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The movement that advocated keeping slavery out of the territories was known as the A) personal liberty movement. B) free-soil movement. C) John Brown Brigade. D) Garrison solution. E) the Missouri Compromise.


According to the "cavalier" image, Southern planters were A) mostly horse breeders. B) really a rough-and-tumble group of people. C) genteel aristocrats. D) successful agricultural businessmen. E) womanizers.


The most noted black abolitionist of the day was A) Ralph Waldo Emerson. B) William Lloyd Garrison. C) Frederick Douglass. D) Joseph Smith. E) Benjamin Lundy.


Which of the following was NOT a condition of slave life in the South? A) an adequate if rough diet B) hard work, even for women and children C) the freedom to use the time after work as they wished D) isolation and control E) the ability to keep their families intact


The South had a "colonial" economy in that A) most of its land was owned by outside interests. B) it employed slave labor. C) it produced raw materials and purchased finished products. D) it had little political power. E) it was taxed without representation.


Slaves used music A) primarily to entertain whites. B) solely as a means of entertaining themselves. C) that was influenced heavily by American music. D) as a means of expressing their dreams and frustrations. E) to pass the time of day.


After 1830, which of the following reform movements began to overshadow the others? A) antislavery B) women's rights C) temperance D) education E) rehabilitation


American utopians A) attracted thousands of followers during the antebellum period. B) had a consistent supporter in Nathaniel Hawthorne. C) operated primarily in the South. D) struggled to meet both individual needs and the demands of the communal society. E) never developed a large following.


During the 1820s and 1830s, railroads A) played only a secondary role in the nation's transportation system. B) replaced canals as the most important means of transportation. C) generated little interest among American businessmen. D) consisted of a few long lines, which were not connected to water routes. E) were built alongside the canals.


Evangelical Protestantism added major strength to which of the following reforms? A) temperance B) education and rehabilitation C) women's rights D) peace E) abolitionism


Historians have debated all of the following about the Civil War EXCEPT A) whether the slaves contributed to the Northern victory. B) whether it was an irrepressible conflict. C) whether it was really fought over the issue of slavery. D) whether the failure of the party system caused the war. E) whether a divergent culture and commercial interests caused the war.


Immediate abolition gradually accomplished was the slogan of A) moderate antislavery forces. B) Garrison and his followers. C) Southern antislavery planters. D) black abolitionists. E) the free soldiers.


Immigrants going west on the great overland trails faced the least danger from A) hostile Indians. B) diseases. C) mountain and desert terrain. D) hunger. E) brutal winter weather.


Northerners who accepted the concepts of "free soil" and "free labor" believed A) slavery was dangerous not because of what it did to blacks but because of what it did to whites. B) slavery opened the door to economic opportunity for whites. C) slavery was what made the South a glorious civilization and one that should be admired. D) slave labor would work in Northern factories and should be allowed to expand. E) slavery closed the door to economic opportunity for whites.


One of the immediate results of the new transportation routes constructed during the "canal age" was A) an increased white settlement in the Northwest. B) an increased white settlement in the Southwest. C) the renewed cooperation between states and the national environment on internal improvement projects. D) the conviction that the national government should be responsible for all internal improvements. E) the dominance of steamboat transport.


Shakespeare's plays A) were generally viewed as entertainment for the nation's elite classes. B) led to a riot at the Astor Place Opera House. C) were not particularly enjoyed by antebellum Americans. D) were played before quiet, respectful audiences in American cities. E) were performed in America by British actors. Feedback: Shakespeare's plays were popular with elite classes in the United States.


Slave families A) consistently operated on the model of the "nuclear family." B) condemned premarital pregnancies. C) generally lived on a single plantation. D) did not place much emphasis on extended kinship networks. E) emulated white family values.


Slave resistance in the South often took all of the following forms EXCEPT A) armed revolts. B) petty thievery. C) work slowdowns. D) running away. E) All these answers are correct.


