fascicle.


Which of the following connective tissue membrane surrounds each fascicle?


The term that refers to the area between the anus and the genitals is __________.


The membrane around each fascicle of a nerve is called the _________.


The _ ligament holds the teeth within the jaw.


Which of the following reinforces the tooth attachment within the alveolar margin of the mandible?

periodontal ligament

The outer membrane around bone is called the __________.


The two principal divisions of the nervous system are the central nervous system and the _______________________________ nervous system.


The scientific term for "cell eating" is ____________.


Brain disorders can distort the sense of smell so that olfactory hallucinations occur. Transient _____________________________ occur in some epileptics just before they have a seizure.


Other than calcium, name one ion commonly stored in bone.


_________ make up the cell membrane of all cells. They have only two fatty acid chains one glycerol and a phosphate group.


The diaphragm is controlled by the ________ nerve which extends from the ___________ plexus.

phrenal, cervical

An imperial storm trooper falls off his speeder bike and fractures the C3 and C4 vertebrae. He stops breathing and must be placed on a mechanical respirator, though he is surprisingly not paralyzed. Which specific nerve has likely been damaged?

phrenial nerve

The scientific study of the function of any anatomical structure is called _______________.


This part of the diencephalon secretes melatonin which regulates the sleep cycles.

pineal gland

Which of the following synovial joints best describes articulation between the flat surfaces of the carpals?


Pointing the toe is an example of _.

plantar flexion

The serous membrane that lines the cavity containing only the lungs is called the ________.


Which of the following serous membranes lines the surface of the cavity that contains only the lungs?


An uneven distribution of charge across a compound because of unequal sharing of the electrons (such as water) causes the molecule to be _____.


Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

polar molecules are hydrophobic while non-polar substances are hydrophilic.

Which of the following anatomical terms is NOT correctly matched to its definition?

pollex - great toe

The term _ refers to any muscle acting on the thumb.


This part of the brain stem possesses the respiratory centers of the brain and possesses the nuclei that function in somatic and visceral motor control.


______________ is the term for the back of the knee.


Blood clotting is an example of a _____________ feedback mechanism.


The scapular region is ___________to the mammary region.


Repolarization of the sarcolemma occurs when _K+_ Ions leak out of the muscle cell and begin to reestablish the charge of the resting state.


This part of the frontal lobe is associated with personality and higher brain function such as intellect, reasoning, abstract thought, and judgment.

prefrontal cortex

Which region of the frontal lobe is responsible for initiating movement by directly connecting to cranial and spinal motor neurons?

primary motor cortex

Which of the following defines "integration"?

processing and interpretation of sensory information and determining appropriate response to that stimulus

Excitation-contraction coupling suggest which of the following activities will directly stimulate the release of calcium from the terminal cisterna onto the sarcomere?

propagation of the action potential traveling down the T tubule

Which of the following is not a function of synovial fluid?

protects the joint from infections

Which of the following is an organic compound held together by specialized covalent bonds called peptide bonds?


The atomic number of an atom is equal to its number of ______.


An underbite is where the lower jaw protrudes forward and beyond the upper jaw. This is best described as _.


Moving your jaw forward to create and underbite is called _.


The elbow is __________ to the shoulder while the wrist is distal to the shoulder.


ciliated forms of this epithelial tissue are found lining the upper respiratory passageways while non-ciliated version are found in the sperm carrying ducts of the male reproductive tract; tissue functions is propulsion and secretion of mucus by goblet cells

pseudostratified columnar

Which branch of the sciatic nerve innervates the muscles of the perineum, urogenital diaphragm and external anal and urethral sphincter muscles?

pudendal nerve

The hole in the center of the iris through which light passes is called the ________________________.


During a weak moment, Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) gives into his alcoholism and passes out drunk. He wakes up the next morning with his arm draped over the edge of the sofa. Besides a horrible hangover, he finds himself unable to extend his elbow, wrist and fingers or to supinate the forearm. Which nerve was likely damaged by compression and deprivation of its blood supply?

radial nerve

The _________ nerve extends from the __________ plexus and innervates the extensor muscles of the forearm.

radial, brachial

An arm-like bar of a bone is called a _____.


