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Archaic H. sapiens usually have

a mix of H. erectus and H. sapiens features

Which of the following characteristics distinguishes our species from archaic H. sapiens?

a rounded cranium,a more gracile skull,relatively small teeth and jaws.ANSWER ALL OF THESE

Fossil evidence indicates that archaic H. sapiens postcranial anatomical traits include

a strongly buttressed pelvis, strong muscle attachments, robust bones ANSWER: ALL OF THESE

Which of the following is unique to humans?

adolescent growth spurt

The most common human teratogen is


Which is most likely to be preserved by fossilization?

bones and teeth

The cerebral cortex is mostly made up of

cell bodies of neurons

Asian specimens of archaic H. sapiens differ from classic H. erectus in which of the following principal characteristic(s)?

cranial capacity

Illness is a product of

culture, genes, environment, ANSWER ALL OF THESE

Group life provides access to mates, but it also means

males must compete for mating

So far, the earliest evidence of hominids in Southeast Asia dates to

more that 1.5 million years ago

Our perception of bonobo behavior may be tainted by the fact that

most bonobo studies have been done in captive settings

The study of the skeleton is know as


Racism can be defined as

prejudice against

Encephalization refers to

the volume of the neocortex

The dominant paradigm during the European Middle Ages was based on


Which of the following statements regarding hominid arm evolution is true?

Arms are freed in a bipedal body, able to carry objects and make tools.,Thumb is opposable; phalanges are shortened.,Bones of arm and hand have changed to accommodate these new tasks.ANSWER:ALL OF THESE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE

Which was the first hominid to leave Africa?

H. erectus

Old World monkeys can be found in

Middle East

The midfacial prognathism and double-arched supraorbital torus of some archaic H. sapiens indicate their possible relationship to


Which of the following is NOT a way that Homo differs from Australopithecus?

Only members of the genus Homo use tools.

________ is a common radiometric method for dating volcanic deposits.

Potassium-argon dating

Biological anthropologists are interested in nonhuman primates because

we share a common ancestry, because they are intrinsically interesting, studying their evolutionary history can teach us about evolutionary processes in general, Answer: ALL OF THESE

Between 54 million and 34 million years ago Europe and North America

were part of the same landmass

Females in most primate species have larger ________ than males.


What is "reproductive potential"?

The possible number of offspring on male or female can produce.

Archaic H. sapiens usually have

a mix of H. erectus and H. sapiens features.

More sexually dimorphic primate species tend to

be polygynous

Cellular and molecular genetics involves the study of

cells and DNA

Primates achieve stereoscopic vision by having

forward facing eyes

Primate teeth are


In general, primates are typified by

grasping hands,a high degree of learned behavior, large brains, ANSWER:ALL OF THESE

Nucleotides come together to form

proteins, cells, bases, ANSWER:NONE OF THESE

The H. erectus browridge, or _______ , is quite prominent.

supraorbital torus

The number of males in a group can be linked to the number of females as well as

the presence of predators in the species' habitat

By 100,000 years ago in Africa

H. sapiens was a well-established species

Genes move between populations through ______

Inbreeding or mating between close relatives, Animal migration, Human migration, ANSWER: ALL OF THESE

We are presently in the ________ period.

Jurassic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, ANSWER NONE OF THESE

Please discuss the role of menopause from an evolutionary perspective

Menarche marks the beginning of the reproductive life of women, whereas menopause marks its end. Menopause is the irreversible cessation of fertility that occurs in all women before the rest of the body shows other signs of advanced aging. Only humans have a significant part of the life span that extends beyond the female reproductive years. Menopause has occurred in human species as long as recorded history, and there is no reason to doubt that it has characterized older human females since the dawn of Homo sapiens. Although highly variable, menopause usually occurs around the age of 50 years. Kristen Hawkes proposes that menopause is the most prominent aspect of a unique human pattern of longevity and that this pattern has been shipped largely by the inclusive fitness benefits derived by postmenopausal grandmothers who contribute to the care of their grandchildren. Pecci argues that the post reproductive life span of women allows them to devote greater resources to the children they already have and that this factor alone could account for the evolution of menopause.

Which of the following is typical of one-male polygynous groups?

One male monopolizes multiple females.

