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How many societies have anthropologists found that exhibit clear female domination over men?

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In ______, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted, giving full political rights to all women in the United States.


Which of these characteristics pertains to a state and not to a chiefdom?

A bureaucratic structure

What do we call any cultural trait that serves to distinguish members of one ethnic group from members of other ethnic groups?

An ethnic boundary marker

19. Which of these is not characteristic of caste systems?

Children born of mixed background having no clear group membership

Which of these statements about balanced reciprocity is true?

In balanced reciprocity, the relationship between the parties involved may be jeopardized if items or favors of equal value are not reciprocated.

Which of the following statements about redistribution is not true?

In systems using redistribution, there is generally agreement about how resources should be distributed.

The first anthropologist to investigate whether or not the differences between men and women are natural or cultural was:

Margaret Mead.

Based on Table 9.1 in your book, "Patterns in the Sexual Division of Labor," Which of these tasks is the least likely to be sex-specific?

Milking animals

Most contemporary Western countries have a _____ descent system.


Market economies are organized according to market principles. Which of these is not an important principle of market economies?

The market economy must be strictly regulated by a central authority that owns the financial institutions.

Which of these is not true regarding those who crossed genders in Native American tribes?

They dressed in the same way as others of their sex, making them difficult to distinguish.

Which of these hypotheses does not explain the greater involvement of women in direct food production in horticultural than in agricultural societies?

Women in agricultural societies have fewer children and work outside the home.

According to the definition in your text, an ethnic group is:

a group of individuals who identify as a people with shared social experience or ancestry.

When members of Native American tribes engaged in gender crossing, this was considered:

a third or fourth gender, a different gender role altogether.

Reciprocity is:

an exchange of goods back and forth, without the use of money.

Biological differences between men and women:

are not a sufficient explanation for either the similarities or differences in patterns of sexual division of labor.

Postmarital residence patterns:

are related to property rights and inheritance patterns.

The Maring of Papua New Guinea hold pig feasts to solidify relationships with their allies who will support them in periodic warfare. The text uses this as an example of:

balanced reciprocity.

The earliest form of political organization in human society was probably:


Political leaders who do not occupy formal offices and whose leadership is based on influence, not authority, are called:

big men

Cross-culturally, the most common form of marital exchange is:


9. Which of the following is not a requirement of a system of market exchange?

c. Regulation of prices by government or monopoly

Redistribution is most commonly practiced by:

c. groups with powerful political leaders.

A system of stratification in which membership in a stratum is in theory hereditary, strata are endogamous, and contact or relationships between members of different strata are governed by explicit laws, norms, or prohibitions is called:


A centralized political system with authority vested in formal, usually hereditary, offices or titles, and where exchange is often organized by redistribution is called a:


A U.S. citizen may consider themselves part of the Western world, as well as an American. These are _____ and _____ ethnic groupings, respectively.


A system of stratification in which membership in a stratum can theoretically be altered and intermarriage between strata is allowed is called:


In the U.S., there are three major overlapping sources of power that include each of the following except:

class and kinship organizations.

Autonomous or independent political units consisting of several extended families that live together for most or all of the year are called:

composite bands

Systems in which authority for settling disputes and punishing crimes is formally vested in a single individual or group are called:

court systems

Court systems in which the sanctions imposed are designed more to restore harmonious relations between parties than to punish are called:

courts of mediation

Court systems that use codified laws, with formally prescribed rights, duties, and sanctions are called:

courts of regulation.

The legal policy in marriage in which the husband assumed total legal control over his wife's income and property is called:


The giving of goods without expectation of a return of a gift of equal value at any definite future time is called:

d. generalized reciprocity.

A sodality:

distinguishes a tribe from a band.

A Yanomamo son-in-law hunts for and works in the gardens of his wife's parents for a time before his wife is free to go and live with him. This is called:

doing brideservice

Capitalism refers to:

economies organized by the market principle since the Industrial Revolution.

Marriage rules that require individuals to marry some member of their own social group or category are called:


The set of rules prohibiting marriage within his/her group is called:


A group of related nuclear families that live together in a single household is called a(n):

extended household

Neolocal residence rules are found most commonly among:

foragers and industrialized peoples.

The degree of inequality between males and females based on culturally defined differences between the sexes that may be based on social status or on access to resources, wealth, power, or influence is called:

gender stratification

When studying gender stratification cross-culturally, anthropologists find that:

gender stratification is complex and involves a number of different cultural dimensions.

Providing children with food and shelter is an example of:

generalized reciprocity.

Which of these is a form of marriage that has never been the characteristic form of a society, but has been a short-lived practice due to unusual conditions?

group marriage

Fertility maintenance as a hypothesis explaining the sexual division of labor refers to the fact that:

heavy and prolonged physical labor may cause hormonal changes that reduce fertility.

One of the differences between generalized and balanced reciprocity is that:

in balanced reciprocity, there is concern with the timing and return of an object of equivalent value; in generalized reciprocity, there is not.