Arm-like bar like that found on the mandible or pubic bone.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a typical neuron?

rapid regeneration

A simple spinal reflex goes along which of the following reflex arcs?

receptor, afferent neuron, integration center, efferent neuron, effector

Name the 5 components of the reflex arc.

receptors, sensory neurons, interneurons, motor neurons, and muscles

Name the scientific term for the inability of myosin to detach from the actin fibers.

rigor mortis

The bending of light rays by the lens is called ____________________________________________.


The period of time in which an excitable cell cannot generate another action potential is called the ______________________ period.


The period after an initial stimulus has been received and when the neuron is not sensitive to another stimulation is known as ______________________.

refractory period

The movement of K+ Ions across the muscle cell membrane _ of the sarcolemma.


The characteristic of life that refers to the ability to detect or sense stimuli and produce a change appropriate to the stimuli is called ___________________.


Which of the following characteristics of life refers to the ability to change one's behavior capabilities, or structure in order to survive in a constantly changing world?


connective tissue assoc with lymph organs such as the liver, lymph nodes, tonsils, and spleen


Jane finds the most awesome pair of boots at the local mall. Since they were on sale, she decides to purchase them. Upon leaving the mall she begins to notice that lots of girls are wearing the exact same pair of boots! Until now, she had never noticed this before. Which part of the brain is most likely responsible for "filtering" out this information so that she never realized how many people were wearing the boots she just bought?

reticular formation

Which of the following disorders is an example of an autoimmune disease?

rheumatoid arthritis

The abdominopelvic quadrant that contains the appendix is called the ___________ region.

right iliac

The more numerous _________________ are photoreceptors used for dim-light and peripheral vision

rod cells

The monomer unit of all carbohydrates has a 1:2:1 ratio and is called a (an) ____________________.


Which of the following contains the longest and largest nerve in the human body?

sacral plexus

The joint between the carpal and the first metacarpal is called a _ joint.


Which of the following best describes NaHCO3 if when placed in solution: NaHCO3 > Na+ + HCO3-?


Impulse conduction that appears to jump from one node to the next is called ___________ conduction.


Which of the following terms refers to the plasma membrane of a muscle cell?


Name the contractile unit of a myofibril.


Which of the following terms refers to the contractile unit of a muscle which extends from Z disc to Z disc?


Name the scientific term for the cytoplasm of a muscle cell.


Which of the following terms refers to the cytoplasm of a muscle cell?


The longest muscle in the body is the _.


Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding lipids?

saturated fats have one or more double bonds and therefore tend to be liquid at room temperature.

Neuroglial cells that form the myelin sheath within the peripheral nervous system:

schwan cell

The largest and longest nerve in the body is the _________.


Which of the following nerves innervates the hamstring muscles on the posterior surface of the thigh?

sciatic nerve

The ___________ nerve extends from the ______________ plexus and innervates the anterior aspect of the thigh.

sciatic, sacral

"Bloodshot eyes" are the result of dilation of blood vessels in the _____________________________.


The dense connective tissue forming the "white" of the eye and is continuous with the dura mater of the brain is called ___________________________.


The _________ level of protein structure is often referred to as an alpha-helix or beta-sheet.


Which of the following levels of protein structure is created by hydrogen bonding between functional groups resulting in either an alpha-helix or a beta-sheet?


Which division of the nervous system is responsible for the detection and INPUT of stimuli into the CNS?


