anth 101

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useful feature that was shaped by natural selection for the function it now performs.

made or intended to be art

"Art by intention" includes objects that were

homo sapiens

200,000 years ago and already had culture

homogeneous and unchanging

Arguments that pit human rights against culture depend on the assumption that "cultures" are

all of the above

Around 10, 000 years ago,


At the end of the twentieth century, relations between low-caste and high-caste Hindus were characterized as


Bride wealth makes the bride wealthy.


Tourism can damage a site permanently.


middle paleolithic


"Sex" refers to the observable physical characteristics that distinguish two kinds of humans, females and males, needed for biological reproduction.

Punnett Square

A chart that shows all the possible combinations of alleles that can result from a genetic cross


A location where people left behind remains of their activities

pot hunting

A person who seeks artifacts from past civilizations for personal use, sometimes by illegal means, without adhering to professional standards of archaeology.

making the play frame

A smile, a particular tone of voice, a referee's whistle, and the words, "Let's pretend" are all examples of


According to 18th century biologist Carolus Linnaeus, Europeans were "fickle, sanguine, blue-eyed, gentle, and governed by laws."


According to Aihwa Ong, when some Chinese citizens moved out of China in the late nineteenth century and into merchant cities under European imperial control, the customary obligations to their lineages were enhanced, and the extended family and its members became the principal focus of loyalty among kin.

rulers can persuade the dominated to accept their rule as legitimate.

According to Antonio Gramsci,


According to Antonio Gramsci, coercive rule is expensive and unstable, and results in 'false consciousness'


All adults in band societies have roughly equal access to whatever material or social valuables are locally available


Anthropologists influenced by the work of Karl Marx note that understanding exchange is not possible without understanding production first.

choose which parts of a site to excavate

Archaeologists use statistical sampling techniques to


Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group.


Both the burakumin of Japan and the Rom of Europe have been described by anthropologists as castes.

all true

Colonization and missionary activities in Canada's North resulted in


For Homo sapiens, the predominant manner in which groups vary from one another is


Foraging peoples in modern times lead a miserable existence, spending all their time searching for food.


Foraging societies are simple societies.

homo erectus

Heavy brow ridges and a five-sided cranial profile

western europe

Homo erectus fossils are absent in


Homo heidelbergensis is the species name most often used for archaic African and European Homo sapiens.


Human consumption patterns are pretty much the same in different societies.


In his description of a Sinhalese village's experience in Sri Lanka, Michael Woost (1993) shows how the state was able to establish hegemony by forcing participation in a national development scheme inspired by Buddhist ideals of harmony.


In order to be sedentary, people must also have domesticated plants or animals

all of the above

In polygynous families among the Mende of Sierra Leone,


In the "Tribal Wives" video, after the British woman Dionne spends time with the Maasai and becomes accustomed to their culture, she feels that she has "overthought" relationships and childbearing, and that children have taken on a much more important role in her thoughts about marriage.

pater often known to genitor

In the Nuer woman marriage system

rehabilitate soldiers who have been wounded.

In the Time Team video, Operation Nightingale is designed to


In the Trobriand myth used to explain and justify clan ranking, clans could not move up or down in status, and higher-ranked clans lived off food from the land, while lower-ranked clans lived off food from the sea.


In the UNDRIPS, the forcible removal of children from the group is considered genocide.

why barley was domesticated

In the article "Brewing an Ancient Beer", the "beer vs bread" debate centres on


In the article "Brewing an Ancient Beer", the first beer may have been an accident, as wild barley in storage could have sprouted, been dried for consumption, and then fermented.

all of the above

In the article "India's Sacred Cow", compared to India's cattle-related economic practices, Western practices result in which of the following?


In the article "India's Sacred Cow", the taboo on eating beef extends to all individuals in India, regardless of religion or ethnicit

egalitarian and lack private ownership

In your online reading about marriage transactions, which types of societies might lack marriage transactions?


Inbreeding ultimately reduces the ability of a population to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

adaptation to grassland diets consisting of coarse vegetable foods.

Increased size in australopith molars is the result of


Inuit divorces dissolve social bonds, which creates trouble for hunters who wish to visit distant areas while hunting, and need to rely on family bonds for access to hospitality if they run into trouble.


