Anthropology (cox 1003) quiz questions

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"Evolution as Fact and Theory" uses all of the following are arguments to support evolution as fact EXCEPT:

Genetic evidence proving modern humans descended from chimpanzees

The idea of biological evolution was first proposed by

Lamarck in the late 1700s

Who taught Washoe (an ape) American Sign Language?

Allen and Beatrix Gardener

Studying another culture from its own point of view without imposing our own cultural values is known as

Cultural Relativism

Who was responsible for the theory of social evolution?

E. B. Tylor

T or F: Contemporary cultural anthropologists often rank societies along an evolutionary scale from "primitive" to "advanced."


Which of the following traits is unique to hominins and NOT found in other primates? Binocular vision Bipedalism Grasping hands Fingernails

NOT A!! i think B

This school of anthropological thought stresses the interrelationship among the natural conditions in the environment and society a. neoevolutionism b. sturculisms c. functionialsm d. interpretive anthropolog


The theorist most connected with post-structuralism is

Renato Rosaldo

"Why Isn't the Sky Blue": What conclusion did Prime Minister William Gladstone make about how the Greeks saw color? a. They were colorblind b. They simply had different terms to describe what everyone sees c. Their terms were limited to the colors they could manufacture d. Their terms and perception were the same as ours; Homer had simply been mistranslated into English


A consequence of larger brain sizes in early humans is that they require larger amounts of energy true false


A distinguishing feature of most australopithecines is their high degree of sexual dimorphism true false


A distinguishing feature of most australopithecines is their high degree of sexual dimorphism. True False


A form of non-portable material culture that a human has made and modified is called a/an____________. a. feature b. geode c. flake d. fossil


According to "Our Babies Ourselves", in the United States, individualism is valued highly, so generally parents do not hold their babies as much as other cultures. a. true b. false


According to "Our Babies Ourselves", which of the following is NOT one of the "3 R's" of child rearing in Dutch society? a. Respect b. Rest c. Regularity d. Cleanliness


An evolutionary perspective would be most likely to explain colonialism as a. the natural abilities of more civilized people to control less civilized people b. the importance of Enlightenment ideas in explaining cultural difference c. that more evolved countries shouldn't get involved in the development of other countries d. a useful holistic response to social problems


Archaeologists are making a mistake when they clean samples of potsherds for analysis. a. true b. false


Becoming Human: The _______________ is a deep furrow in a primate's brain. It divides parts of the brain related to vision from the rest of the neocortex, which is where more complex thought happens. Lunate Sulcas Broca's Area Medulla Oblongata Cerebellum


Besides fossilized skeletal remains, what other evidence indicates bipedalism in Australopithecus afarensis? Laetoli Footprints The Lascaux cave paintings The Oldowan Tool Tradition The Mask of La Roche Cotard


Bischop James Ussher calculated the age of the earth at about a. 6000 b. 65 million c. 4.5 billion d. 10 billion


Cultural anthropologists do research by a. building trusting relationships with people over a long period of time b. gathering data to produce statistical models c. focusing on single dimensions of people's lives d. all of the above


Gene flow is the movement of genetic material across different populations. a. True b. False


Males and females in a given primate population may be co-dominant. True False


Mutation is the only source of new genetic material. a. True b. False


Neanderthals and modern humans share the same genus and species classification (Homo sapien). True False


Reconnaissance work in archaeology is also known as: a. Phase I b. Phase II c. Phase III d. Phase IV


Shaking hands when you meet someone is an example of a a. Folkway b. More c. Taboo d. Material Culture


The process of learning culture from a very young age is called a. enculturation b. ethnocentrism c. symbolism d. acculturation


The success of simple life forms such as bacteria challenges one of the early ideas about evolution because a. it demonstrates the oversimplification that comes from thinking humans are more highly evolved b. the population of bacteria is far larger than originally thought c. bacteria can pose a serious threat to the existence of other organisms, including humans d. it demonstrates that genetics is at the heart of evolutionary theory


What is the tool tradition associated with Homo habilis? Oldowan Levallois Mousterian Acheaulian


When anthropologists study the way people use language in real settings rather than as a set of grammatical rules, they are focusing on a. parole b. langue c. phonetics d. morphology


When children in the United States reach a certain age, they often move out of their parents' home and into their own living space, something anthropologists refer to as dispersal filial separation consanguinial isolation age of consent


