Ancienr history last quiz

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For his stern and aggressive attack upon immorality and idolatry, _______ was outstanding as king of Judah.


reigned in Judah forty-one years


His stern and aggressive attack upon immorality and idolatry made ________ an outstanding king of _______

Asa Judah

was commissioned by the Lord to destroy the house of Israel massacred all the royal seed except one came to the throne in Judah at the age of seven died in Jezreel in fulfillment of Elijah's prophecy was stoned at the commandment of the king of Judah

Jehu Athaliah Joash Jezebel Zechariah

Joel probably ministered to ________ during the reign of Joash.


Full guilt and responsibility for the division of the kingdom must be assigned to Rehoboam.


Jehoram walked in the ways of his father Jehoshaphat.


The capital of Israel was moved from Tirzah to Samaria by Ahab.


The first recorded sin of Jeroboam as king of Israel was idolatry.


Two miracles of Elisha related to food involved poisonous _______ and barley _______

gourds bread

Christ confirmed the history of the book of _____.


Upon the death of Rehoboam, his son Abijah reigned in Jerusalem.


was king for three years


Baal worship was introduced into the kingdom of Israel by _____.


Baal worship was introduced into the kingdom of Israel by:


was son of the most infamous king of all preceding kings in Israel


The king of Judah who was counseled in his wicked rule by his mother was


With a heart lifted up by pride, _______ usurped the priestly function of burning incense on the altar of incense.


At Carmel, God delivered a significant defeat to the prophets of _____.


Every contemporaneous descendant of Jeroboam was killed by _____.


Who among the following did God use to bring about the complete destruction of Jeroboam's line?


slew King Nadab


was slain while drunk in Tirzah by one of his captains


During the three and one-half years of drought in Israel, Ahab blamed _____ for Israel's trouble, and sought him everywhere.


Which was not a reason for the division of the kingdom of Israel?

Golden calves were set up at Bethel and at Dan.

The experience of Hosea in his marriage to was ______ illustrative of God's love for _________

Gomer Israel

The prophet whose ministry to Israel spanned approximately one-half century was _____.


Chronologically, the last king of Israel to reign in Samaria was _____.


God promised that He would not utterly destroy the house of __________ and that He would raise up the tabernacle of __________, a prophecy fulfilled in ________

Jacob David Jesus Christ

Athaliah, daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, became the wife of ________, son of __________

Jehoram Jehoshaphat

To strengthen Judah spiritually, priests and teachers were sent throughout the land by _____ to teach the Law of the Lord.


The man whom the Lord anointed king of Israel and appointed executioner of the house of Ahab was _____.


Two kings were killed on the same day and in the same city by _____.


Idol worship was established in the northern kingdom by:


In spite of God's signs and warnings at Bethel, _____ refused to repent.


Choose the two kings of Israel whose reigns mark the beginning and ending of Asa's reign in Judah.

Jeroboam Ahab

In addition to the rending of the altar, another clear sign from the Lord to __________ was the withering of his _________

Jeroboam hand

The line of David was preserved in


With the coronation of ___________ in Judah, the priests of Baal were slain and the altars of Baal were broken down.


The Day of the Lord is the theme of this book repentance in Nineveh resulted from his preaching the last prophet sent to the northern kingdom a native of Judah but a prophet to Israel

Joel Jonah Hosea Amos

Returning to Elisha after his experience of healing, _____ confessed faith in the God of Israel.


The dynasty of Jeroboam was concluded by the brief reign of:


The reasons for the judgment upon Edom predicted by _____ were probably related to Edom's assistance to the Philistines and Arabians in their raid upon Jehoram and Jerusalem.


The hill of Samaria was bought, and on it the capital city of Israel, called Samaria, was built by


Forsaking the Law of the Lord appears to have been _____'s first step away from the Lord.


Which is not one of Athaliah's wicked deeds as queen in Judah?

She had an altar to Baal placed in the house of God.

How was the attack of the young people on Elisha really an attack on God?

The attack of the young people on Elisha was really an attack on God because Elisha is a prophet of God.

Asa sternly and aggressively attacked the immorality and idolatry in Judah.


The fourth and final king of Israel in the dynasty of Jehu was _____.


What was Jehu's commission from the Lord?

annihilate the worshipers of Baal

Why was Judah victorious over Israel under Abijah?

because they had relied on the Lord

Ahaziah, son and successor of Ahab, was succeeded as king of Israel by his son Joram.


Baal worship was introduced by Omri.


Concerning the transfer of Naboth's land, Ahab had respect for the Law of Moses.


Elijah's last announcement to Ahab was that rain would be withheld from the land according to his word.


Ahaziah, king of Judah, was counseled in his wicked reign by his _____.


What fact in the history of Joash is significant to the history of redemption?

preserved David's lineage

When Ahab accused Elijah of being the "troubler of Israel," Elijah responded by:

telling Ahab that Israel's troubles were Ahab's fault.

Upon his return from Jordan, Elisha was recognized by the student prophets as having:

the spirit of Elijah

And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God. (1 Kings 18:39). The people referred to in this verse are the Israelites at Mt. Carmel.


Asa was rebuked by the Lord through Hanani the seer because he relied upon Ben-hadad of Syria for assistance against Israel.


Asa, a godly king, was rebuked by Hanani the seer for relying on Ben-hadad for protection.


Elijah accused Ahab of being the troubler of Israel.


Elijah is the most frequently mentioned prophet in the New Testament.


Every living descendant of Jeroboam was killed by Baasha.


Jeroboam appointed priests that were not Levites.


Jezebel threatened Elijah's life because he had humiliated her prophets of Baal at Mt. Carmel.


Returning to Elisha after his experience of healing, Naaman confessed faith in the God of Israel.


The reign of Asa, king of Judah, spans the reigns of both Ahab and Jeroboam, kings of Israel.


Under Rehoboam's reign, the golden treasures of Solomon's temple were replaced by brass articles.


Upon his return from Jordan, Elisha was recognized by the student prophets as having the spirit of Elijah.


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