The three functions of the nervous system are __________________________________, __________________________________, and _________________________________.

sensory input, info processing, and motor output

All spinal nerves are classified as mixed nerves. The dorsal root ganglia, however, only contains ___(1)____ neurons traveling ___(2)____ the spinal cord.

sensory neurons, into

Bones such as the radius and ulna are best described as:


epithelial tissue found lining the internal surface of hollow organs such as the stomach and intestines; this tissue functions in the secretion of enzymes and the absorption of nutrients

simple columnar

this epithelial tissue is found lining the renal tubules of the kidney where it functions in absorption and secretion processes

simple cuboidal

epithelial tissue found in the air sacs of the lungs, the glomeruli of the kidney, and the lining of the heart and blood vessels; perfectly designed for filtration and diffusion

simple squamous

What is the primary criteria used to name the gluteus maximus muscle?

size of the muscle

Depolarization of the sarcolemma is the result of _ ions rushing into the muscle cell membrane.


The effector cells of the somatic nervous system include ____________.

skeletal muscle

The effectors for the somatic nervous system are ___________________________________________.

skeletal muscle

Which of the following characteristics is not true of skeletal muscle?

skeletal muscle cells formed from the fusion of numerous myosatellite cells

Which of the following muscle tissues demonstrates a single nucleus per cell, spindle-shaped fibers, and a slow twitch?

smooth muscle

Name the type of muscle characterized as involuntary, single ovoid nuclei, slow twitch, and spindle-shaped fibers.

smooth muscle tissue

The ion that rushes into the neuron to DEPOLARIZE the neuron and generate the graded potential is _______________________________________________.

sodium Na

The nucleus of a neuron is always located within the metabolic region of the cell called the _________.


Which submodality of taste is sensitive to the pH of saliva?


The central nervous system consists of the brain and ____________.

spinal cord

Which of the following organs is located almost entirely within the left upper quadrant (LUQ)?


Movements of the _____________________ of hair cells in the utricle and Saccule initiate depolarizing receptor potentials.


All of the following are part of the appendicular skeleton except:


Which bone would be formed by intramembranous ossification?


Which of the following combinations would compensate for higher than normal levels of blood calcium?

stimulates thyroid gland, causes secretion of calcitonin, stimulates the action of osteoblasts

epithelial tissue relatively rare in the human body; found in salivary glands and the pancreas where it secretes saliva and insulin

stratified columnar

this epithelial tissue is relatively rare in the human body; found in sweat glands and mammary glands where it secretes sweat or milk respectively

stratified cuboidal

non-keratinized forms of this epithelial tissue are found in the esophagus, mouth, vagina while keratinized forms are found in the epidermis of the skin

stratified squamous

1. Around the brain and spinal cord, the cerebrospinal fluid flows within the __________.

subarachnoid space

Partial dislocation of a joint is called _.


Which of the following is a disaccharide made of a monomer of glucose bonded to a monomer of fructose?


A nucleotide is made of three things: ____________.

sugar, phosphate group, nitrogenous base

The shallow grooves between the wrinkles of the cerebrum are called:


The cephalic region is ___________ to the abdominal region.


The larynx is ____________ to the trachea.


A transverse plane divides the body into ___________________.

superior and inferior portions

Part of the corpora quadrigemina that is responsible for visual reflexes that coordinate head and eye movements when we visually follow a moving object.

superior colliculi

Displaying your hands palm up to receive change from the cashier as an example of which of the following?


Which of the following nerves innervates the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles of the shoulder?

suprascapular nerve

A human is able to distinguish five different tastes which include:

sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami

Which of the following refers to the joints located between the pubic bones in the os coxae?


The joints between the vertebrae are examples of _ joints which belong in the structural class of _.

symphysis/amphiarthroses, fibrous

Name the gap or space between the axon in the muscle cell that it innervates.

synaptic cleft

The space or gap found between the structures of the neuromuscular junction is called the _.

synaptic cleft

Neurotransmitters are stored in and secreted by the ____________.

synaptic vesicles

Which of the following refers to the growth plate between the diaphysis and the epiphysis in a long bone of a young person?


Which of the following refers to the joint at the distal end of the tibia and fibula?


In a muscle group, the muscle or muscles that work with the prime mover during a particular action are called the _.


Which of the following refers to sutures that have fully calcified and the joint has all but disappeared?


