Antepartum Care/Prenatal Care

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The nurse is screening for potential exposure to toxoplasmosis. Which question is most appropriate?

"Do you have a cat in the house?"

A pregnant woman at her first prenatal visit asks the nurse if it is safe to have sex during her pregnancy. Which client statement alerts the nurse to the need for further teaching?

"I should substitute intercourse with nonsexual touch to avoid harming the fetus."

The client is 32 weeks pregnant and has been referred for biophysical profile (BPP) after a nonreassuring nonstress test (NST). Which statement made by the client indicates that the nurse's explanation of the procedure was effective?

The BPP is an ultrasound that measures breathing, body movement, tone, and amniotic fluid volume.

The nurse is providing prenatal education to a group of pregnant teenagers. One of the group members asks about how the baby develops soon after birth. An accurate statement from the nurse about neonatal development would be which of the following?

The neonate is able to hear and turn toward sound

A nurse at the health care facility assesses a client in the 20th week of gestation. The client is healthy and progressing well, without any sign of complications. Where should the nurse expect to measure the fundal height in this client?

at the level of the umbilicus

An adolescent who is 8 weeks' pregnant is at her first perinatal visit. During the health history interview, the nurse asks the client, "Are you afraid of anyone?" What is the nurse assessing with this question?

intimate partner violence

Which two tests are generally performed on urine at a prenatal visit?

protein and glucose

The nurse is assisting a primigravid on calculating the due date of her baby using Naegele's rule. The most important information provided by the mother is:

the first day of the last menstrual period.

Why is the first prenatal visit usually the longest prenatal visit?

Baseline data is collected.

A 38-year-old woman comes into the obstetrician's office for prenatal care, stating that she is about 12 weeks pregnant with her first child. What questions would the nurse ask this client, considering her age and potential sensitivity to being labeled an "older" primipara?

Be non-judgmental in your history gathering and offer her pregnancy resources to read and explore.

A nurse is collecting data during an admission assessment of a client who is pregnant with twins. The client has a 4-year-old child who was delivered at 38 weeks' gestation and tells the nurse that she does have a history of a miscarriage within the first trimester. The nurse is correct to document the history as:

G = 3, T = 1, P = 0, A = 1, L = 1 The GTPAL stands for Gravida -- number of pregnancies, which is 3 (current, 4 year old and miscarriage); Term -- only one pregnancy thus far carried to term; Preterm deliveries -- 0; Abortions (including miscarriages) -- 1; Living children -- 1. All other options are incorrect. Do not be distracted by the twins. That is still one pregnancy.

A multigravida client is pregnant for the third time. Her previous two pregnancies ended in an abortion in the first and third month of pregnancy. How will the nurse classify her pregnancy history?

G3 P0020

A woman you care for in a prenatal clinic tells you that her pregnancy was unplanned and unwanted. At what point in pregnancy does the average woman change her mind about an unwanted pregnancy?

When quickening occurs

The nurse is assessing a woman with Class III heart disease who is in for a prenatal visit. What would be the first recognizable sign that this client is in heart failure?

Persistent rales in the bases of the lungs

The nurse is assisting a pregnant client who has just underwent a nonstress test that was ruled reactive. Which factor will the nurse point out when questioned by the client about the results?

The fetal heart rate increases with activity and indicates fetal well-being.

During a routine prenatal visit, a client is found to have proteinuria and a blood pressure rise to 140/90 mm Hg. The nurse recognizes that the client has which condition? You Selected:

mild preeclampsia

What anatomic area should be examined when assessing Montgomery tubercles?


The nurse is creating an educational pamphlet for pregnant mothers. Which is the best description of fetal development for the nurse to emphasize?

gestational age, length, weight, and systems developed

Which information is most important in order to decrease the risk of complications if the client decides to work until her due date?

Frequent rest periods

A young couple are very excited to discover they are pregnant and ask the nurse when to expect the baby. Based on a July 20 LMP, which day will the nurse predict for delivery?

