Anatomy Workbook: Ch. 6,7,8

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What is the inferior continuation of the medulla oblongata?

spinal cord

What muscle forms the posterior boundary of the anterior triangle of the neck?

sternocleidomastoid muscle

What muscle is between the external and internal jugular veins?

sternocleidomastoid muscle

What muscle is frequently related to the external jugular vein?

sternocleidomastoid muscle

What muscle is lateral to the internal jugular vein?

sternocleidomastoid muscle

What three structures form the boundaries of the posterior triangle of the neck?

sternocleidomastoid muscle, trapezius muscle, clavicle

What muscle separates the anterior triangle from the posterior triangle of the neck?

sternocleidomastoid muscles

What tiny piece of bone is anterior to the internal jugular vein and lateral to the internal carotid artery?

styloid process and temporal bone

What vessel joins with or drains into the internal jugular veins to form the brachiocephalic vein?

subclavian vein

What muscle is attached to the clavicle and deep to it?

subclavius muscle

What gland is located in the floor of the mouth, lateral to the tongue and posterior to the anterior portion of the mandible?

sublingual gland

What glandular material is posterior to the mandible and inferior to the tongue?

sublingual gland

What gland is medial to the mandible, near the angle between the ramus and body?

submandibular gland

Which is normally most medial: pterygoid muscle, masseter muscle, or ramus of mandible?

pterygoid muscle

What three structures make up the partition that separates the muscles of the forearm into anterior and posterior compartments?

radius, ulna, interosseous membrane

What bone or portion of bones is between the masseter or pterygoid muscles?

ramus of mandible

What is the space medial to the internal carotid arteries and anterior to the prevertebral muscles?

retropharyngeal space

What potential space is between the pharyngeal constrictor muscle and prevertebral muscles?

retropharyngeal space

What are the small muscles immediately under or deep to the trapezius muscles near the midline of the back?

rhomboideus muscle

What is the slit or opening between the true vocal folds?

rima glottides

What is the opening between the true vocal folds called?

rima glottidis

What marking on the sacrum denotes the beginning of the true pelvic cavity?

sacral promontory

Name the 4 bones in the proximal row of carpals in sequence from lateral to medial

scaphoid (lateral), lunate, triquetral, pisiform (medial)

What two carpal bones articulate with the radius to form the wrist joint?

scaphoid and lunate

What are the predominant structures in the posterior wall of the axilla?

scapula and subscapularis muscle

What type of fiber is found in the dorsal root of a spinal nerve?

sensory nerve fibers

What is the most inferior cartilage of larynx?

cricoid cartilage

What muscles are located between the ribs?

intercostal muscle

What is the typical relationship of the internal carotid artery to the internal jugular vein?

internal carotid artery is anterior and medial to internal jugular vein

What blood vessel is limited medially by the thyroid gland?

internal jugular vein

What is the location of the internal jugular vein relative to the common carotid artery?

internal jugular vein is lateral to common carotid artery

What is between the radius and ulna and connects them?

interosseous membrane

What portion of the thyroid gland is anterior to the trachea?


Why is the coracobrachialis muscle evident in transverse sections through the proximal arm but not apparent in transverse section through the distal arm?

it inserts on upper portion of arm

What term is used to denote an exaggerated thoracic curvature?


What divides the arm into anterior and posterior muscular compartments?

lateral and medial inter muscular septa

Is the brachioradialis muscle on the lateral side or the medial side of the forearm?

lateral side

On which side of the forearm is the pronator teres muscle located?

lateral side

What muscle extends between a rib and the transverse process of a thoracic vertebra?

levato costarum muscle

What is found in the epidural space around the spinal cord?

loose connective tissue and adipose tissue

What are the aggregates of lymphoid tissue in the superior portion of the pharynx?

pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids)

What is the purpose of the odontoid process?

pivot for the rotation of the atlas

What is the concave surface on the upper and lower margins of the pedicles called?

vertebral notch

What is the superior pair of projections in the larynx?

vestibular folds (false vocal cords)

Sacral foramina are located

within the lateral mass

Sequence from anterior to posterior arrangement of the structures listed

1. ramus of mandible 2. parotid gland 3. mastoid process 4. sternocleidomastoid muscle

How many sacral vertebrae are there before they fuse together?