Southerners who believed in the "positive-good" theory argued A) slavery was good for blacks. B) slavery should be maintained, even though it was not profitable for whites. C) Northern factory workers were better off than slaves, but they deserved to be because they were white. D) blacks were not biologically inferior, they just needed time to catch up culturally. E) slavery enhanced the over-all American economy. Feedback: Southerners who believed in the "positive-good" theory argued that slavery was good for


The Lowell or Waltham system of recruiting labor was to A) enlist young women from farm families. B) recruit whole families from rural areas. C) recruit newly arrived immigrants. D) enlist young men from farm families. E) provide liberal pay and living conditions.


The emphasis on educational reform was consistent with the spirit of the age because it A) focused on teaching children the values of order and discipline. B) stressed educational equality. C) focused on external learning. D) stressed the importance of community. E) emphasized the development of individual talent


The great technical advances in American industry owed much to A) American inventors. B) national research universities. C) innovative businessmen. D) labor unions. E) All these answers are correct.


The railroad network that developed during this period linked A) the Northeast to the Northwest. B) the Northeast to the Gulf Coast. C) the East Coast to the West Coast. D) New York to New Orleans. E) Richmond to Atlanta.


The unequal distribution of wealth NOT create more resentment was A) the actual living standard of the workers was improving. B) there was no social mobility, but people were content to stay where they were in the social system. C) geographic mobility was limited, so there were few other opportunities. D) the political system offered few ways to express resentment. E) All these answers are correct.


Through personal liberty laws, Northern states attempted to A) use state authority to interfere with the deportation of fugitive slaves. B) force industries to recognize labor unions. C) allow women to own property. D) extend the right to vote to all tax-paying adults. E) legalize the "underground railroad." Feedback: Personal liberty laws were designed to use state authority to interfere with the deportation of fugitive slaves.


Which of the following was true when the Civil War began? A) All the important material advantages lay with the North. B) The South had the active support of England. C) Southern industry was sufficient to conduct a war. D) The Union was prepared for a long war. E) The Union had the active support of France.


A minority of Southern whites owned slaves, A) and nonslaveholders dominated the political system in the region. B) but the slaveholding planters exercised power and influence far in excess of their numbers. C) so slavery was not very important in the lives of most whites. D) and most whites were happy with it that way. E) and they treated the slaves as equals.


Artisan workers A) successfully made the transition to factory work. B) created the nation's earliest trade unions. C) had abandoned the republican vision of American work. D) allied themselves with the new capitalist class. E) developed a niche market catering to the middle class.


Black adaptation to slavery A) revealed a passive contentment with bondage. B) produced a rich and complex culture in support of racial pride and unity. C) undermined black conversion to Christianity. D) resulted in the loss of all cultural elements of African life. E) created the image of the hard-working laborer.


Crucial to the operation of railroads was A) a system of federal railroad regulations. B) the invention of the telegraph. C) slave labor to build the lines. D) a canal and river system that supported the lines. E) the fuel switch from wood to coal.


Educational reformers intended public schools to perform all of the following roles EXCEPT A) to extend and protect democracy. B) to raise questions and criticisms of authority. C) to expand individual opportunities. D) to inculcate values of thrift, order, discipline, and punctuality. E) to establish social order.


In his essay "Resistance to Civil Government," Henry David Thoreau claimed an individual should A) not pay poll taxes. B) refuse to obey unjust laws. C) live in isolation and as simply as possible. D) reject the artificial constraints of government. E) embrace an excessive interest in material comforts.


Most Southern white "ladies" were A) less subordinate to men than in the North. B) relatively isolated from people outside their own families. C) better educated than their Northern counterparts. D) more likely to engage in public activities or income-producing employment than their Northern counterparts. E) None of these answers is correct.


Slaves seemed to prefer to live on larger plantations because A) masters supervised workers personally and often worked alongside them. B) they had more opportunities for privacy and for a social world of their own. C) masters seemed more concerned with their health and welfare. D) the work was lighter and provisions were more abundant. E) it was easier to loaf on the job.


The "overlord" of the Sacramento River Valley and the man on whose land gold was discovered was A) John C. Fremont. B) John A. Sutter. C) Nicholas Trist. D) Lewis Cass. E) Stephen W. Kearny.


The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom (1976), Herbert Gutman argues that A) slave families were better treated and lived in greater comfort than did Northern industrial workers. B) the black family survived slavery with impressive strength. C) slavery destroyed the significance of the father in the black family. D) slaves were unable to establish strong family ties. E) slavery promoted strong family ties.


