anthropology midterm #2

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What did much of the early feminist anthropological studies focus on identifying in regard to gender and society?

the underlying roots of universal male dominance

Applying an anthropological lens to sexuality and sexual behaviors around the world allows us to not only investigate relationships between individuals themselves, but between individuals and what?

their culture

Compulsory dowries have not been legal in India since the 1960s, nevertheless,

they are still common in publicly transferring rights and legitimizing alliances.

What common result occurs when patterns of social stratification emerge?

unequal access to resources

The section of the text about CO-MADRES in El Salvador is a powerful example of what aspect of gender in a society?


Cousins who are children of a father's brother or a mother's sister are considered which type of cousin?

parallel cousins

The growing issues around women serving in leadership and combat roles in the U.S. military serve to highlight the deep tensions between what?

gender and power

For the Victorians, masturbation was a form of self-abuse and seen as dangerous. Why was this particular sexual activity strongly condemned?

Sex was for procreation only and masturbation did not result in children.

When discussing sexual behavior, biologist and zoologist Alfred Kinsey is quoted as saying, "The world is not to be divided into sheep and goats." To what would he likely have been referring when he said this?

Sexual behavior is best understood as a continuum.

All of us are born or adopted into a family. When we make a choice to leave this natal family and choose a mate in order to have children, what kind of family are we becoming part of?

family of procreation

The chapter opens with an account of the World Cup soccer match and the way in which the nationality of some of the players challenges the ideas of ethnicity and nationality. How does this example convey a strong sense of the relationship between soccer, ethnicity, and nationality?

Soccer acts as a force to unify national identity

Where does the dual categorization of sexuality as either homosexual or heterosexual come from?

Western cultural history

Anne Fausto-Sterling's analysis of biological sexual identity identifies how many different sexes?


Young Bobby opened a lemonade stand in his front yard. He used $4 worth of lemons, sugar, and cups, and paid his little sister $1 to operate the stand while he played. She sold 7 cups of lemonade for $1 each. What was the surplus value?


what is significant about the Amish and Hutterite communities in contrast to today's highly stratified social structures?

It is an example of a successful effort to establish an egalitarian system of economic and social relations within highly stratified societies.

How do the 'yan daudu in Nigeria see homosexual behavior?

It is compatible with both marrying women and their Muslim faith.

What is true about the incest taboo forbidding sexual relations with close relatives such as siblings and parents?

It is found across all cultures in the world

For many women around the world, life is a seemingly unending process of childbirth, child-rearing, and hard domestic labor, while men often enjoy free time and more opportunities to socialize. What is this a result of?

gender stratification

What is the growing field, particularly within anthropology, that focuses on research into masculinity and femininity as cultural constructs?

gender studies

How is the prestige and status of a chief in a ranked society reinforced?


Through the 1960s, Western medicine has attempted to "manage" children born with ambiguous genitalia. This has primarily consisted of what treatment regimen?

genital reconstruction surgery and hormone therapy

Roger Lancaster found that in Nicaragua, men who received anal intercourse were stigmatized while men who penetrated other men during anal intercourse were still considered properly masculine. What does this reveal about the concept of machismo?

Machismo creates a strong contrast between aggression and passivity.

The work of early sexologists such as Kinsey tended to reinforce the idea of heterosexuality. In spite of this, what was one of the surprising results that Kinsey and his research revealed about sexual behavior in the United States?

Fantasies and same-sex attraction were much more common than expected.

Home is often considered the domain of women, while men go to work. Although this idea has changed dramatically in many places in the past several decades, it remains a common theme. How does anthropologist Michelle Rosaldo see male and female gender roles?

Gender roles are often split between private and public spheres.

Since the mid-1970s, how has class inequality in the United States changed?

It has increased due to decreasing tax rates for the wealthy and stagnating salaries for the middle class.

With which of the following statements about human behavior would an anthropologist be most likely to agree?

It is a combination of biology and enculturation.

How do many governments in Africa regard homosexuality?

Many governments believe homosexuality is the result of the Western influences that have flooded Africa for years.

What does anthropologist Matthew Gutmann's research in Mexico indicate?

Masculine identity is in flux and negotiable.

