AP Environmental Science Vocabulary List

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Shelterwood cutting

(13) Cutting dead trees first, then the mature ones. This enables the constant growth of a young tree population and is better ecologically for the site. [ Ji.T.] http://sevenislands.com/images/swd_shltrwd.jpg [IF]


(13) Fairly common trees that share the canopy of the forest with dominants. [ Ji.T.]

Contour strip mining

(18) Used on mountainous terrain; Terraces cut into the sides of hills; highwalls. {D.B}. Image: <http://www.unitedmountaindefense.org/images/MTRfacts1.jpg>.

Ecosystem Effect

(22) Effects that result from interactions among different species, effects of species on chemical elements in their environment, and the condition of the environmenthttp://blog.nus.edu.sg/lsm3251/2008/08/26/top-down-ecosystem-effect-of-predator-hunting-modes/ (MC)

oligotrophic lake

(22) Lake with low primary productivity, the result of low nutrient content http://www.rmbel.info/reports/Static/trophicstates.aspx (MC)


(22) Organism most commonly isolated in HIV positive patients http://www.avianbiotech.com/diseases/Cryptosporidium.htm (MC)

crude birth rate

(ch4) the number of births per 100 individuals per year (sv) http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/russianheartland/DemographicMaps/images/FertilityMaps/4CrudeBirthRates1990.jpg

ecological islands

(ch8) a relatively small habitat disconnected from a larger, major habitat (sv) http://www.101worldtravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/robben-island-1.jpg

Gross national product per capita

(ch9) a measure of the national income per person. (sv) http://www.hist.umn.edu/hist1015/Stuff/Challenges%20of%20Global%20Integration/GH%20Economic%20Institutions%20GNP%20Per%20Capita%20map%20copy.jpg

What is the composition of the Earth's atmosphere?

78% nitrogen; 21% oxygen; <1% carbon dioxide; <1% water vapor (although near surface, may vary 1-4%) (and other trace elements). Information Env. Science Quick Study [D° S.C.]

Sulfurous Smog

"Gray smog", "London smog"; from burning coal or oil at large power plants [D ND] Image (http://www.green-planet-solar-energy.com/smog-air-pollution.html) [Dº - W.W.M.]

Carrying Capacity

(1) maximum number of individuals of a species that can be sustained by an environment without decreasing the capacity of the environent to sustain that same amount in the future http://dieoff.org/page13.htm (MC)


(10) species interactions that benefit at least one of the participants and cause harm to neither http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/meetings/annual_symposium_archive/2009annualsymposium/ (MC)


(12) plants are exposed to grazing for a long period of time http://sgp.undp.org/web/images/2735/overgrazing.html (MC)


(13) A group of trees that are the same species. An even-aged stand is a stand consisting of trees that all grew from seeds at the same time. An uneven-aged stand is a stand in which at least three age classes exist. [ Ji.T.] Image: (http://www.desktops-wallpapers.com/Exports%20from%20Aperture/Trees/1280_1024/row_of_pine_trees.jpg)

What do anaerobic organisms produce?

CO2 [D° - T.G]

Ecological succession

Chapter 10: The biological change in communities over time to become more stable due to changing environmental conditions. Information: Wikipedia. Image URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Boreal_pine_forest_after_fire.JPG [C period - yy]


Chapter 11: A chemical element required by all living things in relatively large amounts. Examples: sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. [M.S]


Chapter 11: A chemical element required in small amounts - either in extremely small amounts by all forms of life or in moderate to small amounts for some forms of life. Examples: Molybdenum, copper, zinc manganese and iron. [M.S.]

Limiting Factor

Chapter 11: A factor whose availability is the least in comparison to the needs of a plant. [M.S.]

Crop Rotation

Chapter 11: A series of different crops planted successively in the same field, with the field occasionally left fallow, or grown with a cover crop that is not harvested for at least one season. Information Botkin-Keller [J.T]

Genetically Modified Crops

Chapter 11: GMCs are crops that have been genetically modified in order to increase agricultural production [M.S.]

Synergistic Effect

Chapter 11: In the synergistic effect, a change in availability of one resource affects the response of an organism to some other resource. [M.S.] Image (http://www.rumen-health.com/images/rumen_fiber_diagram.gif)


Chapter 11: Land that is plowed, planted, and harvested in order to provide forage for animals. Information Botkin-Keller. (http://moonindigofarm.com/images/pasture.jpg) [J.T]


Chapter 11: The farming of food in aquatic habitats, including both marine and freshwater. Information Botkin-Keller. (http://www.nosb.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/aquaculture.jpg) [J.T]


Chapter 11: The farming of ocean fish and creatures. Information Botkin-Keller. (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Aquakultur-Vestmanna.jpg) [J.T]

Green Revolution

Chapter 11: The green revolution is the name attached to post WWII programs that have led to the development of new strains of crops with higher yields, better resistance to disease, or better ability to grow under poor conditions. [M.S.]

Organic Farming

Chapter 11: The green revolution is the name attached to post WWII programs that have led to the development of new strains of crops with higher yields, better resistance to disease, or better ability to grow under poor conditions. [M.S.]

Disadvantages of Monoculture

Chapter 11: Vulnerability of entire crop, more susceptible to attack from a single disease or a single change in environmental conditions, reduces soil content of essential elements. Information Botkin-Keller [J.T]


Chapter 11: ecosystem created by agriculture ; includes all living and non living components as well as their interactions. Information Botkin-Keller and Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agroecosystem) (http://images-mediawiki-sites.thefullwiki.org/04/2/7/9/95335123358275885.jpg) [J.T]


Chapter 11: land that supplies food for grazing or browsing animals without the need for plowing or planting. Information Botkin-Keller. (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c5/Muddy_Water_Red_desert.jpg/800px-Muddy_Water_Red_desert.jpg) [J.T.]


Chapter 11: large areas planted with a single species or even a single strain or subspecies (Example: Single hybrid of corn) Information Botkin-Keller (http://www.bio.davidson.edu/people/kabernd/seminar/2004/Grp4/Monoculture.jpg) [J.T]


Chapter 15: science that studies chemicals that are known to be or cold be toxic, and toxicologists are scientists in this field. [MYK]


Chapter 15: several minerals that take the form of small, elongated particles, or fibers. [MYK]


Chapter 15: small particles of dust (including soot and asbestos fibers) released into the atmosphere by many natural processes and human activities. [MYK]

Point Sources

Chapter 15: sources of pollution such as smokestacks, popes, or accidental spills that are readily identified and stationary. [MYK]

Gray Zone

Chapter 15: state of imbalance. [MYK]

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP)

Chapter 15: synthetic carbon-based compounds, often containing chlorine, that do not easily break down in the environment. [MYK]


Chapter 15: the accumulation or increase in concentration of a substance in living tissue as it moves through a food web. Also known as bioaccumulation. [MYK]

Body burden

Chapter 15: the content of heavy metals in our bodies. [MYK]


Chapter 15: the interaction of different substances resulting in a total effect greater than the sum of the effects of the separate substances. Example: both sulfur dioxide and coal dust particulates are air pollutants. [MYK]

Noise Pollution

Chapter 15: unwanted sound. [MYK]

Synthetic organic compounds

Chapter 15: used in industrial processes, pest control, pharmaceuticals, and food additives. [MYK]

Natural Disaster Criteria

Chapter 16, 10 or more people killed, 100 affected, state of emergency declared, and international assistance requested. [K.E]


Chapter 16, A hazardous event that occurs over a limited time span in defined geographic area. [K.E]


Chapter 16, A hurricane is a tropical storm with circulating winds in excess of 120 km (74 mi) that move across warm ocean waters of the tropics. Hurricanes gather and release huge quantities of energy as water is transformed from liquid in the ocean to vapor in the storm. [K.E]


Chapter 16, A massive disaster that requires significant expenditure of money and time for recovery to take place, i.e. Hurricane Katrina. [K.E]

confined aquifer

Chapter 21: a water-bearing, porous layer of rock, sand, or gravel that is trapped between an upper and lower layer of less permeable substrate, such as clay (http://www.learner.org/courses/envsci/visual/img_lrg/confined_unconfined_aquifer.jpg) [C° A.H.]

effluent stream

Chapter 21: an_______ is situated below the water table and is sustained by seepage from groundwater. (http://www2.nau.edu/~doetqp-p/courses/env302/lec5/Image20.gif) [C° A.H.]

influent stream

Chapter 21: an________lies above the water table and flows when precipitation provides enough water. (http://www2.nau.edu/~doetqp-p/courses/env302/lec5/Image26.gif) [C° A.H.]

nonconsumptive use

Chapter 21: fresh water use in which the water from a particular aquifer or surface water body either is not removed or is removed only temporarily and then returned [C° A.H.]

consumptive use

Chapter 21: fresh water use in which water is removed from a particular aquifer or surface water body and is not returned to it [C° A.H.]


Chapter 21: groundwater withdrawal when the amount pumped from wells exceeds the natural rate of replenishment [C° A.H.]


Chapter 16, the product of the probability of an event occurring and the consequences should that event occur. [K.E] Image: http://globaltrendtraders.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Risk-Management.jpg [M.S.]

Water Power

Chapter 19 ; Form of stored solar energy that has been successfully harnessed. Image (http://greenenergyplanet.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/hydroelectric_system1.jpg) [I.S]

Active solar energy system

Chapter 19 [Ian S.] A solar energy system in which the energy is generated by using mechanical devices such as solar panels and photovoltaic cells. The energy is transformed from solar to (usually) electrical in solar panels, which later can be used to power regular household appliances and devices, such as refrigerators and microwave ovens. [Per.C - Ian S]


Chapter 19 [Ian S.] Energy procured through biological carbon fixation. [Per.C - Ian S] Image (http://www.infobarrel.com/Biofuels) [Dº - W.W.M.]

Nonrenewable Energy

Chapter 19 [Ian S.]Energy that is not reusable. Image (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VMKh4KwGRQs/S0-GBBKNTeI/AAAAAAAABBk/weSCNCiFMts/s320/nonrenewable+energy.gif)

Alternative energy

Chapter 19 [Ian S.]Sources of energy that do not include fossil fuels, such as power plants that release massive amounts of CO2 into the air. Renewable energy comes in the form of windmills, solar panels, and electricity(used in cars such as Tesla). [Per.C - Ian S] http://www.sachem-uncas.com/alternativeenergy.jpg {MT}

Fuel cell

Chapter 19 [Ian S.]This is a cell that takes chemical energy and turns it into electricity through a chemical reaction involving oxygen or an oxidizing agent. [Per.C - Ian S] http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20050615/a810_3110.jpg

Passive solar energy system

Chapter 19 [Ian S.]a system that uses energy from the sun to regulate temperatures (active technology is not uses); architectural designs are used the enhance the absorption of solar energy

Geothermal energy

Chapter 19 [Ian S.]energy that comes from heat extracted from drilling into Earth's crust. Image (http://www.ucsusa.org/assets/images/ce/geopower3.gif)

nonrenewable resources

Chapter 19: Resources that are used at rates faster than they can be regenerated; resources that cannot be replenished. Information: textbook. Image URL: http://tammi.tamu.edu/photos/Coal%20%20Stacks.JPG [C period -yy]


Chapter 19; Convert sunlight directly into electricity. Image (http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk/Courseware/Class-16110/Images/pv1.jpg) [I.S]

Wind Power

Chapter 19; Energy collected from the wind. Image (http://inhabitat.com/texas-breaks-u-s-wind-power-generation-record/) [I.S]

Solar Collectors

Chapter 19; Provide space heating or hot water. Image (http://www.solar-for-energy.com/images/solar-collectors.gif) [I.S]

Tidal Power

Chapter 19; Water power derived from ocean tides. Image (http://orbitalvector.com/Power/Tidal%20Power/TIDAL%20POWER.htm) [I.S]

Renewable energy

Chapter 19; sources of energy that can never be depleted; this includes the sun, water, wind, and biomass (D˚, EY) http://www.thegreenbubble.org/images/renewable-energy.gif [I.S]


Chapter 20: A nuclear accident in which the nuclear fuel becomes so hot that it forms a molten mass that breaches the containment of the reactor and contaminates the outside environment with radioactivity. [D - H.M] Image: http://www.2dayblog.com/images/2011/march/550x-nuclear-reactor-meltdown-infographic-1.jpg [M.S.]

