ancient civ. chapter 7!!!
age of great creativity and learning in Athens
Age of Pericles
focused on government and education
How did Athens and Sparta differ
Athens had a large number or foreign residents and Sparta had few
the Mycenaeans came to Greece from...
Central Asia
Which islands were on a trade route to the west
Corsica and Crete
King of Persia
Cyrus the Great
What ruler divided the Persian empire into states to make it easier to manage
brought iron weapons to the Greeks
Who committed wrongs against the Persians
The History of the Persian Wars was written by...
site of a battle between Athenians and Persians
a war between Sparta and Athens that lasted 27 years
Peloponnesian War
made Athens more democratic
What leader extended Athen's democracy
Pericles and Solon
The Greek alphabet was based on what alphabet
focused on military service
During this battle, many people may have shouted Run Pheidippides Run
The Battle of Marathon
When the Persian fleet had entered the channel with their large ships, smaller Greek warships surrounded them? What battle was this
The Battle of Salamis
Although Greece lost this battle(attacked from behind), they were able to assembly 200 ships
The Battle of Thermopylae
What marked the beginning of the Persian Wars
The Ionian Revolt
What was the first civilization to start in the region that later became known as Greece
The Minoans
The Persian religion was called...
open area used for a meeting place and a market
What resulted from the Greek Dark Age
and expansion of Greek culture
Who helped defeat the Persians in the Persian Wars
both Athens and Sparta
What was Xerxes planning to do
conquer Greece
The Greeks won the Battle of Salamis because their ships...
could move around quickly
The Spartans differed from other city-states in that they...
did not set up colonies
enforced laws and collected taxes in Sparta
In the Peloponnesian War, Sparta and Athens...
fought against each other
Darius wanted to expand the Persian empire to...
gain control of many Greek trade routes
ordinary citizens in the army
What made the direct democracy of Athens possible
its small number of citizens
The Greek concept of citizenship usually applied to...
landowning, native-born men
Each Greek polis was like a tiny independent country because...
mountains and seas divided them from one another
form of government used by the Spartans
a body of land with ocean on three sides
Early Greek soldiers marched in a formation called...
thinkers who pondered questions about life
Greek city-state
The Delian League began as an alliance to...
protect the Greeks from the Persians
Persian states
"defenders of the kingdom"
The ephors in Sparta had a function similar to the what in Persia
a narrow body of land with water on both sides
Why did many Greek city-states send people to settle the shores of the Black Sea
to import foods from the colonies
Why did Peisistratus give land to landless farmers
to win widespread support and end an era of turmoil
The Minoans made their living as...
rules with total authority
could not leave home without a male relative
upper-class Athenian women
The Mycanaean kingdoms had...
very organized govenment bureaucracies
What area had no Greek colonies
Northwest Africa