________ is a field devoted to the gleaning of all the information that can be extracted from fossils.


According to the authors of the text, why did the Neandertal have such large face and nose features?

The size of the Neandertal nose was explained as an adaptation too cold and in arid environments. The nasal form was subject to functional forces that affected other parts of the face. This was associated with the chewing functions of the face, rather than with the local climate.

Chronometric dating techniques provide

an age estimate in years before the present

What is the "foramen magnum"?

an entry in of the spinal chord into the skull connecting it to the brain

Which of the following is a hominid characteristic?


After observing bonobos in the wild it appears that

bonobos may not walk upright more than chimps, bonobos may not have longer estrus periods than chimps, bonobos may eat and share meat ANSWER ALL OF THESE

For what purpose were Oldowan tools most likely used?


Neandertals can be found in

central Europe,western Europe,eastern Europe,southern Europe. ANSWER:ALL OF THESE

Most modern studies of primate behavior are

field studies

Compared to the brains of our closest relatives, the human brain

has differences in its functional organization

Growth and development is charted using

head circumference, cognitive skills, height. ANSWER ALL OF THESE

Replacement models of human origins

implies that modern human variation evolved recently,is often called the "Out of Africa" model,suggest humans had a localized origin.ANSWER ALL OF THESE

Biological theories of inbreeding avoidance focus on

incest avoidance as an adaptive mechanism

In general, primates are typified by

large brains, a high degree of learned behavior, grasping hands, ANSWER: ALL OF THESE

The Australian platypus is a member of the prototheria group. Therefore, it

lay eggs

Which of the following can be found on Madagascar?


Mammals in the___________group reproduce without a placenta.


A recessive allele

needs to be present on both chromosomes to be expressed

Following Jane Goodall, most primatologists spend in the field

one or two years

All-male "bachelor" groups may occur in species where exist(s).

one-male polygyny

A scientist is carefully excavating a fossil hominid. She is participating in which discipline?


The observable physical features of an organism comprise its


Late starting genetic diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and cancer are examples of ____ .

pleiotropic gene effects

Input from the senses goes directly to the

primary cortex

Lemur species

range in size from two ounces to 20 pounds

Researchers interested in evolutionary ecology often conduct studies of traditional hunter-gatherer and small agricultural societies because such societies are

similar to the original human societies

Which of the following is associated with the Middle Stone Age?

the Levallois technique, the Mousterian point, prepared cores, ANSWER: ALL OF THESE

Old World monkeys can be found in

the Middle East

Which of the following is associated with the Middle Stone Age?

the Mousterian point,prepared cores,the Levallois technique.ANSWER:ALL OF THESE

Archbishop James Ussher calculated the age of the Earth using

the bible

A fossil can be studied to learn

the environment in which the original creature lived, the kind of organism it represents, its age, ANSWER ALL OF THESE

Cranial capacities of Mid-Pleistocene European fossils are between

1,100 and 1,390 cc

The Middle Pleistocene dates from about 900,000 years ago to about _______ years ago.


Modern humans were able to enter the Americas starting by at least ________ ago.


Neandertal remains have been recovered from sites dating between _____ years ago.

27,000 and 150,000

The Earth is estimated to be approximately ________ years old.

4.5 billion

The earliest evidence for humans in Australia dates back to ________ years ago.


Primate evolution occurs during the Cenozoic era, or about the last ________ years.

65 million

A human polymorphism is ____

ABO blood type system,Rhesus (Rh) factor, Maternal fetal incompatibility, ANSWER:ALL OF THESE

List at least three factors essential to the study of Primate Ecology

Ecology: The environment provides the template on which natural selection molds behavior. Diet: Live largely on a plant food diet. Territories: The range must contain all the resources needed such as water, food, shelter and mates.

Which of the following is a NOT a problem associated with field studies?

Enforced proximity leads to higher levels of aggression

The fossil record of the ________ reveals the first true primates.


Which of the following are components of the spine among hominids?

Five lumbar vertebral bones supporting the lower back neck,small fused tail vertebrae bones known as the "coccyx",twelve vertebrae known as the thoracic area of the spine holding the ribs,seven neck vertebrae bones known as the "cervical".ANSWER:ALL OF THESE

Who were the Neandertals?

