Animal Science Exam 1

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Describe the regional concentration of U.S. livestock and poultry production *possible essay

Cattle feeding is concentrated in the southern and central region of the Great Plains. The largest dairy farms are highly concentrated in the West and Southwest. The Poultry Industry is concentrated primarily in the southeastern area of the country.

Compare and contrast the swine and poultry industries. *possible essay

China and the United States are in the top 2 for both swine and poultry production and consumption. Poultry is highly concentrated primarily in the southeastern area of the country while swine is more concentrated in the middle area known as the Corn Belt. The Poultry industry has a higher volume of cash receipts than the swine industry.


Cloth made from wool that is long enough to comb and spin into yards. The finish is harder than woolens and these clothes hold a press better

Define the value of nonfood values of the livestock and poultry industries.

Clothing by-products include wool, hair, hides, and pelts. There are tallows and greases which are used as lubricants and industrial uses. They can manufacture pharmaceuticals, candles, cosmetics, and leather goods. Livestock contribute to work and power needs, companionship, and research.

What are the highest valued inedible by-products?

Tallow, hides (skins), and inedible organs


a young meat-type chicken of either sex (usually up to 68 weeks of age) weighing 35 lbs. Can also be referred to as a fryer or young chicken

nutrient density

amount of essential nutrients relative to the number of calories in a given amount of food


an early ancestor to the modern horse


an edible by-product also known as the pancreas


an intermediate step in the supply chain, wholesale enterprises typically sell to either retail or food service operations

quality grades

animals grouped according to value as prime, choice, etc., based on conformation and fatness of the animal (quality)

companion animals

animals kept as pets.

animal agriculture

application of human creativity to the stewardship of livestock to produce fiber, food numerous by-products, and draft power.


application of technology and machinery to a process.


before death


between muscles


biochemical process used to initiate cheese making by heating and then adding a starter bacterial culture to create a semisolid state

cornish game hens

birds less than 30 days of age and weighing 2 lbs

What are the wholesale cuts of beef, pork, and lamb?

Beef-round, sirloin, short loin, rib, chuck, foreshank, brisket, short plate, and flank. Veal-leg/round, sirloin, loin, rib, shoulder, foreshank, breast Pork-leg/ham, loin, blade/shoulder, jowl, arm shoulder, spare ribs, and side Lamb-leg, loin, rib, shoulder, neck, foreshank, and breast


genetic disorder characterized by the marrow cavity of long bones being filled with bone tissue

cash receipts

gross sales form a specific enterprise or set of enterprises.

poultry by-product meal (PBPM)

high protein by-product created from rendering of wastage from poultry processing


large flightless bird native to Africa farmed for meat, egg, and feather production


large flightless bird native to Australia farmed for meat, oil, feather, and egg production

staple length

length of wool fiber

Discuss the age and sex classes of livestock.

look at the definitions for each of the livestock animals above. gives the approximate ages and the sex of that animal. Also Table 2.1 from back in chapter 2

broilers for deboning

males weighing 79 lbs, 47-56 days of age, processed to make nuggets, patties, and other value-added products


management unit that maintains a breeding herd and produces weaned calves

dark meat

meat from aerobically functional muscles with a higher myoglobin concentration. Higher in calories and cholesterol than white meat

red meat

meat from cattle, sheep, swine, and goats, as contrasted to the white meat of poultry


meat from goats

kosher meat

meat from ruminant animals with split hooves where the animals have been slaughtered according to Jewish law

market classes and grades

method to group commodities into two more uniform categories to improve communication of value in the market often by establishing measureable sets of standards

dry milk

milk that has been evaporated into a powdered form

UHT processing (ultra-high temperature)

pasteurization process that yields a shelfstable milk product that does not require refrigeration


process of souring milk or creme without the addition of bacteria


product of considerably less value than the major product. ex. U.S. meat animals hide,pelt and offal are by products and meat is the major product

cuticle (bloom)

