anthropology final

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"Disease and Deaths at Dr. Dickson's Mounds" what were the indicatiors that proved most sensitive to health differences (7) what did researchers do to prevent bias when examining the skeletons

Bone lesions (scars) due to infection nutritional deficits trauma degenerative conditions long bone growth dental developmental defects age at death to prevent bias, researchers did not know which skeletons came from each of the two cultural periods

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" two publications gave examples/wrote articles about the burqa used positively in a culture. what are these examples

New York Times -Afghan women refugees in Pakistan -good respectable women from strong families who are not forced to make a living off of the street The Guardian -interview of a surgeon in Afghanistan -she refused burqa but still had no question about covering up with a chador(scarf)

"Disease and Deaths at Dr. Dickson's Mounds" what did researchers find when comparing bone lesions (scars) due to infection

following the introduction of agriculture there was a three fold increase in the percentage of individuals with such lesions 26% pre Mississippian tibia's had lesions 84% Mississippian tibia's had lesions (were also more severe and showed up in younger individuals) also showed anemia resulting from a nutritional deficit (iron)

"The Price of Progress" dietary changes are more often _________ upon unwilling tribal peoples by circumstances beyond their control dietary changes linked to world market economy ______ the nutritional levels of tribes dental abnormalities that plague industrialized societies are _________ among tribal people who retain their traditional diets

forced lower absent/rare

"Dawn of a New Stone Age in Eye Surgery" part of the manufacturing problem has been solved, by designing a metal mold you can pour glass into producing uniformly shaped cores and eliminates imperfections, but what two things does the author say still needs to be done to make obsidian blades universal?

fully automate the process produce precisely uniform scalpels every time

"Dawn of a New Stone Age in Eye Surgery" what two types of surgeries do the author and Dr. Hardenbergh plan to modify the blades for?

general surgery and specialized surgeries (i.e. plastic and neuro)

"The worst mistake in the history of the human race" the author claims that two societies (US and hunter gatherers) were both working for what? what does he argue for this point is the author a progressivist or revisionist

health and happiness hunter gatherers were not unhappy. they had leisure time, told stories, hung out with friends ect. revisionist

"How many fathers are best for a child" what ideas did the author have before this research that was challenged once he meat the Bari people (three)

the nuclear family with one mom and one dad is not the established blue print for a family that we have been led to expect. human systems are flexible, ready to accommodate any sort of mating system or type of family there are all sorts of ways to run a successful household

what is the neolithic revolution what are the two characteristics of this time period?

the start of food production, and domestication of plants and animals characteristics horticulture (slash and burn) agriculture

"Law, Custom, and Crimes against women the problem of dowry death in india" what is ethnology

the study of the characteristics of different people and the differences between them

true or false every culture has marriage but there are so many variations between cultures. the only similarity is that it is a way of formalizing sexual access


true or false writing came with civilization ex law, science, government, schools


true or false the bronze and iron age are both included in the stone age

true (time line is in BP or before present) 2.4mya_________10k______5k_________4k____modern humans / /____iron __________________/ / /_______bronze ______________________/ / /_________neolithic stone age______________/ /_______________stone age (paleolithic)______________________/

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" true or false the essay focuses on particularly female genital modification because they currently receive the greatest attention and are at the center of debate many societies practice male but not female circumcision but the reverse is rare

true true

"Disease and Deaths at Dr. Dickson's Mounds" true or false there is a link between diet and infectious disease agriculture is not invariably associated with declining in health. there are other factors to think about

true true

"How many fathers are best for a child" true or false 1/3 women were faithful to husbands influence of western values causes the Bari to not openly discuss their parenting ways and keep it more in secret

true true

"Law, Custom, and Crimes against women the problem of dowry death in india" true or false marriage is a long process of preparation for making dowry payments. education is problematic because husbands must be college educated, causing the families of husbands to demand more dowry

true true

"Slumbers unexplored landscape" true or false sleep is a mix of biology and cultural influences sometimes we misdiagnose people, saying they have sleep problems when in fact it is just the natural two-phase sleep cycle

true true

"our babies, ourselves" true or false breast feeding for as long as 7 yrs is physiologically normal and natural the longer a baby is nursed the better its health and cognitive development breast fed children have higher cognitive test scores and lower ADHD incidence

true true

"when brothers share a wife" true or false fraternal polyandry is a choice. you can marry however you want what happens if a brother is dissatisfied with the marriage

true you can choose monogomy ect but it is an undesirable way of life he simply left the main house, even though living on your own in this society is generally not an option

"when brothers share a wife" what is fraternal polyandry? what society is this common in

two, three, four or more brothers jointly take a wife who leaves her home to come and live with them. arranged by parents with children having little or no say. Tibetans