The South in 1860, in contrast to 1800, had become A) a primarily rural and agricultural region. B) increasingly unlike the North and increasingly sensitive to criticism. C) a region where political power rested in the hands of small farmers. D) more urban and more industrialized. E) densely populated.


The Southern concept of honor A) mirrored that of the North. B) resulted in the adoption of an elaborate code of chivalry. C) had little to do with slavery. D) did not extend to the practice of dueling. E) encouraged widespread cohabitation between planters and their female slaves.


The beginnings of an industrial labor supply can be traced to A) overcrowding in American cities. B) a dramatic increase in food production. C) the use of slaves in manufacturing industries. D) an increase in European immigration. E) an excess agricultural labor force.


The historical debate over the nature of plantation slavery demonstrates A) the difficulty in researching a field in which few documents exist. B) the extent to which historians are influenced by the times in which they write. C) basic agreement that slavery was a brutal, savage institution that dehumanized all participants. D) that black slaves in the South were generally content and happy with their lot. E) slavery was an American invention.


The new leaders emerging in Congress after the Compromise of 1850 were A) less able politicians. B) more concerned with narrow interest of self-promotion. C) as skilled at compromise as the older leaders. D) interested in broad national issues. E) less pragmatic than their predecessors.


The paternalistic factory system of Lowell and Waltham did not last long because A) workers resented being watched over so carefully. B) in the highly competitive textile market, manufacturers were eager to cut labor costs. C) unions undermined the owners' authority. D) men found jobs in the factories, and they disliked the paternalistic system. E) it adversely affected work quality.


The settlement of the western territories A) united the North and South with a common feeling of nationalism. B) divided the North and the South over the issue of slavery in the territories. C) eliminated the need for debate over the issue of slavery. D) facilitated effective compromises over the increasingly divisive issue of slavery. E) created more slave states than free states.


The war with Mexico was criticized A) by Southerners who believed Polk deliberately maneuvered the country into the conflict on behalf of Northern interests. B) by Northerners who believed it was part of a slaveholders' plot to bring in more slave states. C) by businessmen who believed it would hurt commerce with England and Mexico. D) by Democrats from all sections of the nation. E) by Texas Mexicans who favored reunification with Mexico.


When the new republic of Texas requested annexation by the United States, A) the American government quickly agreed. B) Americans in the North opposed acquiring a large new slave territory. C) Southerners, led by President Jackson, pushed for annexation. D) Mexico gave up all claims to Texas. E) Mexico declared war on the U.S.


Who of the following did NOT support the Compromise of 1850? A) Henry Clay B) Zachary Taylor C) John C. Calhoun D) Daniel Webster E) Millard Fillmore


African-American religion A) was condoned by the masters. B) emphasized deliverance in the next world. C) sometimes combined Christianity with traditional African religions. D) primarily occurred under the guidance of white ministers. E) encouraged slave revolts.


American efforts to buy or seize Cuba failed because A) international pressure was put on President Pierce. B) there was little nationalism in the nation by the 1850s. C) antislavery forces in the North opposed it. D) it was believed we had more territory than we could use. E) established Southern planters feared Cuban competition. Feedback: American efforts to buy Cuba failed because of the opposition of antislavery forces in the North.


American immigrants into Oregon A) did not outnumber the British until after the Civil War. B) had little impact on the few Native Americans there. C) outnumbered the British by 1850. D) were mostly fur trappers. E) drove the Indians into Canada.


At Fort Sumter, A) President Lincoln resupplied the federal troops in time to avoid an armed conflict. B) Major Anderson managed to withstand the bombardment of the Confederates and keep the Fort in Union hands. C) the Confederates fired the first shot of the Civil War. D) the Union Army fired the first shots of the war. E) Major Anderson surrendered right after the first shot.


At the time it was completed, the Erie Canal was A) already obsolete. B) beginning to fill with silt from the Great Lakes. C) the greatest construction project Americans had ever undertaken. D) cited as an example of how not to construct a canal. E) already paid for.