It appears that the theories about environmental changes are the best-suited for the appearance of Andean civilization


It is apparent from the evidence that modern humans and Neanderthals lived side by side, or took turns occupying, southwest Asia.

upper paleolithic

It is this period that sees modern humans spread across the entire planet, including the New World


Kathryn Reese-Taylor's research on power during the Classic period of Mayan civilization has demonstrated that queens ruled independently, participated in battles, and captured enemies, the same as warrior kings did.

transformational evolution

Lamarckian evolution has also been called

kinship institutions

Lewis Henry Morgan showed that ________ could organize orderly social life in societies without states.


Living cells reproduce by undergoing two kinds of division: mitosis and meiosis.

local people with traditional connections to the site

Many archaeologists have adopted the view that their first obligation should be to


Many of the objects from other cultures that are displayed in museums today were never intended by their makers to be "art".


Marcel Mauss identified two types of exchanges, which roughly correlate with holiday gift-giving on one hand, and buying a shirt at a store, on the other.


Men in matrilineal, matrilocal northern Thailand are unable to engage in local politics because they do not have strong ties that facilitate transmitting information and gaining a base of support.


Modern human foragers who hunt for meat never use the same kill site for a long time, leading taphonomists to conclude that their hominin ancestors probably did not do so either.


Most diseases leave significant trace evidence on the skeleton.


Nicole Gombay notes that for the Inuit of Puvirnituq, the ability to sell the produce from hunting, fishing and gathering has led to a meeting of two economic systems representing the traditional one, and the market.

relative age

Of the following criteria presented below, that are used to indicate how people are related to one another, which one is the LEAST commonly used?


Overall, the dentition of Au. afarensis is more similar to later hominins than earlier ones and the apes.

all of the above

Patterns of economic activity are affected by


People in South America are lighter than other populations at similar latitudes because there is less solar radiation in South America than in other places.


Poor Malaysian rice farmers in "Sedaka" responded to occasional arrests, warnings, legal restrictions, and other forms of "routine represession" by engaging in resistance that included theft, sabotage, arson, and slander, which was arguably more effective than rebellion.


Professors Martin Cannon and Lina Sunseri assert that racism is alive and well in Canada, and that political and economic marginalization of indigenous peoples is real.


Radical feminist Mary Daly considered female genital cutting along with foot binding and witch burning to be patriarchal "Sado-Rituals", and most women in cultures that practice female genital cutting agree with her.


Radiocarbon (or carbon-14) decays to nitrogen-14 with a half-life of _____ years.


Recently, geneticists have been able to pinpoint the genetic changes involved in speciation.


Richard III is one of many individuals whose genome has been sequenced by the Human Genome Project.


Richard Reeves-Ellington's (1993) training program designed for a North American company doing business in Japan recommended that, when receiving business cards from Japanese counterparts at a meeting, American managers should hold the cards in their hands and stroke them thoughtfully throughout the meetin.

rites of passage

Rituals in which people begin as one kind of person and have been transformed into a different kind of person by the time the ritual is over (like births or funerals) are called


Roger Lancaster calls the Nicaraguan system of social identities, negotiated situationally along a continuum between white and black,


Sentence structure is also known as


Shamans are always considered to be beneficial to the society in which they are found, unlike sorcerers and witches.


Sign Languages are not considered to be fully developed languages, lacking the spoken element.


Social groupings that allegedly reflect biological differences are called


Solar radiation is uniformly negative for human health.

they didn't exist at time of prophet

Some French Muslims argue that city hall marriages are un-Islamic because


Some anthropologists argue that the job of economic anthropologists should be to describe and explain cultural variations in different societies' organization of economic life.


Species selection is natural selection that operates at the species level, instead of the individual level

how they interpreted the same material evidence.

Stephen Jay Gould argues that the main difference between Lyell and Cuvier was


Summarizing symbols are essentially analytic, allowing people to sort out and label complex and undifferentiated feelings and ideas into comprehensible and communicable language and action.


Swahili women in Mombasa who engage in same-sex relationships are either married, divorced, or widowed.


The Canadian myth of the two founding nations politically excludes First Nations and other groups.


The Chavín Horizon refers to the emergence and spread of a single cultural tradition with its own styles of art, architecture, and pottery throughout central and northern Peru between 2900 and 2200 years ago.

selling their knowledge to others and being tourism guides

The Cofan people have adapted to changes in their world by

majority of human languages is about to disappear

The Foundation for Endangered Languages states that


The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is controversial because it is a radical proposition that is difficult to test, and when it has been tested, the results have been ambiguous.