"when brothers share a wife" what are the two untrue reasons as to why outsiders think fraternal polyandry is practiced? why would westerners think this? what is the actual reason to why it is practiced in this society (advantages to polyandry) what are some disadvantages to polyandry

untrue reasons shortage of females fear of starvation because of ethnocentrism real reasons more secure and higher standard of living he will experience much less work pressure and much greater security materialistic reasons less children everyone stays together disadvantages arranged marriages social differences between brothers

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" what does the author say about justice for women

we may want justice for women but we need to accept that there might be different ideas about justice and that different women might want or choose different futures from what we envision as best be aware of differences and respectful of other paths toward social change that might give women better lives

"Slumbers unexplored landscape" why in our culture does everyone say they don't get enough sleep?

were not in tune with natural sleep patterns and do not cycle through appropriate sleep cycles because of artificial light ect. system is off because our body still thinks we are awake

"our babies, ourselves" the author in this section compares and contrasts the western (us) way of infant care and almost all other cultures. what are some differences

western (us) - half of babies are bottle fed from birth - or weaned from breast to bottle after a few months - fed scheduled times, long intervals between feedings - expect babies to sleep alone - convinced solitary sleep will mold strong character almost all other cultures - infants sleep with parents in same room often in same bed - all other times infants are usually carried - quickly respond to infant cries

"Slumbers unexplored landscape" early modern Europeans are believed to sleep in the two-phase sleep pattern. what is each phase called

"first sleep" several hours "watching period" about midnight 1-2 hours of inner reflection or sex "second" or "morning" sleep

"How many fathers are best for a child" what are some parental characteristics of the Bari tribe of Venezuela

- children can easily have more than one father - a fetus is believed to be built up over time with repeated nurishments of sperm -hard work for men to support pregnancy with enough sex, women don't want to wear out husbands so they take on lovers

"Slumbers unexplored landscape" what are some characteristics of the Gebusi sleep patterns

- danger of spirit loss when in a deep sleep - women sleep while men stay up to conduct rituals - men sleep on wood, women sleep on mats

"our babies, ourselves" what are some charachteristics of primate hominid infants

- dependence during infancy - human infant is born neurologically unfinished and unable to coordinate muscle movement - birth has to be triggered before skull grows too big.

"Slumbers unexplored landscape" what are some sleep patterns of non-western populations worthman found while conducting research

- people sleep in shared spaces - often constant background noise - to them communal sleep = safe sleep - pillows, thick mattresses are rare - people doze in whatever they are wearing - virtually no one keeps a regular bedtime

"How many fathers are best for a child" how is the secondary father crucial for survival and secondary fathers are involved in what percentile of pregnancies?

- secondary father is expected to give gifts of fish and game -involved in 25% of pregnancies

"our babies, ourselves" What are some of the Gusii ways of infant care

- women expected to give birth every two yrs - bore about 10 children - mothers sleep alone with infant for 15 months - 3-6 months, entrust baby to care of other children - hold constantly; quick to comfort

"The Price of Progress" what are some examples of negative effects of progress on tribes

-culture loss -quality of life -disease -diet -teeth -malnutrition -ecocide -discrimination

"Dawn of a New Stone Age in Eye Surgery" what are the benefits of the Ancient Mayan tool obsidian blades compared to a metal scalpel when it was used in eye surgery (Dr. Hardenbergh)

-ease in cutting -improved healing of incisions -less damage to tissue -cleaner incision -less resistance to blade so eye moved less allowing surgeon to make a more accurate incision other surgeries -healing faster -scaring reduced -pain reduced

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" Anthropologists studied Indians at Dickson mounds to get information on how farming had an effect on their health. what four things did they find

1- 50% increase in enamel defects indicating malnutrition 2- increase in iron deficiency (anemia) 3- rise in bone lesions indicating infectious diseases 4- increase in degenerative conditions of the spine indicating hard physical labor

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" what are the three kinds of surgery that female circumcision includes and define them

1- clitoridectomy removes all or part of clitoris and the hood covering it 2- excision includes clitoridectomy and removes some or all of labia 3- infibulation most extreme 1st and 2nd and sides of vulva are joined so scar tissue forms over vaginal opening leaving small gap for urination and menstruation

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" what are the three reasons to explain the findings that agriculture was bad for health

1- diet hunter gatherers had a varied diet while farmers did not. they only used one or a few starchy crops 2- starvation farmers ran the risk of starvation if one crop failed 3- diseases agriculture led to people clumping together, causing wide spread parasites and diseases

"Disease and Deaths at Dr. Dickson's Mounds" recovered remains included both individuals who lived before the development of maize agriculture and after. how were they distinguished? (three things)

1- mounds they were buried in 2- placement within each mound 3- burial position

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" what two issues does the author say we need to confront

1- the acceptance of difference 2- vigilant about the rhetoric of saving people because of what it implies about attitudes

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" what are the two points made in this article about the veil

1- work against the reductive interpretation of veiling as a sign of women's unfreedom 2- do not reduce diverse situations and attitudes of millions of Muslim women to a single item of clothing

monogamy is seen in what ratio of societies? what is at the root of monogamy or why does our culture emphasize monogamy?

