Anatomy Term 1 Final

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When one atom loses an electron and another atom accepts that electron, an ____ bond between the two atoms results

D. Ionic


D. Is produced my melanocytes

Membrane channels that allow ions to constantly pass through are called ________.

D. Leak Channels

Nucleotides are the building blocks for

D. Nucleic Acids

In which quadrant of the abdomen is most of the liver usually located?

D. Right upper quadrant

A ______ is formed by the reaction of an acid and a base

D. Salt

Which of the following statements about glands of the skin is true?

D. Sebaceous glands produce an oily white substance rich in lipids.

In ________, molecules show a net movement from greater to lesser concentration due to the random motion of the molecules.

D. Simple diffusion

You would normally expect to find ________ epithelium in the urinary bladder.

D. Transitional

Epithelial cells that appear cube-like when an organ is relaxed, and flattened when theorgan is distended by fluid, are classified as

D. Transitional epithelium

Covalent bonds occur when

D. Two atoms share electrons

Paul is on the newest diet craze. After a couple of weeks of eating only carrots and carrot based products, he begins to notice that his skin has a decidedly yellowish tint. This is because

D. excess carotene from his diet has accumulated in the lipids of the stratum corneum


D. involves formation of peptide bonds between adjacent amino acids.

The chemical behavior of an atom is largely determined by

D. its outermost electron

Transcription A) takes place in the nucleus of the cell. B) determines the sequence of codons on a particular mRNA molecule. C) occurs when double strands of DNA separate, and RNA nucleotides pair with DNA nucleotides. D) produces mRNA. E) All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct

Which of these comparisons between smooth muscle and skeletal muscle is NOTcorrect?

E. Smooth muscle cells are under voluntary control; skeletal muscle is involuntary.

Anatomical position refers to individuals that are

E. Standing erect, upper limbs at their sides, and palms facing anterior

The most correct classification of an epithelial tissue consisting of many layers of cells, in which the outer layers are flat and thin and the basal layers are cuboidal or columnar is

E. Stratified Squamous Epithelium

The guillotine, a medieval instrument for beheading criminals, could be described as passing along a ____ plane through the neck.

E. Transverse

Which of the following functions of the integumentary system is NOT correctlymatched with an example?

Excretion — hydrogen ions are moved from the skin into the urine

Malignant melanoma:

C. Usually arises from melanocytes in a preexisting mole

Which of these statements about serous membranes is true?

C. Visceral serous membranes are in contact with internal organs

________ usually contain only a single nucleus.

C. cardiac and smooth muscle cells

When a cell prepares to divide,

C. the chromosomes become tightly coiled and are visible when viewed with a microscope.

The mesenteries: A)are not connected to retroperitoneal organs. B)are continuous with the parietal and visceral peritoneum. C)anchor some abdominal organs to the body wall. D)are double-layered membranes. E)All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct

Arrange the following steps of protein synthesis in the proper order. 1) DNA is transcribed to mRNA. 2) tRNA pairs with mRNA. 3) mRNA passes from nucleus into cytoplasm. 4) Peptide bonds form.

A) 1, 3, 2, 4

The type of glands that open into a hair follicle and have a thick organic secretion are

A. Apocrine Sweat Glands

Phospholipid molecules

A. Are arranged in a double layer inside the cell membrane

Which of the following is responsible for most of the mass of an atom?

A. Both neutron and proton

Cell shrinkage is also called ________.

A. Crenation

When the hydrogen bonds that maintain a protein's 3D shape are broken, the protein becomes nonfunctional, and is said to be:

A. Denatured

When a person is in anatomical position, the wrist is _____ to the elbow.

A. Distal

The type of glands that open on surface of skin and have a watery secretion are

A. Eccrine Sweat Glands

Which of the following is NOT a true statement about epithelial tissue?

A. Epithelial tissue is vascular.

Glycerol and fatty acids are the building blocks for

A. Fats (triglycerides)

Which of these is NOT one of the four basic tissue types?

A. Glandular

Secretory vesicles pinch off from ________.

A. Golgi Apparatus

Which of the following organelles are NOT paired correctly with their location within the cell?

A. Golgi apparatus- On the cell surface

The amount of matter in an object is its

A. Mass

________ are components of the cytoskeleton that help to provide support, assist in cell division, and form cilia.

A. Microtubules

Which of these statements is true of negative feedback?

A. Negative feedback is important for maintaining homeostasis in the body.

Fingerprints and footprints are produced by dermal projections into the epidermis called

A. Papillae

A cavity enclosed by the bones of the pelvis and containing the urinary bladder is the _____ cavity.

