Anatomy Final Multiple Choice

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_________ are the simplest body structures considered alive.


I am the part of the ovary that contains follicles with oocytes What am I ?


We live in an ever-changing environment outside of our body, yet our internal conditions remain relatively stable. This is called ____________


Which of the following is not a form of movement through the plasma membrain


Most transmembrane proteins have ___________ regions facing the intra- and extracellular fluid, and __________ regions embedded in the phospholipid bilayer.

Hydrophillic, Hydrophobic

An inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) is associated with ________.

Hyperpolarzation of the plasma membrane

When blood glucose levels fall,

Insulin secretion decreases, glucagon secreation increases

Metabolism is the sum of all _________ _____________ change

Internal; Chemical

Table salt (NACL) is form in what type of bonding

Ionic Bonding

what phase of a muscle twitch involves the depolarization of the sarcolemma


Muscle cells contain numerous _____________ to serve their high demand for ATP.


Which of the following is a double membraned organelle consisting of a matrix and cristae


Is H20 considered

Molecule and Compound

Which glial cell is found wrapped around nerve fibers in the PNS?


Through what type of channels do K+ ions slowly diffuse out of to establish the resting membrane potential


Which of the following lists levels of human structure from the most complex to the simplest

Organ system, organ tissue,cell, organelle

An _____ is composed of tow or more tissue types wheras _____ are microscopic structures in a cell

Organ, Organelles

Proteins that do not protrude into the phospholipid bilayer, but adhere to the surface of the plasma membrane, are called __________.

Peripheral proteins

Which of the following is mismatch

Somatic nervous system - sensory division of PNS

Three common components of a feedback loop are _______, _____, and ___________.

Stimulus; Receptor: Integrating (Control) Center

The folding and coiling of a protein into a globular shape is the ______ structure of the protein


Which level of protein structure is a folding of the secondary structure back on itself


Which holiday did we just celebrate


All of the following are typical characteristic of neurotransmitter except

The are released into the blood stream before reaching the postsunaptic cell

What is the primary site on a neuron for receiving signal from other neurons

The dendrites

Insulin is necessary for the satiety center to detect the presence of glucose in extracellular fluid. When insulin levels are low

The person is intensely hungry

What do all hormones have in common?

They bind to and interact with a receptor in the target cell.

Which of these is an example of active transport

Transport of Na+ from a place of low concentration to a place of higher concentration

Which of the following is not a feature that connective tissue have in common

a calcified matrix

A Neuron receives a stimulus Which event happens next

a local potential develops

The release of ca++ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum is triggered by

action potentials along the t tubules

hormones are released from the posterior pituitary dur to stimulation of

action potentials from hypothalamic neurosecretory cells

Which of the following helps to keep blood nutrients at normal levels six to eight hours after a meal

breakdown of glycogen in the level releasing glucose

Most of the seminal fluid is produced

by the seminal vesicles.

during the relaxation phase of a muscle twitch

calcium is being actively pumped back into the SR

The covering of body surfaces and the lining of body cavities is composed of __________ tissue.


The study of the structure and function of cells is called

exploratory physiology

Microvilli have all of the following characteristic or roles except

facilitate movement

"Zygote" is the term used to describe the

fertilized oocyte

Four primary tissue types found in adults organs include all of the following except


in Gluconeogenesis

glucose is formed from by amino acids

increased insulin secretion immediately following a meal will result in

glycogen synthesis

Some simple columnar and pseudostratified columnar epithelia have _________ cells, which produce a protective mucous coating over the mucous membranes.


local potentials are ____ meaning they vary in magnitude according to the strength of the stimulus


Local potential are ___ whereas action potential are

graded, all or none

Unlike exocrine glands, endocrine glands:

has no ducts

Local potentials are caused by all of the following except

hyperpolarization of the cell membrain

inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)

hyperpolarization of the cell membrane

The hypothalamohypophysical portal system carries hormones from the

hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary

Curare blocks acetylcholine receptors at the motor end plate. This would result in

inability of the muscle fiber to respond to nervous stimulation

A function of insulin is to

increase the uptake of glucose by its target tissues.

During exercise the energy needed to sustain skeletal muscle cell contraction comes from

increased epinephrine and glucagon release

A neuron within the central nervous system that carries action potential from one neuron to another is called

inter neuron

The electrical properties of cells are the results of

ion concentration differences across the plasma membrane

Which cells would likely attack bacteria or viruses


A myelin sheath is composed primarily of


Glucagon primarily influences cells of the


The length of the resting sarcomere is

longer than the length of a contracted sarcomere.

individually actin and myosin are examples of which of the follwoing


If you cut bundles of axons and their myelin sheaths in the PNS, you cut


Nervous tissue consists predominately of tow cell types neurons and


An intercellular chemical signal that is produced by neurons but functions like a hormone would be called a


Hormone secretion by the anterior pituitary is controlled by

neurohormones of the hypothalamus

During the absolute refractory period

no stimulus of any strength will trigger a new action potential

Which cells form myelin in the spinal cord?


ligand-gated Na+ channels

open when Neurotransmitter chemical bind to them

The number of particles in a solutions id described by______ the ability of a solution to affect the fluid volume is referred to as ______

osmolarity, Toncity

erection of the penis occurs when

penile erectile tissue becomes engorged with blood.

The outside of the resting plasma membrane is __________ relative to the inside of the resting plasma membrane.

positively charged

Which of the following is true during the resting membrane potential

potassium in concentrated primarily inside the cell

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the


Which is part of the matrix


All enzymes are ____


The location of the testes and epidermises in the scrotum

provides a temperature that is suitable for normal sperm development

Contraction of the cremaster and dartos muscle

pull the testes closer to the body

Male infants can be born with an undescended testis. This means that the testis

remains in the abdominopelvic cavity

When the voltage of a plasma membrane shifts from +35mV towards 0 mV, the cell is __________.