1/4 of societies because of biological paternity -we want to be able to identify who biological fathers are for social and economic reasons -monogamy is ideal form of marriage in societies where biological paternity is important

"Clean your Plate. There are people starving in Africa!" inefficiencies in farming and fresh food processing keep more than ____% of Americas agricultural bounty from reaching american tables


"Clean your Plate. There are people starving in Africa!" food loss constitutes __________% of waste that ends up in landfills ______ billion pounds loss annually representing a loss of over _____ billion

12-15% 80 $40

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" in today's hunter-gatherer societies, how much time per week is the typical time devoted to obtaining food?

12-19 hours per week

where and when was the kennewick man found and what was so significant about him

1996 Washington he outlived his injuries (broken bones)

"How many fathers are best for a child" what is the ideal number of secondary fathers


"our babies, ourselves" what is the suggested (natural) breast-feeding time span for humans

2 and a half-7 years of age in non western cultures children are routinely nursed for 3-5 yrs

"Disease and Deaths at Dr. Dickson's Mounds" at the dickson mounds, evidence of agriculture was found. what was the population size prior to this evidence, and what factor did it go up by with the adoption of agriculture

2-3 people per square mile went up by a factor of 10 to ... 25 people per square mile

"Army Enlists Anthropology in War Zones" The process that led to the creation of the teams began in _____ when american officers in Iraq complained they had...

2003 little or no information about the local population

"Disease and Deaths at Dr. Dickson's Mounds" what did researchers find when comparing bone enamel? (hypoplasias- deificiency in enamel)

55% pre- Mississippians had hypoplasias 80% MIssissippians had hypoplasias revealed an annual cycle of stress most likely caused by a seasonal food shortage

"Army Enlists Anthropology in War Zones" Schwitzer, a commander said that the combat operations since the anthropologist came in was reduced by _____% and soilders were now able to focus more on improving ________, _______, and ________ for the population

60% could now focus on improving security health care education

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" true or false the Taliban invented the burqa

FALSE original use: local form of covering that Pastun women in one region wore when they went out to symbolize modesty

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" what are some common names for female circumcision what is female circumcision (define)

FGM (female genital mutilation or female genital modification) genital cutting *mutilation is a problem word made by anti-circumcision activists bc it suggests families intend to harm children which is false* surgical operations performed in over 30 different countries impeded in a wide range of cultural contexts

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" who is being protected by the veil?

MEN women are seen as sexual objects so it is protecting the men from being subjected to women

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" the author says that liberals are sometimes surprised that even though Afghanistan has been liberated from the Taliban, women do not seem to be throwing off their burqas. what are some examples the author gives to show that the burqa does not symbolize oppression in other cultures

Pashtun symbolizes women's modesty and respectability Pakistan belonging to a community and participating in a moral way of life

"Disease and Deaths at Dr. Dickson's Mounds" what did researchers find when looking at life expectancy

Pre-Mississippians: 26 yrs Mississippians: 19 yrs especially pronounced during infant and child yrs

"our babies, ourselves" what is a characteristic of Puerto Ricans, efe, Quechua, and Japanese

Puerto Ricans older children take care of younger ones efe newborn is routinely cared for by several people Peru, Quechua swaddle infants in a pouch of blankets Japanese wake infant to teach child who is in charge

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" give an example of how female circumcision is used in a ceremonial way

The physical operation is often a small part of the celebration that follows In Kenya, the Okiek people circumcise boys and excise girls for initiation into adulthood Celebration continues for several months and includes: Moral teaching Family and community engagement Negotiation of new social relationships Important cultural meanings and values

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" female circumcision has been used for how long and was originally prescribed to women for what

Used for about a century- from around 1850 to 1950- by physicians in Europe and the United States Was prescribed for adult women in Europe and the US as medical treatment for insomnia, sterility, and masturbation

"Pocahontas goes to the clinic" what does the author mean when she says diversity has transformed the medical clinic into a cultural borderland?

a cultural borderland is a place where culture emerges more vividly as a space of encounter than of enclosure its normally characterized by politics and there is normally a common goal of difference making border talk- biomedical encounters marked by cultural confusions and misunderstandings

