Anthropology Wake Tech

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Most of the evidence given for the hypothesis that sedentary people have larger populations than nomadic people come from the study of the _____.


Most of the evidence given for the hypothesis that sedentary people have larger populations than nomadic people comes from a study of the _____.


Which of the following is an example of acclimatization?

**All of these are examples of acclimatization.** tanning among light-skinned people shivering in cold weather increased metabolic rates Correct All of these are examples of acclimatization.

What is the one traits that most biologically defines a primate?

**All of these traits are equally necessary to biologically define a primate. Stereoscopic vision** Omnivorous diet Grasping hands and feet Large brain relative to body size/mass Correct All of these traits are equally necessary to biologically define a primate. Stereoscopic vision

The rise of food production led to ______.

**all of the above** accelerated population growth elaboration of material possessions declining health Correct all of the above

Humans began making ceramics about _____.

10,000 years ago

Recent find in South Africa date unambiguous, archaic Homo sapiens to about _____ years ago.


Humans began using stone tools more than _____.

2.5 million years ago

Of (1) abortion, (2) birth contol, (3) carrying children, (4) feeding children, (5) infanticide, and (6) low ratio of body fat to muscle, what may have caused the differential spacing of birth between nomadic populations and settled peoples?

3, 4, and 6

Potassium-Argon dating can be used to date fossil samples from:

5,000 to 3 billion years ago

Potassium-Argon dating can be used to date samples from ____.

5000 to 3,000,000,000 years ago

Radiocarbon has an approximate half-life of _____ years.


Radiocarbon has an approximately half-life of _____ years, and can date artifacts up to 50,000 years old.


This recently found South African fossil species is interpreted as being a potential link between australopithecines and Genus Homo due to the precision grip of its hands needed to be a tool maker.

A. sediba

Varying forms of a language that reflect different regions, occupations, or social classes.


_____ involves impermanent physiological adjustments in individuals to environmental conditions.


In Egypt and Mesoamerica, the best examples of monumental architecture are _____.


Which of the following is not an example of a feature?

a stone axe

Which of the following is not a hominoid characteristic?

a tail

A negative result of the development of states is _____.

all of these.

The subjects of European cave paintings are mostly _____.


Since anthropology relies partially on science, what are the two types of explanations that are sought in science?

associations & theories

Which of the following hominid characteristics came first?


A _____ is a ranked group in which membership is determined at birth and marriage is restricted to members of one's own group.


A ____ is a category of persons who all have about the same opportunity to obtain economic resources, power, and prestige.


Which of the following traits do most primates not share?


Which of the following traits to most primates not share?


What is the primary evidence for the emergence of Homo sapiens in the "Multiregional" theory?

fossil continuity

Cultural differences between males and females leading to different roles are usually referred to as _____.

gender roles

What anatomical feature must be present to define a fossil as a human ancestor?

habitual bipedal locomotion

Archaeologists have a system of attempting to decode evidence recovered through excavations by which they can learn about the past. In the article about the small penknife with embossed Arabic script recovered at Brunswick Town, what did we not consider about the knife?

how it was used

The word "anthropology" literally means the study of:


The word 'anthropology' literally means the study of _____.


Of the following economic activities, which finds the individual ownership of land most important?

intensive agriculturalism

What is the primary problem with the "Multiregional" theory?

lack of archaeological evidence

Anthropologists are concerned with people who _____.

live in all places and times.

Anthropologists are concerned with people who:

live in all places and times.

In pictoglyphic writing systems such as Cuneiform and Egyptian heiroglyphics, a _____ is a single symbol used to represent a single object or action, whereas a _____ is a single symbol used to convey a complex idea.

logogram, ideogram

In pictoglyphic writing systems such as Cuneiform and heiroglyphics, a _____ is a single symbol used to represent a single object, whereas a _____ is a single symbol used to convey a complex idea.

logogram, ideogram

Anthropoids include all of the following except _____.


The color of a person's skin depends on both the amount of blood in the small blood vessels of the skin and the amount of _____ in the skin.


The holistic approach is _____.


The holistic approach embraced by anthropology is:


Natural selection proceeds _____.

only when individuals within a population vary.

Some paleoanthropologists think that _____ from the Paleocene epoch are archic primates.