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights allows individuals to bring allegations of human-rights abuses to an international forum to seek redress.


The ________ mode of production is considered "free" because exchange is not subject to traditional social status restrictions.


The aim of many indigenous peoples in Canada has been to once again govern themselves, through the creation of another level of government.


The concept of "biopower" addresses the forms of power exercised over people as living beings whose individual sexual and reproductive conduct interconnect with issues of national policy and power.

central role of cultural beliefs and symbols

The concept of hegemony is attractive to many anthropologists because it draws attention to


The condition of having more than enough of whatever is required to satisfy consumption needs is known as


The control of fire was a contributing factor that allowed Homo erectus to disperse into Europe and other temperate zones.


The kin-ordered mode of production is found among foragers and those farmers and herders whose political organization does not involve domination by one group.


The main difference between a pidgin and a creole is that creoles are never passed on to the next generation(s).

tools, skills, organization, and people

The means of production consist of


The more levels of occupation at a site, the more likely it is that some of the levels will have been disturbed by subsequent humans, other animals, or natural forces.


The most common form of residence pattern found worldwide today is neolocal, which is practiced by most North Americans.

body language

The movements and postures that communicate attitudes and feelings non-verbally are known as

2.5 million

The oldest undisputed stone tools are at least


The outward appearance of male or female allows anthropologists to predict the specific roles that males and females will play in any given society.

parents who are peasants or workers and godparents who are landowners or factory owner

The partners in ritual co-parenthood relationships found throughout Latin America are comprised of


The period of the Stone Age associated with the ancient Agricultural Revolution. It follows the Paleolithic period.


The perspective on the human condition that assumes that mind and body, individuals and society, and individuals and the environment interpenetrate and even define one another is known as


The practice of multiculturalism in Canada is uneven, as it privileges those who speak one of our two "official" languages and it is not consistent across all regions.


The preservation of endangered languages is no longer significant today, as globalization encourages the simultaneous use of many different languages.


The recognition of human needs and of appropriate ways to satisfy them is an area of behaviour that is shaped more by the few instincts humans have, than by cultural patterns.

the emergence of sedentary communities and population growth

The shift to a diet based on a wider spectrum of foraged foods is thought to have led to

relations of production

The social relations linking humans who use a given mode of production are called


The study of humans


The study of language in the context of its use is known as


The term "australopiths" does NOT include (choose the wrong group)

the political and economic system in Haiti keeps many people at high risk for disasters.

The text states that the suffering in Haiti in 2010 was due primarily to structural violence. By this, they mean that


The theoretical perspective defined by its founder E.O. Wilson as "the systematic study of the biological basis of all social behaviour"

transformational evolution

The theory that all members of a species transform themselves in identical ways (through use and disuse of certain features) to adapt to a uniformly changing environment is known as

Production, Distribution, and Consumption

The three phases of economic activity generally accepted by anthropologists are

encourages a trading zone of knowledge and concepts

The traditional North American model of anthropology


The tributary mode of production is found among farmers or herders living in a social system that is divided into classes of rulers and subjects.


The work of archaeologists like Ian Hodder showed that archaeological cultures are always correlated with ethnic boundaries and ethnoarchaeological cultures.

all of the above

Theories for why states arose include:


There is general agreement among palaeoanthropologists that there are seven australopith species.


There is no current definition of the term "race".

In the Time Team video, in order to provide a "window" into the barrow, the team does what?

They dig a long trench through part of the barrow.


Until the late twentieth century, most evolutionary biologists believed that macroevolution was the result of microevolutionary processes continuing over a long enough period of time.


Violence against women in India has been linked directly and indirectly to the institution of dowry.


When archaeologists are unsure how to interpret the significance of an artifact, they could study present-day societies to understand how they use artifacts and create the archaeological record; this is referred to as taphonomy.


When individuals have ambiguous genitals at birth, anthropologists may observe the presence of an extra gender, called a(n) _________ gender.


When members of a group believe that they can no longer accurately specify the genealogical links that connect them but believe that they are "in some way" connected, they form what anthropologists refer to as a lineage.

all of the above

When pidgins and creoles exist alongside a dominant language

developed a larger and more complex brain

When primates first evolved away from their mammalian ancestors, they

An abrupt increase of some species relative to others at a site.

Which can be interpreted as evidence of animal domestication?

