AP Art History Module 3

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The round central opening of a dome (Latin for "eye") is called a/an


Which period of art history began with the death of Alexander the great in 323 BCE?

A. Hellenistic

What is the correct order of the Roman art periods?

A. Regal, Republican, Early Imperial, High Imperial, Late Imperial

The most famous Flavian project is

A. The Colosseum

Flavian art is often referred to as being "coloristic" because

A. deep carving made shadows appear darker

This Greek temple design is https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226100/download?verifier=NFbql8fk8nNP5lsnV0CyT3vk1c3sjNYX1Dfrfb9N&amp=&wrap=1

A. dipteral

This work gets its name from https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226121/download?verifier=fFxPuIkja1CgpZhf9cNqTqhypPKaqLCGcZuCxlKC&amp=&wrap=1

A. its belt

We learn the most about Etruscan art through

A. modern archaeology

The Anavysos Kouros (ca. 525 BCE), like much of Greek statuary was

A. polychrome

The art of Ancient Greece is grounded in civic ideals and

A. polytheism

Roman public art always carried what kind of message?

A. propagandistic

This statue is made of https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226050/download?verifier=u3KmK3yJyWInXqFzsLineuh2WmoHMWiNyE2jhGxA&amp=&wrap=1

A. terra cotta

What signaled the beginning of the Classical period in Greece?

A. the end of the Persian wars

This work depicts https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226042/download?verifier=k8myaFGhtNA60zaHVIpOm5sYg5ESSbXBb6DK9o3t&amp=&wrap=1

A. the mythological founders of Rome

What gives us the best insight into what Republican Rome was like?

A. the ruins under Mount Vesuvius

The women depicted here are known as Ergastines. They were responsible for which of the following activities? https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226061/download?verifier=dWjvdBFfwXDLdEzEqwaPSrdwsbZ1kujCQrYr0MVc&amp=&wrap=1

A. weaving

The gridded system where all streets meet at right angles, regardless of the shape of the land, is known as the

B. Hippodamian plan

Which of these is not a period of Etruscan art?

B. Imperial

Which artist was responsible for the sculptural decoration of the Parthenon?

B. Phidias

This statue was created by _______________ as a companion piece to his treatise on the ideal proportions of the human body. https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226075/download?verifier=jybautnomGt5uyPqArhcMQR7xiABIJn6fqvJvWtg&amp=&wrap=1

B. Polykleitos

To what do we owe our ability to study Greek statuary?

B. Roman copies

The focus of the Roman forum at Pompeii was a religious structure known as

B. The Capitolium

This structure is a "bit of an oddity" in ancient Greek architecture because of its https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226055/download?verifier=lESc84hffgPkmUC3ZauPjr2I9hWxjTUs7cDrDP9F&amp=&wrap=1

B. asymmetry

What aspect of this sculpture attests to Augustus' divine lineage? https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226019/download?verifier=RNf9gGDGP4aNgcUFK4jQp9AiK5zSKaCKYs25ru7i&amp=&wrap=1

B. cupid

The band of sculpture depicted here is called a/an https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226114/download?verifier=6piw8oOPvLG3vMF2ITYX7jAIErtoNMHYZT8XxQE6&amp=&wrap=1

B. frieze

Greek culture was separated from Egyptian by its focus on

B. humanity

What made the Pantheon a "marvel of engineering"?

B. the use of varying weights of concrete

Roman art essentially ends with the death of Constantine, and not with the fall of Rome, because

C. After Constantine's death, Western art is called Early Christian

The primary contribution of the Romans to the world of architecture was the invention of

C. Concrete

Which Forum was larger than the fora of Julius Caesar, Augustus, and Nerva put together?

C. Forum of Trajan

What structure shows the stylistic transition from the Archaic to the Classical?

C. Temple of Aphaia at Aegina

Which of the Roman painting styles featured delicate lines and architectural ornamentation?

C. Third

The Tomb of the Triclinium is named after

C. a dining room

Many Hellenistic works, like the Nike of Samothrace, are

C. incorporated into a larger work

Etruscan and Roman architecture are characterized by

C. investment in public structures

This Greek temple is called https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226094/download?verifier=e21PhcFLGVi6eSm6hGU8pwpdsyHwNAZXA4GyuaM4&amp=&wrap=1

C. peripteral

The Greek temple plan shown here, with columns across the front porch only, is known as https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226117/download?verifier=SVCBM3zAhdfitXY2VKWIgBA6pJmhPD6dXwBfaKGw&amp=&wrap=1

C. prostyle

Which of these is NOT a characteristic of Ancient Greek religious and civic architecture and figural representation?

C. stylized motifs

Late imperial sculptors created images that showed

C. the inner man

What about the Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon identifies it as Hellenistic?

C. the movement and emotion

Which of these is NOT a way that Etruscan temples differed from Greek?

C. their architecture

What do we learn about Etruscan women from this sculpture? https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226046/download?verifier=UUVLJqUvSShakgnXMlvhVTwbziPTqvSCuCgLI5ID&amp=&wrap=1

C. they enjoyed more freedom and equality than other cultures

The subject of this grave stele attests to https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226069/download?verifier=2NAZfTlglbcCnihU07JySdZTTQBm6Li4OlwmYs7h&amp=&wrap=1

C. wealth and status

Which of these is NOT a period of Greek art?

