How many ligaments are on the lateral side of the ankle?
3 Anterior/posterior talofibular Calcaneofibular
How many ligaments is the deltoid ligament composed of?
4 - tibiocalcaneal - tibionavicular - anterior/posterior tibiotalar
Deep transverse MT ligament (MTP joint only)
Binds heads of MT's together and so limit their movement apart Limits flexion of MTP joint in isolation
Deep to long plantar ligament Passes from plantar surface of calcaneus to plantar surface of cuboid Limits DORSIFLEXION
TCN LIGAMENT: Spring ligament
Dense fibro-elastic Passes from sustentaculum tali of calcaneus to plantar surface of navicular Limits DORSIFLEXION and EVERSION
Plantar ligament
Dense fibrocart plate On plantar side of MTP and IP joints Limits EXTENSION
SUBTALAR LIGAMENT: lateral talocalcaneal ligament
LATERAL LIGAMENT: posterior talofibular
Lateral malleolus to talus Limits INVERSION and dorsiflexion
LATERAL LIGAMENT: anterior talofibular
Lateral malleolus to talus Limits INVERSION and plantarflexion
LATERAL LIGAMENT: calcaneofibular
Lateral malleolus to the calcaneus Limits INVERSION Limits dorsiflexion
SUBTALAR LIGAMENT: deltoid ligament: medial talocalcaneal ligament
MEDIAL ANKLE JOINT: Tibiocalcaneal ligament
Medial malleolus of tibia to sustentaculum tali of calcaneous Limits eversion Relatively posterior: therefore limits dorsiflexion
MEDIAL ANKLE JOINT: Posterior tibiotalar
Medial malleolus to talus Limitis eversion Posterior- limits dorsiflexion
MEDIAL ANKLE JOINT: Anterior tibiotalar
Medial malleolus to talus Limits eversion Anterior- limits plantarflexion
MEDIAL ANKLE JOINT: Tibionavicular ligament
Medial malleoulus of tibia to the navicular Limits eversion Relatively anterior: therefore limits plantarflexion
Collateral ligaments of toes
On either side of MTP and IP joints Limit FLEXION (loose in extension)
Passes from plantar surface of calcaneus to plantar surfaces of cuboid and bases of the lateral 4 MT's Strengthens plantar aspect of joint
CALCANEOCUBOID LIGAMENT: Bifurcate (lateral part)
Passes from upper anterior end of calcaneus to medial surface of cuboid Limits PLANTARFLEXION
TCN LIGAMENT:Bicurfate ligament (medial part)
Passes from upper end of calcaneus to lateral surface of navicular Limits PLANTARFLEXION and INVERSION
SUBTALAR LIGAMENT: Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
Posterior and anterior bands Located in sinus tarsi (tarsal canal) Acts as fulcrum for inversion/eversion
What is the general function of the medial (DELTOID) ligaments?
Prevent EVERSION Anterior parts limit plantarflexion Posterior parts limit dorsiflexion
SUBTALAR LIGAMENT: posterior talocalcanean ligament
Talus to calcaneus from posterior surface of talus