April 27

The nurse is assessing a client at her first prenatal visit and notes the fundal height is palpable at the level of the umbilicus. The nurse predicts the client is at which gestational age?

20 weeks

The nurse is reviewing client data following a regular monthly appointment at 6 months' gestation. Which fundal height requires no further intervention?

24 cm

A woman comes to the clinic for her first prenatal checkup. The woman has a body mass index (BMI) of 22. The nurse would anticipate that this client should gain approximately how much weight during her pregnancy?

25 to 35 lbs (11 to 16 kg)

A woman is in her early second trimester of pregnancy. The nurse would instruct the woman to return for a follow-up visit every:

4 weeks.

At the first prenatal visit of all clients who come to the clinic appropriate blood screenings are obtained. The nurse realizes that a hemoglobin A1c above which level is concerning for diabetes and warrants further testing?


You care for a woman in a prenatal clinic who thinks she might be pregnant. Which of the following assessments is a probable sign of pregnancy?

A positive pregnancy test

A nurse is providing prenatal education to a group of pregnant teenagers. One of the group members asks how the baby develops soon after conception. Which is an accurate statement from the nurse about the embryonic stage?

All basic organs are established here

A sonogram on a woman in the first trimester of her pregnancy shows abnormal fetal findings. The nurse prepares to provide the woman with information concerning which diagnostic procedure?


The nurse discovers a new prescription for RhoGAM for a client who is about to undergo a diagnostic procedure. The nurse will administer the RhoGAM after which procedure?


A pregnant client is screened for tuberculosis during her first prenatal visit. An intradermal injection of purified protein derivative (PPD) of the tuberculin bacilli is given. Which sign would indicate a positive test result?

An indurated wheal over 10 mm in diameter appears in 48 to 72 hours.

A pregnant client reports frequent urination and tells the health care provider that she has stopped drinking water during the day since she cannot take many breaks during work. Which statement by the nurse is most appropriate at this time?

"Fluids are necessary so your blood volume can double, which is normal in pregnancy."

After a regular prenatal visit, a pregnant client asks the nurse to describe the differences between abruptio placentae and placenta previa. Which statement should the nurse include in the teaching?

"Placenta previa causes painless, bright red bleeding during pregnancy due to an abnormally implanted placenta that is too close to or covers the cervix; abruptio placentae is associated with dark red painful bleeding caused by premature separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus before the end of labor."

The nurse is assessing a client at her first prenatal visit and notes that she is exposed to various chemicals at her place of employment. Which statement by the client would indicate she needs additional health education to protect her and her fetus?

"The gloves they provide irritate my hands, so I don't use them."

Is it true or false that prenatal screening can be used to rule out all possible fetal abnormalities?


A woman asks the nurse at a genetic counseling class what test would be the least invasive for Down syndrome. Which information would the nurse most likely include?

Fetal nuchal translucency test is the best option.

A nurse is classifying the pregnancy history of a woman who has had five pregnancies: three full-term, one preterm, and one abortion. How would the nurse document this information on the patient chart?

G5 P3114 explanation: G = gravida or the total number of pregnancies, which in this case equals five. P = para is the outcome of the pregnancies in the following order: full term, preterm, abortions, and living as of today. In this case, P3114.

You are the nurse providing prenatal education to a group of pregnant teenagers. One of the group members asks you to talk about how the baby develops soon after conception. An accurate statement from you about the zygote and preembryonic stage would be which of the following?

Has a total of three distinct cell layers

When discussing infection prevention with a group of prenatal women, which interventions should the nurse emphasize to prevent toxoplasmosis in this population? Select all that apply.

Have a significant other change the litter box throughout the pregnancy. Cook meat thoroughly before eating.

A client tells that nurse in the doctor's office that her friend developed high blood pressure on her last pregnancy. She is concerned that she will have the same problem. What is the standard of care for preeclampsia?