Scientists now believe the Neanderthals were our closest extinct human relatives, sharing approximately 99.7% of their DNA with modern humans. Although they are considered by many scientists to be their own separate species (Homo neanderthalensis), some scientists believe they could simply be a sub species of modern humans (Homo sapiens). The Neanderthals lived throughout Europe and Asia during the Pleistocene Epoch (often referred to as the Ice Age). Scientists estimate they died out approximately 30,000-40,000 years ago. No one knows for sure why the Neanderthals became extinct. Some believe drastic climate change could be the culprit. Others think modern humans killed the Neanderthals. A more recent theory holds that Neanderthals interbred with modern humans until they were eventually absorbed into our current species. Neanderthals looked quite a bit like modern humans, although they tended to be shorter and stockier. Scientists believe their bodies were specially adapted for cold weather, since they lived during the Ice Age. To survive in the ice and snow, many Neanderthals found shelter in the limestone caves found throughout Europe and Asia. They've often been referred to as "cave men," because many Neanderthal fossils have been found in caves. Neanderthals had large, complex brains similar to those of modern humans. They created and used tools, controlled fire, and buried their dead. Scientists believe they also lived in nuclear families and likely cared for sick and elderly family members who could not take care of themselves. Scientists aren't sure if they had a developed language, but they think it's a likely possibility given the size and complexity of their brains. They also made and wore clothes. Although they hunted large animals, they cooked and ate vegetables regularly. Most Neanderthals lived to about 30 years of age.

Which group of animals were the principal ones affected by the catastrophic environmental change that took place during the Mesozoic and why?

The Mesozoic or "middle life" era is often referred to as the "age of reptiles" because it was during this time that the reptiles, most notably the dinosaurs evolved into the dominant group of animals living on the planet. However, there was so much more to the Mesozoic than its famous reptilian killers. More importantly it was a time of the great innovation and diversity among life on Earth.

Which of the following statements is true regarding bipedal locomotion among hominids?

The arches of the foot absorb shock from walking while robust big toe and tarsal bones provide stability

What is one of the most important differences between the social behavior of bonobos and chimps?

The biggest differences between the two are in how they govern their societies: Chimps are led by an alpha male and tend to maintain order through aggression, while bonobos are dominated by females and keep the peace through sex. Although the physical variations between chimps and bonobos are interesting, what's even more fascinating is their behavioral and social differences. Overall, bonobos have a "make love, not war" mentality, which is in stark contrast to the often aggressive and violent manner of chimps. For bonobos, sex is used for almost everything, including avoiding conflict, showing affection, reducing stress, solidifying social status, and simply saying "hello." Bonobos are much more likely to keep the peace by offering a sexual favor, whereas a chimpanzee's first instinct is to secure dominance through battle. In chimp groups, the highest-ranking male is the only one allowed to mate with the females, but in bonobo cultures, everyone has sexual freedom, and sex acts occur between all combinations of ages and genders.

Why is incest taboo universal among the human species?

The interest that anthropologists have shown in the Incest Taboo has been described as bordering on an obsession. It used to be believed that the Incest Taboo is a universal taboo. Some anthropologists have, however, successfully contested this view, pointing out that what appears universal to human societies is the avoidance of sexual relationships between very closely related individuals. It has been shown that in many cultures in which the Incest Taboo is not formally expressed, close relatives still seem to avoid sexual relationships, especially when such relatives have lived together most of their lives. Anthropologists have noted, also, that human societies tend to invest more effort in spelling out Incest Taboos with respect to what has been referred to as "fictive kin-ships." There is evidence to believe that mother-son incestuous paring had been part of the fertility magic ritual of prehistoric Paleolithic man, and that such incest was common enough to impact significantly in human evolution, especially with regard to juvenilizing of the human species. The circumstantial evidence for this conclusion is not only in the widespread myths of mother-son incestuous divine pair in early historic Mediterranean world, but also from a detailed examination of the heterosexual dualistic philosophy of fertility cults. It would appear that the intensity of inbreeding associated with incestuous cultic rites had played an important role in the stabilization of the human genetic pool.

Recent finds in Germany indicate that archaic Homo sapiens

used wood to make some tools

Neandertals can be found in

western Europe, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, ANSWER: ALL OF THESE

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