ANTH 202 ch. 10, 11, & 12

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Which of the following is the earliest known town?


The oldest modern human skeletons found outside of Africa were found at

Lake Mungo in Australia

What is another term for political entities?


The size of the seals on Tell Hamoukar food containers indicate


The first food-producing communities along Europe's Mediterranean coast

used imported species.

Which of the following is NOT true of Göbekli Tepe?

As a residential town, it was the crowning achievement of the Neolithic age.

What was the name of a prominent state in the Valley of Mexico from 1325 to 1520 C.E.?


A type of spear point called a(n) ______ originated and spread throughout North America between 13,250 and 12,800 years years ago.

Clovis Point

You are a paleoanthropologist excavating at a rock shelter in France dating to about 31,000 years ago. You discover a skull that has the features of an anatomically modern human, including a high vaulted forehead and small brow ridges. The skull would best be identified as

Cro Magnon

Which of the following attributes does NOT distinguish states from earlier forms of society?

Early states lacked social classes.

Archaeological knowledge of the Mesolithic is most extensive for which world area?


As Middle Eastern economies became more specialized, what happened in the hilly flanks which were difficult to cultivate?

Eventually, farming replaced foraging.

Which of the following prehistoric megalithic (massive stone) sites was NOT built by a chiefdom?

Göbekli Tepe

Evidence that AMHs lived on the shore of an ancient lake, where they hunted hippopotamus and antelope and used blades and hand axes was found with the

Herto skulls in Africa.

Where was the Harappan state of the Indus River Valley located?


The earliest city-states in Mesopotamia are in which two present-day countries?

Iran Iraq

When did the Iron Age begin?

It began once high-temperature iron smelting was mastered.

Klein recognized that his hypothesis had what flaw?

It cannot be tested or falsified by experiment.

What do archaelogists know now about state formation?

It involves one chiefdom's incorporating several others into an emerging state.

Which phrase best describes Lapita pottery and explains why it is studied?

It is pottery used to trace the spread of the earliest settlers from Melanesia into Polynesia around 3,000 years ago.

Why was the Neolithic Revolution significant?

It solidified the transition to permanent settlements.

What culture that occupied the Japanese site of Nittano several times between 6000 and 5000 B.P. pursued a broad-spectrum foraging economy?


______ pottery was first identified in Melanesia in New Caledonia. This pottery is used to trace the earliest human migrations into the Pacific islands.


Which of the following statements about long-distance trade routes and their impact on state formation is not true?

Long-distance trade routes are a necessary and sufficient cause of state formation.

Which of the following was the tool-making tradition that came right after the late Upper Paleolithic?


What did researcher Dolores Piperno's research on teosinte discover about why proto-farmers would have found the plant attractive?

Modern teosinte does not really resemble that grown thousands of years ago.

Which of the following is true regarding state formation?

Multiple factors contribute to state formation.

Which of the following is NOT one of the three main sources from which modern Europeans get their DNA?


____ was domesticated in southern China about he same time that _____ was domesticated in northern China.

Rice; millet

In China, the development of communities based around food production led eventually, between 3600 and 3100 B.P., to the

Shang dynasty civilization.

Which of the following statements about southern Mesopotamia around 5700 B.P. is NOT true?

Societies were still structured along egalitarian lines.

How did the first settlers of the Americas enter North America?

Some crossed Beringia, following big game animals such as woolly mammoths; others came by boat along the the North Pacific Coast.

Which statement about ranked societies is true?

Status differences may be inherited.

For thousands of years, _____ has had a vertical economy.

The Middle East

Climate change influenced the origin of food production in the Middle East in which of the following ways?

The local environments became so rich in resources that foragers could lead settled (sedentary) lives.

Which of the following statements about Çatalhöyük is NOT true?

The town became a city with centralized organization and rulers who controlled trade and production.

Why do we think that Tell Hamoukar residents prepared food on an institutional scale?

The town had large ovens.

Which statement best describes the findings associated with the Herto skulls?

These three AMH skulls, dating to 154,000-160,000 years ago, showed signs of ritual use.

What is significant about the fossilized human skeletons found at Lake Mungo in Australia?

They are among the earliest modern human skeletons outside Africa, also revealing the earliest known ritual ocher and burial cremation.

Which of the following is true of some tools considered part of the Upper Paleolithic tradition of toolmaking?

They were found in the upper layers of sedimentary deposits.

Anthropologists refer to the African practice of using cattle for their milk and blood rather than for their meat (except on ceremonial occasions) as the

"African cattle complex."

Mesopotamia refers to the land between which two rivers?