It does not explain why all societies do not share the same consumption patterns.

Which of the following is considered to be a weakness of the internal explanation for human consumption patterns?

Untouchables eat beef from dead cows, giving them a rare source of protein in their diets

Which of the following is correct, regarding the article "India's Sacred Cow"?

all of the above

Which of the following is one of the contemporary areas of interest in the anthropology of food and nutrition?

he use of statistics to analyze distribution of artifacts at a site.

Which of the following is one of the goals and methods of processual archaeology?

health and pregnancy teaching

Which of the following is the most likely function attributed to Venus figurines in the article you read in the textbook?

principle of survival of the fittest

Which of the following principles is NOT one of the three principles of Darwin's theory that Levins and Lewontin present in the text? (choose the one that is wrong)

LIDAR on a small plane

Which of the following survey techniques would be useful for locating an archaeological site that is situated in the dense rainforest?

wear patterns along the edge of the stone

Which of the following would allow a paleoanthropologist to determine if a stone is a tool, rather than a rock modified by natural processes?

dog, at 12,000 years in Israel

Which species was the earliest domesticate?

over 30% of childbearing women may be unmarried, but not necessarily childless.

With reference to the reading, "When Brothers Share a Wife", Tibetan polyandry shows the following characteristic:

allowed if first wife is infertile

With reference to the reading, "When Brothers Share a Wife", which of the following statements is true regarding Tibetan polygyny?


a descendent of one of the first peoples in an area.

social stratification

a form of social organization in which people have unequal access to wealth, power, and prestige.


a group of primates that lived during the Eocene era and resemble contemporary lemurs.


a system of arbitrary vocal symbols that encode experience

organizational power

ability of individuals or social units to limit the actions of other individuals.


artifact without its context

close herding

bones are clustered and show age and sex patterns

random hunting

bones are scattered and in no age or sex pattern

controlled hunting

bones are scattered but are mostly young males

loose herding

bones start to show changes and are somewhat clustered


characterized by a broad, flat nose, tree-dwelling

biological determinism

claims that one's race and other aspects of behaviour are genetically inherited and cannot be changed


information surrounding artifact in its original location


large kin group formed by bilateral descent, the kindred


may be called 'cultural anthropology of the past'.


mode of production is considered "free" because exchange is not subject to traditional social status restrictions


modern humans first evolved in africa

short-term acclimatization


cranial capacity

size of the braincase

Bamyan Buddhas

that were destroyed by the Taliban in 2001 despite many nations' protests.


the ability to walk upright on two legs

Stratigraphic dating can be made difficult or impossible by

the disturbance of strata by digging, erosion, eruption of lava, or wind.


the rapid rise of multiple new species from parent species.


they vary independently in response to conditions around them

grandmother hypothesis

those who focused on the longevity of a few offspring were more reproductively successful than those who aimed to have as many offspring as possible.

homo sapiens

upper paleolithic


Even though Canadians are told they can marry "anyone", it is often the case that they marry exogamously to their social class, religion, and ethnic group.


In "Shakespeare in the Bush," knowledgeable people who work with anthropologists who are doing fieldwork are called

rejected the doctrine terra nullius

In 1992, the High Court of Australia handed down the so-called Mabo decision, which


In 2009, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced to members of the G20 Summit that Canada is unique in being a country that accepts and has made reparation for its history of colonialism.

egalitarian foragers

From "Christmas in the Kalahari", the !Kung are


In a feudal economic system, those with high status have a right to more goods and services.

social leveling devices

From "Christmas in the Kalahari", the custom of complaining and "insulting the meat" in !Kung society are examples of

trying to avoid arrogance and bloodshed

From "Christmas in the Kalahari", the reason that the !Kung belittle Lee's ox is that


From the video, "Becoming human," the point is made that even though the earliest ape-like bipeds had small brains, they were very successful, and were around 25 times longer than our own modern human species has been (so far!).

ethnic group

Group of people who share common ancestry, language, religion, customs, or combination of such characteristics


Hidden transcripts' are those records maintained by operatives (spies) who move across international and ethnic boundaries secretly.


Hierarchically arranged social groups defined on economic grounds are called

aaa statement on race

Historical research has shown that the idea of race has always carried more meanings than mere physical differences; indeed, physical variations in the human species have no meaning except the social ones that humans put on them


Human rights discourse is fairly simple and straightforward, particularly with regard to indigenous peoples' rights.