"Army Enlists Anthropology in War Zones" Along with offering advice to commanders, Ms. McFate (an anthropologist on site) said that a five member team creates what 4 things

a database of local leaders and tribes social problems economic issues political disputes

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" what is pluralism

a form of society in which the members of minority groups maintain their independent cultural traditions

"Pocahontas goes to the clinic" what is lingua franca

a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different ex caring for the sick child using language of disney

"Slumbers unexplored landscape" what is the typical (natural) sleep pattern of humans most research suggests

a two-phase sleep pattern

"when brothers share a wife" although men and women do not find the idea of sharing a bride or a bride groom repulsive, individual dislikes and likes can cause family tension give an example

a youngest brother can be treated with unequal affection cause he could be considerably younger than his older brothers

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" what can a prehistoric person's skeletons reveal about that person?

age sex weight if multiple skeletons are found in an area... life span risk of death calculated growth rates (greeks and turks skeletons) scars left on bones can tell what types of disease plagued societies

what are some characteristics of state- level societies

agriculture social ranking individual leaders high population density Mississippian societies reliance on self (personal achievement)

"Law, Custom, and Crimes against women the problem of dowry death in india" what did selective female abortion (amniocentesis) allow people in india to do in 1985

allowed people to know the gender of the baby. there were 3,000 abortions in 1985, and only one was a male

"our babies, ourselves" how do ethnopediatricians see the human infant what is their goal

as an organism, a product of evolution sought to define the care required to meet a human infant's physical, cognitive and emotional needs

what were the two theories of watercraft migration and describe them

asian mariners (25,000BP) -boat builders from asia solutrean hypothesis -less popular -costal habitation by ice age european cultures -used skills like inuit (eskimo) following edge of ice sheets along atlantic

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" Hanna Papanek worked in Pakistan and described the burqa as "portable seclusion" and many saw it as a liberating invention what does this mean

assures protection in the public from strange men by symbolically signaling to all that they were still in the inviolable space of their homes even though they were in the public

"The Price of Progress" how does the author define progress and what is the ethnocentric definition of progress he thinks people would normally define

author (less ethnocentric) -does progress increase or decrease a cultures ability to satisfy the physical and psychological needs of population -universally relevant -ex; physical and mental health, crime, family stability, happiness, identity ethnocentric -"standard of living" -universally irrelevant -ex; employment rates, education, consumption of manufactured goods, GNP, income

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" anthropological research may not be able to resolve conflicts and controversy, but it can help to identify what

basic value contradictions and issues at stake different positions different interests

"Pocahontas goes to the clinic" why does the author say that communication failures are magnified intensely in situations characterized by high stakes like health clinics

because what might in another context be small, under the heightened circumstance of a child's life in danger, it could become extremely important

"our babies, ourselves" what are the three areas of greatest parenting controversy

breast-feeding crying sleep

"Pocahontas goes to the clinic" what is the definition of indigenized

bring (something) under the control, dominance, or influence of the people native to an area like spider man costume

what two time periods are considered the metal ages and how many years ago did they start

bronze age -5,000BP iron age- 4,000BP

"The worst mistake in the history of the human race" hunter gatherers had more protein and a better balanced diet... how many calories and grams of protein did they intake

calories- 2,140 grams of protien- 93

"Disease and Deaths at Dr. Dickson's Mounds" what did researchers find when comparing bone growth

children between 5 and 10 had shorter and narrower tibias and femurs (bones of legs)

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" the author discusses the title of this article, saying that it is deeply problematic to what

construct the Afghan woman as someone in need of saving

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" what are the three context areas of the debate and what are the three interacting arenas (groups of people)

context areas -social -cultural -historical interacting arenas 1- home countries Africa, middle east, Asia traditional standing 2-US and Europe historical standing related to changing understandings of health related topics 3- international campaigns

"clean your plate. there are people starving in Africa" what was the highest type of store in the retail food industry category that had the largest losses ans what is the percentage

convenience stores 25%

"Law, Custom, and Crimes against women the problem of dowry death in india" cultural materialism is the perspective of this chapter. what does that mean is this culture really that different from ours?

cultural behaviors are best explained in relation to material constraints no

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" the practice of female circumcision challenges the non- judgmental tolerance that ________ __________ implies and raises questions on how to define _________ _________ and who should define them

cultural relativism human rights

"our babies, ourselves" what two things guide parents in their child care tasks

culture individual experience

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" what does this section provoke you to think about the connection between

culture and agriculture

"The worst mistake in the history of the human race" why does the author think agriculture was the worst mistake in human history? three things...

disease tyranny starvation

"Disease and Deaths at Dr. Dickson's Mounds" the mounds in Illinois were used by native Americans to bury the dead. who undertook the first evacation of the mounds? what were those mounds called?