At a reception for the new junior associates, Matthew bonded with a partner of his law firm over their shared passion for fine French wines, a taste his parents instilled in him. Mathew was assigned to work with that partner, which resulted in Matthew receiving a promotion. How would Pierre Bourdieu explain this?

Matthew used his cultural capital to benefit his career.

How must individuals living in cultures with a binary gender system (such as the United States) be classified in order to gain certain legal recognition?

One must choose either male or female.

The text notes that having a term to describe the sexual activities between opposite-sex persons (heterosexuality) is a fairly new concept in the United States. What led to the development of the term heterosexuality?

Richard von Krafft-Ebing's book Psychopathia Sexualis, which looked at sexuality for pleasure rather than exclusively for procreation

According to Chrys Ingraham, the heterosexual imagery in "white weddings" makes the patterns of heterosexuality seem natural and unchanging, rather than cultural. Which wedding ritual helps normalize the idea that men have more power than women?

The bride's father walks her down the aisle and "gives her away" to the groom.

Pierre Bourdieu worked to understand the relationship between class, culture, and power by studying schools in France with the expectation of finding that social mobility was the result of meritocracy. What did he discover instead?

The educational system helped reproduce existing social relations by passing class positions from generation to generation in a family

Gloria Wekker's work in Suriname has led her to suggest that the imposition of our "Western folk knowledge" places limits on how we understand sexuality. What does she urge students of sexuality to do instead?

focus attention on behavioral variation in the context of local realitie

According to Marx, why were the proletariat unable to develop a political awareness of their class position while the bourgeoisie were able to do so?

The proletariat were continually occupied with the struggle to make ends meet, while the bourgeoisie developed ways to keep the proletariat divided.

What have geneticists found regarding the genetic code and human sexual orientation?

There is no gene or cluster of genes that determines sexual orientation.

Carol Stacks found that poor African American families who lived in the Flats responded to structural poverty and long-term unemployment through:

forming dynamic extended kinship networks with biological and fictive kin.

What is distinctive about new kinship groups created through affinal relationships?

They are linked through alliance, not through shared biology or common descent.

Why are cross-cultural studies important for our understanding of sex and gender?

They reinforce the idea that biology alone cannot predict the roles men and women play in a given culture.

Why did the Bafokeng people of South Africa form the corporation known as Royal Bafokeng Nation, Inc.?

They wanted to recover land taken by white settlers

What model of kinship does the idea that a nuclear family consists of a mother, a father, and their children reflect?

a Euro-American ideal

Under the rules of machismo, the machista is considered what kind of person?

a manly man

Mapping the global scope of diverse human sexual beliefs and behaviors, or ethnocartography, offers the chance for a deeper analysis of one's own culture. What else does such work provide?

a reexamination of what seems "normal"

Aside from access to financial resources, what most influences an individual's life chances?

access to social and cultural resources such as education

Benny loves to tell mother-in-law jokes. What kind of relative is he joking about?

affinal kin

Which of the following types of descent groups traces kinship through both the mother and the father?


Carlos Murphy is from an Irish Mexican family, and he rides with pride on the Sons of Erin float in the St. Patrick's Day parade and drinks horchata with his Mexican relatives the next day. In these two different ethnic activities, Carlos is:

applying situational negotiation of identity.

The Harlem Birthright Project revealed how health problems and infant mortality:are linked to inequality of resources, institutionalized racism, and gender discrimination.

are linked to inequality of resources, institutionalized racism, and gender discrimination.

Marriage is often seen as a way to build an alliance and create new relationships between different groups. Sometimes this outcome is coincidental, but in many cases, it is accomplished intentionally through what kind of marriage?


Gloria Wekker believes that anthropologists should not impose their views about sexuality onto other cultures. How does she categorize the labels of "homosexuality" and "heterosexuality" for describing sexual orientation?

as Western folk knowledge

Human beings have a libido—a degree of sexual and erotic drive—that varies widely. Which term refers to individuals with no erotic interest in others?


Anthropologists have recently spent a great deal of time bringing to light the challenges that many gay, lesbian, transgender, transsexual, or Two-Spirit Native Americans have historically faced. As a result, what French-based term has fallen into disrepute to describe transgender people in Native American communities?


Which term describes people whose sexual attraction to others can include both sexes?


For most individuals in descent groups in the United States, their relationship is based on consanguinity. What is the basis of this consanguineal relationship?