Have her blood pressure checked at every prenatal visit.

A pregnant woman's husband does not voice concerns at prenatal visits. You would believe he is emotionally involved in the pregnancy by observing which of the following actions?

He walks around furniture as if his abdomen is enlarged.

The nurse is caring for a neonate whose mother received no medical care for either of her pregnancies. When assessing the neonate's status, which would indicate a potential A, B, and O incompatibility?

Hemolytic anemia

A 25-year-old client at 22 weeks' gestation is noted to have proteinuria and dependent edema on her routine prenatal visit. Which additional assessment should the nurse prioritize and alert the RN or health care provider?

Initial BP 100/70 mm Hg; current BP 140/90 mm Hg

A woman arrives at the prenatal clinic and is accompanied by her partner. Which behaviors would be suggestive of intimate partner violence (IPV)? Select all that apply.

Poor weight gain during the pregnancy and low birth weight infant The partner is overly protective of the pregnant client. The partner answers questions for the pregnant client.

A client at 27 weeks' gestation is admitted to the OB unit afer reporting headaches and edema of her hands. Review of the prenatal notes reveals BP consistently above 136/90 mm Hg. The nurse anticipates the health care provider will order magneisum sulfate to accomplish which primary goal?

Prevent maternal seizures

A teenager arrives in the emergency department in active labor having no prenatal care. Upon examination in L & D, the nurse notices a cluster of pinpoint vesicles with a red base on her vulva which the teenager asks the nurse to not touch "her rash" because it hurts when touched. At this point, which intervention should the nurse perform next?

Report this finding to the health care provider immediately so he or she can plan the birth

The nurse is educating the client at 12 weeks' gestation regarding the best types of exercise throughout pregnancy. Which activities should the nurse encourage?

Stretching and breathing exercises such as yoga

The health care provider has prescribed an over-the-counter antacid for a pregnant client in her first trimester who is having ongoing nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. Which instruction concerning the antacid should the nurse prioritize after noting the client is also prescribed a multivitamin supplement?

Take antacid 1 hour after the multivitamin.

A 24-week pregnant client calls the clinic crying after a prenatal visit, where she had a pelvic exam. She states that she noticed blood on the tissue when she wiped after voiding. What initial statement by the nurse would explain this finding?

The cervix is very vascular during pregnancy, so spotting after a pelvic exam is not unusual.

The nurse is planning a class for nurses learning to teach early prenatal classes. Which statement indicates that teaching has been effective?

The goal of early prenatal care is to optimize the health of the woman and the fetus.

During a clinical rotation at a prenatal clinic, a client asks a nurse what causes certain birth defects. The nurse replies that they can be caused by teratogens. What does the severity of the defects depend on? Select all that apply.

The particular teratogen to which the fetus is exposed When during development the conceptus is exposed to the teratogen

When instructing clients at a prenatal class, the nurse is most correct to state which medical name as being removed during circumcision?

The prepuce

A primigravida 21-year-old client at 24 weeks' gestation has a 2-year history of HIV. As the nurse explains the various options for delivery, which factor should the nurse point out will influence the decision for a vaginal birth?

The viral load

A nurse is assessing a client's nutritional intake during pregnancy. What is the best method for accomplishing this?

enacting a 24-hour nutrition recall

A pregnant client tells the nurse that she has a 2-year-old child at home who was born at 38 weeks; she had a miscarriage at 9 weeks; and she gave birth to a set of twins at 34 weeks. Which documentation would be appropriate for the nurse?

gravida 4, para 2

An 18-year-old pregnant woman asks the nurse why she has to have a routine alpha-fetoprotein serum level drawn. The nurse explains that this:

may reveal chromosomal abnormalities.

A nurse is conducting a class with group of pregnant women who are all in their first trimester of pregnancy. During the class, the women are discussing the various discomforts that they are experiencing. The nurse would expect to hear reports about which discomforts? Select all that apply.

nausea urinary frequency breast tenderness

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