Which of the following is NOT studied by anthropologists? a. Dinosaur bones b. Primates c. Human culture d. Forensics


being able to communicate about things not currently present in space and time is known as a. displacement b. duality of patterning c. productivity d. arbitrariness


famous group of hominis known as neanderthals is included in which of the following groups? a. arachic homo sapiens b. anatomically modern homo spaiens c. australopithecus d. homo erectus


gene flow is the movement of genetic material across different populations a. true b. false


most people are unaware of the structure of a language until someone speaking it makes a mistake a. true b. false


which project would likely require the assistance of a geomorphologist? a. study of a landscape change b. study of community response to an eviornmental c. study of how people water in lakes d. study of how volcanoes forced migration patterns to change


Chronometric dating techniques used by archaeologists help establish

a more specific age for a fossil or something organic

Linguists refer to mixed languages with a simplified grammar that people rarely learn as a mother tongue as

a pidgin language

According to anthropologist Sherry Ortner's analysis, the American flag is an example of

a summarizing symbol

"why isn't the sky blue" : what color term (after black and white) appears first and most often in ancient literature? a. blue b. red c. purple d. green


A primary characteristic that allows paleoanthropologists to place a particular finding into the genus Homo is molar size cranial capacity forehead flatness bipedalism


According to "Evolution as Fact and Theory", being an evolutionary scientist means you do not believe in a higher power. a. true b. false


According to "our babies ourseves" which of the following is not typical of child-rearing practices in the us a. bottle-feeding over breast-feeding b. bed-sharing with child c. longer periods of crying to teach a child self-reliance d. adult supervision of small children


According to the lecture, in order for an explanation to be defined as scientific, it must be: a. proven b. testable c. developed in an academic institution such as a university d. at least 50 years old


Alfred Russell Wallace is known for: a. proposing explanations for evolution that differed from Darwin's b. hitting upon the idea of natural selection at about the same time as Darwin c. deriving the basic laws of genetics d. his advocacy of divine creation


Anthropologists think that the first hominin capable of speaking in sounds, not signals, was: a. Australopithecines b. Homo erectus c. Archaic homo sapiens d. Modern homo sapiens


Becoming human: according to a technique called the "molecular clock" humans and chimpanzees last shared a common ancestor about _____ yrs ago a. 200,000 b. 5 to 7 million c. 22 million d. 65 million


Cultural anthropologists face an ethical responsibility in their work and so must disclose to informants a. funding sources for research b. reasons for doing the research c. their location in the field d. the names of all informants


Cultural anthropology is one of the most quantitative of the social sciences. a. True b. False


Historical archaeologists only excavate sites where written historical documentation exists that provide an accurate description of the way the people actually lived. a. true b. false


If you studied speech patterns such as those analyzed in Robin Lakoff's study of gendered speech, you might find that "talking like a lady" a. contributes to gender equality in the workplace b. marginalizes women's voices in work contexts c. demonstrates that women and men are equal d. builds certainty and trust


In order to truly practice cultural relativism, one could never make a judgement on what is right and wrong. a. true b. false


It is easy to identify direct causal links between genes and behavior. True False


Koko and Washo were two primates who had learned a. call sounds b. American Sign Language c. Morse code d. English


Primates rely extensively on all the characteristics listed below except manual dexterity stereoscopic vision sense of smell larger brain


Reading your textbook is an example of: a. Situational Learning b. Symbolic Learning c. Conditioned Learning d. Social Learning


The appearance of culture was the event that signaled the arrival of modern humans. True False


The main idea behind the holistic perspective is to study culture a. by its individual parts b. through systematic connections of different parts c. through third-party reports d. all of the above


The name most closely associated with the system traditionally used to classify living things is: Lyell Linnaeus Lamarck Leakey


The taxonomic ordering of Homo erectus has been completely resolved through careful fossil analysis. True False


countries find it relativity easy to decide what language its citizens will speak a. true b. false


darwins idea about the major processes of evolution is called: a. desecent with modification b. natural selection c. inhertiance of acquried characteristics d. adaptation


if you wanted to understand the norms of society, you would most likely focus on a. cermonalized asepcts of a society b. everyday interactions c. symbolic use of the body d. economic exchanges


it is easy to identify direct casual links between genes and behavior true false


nineteenth-century british anthropologist credited with the development of the concept of culture through an evoulontiary persepctive was a. emile durklem b. eb tylor c. max welber d. charles darwin


non-random mating among the Huttertie sect in Canada is a good ex of how genetic drift works a. tru b. false


old world monkeys are exclusively terrestrial dwellers true false


primary ethical responsibility of anthropologists is to a. public b. people or species they stud c. agnency that funds the research d. institution in which they work


term hominin refers to humans and great apes true false


the art found on the walls at lascaux has been thoroughly deciphered as to its function and meaning true false


the taxonomic ordering of homo erectus has been completely resolved through careful fossil analysis