In terms of status, strong sexual asymmetry always exists:

in roles of political authority.

Prohibition against sexual intercourse between certain kinds of relatives is called the:

incest taboo

Which of the following is not a possible explanation for the egalitarian societies of foragers?

inheritable wealth

In a caste system:

interaction between social castes is very rare.


is not fixed by your chromosomes.


is the highest level of ethnic identity encompassing numerous ethnic nationalities whose cohesion is based on a shared cultural tradition.

Negative reciprocity:

is usually motivated by the desire to obtain material goods at minimal cost.

3. Critics of market globalization argue that:

it exploits workers in newly industrializing countries and puts workers in rich countries out of work.

People who view themselves as relatives, who cooperate, and who share a common identity are called a:

kin group

Based on Table 9.1 in your book, "Patterns in the Sexual Division of Labor," among most societies, the kinds of tasks done predominantly or exclusively by males are

land clearing and preparing the soil.

Which of these is considered the highest form of social control?


A major difference between ranked and stratified societies is that in ranked societies:

leaders do not have great power and wealth.

An egalitarian society:

makes distinctions among members according to sex and age.

Based on Table 9.1 in your book, "Patterns in the Sexual Division of Labor," Among most societies, the kinds of tasks performed mainly by females are:

making pottery.

The process by which capital, technology, products, and services cross national boundaries at prices largely determined by global supply and demand is called:

market globalization.

Among the Hopi, when a man marries, he moves in with his wife and her relatives. He owns little property and the products of his labor belong to his wife. His children are considered a part of her lineage. The Hopi are:


Cross-culturally, kin groups:

may be based on sharing a common distant ancestor.

The practice in which each individual is allowed to have only one spouse at a time is called:


A family unit consisting of only parents and children is called a:

nuclear family

Unlike a tribe, a chiefdom:

often has a hereditary chief.

The agreed-upon story of the beginning and history of the group by selective reference to certain historic events and people is called an ethnic:

origin myth

The practice in which one woman is allowed to have multiple husbands is called:


The custom by which one man is allowed to have multiple wives is called:


The main function of money is to:

provide a standardized value used in exchange.

A form of society in which there are a fixed number of statuses that carry prestige, and only certain individuals are eligible to attain these statuses, is called:


1. The one type of economic system found in all human populations is:


Redistribution differs from reciprocity in that:

redistribution requires a third party or intermediary between giver and receiver; reciprocity does not.

Informal legal systems in societies that have no centralized political systems, in which authorities who settle disputes are defined by the circumstances of the case, are called:

self-help systems.

Autonomous or independent political units, often consisting of little more than an extended family, with informal leadership vested in one of the older family members are called:

simple bands.

Which of these is not generally considered an ethnic boundary marker?

skin pigmentation

Mechanisms by which behavior is constrained and directed into acceptable channels, thus maintaining conformity, is referred to as:

social control

The degree to which cultural norms specify that two individuals or groups should be helpful to, intimate with, or emotionally attached to each other is called:

social distance

Formal institutions that crosscut communities and serve to unite geographically scattered groups, and may be based on kinship groups or on non-kinship groups are called:


The marriage of several brothers to one woman (fraternal polyandry):

sometimes occurs in Tibet and Nepal.

A marriage in which one man marries women who are sisters is called:

sororal polygyny.

A centralized, multilevel political unit characterized by a bureaucracy that acts on behalf of the ruling elite is called a:


A form of society with marked and usually heritable differences in access to wealth, power, and prestige, and where inequality is based mainly on unequal access to productive and valued resources, is called


9. Identities that fall between ethnic identities and civilizations are called:


Influence is:

the ability to convince people that they should act as you suggest.

The "cultural construction of gender" refers to the idea that:

the characteristics a people attribute to males and females are culturally determined.

Hierarchical nesting refers to:

the fact that ethnic identities are often subgroups or larger ethnic identities.

Leadership in a tribe depends on:

the persuasive abilities of the individual.

authority is

the recognized right of an individual to command another person to act in a particular way.

The patterned ways in which productive activities and tasks are assigned to women versus men in a culture is called:

the sexual division of labor.

Marshall Sahlins noted that the kind of reciprocity that occurs between individuals or groups depends on:

the social distance between them.

The main difference between egalitarian and ranked societies is that in ranked societies:

there are a fixed number of statuses into which only certain individuals are recruited.

A society is considered stratified if:

there is a strong tendency toward the inheritance of rewards, regardless of personal merit.

An autonomous political unit that encompasses a number of distinct, geographically dispersed communities that are held together by sodalities is called:


The contributions made by commoners in preindustrial societies to the chiefs or nobles are called:


Among traditional Native American peoples, gender crossing:

was an expected and accepted practice.

Formulating a cross-culturally valid definition of marriage is difficult because:

what constitutes marriage varies so much from culture to culture.

The example of the Iroquois of North America illustrates that:

women in some cultures have considerable control over their lives and public decision making.

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