How many cervical vertebrae are there?


How many phalanges are there for each hand?


On the left side, what artery is posterior to the common carotid artery?

L subclavian artery

At what vertebral level does the spinal cord usually end?


What is the purpose of curvatures in the vertebral column?

add strength, resilience, and flexibility to vertebral column

What ligaments extend from C1 to sacrum along the anterior surface of vertebral bodies and discs?

anterior longitudinal ligament

What specific muscle is immediately anterior the brachial plexus?

anterior scalene muscles

In which triangle is the carotid sheath located?

anterior triangle

Which of the following statements about the internal jugular vein is not true?

at higher levels in the neck, the internal carotid artery is posterior to the internal jugular vein

What is the specific name given to C1?


What is the purpose of the hyoid bone?

attachment of throat muscles

The second cervical vertebra (C2) is called the


What is the specific name given to C2?


What direction is the curvature that is formed by the cervical vertebrae?

convex anteriorly

In what direction is the cervical curvature?

convex anteriorly and concave posteriorly

What portion of the scapula is anterior to the glenoid fossa?

coracoid process of scapula

What are the two major superficial veins in the arm, and which one is on the medial side?

basilic vein and cephalic vein *basilic is medial

Where are the intervertebral foramina located?

between the superior and inferior vertebral notches

What nerves are located between the anterior and middle scalene muscles?

brachial plexus

What muscle forms the floor of the cubital fossa?

brachialis muscle

Which muscle in the forearm does not act on the wrist or hand?


What muscle forms the lateral boundary of the cubital fossa?

brachioradialis muscle

What portion of the humerus articulates with the head of radius?


What is the superficial vein on the lateral side of the forearm?

cephalic vein

What superficial vein is on the lateral side?

cephalic vein

What are the two regions of enlargement in the spinal cord?

cervical and lumbosacral

The vertebral column curvatures that are concave anteriorly are the

cervical and sacral curvatures

What distinguishes the spinous process of the cervical vertebrae from the spinous process of the other vertebrae?

cervical vertebrae have bifid spinous process

What is the bone that articulates with the acromion anteriorly?


Name the two bones of the pectoral girdle

clavicle and scapula

What is the most inferior region of the vertebral column?


What are the contents of the carotid sheath?

common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, and vagus nerve

What term is used for the terminal triangular region of the spinal cord?

conus medullaris

What is the most superficial muscle of the shoulder?

deltoid muscle

What is the round piece of bone immediately anterior to the spinal cord?

dens of C2

What structure marks the inferior margin of the oropharynx?


What is the structure immediately posterior to the trachea?


What structure is in the midline immediately posterior to the trachea?


Which is more anterior: internal carotid artery or external carotid artery?

external carotid artery

Which is usually more lateral or superficial: external jugular vein or external carotid artery?

external jugular vein

Name one vein and two nerves that are located in the posterior triangle of the neck

external jugular vein, phrenic nerve, and accessory nerve (CN XII)

What distinguishes thoracic vertebrae from other types of vertebrae?

facets on the body and transverse process for articulation with the ribs

What is the name of the opening from the oral cavity into the pharynx?


What is the special significance of lymph nodes in the axilla?

frequently involved in breast cancer

To what bone is the flexor retinaculum attached on the medial side?


What portion of the humerus articulates with the pectoral girdle?


What articulates with the radial notch?

head of radius

Is the head of the ulna at the proximal end of the bone or is it at the distal end of the bone?

head of ulna is on distal end

What bone is located posterior to the tongue but anterior to the pharynx?

hyoid bone

What is the region of the pharynx posterior to the larynx?


What is the most lateral column of erector spinal muscles?

iliocostalis muscles

Where is the musculocutaneous nerve located?

in distal arm between brachialis and biceps brachii

Where are the brachial artery and the accompanying veins located?

in medial intermuscular septum

What articulates with the superior articular process of a vertebra?

inferior articular process of preceding vertebra

Which is normally most anterior: parotid gland, masseter muscle, or sternocleidomastoid muscle?

masseter msucle

What bone forms the anterior portion of the hard palate?