Based on its bodily perspectives and lack of facial features, what is the primary theory postulated by art historians on the Venus figurines?

self portrait of a pregnant woman

In the article "The First Americans", which is the least viable method by which the first native immigrants arrived to the Americas?

settlers from Pacific islands south of Asia crossed the Pacific Ocean and settled in western South America

Racial classifications are _____.

social categories.

Compared with past anthropologists, current anthropologists tend to _____.

specialize in one area.

Compared with past anthropologists, current anthropologists tend to:

specialize in one area.

Which of the following traits is most common to all primates?

stereoscopic vision

Much of the evidence for primate evolution comes from _____.


In the TED talk by Nina Jablonski, what factor did she discuss that had a direct cause in determining the adaptation of skin color?

the amount of ultraviolet light that different areas of the planet receive

The branch of anthropology that seeks to understand how and why people of the recent past and today differ in their customary way of thinking and acting is:


The branch of anthropology that seeks to understand how and why people of the recent past and today differ in their customary ways of thinking and acting is _____.


True or False: Anthropology is a very old science, roughly the same age as Astronomy.


True or False: Anything made or modified by humans must be over 100 years old to be considered an artifact.


True or False: Applied anthropologists are found only in the biological and archaeological subfields.


True or False: Archaeologists only study prehistoric cultures and societies.


True or False: Cannibalism is practiced purely by hominids.


True or False: Cereal grains were the only independently domesticates in Europe.


True or False: Excavation leads to no harm to an archaeological site.


True or False: Gloger's Rule states that populations of birds and mammals living in warmer climates have less melanin, and therefore lighter skin and feathers, than populations of the same species living in colder areas.


True or False: Group life is essential for survival in nocturnal primates.


True or False: The activity of broad-spectrum food collecting directly led to sedenism.


True or False: The prevailing opinion is that modern humans first arrived in North America by boat.


Most archaeologists believe that the _____ was one of the earliest centers of plant and animal domestication?

Fertile Crescent

Most archaeologists believe the _____ was one of the earliest centers of plant and animal domestication.

Fertile Crescent

_____ have the lowest population density.

Foragers (Hunter-Gatherers)

Elman Service called the period from about 5000 BCE to 3500 BCE in Iraq the _____ Era.


What explanation provides the most actual evidence as to why the Neandertals became extinct?

Gradual out resourced and pushed to extinction by rapid reproduction of Homo sapiens

What is the only modern primate that is a habitual tool maker and hunts larger animals?


Based on a near modern anatomy, what hominid was believed to be the first to use simple symbolic vocal communication over simply gestures?

Homo erectus

Which fossil hominid is the first to venture out of Africa into the Middle East, then to Asia and Europe?

Homo erectus

What is the main reason that some paleoanthropologists think the "robust" australopithecines warrant a separate Genus, Paranthropus, from the "gracile" australopithecines?

Both of the above. "Robust" australopithecines have a different evolutionary path and do not lead to modern humans as the "graciles" did. "Robust" australopithecines are physically different from other hominids. Both of the above. Neither of the above.

Goods and services are distributed by _____.

*all of the above* NOT Reciprocity reciprocity redistribution markets Correct all of the above

Based on mitochondrial DNA tests, researchers from the United States and Germany have argued that a common ancestor of Neandertal and modern humans existed about _____ years ago.


The earliest definite hominid found in north central Africa is _____.

A. bahrelghazali

True or False: Tree dwelling primates lost their entire habitat because of the drying trend that took place between 16 and 11 million years ago.


Some aspects of a society may receive greater attention in the development and encoding of a language, such as environmental factors or technological developments.

Focal Vocabulary

What hominid was the first to obtain and control fire?

Homo erectus

The movement in which ethnic minorities or entire countries try to proclaim independence by purging their language of foreign terms.

Linguistic Nationalism

The smallest units of sound that carry meaning in a language.


The patterns or rules by which words are arranged into phrases and sentances.


True or False: The major goal of archaeology is describing what happened in the past.


In the article "The First Americans," what type of stone spear point was discussed as evidence of these early immigrants who entered North American beginning perhaps as early as 25,000 years ago?

a clovis point

Evidence of increased long-distance trade comes from villages established _____.

after the rise of food production

The rise of food production led to _____.

all of the above accelerated population growth declining health elaboration of material possessions Correct all of the above

Which of the following tranformational processes create sites?

all of the above volcanic activity wind flooding all of the above

A negative result of the development of the states is _____.

all of these the use of force to govern class stratification health issues due to larger populations Correct all of these

Which of the transformational processes create archaeological sites?

all of these could create archaeological sites

Applied anthropology differs from other areas of anthropology in the fact that the concern is mainly with _____.


