Ans 336 Exam 2

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What type of plant is mostly consumed by wild Masai giraffe in the wet season?

Acacia leaves

What type of behavior is considered to be the most highly motivated?

Feed behvaior

According to Thompsons, what is the main objective of regulation?

Control citizen behavior

Explain how controlled blunt force trauma differs from manually applied blunt force trauma for calves

Controlled blunt force trauma differs from manually applied blunt force trauma because captive bolts deliver an appropriate and uniform amount of force each time they are fired, and structural brain damage is more consistent

T/F Manual blunt force trauma for calves is acceptable as a method of euthanasia


What percent of giraffes were feed brwose, hay, commercial chow, mineral lick, and fruits/veggies?

browse: 91.8% hay: 100% commercial chow: 92.2% mineral lick: 98.8% fruits: 63%

T / F . Vervets (monkeys) are forest dwellers.


T/F Controversy and economic cost were no associated with the EU transition to food animal production regulation


Markowitz: What was the artificial prey used in this project for the felines?

molded plastic replicas of a squirrel and a rabbit.

What is a limiting factor on the imposition of legislation in the US?

the widely held belief by US policymakers that decisions about farm animal welfare must be primarily scientifically driven. The assessment of animal welfare, however, by default involves scientific and philosophical factors

T/F restraint ties are applied to the head of the horse for safety issues, however, according to dr. stull and dr. rodiek, horse are less stressed when their heads are not tied


In the paper the authors debate the pros and cons of gestation sow housing and cage systems for the laying hen. Utilizing a different farm animal and known welfare issue, identify three pros and cons. Would legislation improve the situation or create more challenges?

Veal crates legislation often creates more challenges

T/F Captive bolt guns, whether penetrating or non-penetrating induce immediate losss of consciousness and death is always assured with this device alone.

False: death is not always assured with the use of this device alone

T/F Livestock and poultry producers in the US have been relatively free of mandatory production standards until the last decade

False? Didnt say until the last decade

What did the researchers conclude with the whiffle ball and leather sack?

First, it showed that even simple devices might elicit play behavior from the servals. Second, we learned that light-duty plastic and leather would withstand a significant amount of abuse from these animals. Finally, the short duration of the cats' interest in these objects was in keeping with earlier findings that such simple devices might be quickly habituated to and largely ignored thereafter Did not provide long-term solutions to generating healthful behaviors these devices did not begin to approximate natural features of the wild habitat, nor did they incorporate naturalistic contingencies

T/F According to an extensive review of the literature by Redbo, there is support linking the association between feeding motivation and the prevalence of oral stereotypies


T/F As stereotypic behaviors develop they may become independent from their eliciting stimulus and subsequently can be indicate by any stimulus that increases general arousal


T/F Exsanguination is usually accomplished via an incision of the ventral aspect of the throat or neck transecting skin, muscle, trachea, esophagus, carotid arteries, jugular veins and a multitude of sensory and motor nerves


T/F Gunshot is considered a physical method


T/F In many countries animal protection laws have traditionally been based on the value of animals as property?


T/F J Bentham in the 18th C argued that animals are sentient beings


T/F State and federal governments are increasingly being pressured to move towards alternative housing standards


Several visual indicators that an animal has been rendered unconscious from captive bolt or gunshot include...

immediate collapse; brief tetanic spasms followed by uncoordinated hind limb movements; immediate and sustained cessation of rhythmic breathing; lack of coordinated attempts to rise; absence of vocalization; glazed or glassy appearance to the eyes; and absence of eye reflexes

What are value judgments?

inherent in framing research questions to be explored, the methodology employed, and the interpretation of results.

What does motivation include?

lower levels of cognitive processing, such as emotional states that are rooted in the more primitive structures of the brain, and greater levels of processing, such as memory, that modulate responses

What did the researchers conclude with the tube chase?

more adequately met the requirements for behavioral enrichment apparatus. It was safe, interesting to the animals and naturalistic in appearance. It also proved to be durable and easy to clean. Within 10 min of the time that the apparatus was installed in the cage, the female serval began to forage in the crevices of the stumps and to chase and pounce on the prey as it was pulled through the tube

Describe the methodology of pithing

technique designed to cause death by increasing destruction of brain and spinal cord tissue. It is performed by inserting a pithing rod through the entry site produced in the skull by a bullet or penetrating captive bolt. The operator manipulates the pithing tool to destroy brainstem and spinal cord tissue to ensure death

Give an example of control a threat

the federal ban on the inclusion of mammalian feed ingredients in ruminant feed products to prevent the spread of bovine spongiform encephalopathy

How did the cats act when the whiffle ball was introduced?

the female swatted and chased it for 20 min without stopping. At times she carried the ball. The ball finally came to rest in the drain and was ignored for the remainder of the day. The male's response to this ball was to sniff it and let it sit

AVMA: What are some of the disadvantages for barbiturate injection as a means to euthanize cattle?

their administration requires adequate restraint of the animal, personnel who are registered with the US DEA (and other appropriate state authority where required), use by under the supervision of a veterinarian (because their use in food is extralabel), strict control over the drug with accounting of the amount used,463 and fewer options for disposal of animal remains because of potential residues.