What nerve is located within the carpal tunnel?

median nerve

From medial to lateral, identify the contents of the cubital fossa

median nerve, brachial artery, and veins, tendon for biceps brachii muscle, radial nerve

What type of fiber is found in the ventral root of a spinal nerve?

motor nerve fibers

In addition to a major nerve, what are the principal structures in the carpal tunnel?

muscle tendons

Identify the three divisions of muscles that attach the upper extremity and pectoral girdle to the trunk of the body

muscles that extend from the trunk to the scapula, muscles that extend from scapula to humerus, and muscles that extend from trunk to humerus

What makes up the white matter of the spinal cord?

myelinated nerve fibers

What passes through the sacral foramina?


What nerves arise from these two enlarged areas?

nerves that supply upper extremity arise from cervical enlargement and nerves that supply the lower extremity arise from lumbosacral enlargement

What makes up the gray matter of the spinal cord?

neuron cell bodies and unmyelinated nerve fibers

What other bones articulate directly with the hyoid bone?


What bone articulates with C1 superiorly?

occipital bone

What circular muscle is associated with the lips?

orbicularis oris

Why is the brachialis muscle present in the distal arm but not evident in sections through the proximal arm?

origin on distal half of humerus

What is the space or opening at the posterior margin of the soft palate?


What portion of the pharynx is found between the uvula and epiglottis?


What are the collections of lymphoid tissue in the walls of the oropharynx?

palatine tonsils

What glands are embedded on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland?

parathyroid glands

This is normally most lateral or superficial: internal jugular vein, internal carotid artery, or parotid gland?

parotid gland

What gland is lateral to the hyoid bone?

parotid gland

What is the function of the axilla?

passageway for vessels and nerves that pass between root of neck and arm

What two muscles form the anterior wall of the axilla?

pectorals major and minor

What muscle forms the wall of the pharynx?

pharyngeal constrictor muscle

What muscles form the wall of the pharynx?

pharyngeal constrictor muscle

Which one of the following statements about the triangles of the neck is not correct?

the mandible forms the apex of the anterior triangle

Why do lumbar vertebrae have such large heavy bodies?

they support most of the body weight and have numerous attached muscles

What two curvatures are concave anteriorly?

thoracic and sacral

What is the predominant anterior cartilage of the larynx?

thyroid cartilage

What is between the internal jugular vein and the trachea?

thyroid gland

What is the glandular material that is lateral to the trachea?

thyroid gland

What structure is between the thyroid gland and esophagus?


In sagittal sections, how can the trachea be distinguished from the esophagus?

trachea has cartilage in wall

What fuses to form the lateral mass?

transverse foramen

What is unique about the transverse process of cervical vertebrae?

transverse foramina

Where does the tubercle of a rib articulate on the thoracic vertebrae?

transverse process

The costal facet for the tubercle of a rib is located on the

transverse process of the thoracic vertebrae

What is the most superficial posterior muscle of the neck?

trapezius muscle

What is the muscle mass on the posterior surface of the humerus?

triceps brachii muscle

What is the primary muscle bundle in the posterior compartment of the arm?

triceps brachii muscle

The bone on the medial side of the forearm is the


What nerve is superficial to the flexor retinaculum anteriorly and on the medial side?

ulnar nerve

Which is more posterior: median nerve or the ulnar nerve?

ulnar nerve

State the sequence from medial to lateral of radial, ulnar, and median nerves

ulnar, median, and radial nerve

What is the extension of the soft palate that projects into the oropharynx?


What structures marks the division between the nasopharynx and esophagus?


What structure is present in the carotid sheath with the common carotid artery?

vagus nerve

What is the small groove between the epiglottis and tongue?


What is the name of the grooves or valleys between the tongue and epiglottis?


What blood vessels are found in the transverse foramina of cervical vertebrae?

vertebral arteries and veins

Which is usually most posterior: vertebral artery, internal carotid artery, or internal jugular vein?

vertebral artery

Where does the head of a rib articulate on the thoracic vertebrae?

vertebral body

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