protective coating of an egg shell


protein complex of actin and myosin that comprises muscle fibers


protein that works in conjunction with actin to contract and relax muscle fibers


protein that works in conjunction with myosin to contract and relax muscle fiber

per-capita consumption (disappearance)

proxy statistic used to estimate per person consumption, it is a much better measure of per capita production of a commodity

sheep industry

raised principally for their meat (lamb and mutton), milk (sheep's milk), and fiber (wool)

purebred breeder

responsible for producing improvement genetic stock for the industry

core sample

sample taken from a wool or mohair sack (bale) to determine the collective grade of the fiber

evaporated milk

shelf stable form of milk where approximately 60% of the water has been removed


shining of a bright light through an egg to see if it contains a live embryo

food insecure

situation of limited or uncertain access to an appropriate level of nutrients.

food secure

situation where all family members have sufficient and predictable access to an appropriate diet.


skins come from smaller animals such as pigs, sheep, goats, and wild animals


skins from animals such as cattle, horses, and pigs


smaller feed yards managed as part of an integrated farming operation to market high energy feed-stuffs produced on the farm


soft, fluffy type of feather located under the contour feathers. Serves as insulation material

flank streaking

streaks of fat in the flank muscle of lamb carcasses


strong, undesirable flavor often associated with pork originating from mature intact males

Recite and spell the correct terminology to describe young and mature males, females, and castrates by farm animal species

table 2.1 on page 18


taxes or fees placed on imported goods often used as political leverage


term used to describe the diameter of wool fibers

boneless, closely trimmed retail cuts (BCTRC)

the amount of carcass that can be fabricated into saleable retail cuts


the distribution of fat in muscular tissue; intramuscular fat

milk fat

the fat in milk; synonymous with butterfat


the fat of cattle and sheep


the final buyer in the supply chain


the first milk given by a female after delivery of her young. It is high in antibodies that protect young animals from invading microorganisms

yield grades

the grouping of animals according to the estimated trimmed lean meat that their carcass would provide; cutability (quantity)


the major protein in milk


the meat from a sheep that is over 1 year old


the meat from a very young cattle, under 3 months of age


the meat from swine

light (white) meat

the more anaerobic muscles of poultry (breast and wing)

sheep pelts

the natural, whole skin covering including the wool

dressing percentage

the percentage of the live animal weight that becomes the carcass weight at slaughter. It is determined by dividing the carcass weight by the live weight, then multiplying by 100

goat meat

the primary product of goat production although milk and fiber production are options for the grower

meat inspection

the process of determining the safety and wholesomeness of meat


the process of heating milk to 161 ̊F and holding it at that temperature for 15 seconds to destroy pathogenic microorganisms


the production of food from aquatic species

poultry industry

the raising of domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese for the purpose of farming meat or eggs for food

Corn Belt

the region of the United States with the highest corn production typically considered the northern Great Plains and western Great Lakes states

Per-capita calorie and protein supply

the supply of calories and protein on a per person basis specific to a region or population.


the surface of this muscle is the use of the calculation of USDA beef yield grades


the watery part of milk that remains after the formation of curds


the white of an egg

heavy hens

these 15-month-old birds are spent breeders (culled from the laying flock) and typically weigh 55.5 lbs. these birds are used to produce cooked, diced or pulled meat for inclusion in pre-cooked and canned items such as soups and stews


thin actin and thick myosin filaments

vitelline membrane

thin, transparent membrane surrounding the contents of the yellowish-colored yolk in the center of the egg

draft purposes

to use animals as a source of power

solids-not-fat (SNF)

total milk solids minus fat. It includes milk protein, lactose, and minerals

world trade

trade across the globe that influences probability of US animal industries


used interchangeably with dressing percentage

feeder grades

visual classifications (descriptive and/or numerical) of feeder animals


weaned cattle that are fed high-roughage diets (including grazing) before going into the feedlot


weedy or broadleaf plants, as contrasted to grasses that serve as pasture for animals

fleece weight

weight of a fleece once it is removed at shearing


woody or brushy plants. Livestock feed on tender shoots or twigs

greasy wool

wool as it comes from the sheep and prior to cleaning. Contains the natural oils from the sheep.