Swanson: T/F The regulation of food animal production has become part of mainstream life for european union livestock and poultry producers


T/F A mimic is any species that has evolved to appear similar to another successful species in order to dupe predators into avoiding the mimic or dupe prey into approaching the mimic.


T/F Animals can communicate by physical contact, smell, sound and sight.


T/F Carlstead has suggested that stereotypies may be caused by the inability of a highly motivated behavior pattern to be successfully completed


T/F Electrocution can be used as a sole method of euthanasia to achieve death in swine


T/F State anticruelty laws may not always cover agricultural animals


T/F The humane methods of livestock slaughter act excludes poultry


T/F The location for placement of a captive bolt or entry of a free bullet for euthanasia is similar for both sheep and goats. The optimal position for sheep and goats with horns is the top of the heads on the midline


T/F The majority of animal communication is intra-specific


T/F The primary US federal regulation concerning the treatment of food animals is the humane methods of livestock slaughter act


T/F When animals communicate using visual signals these signals may or may not be overt.


T/F When animals work together the signals are more subtle, these have been labeled as "conspiratorial whispers"


T/F according to Carlstead, one conclusion is clear. Stereotypic behavior is the result of an abnormal animal environment interaction


The apparatus was evaluated in terms of:

(1) the servals' usage of the new opportunities; (2) animal and human safety; (3) durability of equipment; (4) minimized maintenance requirements and ease of cleaning; (5) appropriateness to the educational missions of the zoo; (6) esthetics

According to Thompson what three things did he note that need to be used when developing animal production industry standards?

1) it must be clear that the ethical goals and principles place appropriate weight on the welfare and interests of the animals themselves at the same time that they recognize the role of animal agriculture in satisfying vital human needs. 2) Consumers must have confidence that the standards are taken seriously and that livestock producers faithfully follow the recommended practices. 3) Producers themselves must believe that the standards are established and administered fairly.

Several euthanasia methods were listed as being unacceptable for cattle and small ruminants. Please list them (6)

1. manually applied blunt trauma to the head 2. injection of chemical agents into conscious animals (eg, disinfectants, electrolytes such as potassium chloride and magnesium sulfate, nonanesthetic pharmaceutical agents) 3. administration of xylazine or any other a2 adrenergic receptor agonist followed by IV potassium chloride or magnesium sulfate (although large doses of a2 adrenergic receptor agonists can produce a state resembling general anesthesia, they are recognized as being unreliable for that purpose479) 4. drowning, or air embolism (ie, injection of air into the vasculature) 5. electrocution with a 120-V electrical cord 6. exsanguination in conscious animals

In the wild, approximately how much of their day is spent feeding and foraging?

60% of the day

Because the desire was to encourage the tigers to explore and utilize large portions of their home, how were these enrichment activities distributed?

A pond, trees, and a grove of bamboo

Explain how the researchers performed the tonic immobility tests

Broilers were taken out of the containers, placed on a wooden board and restrained on their back for a period of 15 s by putting one hand on the sternum and the other hand on the neck of the bird The duration of latency was recorded until the bird righted itself. The number of inductions required to induce TI (for a minimum of 10 s) was also counted. A score of 0 s for the duration of TI was given if TI of the bird was not induced after five attempts. If TI lasted longer than 10 min, a maximum score of 600 s was given for TI duration.

When were the apparatus operated?

Daily for 3 months, 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in afternoon Total of 50 sessions run

What concepts do the public argue about relating to animal welfare?

Emotions and consciousness are beyond the scope of scientific inquiry

In captivity, what type of food are giraffes provided?

Hay and concentrated grain

What is currently being recognized in legislation as an important component for handling and transporting horses?

Importance of competent and experienced drivers Single stall penning is mandatory temperatures should be within the range 5-30°C Adequate ventilation

In addition to the artificial prey, what other EE did they use?

In addition to the squirrel and rabbit, there was a bird sound which emanated from a 6-foot berm upon which the tigers would climb or leap.

How were the cats behaviors categorized?

Into 5 levels or arousal

What were the two most reported stereotypies?