don Dickson, a chiropractor "Dickson Mounds"

"Law, Custom, and Crimes against women the problem of dowry death in india" if dowry is illegal then why do you think it is still common

dowry can be disguised as a gift taking a bride into a home is viewed as a burden and dowry is part of tradition so people do it anyway

a pre-state society can also include tribes. what are some characteristics of tribes

early food producers kin based (elders) horticulture (slash and burn) redistribute food egalitarian

"Law, Custom, and Crimes against women the problem of dowry death in india" what are some attributes considered to be important in wives

education age income occupation physical attributes family background personality language place of residence

"disease and death at dr. dickson's mounds" does the author think food shortages, population increase and declining health is cause or effect of the agricultural revolution? what is some evidence to support this claim

effect. with agriculture came skyrocketing percentages of.... more bone lesions dying younger after agriculture upper arm impacts suggested people protecting themselves from fighting (not nutritional but important for quality of life)

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" what is female circumcision used for in Sudan

enhances a women's purity, cleanliness and beauty

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" what are the two most widely practiced types of FGM

excision and infibulation

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" true or false diets of surviving hunter-gatherers provides less protein and worse balance of nutrition

false provides more protein and a better balance of nutrition

"Clean your Plate. There are people starving in Africa!" true or false these losses cannot be stopped what percent increase would profits go up by if stopped

false since more than half of these losses could be stopped easily and economically, the result would increase profits in fast food and convenient stores by 5%

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" what are the three issues at stake that are discussed in debates

human rights -emphasize integrity of human body sometimes mentioning child abuse and torture self-determination - what are someones own personal beliefs health issues and sexuality - commonly asserted that the whole reason for these surgeries is for males to control female sexuality but this is false and there is no evidence to support it all in all there are no simple answers to issues

what are some characteristics of a pre-state society

hunting and gathering small population no leaders egalitarian self-sufficient reliance on group

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" in every case, purposes and meanings of FGM are related to specific cultural understandings of what (give a couple examples)

identity adulthood gender morality personhood

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" what are some immediate health risks and some long term health risks of female circumcision surgery

immediate health risks related to hygiene and care after operations infection, shock, excessive bleeding long term health risks related to heavy scaring cysts , painful menstruation, chronic pelvic infections

"The Price of Progress" economic development _________ the disease rate of affected peoples in three ways....( name the three ways)

increases disease rate 1- people become more vunerable to advanced people diseases ex heart disease, obesity 2- increase in parasite and bacterial diseases 3-poverty diseases appear

"our babies, ourselves" what are some advantages of co sleeping

infants rarely cry wake more frequently spend more time in lighter stages of sleep nurse almost twice as often have practice responding to maternal arousal

"when brothers share a wife" what is primogeniture

inheritance is passed down to first child

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" what is the refute point the author makes to counter argue the progressivist view?

it is hard to prove how do you show that the lives of people got better when they abandoned hunting and gathering for farming? 20th century foraging societies have plenty of leisure time, sleep a good deal and work less hard than their farming neighbors.

"Disease and Deaths at Dr. Dickson's Mounds" archaeologists continue to debate the cause of agricultural revolutions. What are the two sides of the debate when it comes to the role larger populations played

it was BECAUSE of a larger population that agriculture came about larger population was a cause of agricultural revolution

"Clean your Plate. There are people starving in Africa!" what is the authors viewpoint on reducing food loss

it would take us a long way toward sustainable food growing capacity

"Clean your Plate. There are people starving in Africa!" what are some reasons for such high food loss in the retail food industry

lack of management and training instant foods, if not purchased within a certain amount of time are usually trashed "just in time" delivery systems- if a resturant does not have room it gets trashed miscalculations in demand or too much advanced food preparation

what happened to population growth after food production

larger families

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" what was the choice prehistoric socities had to make as their populations got bigger on a 24 hour clock of the human race, how long is life with agriculture compared to life foraging

limiting the population or increasing food production - led to tyranny, warfare, and starvation from midnight to 11:54 is hunter gathering lifestyle. agriculture is the last 6 minutes.