The epiphyseal plate on the ends of long bones is an example of a _ which belongs to the structural class called _ joints.

synostosis, fibrous

A _ is a fluid filled sac that prevents the wear and tear on a ligament or tendon by the rubbing movements of a bone.

synovial joint

Which structural class contains only diarthrotic joints?

synovial joints

All synovial joints are enclosed by a double layered articular capsule. The outer layer is a tough fibrous capsule while the inner layer is a layer composed of loose connective tissue and is called the _.

synovial membrane

Synovial fluid is derived from the _.

synovial membrane

____ is the structure that "reads" the codons of the mRNA strand during translate.


The numerous branches that form as the end of the axon are called ______________.


Name the indirect attachment of muscle to bone or even muscle to muscle.


Which of the following terms refers to the portion of the sarcoplasmic reticulum where calcium ions are stored?

terminal cisterna

All three nerves transmitting gustatory impulses travel through the ___________________ and is why gag and vomiting reflexes are triggered when we experiences something distasteful.


This part of the diencephalon serves as the "gateway" or relay station for conducting information between the spinal cord and the appropriate gyri of the cerebrum.


The diencephalon is composed of which of the following combinations?

thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the carpal region and the olecranal region?

the carpal region is superior to the shoulder while the olecranal region is superficial to the shoulder.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the ears and the tip of the nose?

the ears are lateral and posterior to the tip of the nose.

The ____________ cavity contains the lungs heart, trachea, and esophagus.


The level of organization that consists of a group of similar cells with a common function is called


Which of the following forms the core of each myosin filament and allows the fiber to recoil after stretching?


Which of the following types of movements is an example of opposition?

touching the tip of the pointer finger to the thumb

A collection of cell processes located within the CNS is called ___(1)____ while collections of cell processes within the PNS are called __(2)___.

tracts and nerves

In an ionic bond atoms are bonded together by the ________.

transfer of electrons from one atom to another.

epithelial tissue is found in the urinary bladder where it stretches to permit distention of the organ as it fills with urine


Name the type of muscle contraction that exhibits a stepwise increase.


Which of the following describes the gradual increase in muscle tension is generated by repeated stimulations between contractions that are allowed to completely relax?


Which of the following is not associated with a thin filament?


The forearm is extended by the _.

triceps brachii

LARGEST cranial nerve that detects sensory information from the face including touch, temperature and pain; also innervates some of the muscles associated with chewing.


A large, blunt, irregular shaped projection like those on the proximal end of the femur.


Cranial nerve that innervates the superior oblique muscle of the eye.


A small, round projection like those found on the head of the humerus.


The external auditory meatus and the middle ear are separated by the __________________________.

tympanic membrane

The extensor digitorum longus is best described as _ because the fasicles insert into one side of a tendon.


The joint between the medial and proximal phalanx is described as _.


movement in only one plane is called a _ type of movement and is demonstrated by the elbow joint.


____________ fatty acids possess one or more carbon-carbon double bonds in their chain.


Cranial nerve that innervates 90% of the body's digestive and respiratory organs.


Cranial nerve X is the _________ nerve commonly called the ________ nerve.

vagus, mixed

Which region of gray matter in the spinal cord contains motor neurons that innervate skeletal muscles?

ventral horn

The fluid-filled cavities of the brain are called:


Name one example of an irregular shaped bone.


Which of the following terms refers to dizziness that might result from damage to the vestibulocochlear nerve?


Which of the following best describes a substance that has a pH of 13?

very alkaline

Cranial nerve that conveys sensory information regarding hearing.


Which extrapyramidal tract incorporates equilibrium sensations with motor commands to aid in posture and movement?


The internal organs are collectively referred to as the ____________.


The posterior chamber possesses a fluid made during embryonic development called ______________.

vitreous humor

An ion channel that opens in response to direct changes in the membrane potential is called a ______________________________-gated channel.


Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the characteristics of water?

water has a low heat capacity.

What type of reflex can protect the foot when a painful stimulus is sensed?

withdrawal reflex

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