Repetitive licking of non-food objects and pacing

The EU requires... equids to be transported in groups of no more than ... animals per section

The EU requires unhandled equids to be transported in groups of no more than 4 animals per section

Identify 3 oral stereotypies in grazing animals

Tongue playing bar biting licking of equipment in grazers

Weeks: What is the preferred method for moving breed and competition horses?

air transport

What did "succusseful" hunting result in?

automatic delivery of' fresh chunks of meat from a refrigerated system

What are some factors that can potentially challenge the welfare of horses transported in road vehicles?

can experience a range of environmental temperature changes, changes in relative humidity and exposure to environmental contaminants during journeys. They may also have to adapt to different management strategies including mixing with unfamiliar travelling companions, confinement in unfamiliar spaces, unfamiliar movements beneath their feet, climbing and descending the vehicle via ramps of varying angles, unfamiliar or no drinking water and changes to normal feed patterns.

What does sentient mean?

capable of feeling pleasure and pain to differing degrees

How are broilers commonly caught and loaded in european countries?

caught and loaded into transport modules entirely by hand. Broilers are caught by the leg, inverted and carried by a catcher, with 3-4 birds in each hand, at a rate of 1000-1300 birds per hour

What is motivation?

describe factors that focus an animal's priorities in a particular direction, so that particular behavioral sequences are likely to occur

What percent of giraffes were fed once, twice, or three times a day?

once: 57% twice: 24.5% three: 18.3%

In this survey, how many giraffes showed one, two, three or more stereotypic behaviors?

one: 51% two: 26.8% three or more: 1.9%

What does the term Gold-Plating mean?

refers to establishing exceptional or unreasonably high standards

What is scientific validity?

refers to how well the design of your research and the methods you employ answer your research question

What does this table show?

More birds were dead on arrival with mechanical catching, but more haemorrhages occur to birds with mannual catching

Several key features of enrichment apparatus for small felines have been identified. These are?

(1) Novelty. Prey/play objects should be removed from the cats' view when they are not in use. ( 2 ) Control. The accessibility of the prey objects should be contingent upon the cats' behavior. (3) Motion. Artificial prey should be animated. The serval was instantly attracted by the motion of the artificial prey in the tube. Stationary prey were ignored. (4) Food. Attention should be paid to effects of feeding schedules. The serval continued to hunt in the presence of free food, but hunted more actively when the only food available was that associated with the apparatus. (5) Sound. Where possible, acoustic stimuli should be included. The sound of potential prey had a significant effect in maintaining the cats' interest in the hunting apparatus.

What were the 4 areas Swanson noted as the most frequent reasons given to regulate livestock and poultry production?

1) to control threats to human, animal, or environmental safety and welfare, 2) to level the playing field of compliance for all producers 3) to provide public accountability and assurance without a conflict of interest 4) to deter practices found to be morally unacceptable to society.

what behaviors were recorded?

5 levels of arousal and summarized accordingly intermittent behvaiors like vocalizations, grooming or paw swatting

According to Pellew, when observing wild Masai giraffe in the Serengeti national park, what % of their feeding was focused on trees and shrubs?


How did the severals' activity patterns differ during the testing of the tube chase apparatus?

Although the male rarely hunted directly on the apparatus, he spent less time in the den than during baseline measurements. He spent the least time in the den while the apparatus was actually being operated. Instead, he spent more time laying or sleeping on an elevated platform which was visible to the public. His high-arousal rating was also higher, reflecting increases in pacing, sniffing and scent-marking. female also spent little time in the den once the apparatus was installed. She also spent less time sleeping. The female's activity levels showed a marked change during the periods when the apparatus was not being operated, with the high-arousal rating decreasing compared with baseline and an increase in pacing. When the tube chase was in operation, the female was in high arousal for more than 30 min h-1. More than half of the activity reflected by the increased high-arousal measurement consisted of hunting behavior associated with the apparatus. This included such behaviors as foraging, swatting, running and pouncing. Proportionately less time was spent pacing and walking.

What artificial hunting apparatus prototypes were tested?

Artificial rodent squeek, if the cat pounced they would receive a meatball through a food tube Balls and leather sack Tube chase

What is the most common gas used to euthanize birds?

Carbon dioxide

Electrocution in swine can be achieved by a 2-step process or a single step process. Describe both

Electrical current must pass through the brain to achieve loss of consciousness, but then must cross the heart to cause fibrillation and cardiac arrest. As a 2-step process, electrode placements are head-head, followed by head to flank, for the appropriate time. For a single-step process for euthanasia, head to opposite flank is an example of appropriate placement.

T/F Potassium chloride and magnesium sulfate are acceptable as a sole method of euthenasia when injected


T/F The ability of farm animals to demonstrate mental states is very well understood


T/F when giving captive giraffes a high quality feed, associate stereotypies decreased.