"Why Isn't the Sky Blue": What is the name of the British Prime Minister who was fascinated with the stories of Homer? a. WInston Churchill b. Neville Chamberlain c. William Gladstone d. Tony Blair


According Becoming Human (and Daniel Lieberman), the most compelling hypothesis is why bipedalism developed in early hominins is a. allowed them to carry offspring b. allowed them to see predators c. conserved energy d. helped them see potenital mates from long distances


All the characteristics listed below are common behavior patterns found in all primates except mother-infant bond affiliation and grooming father-son bond cooperation and conflict


In Becoming Human, Zeray Alemseged named the Australopithecus afarensis child he found in Ethiopia Lucy Tourmai Selam Zeray, after himself


Research committed to making social change and improving the lives of marginalized people is called a. rapid appraisal b. development anthropology c. action research d. participant observation


The Greek philosopher Aristotle proposed that all life was arranged in a. a random order based on chance b. the order in which each was created by the Gods c. a great chain of being d. order from most to least useful


The Origin of the Species was written by: Thomas Malthus Alfred Wallace Charles Darwin Gregor Mendel


The comparative method a. studies the evolution of a language b. focuses on one society over a long period of time c. uses data from many different societies d. all of the above


The progression of ancestral forms leading to modern-day humans, the earliest being first, is which of the following sequences? a. australoopintecines - homo erectus- homo habilis- homo sapines b. homo erectus -- australopithecines - homo habilis - homo sapaines c. australopithecines - homo habilils - homo erectus - homo spaiens d. austraoptiechines - homo sapiens - homo habilis - homo erectus


The study of how people classify things in the world is called a. ethnography b. sociolinguistics c. ethnoscience d. biological determinism


Which of the following is NOT a part of a human's taxonomic classification? Primate Mammal Plattyrhine Hominoid


Which of the following is NOT one of the four major sub-fields of anthropology? a. Physical/Biological Anthropology b. Linguistics c. Paleontology d. Archaeology


Who are the Narcerima? a. A group of Mesoamericans conquered by the Aztecs. b. A previously isolated indigenous group from the Amazon c. Americans d. They are a fictitious group of people made up by Horace Milner to fool gullible people


an evolutionary perspective on variations in physcial traits reflects a. genetic changes b. cultural changes c. adaptive changes d. rate of changes


dominance hierarchy exists when members of the same group have a. specific individuals who posses greater physcial strength than others b. agreed upon "pecking order" that allows indivduals to mate with others c. ranking relative to others that establishes to resoruces d. relationship with other groups that allows them to establish peaceful realtions


for much of its early history, physical anthropology was associated with what methodology? a.gene decoding b. facial reconginiton methodology c. measurement and classification of skulls according to racial characteristics d. primatological field studies


in evolutionary terms humans are distinct from other primates with respect to their ability to use language because a. much larger brains b. can learn american sign language c. we can speak using a larynx d. use symbolic communication


one of the central ideas of darwin's theory of evolution was the idea that a. all organisms change over time regardless of their evinorment b. organisms changed only as a result of not interacting with their environement c. change in organisms was realted to thier adaptabillity to a particular enviornment d. bibilcal forces were responsbile for the changes we see in organsims


social behavior patterns observed in one species that look like behaivior patterns in another, but which do not arise form a shared ancestry are known as a. non-ancestrial b. homologous c. analogus d. inherited behaviors


Words that came from the same ancestral language and originated from the same word are called

cognate words

According to the "Survival of the Fittest" video , what trait of the Rock Pocket Mouse was best adapted to survival on the lava flow? Long tail Wide Feet Nocturnal Vision Dark fur


Among cultural anthropologists, fieldwork involves a. learning the local language b. becoming involved in people's lives c. spending a significant amount of time in the field d. all of the above


Among the Bonobo chimpanzees, social conflict is often resolved through sexual activity. This is a form of affiliation dominance behavior modification reconciliation


An ethical approach to anthropological research would emphasize: A. a commitment to doing no harm B. the rejection of clandestine research C. responsibilities toward the host country and the people you are studying D. all of the above


Anthropologists overcome ethnocentrism by a. developing theories to explain human action b. studying a culture's customs c. defending whatever another culture does d. seeing matters from the point of view of another cultur


Assuming your culture's way of doing things is the best described as a. cultural relativism b. ethical responsibility c. natural selection d. ethnocentrism


During fieldwork, cultural anthropologists a. learn the local language b. record people's economic transactions c. study how environmental changes affect agriculture d. all of the above


Edward Sapir, who had been a student of Franz Boas's, saw himself as both a cultural anthropologist and a professionally trained linguist. He urged cultural anthropologists to pay close attention to language during field research because a. the "real world" is to a large extent unconsciously built from the language habits of a particular social group b. language is a guide to "social reality" c. we understand the material world through the language we speak d. all of the above