wool contains vegetable matter such as hay, straw, and other plant material


wool contains vegetable matter, such as grass seeds and prickly seed which adheres tenaciously to wool


wool fibers are mated or entangled

scoured wool

wool that has been cleaned of grease and other foreign material.


young female bovine cow before the time that she has produced her first calf


young female swine prior to the time that she has produced her first litter


young male or female bovine animal under a year of age

3's and up

birds weighing 34.75 lbs and between 40-45 days of age, delivered in whole, parts, and cutup forms. This is the standard bird sold at retail


birds weighing 58 lbs and between 55-60 days of age

fast-food oriented broiler

birds weighing between 2lbs 6 ounces-2 lbs 14 ounces, less than 42 days of age, delivered cutup without necks, giblets, tail fat, and leaf fat


bovine male; denotes animals of breeding age

fine-wool breeds

breeds that produce fine grade wool-Ramboillet and Merino

medium-wool breeds

breeds that produce wool that is of medium quality-Columbia, Hampshires, Suffolk, and Dorset


by-product created from connective tissue

edible by-products

by-products that are appropriate for human consumption

Inedible by-products

by-products that are not appropriate for human consumption


castrated male chicken. Castration usually occurs between 34 weeks of age


castrated male sheep, cattle, goats, or swine that have reached sexual maturity prior to castration


coagulated milk




contents of a calf's stomach, which contains the enzyme rennin and is used to thicken milk for cheese making

wool top

continuous un-twisted strand of combed wool in which the fibers lie parallel and the short fibers have been combed out

boxed beef, lamb, and pork

cuts of beef, lamb, or pork put in boxes for shipping from packing plants to retailers. These primal and subprimal cuts are intermediate cuts between the carcass and retail cuts

break joint

denotes the point on a lamb carcass where the foot and pastern are removed at the cartilaginous junction of the front leg. How lamb is distinguished from mutton.


domesticated buffalo produced for meat, hide, and heads

variety meats

edible organ by-products (e.g. liver, heart, tongue, tripe)


edible product from walls of ruminant stomach

interior quality factors

egg quality factors inside the egg that are determined via candling

exterior quality factors

egg quality factors that are assessed visually with external evaluation


enterprises that utilize high energy rations to grow cattle (sheep) to ideal market weights


epidermal growth that provides the unique outer covering of birds


expression of muscle development


fat from pigs that has been produced through a rendering process


female swine that has farrowed one litter or has reached 12 months of age


fermented dairy product sold in a gel or liquid form

flank firmness and fullness

firmness of the flank muscle in lamb carcass evaluation

Describe the egg size classes and associated weight per dozen standards.

-Egg Sizes and per dozen standards: Jumbo- 30 oz. per dozen Extra large-27 oz. per dozen Large-24 oz. per dozen Medium-21 oz. per dozen Small-18 oz. per dozen Peewee-15 oz. per dozen -US Grade AA, US Grade A, US Grade B

What are the primary traits affecting wool quality?

-Fleece weight -Staple length -Fineness -Uniformity of length -fineness throughout the fleece

Name the fibers associated with sheep, angora, goats, and hogs.

-Hair=dairy goats and hogs -Wool=sheep -Angora=Angora Rabbits -Mohair=Angora goats

What are the primary factors that allowed the increase in per animal productivity in the U.S. beef industry?