False high quality feed was associated with greater oral stereotypies

T/F Exsanguination is not disturbing to the observer as it is quick and very clean

False, can be very disturbing due to large blood loss

T/f If a physical method is done correctly, you never need to be prepared ot follow up with a 2nd or 3rd shot

False, should always be prepared for 2nd or 3rd shot

Give an example of involuntary regulation

Involuntary regulation follows official legislative procedures which eventually lead to regulatory enforcement by an appointed government agency—there is no choice to comply; it is a public mandate to comply. For example, The Humane Methods of Slaughter of Livestock Act referred to earlier is part of our US Federal Code and has standards that are enforced by agents of the Food Safety Inspection Service

How did the cats react when the pig skin sack was introduced?

On the morning that the pigskin sack was introduced, the servals rubbed, swatted and scent-marked it. Interest diminished during the afternoon and the animals ignored it for the next 2 days until it was removed. When the bag was re-introduced 1 week later, the cats' interest was again high during the first morning, and non-existent throughout the remainder of the week.

From the survey what was the average time spent indoors and outdoors?

Outdoor: 11.3 hours Indoor: 12.7 hours

Croney and Millman: What differing ethical underpinnings did the authors provide regarding the concerns that motivate the protection of the animals?


When masai giraffe consume these acacia leaves, why does it take them longer to consume these leaves?

Removal of the leaves is difficult due to thorns and stinging ants

Identify the factors that were included in the giraffe survey

Species, sex and age, years in exhibit, rearing history, # of hours housed indoors per day, number of hours outside per day, size of indoor and outdoor holdinf facilities, access to members of the same species or other species day and night, whether and environmental orsocial change had occured in the past year, frequency of feeding per day, whether they were fed by staff only/special guests/general public, food type, feeder type, type and number of stereotypic behaviors exhibited, location of steroetypic behavior, and whether attempts ot reduce behavior were successful or unsuccessful

What observations (sampling method, hours and time of day) were made of these animals?

The cats' basic motor patterns were recorded, in addition to intermittent behaviors such as vocalizations, grooming or paw swatting. 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon

Bashaw: T/F According to Mason an individuals performance of stereotypic behavior typically increases under stressful conditions


How was the artificial prey used in the enclosure?

These artificial prey ran across the surface of' 4-foot hills. The frequency of their appearance was controlled by a microprocessor and by responses of visitors to the zoo. Visitors were invited by a video-presentation to push buttons to select the order in which activities were available to the tigers. If' no one made a selection, the computer generated a random order of events.

Explain how these artificial prey devices were made and how was safety taken into account?

They were designed to have no crevices or sharp contours that could potentially injure the tigers. Specially prepared plastics were used to ensure that the rabbit and the squirrel could withstand tiger bites and pummeling, and to minimize the chance of damage to the tigers' teeth.

What did the researchers conclude about mechanical catching with this study?

This study indicates that mechanically caught broilers are no more stressed than manually caught broilers. At the end of the harvesting process, mechanically caught broilers had lower plasma CORT concentrations and a shorter duration of TI, indicating that at this time these broilers were less stressed than those that had been caught manually. The use of the catching machine also significantly reduced haemorrhaging in the wings; however, haemorrhages in the breast and legs were not significantly different between catching methods. As injuries are associated with pain, and therefore stress, these factors indicate improved welfare for the mechanically caught birds and a subsequent improved financial return resulting from fewer downgraded birds.

From the survey, what % of individual giraffes were housed socially with their own species during the day? During the night?

day: 9.7% some access, 88.7% full access night: 29.2% some access, 59.1% full access

What did these researchers design for the San Fran zoo?

designed a system to test the feasibility of running artificial prey through rugged, transparent plastic tubes that the servals could safely pounce upon. We also wished to encourage the servals to initiate the hunt by searching in appropriate areas when they heard the sound of "prey". Thus, the tubes were run between tree stumps. If the cats explored the stumps, an artificial hairy rodent was propelled through the tube. If the cats pounced on the rodent a piece of food was delivered.

T/F When handling untrained equines, it is most effective to use all untrained horses rather than mixed untrained and habituated horses

false, trained horses can lead the untrained ones

Delezie: What potential stressors are commercial broiler chickens exposed to prior to slaughter?

feed deprivation, social disruption, handling, crating, transportation, shackling and stunning

What is an advantage of mechanical catching?

fewer injuries and imporved welfare the birds are no longer handled or carried inverted. Inverted handling increases the duration of tonic immobility (TI) in both layers and broilers and elevates plasma corticosterone (CORT) concentrations

What methods are usually used for euthanasia of sows, boars, and grower-finisher pigs?

gunshot, penetrating captive bolt, electrocution, and barbiturate overdose.

What are the 2 important shortcomings of the mechanical catching machine?

high percentage of wing haemorrhages (even though far fewer than with manual catching), and the possibility of picking up of dead birds

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