Tigris and Euphrates

The blade tool-making traditions associated with early anatomically modern humans (AMHs) in Europe are called ______ tools.

Upper Paleolithic

Mesopotamia was established as "the cradle of civilization" during which of the following periods?

Uruk period

One constraint that may have kept foragers from quickly shifting to farming is

a belief in sharing and common property.

The Zapotec polity was a state from 100 B.C.E. to 700 C.E. What kind of government was it before that?

a chiefdom

What is/was Bantu?

a linguistic family

Teotihuacán is significant because it was

a planned city.

According to Klein's hypothesis, what caused the change in human behavior that he called behavioral modernity?

a sudden genetic mutation occurring in Africa about 50,000 years ago that changed the neurological structure of the human brain

What is a term used to describe the rich, fertile soil that rivers and streams deposit?


As revealed by archaeology, a vertical economy develops in regions with zones that vary in which of the following aspects?

altitude climate vegetation

Which of the following did people learn in the Neolithic, after adopting full food-producing economies?

arched masonry smelting weaving

Though not key caloric staples, _____ added variety and essential proteins, vitamins, and minerals to the Native American diet.

beans squash

The transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic occurred when groups

became dependent on domesticated foods for a majority of their diet.

Becoming fully human, associated with evidence of symbolic thought and artistic creativity, may have occurred as much as 165,000 years ago or only 45,000 years ago. What is the term used by anthropologists for these abilities?

behavioral modernity

One precondition for the emergence of food production in the ancient Middle East was the movement of people, animals, and products

between environmental zones.

What new kinds of tools (not made in Middle- and Lower-Paleolithic times) did Upper Paleolithic toolmakers create by hammering materials from a core?

blade tools

Blombos Cave and other sites in Africa dating from 100,000 to 70,000 B.P. provide early evidence of human symbolic behavior and artistic creativity. Which of the following best describes this evidence?

bone awls, polished weapon points, engraved red-pigmented stone fragments, and barbed bone harpoon points created for beauty, not just utility

Which term refers to the movement, when the Ice Age ended, in which foragers began creating a more generalized economy that didn't rely on large animals?

broad-spectrum revolution

Which of the following is the alloy of copper and arsenic or tin?


What is the name for the internally specialized, administrative organization that develops as states emerge and grow?


Archaeological evidence from sites in Asia shows that pottery was first made

by foragers

How did the Neolithic spread to Europe?

by the actual migration of farmers

The ______ are famous cave paintings found in southwestern France made by prehistoric big-game hunters and depicting the animals they hunted, such as woolly mammoths, wild cattle and horses, deer, and reindeer.

cave paintings at Lascaux

What is the name for a nonstate political entity with a heredity leader and a permanent political structure?


The earliest societies in which there were status distinctions among communities as well as among individuals were


What were the direct precursors to states that had privileged and effective leaders but did not have the sharp class divisions that characterized states?


Which property system works best when resources are wild, dispersed, or mobile, as among foragers?


A changeover from ______ property to ______ property accompanied (coevolved with) the transition from foraging to food production.

common; private

Some of the first settlers came into North America, following big game animals such as woolly mammoths, by

crossing Beringia, the Bering land bridge that connected North America and Siberia.

In the Middle East during the Neolithic, population growth and the expansion of farming led to


Food production increased the rate of what?

degradation of environments

In both northern and southern China, food production supported large villages by 7500 B.P.,

despite dramatic differences in temperatures and rainfall.

Which of the following are reasons states may collapse?

disease warfare overfarming

The only animal domesticated throughout the New World was the


Which of the following were domesticated in the New World?

dogs ducks turkeys

After 11,000 b.p., the Middle Eastern climate turned _____, providing an incentive for foragers to innovate.


Which type of society lacks status distinctions except for those based on age, gender, and individual qualities, talents, and achievements?


By the 16th century in the Andes, the Inca had conquered other states to form a(n) ___, a mature, territorially larger, and expansive system.


Which best describes mature, territorially larger, multiethnic, militaristic, and expansive systems?


Archaeologists once believed that the primary factor in Maya decline was

environmental factors.

In the deepest (and oldest) layers of Madjedbebe cave in northern Australia, scientists have found

evidence of fireplaces, human burials, and flaked stone tools.

Jared Diamond argues that the diffusion of plants, animals, technology, and information in the Old World was

facilitated by its geography.

Many scholars argue that the people who are most likely to adopt a new subsistence strategy are those

facing the most difficulty maintaining their traditional subsistence base.

True or false: In the New World, there were many large animals available for domestication.

false Reason: In the New World few animals were suitable for domestication.