"when brothers share a wife" what are some charachteristics of fraternal polyandry in tibetan society

males and females do not find sexual aspect of sharing a spouse unusual children consider all brothers their fathers and there is no attempt to link children to biological fathers

"Disease and Deaths at Dr. Dickson's Mounds" what did researchers find when comparing frequency of fractures

males had highest frequency of fractures approximately one out of three Mississippians males had at least one fracture, twice the frequency of pre-Mississippians degenerative conditions (ex. arthritis) 40% pre-Mississippian adults 70% Mississippian adults

"when brothers share a wife" why are joint families undesirable

men they have to make their way doing their own work instead of inheriting it which is hard to do women primarily interested in her own children's success and well being over that of the other wives children

"Dawn of a New Stone Age in Eye Surgery" what was the difference between metal and obsidian cuts

metal tore large amounts of tissue left ragged edges littered with displaced chunks of flesh obsidian crisp and clean

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" what are the two sides of the debate at play in this article

negative it is child abuse, health problems can hurt children, not right positive it is tradition, and done for the growth and prosperity of children

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" does the author say in all cultures wearing the burqa is a choice?

no she is not implying that in all situations it is a choice, but it is more of a choice than we perceive it to be in certain parts of the world

"The Price of Progress" does the author feel tribal peoples chose progress?

no. he feels as if governments have pushed progress upon them to obtain tribal resources

"Dawn of a New Stone Age in Eye Surgery" what is the problem with an obsidian blade

not adequate for manufacturing in large numbers -must be made by hand -each blade has to be individually planned and detached -they vary in length and shape

"How many fathers are best for a child" in the Na of Yunnan Province in China, how involved are the fathers

not at all involved children usually raised by women's family women have complete control over their children, property and sexuality

"Clean your Plate. There are people starving in Africa!" what does this research show

shows that food losses are having a negative economic, environmental, and social impact on the US

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" there is a belief that circumcised women feel no sexual pleasure. is this true?

not at all. a women's sexual desire is purely circumstantial (i.e. has she had sex before? been raped?)

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" what do these findings at dickson mounds suggest about how the people took up farming there

not by choice but by necessity in order to feed their constant growing numbers

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" what was the reason anthropologists think today as to why agriculture was so widespread and why hunter gatherers joined the neolitic revolution

not that hunter gatherers abandoned their lifestyle, they just did not want to be forced out of the area they were in by the large number of people in farming societies

what type of family does monogamy create and is this universal?

nuclear no

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" what does the author suggest that Muslim women think about western women

objectified, preyed on. it is sad that they do not cover up

"Dawn of a New Stone Age in Eye Surgery" the diamond blade is the blade that is the sharpest scalpel presently used. how much sharper is an obsidian blade? what are the problems with the diamond blade compared to an obsidian blade

obsidian blade -3 times sharper than diamond blade -cost is very low -can be as long as surgeons need it to be diamond blade -expensive -tiny only 3mm cutting edge

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" some women view the burqa as having a sense of power over people. why is this

one of the ways they show their standing is by covering their faces in certain contexts. they decide whom they feel it is appropriate to veil

what two time periods are included in the stone age and how many years ago did they start

paleolithic -2.4mya neolithic- 10,000BP

what was the clovis-first theory what evidence did people have to support this theory

people followed animals into the new world (america) to hunt spearhead looking tools found called airheads bison skeletons found with clovis spearhead lodged inside first site; clovis, New mexico

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" the author states that US women do not live a world of choice regarding clothing, even though they try to make Muslim women feel as if they do in US and Muslim women do not. why does she say this ? (what is the anthropological idea behind this)

people wear the appropriate form of dress for their social communities and are guided by socially shared standards, religious beliefs, and moral ideals

"The Price of Progress" in nearly every area where traditional foods were still being eaten, price found what type of teeth?

perfect teeth normal dental arches no decay caries and abnormalities increased steadily as new diets were adopted also found that affected peoples were conscious of their own physical deterioration

"when brothers share a wife" what is polyandry monogomy polygyny

polyandry one wife, multiple husbands (in the case of the article fraternal polyandry is one wife with multiple brothers for husbands) monogomy one spouse to one spouse polygyny one husband, multiple wives

what is the more common universal ideal of marriage characterized by multiple partners is it more common for a male to have multiple wives or a female to have multiple husbands

polygamy more common for a male to have multiple wives (75% of societies identify that this is ideal) multiple husbands is rare and is only seen in about 4-12 societies they do not keep track of biological paternity

"Pocahontas goes to the clinic" what is the main point of this article

popular culture (ex. Disney) provides a common language for adults and children, a set of public symbols that they can draw on to try to connect with one another. the heroes act as a way to overcome the frightening relations between clinicians and patients and do so in a way that supports hope

"The Price of Progress" in many tribal areas, environmental deterioration due to overuse of resources has set in, causing resources to dwindle because of what two things what are some of the effects of this that we see in our environment

population expansion increase use effects -resources depletion -erosion -plant and animal extinction

what are some characteristics of state organized societies and give some examples

pretty much the same as state- level societies political society classes agriculture social inequality ex US, France, UK