By the end of the 1840s, the territory of the United States included A) all of the nation's current territory. B) the entire territory of the current continental United States. C) nearly the entire territory of the current continental United States. D) the entire continental United States east of the Rockies. E) included the Gadsden Purchase.


Each of the following was an example of new ideas about health in this era EXCEPT A) phrenology. B) water cures. C) reforms promulgated by city health boards to cure epidemics. D) dietary theories. E) None of these answers is correct.


Most of the industrial growth experienced in the United States between 1840 and 1860 took place in the A) South and Southwest. B) Old Northwest. C) New England region and the mid-Atlantic states. D) Ohio Valley. E) southern Great Lakes region.


Personal liberty laws A) allowed masters to claim slaves who ran away to the North. B) freed slaves who escaped to states in the Old Northwest. C) forbade state officials to assist in the capture and return of runaways. D) outlawed the interstate slave trade. E) allowed slaves to purchase their freedom.


The "Young America" movement A) was a movement to garner support for abolition among the youth of America. B) was a movement to garner support for slavery among the youth of America. C) was intended to divert young Americans' interests toward nationalism and expansion and away from the "transitory" issue of slavery. D) was part of President Franklin Pierce's efforts to further expand the nation's territories to pacify the slavery interests. E) was an unsuccessful diplomatic attempt to acquire Cuba.


The Compromise of 1850 included all of the following EXCEPT A) California would come in as a free state. B) in the rest of the lands acquired from Mexico, territorial governments would be formed without restrictions on slavery. C) the national government would not pay the Texas debt. D) the slave trade, but not slavery, would be abolished in the District of Columbia. E) None of these answers is correct.


The New York City draft riots A) occurred when Irish strikebreakers were attacked by New York longshoremen. B) led to the deaths of 1000 people. C) included lynchings of a number of African Americans. D) ended the use of conscription as a means of gaining new soldiers for the Union army. E) were in protest of the high $300.00 draft avoidance fee.


The Southern failure to create a flourishing commercial or industrial economy was in part the result of A) a lack of business talent in the South. B) an unwillingness on the part of the Southerners to take risks. C) a set of values distinctive to the South that discouraged the growth of cities and industry. D) a slave labor force that could not work successfully in industry. E) All these answers are correct.


The creation of "asylums" for social deviants was an effort to: A) punish the inmates. B) get the deviants out of society. C) reform and rehabilitate the inmates. D) cut down the cost of crime and punishment. E) All these answers are correct.


The most important and popular American painters of the early nineteenth century A) painted scenes of carefully cultivated landscapes. B) favored portraits of Revolutionary War heroes. C) considered untamed nature the best source of spiritual inspiration. D) had a different philosophy from Emerson and Thoreau. E) often painted portraits of each other.


The only "successful" slave insurrection in the nineteenth-century South was led by A) Gabriel Prosser. B) Denmark Vesey. C) Nat Turner. D) Frederick Douglass. E) Dred Scott.


The rise of New York City in the first half of the nineteenth century was the result of all of the following EXCEPT A) a superior natural harbor. B) liberal state laws that made the city attractive for both foreign and domestic commerce. C) an absence of "nativist" sentiment. D) unrivaled access to the interior. E) the primary port of entry for European immigrants.


The single event that did the most to convince white Southerners they could not live safely in the Union was A) the election of Lincoln. B) the Pottawatomie Massacre. C) John Brown's raid. D) the Dred Scott decision. E) the split of the Democratic Party at the 1860 convention.


Throughout the North, black Americans A) enjoyed full access to education and most career opportunities. B) voted and held government jobs proportionate to their numbers. C) defended their freedom and responded eagerly to the cause of abolitionism. D) earned a decent standard of living. E) were more violent in their abolitionist rhetoric than Garrison. Feedback: Northern blacks did not enjoy full access to education and career opportunities.


Which of the following battles was fought in the western theatre? A) Gettysburg B) Chancellorsville C) Shiloh D) Antietam E) Kennesaw Mountain


Which of the following did NOT inhibit the growth of effective labor resistance? A) ethnic divisions between natives and immigrants B) the availability of cheap labor C) slavery D) the strength of the industrial capitalists E) laws unfavorable to labor


Which of the following statements about Southern slavery is true? A) Most of the slaveowners owned more than ten slaves. B) Most of the slaves lived on farms with less than ten slaves. C) The majority of slaveowners were small farmers, but the majority of slaves lived on plantations of medium or large size. D) The majority of slaveowners lived on medium or large plantations, but most slaves lived and worked on small farms. E) most slaves had some unsupervised time during the workday.