True or false: Hydraulic agriculture is a necessary condition for state formation.

false Reason: Recall that hydraulic agriculture is not a necessary condition for the rise of the state.

True or false: In chiefdoms, there is always inequality among both individuals and communities.

false Reason: Recall that there is always inequality among both individuals and communities in chiefdoms.

In the Middle East, sedentary village life developed before which of the following?

farming herding

Foragers tend to have ____ children as compared to food producers.


Nabta Playa, one of the earliest known Neolithic settlements in Egypt, was located in a basin that

filled with water seasonally.

The primary barrier to diffusion in the Americas was


An early and widespread Mesopotamian pottery style that was first found in northern Syria and was significant for its delicate style is called


Compared to wild plants, domesticated plants

have larger seeds

Which statement best describes the skull features of the human ancestors called Cro Magnons?

high, round modern-sized braincases with modern looking foreheads and chins

What is the term for the woodland zone located north of the major Middle Eastern rivers?

hilly flanks

Göbekli Tepe was built by


Independent transitions from foraging to food production occurred

in at least seven world areas.

What best describes the primary impetus for rapid social change in Mesoamerica between 3200 and 3000 B.P.?

intense competition

Tell al-Ubaid, the site which gives Ubaid pottery its name, is located in


The formation of states in the Middle East was made possible by the development of

irrigation techniques.

What is the purpose of wool for sheep?

it protects against extreme heat

With glacial retreat, foragers developed a more generalized economy, focusing less on

large animals.

Compared with the diets of foragers, food producers' diets are generally

less nutritious. lower in proteins. less varied.

As the sea level rose during glacial retreat, southwestern European economies became

less specialized.

One factor behind the Maya decline was ______, evidence of which was found in skull remains that had spongy areas at the rear.


Early residents of the Americas cultivated a tuber known as cassava. What is another name for cassava?


Which of the following were the main caloric staples of early Native American farmers?

manioc maize white potatoes

The knowledge of the properties of metals, including their extraction and processing to manufacture metal tools, is known as ___. (Watch your spelling!)


The technology of producing metal and metal objects is called


In which region did the first towns arise?

middle east

Compared to foragers, food producers tend to have

more children

From the Middle East, domesticates first spread to

northern Africa.

Of some 148 large animal species that might seem potentially domesticable,

only 14 have actually been domesticated

In Blombos Cave, an excavated 100,000-year-old workshop was the site of the world's earliest known


What is an anthropological term for early American Indians in North America?


What is another name for plant crystals?


Which of the following were abundant in West Africa and helped the Sahelian kingdoms grow in power?

precious metals gold ivory

In Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, and Peru, chiefdoms were precursors to ______ states, which are states that arose on their own, not through contact with other state societies.


Which of the following emerged from competition among chiefdoms?

primary states

What is the term for the type of society that has hereditary inequality but no clearly defined social classes?

ranked society

Most Eurasian crops spread

rapidly, both eastward and westward.

Neolithic societies of Mesoamerica and South America were

relatively separate and independent compared to those of Eurasia.

Early cultivation began as an attempt to

replicate or copy in the marginal zones the growth of wild grains in the favored optimal zone.

European hunter-gatherers

retained dark skin as recently as 9,000 years ago.

Early farming in China was based on the production of which of the following?

rice millet

Caprine domestication involved which of the following?

sheep goats

South American farmers expanded their food plots into forests by

slashing and burning.

Which of the following developed after food-producing states came into existence?

slavery human sacrifice crime

As they were domesticated, animals generally became


Which of the following spread as food production spread during the Neolithic?

smallpox malaria

The high-temperature extraction of metal from ore is


The high-temperature process by which pure metal is produced from an ore is called ___.


Environmental circumscription can be either physical or social. If a society blocks a neighboring society from accessing resources, this is an example of ___ circumscription.


What is the term for a social structure in which classes are separated from each other based on their their differential access to resources?

social stratification

According to molecular and genetic studies, maize domestication first took place in

southwestern Mexico.

A society with a central government, administrative specialization, and social classes is known as a ___.


Which of the following best describes what set apart Upper Paleolithic technology from earlier tool traditions?

stone blades; special-purpose tools including chisels for engraving designs in bone and wood; and bone pins, needles, and fishhooks

Social stratification increased as a result of food production, largely because

strategic resources were no longer common goods, instead becoming private property.

A society in which social status is inherited and social divisions have unequal access to wealth and power is known as which type of society?


Early Mesopotamian scribes used which kind of writing implement to write on clay?


Where did writing originate?


The city of Urik became the _____ capital.


What is the term for mounds that arose from the debris of a succession of houses?