"Army Enlists Anthropology in War Zones" fun fact- author was kidnapped by Taliban as a journalist what are the two arguments at play in this article regarding Anthropologist helping the military

pro can do more good than bad to save people con -you could be put in a situation where you have to choose between America and the culture you are studying -"Mercenary Anthropology"- exploits anthropology for military gain

"Army Enlists Anthropology in War Zones" What is the Human Terrain Team

program that assigns anthropologists and other social scientists to american combat units in Afghanistan and Iraq

"The Price of Progress" malnutrition what is the particular malnutrition form that has become a critical problem for tribal peoples what can malnutrition lead to

protein deficiency malnutrition can lead to abnormally undersized brain dev and irreversible brain damage. linked with ID

what was monte-verde-chille? how many years does it pre date the clovis theory by what was discovered that aided this theory

provided an older site than clovis theory by 1,000 yrs (14,800 BP) discovered cow bone

"Dawn of a New Stone Age in Eye Surgery" one of the authors problems was to determine how sharp the obsidian blades were and how they compared to various scalpels used by surgeons. is a razor blade or a scalpel sharper? by how much? how much sharper was the obsidian blade compared to the razor blade and scalpel

razor blade is 2.1 times sharper than scalpel (surprising to author; she expected the opposite; but not to surgeons, who use razors sometimes because of this) obsidian blade 100-500 times sharper than razor 210-1050 times sharper than modern surgical scalpel

"our babies, ourselves" what are the "Three r's of the dutch (in english)" and what are some characteristics of dutch infant care

rest, regularity and cleanliness -6mo old sleep 15 hrs per day - calm and unhurried lifestyle - conscious about avoiding over-stimulation - leave infant alone

"Clean your Plate. There are people starving in Africa!" food loss in america costs americans more than 100 billion dollars anually. retail sector losses amount to ... farming industry losses amount to ... private household losses amount to...

retail sector $30 billion (35 million tons of food) farming $20 billion private households $40 billion

"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" what are the two views of the Neolithic Revolution and what do they say

revisionist interpretation - the adoption of agriculture was in many ways a catastrophe from which we have never recovered. with agriculture came social and sexual inequality and disease that curse our existence progressivist perspective - of course paleolithic societies adopted agriculture because the traditional ways of hunting and gathering was less efficient than agriculture was when it came to getting food for less work.

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" the author talks about British colonialism in South Asia and the use of women to justify what?

rule they used arguments about "women's rights" to justify the way they wanted to rule author says we need to be suspicious when cultural icons are plastered over messier historical and political things and need to be wary when they claim to be saving or liberating Muslim women

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" how is the veil seen from our culture and is this the way it is in cultures that actually wear the veil?

seen as a sign of oppression not at all

america today is flexible with our system of monogamy. what is the type of monogamy that is used in our society today because we are living longer so divorce is more common, causing one partner after the other but not at the same time

serial monogamy

"Pocahontas goes to the clinic" in this article, the author conducts interviews of 18 African american families, all with a child with a severe illness who had participated in the study for at least three years. what did the author find is the disease where race is most openly discussed by clinical staff as well as parents, and gave parents the most trouble. what are some problems that come with this diagnoses and skin color

sickle-cell disease -lack of respect -young African american boys are often refused pain meds because they are seen as crazy or drug seeking black kids when in fact they are actually in a pain crisis -parents labeled with negative markers such as "difficult, overwhelmed" causing their strengths to be hidden - parents must routinely be non compliant to get the care they or their children need

"Slumbers unexplored landscape" one characteristic of the Balinese is to "fear sleep" what is this

slumping over in a deep slumber when confronted with intense anxiety or unexpected fright

"Army Enlists Anthropology in War Zones" why do military officials collaborate with anthropologists in combat operations and war zones?

so the military could see the situation from an Afghan perspective and allow them to cut back on combat operations (info from interviews of american officers) improve performance of govt. officials ease poverty protect villagers from Taliban and criminals persuade tribesman to join police

what occurred for the first time in cities? (social term)

social stratification specialization of people social statuses own more land/animals for agriculture= higher social status

"how many fathers are best for a child" what is the similarity between Bari and american societies the nuclear family is not the most common idea now a days. why is this?

step-fathers because of divorce

human history is divided into what three periods

stone age bronze age iron age

"Clean your Plate. There are people starving in Africa!" which food chain had little food loss at less than 1%, and why

supermarkets they have already took on the issue of food loss

"How many fathers are best for a child" what is the driving factor to the reason why multiple biological fathers is desired in the Bari culture

survival - 1/3 of children do not survive to age 15 - secondary fathers were a crucial factor to a babies survival - some husbands allow wives to take a secondary lover to ensure the survival of his children in case he is hunted by other indians and other tribes