Which of the following was NOT a technological advance that sped the growth of industry during this period? A) better machine tools B) interchangeable tools C) improved water-power generators D) new steam engines E) the development of wood stoves


he Oneida Community A) advocated "free love." B) called for celibacy and attracted members for conversion. C) believed it liberated women from the demands of male "lust" and from traditional bonds of family. D) was widely accepted and had almost no critics. E) sought to expand parental control over children.


he creation of asylums A) was only for the mentally ill. B) was only for criminals. C) attempted to rehabilitate "unfit" people into useful citizens. D) was simply an attempt to curb the abuses of the old methods of dealing with the poor and the ill. E) was only for the mentally ill and criminals.


the first great American novelist was A) Walt Whitman. B) James Fenimore Cooper. C) Herman Melville. D) Ralph Waldo Emerson. E) Edgar Allan Poe.


As women in various reform movements confronted the problems they faced in a male- dominated society, they responded by A) withdrawing from the movements. B) accepting the notion that men and women were assigned separate "spheres" in society. C) focusing their attention on religious matters. D) setting in motion the first important feminist movement. E) establishing the W.C.T.U.


In the middle-class family during this era, the role of women changed from A) helpmate to workmate. B) "republican mother" to "democratic female." C) passive domestic to radical feminist. D) income producer to income consumer. E) obedient helpmate to coequal partner in the household.


Opponents of abolitionism in the North believed A) abolitionists were dangerous radicals. B) the movement would lead to a war between the North and South. C) the movement would lead to a great influx of free blacks into the North. D) All these answers are correct. E) None of these answers is correct.


The expansion of Southern agriculture from 1820 to 1860 was due to the expanded cultivation of A) western rice. B) tobacco in Kentucky. C) Louisiana sugar. D) short-staple cotton in the Black Belt. E) long-staple cotton on the Carolina-Georgia coast.


The most important economic development in the mid-nineteenth-century South was the A) invention of the cotton gin. B) shift of economic power from the "upper South" to the "lower South." C) increased agricultural diversity of the region. D) decline in the price of slaves. E) spread of railroads.


The most profound economic development in mid-nineteenth-century America was the A) development of a national banking system. B) creation of corporations. C) decline of the small-town merchant and general store. D) rise of the factory. E) decline of American agriculture.


The slave codes of the Southern states A) imposed a uniformly harsh and dismal regime for Southern slaves. B) allowed slaves a great deal of flexibility and autonomy. C) created a paternal and benevolent relationship between master and slave. D) contained rigid provisions but were unevenly enforced. E) allowed slaves to buy their freedom.


The typical white Southerner was A) a planter with many slaves and a lot of land. B) a small-town merchant or professional man. C) extremely poor. D) a modest yeoman farmer. E) a hunter/trapper.


Travelers on the Overland Trail A) experienced significantly higher death rates than the general population. B) experienced constant and deadly attacks by Indian tribes along the trail. C) was a highly individualized experience. D) often migrated as families that practiced traditional gender divisions of labor. E) were often loners who preferred a vagabond lifestyle.


Which of the following was NOT part of President Polk's policy regarding New Mexico and California? A) sending troops to the Nueces River in Texas B) informing Americans in California that the United States would respond sympathetically to a revolt against Mexico C) instructing the Pacific naval commander to seize California ports if Mexico declared war D) ceasing all diplomatic contact with Mexico E) All these answers are correct.


Abraham Lincoln A) believed slavery was morally wrong but was not an abolitionist. B) had been a Democrat before he became a Republican. C) believed the expansion of slavery would hurt the spread of free labor. D) tried to avoid the slavery issue in his debates with Douglas. E) believed slavery was morally wrong but was not an abolitionist, and had been a Democrat before he became a Republican.