Transuric Waste

Chapter 20: Composed of human-made radioactive elements heavier than uranium. It's produced partly by neutron bombardment of uranium in reactors and includes plutonium, americium, and einsteineum. [D - H.M]

High-Level Radioactive Waste

Chapter 20: Consists of commercial and military spent nuclear fuel, uranium and plutonium derived from military reprocessing, and other radioactive nuclear weapons materials. It's extremely toxic. [D - H.M]

Low-Level Radioactive Waste

Chapter 20: Contains sufficiently low concentrations or quantities of radioactivity and does not present a significant environmental hazard if properly handled. [D - H.M] Image: http://www.nsc.go.jp/NSCenglish/topics/img/radwaste02.gif [M.S.]

Nuclear Reactors

Chapter 20: Devices that produce controlled nuclear fission. [D - H.M] Image: http://www.oncor.com/images/knowledgecollege/h20.jpg [M.S.]

Breeder Reactors

Chapter 20: Produce new nuclear fuel by transforming waste or lower-grade uranium into fissionable material. [D - H.M] Image: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-k_lC7Jdp5Rw/TXt8q0_rvII/AAAAAAAAJ-I/UdJ-erLffp8/s1600/nuclear_power_diagram.jpg [M.S.]

Burner Reactors

Chapter 20: Reactors that consume more fissionable material than they produce. [D - H.M] Image: http://www.taikisha-group.com/technologies/voc/images/2-3-4-4_a.gif [M.S.]

Nuclear Energy

Chapter 20: The energy of the atomic nucleus. [D - H.M] Image: http://industrials-heater.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/nuclear-energy.jpg [M.S.]


Chapter 20: The fusing, or combining, of nuclei. Enormous amounts of energy are released. [D - H.M] http://tinyurl.com/4yo5pfj [S.J.O]


Chapter 20: The splitting of atomic nuclei. Enormous amounts of energy are released. [D - H.M] http://tinyurl.com/3c7gflj [S.J.O]


Chapter 21: Ecosystems of several types in which rooted vegetation is surrounded by standing water during part of the year. (http://www.wondercide.com/content/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/wetlands.jpg) [C° A.H.]

water budget

Chapter 21: Shows the average yield (precipitation-evaporation=runoff) per year. About 2/3 of precipitation evaporates [C° A.H.]


Chapter 21: _______ of streams consists of straightening, deepening, widening, clearing, or lining existing stream channels [C° A.H.] http://www.ct.gov/dep/lib/dep/fishing/restoration/summarypic2.jpg (image from [IF])

Perennial stream

Chapter 21: a stream that flows all year; most are constantly receiving groundwater to sustain flow [C° A.H.] http://www.dnr.state.il.us/wetlands/images/lowerperennial19.jpg (image from [IF])

unconfined aquifer

Chapter 21: a water-bearing, porous layer of of rock, sand, or gravel that lies atop a less-permeable substrate (http://www.learner.org/courses/envsci/visual/img_lrg/confined_unconfined_aquifer.jpg) [C° A.H.]


An area of irregular limestone in which erosion has produced fissures, sinkholes, underground streams, and caverns. [D Period DK]


An area of waterlogged soil that tends to be peaty; fed mainly by precipitation; low productivity; some are acidic. Image (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2f/L%C3%BCtt-Witt_Moor-2.jpg) [D - H.M.]

Inspirational justification for the conservation of nature

An argument for the conservation of nature on the grounds that direct experience of nature is an aid to spiritual or mental well-being. J.M.

Temperate Rainforest

The cool, dense rainy forest of the northern Pacific coast; enshrouded in fog much of the time; dominated by large conifers.http://www.marietta.edu/~biol/biomes/images/temprain/temperate_rainforest_nurse_log.jpg [R.P.]

Eutrophic lake

Lake w/ high concentration of chemical elements, often with mats of algae and murky water, abundance of life http://www.scienceclarified.com/images/uesc_05_img0239.jpg

mesotrophic lake

Lake with a moderate supply of plant nutrients.

Oligotrophic lake

Lake with relatively low concentration of chemical elements required by life, clear water, low/SWCS/WATERSHEDS/FISHERIES/FISHES/PIC/eutrophication.jpg

hydrologic cycle

The cycle through which water in the hydrosphere moves; includes such processes as evaporation, precipitation, and surface and groundwater runoff

fundamental niche

The full potential range of the physical, chemical, and biological factors a species can use if there is no competition from other species. See ecological niche. Compare realized niche.

primary succession

The gradual establishment of various biotic communities in lifeless areas http://www.google.com/imgres?q=primary+succession&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1920&bih=965&tbm=isch&tbnid=ViIXJDrfeSYD_M:&imgrefurl=http://www.s-cool.co.uk/a-level/geography/ecosystems/revise-it/types-of-succession&docid=_YnflUSOik7t3M&w=425&h=354&ei=OrFVTtLICLLViAK_-_jOCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=443&page=1&tbnh=117&tbnw=140&start=0&ndsp=62&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&tx=89&ty=46 [Per.C - Ian S.]

Trophic Levels

The hierarchical levels of the food chain through which energy flows up the food chain. [D Period DK]


Mixture of decomposed organic matter, organic matter, inorganic minerals (rocks, sand, clay, insects), water and air Image (http://www.blogrollcenter.com/news/how-to-improve-your-garden-soil/) [Dº - W.W.M.]

High Seas

Ocean areas beyond any country's legal jurisdiction. Image (http://www.seaaroundus.org/biomassmaps/) [Dº - W.W.M.]

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

The hypothesis that ozone in the stratosphere is being depleted by the presence [E, BH] Image (http://www.environment.gov.au/atmosphere/ozone/legislation/images/montreal-cfcs.gif)

Hutchinsonian niche

The idea of a measured niche, the set of environmental conditions within which a species is able to persist. J.M.


The idea that a statement can be said to be scientific if someone can clearly state a method or test by which it might be disproved [D-M.Z.]

United States Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972

Primary goal is to conserve the health and stability of marine ecosystems [E, CM]

Breeder Reactors

Reactors that are designed to produce new nuclear fuel. Achieved through a process in whic

inductive reasoning

Reasoning from a specific case or cases and deriving a general rule. It draws inferences from observations in order to make generalizations. [KZ]


Refers to a nuclear accident in which the nuclear fuel becomes so hot that it forms a molten [D - D.K.]

Active solar energy systems

Solar energy system that collects energy through the use of mechanical devices like photovoltaic cells or flat-plate collectors, more commonly known as "solar pannels." - http://ignoringfriction.blogspot.com/2008/12/sunchips-are-really-sun-chips-benefits.html [Per. C - Ian S.]

Types of Renewable Resources

Solar, Water, Wind [D° S.C.]

Northern Coachella Valley

Southern Californian site that is ideal for wind power collection. Image (http://www.cnsm.csulb.edu/departments/geology/people/bperry//GrantPhotos/InlandFlightOct05/245CoachellaValleyInt10SanAndreasFaultOct05L.jpg)

native species

Species indigenous to an area. Able to live and thrive in a particular community, without causing ecological damage to other elements of the ecosystem.

Late-successional species

Species tend to grow slower and live longer. They have evolved and adapted to environmental conditions in the late stages of succession. J.M.

endemic species

Species that is found in only one area. Such species are especially vulnerable to extinction.http://www.naturescapes.net/042008/sc0408_images/endemic%20species_1.jpg [R.P]

nonnative species

Species that migrates to/is deliberately or accidentally introduced into a community. Can cause great ecological damage if it outcompetes native species for resources or has some other adverse environmental effect. See cane toads.

generalist species

Species with a broad ecological niche. They can live in many different places, eat a variety of foods, and tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions. Examples are flies, cockroaches, mice, rats, and human beings. Compare specialist species.

In-stream use

Chapter 21: includes use of rivers for navigation, hydroelectric power generation, fish and wildlife habitats, and recreation [C° A.H.] http://ecoble.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/hydroelectric-_-ontario-power-generation.jpg (image from [IF])

Consumptive use

Chapter 21: off-stream use in which water is consumed by plants and animals or used in industrial processes [C° A.H.] http://www.hgslaw.com/assets/images/practice/irrigation.jpg (image from [IF])

recharge zone

Chapter 21: the area of land from which the groundwater originates (http://mikeb203.tripod.com/water/images/recharge.gif) [C° A.H.]


Chapter 21: the area where any water put into the soil flows into the same stream. (http://www.earthgauge.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Watershed_ky.gov_.gif) [C° A.H.]


Chapter 21: the removal of salt from seawater (http://www.sdcwa.org/sites/default/files/images/Desalination_chart.png) [C° A.H.]

what are the benefits of wetlands?

Chapter 21: they provide many niches for birds, shellfish, plants, amphibians, and reptiles. Also, they generally improve water quality. [C° A.H.]

Water table

Chapter 21: upper surface of groundwater (http://watersystemsblkh.wikispaces.com/file/view/water_table.gif) [C° A.H.]


Chapter 21: water found beneath the Earth's surface within the zone of saturation, below the water table (http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/gw_ruralhomeowner/images/fig6.gif) [C° A.H.]

Off-stream use

Chapter 21: water removed from its source (such as a river or reservoir) for use [C° A.H.] http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2384/5760006318_60bfeec1aa.jp (image from [IF])

inland wetland

Chapter 21; Land away from the coast, such as a swamp, marsh, or bog, that is covered all or part of the time with fresh water. http://www.branford-ct.gov/images/Wetland-view.jpg [I.S]

Fecal Coliform Bacteria

Chapter 22: Occur natuindicator of disease potential for a water source. [T.Y.] Image: http://www.water-research.net/images/coliformcolony.jpg [M.S.]

Nonpoint Sources

Chapter 22: Pollution sources that are diffused and intermittent and are influenced by factors such as land use, climate, hydrology, topography, native vegetation, and geology. [T.Y.] Image: http://www.eoearth.org/files/120901_121000/120958/350px-Nonpoint_Sources_NOAA.jpg [M.S.]

Primary Treatment

Chapter 22: Removal of large particles and organic materials from wastewater through screening. [T.Y.] Image: http://www.thewatertreatments.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/primary-treatment-sewage.gif [M.S.]

Point Sources

Chapter 22: Sources of pollution such as smokestacks, pipes, or accidental spills that are readily identified and stationary. [T.Y.] Image: http://connecticutwatertrails.com/point%20source%20pollution%20photo.jpg [M.S.]


Chapter 22: Sudden occurrences of disease. [T.Y.] Image: http://deq.mt.gov/wqinfo/pws/docs/U_S_%20Waterborne%20Disease%20Statistics%201991-2000_files/charts_pie.gif [M.S.]