In the "Tribal Wives" video, when the British woman Dionne discusses female circumcision (FGC) with the Maasai women, she is ethnocentric and unable to accept their viewpoint, why it is important to them, or to discuss it at any length.


In the article "India's Sacred Cow", the taboo on eating beef extends to all individuals in India, regardless of religion or ethnicity.


In the assignment information about multiple spouses, it is noted that the rules governing adultery are looser in a polygamous relationship than they are in a monogamous one.

laetoli footprints

they are evidence of hominin bipedalism 3.6 million years ago.

being outcompeted for game and resources by

27 000 years ago, the Neanderthals disappeared, likely due to _______ modern humans.

potassium-argon dating

a method of dating rocks from the relative proportions of radioactive potassium-40 and its decay product, argon-40., Which form of dating can be used to date samples up to 3 billion years old, especially in rocks of volcanic origin?

productive specialization and supernatural sanction

First Nations cultures felt that the two most important things that defined individuals who belonged to the "Two Spirit" category were


From "Christmas in the Kalahari", Dr. Lee learned the important lesson that there are no totally generous acts, particularly when one very generous act is expected to wipe out a year of manipulation and stinginess.

all of the above

From "Christmas in the Kalahari", when the !Kung criticized the black ox, Dr. Lee reacted by


From the reading "Culture Change", an example that is given of how the environment can interact with culture change is how the end of the ice ages stimulated the rise of agriculture.


From the reading "Culture Change", when a culture's traits are transformed on a large scale, due to adoption of cultural traits from another society, this is called

they are being affected more and more by the "outside world"

From the video, "How Cultures are Studied", Dr. Chagnon says that the process of studying a culture like that of the Yanomamo is a "race against time" because


Most anthropologists agree that our human languages are essentially elaborate call systems that evolved from earlier hominins and primates.


One of the challenges to the Sahtu Dene is that traditional activities are identified by environmental assessments as being too important, and this stops their ability to develop their resources.


The people who work with anthropologists and provide them with insights and information about their way of life are usually called "referrants".


The term ________ incorporates variants in pronunciation as well as distinctive words, word forms, interpretations of words, and grammatical structures.

fossil record and species distribution pattern

The two kinds of material evidence that have been particularly important in the development of evolutionary theory are


The use of a single verb tense in Chinese coupled with a separate expression referring to time is similar to informal usage in English.


The walls at ancient Jericho were likely built for protection from


Unlike most mammalian groups, primate species are nearly all found in the tropics.

scarcity and individual properties

Western perspectives of economy are based on the the assumption of

plow agriculture

What factor does the MOST damage to archaeological sites?

IQ scores are not phenotypic traits uniquely determined by genes.

When African American students are compared with European American students of the same class and educational background, their average IQ scores are similar. This suggests that

phenetic species concept

Which concept relies on measurements of morphological differences between living species in order to determine how fossils with overlapping characteristics may be sorted into distinct species?

ostrich-eggshell beads

Which of the following artifacts are thought to be the oldest evidence of art?

phenotypes; genotype; the environment; norm of reaction

Which of the following combinations of words completes the following sentence: "different _________ can result from the same _________ due to differences in _________, which can be expressed in a table or graph called the _________."


Which of the following definition terms is understood by anthropologists to mean "transformative capacity"?


Which of the following design features of language refers to human use of language to make sense of processes and objects in their world?

all of the above

Which of the following features associated with the Natufians has been interpreted as evidence of sedentism?

forensic anthropology

Which of the following fields of anthropology is most likely to gather evidence for trials?

nearly 100% of cattle dung is collected for fuel and fertilizer

Which of the following is TRUE, regarding the article "India's Sacred Cow"?

all of the above

Which of the following is a form of global population displacement associated with Western modernity?

buying food for money

Which of the following is an example of the distributive process?

all of the above

Which of the following is associated with the emergence of domestication?


Which term is most relevant to a critical understanding of the fictional portrayal of primates such as Curious George and King Kong?