Although most whites did not own slaves, most supported the plantation system because A) it controlled the slaves. B) they had economic ties to it. C) slaveholder and nonslaveholder were often related. D) they identified with fierce regional loyalties. E) All these answers are correct.


By combining the Oregon and the Texas issue in 1844, Democrats hoped to A) start a war with Mexico and Great Britain. B) attract John Tyler to the Democratic Party. C) divert attention from the slavery issue. D) get Van Buren to support Polk. E) appeal to both Northern and Southern expansionists.


Like other experiments in social organization of this era, Mormonism reflected A) a strong antislavery bias. B) a celebration of individual liberty. C) a desire to improve the status of women. D) a strong desire to isolate believers from general society. E) a belief in human perfectibility.


The American population between 1820 and 1840 A) grew fastest in the South. B) became increasingly rural. C) doubled. D) was not growing as fast as the population of Europe. E) was migrating westward.


The Dred Scott decision A) affirmed Missouri law. B) was a victory for the antislavery movement. C) declared Scott a free man. D) outlawed the interstate slave trade. E) affirmed the South's argument that the Constitution guaranteed the existence of slavery.


The Wilmot Proviso A) went into law without the president's signature. B) was supported by Southern militants. C) was a compromise acceptable to the South and the North but not the West. D) drew very little attention outside of Congress. E) passed the House by not the Senate.


The first seven Southern states that seceded were A) in the lower South. B) the states where the largest concentration of slaves were located. C) the home of the most outspoken "fire eaters." D) not possessed of the military strength to fight a war. E) All these answers are correct.


The growth of the agricultural economy of the Northwest affected the sectional alignment of the United States because A) northwestern goods were sold to residents of the Northeast. B) northeastern industries sold their products to the Northwest. C) northwestern grain was sold to the South, which allowed it to grow more cotton. D) the Northwest was able to feed itself so it did not align with any other section. E) northwestern goods were sold to residents of the Northeast and northeastern industries sold their products to the Northwest.


The nativist movement wanted to A) return all land to Native Americans. B) enact more restrictive naturalization laws. C) increase aid to education so voters would be literate. D) make immigrants feel this was their home. E) end all immigration.


The question of statehood for Kansas and Nebraska became a critical issue because A) of the rivalry between Chicago and St. Louis as the location of the eastern terminus. B) of Southern fear that a transcontinental railroad would be built through them. C) of Northern concern over new wheat states and depressed grain prices. D) many believed that they could never support a population sufficient to justify statehood. E) of the question of whether they would be slave or free states.


The reform movements of the first half of the nineteenth century reflected which of the following impulses? A) an optimistic faith in human nature B) a rational view of man and his ability C) a desire for control and order D) a desire to end slavery E) both an optimistic faith in human nature, and a desire for control and order


The telegraph A) was expensive to use and thus offered limited advantages for American industry. B) slowly developed as a tool for commerce in the United States. C) was intended to replace newspapers. D) was invented in just a week by Samuel F. B. Morse. E) was first used to announce the victory of James K. Polk in the presidential election of 1844.


Transcendentalists believed that A) "understanding" was more important than "reason." B) man should repress instinct and strive for externally imposed learning. C) each individual should strive to "transcend" the limits of intellect and allow emotions to create an "original relation to the universe." D) individuals should avoid anything that would bring one too close to the natural world. E) "reason" was more important than "understanding."


Which of the following groups was most involved in the feminist movement? A) Baptists B) Episcopalians C) Mormons D) Shakers E) Quakers


Which of the following helped enlarge the urban population in this era? A) immigrants from Europe B) northeast farmers C) the growth of the population as a whole D) immigrants from Europe and the growth of the population as a whole E) All these answers are correct.


Which of the following stands did President Buchanan take after the first state seceded? A) No state has the right to secede from the Union. B) The federal government has no authority to stop a state from seceding from the nation. C) Federal troops should be called out to stop secession. D) Secession was a legal act. E) No state has the right to secede from the Union; however, the federal government does not have the authority to stop a state from seceding from the nation.


Which of the following was an advantage enjoyed by the South at the outset of the war? A) It would be fighting, for the most part, a defensive war. B) Most of the white population of the South supported the war. C) Northern opinion on the war was divided. D) The South had better military commanders. E) All these answers are correct.


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