Wastewater Renovation and Conservation

Chapter 22: The practice of applying wastewater to the land. [T.Y.] Image: http://hays.outcrop.org/images/keller3e/12_16.jpg [M.S.]

Wastewater Treatment

Chapter 22: The process of removing contaminants from wastewater. [T.Y.] Image: http://coolingtower-design.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/wastewater-treatment.jpg [M.S.]

Water Reuse

Chapter 22: The use of wastewater following some sort of treatment. [T.Y.] Image: http://www.wastewatermadeclear.ca/environment/images/wwdiagram-water-resource_000.gif [M.S.]

Secondary Treatment

Chapter 22: Use of biological processes to degrade wastewater in a treatment facility. [T.Y.] Image: http://www.thewatertreatments.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/primary-treatment-sewage.gif [M.S.]

eutrophic lake

Chapter 22; Lake with a large or excessive supply of plant nutrients, mostly nitrates and phosphates. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/guide/como1.jpg [I.S]


Chapter 23: Weather consists of the temperature, pressure, cloudiness, precipitation, and winds. Image (http://wtpotus.wordpress.com/2010/07/15/hows-the-weather-above-ground-these-days/) [Dº - W.W.M.]


Chapter 24: Small particles of solid material suspended in gas. PM in the atmosphere is the result of natural processes and human activities. Also known as particulate matter (PM) Information: Wikipedia. Image URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cloud_3.JPG [C period - yy]

R-to-C ratio

Chapter 26: a measure of the time available for finding the solutions to depletion of nonrenewable reserves, where R is the known reserves and C is the rate of consumption [C° A.H.]


Chapter 26: deposits originating by evaporation (http://courses.missouristate.edu/emantei/creative/SedMetAge/evaporites.jpg) [C° A.H.]

mineral resources

Chapter 26: elements, chemical compounds, minerals, or rocks concentrated in a form that can be extracted to obtain a usable commodity (so it can be bought and sold) (http://library.thinkquest.org/26026/Science/MineralResources.jpg) [C° A.H.]

ore deposits

Chapter 26: formed when metals are concentrated in anomalously high amounts (http://minerals.cr.usgs.gov/gips/images/halolrg.gif) [C° A.H.]

Open-pit Mining

Chapter 26: is used to create large pits to extract iron, copper, sand, gravel, and stone Image: http://www.ritchiewiki.com/wiki/files/thumb/Open_Pit_Mine.jpg/300px-Open_Pit_Mine.jpg [J.T]


Chapter 26: solid waste left over from ore mineral removal (http://www.edwardburtynsky.com/WORKS/Breaking_Ground/Tailings/Nickel_Tailings_36.jpg) [C° A.H.]


Chapter 26: the portion of a resource that is identified and from which usable materials can be legally and economically extracted (http://www.brasil.gov.br/images/sobre/geography/mining/mining/image_12) [C° A.H.]


Chapter 28, a strip or ring of countryside or untouched land near an urban environment (Dº MB) [S.J.O.]


Chapter 28, the summation of all the environmental features of that location [E - M.Y.][S.J.O.]


Chapter 28,how the city is situated with respect to adjacent areas [S.J.O.]

made lands

Chapter 28: Man-made areas created artificially with fill, sometimes as waste dumps of all kinds and sometimes to make more land available for construction [E - M.Y.] [S.J.O.]

Environmental Audit

Chapter 29: A process of determining the past history of a particular site, with special reference to the existence of toxic materials or waste. [E - M.Y.] [Dº - W.W.M.]


Chapter 29: Biochemical process in which organic materials, such as lawn clippings and kitchen scraps, are decomposed to a rich, soil-like material [Eº - M.Y.] [Dº-W.W.M.]


Chapter 29: Combustion of waste at high temperature, consuming materials and leaving only ash and noncombustibles to dispose of in a landfill. Image (http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/index.cfm?id=2820&dt_code=HLN&obj_id=172&lang=en) [E - M.Y.] [Dº - W.W.M.]

Pollution Prevention

Chapter 29: Identifying ways to avoid the generation of waste rather than finding ways to dispose of it. http://www.dnrec.delaware.gov/p2/Documents/8ed04e8dbe0d46d59d73db166a762e42P2EPA.jpg [C- S.Y]

Materials Management

Chapter 29: In waste management, methods consistent with the ideal of industrial ecology, making better use of materials and leading to more sustainable use of resources [E - M.Y.]


Chapter 29: Loosely discarded, surplus, obsolete, or broken electrical or electronic devices. Informal processing of electronic waste in developing countries causes serious health and pollution problems [E - M.Y.] [Dº - W.W.M.]

Tectonic Cycle

Chapter 5: Involves creation and destruction of the solid outer layer of Earth, the lithosphere. [S.K.] http://msnucleus.org/membership/html/k-6/pt/volcanoes/6/images/pt5v01__.gif [C- S.Y]


Chapter 5: The capacity to work. Information: textbook. Image URL: http://greenenergyv.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Green-Energy1.jpg [C period -yy]

Plate tectonics

Chapter 5: The slow movement of plates in the lithosphere [S.K.] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/40/Tectonic_plate_boundaries.png/500px-Tectonic_plate_boundaries.png [C- S.Y]

nitrogen fixation

Chapter 5: nitrogen gas is combined with hydrogen by nitrogen-fixing bacteria to become ammonium which can be used by plants [S.K.]

phosphorous cycle

Chapter 5: the movement of phosphorous atoms from rocks through the biosphere and hydrosphere and back to rocks [S.K.]

nitrogen cycle

Chapter 5: the transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to the soil, to living organisms, and back to the atmosphere [S.K.] http://www.windows2universe.org/earth/climate/images/nitrogencycle_sm.jpg [MG]

missing carbon sink

Chapter 5: the unknown location of substantial amounts of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere but apparently not reabsorbed and thus remaining unaccounted for [E°, BK] [S.K.]

Abiotic factors

Chapter 7: Nonliving parts of an ecosystem i.e. rain Source: Wikipedia. Image URL: http://biologyprojectwiki.wikispaces.com/file/view/rain.gif/106161785/rain.gif [C period - yy]

Adaptive radiation

Chapter 7: Process in which numerous new species evolve to fill vacant and new ecological niches in changed environments, usually after a mass extinction. Typically, this takes millions of years. Source: textbook. Image URL: http://www.cod.edu/people/faculty/fancher/AdapRadB.jpg [C period - yy]


Chapter 7: The arrival of individuals from outside a population. Source: Wikipedia. Image URL: Chapter 7: The movement of members from a given population. Source: Wikipedia. Image URL: http://biology.nicerweb.com/med/Emigration-immigration.jpg [C period - yy]

Biotic factors

Chapter 7: The living parts of an ecosystem i.e. horse Source: Wikipedia. Image URL: http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/005/cache/horse_578_600x450.jpg[C period - yy]


Chapter 7: The movement of members from a given population. Source: Wikipedia. Image URL: http://biology.nicerweb.com/med/Emigration-immigration.jpg [C period - yy]

Biological diversity (biodiversity)

Chapter 7: The variety and complexity of species present and interacting in an ecosystem and the relative abundance of each. Source: textbook. Image URL: http://www.priu.gov.lk/news_update/Images/2002/biodiversity.jpg [C period - yy]

Biological evolution

Chapter 7; Change in the genetic makeup of a population of a species in successive generations. If continued long enough, it can lead to the formation of a new species. Note that populations not individuals evolve. See also adaptation, differential reproduction, natural selection, theory of evolution. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Un6ZEpyBmKI/S8ShKLUH51I/AAAAAAAAAQc/n2-CmGtFgHE/s1600/Evolution.jpg [I.S]


Chapter 8: A Large-scale geographic pattern in the distribution of species, and the causes and history of this distribution. [C- S.Y]

Biotic Province

Chapter 8: A geographic region containing organisms of common ancestry. [C- S.Y]


Chapter 8: A naturally occurring habitat of flora and fauna occupying a large area of land. [C- S.Y]

Aquatic Ecosystems

Chapter 8: An ecosystem located in a body of water; provides flood control, climate moderation, and nutrients cycling. Includes fresh and saltwater ecosystems. Information: Wikipedia. Image URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Estuary-mouth.jpg

Convergent Evolution

Chapter 8: Process by which species evolve from different places but eventually join in biological features/traits. [C- S.Y]

Divergent Evolution

Chapter 8: Process by which species evolve from the same places but eventually become separate in biological features/traits. [C- S.Y]

intertidal zone

Chapter 8; The area of shoreline between low and high tides. http://www.windows2universe.org/earth/Life/images/coast1_sm.jpg [I.S]

net primary productivity

Chapter 9: energy remaining after respiration, and is used to generate biomass [IF] http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/61350main_hanpp2.jpg

gross primary production

Chapter 9: production of organic matter before use [IF] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/44/Seawifs_global_biosphere.jpg/400px-Seawifs_global_biosphere.jpg

ecosystem energy flow

Chapter 9: the movement of energy through an ecosystem from the external environment through a series of organisms and back to the external environment [IF] http://www.marietta.edu/~biol/biomes/energy_flow.gif

trophic level efficiency

Chapter 9: the ratio of production of one trophic level to the production of the next lower trophic level [IF] http://click4biology.info/c4b/5/images/5.1/pyrenergy.gif

thermodynamic system

Chapter 9: what the energy source, ecosystem and energy sinks together to form [IF] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b6/System_boundary.svg/200px-System_boundary.svg.png

Vocabulary Word

Chapter X: Complete, yet concise definition of word or concept. [Initials of Student]


Chemical and biotechnology firm http://www.monsanto.com/Style%20Library/Images/logo.png {MT}


Water that fills the cracks and spaces in underground soil and rock layers. [D Period DK]

Transuranic waste

Composed of human-made radioactive elements heavier than uranium-- it is produced in part by neutron bombardment of uranium in reactors and includes plutonium, americium, and einsteinium [D - D.K.] http://www.hanford.gov/images.cfm/TRU-179df_large.jpg [MG]

Low-Level Radioactive Waste

Contains sufficiently low concentrations or quantities of radioactivity that it doesn't present a significant environmental hazard if properly handled.

specialist species

Species with a narrow ecological niche. They may be able to live in only one type of habitat, tolerate only a narrow range of climatic and other environmental conditions, or use only one type or a few types of food. Compare generalist species.

Tidal Power

Energy generated by ocean tides in places where favorable topography allows for construction of a power plant. [SY] Image: (http:// www.alternative-energy-news.info/technology/hydro/tidal-power/)

Enhanced Production

Steam, water, or chemicals, such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen gas, are injected into the oil reservoir to push the oil toward the wells, where it can be more easily recovered by pumping, helping production to about 60%. [C - A.Y.]

Dobson Unit (DU)

Still commonly used to measure the concentration of ozone [E, BH] Image (http://www.eoearth.org/files/113901_114000/113942/300px-Coin_thickness_DU.jpg)


Strongly swimming organisms found in aquatic systems.

1980 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

Established revolving fund (Superfund) to clean up hazardous waste disposal sites, reducing groundwater pollution


Every 740,000 years the Earth's poles "switch" due to the magnetic field created by the Iron and Nickel coming up from the core [E, CM]


Evolution in which two or more species interact and exert selective pressures on each other that can lead each species to undergo various adaptations. See evolution, natural selection. http://images-mediawiki-sites.thefullwiki.org/09/3/4/9/5590721928641108.jpg

1970 Water Quality Improvement Act

Expands power of 1956 act through control of oil pollution and hazardous pollutants and provides for research and development to eliminate pollution in Great Lakes and acid mine drainage

Drawbacks of solar power

Expensive to produce, production of solar panels involves toxic chemicals [D° - T.G]


Factors in the environment that cause mutations. [D Period DK]

chemical evolution

Formation of the earth and its early crust and atmosphere, evolution of the biological molecules necessary for life, and evolution of systems of chemical reactions needed to produce the first living cells. These processes are believed to have occurred about 1 billion years before biological evolution. Compare biological evolution. http://history.nasa.gov/CP-2156/p23.jpg (D-D.S.)