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" what two things does the author say the media wrongly connected and they almost became one even though they are vastly different. she refers to this word throughout the article

terrorists and the Taliban even though the Taliban are not terrorists. became a monster identity ; Taliban-and-the-terrorists

"how many fathers are best for a child" what is the idea of biological paternity and how is is a misconception

that most cultures want to know who the biological father is this is false- some do not care

"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" what does this article argue

that the "liberation of women" rationale for going to war was ethnocentric. Muslim women were particularly singled out as one of the driving forces for the war when every other complex part of the problems going on in Afghanistan were ignored.

what is pre history (the time before what)?

the time before written records

"Slumbers unexplored landscape" what does the author say about how much anthropological research is done on sleep patterns and how most anthropologists view sleep

there is little anthropological research on sleep. sleep is treated as if it is ONLY biological, as if there are no cultural variations that go along with it which the author believes is completely false

"Army Enlists Anthropology in War Zones" why do many anthropologists object to using anthropologists in military operations

they say it exploits social science for political gain. scholars who work with military could cause all anthropologists to be viewed as intelligence gatherers for the military

what was the first place of the earliest evidence of manipulation of the environment for food and what tactic was there evidence of

tigris- euphrates river "fertile crescent" irrigation

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" what is one of the best documented historical examples of circumcision controversy

took place in central Kenya during colonial era colonial missionaries tried to abolish FGM Kikuyu female circumcision became connected to the anti colonial movement in defense of cultural tradition

"Pocahontas goes to the clinic" Disney characters can provide a shared story of hope and can lead to a sense that everyone is working _________ the best interest of the child what was the example the author gave of an identity play with a client in therapy of spider man

toward the child was scared of heights and therapy at first, but once the clinician related to spider man the child became more comfortable. she noted that the child wanted the traits of spider man and imagined himself being him however, popular items are versatile and spider man could take on another meaning for a different child `

"Law, Custom, and Crimes against women the problem of dowry death in india" what is dowry what is bride burning or dowry death why is this a problem

transfer of property(originally) from the bride to the family of the groom. now can be cash gifts, gifts of household goods, and expenditures on the wedding itself family of groom/groom harasses wife into additional dowry, sometimes burning the wife in violent scenarios. women are killing themselves to rid family of burden of dowry far more violence occurs than is indicated dowry is frequently massive

"The Price of Progress" what does the author conclude about a tribes standard of living in relation to an increase in economic progress

tribes standard of living is lowered by economic progress

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" true or false higher education levels are related to higher circumcision rates


"Clean your Plate. There are people starving in Africa!" true or false inconsistencies in predicting market prices often lead farmers to turn under marginally profitable crops rather than "take the risk" of a loss


"Disease and Deaths at Dr. Dickson's Mounds" true or false when agriculture began outside groups did not merge with local groups


"Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?" true or false the author wants us to leave veils and vocations of saving others behind and instead focus on making the world a better place; a world not organized around military and economic demands; a world focused on peace


"Pocahontas goes to the clinic" true or false in hospitals, there is little time between the client and clinician to develop rapport, so it is easy and effective for the clinician to use right off the bat relatable Disney themes to make the child more interested and more comfortable in the session


"The Price of Progress" true or false governments are forcing tribal people into a self-reinforcing spiral of population growth and resource exploitation


"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" true or false -farming helped bring deep class divisions -hunter gatherers did not have any type of social pyramid -farming may have encouraged inequality between the sexes


"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race" true or false progressivists credit agriculture with the remarkable flowering of art


"How many fathers are best for a child" when are mothers more likely to take on a secondary father

when a previous child has died at infancy

"The Price of Progress" when does the author say tribal people feel social deprivation and discrimination and what are some examples of what problems tribal people deal with with economic modernization

when the economic goals they have been encouraged to seek fail to materialize and when they discover they are powerless and second class citizens compared to the dominant society family life is disrupted crime emotional disorders alcoholism

"Circumcision, Pluralism, and Dilemmas of Cultural Relativism" what are some questions that have risen in legal cases dealing with African immigrants in countries like the US and Europe

whose legal rights should be protected? what if the child is a minor? what if they choose to undergo operation? if this is outlawed, who is responsible for prosecution?

"when brothers share a wife" if a brother chooses to leave, where do the children stay

with the entire family/other brothers, even if the children are biologically his

"Slumbers unexplored landscape" does the author believe that we loose touch with our dreams? why?

yes our long sleeping patterns "watching period" allows people to reflect on their dreams, causing them to remember them easier when we do not do that. alarm clocks, artificial light

"when brothers share a wife" what roles does the age of the brother play in the marriage

younger brothers almost never participate in marriage ceremonies eldest brother dominant has authority

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