-An increase in average carcass weight -increased number of cattle are fed per feedlot -market age of fed cattle has decreased -crossbreeding and faster gaining European breeds -more Canadian and Mexican calves are imported and fed in the U.S. when possible

Describe the classes of meat-type chickens

-Broiler -Poussin -Cornish Game Hens -Fast-food oriented broiler -3's and up -Roaster -Broilers for deboning -Capon -Heavy hens *descriptions in above definitions

Describe the basic stages of production for each of the primary livestock and poultry industries in the U.S. *possible essay

-Cattle 1. Cow-calf production Seed stock (quality and genetics) Commercial cow calf (sell quantity) 2.Stocker yearling-(600-850 lbs) Cheap gain, feed cattle for growth prior to going to feedlot 3.Feedlot-feed to finished weight (900-1300 lbs) high energy rations Commercial feeders (corporations and 1,000 head capacity) Farmer feeders (individuals, less than 1,000 head capacity) 4.Packers-slaughter finished cattle 5.Retailers-see product to consumers 6.Consumers-pay store price and enjoy -Poultry-vertically integrated=one company owns and controls multiple stages of production like the: 1.Breeder flocks 2.Hatcheries 3. Growout flocks 4.Processing plant 5. feed mill 6. transportation

Describe the quality and yield grades of the primary livestock species and the factors used to determine them.

-Cattle: Quality grades are based on maturity and marbling and are intended to measure certain types consumer palatability characteristics -Cattle Yield grades: Estimated the quantity of boneless, closely trimmed retail cuts from the major wholesale cuts. Range from 1 to 5 with 1 being the best Amount of fat has a great effect on yield grade -Swine: Grades based on two criteria 1.Quality characteristics of the lean 2.Expected combined yields of four lean cuts (ham, loin, blade shoulder, and picnic shoulder) 3. 2 grades: Acceptable and unacceptable 4. Acceptable graded as: US number 1, US number 2, US number 3, and US number 4 Swine Yield Grades: -Grades are based on expected yields of the 4 lean cuts

Provide examples of edible and inedible by-products

-Edible: Liver, heart, cheek meat, oxtail, pigs feet, pigs ears, tongue, tripe, and chitlins -Inedible: Lung, Meat and bone meal, blood meal, hides, and skins

Rank the major U.S. livestock industries for number of producers, animal inventory, and volume of cash receipts

# of producers 1.Beef cows 2.Goats 3.Breeding ewes 4.Swine 5.Dairy Cattle Animal Inventory 1.Broilers 2.Layers 3.Turkeys 4.Swine 5.Beef cows 6.Dairy Cattle 7.Breeding Ewes 8.Goats Cash Receipts -Cattle and Calves=TX,NE,KA,IA,CO -Dairy Products=CA,WI,NY,ID,PA -Broilers=GA,AR,NC,AL,MS<-- -Hogs=IA,MN,NC,IL,IN -Chicken eggs=IA,GA,PA,OH,IN -Turkeys=NC,MN,IN,AR,MO

Define marketing and describe the role of market classification systems and grade standards

-Marketing is the transformation and pricing of goods and services through which buyers and sellers move livestock and livestock products from the point of production to the point of consumption. -The classifications systems and grades standards have been established to segregate animals, carcasses, and products into uniform groups based on preferences of buyers and sellers.

Describe the composition of milk and identify the key carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and vitamins

-Milk fat 3-4% 48% of the total calories Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) Most of the flavor components are in this -Carbohydrates 4.8% lactose 30% of the total calories milk is only natural resource of lactose -Proteins 3.3% 22% of total calories high quality casein only found in milk ~82% of milk protein -Vitamins all vitamins essential to humans found in milk fortified with vitamin D -Minerals good source of calcium not a good source of iron

List the various approaches to assuring the wholesomeness and safety of milk *possible essay

-Milk taken from cow at 100°F via sanitized milking machine -Rapidly cooled in holding tank to 40°F -Tank truck hauls to plant and maintains the temperature -Milk is pasteurized at plant-161°F for 15 seconds Ultra-pasteurized and Ultra-high-temp processing is 280°F for 2 sec. -Milk is then homogenized to break up milk fat -Cooled again to 45°F -Tests milk for antibiotics at processing plant.