Feminist Archaeology

Which type of archaeology is defined as a research approach that explores why women's contributions have been systematically written out of the archaeological record and suggests new approaches to the human past that include such contributions?

neighbours who were suspected of ill feeling toward the victim or their family

Witchcraft accusations among the Azande, described by E.E. Evans-Pritchard, were made against


steal goods from (a place), typically during a war or riot.


subfield of evolutionary studies focuses on long-term evolutionary changes, especially the origin of new species?

woman the gatherer

used key tools such as digging sticks, slings for carrying infants, and containers for fo

great ape project

convince world governments to give some human rights to apes

cultural relativism

not judging a culture but trying to understand it on its own terms


complex, variable, and enduring forms of cultural practice that organize social life.

all of the above

According to Tariq Modood, European multiculturalism requires supporting conceptions of citizenship that


Comparison is a characteristic of the anthropological perspective that requires anthropologists to study similarities and differences across as many societies as possible before generalizing about humans and their activities.


Female gorillas: Females may produce only three surviving offspring in their lives.

agree it is hardly worth the effort

From "Christmas in the Kalahari", the appropriate response for a hunter whose kill has been criticized is to

medical anthropology

One of the most rapidly growing specialties in anthropology is

The HbS allele is advantageous to survival in cases where

individuals are exposed to the malaria parasite.


ts An archaeologist studying the effects of ancient climate change on the wild plants that people ate would rely most on which type of evidence

biological species concept

a reproductive community that is reproductively isolated in a specific niche. Correct Answer: a reproductive community that is reproductively isolated in a specific niche.


A key element recognized by all anthropologists who use the concept of caste is that caste groups are


The debate over the use of Acadajonne is primarily a(n) _____ one.

maize and squash

The earliest plant domesticates in Mesoamerica were


The earliest undisputed primates date from 55 to 38 mya

cultural traditions

The fact that Mousterian tools appear in a number of different variants is now considered to be evidence of


The fact that female genital cutting is criminalized in Canada has led to the eradication of this practice in Canadians and immigrants who come to Canada.


'Hidden transcripts' are those records maintained by operatives (spies) who move across international and ethnic boundaries secretly.


'The reshaping of local conditions by powerful worldwide forces on an ever-intensifying scale' is the definition of


A Muslim Swahili woman of high social rank may enter into a same-sex relationship in order to have companionship, to use her wealth as she likes, or to pursue power.


A gradual change in an inherited characteristic across the geographic range of a species


According to Deborah Tannen, in Western cultures, men use language in a competitive manner, especially in public, while women use language to form relationships, especially in private settings.


According to Eric Wolf, structural power highlights how individuals or social units can limit the actions of other individuals in particular social settings.


According to Lewontin, it is wise to consider our future as a species, since ____ per cent of all the species that have ever existed are extinct.

niche construction

According to the authors of the textbook, the ________ perspective is the most promising in the study of human biological and cultural evolution.


Alice's story about bridewealth (uvukwi) demonstrates the complexity of this practice, including the fact that a high bridewealth settlement may be a burden on the newlyweds, and affect a woman's status in the marriage.

gene pool

All of the genes in the bodies of all members of a given species or population is known as the

Canadian Bill C-45, the government's bill that changed land management on reservations.

Although it expanded to encompass a call for renewal of Indigenous identities and lifeways, the Idle No More movement began in 2012 in response to


American Indian domesticates make up the largest contribution to cuisine worldwide.

all of the above

Among the Inuit of the North American Arctic, adoption


An egalitarian society is a simple society in which there are no great differences in wealth, power or prestige.


Annette Weiner's research in the Trobriand Islands in the 1970s found that women participated in an important and ancient local tradition of production and exchange that Bronislaw Malinowski had overlooked and misattributed as redistribution.


Archaeologists are able to determine what pigments were used in wall images, are able to date the images when charcoal was used, and can determine the reason why wall images were made.


Archaeologists use the system of band/tribe/chiefdom/state to categorize both archaeological and modern peoples, since it is a universal system that makes it easy to discuss and classify human cultures, and effectively describes the unilineal evolutionary progression through those stages.

Genus Homo

Bipedal Enlarged cranial cavity / brain Reduced lower jaw Many species of homo coexist Lower paleolithic stone tool technology


Bronislaw Malinowski's analysis of the importance of women's farming and trade activities in the Trobriand Islands was confirmed by Annette Weiner, who found that women are directly or indirectly responsible for 80 per cent of the calories consumed by their community


Bronislaw Malinowski's analysis of the importance of women's farming and trade activities in the Trobriand Islands was confirmed by Annette Weiner, who found that women are directly or indirectly responsible for 80 per cent of the calories consumed by their community.

niche construction

Burning off vegetation to encourage the growth of preferred plants that thrive in burned-over landscapes, or to attract wild animals that feed on such plants, is an example of


Carole Counihan's food-centred life histories of Italian women and men depicts the struggles of Florentine women who needed to work for wages but who were still expected to maintain a household at the same time, with little assistance from their husbands.

prestige associated with the characters who use them, and attachment to the fantasy world.