Formation of two species from one species because of divergent natural selection in response to changes in environmental conditions; usually takes thousands of years. Compare extinction. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3306/4554217436_3129f0798d_m.jpg


Fresh water from precipitation and melting ice that flows on the earth's surface into nearby streams, lakes, wetlands, and reservoirs.

Who wrote "Tragedy of the Commons"

Garrett Hardin [D° - T.G]

Catch Per Unit Effort

Harvest, or catch, per unit of time or effort [E, CM]


Iron-containing protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen for delivery to cells. [D Period DK]

acid rain (Ch. 24)

Sulfur dioxide is capable of causing severe damage to the lungs of human and other animals particularly in the sulfate form--similar to acid rain. (Hannah Riley) effects: http://www.solcomhouse.com/images/800px-Acid_rain_woods1.jpg [MG]

What do the Aurora Lights prove?

The Aurora Lights prove that the Earth has a core that helps in the deflecting of sun's light/rays [E, CM]

ozone (Ch. 24)

a triatomic form of oxygen in which three atoms of oxygen are bonded. It's a strong oxidant and chemically reacts with many materials in the atmosphere. (Hannah Riley) http://www.thfire.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/hole-in-ozone-layer.jpg [C- S.Y]

Fly Ash

a waste product produced by the burning of coal. Image: http://coletoash.com/images/flyash.jpg [J.T]

Methane Hydrate (marsh gas)

a white ice-like compound made up of molecules of methane gas at depths of about 1000m beneath the seafloor. The methane has formed as a result of microbial digestion of organic matter in the sediments of seafloor and has become trapped there. [C - A.Y.] http://www.wou.edu/las/physci/Energy/graphics/Energy_from_ice.jpg

methane hydrate

a white icelike compound made up of molecules of methane gas trapped in "cages" of frozen water in the sediments of the deep seafloor [E°, BK]


an area where the ground has given way with little warning as a result of subsidence caused by depletion of water from an aquifer and may cause structural damage to buildings, Image: (http://www.nachi.org/images10/Guatemala-Sinkhole.jpg) [B.L.]


an accidental change in DNA that may range in magnitude from the deletion, substitution, or addition of a single nucleotide to a change affecting entire sets of chromosomes.

Water Power

an alternative form of energy source derived from flowing water. It is one of the oldest and most common energy sources. Sources vary in size from microhydropower systems to large reservoirs and dams. [SY] Image:(http://beaverdamsss.com/2011/08/20/hydroelectric-power-dams/)

command and control

an approach to protecting the environment that sets strict legal limits and threatens punishment for violations of those limits


an area where a river flows into an ocean, mixing fresh water with salt water http://toxipedia.org/download/attachments/10374/estuary.jpg [MG]

centrally planned economy

an economy in which a nation's government determines how to allocate resources in a top-down manner


an effect not normally accounted for in the cost-revenue analysis of producers and often not recognized bas part of their costs and benefits [E - M.Y.]

indirect costs

an effect not normally accounted for in the cost-revenue analysis of producers and often not recognized by them as part of their costs and benefits [E - M.Y.]

the heat island effect

an effect where built up areas are significantly hotter than close by rural areas http://www.weatherquestions.com/urban_heat_island.jpg

controlled experiment

an experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at a time. Image: (http://www2.nau.edu/~gaud/bio372/class/behavior/scimeth.gif) [KZ]

Environmental Protection Agency

an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment (D˚, EY)


an interaction that benefits one species but has little/no effect on the other.

convention on biodiversity

an international treaty that aims to conserve biodiversity, use biodiversity in a sustainable manner, and ensure the fair distribution of biodiversity's benefits

Zebra mussel

_____ was introduced into the Great Lakes and has now spread through most of the major river systems in central and eastern U.S. Image:(http://www.okbassfednation.com/zebra_mussel.jpg) [B.L.]


a 1973 treaty facilitated by the United Nations that protects endangered species by banning the international transport of their body parts


a belt of recreational parks, farmland, or uncultivated land surrounding or connecting urban communities, forming a system of countryside and urban landscapes [E - M.Y.]

ecological gradient

a change in the relative abundance of a species or group of speciies along a line or over an area (c-mc)


a concept whose truth can be proven [D-M.Z.]

sick building syndrome (SBS) (Ch. 25)

a condition associated with an indoor environment that appears to be unhealthy.http://www.socalgreenrealestateblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/sick-building-syndrome1.jpg (Wil Loveless)

habitat conservation plan

a cooperative agreement that allows landowners to harm threatened or endangered species in some ways if they voluntarily improve habitat for the species in others

Chronic disease

a disease that develops gradually and continues over a long period of time (E-LS)

Manipulated Variable

a factor that a scientist purposely controls, changes, or manipulates; it is also called the independent variable. Image (http://images.google.com/imgres?q=manipulated+variable&hl=en&biw=1034&bih=531&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=7l1VljmEATiCdM:&imgrefurl=http://www.globalspec.com/reference/10937/179909/chapter-2-process-control-loops&docid=4ENUWsIV5iCRLM&w=587&h=289&ei=YuNVTpDWNO3QiAL2_rStCQ&zoom=1 ) [D.Lai] [KZ]


a farm fields left un-planted or allowed to grow with a cover crop without harvesting for at least one season. (E-LS)

Roadless rule

a federal regulation that put undeveloped areas of national forests off-limits to road building and logging while they were evaluated for wilderness protection

IPAT model

a formula that represents how humans' total impact (I) on the environment results from the interaction among three factors: population (P), affluence (A), and technology (T)


a government incentive (a giveaway of cash or publicly owned resources, or a tax break) intended to encourage a particular activity


a group of individuals that can reproduce with each other. [SY] Image: (http://www.federicogemma.it/chinamammals.html)

J curve

a growth curve that depicts exponential growth Image (http://emssolutionsinc.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/j-curve.jpg) [D - H.M.]

red tide

a harmful algal bloom consisting of algae that produce reddish pigments that discolor surface waters. Image: (http://serc.carleton.edu/images/microbelife/topics/red_tide_for_ed.jpg) [B.L.]

factory fishing

a highly industrialized approach to commercial fishing, employing fossil fuels, huge vessels, and powerful new technologies to capture fish in immense volumes http://www.voicesforourplanet.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/fish-farm-150x150.jpg [R.P.]

fossil fuel

a hydrocarbon deposit, such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas, derived from living matter of a previous geologic time and used for fuel. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9Oo6x5SqCwwlWoy5_oKCvP6S4cZz2eWkc-2lI9U4fZubShZWITQ [D-M.Z.]


a hydrocarbon that forms as sediments are buried and pressurized.http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFmrQXlClUj4mmQWkQiEZa-SBeVWzOV8TdeT8uckC9kZUOnj_BeA [R.P.]


a kind of ecosystem- based on niches and habitats (E- LM)

green tax

a levy on environmentally harmful activities and products aimed at providing a market-based incentive to correct for market failure

density-independent factor

a limiting factor whose effects on a population are constant regardless of population density.

density-dependent factor

a limiting factor whose effects on a population increase or decrease depending on the population density.


a long period without rain (E-LS) http://www.asianews.it/files/img/INDIA_-_Drought.jpg {MT}


a machine that converts the energy of wind into rotational energy (D˚, EY) http://osha.europa.eu/en/blog/windmill.jpg


a measure in a system of the amount of energy that is unavailable for useful work; as the disorder of a system increases, the entropy in a system also increases [C - WW]


a measure of how likely it is that some event will occur


a measure of how likely it is that some event will occur [D-M.Z.]

R- to- C ratio

a measure of the time available for finding the solutions to depletion of nonrenewable reserves (E-LS)

genetic diversity

a measurement of the differences in DNA composition among individuals within a given species


a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence

cost-benefit analysis

a method commonly used by neoclassical economists, in which estimated costs for a proposed action are totaled and then compared to the sum of benefits estimated to result from the action

Passive Solar Energy

a method of converting solar energy into heat without pumps or fans. (E-LS)

scientific method

a method of investigation involving observation and theory to test scientific hypotheses


a name given to benthic fish that live or eat along the bottom, such as cod, halibut, pollock, haddock, and flounder

radon (Ch. 25)

a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is colorless, odorless, and tasteless.http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/minerals/PublishingImages/Radon_Element_d2x.gif (Wil Loveless)

external cost

a negative externality; a cost borne by someone not involved in an economic transaction

Cogeneration (Ch. 17)

a number of processes designed to capture and use waste heat rather than simply release it into the atmosphere, water, or other parts of the environment as thermal pollutant [E°, BK]


a parasitic or mutualistic relationship between different species of organisms that live in close physical proximity

Holistic view

a perception that an ecosystem is more than its parts[D-N.P.]


a period of 10 years.

logistic growth curve

a plot that shows how the initial exponential growth of a population is slowed and finally brought to a standstill by limiting factors.

irruptive growth

a population explosion followed by a population crash http://zoology.muohio.edu/oris/cunn06/graphics/cunningham06es_s/ch06/others/fig6_06.gif (D-D.S.)

demographic bottleneck

a population founded when just a few members of a species survive a catastrophic event or create a new habitat geographically isolated from other members of the same species http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol3/iss1/art2/figure2.gif (D-D.S.)

Divergent Evolution

a population is divided into two separate ones and each evolves separately but the two groups retain some characteristics in common. (E- LM)


a relationship between species in which one organism benefits and the other is unaffected


a relationship in which all participating organisms benefit from their interaction


a relationship in which one organism, the parasite, depends on another, the host, for nourishment while doing harm to the host http://path-of-power.com/i/parasite.jpg [R.P.]

scientific method

a series of steps followed to solve problems including collecting data, formulating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, and stating conclusions


a social science that applies the principles of population ecology to the study of statistical change in human populations


a social system that converts resources into goods and services

umbrella species

a species for which meeting its habitat needs automatically helps meet those of many other species


a species that can survive only in a narrow range of habitats that contain very specific


a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment


a statistical relation between two or more variables such that systematic changes in the value of one variable are accompanied by systematic changes in the other

secondary succession

a stereotypical series of changes as an ecological community develops over time, beginning when some event disrupts or dramatically alters an existing community

primary succession

a stereotypical series of changes as an ecological community develops over time, beginning with a lifeless substrate


a sudden decline in population http://ipm.illinois.edu/diseases/series600/rpd641/641-2.gif (D-D.S.)

population crash

a sudden population decline caused by predation, waste accumulation, or resource depletion http://www.galtoninstitute.org.uk/Newsletters/GINL9803/crises2.gif (D-D.S.)

subsistence economy

a survival economy, one in which people meet most or all of their daily needs directly from nature and do not purchase or trade for most of life's necessities


a tentative theory about the natural world [D-M.Z.]


a term for several minerals that have the form of small elongated particles. Some types of particles are believed to be carcinogenic or to carry with them carcinogenic materials

controlled experiment

a test of the effect of a single variable by changing it while keeping all other variables the same

demographic transition

a theoretical model of economic and cultural change that explains the declining death rates and birth rates that occurred in western nations as they became industrialized

Mechanical energy

a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs; "energy can take a wide variety of forms" (D˚, EY)

adaptive trait

a trait that confers greater likelihood that an individual will reproduce.