Discuss the consumption trends of milk and dairy products and describe milk marketing in the U.S.

-Plain Whole milk per capita sales have decreased -Low-fat milk/skim milk has slightly decreased in the past 18 years -Cottage cheese has decreased -Ice Cream has decreased -Ice milk has slightly decreased -Buttermilk has decreased slightly -Yogurt has increased -Half and half, light and heavy cream has increased -Butter has increased -Cheese has increased -Most milk produced in the US dairy farms goes to plants and dealers for processing. More than 50% of fluid milk is marketed by supermarkets, primarily in plastic gallon containers. The value-added approach to marketing milk allows producers more direct control in establishing brand identity and potentially higher profits.

Compare and contrast quality and yield grading *possible essay

-Quality Maturity Marbling -Yield external fat thickness over ribeye ribeye area estimate % of kidney,pelvic, & heart fat hot carcass weight -Both of these combined allow producers to sell their products based on what the consumer wants.

Describe the approved protocols for disposal of dead livestock

-Removed by licensed rendering company -compost the carcass -burn carcass in an incenerator -bury carcass at least 4 feet deep

Compare and contrast USDA grading and inspection

-USDA classes and grades are optional whereas USDA meat inspection is mandatory. -USDA classes and grades were established to simplify the market place and facilitate communication between buyer and sellers whereas the USDA meat inspection was established to assure the safety and wholesomeness of products entering that supply chain. -It gives the consumer peace of mind knowing that everything they are buying is safe and that communication is clear between the seller and the buyer.

Describe poultry age, classes, and grades

-Young age classes: broiling, frying, roasting, or barbecuing -Mature age classes (less tender): baking, stewing, or fabricating -Grades: US Grade A(highest)-free of deformities US Grade B-moderate deformities US Grade C

longissimus dorsi

-another name for ribeye part surface of this muscle is the use of the calculation of USDA beef yield grades

cutability grades

-same as yield grades the grouping of animals according to the estimated trimmed lean meat that their carcass would provide; cutability

commercial feeders

1) a carcass grade of cattle; (2) livestock that are not registered or pedigreed by a registry association


1) a designation of live or carcass merit; (2) livestock not registered with registry association


1) a young male or female sheep, usually less than a year of age; (2) to deliver, or give birth to, lamb

Define the various "attribute" labels of poultry and meat. *possible essay

1. Free Range-birds have access to an enclosed pen outside of the poultry house. Less than 1% of chickens are raised under freerange conditions 2. Natural-most misunderstood term in food production. USDA defines "natural" meats as minimally processed and having no added ingredients. Almost all fresh poultry meets these standards. 3. Organic-this production system prohibits the use of antibiotics, pesticides, and many farm chemicals. 4. Produced without hormones-this label is misleading in that no artificial or added hormones are used by the poultry industry in accordance with the FDA regulations. 5. Antibiotic free-this label indicates that the production system did not incorporate any animal health care products classified as antibiotics in either a preventative or treatment form. 6. Fresh-this term means that the product has not been chilled to temperatures below 26 ̊F.

Compare the 3 methods of determining wool grade. *possible essay

1. The American grade method is based on the theoretical amount of fine-wool breeding represented in the sheep producing the wool. The terms fine, ½ blood, and ¼ blood. 2. The spinning count system refers to the number of hanks of yarn, The higher the number the more fine. These grades range from 80 (fine) to 36 (coarse). 3. The micron diameter method is based on the average of actual measurements of several wool fibers. This is the most accurate method of determining the grade of wool. Lower number is more fine.

cheese classifications

1. soft 2. semisoft 3. hard 4. very hard

condensed milk

A form of cow's milk where water has been removed and sugar or sweetener has been added

farm flock

A sheep enterprise typically with a small inventory one part of a diversified farm


A sustainable process to recycle meat scraps, fat, bone, and offal into useful by-products


Addition of appropriate bacteria to create dairy products such as yogurt, sour creme, and buttermilk


An external parasite that affects sheep and although it is often called a sheep tick, it is actually a wingless fly

Describe the role of animal products to the global caloric and protein supply. *possible essay

Animal products are primarily a source of proteins and essential amino acids, but when they are a major constituent of the human diet they also contribute a significant portion of total calories. In developed countries, they provide more than 30% of calories in the diet. In developing countries, however, this proportion is less than 10% but they are a good source of amino acids that balance the largely vegetable based proteins.

