Anthropology ch. 11

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the complete replacement model

-Developed by Christopher Stringer and Peter Andrews. -Based on the origins of modern humans in africa, and later replacement of populations in europe and asia. -Anatomically modern populations rose in africa within 200,000 YA and then migrated from africa COMPLETELY REPLACING populations in Europe and Asia.

Herto near modern..

-Fossils are not identical to modern h. sapiens but are near modern. -They have placed in new subspecies called Homo sapiens idaltu, meaning elder. -Their crania doesn't specifically match that of any contemporary group of modern humans. -These strongly support an African origin of modern species

Sites in Israel

-Skhul cave at Mt carmel- 130,000 - 100,000 YA -Qafzeh cave- has yielded 20 individuals 120,000 - 92,000 YA. Although their overall configuration is modern, some specimens show certain premodern features. -Taburn cave neanderthals date back 120,000 YA. East africa is a very complex place to understand how we evolved.

OMO 1 and OMO 2

-The earliest modern human found in africa or anywhere -much more robust and less modern in morphology

200,000 YA, 150,000 YA

-first modern h. sapiens appeared in africa -they spread to most of old world, even australia and americas.

Herto characteristics

-mostly complete cranium is very large, with an extremely long cranial vault. capacity is 1450 CM. -skull is heavily built with large arching browridges in front and large projecting occipital protuberance in back. -The face does not project. -also found child skull 6-7 years old.

Have to do two things to accept this theory and believe that such a vast group of people could all become the same species

1) denying the earliest modern H. sapiens populations were exclusively in Africa. 2) asserting that significant levels of gene flow (migration) between various geographically dispersed premodern populations were extremely likely throughout the Pleistocene.

Early modern sites arrived in East Africa ________, and south africa ________

200,000 ya, 100,000 ya

Pinnacle point

A cave that is the most highly notable discovery in south africa. Ochers have been found as well as clear evidence of systematic exploitation of shellfish and very small stone blade. The site is 165,000 y old, providing the earliest evidence from anywhere of these behaviors!

Abrigo do Lagar Velho site

A recently discovered child's skeleton is from here in Portugal that provides some of the best evidence of ostensible interbreeding between Neandertals and anatomically modern H. sapiens. The site was dated at 24,500 ya, at least 5,000 years more recent than the last clearly identifiable Neandertal fossil!

Science shows indigenous __________ populations have far greater diversity than other populations.

African; Important because it strongly supports an African origin for modern humans and some mode or replacement.

Insular dwarfing

An adaptation to reduced resources favoring smaller body types as seen in dwarf elephants which are also found on Flores! Most likely reason for these "hobbits"

Milford Wolpoff

Associated with the regional continuity model.

Early pottery

At 2 sites in the Czech Republic, Dolni Vestonice and Predmosti (27-26,000 ya) small animal figures were fashioned from fired clay. This was 15,000 years before any other pottery!

5 industries of upper paleolithic

Chatelperronian, Aurignacian, Gravettian, Solutrean, and Magdalenian.

Omo Kibish

Earliest find of anatomically modern humans in Africa or ANYWHERE. 195,000 years old from Ethiopia

Lake Mungo

Earliest finds from Australia are here at first dated at 30,000-25,000 ya but newly determined age using ESR and uranium series dating have dramatically extended this to 60,000 ya!


Female figurines found in France and Italy. Some were realistic women and others had exaggerated sexual characteristics (possibly for fertility or other ritual purposes.)

Kow Swamp

Fossils from this site suggest people lived there between 14,000- 9,000 ya. These people were different from the more gracile early Australian forms from Lake Mungo. These fossils display more archaic traits: receding foreheads, heavy supraorbital tori, and thick bones. These features contrast with the postcranial anatomy of others.

Grotte Chavet

Had multiple images including dots, stenciled human handprints, and hundreds of animal representations. This was 35,000 ya, considerably earlier than the other great cave art.

Central Europe

Has been the source of many fossil finds, including the earliest anatomically modern H. sapiens discovered in Europe.

Blombos cave

Has remarkable bone tools, beads, and decorated ocher fragments all dated 73,000 ya.

Oase Cave

In Romania dating to 35,000 ya. Here, cranial remains of 3 people were recovered, including a complete mandible and a partial skull. They were robust, but more similar to later modern specimens (had defined chin and canine fossa.)

Sungir site

In Russia. a spectacular burial was found at the 24,000 ya with grave goods included a bed of red ocher, thousands of ivory beads, long spears made of straightened mammoth tusks, ivory engravings, and jewelry.

Apollo 11 rock shelter site,

In Southern Africa (Namibia). Rock art was found here. dates 28-26,000 ya

Klasies river mouth and Border cave

In south Africa. Later modern fossils came from here. Both sites date back 120,000 - 80,000 YA. Fossils at border cave are younger than Klasies river mouth.


In the Czech Republic. Another early modern site in Central Europe. Many people were excavated here dating 31,000 ya. Theres some variation among the crania (some with big browridges,) but Fred Smith still says they're all modern h. sapiens.

Most spectacular cave art sites

Lascaux and Grotte Chavet (in France) and Altamira (Spain.)