Many societies divide up labor between men and women in similar ways such that there appear to be universal or near universal patterns in such assignments. Among the following, what is the one thing that females almost always do cross-culturally in the division of labor?

care for children

Which of the following is not an example of art from the Upper Paleolithic era?

decorated ceramic vessels

The most common mode of production in traditional societies is the _____ mode of production.


At present, archaeologists define the Neolithic in terms of the presence of _____.

domesticated plants and animals

A major reason for the decline of states appears to be _____.

environmental degradation

Compared with paleoanthropologists, archaeologists are more concerned with recovering intact _____.


What is the primary problem with the "Out of Africa" theory?

lack of fossil evidence

Which theory of the extinction of Neandertals does archaeological evidence best support?

mitochondrial DNA

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution suggests that ____.

natural selection is at work choosing which descendents survive.

Sivapithecus is probably the ancestor of the modern _____.


In _____ societies, social groups have roughly equal access to economic sources or power, but they have unequal access to prestige.


People may engage in a variety of different social statuses during their lives, or even during the course of a day. When claimed or perceived identity varies depending on the audience or cultural setting, this is called _____.

situational negotiation of social identity

Which best describes the basic locomotion of the "gracile" and "robust" australopithecines?

swaying gate

In which region are hunter-gatherers least likely to be found today?

temperate climates

In 1658, the works of Bishop James Ussher established the date of Biblical creation as October 23, 4004 BCE. No one believed in extinction, as the world was too new for anything to go extinct and they could not conceive of God letting any creature do extinct. However, the finding of fossils from over 90 extinct species near Paris allowed what individual not only to demonstrate that extinction did exist, but also to expand the Linnean taxonomies to include extinct species?

George Cuvier

Darwin could observe evolutionary change among the sea birds and sea turtles of the Galapagos, but he did not understand on a "nuts and bolts" level on what actually made species change through natural selection. Whose work, discovered after Darwin and this scientist's death, gave the understanding of dominant and recessive genetics?

Gregor Mendell

The first hominid species to be widely distributed in the Old World was _____.

Homo erectus

What is the role of Neandertal in the "Multiregional" theory?

Neandertal is the evolutionary parent species of Homo sapiens

True or False: Mitochrondrial DNA is inherited only from the mother.


True or False: Natural selection is the driving force behind evolution in both gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.


Applied anthropology differs from basic research in anthropologyin the fact that the concern is mainly with:

application of data.

In the academic world, the social sciences--traditionally Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology--_____.

**Both of the above.** seek to understand the meanings and purposes of life. use the scientific method to systematically collect data and to reduce error in interpretation. Both of the above. Neither of the above.

True or False: In Africa, animals were generally domesticated by pastoral hunters and gatherers before plants.


True or False: In eastern North America, sunflower, goosefoot, and sumpweed were domesticated before corn.


True or False: In eastern North America, sunflower, sumpweed, and goosefoot were domesticated before corn.


True or False: It is entirely possible that the Australopithecus afarensis and the Australopithecus africanus are actually the same species.


True or False: Late in the Miocene, between about 8 to 5 million years ago, the direct ancestor of humans, the first hominid, may have emerged in Africa.


In the academic world, the social sciences - traditionally the fields of Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology - :

*Both choices A and B.* A. seek to understand the meanings and purposes of life. B. use the scientific method to systematically collect data and to reduce error in interpretation. CorrectC. Both choices A and B. D. Neither choices A and B.

Ethnic groups are composed of people who usually share a common _____.

*all of the above.* language religion history Correct all of the above.

The famous footprint trail found at Laetoli that clearly shows bipedal locomotion was made by a pair of _____.

A. afarensis

True or False: Most of the early flaked Oldowan tools were weapons.


True or False: An Upper Paleolithic hominid tool kit is characterized by a preponderance of blades.


True or False: Anthropology is broader in scope than other field concerned with the study of culture.


True or False: Bipedalism aids in regulating body temperature.


Based on 50 million years of geographic separation, the flora and fauna of southeastern Asia and Australia developed on different evolutionary tracks. What is the name of the boundary between the two that prevented the mixing of flora and fauna of these two continents?