Christine Schreyer, who studied communities built around fictional languages like those depicted in the movies, "The Lord of the Rings" and "Avatar", found that the popularity of these languages was driven by


Complex foragers live in areas of abundant resources that may appear inexhaustible.

js bach has higher fitness

Consider these two individuals: an elite Olympic athlete who had two children, or a sedentary and overweight individual like J.S. Bach who had twenty children. According to Darwinian theory,

evolutionary relationships

Contemporary taxonomies are designed to reflect

Salvage Archaeology

Cultural resource management is also known as

creating an artifact kit and letting the public touch the artifact

Dana Lepofsky suggested ___________ as a way to engage the community in local archaeological research projects.


Daniel Miller urges anthropologists studying consumption to examine nequalities of access and the impact of modern economic institutions on much of the world's population.

10,000 and 4,000

Domestication occurred independently in seven different areas of the world between


Early anthropological work on gender suggested that male dominance was


Early in the twentieth century, political anthropologists recognized that there were many options for "civilized" social power in the absence of a state.

tributary or capitalist

Elite or private ownership of the means of production is found in which mode(s) of production?

processed westernized food

Emőke Szathmáry's research on diabetes among the Dene found that there was a connection between diabetes and


Endogamous, stigmatized occupational groups have been found in Asia but not among the indigenous peoples of North America, South America, or Africa.


Ethnocentrism is only a one-way process; it is rare that another culture would find the practices of a North American anthropologist strange or bizarre.


External language change occurs when speakers of different languages come into contact, often borrowing words from the unfamiliar language and incorporating them into their own language.


Gene mutation explains how genetic inheritance can be unchanging and still produce the variation that makes evolutionary change possible.

gathering statistics on a governed population

Governmentality is associated with


Human rights legislation like the UN Declaration of Human Rights ended up putting individuals who sought human rights in the position of having to ask their states to recognize them, and the UN had no power to force governments to do so.


Humans have 46 chromosomes in the cell nucleus, which occur in 23 pairs.


Humans in different niches define "needs" and consume goods according to their own cultural logic, which is more than just satisfying basic needs.

all of the above

Humans that are dependent on domesticated animals may


Humans who domesticated plants were likely acting in an unconscious manner.

more v-shaped chin

In addition to a larger and more U-shaped pelvis, female skeletons typically have

all of the above

In the text, geneticist Roderick McInnes asserts that Indigenous peoples should be involved in which phase of scientific studies on their genetic material?


In the video "A Class Divided", Jane Elliot shows that a child who experiences both being "on top" and successful, and "on the bottom" and subject to discrimination, will see a permanent rise in test scores.

were not necessarily the same in all societies, and culture was the explanation.

Margaret Mead argued that differences between men and women


Marriage is not the same thing as mating.


Our physical survival depends on our making adequate use of the resources around us. Our culture tells us which resources to use and how to use them.


Paleolithic skeletons from Greece and Turkey indicate an average height of 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 metres) for men and 5 feet 5 inches (1.65 metres) for women, but with food production the average height increased by 2 inches for both sexes.

foragers like the Dobe Ju/'hoansi.

The 'original affluent society' refers to


The AAA Statement on Race states that historical research has shown that race has only recently carried more meaning than mere physical differences


The AAA Statement on Race states that the racial world view is basically folk beliefs that are products of historical and contemporary circumstances


The archaeological evidence for play is only found in one ancient culture (Thule culture in Canada's Arctic).

Social Darwinism

The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.

all of the above

The challenges experienced by residents of Rione Monti in the twentieth century include


The chiefdom is the first human social form to show evidence of permanent inequalities of wealth and power.


in a class divided created an atmosphere where the target group was "divided and conquered

excavation without care for context

referred to as pot-hunting, and destroys much information.


s the main vehicle by which we transmit our knowledge and culture to the next generation, whether it is oral, gestural, or written. It also impacts our understanding of the world, and reflects our social relationships.


sets of learned behaviours and ideas that humans acquire as members of society.

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