Oil Shale

an organic-rich fine-grained sedimentary rock, contains significant amounts of kerogen (a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds) from which liquid hydrocarbons called shale oil can be produced. Shale oil is a substitute for conventional crude oil; however, extracting shale oil from oil shale is more costly than the production of conventional crude oil both financially and in terms of its environmental impact [C - A.Y.] http://www.solcomhouse.com/images/oil_shale-600.jpg


an organism that feeds on an autotroph [C - WW] image: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=herbivore&view=detail&id=656D208C8EA60F22BD480D6866965C8B923CAE6D&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR [CH]

Red list

an updated list of species facing unusually high risks of extinction


climate of a very small local area [C - WW]

polar stratospheric clouds

clouds that form in the stratosphere during the polar winter [E°, BK]

Sulfur dioxide

colorless and odorless; released in industrial processing like burning fossil fuels. It is a major contributor to acid rain. Emissions have been reduced since the 1970s [D ND] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sulfur-dioxide-3D-vdW.png {MT}

Food Aid

common solution to food shortages, few industrialized nations provide food aid to developing nations via surplus food

dobson unit (DU) (Ch. 24)

commonly used to measure the concentration of ozone. (Hannah Riley) http://toms.gsfc.nasa.gov/imglib1/dobson.gif [C- S.Y]

Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (Ch. 24)

comprehensive regulations enacted by the U.S. Congress that address acid rain, toxic emissions, ozone depletion, and automobile exhaust. (Hannah Riley)

experimental controls

condition that insures the manipulated variable actually caused an observed change in the responding variable. Image: ( http://www.google.com/imgres?q=experimental+control&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1034&bih=531&tbm=isch&tbnid=yNiQhybHbvQRbM:&imgrefurl=http://www.down-syndrome.org/reports/42/&docid=ZJ9ypQ02EwwJAM&w=523&h=279&ei=D99VTtyBBpTXiAKukfmyCQ&zoom=1 ) [KZ]

who killed the electric car?

consumers, car companies, the government, hydrogen fuel, and oil companies, but not battery technology.

prescribed fires

controlled fires that get rid of excess leaf litter and vegetation that would contribute to a larger, more destructive fire if left alone. See surface fires.

global dimming (Ch. 24)

cools the atmosphere and has lessened the global warming that has been predicted. (Hannah Riley) http://www.roperld.com/science/graphics/TempGlobalDimming.jpg [C- S.Y]


cooperative action of different substances such that combined effect is greater than the sum of the effects taken separately. [SY] Image: (http://publish.uwo.ca/~lzanette/)

developed countries

countries that have higher average incomes, slower population growth, diverse industrial economies, and stronger social support systems; has a higher consumption of natural resources

developing countries

countries that have lower average incomes, simple and agriculture-based economies, and rapid population growth; has a lower consumption of natural resources

Wackernagel and Rees

ecological footprint; the environmental impact of a person or population


elements required either in small amounts by all life or in moderate amounts by some forms of life and not at all by others. [SY] Image: (http://www.grocery.com/micronutrient-vitamin-a/)


elements required in large amounts by all life. [SY] Image: (http://nutr911.wordpress.com/macronutrients/)

Commonalities of ecosystems

energy flow, cycling of chemicals [D-N.P.]

kinetic energy

energy of motion; ex: thermal, electric [E°, BK] Image (http://www.petervaldivia.com/technology/energy/image/potencial-and-kinetic.bmp)


energy recovered from biomass-organic matter. It can be divided into three groups: firewood, organic wastes, and crops grown to be converted into liquid fuels. [SY] Image:(http://www.odec.ca/projects/2007/ardi7m2/what_are_biofuels.html)

potential energy

energy stored in a body or in a system; example: gravitational, chemical, etc. [E°, BK]

Biomass energy

energy that may be recovered from biomass, which is organic material such as plants and animal waste [C - WW] http://ecenter-old.colorado.edu/files/29dc7edab1fd478369e58043a95d89fc635ee8b2.jpg [T.Y]


entire ecological systems

riparian zones

especially thin strips of lush vegetation along streams or rivers http://ohiodnr.com/Portals/7/pubs/fs_gifs/stfs1fig3a.gif [MG]

water cycle

evaporation + transpiration-->condensation-->precipitation->infiltration+peroculation-->ground water movement+surface runoff-->evaporation + transpiration http://www-k12.atmos.washington.edu/k12/pilot/water_cycle/water2.gif [R.P.]

Damages to the soiil from plowing

exposes soil to erosion, damages physical structure (both of which lead to decline in organic matter and loss of chemical elements)

methyl isocyanate

extremely toxic; killed more than 2000 people in an hour when leaked in India; used in liquid form in pesticides, dangerous at ~10ppm (major lung problems->death) [D ND]

Manipulated Variable

factor in an experiment that a scientist purposely changes; also known as independent variable [D-M.Z.]

responding variable

factor in an experiment that a scientist wants to observe, which may change in response to the manipulated variable; also known as a dependent variable


factors that can change in an experiment


fast growing plant that can be harvested for pulp to make paper, sparing trees http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/74/Hibiscus_cannabinus0.jpg/220px-Hibiscus_cannabinus0.jpg [MG]


fertile soil. partially decomposed bodies of dead plants and animals that the topsoil (a horizon) is a porous mixture of.

what makes a good building site?

firm rock base, soils with good drainage above water table, nearby water for drinking, good agricultural lands

salt marsh

flat land that is intermittently flooded by the ocean where the tide reaches inland http://www.eoearth.org/files/122501_122600/122534/300px-Nova_Scotia_salt_marsh.jpg [MG]

Forage (+examples of)

food grown directly as food for domestic animals ; alfalfa, sorghum and grasses (or hay)

ultraviolet A (UVA) (Ch. 24)

has the longest wavelength and the least energy of the three types of UV radiation. Can cause damage to living cells and is not affected by stratospheric ozone and is transmitted to the surface of earth. (Hannah Riley)

ultraviolet C (UVC) (Ch. 24)

has the shortest wavelength and is the most energetic of the types of UV rays. (Hannah Riley)

Polar Stratospheric clouds

have been observed for at least the past hundred years at altitudes of approximately 20 km above the polar regions [E, BH] Image (http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/Aura/Images/StratosphericChemical_HiRes.jpg)

polar stratospheric clouds (Ch. 24)

have been observed for the past hundred years at altitudes of 12 miles above polar regions. They have an eerie beauty and iridescent glow. (Hannah Riley) http://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/0/622/PSCbest.jpg [C- S.Y]

Thermal pollution

heat pollution, heating released to water or air creates undersirable effects AB http://withfriendship.com/images/i/43742/Thermal-pollution-picture.jpg

Role of clay in soil (small particles)

help retain moisture and chemical elements

Role of sand/pebbles (larger particles)

help with flow of water

pollution zone

high BOD, oxygen used by microorganisms as waste decomposition occurs, dissolved oxygen content ofwater decreases water decreases

environmental science

how the natural world works; how it affects humans; pursuit of knowledge about the natural world; scientists remain objective


human centered

limnetic zone

in a water body, the layer of open water through which sunlight penetrates http://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/01590/intro/lake.jpg (Wil Loveless photo)

profundal zone

in a water body, the volume of open water that sunlight does not reachhttp://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/01590/intro/lake.jpg (Wil Loveless photo)


in the ocean, the flow of warm surface water toward the ocean floor

mobile sources (Ch. 24)

include: automobiles, trucks, buses, aircraft, ships, and trains. They enable air pollutants to move from place to place. (Hannah Riley) http://www.epa.gov/oms/invntory/overview/images/charts/nox_by_source_onroad.gif [C- S.Y]

Community-level interactions

indirect interaction between species, either by a species affecting a species that interacts with another, or affecting the environment effects other species. [D-N.P.]


information that is collected from the senses or tools


information that is collected from the senses or tools [D-M.Z.] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Magnifying_glass2.jpg {C-M.T.}

International Whaling Commission

intergovernmental organization that sets quotas for hunting certain whale species Image (http://iwcoffice.org/images/final_logo_rgb.png) [D - H.M.]

Energy Efficiency (Ch. 17)

involves designing equipment to yield more energy output from a given amount of input energy (1st law of efficiency) or better matches between energy source and end use (2nd law of efficiency) [E°, BK]

Soft Path (Ch. 17)

involves energy alternatives that emphasize energy quality, renewable [E°, BK]

Hard Path (Ch. 17)

involves finding greater amounts of fossil fuels and building larger power plants; means continuing the past emphasis on the quantity of energy we use; requires no new thinking [E°, BK]

Cyanide heap extraction

involves spraying toxic cyanide salts on heaps of crushed ore, where it reacts with the material and separates the gold from the ore

underground mining

involves the sinking of shafts to reach underground deposits. In this type of mining, networks of tunnels are dug or blasted and humans enter these tunnels in order to manually retrieve the coal. http://media-3.web.britannica.com/eb-media/20/1520-004-D9F70F17.jpg [D-M.Z.]

Natural gas

is a mixture of gases, with a majority of methane (CH4). Becoming more widely used as a source of energy. Cleaner burning than coal or petroleum. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ68QtL_kNZ_OJUm7OCf9XOYR-346s9RtIvlLKojdx8H_0YKyfn [D-M.Z.]


its a level below which no effect occurs and above which effects begin to occur AB http://www.imagemet.com/WebHelp/images/pnp_threshold1ddemo.gif


lack of specific chemical components of food (such as proteins, vitamins, or other chemical elements) image: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=malnourishment&view=detail&id=11C743D72831FE95BE231128768A9453874B713C&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR [CH]


lack of sufficient calories in available food. Image: Undernourishment in certain regions, (http://msrb.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/fao-hunger-2.jpg?w=490&h=469) [B.L.]


lack of sufficient protein in the diet, which leads to a failure of neural development in infants and therefore to learning disabilities [C - WW] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4d/Kwashiorkor_6180.jpg [T.Y.]


land (or another resource) owned publicly with public access for private uses [E - M.Y.]

garden city

land planning that considers a city and countryside together [E - M.Y.]

made lands

lands created from landfill (Dº MB)


large-scale, global patterns- beginning with the concepts of the biotic province and the biome (E- LM).


life centered


living or active in the absence of free oxygen (E-LS)

Black Lung Disease (Ch. 25)

lung disease caused by inhaling coal dusthttp://modernmedicalguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Black-Lung-Disease.jpg (Wil Loveless)


made of long chains of carbon atoms bonded together and also bonded to hydrogen, as well as smaller amounts of sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen Image: (http://www.universetoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Hydrocarbons.jpg) [B.L.]

population ecology

study of the quantitive dynamics of how individuals within a species interact with one another.

b horizon

subsoil- light grayish brown, silt loam

o horizon

surface litter layer- forest litter leaf mold

ecological sustainability

sustainable environments have greater biodiversity. the ability of the earth's various systems to survive and adapt to changing environmental conditions.


the different factors that can change in an experiment


the disappearance of a particular population from a given area, but not the entire species globally

local extinction Ch.14

the disappearance of a species from a part of its range but continued persistence elsewhere. C.C.


the disappearance of an entire species from the face of the Earth.


the dose that is toxic to 50% of the population AB http://cdn.pharmacologycorner.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/td50.gif

ecological footprint

the environmental impact of a person or population

Independent Variable

the experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied [D-M.Z.]

range of tolerance

the extent to which an organism can handle a specific factor in a ecosystem http://www.ic.ucsc.edu/~wxcheng/envs23/lecture8/tolerance.jpg (D-D.S.)

mass extinction

the extinction of a large proportion of the world's species in a very short time period due to some extreme and rapid change or catastrophic event

mass extinction event

the extinction of a large proportion of the world's species in a very short time period due to some extreme and rapid change or catastrophic event.

pre-industrial stage

the first stage of the demographic transition model, characterized by conditions that defined most of human history

affects undernourishment has on the body

person has little or no ability to move or work

limiting factors

physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of the environment that restrain population growth.