Karl Marx examined social inequality by distinguishing between which two distinct classes of people?

bourgeoisie and proletariat

You attend a friend's wedding. At one point, the father of the groom hands a set of new car keys to the bride. What would you, as an anthropologist, call this?


Which of the following members of a ranked society may not accumulate great wealth but enjoy high prestige?


What do anthropologists call descent groups based on a claim to a founding ancestor but lacking genealogical documentation?


Among Malay villagers on the island of Langkawi, kinship is not only given at birth, but also acquire through:

co-residence and co-feeding.

Anthropologists in the early twentieth century believed that kinship structures would yield crucial data and patterns about societal structure. What was one of the primary goals of these efforts?

comparison of different societies

Carmen's parents enroll her in AP Honors French, where the content of the class is more academically demanding than the general French class. They also spend their summer vacation in France and hire a tutor to help Carmen study for the AP Honors French test. What are Carmen's parents attempting to help her acquire?

cultural capital

Which best describes the learned behaviors perceived as masculine or feminine?

cultural constructions

Which of these best describes sexuality?

desires, beliefs, and behaviors related to erotic physical contact and cultural ideas about these desires, beliefs, and behaviors

Millions of women migrate outside of their home countries each year in search of economic opportunities. Many of them work primarily in what sector?

domestic work

Your friend tells you about an event that took place before her cousin Ayla's wedding in Turkey in which her family gave furniture, kitchen appliances, and cash to the groom's family. In Turkey, it is called "ceyiz." How would anthropologist classify this kind of ritual?


The Ju/Hoansi of the Kalihari are:


The parents of an upper-class family in the United States send their two children to a private boarding school and, later, to an elite college. Both children marry other members of the upper class, who they met at school. Their parents encouraged what kind of an arranged marriage?


What country only exists during the ninety minutes its team plays a soccer match?


Families and kinship networks have the power to provide support and to nurture. What else do kinship networks do in a society?

ensure reproduction of the next generation

As part of a territorial conflict in Bosnia, ethnic Croats expelled, imprisoned, or killed the Muslim people with whom they had lived peacefully for more than 500 years. What concept does this illustrate?

ethnic cleansing

China has attempted to assimilate the nation of Tibet as part of ethnic China. One way this is done is by the repopulation of many Tibetan towns with native-born Chinese Han people. Most observers agree that this is a case of ________.

ethnic cleansing

The French have a strong sense of connection to their history and culture that binds them together. This is not the case in some countries like Iraq, where different groups have been pitted against each other in a battle for survival. In addition to historic factors like colonialism, what plays a role in Iraq's social divisions?


The text recounts the problems experienced by the French soccer team in the World Cup including tempers and refusals to practice. The tensions on the French soccer team reflect a deeply held perspective on what being "French" really means and is a window into the problems that surround what concept?


The work of anthropologist Tone Bringa in Bosnia examines the underlying causes of the civil war in what was once called Yugoslavia. Similarly, scholar Mahmood Mamdami studied the Rwandan conflict. What characterized both cases?


A young man decides to take an art history class, a topic in which he has been interested ever since his parents began taking him to museums when he was a child. He believes that art appreciation and knowledge are good qualities to have. What is the term Pierre Bourdieu coined to describe this young man's attitudes about classic art?



has long-term benefits for the group.

In India, what are individuals who are identified as "neither man nor woman" called?


Despite their often obvious ethnic, socioeconomic, occupational, and religious differences, and the fact that most will never meet each other, the majority of people in the United States see themselves as members of a large community called "America." What concept does this demonstrate?

imagined community

Many different cultural institutions and systems of power interconnect to regulate sexuality, affecting both individual lives and group experiences. How do anthropologists refer to this aspect of overlapping systems and institutions in our daily lives?


About 1.7% of all babies are born with a combination of male and female genitalia, gonads and/or chromosomes, leading many scholars to believe that sex can occur on a continuum. What are these babies referred to as?


In the U.S. it is illegal as well as socially frowned upon to marry certain relatives. This is an example of a society that practices ________,

kindred exogamy

After WWII, anthropology shifted away from its growing focus on sexuality and instead looked at what?

marriage and kinship

In Kano, Nigeria, Rudolf Gaudio found that men who have sex with other men use a special "code word" to describe themselves. What is that word?

masu harka

Susan Kahn found that Jewish women in Israel are deeply compelled to reproduce their family, religion, and the nation. For women who get pregnant using new reproductive technologies, the ethnicity of a sperm donor is less of an issue than that of an egg donor. How do you classify the way they practice descent?