Ethnocentrism a. presents a major problem for anthropologists b. means you think your culture is superior to others c. is a common feature of culture d. all of the above


Examples of social institutions are a. kinship b. marriage c. subsistence patterns (such as farming) d. all of the above


For pastoral groups such as the dinka and neur, the cow acts as which kind of symbol? a. social b. summarizing c. narrative d. elaborating


How would you describe Edward Tylor's evolutionary theories? a. He studied how humans have no directional evolutionary goal. b. He studied how societies have harnessed more energy for production over time. c. He studied how the human body has changed physically from earlier to later forms, sometimes even changing species. d. He studied the history of human society from simple to complex technology and social institutions (from so-called savagery to civilization).


Techniques that classify features of a phenomenon and count, measure, and construct statistical models are collecting and analyzing a. qualitative data b. historical data c. ethnographic data d. quantitative data


The branch of linguistics that attempts to classify and construct a family tree of languages and to reconstruct extinct languages is known as a. structural linguistics b. sociolinguistics c. descriptive linguistics d. historical linguistics


The refinement of Darwin's theory has shown that a. evolution is limited in both time and place according to creation theories b. creation science has actually been correct all along c. evolution cannot be measured, even across generations within a population d. evolution can only be measured or seen across generations within a population


When cultural anthropologists go into the field a. they go with a set of questions they want to ask and have answered b. they often change the focus of their question to fit what they are seeing c. they often go with the flow of everyday life, even if it seems off-topic at the time d. all of the above


Who, along with Niles Eldredge, developed the theory of punctuated equilibrium? Duane Gish Mary Leakey Charles Lyell Stephen Jay Gould


ability to touch the thumb with the tips of the other fingers on the same hand is called a. dexterity b. prehensility c. grasping d. opposability


according to our babies ourselves, the goal of child rearing in any society is to make the child a. happy adult b. wealthy adult c. accomplished adult d. culturally appropriate adult


anthropologisst overcome enthnocentrism by a. devloping theroies to explain human action b. studing a culture's customs c. defending whatever another culture does d. seeing matters from the point of veiw of another culture


subfield of anthropology that studies the material meains of past cultures is called a. biological anthropology b. linguistic anthrop c. cultural anthro d. archaeology


the communication systems of nonhumans specices consist of a finite(limited) number of signals for finite specific meanings, such systems are said to be a. open b. arbitary c. symbolic d. closed


What kind of data do anthropologists gather from doing interviews? A. terms for biological species B. details about court cases C. life histories D. opinions on upcoming elections E. all of the above


one of the methods that archaeologists can use to determine potentially useful areas to excavate involves the use of a. aertial surveys b. surface surveys c. regional surveys d. gis system e. all the above


Which of the following is a contributing factor to the development of creoles, pidgins, and other hybrid forms of language? a. colonialism b. globalization c. commerce d. migration e. all of the above


Anthropologists have always approached a problem by specializing in one of the four subfields.


In science, a theory is an educated guess and is not well-accepted among the scientific community.


Most anthropologists believe in a single unified theory of culture. true false


all humans are born with some culture true false


Which hominin was the first stone tool maker (according to the lecture)?

homo habilis

The key scenario differs from other kinds of symbols bc it

implies how people should act

Anthropologist Sherry Ortner distinguished three kinds of culturally powerful symbols that include all of the following except

narrative symbols

If you observed gradual changes in environmental temperature and, at the same time, observed that there were changes in the phenotype of a butterfly species over fifteen generations, which theory might best help explain what is going on?

natural selection

law of superposition states that sedimentary layers are deposited in a time sequence with the ____ on bottom and ___ on top

oldest , youngest

If you wanted to understand very early, non-living human beings, you would likely engage in


Which type of interaction may include playing basketball, cooking, dining, or having coffee with informants?

participant observation

The idea that embraces dynamic cultural processes and the idea that the observer of cultural processes can never see culture completely objectively represent


Discovery of an archaic human in the Denisova cave, which consisted of a finger bone and two teeth, has allowed paleoanthropologists to

reconstruct their genome

Primates rely extensively on all the characteristics listed below except

sense of smell

In science, a _______ is a well-supported, well-tested statement about how something works.


The anatomy of Haplorrhines is considerably more varied than that of Strepsirrhines in large part because

they are more diverse in their lifeways

Anthropologists like E. E. Evans-Pritchard and Renato Rosaldo do not see cultural anthropology as a science. true false


T or F: The physical characteristics of any organism that can be seen are known as the phenotype.


There is no information about gender present in the record of early human art. true false


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