A. Pelvic

In connective tissue, cells whose names contain the suffix - blast:

A. Produce Matrix

________ refers to the ability of an organism to sense changes in the environment and make adjustments needed to help maintain its life.

A. Responsiveness

The type of glands that open into a hair follicle and produces sebum are

A. Sebaceous Glands

When two or more atoms, ions or molecules coming to form a new and larger molecule, the process is called a ______ reaction.

A. Synthesis

Homeostasis is the condition produced by:

A. The tendency for change in a body variable to be counteracted as soon as the Boyd variable goes past its normal range of values.

Chef Buoy Yardee is burned on the arm when a kettle of spaghetti sauce explodes. The doctor, using a forceps, pulls on a hair within the area that is burned. The hair easilypulls out. What degree of burn did the patient have?

A. Third-degree burn

Increased carbon dioxide in the blood increases respiration (breathing) create. Which of these statements would apply to this mechanism?

A. This is negative feedback, because increased respiration rate decreases carbon dioxide in the blood.

Jaundice is caused by

A. collection of abnormal bile pigment in the skin.

Major components of the extracellular matrix of connective tissue include

A. protein fibers, ground substance, and fluid.

In humans,

A. the diploid number of chromosomes is 46.

A tissue sample is examined and found to have an extensive mineralized extracellularmatrix. The cells are scattered within the matrix. This sample is ________ tissue.

B. Bone

The chemical level of organization: A)is made up of organ systems that are classified as a unit by function. B)Both "involves the interaction between atoms and the formation of molecules" and"determines the structural and functional characteristics of all organisms" are correct. C)determines the structural and functional characteristics of all organisms. D)involves the interaction between atoms and the formation of molecules. E)None of the choices are correct.

B. Both "involves the interaction between atoms and the formation of molecules" and "determines the structural and functional characteristics of all organisms" are correct.

Third-degree burns:

B. Can result in excess fluid loss

________ is an example of a molecule that can directly pass through the phospholipids bilayer of the plasma membrane.

B. Carbon Dioxide

_______ energy is a form of potential energy resulting from positions and interactions among subatomic particles

B. Chemical

Moveable projections from the surface of cells found in abundance in the respiratory tract are ________.

B. Cilia

Cyanosis is caused by

B. Decreased oxygen content of blood

The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by the :

B. Diaphragm

Which type of glands help to cool the body?

B. Eccrine Sweat Glands

If the products of a chemical reaction contain less potential energy than the reactants,

B. Energy has been released by the breaking of molecular bonds

Which of these is NOT one of the four basic tissue types?

B. Glandular

Which of these is an example of a positive feedback mechanism?

B. Increased stretch of the uterus causes it to contract, with further increases stretch

The Nucleolus:

B. Is the location for production of large and small ribosomal units

What term dealing with cancer means "spreading to a new site"?

B. Metastasis

The supportive cells of the nervous system are called

B. Neuroglia

The type of membrane transport that involves the ingestion of solid particles by vesicle formation is ________.

B. Phagocytosis

If a red blood cell were placed in distilled water, we would expect the cell to

B. Swell and lyse

Which section separates the body into superior and inferior parts?

B. Transverse Section

The chemical notation for magnesium ions is Mg+2. The designation of +2 indicates that

B. Two electrons have been lost.

Cell membranes are said to be selectively permeable because they

B. allow the free passage of some materials and restrict the passage of others.

The stratum corneum of the epidermis

B. can become thickened and form a structure called a callus or corn.


B. involves the formation of a vesicle by invagination of the cell membrane.

The nucleic acid that combines with preexisting protein to form ribosomal subunits is _________.


Membrane channels that limit the movement of ions across the cell membrane are called ________.

D. Gated Channels

A hair is formed or made by cells within the

D. Hair bulb

15) Which of the following cell organelles is NOT correctly matched with its function?

C) Mitochondria—site of protein synthesis

Arrange the following Structures in correct order from smallest to largest: 1. Cell 2. Organ 3. Chemical 4. Organ System 5. Organism 6. Tissue

C. 3-1-6-2-4-5

The building blocks for proteins are

C. Amino Acids

________ are striated muscle cells.

C. Both skeletal and cardiac muscle cells

Monosaccharides are the building blocks for

C. Carbohydrates

All of the following are protein components of the cytoskeleton EXCEPT ________

C. Centrosomes

The pericardial cavity:

C. Contains the pericardial fluid

Which one of the following is NOT a function of epithelial tissue?

C. Cushions and insulates

Which of the following would NOT lead to an increase in the strength and compressionresistance of a connective tissue?

C. Decreasing the number of collagen fibers in the matrix

If you make a jello mold that has strawberries suspended in it and whipped cream on top, the strawberries are _____ while the whipped cream is ______.