Maize's wild ancestor is a species of


The Yamnaya, one of the three sources of modern Europeans' DNA, came from

the Russian steppes.

The Natufians were able to establish year-round villages before domestication as a result of

the availability and abundance of wild cereals.

According to geneticists, what occurs when only a few people contribute to a very large diaspora of people?

the founder effect

What do archaeologists believe made social change so rapid in Mesoamerica between 3200 and 3000 B.P.?

the intensity of competitive interaction among chiefdoms

The spread of food production was an outcome not only of the spread of cereal grains outside their natural habitat but also of

the need to feed a growing human population.

Nabta Playa's significance as a regional ceremonial center is suggested by

the presence of nine large stone slabs.

Great variation in mtDNA among Africans means that

they have been evolving for the longest amount of time.

By 6000 B.P., population was increasing rapidly in southern Mesopotamia. How did this population support itself?

through irrigation and river valley agriculture

What was the initial purpose for writing?

to keep records and accounts

How were cereal grains spread outside their natural habitats?

trade between zones migration

Which of the following was most responsible for the development and success of the Sahelian kingdoms?

trans-Saharan trade

True or false: The people of Jericho buried their dead beneath their homes.

true Reason: A pattern also seen at other sites, the people of Jericho buried their dead beneath their homes.

True or false: Warfare was both a creator and a destroyer of ancient chiefdoms and states.

true reason: Recall that warfare was both a creator and a destroyer of ancient chiefdoms and states.

Çatalhöyük was a town in ______ that prospered from the long-distance trade of obsidian between 8000 and 7000 B.P.


The findings at Nabta Playa reveal a(n) _____ during the African Neolithic.

unsuspected ceremonialism

The ancient AMHs at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco,

used flint from 20 miles away to make blades.

Which of the following are two key elements in state formation?

warfare attracting followers

Animal domestication in the New World

was much less important than it was in the Old World.

Which of the following best describes what anthropologist Richard G. Klein considers the beginning of behavioral modernity?

when human creativity appeared around after 45,000 years ago in ceremonial burials, jewelry, and symbolic cave paintings

Papua New Guinea is an example of long-distance trade routes developing

where no primary states developed.

According to many archaeologists, early food production was most likely adopted by Middle Easterners living in areas where

wild foods were less abundant.

Which of the following happened during the era of increased specialization in food production (7500-5500 B.P.) in the Middle East?

-Agriculture extended to the alluvial plain of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. -Cattle and pigs were domesticated. -New crops were added to the diet.

Which of the following statements regarding an egalitarian society are true?

-An adult man would outrank a child. -A talented musician might outrank a less talented person.

Which of the following are reasons that states originated?

-Competition for territories and resources stimulated state formation. -Systems of political authority and control became necessary as populations and economies grew.

Which of the following attributes distinguished states from earlier forms of society?

-Early states had productive farming economies that supported dense populations. -Early states had rulers, a military, and control over human labor.

Which of the following statements are true according to the "Mitochondrial Eve" hypothesis?

-Eve was a resident of Africa whose descendants left for other parts of the world. -Eve's descendants eventually colonized the world.

Evidence that ancestral Polynesians stopped in Melanesia includes which of the following?

-Genetic markers in modern-day Polynesians prove interbreeding. -Outrigger canoes such as those used by Polynesians were found in Melanesia. -Homes on stilts, similar to those found in Southeast Asia, were found in Melanesia.

Which of the following statements about Halafian ceramics are true?

-Halafian ceramics were probably luxury goods associated with a social hierarchy. -Halafian refers to the period during which the first chiefdoms emerged (by 7000 B.P.). -Halafian refers to a delicate ceramic style.

Which of the following are reasons why the regulation of hydraulic systems may have influenced state formation?

-Hydraulic agriculture support population growth, which in turn can increase the need for regulation. -Hydraulic agriculture can sustain towns and cities and become essential to their subsistence, thus necessitating regulation.

Which of the following statements about iron ore are true?

-Iron ore was distributed more widely than copper ore. -Iron ore can be used on its own once smelted, without the need to make alloys.

Which of the following statements about the Harappan state are true?

-It had urban planning. -Its writing system remains undeciphered.

Which of the following statements about armed conflict in Oaxaca around the start of the Common Era are true?

-It involved killing, burning, and taking captives. -It began as raiding.

Which of the following statements about bronze are true?

-It is an alloy of copper and arsenic or tin. -It was more convenient for metal casting than copper.

Which of the following are true of early Mesopotamian wedge-shaped writing?

-It was executed by using a stylus to scrawl symbols on raw clay. -It is called cuneiform.