Describe the trends in milk production and cow inventory in the United States

Dairy cows produce over 80% of the world fluid milk but U.S. dairy herd is less than half of what it was in 1956. However, production per cow is almost 4 times what it was. Milk and milk products from 1 cow feeds 60+ people.

Describe the hunger situation in the United States. *possible essay

Even developed nations, such as the US, are not immune to the effects of hunger for part of the population. 85% of households in the United States are considered food secure. About 15% are labeled food insecure which is divided into two categories: 9% without hunger,which are the people that are able to gain access to groceries via food assistance programs or community outreach programs and then 6% with hunger. Only .7% of children in the U.S. are food insecure coupled with periods of hunger.

What are the characteristics of undesirable fleeces?

Fleeces that contain off color fibers and are contaminated by foreign material, such as burry, chaffy, and cotted.

Describe consumption and household expenditure trends of red meat.

In the U.S. taste, price, and perception of quality are the primary drivers of consumer demand. Since 1970, beef consumption decreased, pork about the same, and poultry consumption increased. Lower poultry prices relative to red meat prices have influenced consumers preferences.

Describe the consumption trends of poultry and eggs

In the U.S., the per capita consumption of poultry meat is 100 lbs. Half is sold as red meat and half as poultry. The per capita consumption of poultry meat has increased at expense of red meat consumption because of cost and convenience. In the US, per capita consumption of eggs is 251 eggs with 71% consumed as shelled eggs due to being relatively inexpensive.

Describe the interior and exterior characteristics used in egg grading.

Interior: assessment of egg content using the method of candling (albumen thickness, yolk condition, size/condition of air cell, and abnormalities like blood spots or meat spots) Exterior: apparent from external observation (Cleanliness of shell, soundness of shell, and shape)

describe the importance of dressing percentage, its calculation, and the factors that influence it.

It is the relation of hot or cold carcass weight to live weight. The industry is interested in animal dressing percentage because it establishes the weight upon which payment is calculated for animals sold on a live weight basis. The calculation is dressing percentage=Hot or cold carcass weight / Live weight x 100. The factors that influence it are fill, fatness, muscling, weight of hide, weight of wool in sheep.

Describe the U.S. horse industry

It was the last farm animal to be domesticated. They were first used as food, then for war and sports, and also for draft purposes. They were used to transport people swiftly and for moving heavy loads. Horses became important in farming, mining, and forestry. Approximately 3.5% of consumer expenditures for recreation are spent in the horse industry. This industry generates more than $25 billion in goods and services annually. Most are used for recreational activities, a little over a quarter are used as show animals and about 10% areinvolved in racing with the rest being used in rodeo, polo, ranch work, and other activities.Texas has the greatest number of horses followed by California and then Florida.

sale barns

Local or regional marketing facilities that provide auction services to livestock producers

How have expenditures for food purchased at home, away from home, and on a per capita basis changed over time?

Mechanization has resulted in an increased food production and is allowing people to turn their attention to professions other than production agriculture. At-home, the US has had an increase in the productivity of agriculture and has lowered their relative costs of food. Away-from-home, most countries with only a small percentage of the population involved in agriculture have higher standards of living and a higher per-capita consumption of animal products. Releasing people from producing their own food has given them the opportunity to improve their per-capita income with abundance of animal products so reduced costs of animal products.