Phosphate cycle in ecosystem

pic [D-N.P.]


pic [D-N.P.] Image: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=watershed&view=detail&id=EFE925F208BB036FD57264CCB0868880FB25EF6F&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR [CH]

Grassland Ecosystem

pic [D-N.P]


plants release water vapor into the airhttp://techalive.mtu.edu/meec/module01/images/transpiration.jpg (Wil Loveless photo)

Secondary pollution

pollution that results from a chemical reaction between a primary pollutant and sunlight (D˚, EY) Image (http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-Delhi/Environmental%20Air%20Pollution/air%20pollution%20(Civil)/Module-1/images1/35.gif)

Primary pollution

pollution with pollutants directly emitted from a source (D˚, EY) Image (http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-Delhi/Environmental%20Air%20Pollution/air%20pollution%20(Civil)/Module-1/images1/35.gif)

land trust groups

private nonprofit groups in the US that protect large areas of land

Photosynthesis (Chapter9)

process in which autotrophs make sugar from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. [SY] Image: (http://www.renewablepowernews.com/archives/1091)


production of new individuals by birth, hatching, germination, or cloning http://www.rdrop.com/~half/Personal/Hobbies/Books/US.natality.default.gif

primary production (Chapter9)

production that is carried out by autotrophs. [SY] Image: (http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/9l.html)

habitat corridors

protected areas between isolated reserves, help support more species and allow migration for vertebrates that need large ranges

buffer zone concept

protecting the inner core of a preserve by establishing 2 buffer zones in which local people can extract resources sustainably without harming the inner core

Garrett Hardin

published "The Tragedy of the Commons" in the journal Science in 1968; argued that rational people will exploit shared resources (commons) Image: http://www.garretthardinsociety.org/images/pic_gh_1986_b.jpg [J.T]


purchasing power parity; a comparison of the purchasing power between two countries

Igneous rocks

rocks made of solidified magma; they are extrusive if they crystallize on the surface of Earth and intrusive if they crystallize beneath the surface [C - WW] Image: http://geology.com/rocks/pictures/granite-coarse-grained.jpg [J.T]


safe to drink

In soil, which is biggest? clay, sand, or silt?

sand [D-N.P]

First Law of Thermodynamics (Ch. 17)

says that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transferred and transformed.


sediment between 1/16 and 1/256 mm in diameter [C - WW] http://generalhorticulture.tamu.edu/h202/labs/lab7/mineral-particles/silt-a.jpg [T.Y.]

integrated waste management

set of management alternatives including reuse, source reduction, recycling, composting, landfill, and incineration [E°, BK]

Primary Production (Chapter9)

simply pumping oil from wells. This method can recover only about 25% of the petroleum in a reservoir. [C - A.Y.] http://www.civilizationsfuture.com/pics/hanpp2.jpg


sinking, settling, or otherwise lowering of parts of crust [C - WW] http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/GRD/GPS/Projects/CB/SUBSIDENCE/subsidence.gif [T.Y.]

Micro Power (Ch. 17)

smaller, distributed systems for production of electricity [E°, BK]


social movement dedicated to protecting the natural world

stationary sources (Ch. 24)

sources of pollution that have a relatively fixed location. (Hannah Riley) http://need-media.smugmug.com/Graphics/Graphics/i-DTJNfkf/1/L/CO2-Stationary-Source-L.jpg [C- S.Y]

sympatric speciation

species formation that occurs when populations become reproductively isolated within the same geographic area


species that can survive in a wide array of habitats or use a wide array of resources; broad niches.

Life Expectancy

the average number of years an individual can expect to live given the individual's present age. [SY] Image: (http://filipspagnoli.wordpress.com/stats-onhuman-rights/statistics-on-health/statistics-on-life-expectancy/)

life expectancy

the average number of years that individuals in particular age groups are likely to continue to live

background extinction

the average rate of extinction that occurred before the appearance of humans

benthic zone

the bottom layer of water body http://www.ecology.su.se/JN/TV/bilder/ocean_bilder/zonation.jpg (Wil Loveless photo)

biological production (Chapter9)

the capture of usable energy from the environment to produce organic compounds in which that energy is stored. [SY] image:(http://web.mit.edu/~pweigele/www/being/content/how.html)

industrial revolution

the change from an agricultural to an industrial society and from home manufacturing to factory production; shift from renewable to nonrenewable resources

carbon cycle

the circulation and reutilization of carbon atoms especially via the process of photosynthesis and respiration


the concept of using the earth's resources in such they provide for people's needs in the present without diminishing ability to provide for future generations

marginal costs

the cost to reduce one additional unit of pollutant [E - M.Y.]

crude oil

the form petroleum takes when in the ground Image: (http://www.crudeoiltrade.com/classified_img/DP11_18.jpg) [B.L.]

post-industrial stage

the fourth and final stage of the demographic transition model, in which both birth and death rates have fallen to a low level and remain stable there, and populations may even decline slightly


the functional role of a species in a community.

genetic drift

the gradual changes in gene frequencies in a population due to random events http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JeqkZxrR65I/TZWu7Pyj6DI/AAAAAAAAB5Y/wRFkdpqHJiM/s1600/genetic-drift-1.gif

exponential growth

the increase of a population (or of anything) by fixed percentage each year. http://images.tutorvista.com/content/feed/tvcs/39_05.gif [MG]

exponential growth

the increase of a population by a fixed percentage each year


the interaction of different substances resulting in a total effect greater than the sum of the effects of individual subs. AB http://www.yedarnd.com/admin/ImageGallery/Products%20read%20more%20images/erbitux.jpg

historical range of variation Ch.14

the known range of an environmental variable, such as the abundance of a species, over some past time interval. C.C.

optimum sustainable yield

the largest yield of a renewable resource achievable over a long time period without decreasing the ability of the resource, its ecosystem or its environment to maintain this level of yield. [D-N.P.] http://gwwho.sdsu.edu/groundwater_sustainable_yield_01.jpg

Maximum sustainable yield Ch.14

the largest yield/catch that can be taken from a species' stock over an indefinite period. (C.C.) Image (http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/y3427e/y3427e0l.gif)

Minimum viable population Ch.14

the minimum number of individuals that have a reasonable change of persisting for a specified time period (http://www.eoearth.org/files/120501_120600/120524/250px-TBB_MVP_Fig2.jpg)C.C

Fugitive sources

type of stationary air pollution sources that generate pollutants from open areas exposed to wind processes [C - WW] http://www.conversiontechnology.com/aq2.jpg [T.Y.]

Heat island effect

urban areas are several degrees warmer than their surrounding areas; during relatively calm periods there is an upward flow of air over heavily developed areas accompanied by a downward flow over nearby greenbelts; this produces an air-temperature profile that delineates the heat island [C - WW]

synthetic organic compounds

used in industrial processes, pest control, pharmaceuticals, and food additives. AB http://pubs.acs.org/cen/images/8141/8141cover3_open!.JPG

rule of 70

used to calculate doubling time. The formula 70/R can be used to approximate the doubling time of a population, where the annual growth rate is R%.

Heat island

usually a large city that is warmer air of a city than surrounding areas as a result of increased heat production and decreased heat loss because building and paving materials act as solar collectors [C - WW]

Moral justification to placing a value on our environment

various aspects of the environment have a right to exist. Some would argue just for living organisms; others would argue that even non-living organisms have a right to exist.


visitation of natural areas for tourism and recreation

Hazardous Waste

waste that is classified as definitely or potentially hazardous to the health of people. [SY] Image:(http://www.co.greene.oh.us/saneng/envserv/Hazardous_Waste.htm)

Hazardous waste

waste that is classified as definitely or potentioally hazardous to the health of people (toxic/flammable liquids, heavy metals, pesticides, solvents) [C - WW]


ways 1. By emitting radiation that affects other materials 2. Entering the normal pathways of mineral cycling and ecological chains [D - D.K.]


weak acids or bases that can react with strong acids or bases to prevent sharp, sudden changes in pH (E-LS)

operational definitions

what one would have to do in order to duplicate an experiments results


when a parasite feeds on part of the host (usually by living on or inside of them). Promotes biodiversity and controls population by keeping one species from being too plentiful that they eliminate other species http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/course/ent525/close/parasitism.jpg [MG]

ecological stability

when an ecosystem adapts/changes in order to survive changing environmental conditions

Second Law of Thermodynamics (Ch. 17)

when energy is changed from one form to another, some useful energy is always degraded into lower quality energy (usually heat)


when solid rock is decomposed then moved as sediment. Caused by the slight acidity of rainwater. See carbon-silicate cycle.

polar vortex (Ch. 24)

when the Antarctic air mass is isolated from the rest of the atmosphere and circulates about the pole during the polar winter. (Hannah Riley) http://www.jhu.edu/~dwaugh1/gallery/ozone_1091.gif [MG]

New forestry

the name for a new variety of timber harvesting practices to increase the likelihood of sustainability, including recognition of the dynamic characteristics of forests and of the need for management within an ecosystem context [C - WW]

species diversity

the number and variety of species in the world or in a particular region

catch per unit effort Ch.14

the number of animals caught per unit of effort. It is used to estimate the population abundance of a species. C.C.

population size

the number of individual organisms present at a given time.

population density

the number of individuals within a population per unit area.


the percentage of a population reaching a given age or the proportion of the maximum life span of the species reached by any individual http://www.econguru.com/fundamentals_of_ecology/image/survivorship.gif (D-D.S.)


the placement of the city with respect to other areas [E - M.Y.]

fall line

the point on a river where there is an abrupt drop in elevation of the land and where numerous waterfalls occur. The line in the eastern US is located where streams pass from harder to softer rocks.[E - M.Y.]

logistic carrying capacity Ch.14

the population size in which births equal deaths and there is no net change in the population. C.C.

community-based conservation

the practice engaging local people to protect land and wildlife in their own region


the practice of buying and selling government-issued marketable emissions permits to conduct environmentally harmful activities

captive breeding

the practice of capturing members of threatened and endangered species so that their young can be bred and raised in controlled environments and subsequently reintroduced into the wild


the presence of undesirable material that makes something unfit for a particular use. (E-LS)

Environmental Justice

the principle of dealing with environmental problems in such a way as to not discriminate against people based upon socioeconomic status, race, or ethnic group [E°, BK]

dose response

the principle that that the effect of a certain chemical on an individual depends on the dose or concentration of that chemical (c-mc)

Coal gasification

the process behind the concept of "clean coal," and is designed to remove carbon dioxide from the emissions produced by burning coal and turn coal into liquid gas fuel (E-LS) http://fossil.energy.gov/images/programs/powersystems/gasification_schematic.jpg


the process by which new species are generated.

habitat use

the process by which organisms use habitats from among the range of options they encounter.

natural selection

the process by which traits that enhance survival and reproduction are passed on more frequently to future generations of organisms than those that do not, thus altering the genetic makeup of populations through time.


the process of becoming adapted to an environment; an anatomical, physiological, or behavioral change that improves a population's ability to survive.


the process of creating a desert where there was not one before. [SY] Image: (http://www.ghanabusinessnews.com/2011/06/19/cida-world-bank-vote-17-million-to-combat-desertification-in-ghana/)


the process of heating ores to remove metals Image (http://www.hardwaresource.com/images/hinge_history_images/copper_smelting.jpg) [D - H.M.]