Last stage of Paleolithic that included the spear thrower, barbed harpoon (for catching fish,) and possibly bows and arrows as well. The introduction of the punch-blade technique provided a bunch of stone blades. They could be made into burins.

The Regional Continuity Model

Multiregional Evolution; Says that most local populations in Europe, Asia, Africa continued their indigenous evolutionary development from premodern middle pleistocene forms to anatomically modern humans.

Homo floresiensis

Name given to this "species." Look most like H. erectus, mostly like Dmanisi individuals. They have some derived features that also set them apart from all other hominins. -explanation suggested by Gary Richards is that they are normal H. sapiens, but ones that have had microevolutionary change leading to these characteristics.


Pertaining to an Upper Paleolithic stone tool industry in Europe beginning at about 40,000 ya.


Small, chisel-like tools with a pointed end for working wood, bone, and antler; borers for drilling holes in skins, bones, and shells; and knives with serrated or notched edges for scraping wooden shafts into many tools.


Spear thrower; a wooden bone or rod that extended the hunters arm, enhancing the force and distance of a spear throw.

Tim White

Spent 3 decades in middle awash of ethiopia. Found both ardipithecus and australopithecus and h. erectus. From the same area he found Herto remains.


The area including New Guinea and Australia that had modern humans by 50,000 ya, probably by bamboo rafts. All native Australians are descendants of a single migration dating back to about 50,000 ya.

Cro-magnon site

The best known sample of western europeans h. sapiens. a rock shelter in Southern France. 8 individuals were found here. The materials are associated with an Aurignacian tool assemblage, and Upper Paleolithic industry. About 28,000 ya; they represent the earliest of France's anatomically modern humans.

"lady Flores" or "Flo"

The woman was surprisingly similar to Dmanisi hominins and was only 3 feet tall with a brain 417cm long. They were in Flores only 13,000 ya!

China's most important locations

Upper cave at Zhoukoudian, Tinyuan Cave, and Ordoes in Mongolia. Fossils from these sites are fully modern, all from late pleistocene date 40,000 YA.


Well preserved and well dated H. sapien fossil from ethiopia that helped fill gaps in african fossil record. almost complete adult cranium and somewhat complete childs cranium + other adult fragments that are 160,000 and 154,000 YO, making them the best dated hominin fossils from this time period from anywhere in the world and the most conclusive evidence yet indicating an African origin of modern species.

In the complete replacement model anatomically modern humans appeared as a result of

a biological speciation event. Also says that modern migrating H. sapiens from Africa could not have mated with non african populations because they were a different species of Homo

Dolni Vestonice

also from Czech Republic. is dated 26,000 ya and provides another example of a central european early modern human.

Child skeleton characteristics

associated with the Upper Paleolithic industry was buried with red ocher and pierced shell. Found a highly mixed set of anatomical features (teeth, lower jaw, and pelvis) yet it lacked a chin and had Neandertal limb proportions and muscle insertions. This evidence strongly supports the partial replacement model while weakening the complete replacement model.


climatic "pulse" made weather noticeably colder in Europe and Asia 20,000 ya

problem is mdDNA from ancient h. sapiens

could be contaminated by person who touched fossil during excavation

First modern humans

evolved 195,000 YA are probably descendants of H. Heidelbergensis

Fred Smith

favors an african origin of modern humans, but his "assimilation" model hypothesizes that in some regions, more interbreeding took place.

Tinyuan Cave

found fragmented skull, few teeth, several postcranial bones radiocarbon dated at 40,000 YA. Skeleton shows mostly modern features, but has few archaic characteristics as well. important because shows there was at least some interbreeding in china with archaic populations. This is the best-dated early modern H. sapiens from China.

Upper cave at Zhoukoudian

has been dated 27,000 YA where they found 3 skulls with cultural remains in a cave site that humans clearly regularly inhabited

Katanda area of the eastern portion of the Democratic Republic of Congo

have shown remarkable development of bone craftwork. This site is from 80,000 ya.

Types of DNA looked at

nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Look specifically at y chromosome and mtDNA, because neither is greatly recombined during sexual reproduction.

Niah cave

on north coast of indonesia. found partial skull (actually found 50 years a go) - dates back 35,000 YA maybe 45,000 YA could be older than tinayuan. Perhaps the first group to colonize Australia.

Liang Bua Cave

on the island of Flores, east of Java. Remains consist of an incomplete skeleton of an adult female and additional pieces from 13 others that have been nicknamed "hobbits."

Symbolic images

or art; have been found from this time in Europe, Siberia, North Africa, South Africa, and Australia. They had cave art and small sculptures from europe.

Site of jinniushan

skeleton could hint at modern features in china as early as 200,000 YA- if true would cast doubt on replacement model.

Gunter Brauer and John Relethford

suggest very little interbreeding occurred

C. Loring Brace

suggested that with more advanced tools and fire, these h. sapiens no longer needed large teeth and facial skeletons; bio cultural interpretation

Partial Replacement Models

suggests that some interbreeding occurred between emigrating Africans and resident premodern humans. Assumes no speciation event occurred, and all hominins should be considered h.Sapians.

Solutrean tools

the solutrean stonework is considered the most highly developed of any upper paleolithic industry; used flaking techniques to make beautifully parallel-flaked lance heads, expertly flaked on both surfaces.

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