Ap English catcher in the rye

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Stradlater. Why does Holden become so enraged? Holden starts to loose it mainly out of a desire to protect Jane rather than jealousy. Wants to kill stradlater and wanted to punch him in the toothbrush and that would've killed him. His fight is noble he wants to protect Jane. He really is not violent. Holden is childlike and wants to get the last word in. He want stradlater to be the bad guy. Holden knows he can't overpower stradlater he wants to hurt his ego. He exhibits that he has little regard for his physical well being. He goes into ackley room and wants to stay there. Ackley does not want him to stay his roommates bed.

Describe Holden's argument and subsequent fight with

Holden is watching stradlater shave and is talking to him. Stradlater wants Holden to do him a favor which was to write his English composition. Older brother younger brother moment. Weird to say the least. Maybe Holden is lonely and needs to have constant companionship. He will write the composition for him. He does get silly and starts tap dancing and rough housing with him. Holden can't sit still. Holden always does what he's told. He acts like a little brother and wants stradlater attention.

Describe Holden's behavior while Stradlater is shaving. How might this scene be significant?

Mrs. morrow is the mother of a boy he goes to school with Ernest morrow. Holden described him as jerk and hates him. He tells her wonderful her son is. Holden never gives his real name. He liked her mother. He gave her a cigarette. He is making up a persona and could do what eh wants. He can't stop lying cause he has no self control and it's a way to amuse himself.he wants to make feel good he's having fun but not going out of the way to hurt her. He lies to protect and make feel good. Using intention is genuine.

Describe Holden's conversation with Mrs. Morrow on the train. Why does he lie here about his name and her son?

Holden is more upset because he is afraid of what stradlater would do to and with Jane than jealous. He sits in a chair for a half hour nervously who is probably fidgeting and working himself up.

Describe Holden's demeanor when Stradlater leaves for his date with Jane.

He asked them to dance. He always want company, still engages with them even though they were "unattractive and dumb" takes courage to ask girl out and to dance. He's a good dancer shows he has some confidence and he knows what he's doing. Had a social life. These girl depressed because they were going to radio city musical hall in the morning. (They were from Seattle ) he didn't want them to say that and would've stopped them from saying they had to get p early in the morning to see the show. He could see these peoples are going out and having fun and he's not. He wants them to focus on tonight and this is diverting attention away from him. Maybe he's been to radio city a thousand times and they are so excited to see it and he's like what's the big deal?

Describe Holden's encounter with Marty, Bernice, and Laverne? Why do they cause him to become so depressed? Pp

Ackley is 18 years old doesn't brush his teeth and Holden finds him annoying. Ackley is invasive and touches Holden's stuff. However later on Holden includes him when he goes out.

Describe Holden's interactions with Robert Ackley.

Stradlater date is Jane Gallagher. He used to live next to her and felt bad because she had a rough childhood. Met her Bessie her dog would keep coming to him. He remembers inane details. " My Vitalis" it's obvious that Holden likes Jane. He tells stradlater everything he knows about her, he used to play checkers with her and she would make Kings but never move the. But would line them up, he doesn't go see her. He tells stradlater not to tell her he's getting kicked out.

Describe Holden's reactions to the mention of Jane Gallagher

He's going through the list of people he knows but can't call any of them. 20 minutes in this phone booth.

Describe the opening scene of the chapter where Holden stays in the phone booth for an extended period of time. P

He has that childhood sense. Doesn't seem like he has any malice or attempt and has appreciation for detail. He doesn't want to be destructive or mess up the scene. He sees that everything is nice the way it is and tells the bus driver that he won't throw it at at anyone and yeh bus driver does not believe it. Very observant. Once he decides not to throw it he keeps it and puts value onto it. He clings to the snowball. He knows the snowball is gonna melt away and he feels that he is disappearing sometimes. He doesn't want to let go and the snowball is a reflection of him trying to hold onto childhood.

Describe the snowball scene and its significance.


Does Holden feel any guilt when he went to see mr spencer

Yes in fact he says I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It's awful.

Does Holden lie

I think Holden actually cares about brushing his teeth. "You would feel better." He's giving him what would be genuine friendly advice. Mr. Spencer trying to give Holden advice and now Holden give ackley advice.

Explain Holden's motivation when he tells Ackley that he needs to brush his teeth.

Because he wants to say goodbye

Holden is standing on a hill and not at the football game why

He clearly has affection for his sister like his affection that parallels for Allie. She has similar attributes to Holden ether same or polar opposites. He refers to her as "kid" which is a certain innocence and to him she will always be his little sister. The little things about her that he finds important. He's so happy to talk about phoebe.

How does Holden's description of Phoebe reflect his feelings toward her?