C. Deep; Superficial

Cells of the epidermis are mechanically linked together via ________, which, togetherwith a network of fine proteins and intercellular cement, connect the cell membranes ofthe two cells.

C. Desmosomes

The shaft is a structural component found associated with

C. Hair (or hair follicle)

Enzymes function by

C. Having a specific shape that allows them to bind to particular reactants

Which of these is NOT a characteristic of cardiac muscle?

C. Many nuclei per cell

Which of these characteristics of life means "the ability to use energy to perform vital functions"?

C. Metabolism

Which of these cells would most likely have the largest number of mitochondria?

C. Muscle cells

A solution with a pH of 7 is considered to be

C. Neutral

________ is a specific type of endocytosis that is responsible for bringing liquids and small particles into cells through the formation of small vesicles.

C. Pinocytosis

A cavity containing the lungs but not heart is the ______ cavity.

C. Pleural

Connective tissue cells whose names contain the suffix -blast

C. Produce Matrix

Epithelium that consists of a single layer of cells, in which some cells are tall and thinand reach the free surface and others do not, is classified as

C. Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium

The fluid found between serous membrane layers

C. Reduces Friction

Endocrine glands

C. Secrete Hormones

If a person is standing erect, facing forward and has her hands on her hips, what movements must she make to assume the anatomical position?

C. She needs to lower her upper limbs to her side with her palms facing anteriorly.

The ________ endoplasmic reticulum manufactures lipids and carbohydrates, whereas the ________ endoplasmic reticulum assists with the synthesis of proteins, which it sends to the Golgi apparatus.

C. Smooth; rough

The study of the body's organization that considers the heart, bloody and all of the associated blood vessels as a unit is called:

C. Systemic anatomy

Which of the following processes is a synthesis reaction?

C. The creation of a protein from amino acids

Which of the following statements concerning solutes and solvents is true?

C. The solvent is the predominant liquid or gas in a solution.

Cell connections that bind adjacent cells together and form permeability barriers are called

C. Tight Junctions

To be safe and effective, sunscreen preparations should block


The very center region of the abdomen is known as the _____ region.

C. Umbilical

When there is an equal sharing of electrons between atoms, the bond that is formed is called

D. A non polar covalent bond

The statement "A group of cells with similar structure and function plus the extracellular substances located between them" describes:

D. A tissue

Which cavity contains the liver, stomach, kidneys, and spleen?

D. Abdominal Cavity

Hair color A)is produced by the melanocytes in the hair bulb. B)can fade with age. C)is determined by the varying amounts and types of melanin. D)all of the above.

D. All of the above

Heavy smoking destroys pseudostratified ciliated epithelium in the trachea("windpipe"). Which of these conditions might occur in the trachea if replacement epithelial cells are not ciliated? A)Accumulation of mucus in the trachea B)Increased coughing. C)Accumulation of foreign particles in the trachea D)All of the choices are correct.

D. All of the choices are correct

Understanding chemistry is important for the study of anatomy and physiology because: A)the interactions of the different chemicals of the body are responsible for body function. B)many diseases and disorders can be explained at the chemical level. C)the body is composed of chemicals. D)All of the choices are correct.

D. All of the choices are correct

Growth refers to an increase in size in all or part of an organism. It can result from: A) an increase in the number of cells within the organism B) an increase in the amount of substances surrounding the cells C) an increase in the size of Individual cells within the organism D) All of the choices are correct E) None of the choices are correct

D. All of the choices are correct.

Chemicals that resist changes in pH when acids or bases are added to a solution are

D. Buffers

________, located within the cytoplasm of the cell, facilitate the movement of chromosomes during cell division.

D. Centrioles

When you get sunburn after a day at the beach, which of the following membranes haveyou damaged?

D. Cutaneous

________ forms the disks between vertebrae.

D. Fibrocartilage

Which of the following statements is FALSE about the integument system? A)Intact skin plays an important role in preventing water loss because its lipids act asa barrier to osmosis. B)The condition of the skin, hair and nails is affected by nutritional status. C)Hair acts as a heat insulator and protective barrier. D)Vitamin D stimulates the uptake of calcium and phosphate in the intestine. E)All of the above are true.