Mati may engage in sexual relationships with which of these groups?

men and women

Why did members of the Chen descent group have difficulty reconstructing their genealogy?

migration and political pressures

Who formed the group CO-MADRES during El Salvador's civil war (1977-1992)?

mothers and relatives demanding information about missing individuals

What do we call the process through which new immigrants and their children enculturate into the dominant national culture, but retain a distinct ethnic culture of their own?


Swedish people share a common language, culture, and ideals; therefore, Sweden—the country they live in—illustrates which concept?

nation state

A particular ethnic group may attempt to assert its domination over a nation-state and to affirm its values, ambitions, and common destiny. What is this an expression of?


Every year, Americans gather on July 4th to celebrate Independence Day. Parades, fireworks, and hot dogs are all part of this annual ritual. What particular component of ethnicity is embodied in this celebration?

origin myth

With the exception of a few historical examples such as Incan, Hawaiian, and ancient Egyptian royalty, incest taboos universally prohibit sexual relations between which members of a group?

parents and children and siblings

A patrilineal descent group traces kinships through which side of the family?


Jade is an anthropologist who is studying the differences in behavior and language between a man and a woman who are both running for office. She observes their physical demeanor in debates, analyzes the kinds of language they use in their speeches, and investigates the kinds of language and adjectives that are used to describe each candidate in the media. What aspect of gender is Jade looking at?


Which of the following is/are considered a secondary sexual characteristic?

pitch of voice

How did Karl Marx refer to the group of people who lacked land and sold their labor?


In some societies, the social rank of each member is determined by who his or her parents are. What can we probably say about this society?


A few modern societies such as the Amish have attempted to forge a more egalitarian society. Based on the information in the text, we can attribute this success to what aspect of human interaction?


Egalitarian societies depend on sharing which of the following in order to ensure group success?


Sociologist Mignon Moore found that openly gay sexuality among minority communities was seen as an affront to what?


How many different ways of classifying siblings and cousins did early anthropologists find by collecting kinship data from cultures worldwide?


What are we talking about when we refer to observable physical and biological differences between the male and female human reproduction systems?


Johann Sebastian Bach, renowned for his huge repertoire of musical compositions in the sixteenth century, was also, as a boy, an outstanding singer in the soprano range until he was about sixteen. What is the change in voice a characteristic of?

sexual dimorphism

The text describes the way that immigrants from India have established their own cultural norms within New York City. The way the Indian community has chosen to celebrate its ethnicity by holding a large India Day festival is an example of what aspect of ethnicity?

situational negotiation of identity

What do we call the movement, both upward and downward, of one's class position in a society?

social mobility

The phrases "boys will be boys" and "it's a girl thing" reflect what aspect of gender?


The increasing concentration of wealth into the hands of a smaller number of persons, in part due to globalization, is part of which accelerating process?


In searching for an explanation for what appeared to be women's universally low status, what did anthropologist Sherri Ortner argue about women's biological functions?

that women and nature are strongly conflated

What does Carla Freeman's research on women's participation in the industrialized labor force in Barbados indicate?

that women are not simply victims in the practices of flexible accumulation

The behaviors encouraged in sports—where boys are rewarded for competitiveness and girls are often encouraged to play nicely—reflect what aspect of a larger cultural framework?

the construction and maintenance of gender roles in a society

The dramatic increases in debt and student loan costs have helped perpetuate what aspect of life in U.S. society?

the culture of consumption

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan, is an example of how:

the distribution of water is related to social power along intersecting lines of class, race, gender, and age.

The Nuer practice patrilineal descent. Through whom do boys inherit membership in the descent group?

the father's father

Some studies have found that 61 percent of men believe women give consent nonverbally through body language, though only 10 percent of women say they give consent through body language cues. To which issue are these finds related?

the need for improved consent policies advocating "only yes means yes"

Going out on a date can mean many things. As a man, you might bring flowers, offer to pay the bill, and open doors. As a woman, you may offer to split the tab and offer soft thanks. What does this constitute from an anthropological perspective

the performance of gender

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