The interstitial cells

secrete testosterone

which of the following glands are correctly matched

seminal vesicles-provide nutrients or sperm

Sperm are produces in the ______ and complete maturation in the the_______

seminiferous tubeles: epididymis

a neuron that conducts pain sensation to the central nervous system would be classified as

sensory or afferent

An epithelium with all cells tall and narrow and with every cell touching the basement membrane is called ________________

simple columnar

A brush border of microvilli is found in _____ epithelium which can be found in the _____

simple columnar, small intestine

Rapid diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs takes place through __________ epithelium.

simple squamous

Generally, response of target cells to endocrine stimulation is _____ that the response to nervous stimulation

slower and more prolonged

While a neuron membrane is depolarizing its __________.

sodium gates are fully open

Proteins do not what

store heredity information

the sarcoplasmic reticulum

stores calcium ions

Skeletal muscle is described as

striated and voluntary

The ______ division tens to prepare the body for action


In order for muscle relaxation to occur,

the active sites on actin must be blocked.

If the charge difference across the plasma membrane is decreased,

the membrane potential is more likely

Whole muscles can respond in a graded fashion to stimuli by varying

the number of motor units recruited

What is it about a cell that identifies it as a target cell for a hormone

the presence of a receptor specific for that hormone

which of these happens first in a synaptic transmission

the synaptic vesicles release acetycholine

Found in the urinary bladder, __________ epithelium resembles __________ epithelium, but the apical cells are rounded, not flattened.

transitional, stratified squamous

Fertilization usually occurs in the_____ while fetal development occurs in the

uterine tube, uterus

The cervix is part of the


If you left a dialysis tube filled with water on the counter for a week

water will exit the tube

Which of the following are effectors


__________ is a monosaccharide, whereas __________ is a polysaccharide.

Glucose, Starch

which of the following is not a feature that almost all connective tissue have in common

Ground substance is so scarce that is it not visible with a light microscope

The change in size of the bone marrow (where blood cells are produced) as an infant matures is an example of _____________, whereas the transformation of blood stem cells into white blood cells is an example of _________.

Growth: Differentiation

Which of these is/are cations


A red blood cell is placed in a hyper tonic solution this means the concentration of the solutes in the solution is ____ than the concentration of solutes in the intracelluar fluid and will cause the cell to _____

Higher, Shrink

what happens when the Ca2++ channels in the terminal cisternar of the sarcoplasmic reticum open

Ca2++ rapidly diffuses into the sarcoplasm

Which of the following is not a method by which particles can leave a cell?


All of the following are human organ systems except _____________


Arrange the following biochemical events in the correct sequences 1) an action potential is conducted deep into the muscle fiber by a t-tubule 2)calcium ions bind to troponin 3) the membranes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum become more permeable to calcium ions 4) calcium ions diffuse into the sarcoplasm around the myofibril 5) the tropomyosin complex moves exposing active sites


List the following from smallest to largest 1)Muscle fiber 2) myofilament 3) myofibril 4) muscle fasciculus


giving the following list of organic molecules which includes hormones 1) nucleic acid derivatives 2) polypeptides 3) steroids 4) proteins


Given the following glands choose the arrangement that represents the order in which the glands release their secretion to form semen 1) prostate 2) bulbourethral glands 3)seminal vesicles


Arrange the following events in the correct order 1) ejaculation 2) emission 3) erection


Assume a couple had just completed intercourse and sperm has been deposited in the woman's reproductive tract trace the pathway of the sperm through the female reproductive tract to the point where fertilization will most likely occur 1) cervix 2) Uterine tube 3) cavity of the uterus 4) vagina


which of the following will respond to a threshold stimules with an all or non contraction

A single muscle fiber and a single motor or unit

Some __________ neurons are specialized to detect stimuli, whereas __________ neurons send signals to the effectors of the nervous system.

Adderent, efferent

Which pancreatic cell is correctly matched with its secretion


The smallest part of an element that shows characteristics of that element


Which type of connective tissue lacks collagen fibers


Which structure is the most vascular


which of the following statements regarding the sliding filament model is false

Both actin and myosin myofilaments shorten during contraction

What occurs during hyperpolarization of a neuron membrane

Both sodium and potassium are leaving the cell

A solution that resist a change in PH when an acid or base is added to it is an


Place the following event in synaptic transmission at a choleric synapse in order. A- post synaptic potential is produced, B- voltage gated calcium channels open are calcium enters the cell, C- Ach is released and diffuses across the axon terminal, D- a nerve signal arrives at an axon terminal, E- ligand gated sodium channels open are sodium enters the cell


Which of the following is not a building block for an organic molecule


In which part of a neuron is the postsynaptic membrane usually found


The bonding properties of an atom are determined by its


The secretion of mucous by salivary glands is an example of what type of process


Which of the following is not one of the functions of a cell

Protection Inheritance Communication All of the above are functions

Which of the following lists examples of body structures from the simplest to the most complex

Protein, mitochondrion, adipocyte (fat cell), connective tissue, stomach

Which of the following is not a membranous organelle


Which organelle synthesizes steroid in the ovary and stores calcium in the muscle cell

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

T tubules

conduct action potentials deep into the muscle cell.

Action myofilaments

contain strands of fibrous actin

a drug that interferes with the active transport of calcium ions from the sarcoplasm back into the sarcoplasmic reticulem would result in

contraction with no relaxation

In a neuron the opening of sodium gates typically leads to

depolarization of the plasma membrane

The shape of a person's external ear is due to the presence of __________.

elastic cartilage

Discharge of semen into the prostatic urethra is called


The layer of the uterine wall that is shed during menstruation is the


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