Anthropology Module 1

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A focus on___helps anthropologists understand intrinsically desirable principles held by a group of people


A key element of the scientific method, which both explains things and guides research, is

Synthesizing the entire context of human experience

A key principle of the holistic perspective developed by Franz Boas is

Extra-genetic inheritance

According to the extended evolutionary synthesis, parents who teach their young a particular behavior that aids in their evolutionary success are practicing

continues in all organisms until they are extinct

Anthropologists who study human biocultural evolution believe that evolution

No, culture is learned

Are humans born with some culture?


Assuming your culture's way of doing things is the best is called


Can culture be transmitted virtually through the internet in addition to face-to-face interaction?

Cultural Constructions

Collective definitions of proper and improper behavior that "build" meanings through common experiences and negotiations are called


Does cultural relativism defend all the things that people in other countries do?

it can lead to unequal treatments in a given population

Even if we cannot necessarily predict the outcome of direct genetic manipulation, we do know that it has direct social impacts, including:

It is true

Is it true that culture consists of the collective processes that make the artificial seem natural?

The subfield of anthropology that studies language use is called

Linguistic Anthropology

Interpretive theory

Micahel Ames developed exhibits with Native Canadian communities at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia because he believed in

Change in organisms was related to their adaptability to a particular environment

One of the central ideas of Darwin's theory of evolution was the idea that

gene flow

One of the important ways that genetic material is moved between different populations, such as through

no specific direction or goal as an outcome, but that it is dynamic (changing)

One of the key aspects of biocultural evolution is that there is:

It challenges the biological reductionism of much evolutionary theory

One of the more important ways that anthropology contributes to the development of evolutionary theory is that

It predicts species' fate

One of the useful results of a phylogeny is to show that

each lineage has a unique history, and thus no organism is "more evolved"

One of the useful results of a phylogeny is to show that

Successful reproduction

Survival of the fittest is taken to mean competition for

A great change of being

The Greek philosopher Aristotle proposed that all life was arranged in

the interconnections between different domains of a society

The application of a holistic perspective to understand changes in everyday practices, such as eating breakfast cereals, reveals

Learning and imitation

The behavioral system of inheritance refers to the patterned behaviors that parents and adults pass onto young members of their group via:


The collective processes that make the artificial seem natural is called

The Power of Tradition

The controversy between Native Americans and National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) schools using mascots illustrates


The core idea of Darwin's and Wallace's ideas decent with modifications via natural selection- is intimately tied to what larger force


The historical practice of more powerful countries claiming possession of less powerful ones is called _____ and was a driving force in anthropology.

looking at the culture as a whole

The main idea behind holistic perspectives is to study culture by:

Cultural Relativism

The moral and intellectual principle that one should withhold judgment about seemingly strange or exotic beliefs and practices is known as


The most enduring and ritualized aspects of culture are referred to as

Edward Burnett Tylor

The nineteenth-century British anthropologist credited with the development of the concept of culture through an evolutionary perspective was

Applied Anthropology

The practical use of anthropological knowledge to address real-world problems, sometimes called anthropology's "fifth field," is

Natural Selection

The process by which inheritable traits are passed along to offspring because they are better suited to the environment is called


The process of learning culture from a very young age is called

it is too narrow to appreciate the complexity of human inheritance

The reason biocultural anthropology rejects the genetic system of inheritance as the only means of understanding human evolution is that

change in organisms was related to their adaptability to a particular environment

The refinement of Darwin's theory has shown that

Cultural Anthropology

The subfield of anthropology that studies human diversity, beliefs, and practice is called

Biological Anthropology

The subfield of anthropology that studies human evolution, including genetics and human nutrition, is called


The subfield of anthropology that studies the material remains of past cultures, often focusing on the rise of cities, is called

Culture and language

The symbolic system of inheritance works through the establishment of

Multiplicity and Variety

The term diversity, when defined anthropologically, means

Variation in genes

What acts as the basic source for biological change

mechanisms or patterns of social order focused on meeting social needs

What are social institutions, and how do they affect culture?

Phylogenic Tree

What charts the evolutionary history of a particular taxonomic branch and yields information about its ancestry

An object, idea, figure, or character

What kinds of elements are embedded within a symbol?


What process involves shifting from an agricultural economy to a factor-based one?

The Industrial Revolution

What prompted intellectuals to start systematically explaining the differences among people?

During the 1800s

When did anthropology emerge as an academic discipline?

In sub-Saharan Africa, people have limited access to medicine that makes AIDS a manageable condition

Why is AIDS having a more dramatic effect in sub-Saharan Africa than in North America and Europe?

The comparative method

allows anthropologists to derive insights from careful comparisons of cultures or societies


many evolutionary processes interact to affect the organism

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