Work (Ch. 17)

the product of a force times a distance [E°, BK]


the production of electricity using smaller distributed systems rather than relying on large central power plants [C - WW]


the property of the soil pore system that allows fluid to flow http://www.funsci.com/fun3_en/exper1/exper1_02.gif (D-D.S.)

sex ratio

the proportion of males to females in a population. Image: Sex Ratio for different disorders. (http://understanding.infantilism.org/surveys/survey_figures/sex_ratios.gif) [B.L.]

death rate

the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area.


the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation [D-M.Z.]

global dimming

the reduction of incoming solar radiation by reflection from suspended particles in the atmosphere and their interaction with water vapor [E°, BK]

littoral zone

the region ringing the edge of a water bodyhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/28/Littoral_Zones.jpg (Wil Loveless photo)

age distribution

the relative numbers of organisms of each age within a population.

risk-benefit analysis

the riskiness of a present action in terms of its possible outcomes is weighed against the benefit, or value, of the action [E - M.Y.]


the rocks and Earth that is removed when mining for a commercially valuable mineral resource. Image (http://lh3.ggpht.com/_HmJbAJv9QnY/SuXkTBd1myI/AAAAAAAABS8/UCO2clUYn8I/overburden-removal.jpg) [D - H.M.]


the science that studies chemicals that are known to be or could be toxic, toxicologists are scientists in the field. AB http://www.all-about-forensic-science.com/images/forensic-toxicology-phd-topic-21286237.jpg

transitional stage

the second stage of the demographic transition model, which occurs during the transition from the pre-industrial stage to the industrial stage

Time Series Ch. 14

the set of estimates of some variable over a number of years.(http://www.theresilientearth.com/files/images/co2_time-series-graph.gif) C.C.

global extinction Ch.14

the sharp decrease in the diversity and abundance of life on earth. C.C.

optimum sustainable population Ch.14

the size of a population that is in some way best for its environment. C.C.

population distribution

the spatial arrangement of organisms within a particular area.


the specific environment in which an organism lives, including both biotic and abiotic factors.


the statements that set forth the reasons or evidence


the statements that set forth the reasons or evidence [D-M.Z.]

ecosystem ecology

the study of how the living and nonliving components of ecosystems interact.


the study of how we decide to use scarce resources to satisfy the demand for goods and services

island biogeography

the study of rates of colonization and extinction of species on islands or other isolated areas based on size, shape, and distance from other inhabited regions http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/fosrec/images/FilsonFig2.gif

community ecology

the study of the interactions among species, from one-to-one interactions to complex interrelationships involving entire communities.


the sum total of all the planet's living organisms and the abiotic portions of the environment with which they interact. http://images.tutorvista.com/content/environment/biosphere-illustration.jpeg [MG]


the temporary or permanent removal of large expanses of forest for agriculture, settlements, or other uses http://www.plu.edu/~hoodbs/img/deforestation-2.jpg [MG]


the tendency for some substances to concentrate with each trophic level (c-mc)

industrial stage

the third stage of the demographic transition model, characterized by falling birth rates that close the gap with falling death rates and reduce the rate of population growth

Peak Oil

the time when one-half of Earth's oil has be exploited. When the peak production occurs, and if demand increases, then a gap between production and demand will result. If demand exceeds supply, cost will increase. [C - A.Y.] http://www.drmillslmu.com/peakoi16.jpg

Biomass (Chapter9)

the total amount of organic matter on Earth or in any ecosystem or area. [SY] Image: (http://solar.calfinder.com/blog/solar-politics/biomass-power-renewable-or- rotten/)

replacement fertility

the total fertility rate (TFR) that maintains a stable population size


the total mass of living matter in a given unit area

a horizon

topsoil layer- humus-mineral mixture

hydrogen fluoride

toxic even at concentrations of 1ppb; released in coal burning, coal gasification, and aluminum production [D ND]


toxic, but important. It is used in many batteries and is still in gasoline in some countries. It can be taken up by plants and can enter the food chain [D ND] http://ecohealthwellness.com/weight-loss-blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/lead.jpg [MG]


turning a degraded ecosystem into a functional ecosystem without trying to restore it to its original state

Advanced Wastewater Treatment

AB http://cadnews.opendesignproject.org/files/2010/07/Advanced_Water_Treatment_Technologies.jpg

Public Service Functions

(13) Services that indirectly benefit something else. For example, trees provide communities a public service function by blocking powerful winds. Image: (http://www.google.com/imgres?q=trees+ block+wind&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1041&bih=769&tbm=isch&tbnid=Vz-VdCS y_ksDM:&imgrefurl= http://www .ladstudios.com/LADsites/Sustainability/Strategies/Strategies_WindbreakVegetation.shtml&docid=IE0BnvE5Tc6cJM&w=575&h=274&ei=PrdKToTRNNTUiAL86vSPBw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=355&page=3&tbnh=86&tbnw=180&start=33&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:33&tx=130&ty=51)

site quality

(13) The maximum timber able to be produced by an area in a given time, or, its productivity. [ Ji.T.]


(13) The professional controlling of the growth and health of trees. [ Ji.T.] http://www.forestry.sarawak.gov.my/forweb/research/frc/faciliti/libthin1.jpg (image from [IF])

seed-tree cutting

(13) The removal of all trees except those of good genetic qualities and high productivity (referred to as 'seed trees'). [ Ji.T.] http://www.forestryimages.org/images/768x512/4800029.jpg [IF]


(13) The selective removal of smaller, weaker trees from a population to improve the health and growth of others. [ Ji.T.] http://www.usawoodlands.com/gallery/photos/post-thinning.jpg [IF]


(13) The tallest and most numerous and vigorous trees in a forest community. (E-LS) Image:http://upl oad.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Canopy.jpg

Rotation time

(13) The time needed before a stand of trees is cut. [ Ji.T.]


(13) Trees that form a layer of growth below the canopy and dominants of the forest. [ Ji.T.]


(13) Trees that grow in the understory of the forest and experience a low growth rate due to competition with the dominant and codominant trees. [ Ji.T.]

second-growth forest

(13) a stand of trees resulting from secondary ecological succession. Image: http://upload. wikim edia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/Christma s_tree_farm_IA.JPG


(13) an area undisturbed by people http://www.thesafetycenter.us/wilderness-first-aid/ (MC)

old-growth forest

(13) an uncut or regenerated primary forest that has not been seriously disturbed by human activities or natural disasters for 200 years or more. Also called a virgin forest. Image:( http://ak.audubon.org /issues-action/tongass-national-forest)

selective cutting

(13) mature trees in an uneven-aged area are cut down separately. [IF] http://www.forestryimages.org/images/768x512/4800029.jpg


(13) when loggers remove all trees from a stand at the same time. Associated with deforestation and ecosystem degradation. [ Ji.T.] Image:http://upload. wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/Clearcutting-Oregon.jpg


(14) Seriously at risk of extinction http://www.kidsplanet.org/factsheets/map.html (MC)


(14) end of an organism or of a group of organisms http://www.oberlin.edu/faculty/bsimonso/group4.htm (MC)


(14) species which are vulnerable to endangerment in the near future. http://www.alaska-in-pictures.com/threatened-species-1844-pictures.htm (MC)


(16) a temporary change in average environmental conditions that causes a pronounced change in an ecosystem http://www.forestnetwork.net/Docs/clearf.htm (MC)


(16) maintaining or supporting at a minimum level (MC)

Crude oil

(18) A thick liquid hydrocarbon that is extracted from underground deposits and separated into a wide variety of products. [D.B]. Image: <http://nedgrace.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/crudeoil.jpg>.

Tar Sand

(18) A type of unconventional petroleum deposit. The sands contain naturally occurring mixtures of sand, clay, water, and a dense and extremely viscous form of petroleum. [D.B]. Image: <http://www.blog.thesietch.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/oil_sands_open_pit_mining.jpg>.


(18) Brown coal; coal with a low heat content; low sulfur content; limited supplies in most areas. [D.B]. Image: <http://www.listze.com/uploads/item-17721.jpg>.

Crude Oil (petroleum)

(18) Derived from organic materials (mostly plants) that were buried with marine or lake sediments in what are known as depositional basins. [C - A.Y.] <http://www.free-photos.biz/images/industry/petroleum_industry/imported_crude_oil_as_a_percent_of_us_consumption_1950-2003.jpg>


(18) Hard coal; highly desirable fuel because of its high heat content and low sulfur content; supplies are limited in most areas. [D.B]. Image: <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/72/Coal_anthracite.jpg/300px-Coal_anthracite.jpg>.

Allowance Trading

(18) In this system, the EPA grants utility companies tradable allowances for polluting. (E-KSW). [D.B]. Image: <http://nextnature.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/carbon_trading.jpg>.

Strip mining

(18) Involves the removal of the Earth's surface all the way down to the level of the mineral seam. Used for extracting mineral deposits that lie close to the earth's surface in large horizontal beds. {D.B}. Image: <http://www.wvgazette.com/mediafiles/thumbs/595/374.85/mtr_I100403174415.jpg>.

Peak production

(18) Passes when the pressure starts to decline and more and more energy is expended to get oil to the surface (Generally only 35-50% of oil is retrieved from any particular well). [D.B]. Image: <http://www.hydrowaterpower.com/PeakGraph.jpg>


(18) Soft coal; Coal that is extensively used as a fuel because of its high heat content and large supplies; normally has a high sulfur content. [D.B]. Image: <http://www.chemical-engineering.co/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/BITUMINOUS-COAL.jpg>.

Point Sources

(22) Sources of pollution that are distinct and confined. They are generally controlled through on-site treatment http://connecticutwatertrails.com/CWTA%20-%20Connecticut%20Water%20Trails%20and%20Water%20Pollution%20-%20Point%20And%20Nonpoint%20Sources.htm (MC)


(22) The use of extremely small material particles (10^-9m size) http://www.google.com /imgres?q=nanotechnology&um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1252&bih=582&tbm=isch&tbnid=Fq_uVprTXdA--M:&imgrefurl=http://bccresearch.wordpress.com/tag/nanotechnology/&docid=pwenMIfHfrL4QM&imgurl=http://bccresearch.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/two-a.jpg&w=350&h=325&ei=j_ykTq-JH4KViALy0MDPDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=192&vpy=252&dur=1429&hovh=216&hovw=233&tx=139&ty=161&sig=115825060279823312839&page=1&tbnh=167&tbnw=176&start=0&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0 (MC)

Cultural Eutrophication

(22) When eutrophication is accelerated by human processes that add nutrients to a body of water http://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/01590/pollution/eutrophication.html (MC)

Urban Runoff- Naturalization

(22) technology to treat urban runoff before it reaches large bodies of waters like streams, lakes, or the ocean http://www.abbey-associates.com/splash-splash/picture_gallery.html (MC)

Acid mine drainage

(22) water with high concentration of sulfuric acid that drains from mines http://www.fondriest.com/news/acid-mine-drainage.htm (MC)


(23) Work to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases http://nthmp-history.pmel.noaa.gov/ (MC)

igneous processes

(26) melting is caused by one or more of three processes: an increase in temperature, a decrease in pressure, or a change in composition http://www.outreach.canterbury.ac.nz/resources/geology/page6.shtml (MC)

Overshoot and collapse

(3) (Overshoot) the extent to which a population exceeds the carrying capacity of its environment; Occurs when growth in one part of a system over time exceeds carrying capacity, resulting in a sudden decline in one or both parts of the system. (Long lag times can lead to this.) [D° S.C.] Information Botkin-Keller http://www.streetsblog.org/wp-content/uploads/2006/10a/11_nation_traffic4_gn_5.jpg


(3) A community consisting of biotic and adiabatic components and containing an energy flow. [ Ji.T.] Image:http://www.kidsgeo.com/images/ecosystem.jpg

Average residence time

(3) A measure of the time it takes for a given part of the reservoir of a particular material in a system to be cycled through the system [D° - T.G] http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_cQdmVs0FKpg/TPbnXYMkPSI/AAAAAAAAAA8/iSrPBgmwxns/s1600/water+cycle.bmp


(3) All the organisms of all species living in an area or region up to and including the biosphere [D° - T.G]


(3) Part of a planet where life exists and is sustained. This also includes all the components of life's persistence. [ Ji.T.] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/97/The_Earth_seen_from_Apollo_17.jpg/599px-The_Earth_seen_from_Apollo_17.jpg (image from [IF])

environmental unity

(3) The idea that all things in the environment are interconnected and everything affects everything else. [ Ji.T.]