Milk sugar. When digested, it is broken down into one molecule of glucose and one of galactose


Milk that has had the fat droplets broken into very small particles so that the milk fat stays in suspension in the milk fluids

Describe the merchandising of poultry meat and eggs

Most are processed in commercial facilities with primary drivers of demand being taste, convenience of preparation, and perceived health benefits.

List the various primary products and by-products generated by the dairy industry and describe the total production volume of the basic dairy product classes in the U.S.

PRIMARY PRODUCTS -Milk: whole, 2%, 1%, Skim, chocolate (flavored), eggnog, Ultra-High-Temperature, UltraPasteurized, evaporated, condensed, dried -Cream: table, heavy, half and half, light, whipping, coffee flavoring -Cheese: Soft, semi-soft, blue-veined, hard, very hard, pasta filata -Frozen Desserts: ice cream, sherbet, ice milk, frozen yogurt, gelato, frozen custard -Byproducts whey: lactose, whey paste, condensed whey, milk protein, whey protein concentrations TOTAL PRODUCTION VOLUME -Fluid milk and cream (57.1 billion lbs): 92% of the 200 billion pounds of milk produced by the US is grade A quality milk. -Cheese (10.6 billion lbs): Leading cheese types are cheddar (32%) and Mozzarella (33%) -Yogurt (4.3 billion lbs): has to contain not less than 3.25% milk fat, low fat yogurt between .5% and 2% milk fat. -Butter (1.8 billion lbs) -Ice Cream (.8 billion lbs) -Nonfat dry milk (1.5 billion lbs)

Describe the role of animal products in the diets of consumers in developed and developing countries

Per-capita caloric supplies of both calories and protein have increased in more areas of the world. The contribution of animal products to the per-capita protein supply has increased in most of the world. The differences between countries in the importance of animal products in their food supply can be mostly explained by available resources and development of those resources.

Describe the structure of muscle and its composition

Physical composition consists of lean (muscle), fat, bone, connective tissue (tenderness). Chemical composition consists of water, protein, fat, minerals, and actomyosin (a globulin consisting of the two proteins actin and myosin)


Process for determining the value of a product to facilitate sale or trade


Process of accelerating natural decay of dead organisms

What is the role of the rendering industry?

Recycle offal, fat, bone, meat scraps, and entire animal carcasses to reduce waste in the livestock industry

Compare and contrast the beef and dairy industries. *possible essay

The end result for either breed is to be slaughtered. Dairy cows will reach a stage in which their milk production is no longer useful and they will become beef. They are in the same species and are functional ruminants that ferment and digest feed in the same way. They need the same nourishment to maintain rumen health, and they both have the ability to marble and produce high quality,tender beef. Dairy is fed more than beef breeds so they will be able to produce more milk.


The meat from cattle (bovine species) other than calves

What are the primary factors affecting the demand for red meat? *possible essay

The price of competing products, levels of per-capita disposable income, cultural preferences, and consumer perceptions

chronic persistent hunger (CPH)

a state of consistent malnourishment.

How does by-product value impact the economics of livestock production?

The use of by-products in a variety of applications is a highly sustainable practice that allows livestock industries to minimize wastage and lost value.

Describe domestic and global wool production.

The world greasy wool production is approximately 4.5 billion pounds, with the United States producing approximately 27 million pounds. Scoured or clean wool production represents 50-60% of the greasy wool produced. Total U.S. wool production on a clean basis has been in decline for nearly three decades. The top 3 countries for production of greasy wool are China, Australia, and the European Union.

compare and contrast the global distribution of livestock and poultry

The world numbers for livestock are far less than poultry. Both of their uses come mainly from their meat; outside apparel and what they produce (milk and eggs). Livestock was domesticated earlier than poultry and livestock was mainly for draft purposes, whereas poultry was for food.

Describe the contribution of various livestock to the global milk supply.

The world's population obtains most of its milk and milk products from cows, water buffalo, goats, and sheep. Horses, donkeys, reindeer, yaks, camel, and sows contribute a smaller amount to the total milk supply.


a young bull, typically less than 20 months of age

How does diet affect wool production?