He talks about the back row checker thing again and is very passionate about. Janes moms boyfriend was asking her about cigarettes and she didn't answer and holden felt awkward. He remember how a tear fell from her eye and he felt bad and started to kiss her. He never found out why she cried. She rubbed the tear drop away and didn't want to open up to him she didn't want to start crying. It is very thoughtful that he went to sit with her. Sit next to her shows that he is on her side. He respects her enough to not kiss her on the mouth because she wouldn't let him. Seems to be a contradiction that he would try to kiss her.

How does the checkers ' scene with Jane illustrate Holden's special relationship with her? In what way does the unknown play a role in this scene?

Holden's climbs up on the closet to get the scissors even though he doesn't want to it. It's unusual he would do that. In some way Holden is drawn to him. Ackley is a source of stability.

How is the scene with the scissors significant? Page


How old is Holden in the book


How old is Holden when the story takes place

Maybe it's an easy way out. Maybe he wants to find a purpose and he snot that religious . Search for honesty and the dismisses he says his luck is that he will be with corrupt priests. He would want to go their for companionship. A desire way to escape the world. None of that matters anyway he's not catholic.

In what way is Holden's question about the monastery significant?

"I'm illiterate but I read very well read. a lot." He is very well read. Doesn't necessarily want to read what he wants to read. He's contradicting himself. English is the only class he's passing. Books seem more real to him a substance that books have that movies don't. He's a teenager he doesn't give himself enough credit. Always has a shield up. He has a rebellious tone and maintains the veneer. He's insecure he can't give himself credit for anything. The fact that he got kicked out doesn't mean he's stupid.

In what ways is Holden's commentary on his reading habits significant?

Almost anytime I get a present" he doesn't feel that he deserves them he doesn't seem to value himself that much. He lacks self confidence. There is a worth out into him and now he is a burden p. He has to give a gift now people expect things of him and he can't give it. He's never satisfied. This is a depressing time for him he sees everyone happy and him not.

What comment does Holden make about presents? How is this significant?

What I liked about her, she didn't give you a lot of horse manure about what a great guy her father was. She probably knew what a phony slob he was.

What did Holden like about old Selma Thurmer

A hunting hat and wears it backwards

What does Holden buy while in the city for a dollar


What does Holden claim to hate


What does Holden hate besides movies


What does Holden think of the kids at Pencey

He has a moral compass and on some level respects women yet he is struggling with his teenage boy side and his honorees are raging. At the hotel he sees some racy stuff. It bothers him that eh is the way he is. He feels a lot of guilt.

What does Holden's commentary about sex reveal about his personality? P

He sued to like his old stories lik "the secret goldfish" but feels he sold himself to Hollywood for being a prostitute

What is Holden's view on his brother who is the writer

He asks about what happens to the ducks where they go. Asks the cab driver if he wants to get cocktails and the driver says no. The ducks are a non threatening way to start up a convo. He's so lonely and he lies about himself and thinks maybe if he lies then people can entertain the thought of him. Second time he asks someone to go get a drink with him like he did with Mrs morrow.

What questions does Holden ask the cab driver?

He was surrounded by phonies

What was the biggest reason Holden left Elkton Hills ?

That he was sort of disappearing

When Holden is running across the road what does he fee


Where did Holden go to school that he is now expelled from

"Ossenburger Memorial Wing of the new dorms. It was only for juniors and seniors. I was a junior. "

Where did Holden live in pencey

Where the ducks in NYC go in the winter

While mr spencer was lecturing Holden what was he thinking about

Mr. Spencer, his history teacher

Who does Holden go to visit by request


Who is Holden's brother who is a writer

Holden Caulfield

Who is the main character of catcher in the rye

J.D Salinger

Who write the catcher in the rye

Justifies why he does what he does. He gets defensive. Way he dealt with the grief. It was a coping mechanism. Insight into his past, he thought so high of Allie and misses him. This defenseless is a way to hold onto him. The significance of this paragraph is one train of thought he doesn't derail from he is focused. He's so passionate about it. Not often we see this. Him losing his younger brother can make his parents detached because he spends a lot of times away from his soreness and when he talks about not caring maybe he realizes these trivial things don't matter like getting kicked out of school does not compare.

Why does Holden choose Allie's baseball mitt as the subject of the descriptive essay?

he decides not to go and said he's in town only one night he porbanly would feel guilt. This is an impulsive decision . Maybe he would be afraid if he changes his mind. Maybe he felt bad that the room mate was sick he starts out as a suave character maybe he 2as trying to convince her to bed out that night. Deep down he knows he shouldn't play her on a string, if tomorrow time to reflect and he won't meet her.

Why does Holden end his conversation with Faith Cavendish so abruptly?

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