E. All of the above are true

Active transport A) can move substances against their concentration gradient. B) requires metabolic energy (ATPs). C) involves carrier molecules. D) may exchange one substance for another. E) All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct

Connective tissue A)joins together cells and tissues and transports substances. B)Both "joins together cells and tissues and transports substances" and "is characterized by large amounts of extracellular matrix C)provides a supporting framework for the body. D)is characterized by large amounts of extracellular matrix. E)All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct

Epithelial cells A)can be somewhat far away from any blood vessel. B)have a basement membrane that attaches to underlying tissues. C)cover body surfaces or form glands. D)usually have a free surface that is not in contact with other cells. E)All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct

Our body cells perform several important functions, including A) communication. B) reproduction and inheritance. C) cell metabolism and energy use. D) synthesis of molecules. E) All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct

Understanding the relationship between structure and function allows us to: A)pursue a career in the health sciences. B)evaluate recommendations from our own medical professionals. C)investigate and understand disease. D)evaluate the validity of advertisements and reports concerning health. E)All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct

Understanding tissue structure and function is important because A) there is a relationship between tissue structure and organ function. B) many diseases and pathologies are tissue and cell type specific. C) changes at the tissue level affect the function of organs. D) there is a relationship between the structure of each tissue type (how it is organized) and its function (what it does). E) All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct

Energy: A)can be stored in the chemical bonds between molecules/subatomic particles. B)is constantly being converted into different forms by the body. C)can neither be created nor destroyed. D)is the capacity to do work. E)All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct.

Enzymes: A)are globular proteins. B)lower the activation energy of a reaction. C)function as biological catalysts. D)can be used to regulate chemical reactions. E)All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct.

Positive Feedback mechanisms: A)sometimes can create a deviation from homeostasis that leads to death. B)cause the deviation from normal to become even more pronounced. C)are used to amplify the effect or response of a system. D)are few in a normal healthy individual. E)All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following statements is true? A)Living things are highly organized, and disruption of this organized state can lead to loss of function and death. B)An organism is any living thing considered as a whole whether composed of one cell such as a bacterium or trillions of cells such as a human. C)Because organ systems are so interrelated, dysfunction in one organ system can have profound effects on other systems. D)The coordinated activity of the organ systems is necessary for normal function. E)All of the choices are correct.

E. All of the choices are correct.

Redness of the skin can result from all of the following except: A)the inflammatory response B)anger or blushing C)A slap D)exposure to heat E)all of the circumstances listed are correct answers.

E. All of the circumstances listed are correct answers

A burn is an injury to a tissue caused by: A)exposure to chemicals B)friction C)exposure to excess heat D)exposure to excess cold E)all of these

E. All of these

The major symptoms of inflammation include A)disturbance of function. B)redness and swelling. C)pain. D)heat E)All of these are symptoms of inflammation.

E. All of these are symptoms of inflammation

Synovial membranes: A)line the inside of joint cavities B)reduces friction allowing for smooth movement within the joint C)produce synovial fluid D)make the joint very slippery E)all of these are true of synovial membranes

E. All of these are true of synovial membranes

The chemical compound that is represented by the acronym DNA: A)contains the sugar deoxyribose. B)has two chains that form a double helix. C)is responsible for controlling cell activities. D)is composed of nucleotides. E)All the choices are correct.

E. All the choices are correct

Connective tissue cells whose names contain the suffix -clast

E. Break down the matrix for remodeling

________ are joined to each other by structures called intercalated disks.

E. Cardiac muscle cells

A substance that increases the rate at which a reaction proceeds, without itself being changed or depleted, is a ______.

E. Catalyst

The basic structural and functional unit of an organism is the

E. Cell

The ________ is the layer of the skin made of epithelial tissue and the ________ iscomposed of dense connective tissue.

E. Epidermis; Dermis

________ cells are unicellular glands that produce mucus.

E. Goblet

Vitamin D: A)is formed from a precursor molecule that is modified in the liver and kidneys. B)may be required in the diet if a person is exposed to very little ultraviolet light. C)stimulates calcium and phosphate uptake in the small intestine. D)is formed from a precursor molecule that is made when skin is exposed to ultraviolet light. E)has all of these properties.

E. Has all of these properties

________ covers ends of bones at joints

E. Hyaline Cartilage

The conversion of ATP into ADP

E. Is reversible

When a cancer is said to have metastasized, it means that

E. It has spread to other areas of the body

Connective tissue cells whose names contain the suffix -cyte

E. Maintain the matrix

Which section separates the body into right and left parts?

E. Median plan/sagittal section

The nail grows from the

E. Nail Matrix

Two types of phagocytic cells involved in tissue repair are

E. Neutrophils and macrophages

In which of these cavities would the urinary bladder and internal reproductive organs be found?

E. Pelvic

1)The scientific discipline that deals with the processes or functions of living organisms is________. E)physiology

E. Physiology

A large organic molecule was analyzed and found to contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. Which would most likely have been the type of molecule analyzed?

E. Protein

When new, viable cells replace dead cells, the process is called

E. Regeneration

The kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, and urinary bladder are:

E. Retroperitoneal

________ are located in the walls of the stomach and small intestine.

E. Smooth muscle cells

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