Wallace Line

Variations between human populations may be the result of _____.

all of the above. differences in genes interactions between genes and the environment growing up in a particular environment Correct all of the above.

The hominid group contains all of the following families except _____.


Anthropologists speculate that the earliest stone tools found at Lomekwian in East Africa were most likely made by _____.

A. garhi

True or False: The evolutionary model of punctuated equilibrium best mirrors Charles Darwin's ideas on evolutionary theory.


True or False: Among primates, only hominoids hunt large animals.


The F-U-N Trio is able to relatively date fossils through the presence of Flourine, Uranium, and Nitrogen. Based on the results of the F-U-N test, which of these four fossils would be the oldest?

F - 35%, U - 35%, N-30%

The F-U-N Trip is able to relatively date fossils through the presence of flourine, uranium, and nitrogen. Based on the results of the F-U-N test. which of these four fossils would be the oldest?

F-35%, U-35%, N-30%

What type of gene possessed by Neandertal and Homo sapiens allowed for the development of complex communication?


True or False: In the article "A New Kind of Ancestor: Ardipithecus Unveiled", the pelvis demonstrates that the Ardiptithecus ramidus walked as a biped the same way that australopithecines and genus Homo did.


True or False: The Oldowan tool tradition is most closely associated with Homo erectus.


True or False: Only Homo sapiens made it to Australia and the Americas.


True or False: The article "Combining Prehension and Propulsion: The Foot of Aripithecus ramidus" illustrates the difference between the feet of ramidus as a hominid ancestor versus African apes, such as modern chimpanzees and gorillas. These differences center around the presence of the os peroneum bone and fibularis tendon that is absent in African apes.


True or False: The concept of sexual dimorphism is that it is possible to distinguish male members of a species from the female members of the same species from a distance based on physical differences.


True or False: The larger. heavier torsos of Neandertals made them bow-legged.


True or False: The looting of treasures from Egyptian tombs is not a recent problem. The earliest documented account dates back to 1113 BCE.


In the history of evolutionary theory, what is significant about Alfred Russel Wallace that is often forgotten?

Wallace independently conceived the theory of evolution through natural selection

Caveman Carl kills an animal, and his family eats it for dinner. They throw the bones into a pile at the end of camp. Late, little Caveman Cindy gets one of the bones and carves it into small pieces she can wear on her necklace. How would an archaeologist classify those pieces of the bone necklace?

as an artifact

Of abortion, birth control, carrying of children, feeding children, infanticide, and low ratio of body fat to body weight, what may have caused the differential spacing of births between nomads versus settled peoples?

carrying of children, feeding children, and low body fat

Based on common fossil evidence, which evolutionary primate was the first one to not have a tail?


The hypothesized ancestral language from which two or more languages seem to have derived.


_____ consists of giving and taking without the use of money.


The last common ancestor between cercopithecoids and hominoids is thought to be _____.


Which primate ancestor is considered to be the last primate before the splitting of the Cercopithecoid and Hominoid branches?


Which of the following is a key factor that distinguishes agriculturalists from horticulturalists?

Agriculturalists use their land intensively and continuously.

_____ societies have economic systems.


Which Austalopithecine is dated the earliest, and is likely the parent species of many others?

Austalopithecus anamensis

What fossil hominid is presently considered an evolutionary "keystone", as it is the source of many variations and eventually leads towards modern humans?

Australopithecus afarensis

Which fossil hominid is considered to be a "keystone" for understanding hominid evolution due to its many diverse descendants?

Australopithecus afarensis

In the "Hominid Dating Game" activity, which hominids were batchelors 1, 2, and 3?

Batchelor 1 is the Australopithecus africanus, 2 is the Homo erectus, and 3 is the Homo sapiens.

Forensic anthropologists are most likely to come from what branch of anthropology?

Biological anthropology.

Why have some paleoanthropologists proposed using the Genus Paranthropus for the robust australopithecines?

Both anatomical differences and evolutionary differences

Who invented the system of bionomial nomenclature, and in so doing, unintentially established the framework for the later understanding of evolutionary relationships?

Carl von Linne

If Patty Primatologist wanted to study playrrhines in the wild, where should she buy a plane ticket to go?

Central America

Building on the work of others before him, who developed the concept of uniformatarianism, the idea that changes in the natural world are constant and ongoing, and are from processes that can be observed and understood?