Which of the following statements about Ubaid pottery are true?

-It was first found in southern Iraq near the major city of Ur. -It became more widespread than earlier ceramic styles. -It is associated with advanced chiefdoms.

Which of the following is true about production in Neolithic versus foraging societies?

-Mature Neolithic economies out-produce foraging economies. -Early farming did not out-produce broad-spectrum foraging.

Which of the following occurred as Europe warmed after the Ice Age?

-New, more solitary, hunting techniques were developed. -Dogs were useful as retrievers. -The smoking and salting of meat and fish became increasingly important.

Which of the following is true about the earliest human settlement of Australia?

-Recent archaeological findings at Madjedbebe cave extends it back to at least 65,000 B.P. -Based on genetic dating, it happened around 50,000 B.P.

By 10,000 B.P., hunting, gathering, and fishing extended to which of the following formerly glaciated lands?

-Scandinavia -the British Isles

By 5500 B.P. towns had grown into cities in the earliest Mesopotamian states, including which of the following?

-Sumer -Elam

Which of the following statements about trade between Oaxaca and the Olmec are true?

-The items traded were for elite consumption. -The Olmec traded mussel shell ornaments from the coast. -The Oaxacans traded mirrors and jade.

Which of the following occurred as a result of glacial retreat?

-The practices of gathering, birding, and fishing grew in importance. -The quantity and variety of edible marine life increased.

Which of the following statements about southern Mesopotamia around 5700 B.P. are true?

-Travel and trade were expanding. -There was a growing population of farmers and herders.

Which of the following provide archaeologists with evidence for early state organization?

-central storehouses -written records

Which of the following provide archeological evidence for the presence of Neolithic cultures?

-ceramic vessels -widespread village life -cultivation

Which of the following are environmental factors behind the Maya decline?

-deforestation -soil exhaustion due to overfarming -hillside erosion

Olmec chiefdoms were known for which of the following?

-farming river levees -building earthen mounds -carving colossal stone heads

Which of the following led to new kinds of wheat and barley?

-human selection -genetic recombinations -mutations

Robert Carneiro's theory regarding state formation incorporates which of the following three factors?

-increasing population -warfare -environmental circumscription

Which of the following findings at the Tell Hamoukar settlement provided evidence for social ranking?

-large ovens, which suggest food was being prepared on an institutional scale -the different types of seals used to mark containers of food

As people began to select plants to cultivate, domesticated plants began to

-lose their natural seed-dispersal mechanisms. -develop a stronger axis.

Excavating at Jebel Irhoud in Morocco, paleoanthropologist Jean-Jacques Hublin and his colleagues have found

-skull bones from five ancient AMHs who died around the same time. -flint blades in the same sedimentary layer as the skulls.

States are social and political units that always feature which of the following?

-social classes -central government -extreme contrasts of wealth

The Bantu migrations contributed which of the following to the areas where they migrated?

-the Bantu language -iron-smelting techniques -farming, particularly of yams, bananas, and plantains

Which of the following likely increased as maize became domesticated?

-the number of kernels per cob -the average cob size -the number of cobs per stalk

Which of the following can be learned from studying the geographic distribution of ancient pottery?

-the scope of trade -the existence and extent of regional political alliances

Which of the following were reasons for the Maya decline and abandonment of cities?

-warfare among Maya cities -social and political upheaval -natural environmental factors

Excavations on Cyprus show that the island

-was colonized by 10,600 B.P.—the early Neolithic. -received the full Neolithic package of farming, herding, technologies, social networks, and belief systems from the Middle East. -was colonized by boat from the Middle Eastern mainland.

Construction of Göbekli Tepe began around

11,600 B.P.

Which of the following best describes the Upper Paleolithic cave art found at Lascaux?

18,000-year-old paintings of game animals such as woolly mammoths, wild cattle, and horses associated with magic and ritual

Out of ______ known plant species, ______ species account for 80 percent of the world's farm production.

200,000; about 12

Middle Easterners were living in vibrant cities by

5500 BP

Early states emerged in the Middle East between

6000 and 5500 b.p.

Which of the following was a genetic change that occurred among Europeans after the introduction of farming?

A gene that aids milk digestion became increasingly common after 4500 B.P.

Permanent architectural features existed in Natufian settlements such as

Abu Hureyra, Syria.

The remains of the ancient settlement at Tell Hamoukar indicate which of the following regarding advanced chiefdoms?

Advanced chiefdoms arose in northern areas of the Middle East independently of the city-states of southern Mesopotamia.

What is another name for the Neolithic Revolution?

Agricultural Revolution

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