Wool production is decreased when sheep are fed diets having less than 8% protein. When the diet contains more than 8% protein, the amount of energy consumed is the determining factor in wool production.

describe the global and domestic distribution of red meat production.

World red meat production is about 250 million tons, with China, the U.S., and Brazil leading all other countries. In the United States, beef and pork comprise most of the annual production of nearly 50 billion pounds. Sixty percent of the U.S. cattle harvest is accounted for by the leading states: Nebraska, Texas, and Kansas. Iowa alone harvests 27% of the nation's hogs while Colorado harvest 45% of the total lambs.


a castrated bovine male that was castrated early in life before puberty

beef industry

a coordinated set of supply chain enterprises that produce, process, and distribute beef and beef byproducts to the market place

swine industry

a coordinated set of supply chain enterprises that produce, process, and distribute pork and pork byproducts to the market place

dairy industry

a coordinated set of supply chains enterprises specifically in place to produce, process, and distribute milk products and byproducts to the market place

horse industry

a loosely coordinated set of enterprises focused on the recreational, working, and sporting use of horses


a male swine of breeding age


a male swine that was castrated before reaching puberty


a measure of physiological age often determined by the level of ossification of the growth plates of long bones

frame size

a measure of skeletal size that can be visual or by measurement (usually taken at the hips)


a one-pound or less bird that is less than 24 days of age


a sexually mature female bovine animal usually one that has produced a calf

range flock

a sheep enterprise typically with a large inventory that is the primary source of income for the owner


a shortage of food due to a catastrophic event that disrupts the food supply infrastructure from hurricanes, drought, or civil war.

Briefly describe the "new" livestock industries in the United States.

a. Aquaculture which is the farming of aquatic plants and animals. (Mississippi has the highest number of Catfish). Aquaculture sales in the US exceed $1.3 billion with 2/3 accounted for by food fish sales. b. Bison over 200,000. Can be found on public lands in the US and Canada. c. Elk is a breeding animal and for selling meat, antlers or velvet from males are sold. Breeding market is the number one priority for elk. 3 Leading states of elk production are Texas, Wisconsin, and Minnesota d. Ostrich and Emu farming: These are native to Africa and Australia respectively. Flightless. Ostrich is the largest living bird. Emu farming is relatively new with Texas, California, and Kansas as the leading states for production. e. Llama and Alpaca Production: successful production so far. More than 100,000 alpacas are on inventory in the US where they are predominately selected for fiber production.

Describe the market channels for cattle, hogs, and sheep as well as beef, pork, and lamb

a. Direct purchases can be made through the packing plant, the feedlot, or a buying station near where the animal is produced. b. Sale Barns auctions located throughout the US that has a pen, a sale ring, and an auctioneer which sells the livestock to the highest bidder. c. Most are purchased on a live weight basis, with the buyer estimating the value of the carcass and other products. Increasingly, animals are purchased on the basis of their carcass weight and the desirability of the carcass produced. Grade and yield have become an important part of pricing.

Compare the pricing protocols of beef and pork processors. *possible essay

a. Packer Owned- means that the packer owned the animal at least 14 days before slaughter. In Fed cattle it accounts for only 6% of the pricing protocol, whereas it accounts for 28% of the pricing protocol in hogs b. Forward contract/formula- a nonstandardized contract between two parties to buy or sell livestock at a specific time in the future at price set in the present. In fed cattle, it accounts for 60% of the pricing protocol and in market hogs it accounts for 68%. Forwardcontract/formulas are important in pricing for both cattle and hogs. c.Negotiated-agreement between two parties in which they come to a fair agreement on a set price, delivery methods, number of heads, etc... It accounts for 34% of the pricing protocol in fed cattle and only 4% in market hogs


after death


all organs and tissues removed from inside the animal during the slaughtering process

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