Charles Lyell

Who posited the first theory of organic evolution?

Chevalier de Lamarck

Unraveling a language by recording, describing, and analyzing all of its features to discover its structure, unique linguistic repertoire, and relationship to other languages.

Descriptive Linguistics

When small groups of people who speak the same language become physically or socially separated, small changes in the phonology, morphology, and syntax create variant languages that are still intelligible to both groups. (Example: English as spoken in Britain and America, or Spanish as spoken in Spain versus Mexico).


What hominid was conclusively the first to make stone tools?

Homo habilis

As a general rule, which of the following groups exhibit the beginnings of social differentiation?


In general, which type of society's food-getting activities provides the most leisure time to its participants?

Hunters and Gatherers

True or False: Some long term acclimatizations are hard to distinguish from adaptations.i


The best known Genus of proto-apes from the middle Miocene is _____.


The study of non-vocal signals.


A system of communication using sounds, gestures, or marks put together in meaningful ways according to a set of rules, resulting in meanings that are still intelligible to all.


A group of languages descended from a single ancestral language.

Language Family

Towards the end of the Acheulian period, a technique developed that enabled the toolmaker to produce flake tools of a standard and predetermined size known as the _____ method.


When experiences, events, and objects are encoded as a result of cultural characteristics based on the needs of society; commonly referred to as a society's available vocabulary.

Lexical Content.

The causal development of different languages from a single, ancestral language.

Linguistic Divergence

This phenomenon that causes different accents, dialects, and new languages to emerge may result from geographic barriers, social barriers, selective borrowing, conquest, colonization, as well as new technological breakthroughs.

Linguistic Divergence

The first population to practice broad spectrum food collecting and experience a social differentiation in the access to economic resouces, power, and prestige within their society was the _____.


The first population to practice broad spectrum food collecting and experience a social differentiation in the access to economic resources, power, and prestige within their society was the _____.


What is the role of Neandertal in the "Out of Africa" theory?

Neandertal is an evolutionary sibling species and shares the same parent species with Homo sapiens

The earliest stone tools were essentially broken cores and pebble tools, which archaeologist have termed _____ tools.


What are the geographical differences between Platyrrhines and Catarrhines?

Platyrrhines are found in the new world (Central and South America), while Catarrhines are found in the old world (Africa and Asia)

Under the system of binomial nomenclature established by Carl von Lynne (a.k.a. Linneaus), at what level of classification are all primates (including humans) classified?


Which of the following is NOT one of the four subfields of anthropology?


All the optional vocal features or silences that communicate meaning apart from the language itself.


The three hominid species that shared the savannas of East Africa between 1.8 and 1.6 million years ago were _____.

Paranthropus boisei, Homo habilis, and Homo erectus

The smallest units of sound that make a difference in meaning in language use.


The systematic identification and descriptions of distinct speech sounds in a language.


True or False: States are prone to epidemic disease.


The recovery of Shesepamuntayesher's coffin and arrests of Salem Alshdaifat and Mousa Khouli provided information on how it was transported from Egypt to the United States, and how a buyer was found. Which of the following was NOT part of this process?

Sending the coffin pieces by sea, as sealed cargo is easier to transport in shipping containers.

What fossil primate is considered to be the direct ancestor of the orangutan?


_____ are persons who do not own their own labor, and as such represent a societal caste.


The study of language used by males and females in a society falls within this topical area of Linguistic Anthropology


The study of the relationships between language in a society, or the cultural and subcultural patterns of speech vary in different social contexts.


The group ISIS has a long history of involvement with looted antiquities. Which of the following ISIS activities is NOT true?

The leaders of ISIS collect these looted items as trophies of war from conquered areas.

Patterned stone tools are considered one sign of the emergence of culture.


True or False: Aegyptopithecus probably moved around quadrupedally in the trees.


True or False: All living people belong to the species of Homo sapiens.


True or False: All primates societies practice social order based on the concepts of dominance and hierarchy.


True or False: Among primates, fruit eaters tend to have larger brains.


From the article "Dream Machine", what aspect of artistic technique were found in Chauvet Cave that archaeologists had never before seen in other cave paintings?

the use of the textured recesses and irregularities by the original artists to give the wild animals a three-dimensional perspective, which when viewed in torch light, appear as a form of proto-animation

In egalitarian societies, there are as many prestigous positions as_____.

there are people to fill them.

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