D. Imperial

The first large-scale structure created with concrete was the

D. Sanctuary of Fortuna

The scenes of mythical contest associated with the Parthenon are a metaphor for

D. all of these (civilization of barbarism, reason over chaos, Athens over Persia)

Artworks in Ancient Greece and Rome are assigned to periods according to which of the following?

D. all of these (styles, governments, dynasties)

Why did Romans choose to represent their leaders realistically, as in the sculpture above? https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226033/download?verifier=GRGlJOlwM0xAbnBuTZH91mo1kYxoskMUxdZrhTL9&amp=&wrap=1

D. all of these (the expressions reflect admired qualities like wisdom and experience, the portraits were used to preserve lineage and family names, the portraits revealed characteristics of various leaders' personalities )

The Seated Boxer is designed to

D. appeal to our emotions

Which of these is NOT a classical element of the memorial column of Antonius Pius?

D. decursio reliefs

The impression of swelling towards the middles of columns, such as shown here, is known as https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226103/download?verifier=8EDX4r3gjtGr33PMlky2dc1eivibRUrjHVzfUgYS&amp=&wrap=1

D. entasis

This image from the House of the Vetti exemplifies the Fourth Style of Roman wall painting because https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226028/download?verifier=YKHtF4QLdMXRUpcWZIeha8IIBGXpiRk2PLOCIrS8&amp=&wrap=1

D. it combines illusionistic scenes with orientation

Which of these does NOT describe Roman art?

D. short-lived

This vessel gets its name from https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226065/download?verifier=A0GhGBSia4gUvJpBV9rKlD0PT08t9zg6VtdmXqVF&amp=&wrap=1

D. the imagery on the exterior

What was one of the greatest advances in painting made by Greek artists of the 4th century BCE?

D. the use of value

The style of rendering clothes while simultaneously revealing the anatomical forms underneath it is known as the ___________ wet drapery technique. https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226080/download?verifier=zmg7yVyxF5nuBQOsL6piEooZUornQN4fyJKSjTuc&amp=&wrap=1


A figure or ornament placed at the top or edge of the ranking cornice is called


The center of the Greek city and Greek life was the ________, a large open square where people met and gathered.


A Roman building type that resembled two Greek theaters put together was called a/an


This example of Second Style Roman painting from the Villa Livia features a technique called ______________ (two words) that involves painting objects in the foreground with clarity and precision while painting objects in the "distance" as blurry and less distinct. https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226023/download?verifier=9yZqbPxecVDUTc7OyKkfQCsDgnFFRF1YONsLYX72&amp=&wrap=1

atmospheric perspective

The part of the Arch of Titus that bears the inscription proclaiming Titus' status as a god is called the


A continuous row of arches joined to one another is called a/an (two words)

barrel vault

A building that housed the law courts in most Roman towns was the


A female figure that functions as a supporting column, such as those on the Ionic Treasury of the Siphnians (ca. 525 BCE) is called a ___________.


__________________ refers to Greek sculpture that is overlaid with gold and ivory. (spelling counts!)


Sunken, often ornamental paneling in a vault or ceiling is called


a building material consisting of various proportions of lime mortar, volcanic sand, water, and small stones is called


The weight shift depicted in the above statue is called https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226089/download?verifier=tdUDuNLkbXvjbqjuXzcoSQyFdeWtCprA2Nfm3FrP&amp=&wrap=1


____________ painting is a painting technique in which pigment is mixed with melted wax and applied to the surface while the mixture is hot


A __________ is a pin used to fasten garments at the shoulder in the ancient world.


This type of painting made of pigment on lime plaster as discovered in the House of the Vetti, is called a https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226038/download?verifier=1Yzzy9LGudGUZuImzMQA3PAMu92RGUL3uk7U6Nut&amp=&wrap=1


The most common motif in the Greek Geometric Period was the meander, also called the Greek ______.


In Ancient Greek mythology, the battle between the gods and giants was called the ___________________.


At the center of the atrium in Roman houses was a collecting pool called the


An Archaic Greek statue of a young man is called a _______.


A Greek mixing bowl with handles is known as a ________.


A large burial area or cemetery, translated "city of the dead" in Greek, is called a


Flat, rectangular engaged columns (like those used in Corinthian columns) are called


a wall covering or facing in architecture, like the stucco or marble used by the Romans to cover concrete, is called a/an


In Roman architecture, a single-room shop usually covered by a barrel vault is called a/an


One of the most popular projects commissioned by emperors in the Late Imperial era was baths, or


A circular portrait or relief sculpture is called a


Mound-shaped Etruscan tombs constructed with masonry blocks and covered with dirt are called


The sun shade that could be unrolled over the Colosseum was called a


Early Roman portrait sculpture incorporated a very realistic appearance known as


The vase-painting technique used on these vessels is called the _____________ technique https://virtualvirginia.instructure.com/courses/372/files/3226084/download?verifier=OJhASZNX4rAwmSN8wXq63JSK2TcFc7coZsiTeKRW&amp=&wrap=1


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