Nonlinear responses

(3) This can include exponential growth, which can occur over short periods, especially for species and populations, and a variety of other responses, including the rates of uptake of chemicals by living things, and the rate at which carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dissolves in lakes, rivers, and oceans. (See also exponential growth.) [D° S.C.] Information Botkin-Keller

Gaia hypothesis

(3) This states (1) that life has greatly altered the environment globally for more than 3 billion years and continues to do so; and (2) that these changes benefit life (increase its persistence). Some extend this, non-scientifically, to assert that life did it on purpose. [D° S.C.] Information Botkin-Keller

age structure diagram

(4) A diagram demographers use to show the age structure of a population. Four general types: pyramid, column, inverted pyramid, and column with a bulge. Each variation tells us something about death rate and birth rate patterns.[ Ji.T] Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/34/China_population_pyramid_2005.png


(4) A group of the same species occupying a specific region or sharing genetic information. [ Ji.T.] Image: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Large_number_of_flamingos_at_Lake_Nakuru.jpg)

age structure

(4) A ratio of age classes consisting of organisms (1) not yet mature enough to reproduce, (2) capable of reproduction, and (3) beyond their reproductive years. Visualization provided by Age Structure Diagram.

life expectancy

(4) Number of years of life at a given age http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_expectancy (MC)


(4) Pregnancy or the capacity to become pregnant or to have children http://www.fertilityproregistry.com/blog/2009/01/ (MC)


(4) Same appearance, chemical and genetic composition, able to reproduce. Image:(http://www.flickr.com/photos/bbfineartphotograhy/5212539466/)

population dynamics

(4) The general study of the changes in the age and size composition of a population. Population change depends on the growth rate, or the difference between the birth rate and death rate. Information: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_ dynamics)

growth rate

(4) The net change in a population's size over a specific amount of time and often expressed as a percentage of the number of individuals at the beginning of the time. [ Ji.T] Information: (http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Population_growth_rate#Population_growth_rate) Image: (http://upload.wikimedia .org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/Population_curve.svg)

Crude death rate

(4) The number of deaths yearly per thousand people in a population. Image: (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/Death_rate_world_map.PNG)

life expectancy at birth

(ch4) the average amount of years an individual is predicted to live based on the individual's current age. (sv) http://www.mapsofworld.com/thematic-maps/life-expectancy-at-birth.jpg

Crude birth rate

(4) The number of live births per thousand people yearly in a population. The crude birth rate is not age-specific, i.e. it is per one thousand people in a population rather than an age range. [ Ji.T.] Image: (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe dia/commons/c/c5/Birth_rate_figures_for_countries.PNG)


(6) set of species interacting with the ecosystem http://www.globalchange.umich.edu/globalchange1/current/lectures/ecol_com/ecol_com.html (MC)

species diversity

(7) number of species in an area and also their relative abundance http://www.npgrc.tari.gov.tw/npgrc-web/diversity/diversity.html (MC)

genetic diversity

(7) total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species http://www.epa.gov/eerd/GeneticDiversityIndicators.htm (MC)

ecological diversity

(7) variety of biological communities or ecosystems in a given area. http://s623.photobucket.com/albums/tt318/trodger1/?action=view&current=EvergladesDiversity.jpg&sort=ascending (MC)


(8) wind-driven motion of dense, cooler, and usually nutrient-rich water towards the ocean surface, replacing the warmer, usually nutrient-depleted surface water http://www.geo.arizona.edu/Antevs/nats104/upwelling.gif [I.S]

Gaia Hypothesis

(Ch 3) a hypothesis by James Lovelock stating that life alters the environment for the maintenance of life. (SV)

rate of natural increase

(Ch4) birth rate - death rate http://courses.moodleshare.com/file.php/98/Natural_Increase_Rate.jpeg

environmental tobacco smoke (Ch. 25)

(ETS) Also known as secondhand smoke, comes from two sources: smoke exhaled by smokers, and smoke emitted from burning tobacco in cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. http://www.hometreemedia.org/images/folder%2011/What%20is%20in%20it.jpeg (Wil Loveless)

total fertility rate

(TFR) the average number of children born per female member of a population during her lifetime

Sustainable ecosystem

(ch 1) an ecosystem that is is capable of having us use one of its resources while still being able to perform the ecosystem's functions. (Sv)

Attributes of a sustainable economy

(ch 1) humans living in peace with air, water, and land systems; energy management that doesn't harm the planet or use up all the resources; a social/legal/political system that is focused on sustainability. (Sv) http://media.photobucket.com/image/sustainable%20economy/SamCarana/19283476.jpg

Precautionary principle

(ch 1) people should take precautionary steps when there is a possibility of a problem occurring instead of waiting until a threat emerges. (Sv) http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/stellent/groups/corporatesite/@msh_publishing_group/documents/image/wtd015849.jpg

Carrying capacity

(ch 1) the total number of individuals in a species that can be supported by an environment without lowering the environment's ability to maintain the same amount in the future. (sv) http://www.bowhunter-ed.com/images/graphics/ch2_carrying_capacity_chart.gif

Sustainable resource harvest

(ch 1)after a certain quantity of a resource is used annually, the ecosystem is capable of maintaining the production.(Sv)


(ch 18) the act of restoring water, land, etc (Sv) http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/minres/districts/Photos/reclamation1.jpg

canals are detrimental to the environment because

(ch 21) they are "deceptively" fast as well as too shallow to provide many organisms shelter. in the past the canals have helped spread disease (sv)http://www.indybay.org/uploads/2009/07/01/panama_canal_03.jpg

secondary enrichment process

(ch 26 )when weathering forms sulfide ore deposits from primary ore (sv) http://www.mineralsocal.org/bulletin/2006/2006_dec_files/image006.jpg


(ch 26) an evaporate where liquid is obtained from wells, thermal springs & salt lakes (sv)

trace elements

(ch 26) for good planth growth these elements are required in small amounts, examples are cadmium, cobalt, copper (Sv) http://www.daviddarling.info/images/trace_elements.gif

biological processes

(ch 26) when certain mineral deposits that have been changed by life go under the biosphere ( ex. iron ore deposits and phosphates)

sedimentary processes

(ch 26) when sediments are moved by either wind, water or glaciers. http://www.beyondbooks.com/ear82/images/00080545.gif

weathering processes

(ch 26) when the weathering of insoluble ore deposits that gather in the soil unless removed by erosion (sv) http://www.edusolution.com/edusolution2/earthsci/june2002/ques26.gif

death rates fall due to an external factor, but birth rate hasn't fallen yet

(ch 4) because there is nothing controlling the rate at which humans reproduce even though our environment may not be able to sustain all these births. (Sv) http://filipspagnoli.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/world_net_birth_rate_2007.png

divergent plate boundaries

(ch 5) when plates are moving away from each other and new lithosphere is produced ex. seafloor spreading (sv) http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu/maps-data-pub/publications/geobits/graphics/plates.png

convergent plate boundaries

(ch 5) when plates collide (ex. mountain ranges) (sv) http://www.nature.nps.gov/geology/usgsnps/pltec/contvsocn288x157.gif

To achieve a sustainable ecosystem:

(ch1) to acheive a sustainable ecosytem we must invent a way to control the population; fix energy problems; create a smaller economic difference in poor and rich countries. (sv)

doubling time

(ch3) the time required for the population at a certain time period to double. (sv) http://www.trialsightmedia.com/exhibit_store/images/doubling-time.jpg

Biotic Province

- a region inhabited by a characteristic set of taxa (species, families, orders), bounded by barriers that prevent the spread of those distinctive kinds of life to other regions and the immigration on foreign species. ( E- LM)

What advantages does the Moon give us?

-gravity helps provide tides, which regulate the Earths surface temperature and prevents extreme fluctuation [E, CM]

photochemical smog (Ch. 24)

1 of the 2 major types of smog, sometimes called L.A-type smog or brown air. (Hannah Riley) http://www.windows2universe.org/earth/Atmosphere/images/voc_pollution_sm.jpg [MG]

Three reasons why food distribution fail in developing countries

1) poor people cannot buy food/pay for its delivery 2) transportation is lacking/too expensive so food cannot get to general population 3) food is withheld for military or political reasons

Four stages of the history of agriculture

1) resource based (organic) agriculture; introduced 10,000+ years ago 2) shift to mechanized, demand based agriculture ; occurred during Industrial Revolution (c. 18-19th century) 3) return to resource based agriculture with new and improved technologies; 20th century 4) growing interest in organic agricultures as well as potentially large scale use of genetically engineered crops

Adam Smith

1723-1790. Pioneering economic theorist. Father of economics. Explained how rational self-interest and competition, operating in a social framework which ultimately depends on adherence to moral obligations, can lead to economic well-being and prosperity Image: http://www.newschool.edu/nssr/het/profiles/image/smith.jpg [J.T]

Food Web of a Harp seal

1st trophic level—phytoplankton; 2nd—euphausiids; 3rd—sand lances; 4th—flatfish; 5th—harp seal. Harp seal eats on multiple levels, as well (2nd, 3rd, 4th) [D-N.P.]

what is the average recycling rate of glass containers?


Percentage of freshwater on earth

3% [D° - T.G]http://a.quizlet.com/a/i/spacer.Sar9.gif

The approximate US population is ___

300 million [D° - T.G]

There are ___ stages in the demographic transition.

4 [D° - T.G]

criteria pollutants (Ch. 24)

6 of the most common air pollutants that are responsible for most of our air pollution problems. They inlcude: Ozone (O3), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen oxides (NO3), Carbon monoxide (CO), Particulate matter (PM 2.5, PM 10), Lead (Pb). (Hannah Riley) http://www.mapcruzin.com/images/criteria-pollutants-380x184.jpg [C- S.Y]


A plant having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year. [D Period DK]


9: breathing which is the process of inhaling and exhaling gases from and external environment [IF] http://www.beltina.org/pics/breathing.jpg

Carry Capacity

A abundance at which a population can sustain itself [E, CM] Image (http://www.algebralab.org/img/cb07ae0c-5106-416c-8407-38da526923c6.gif)


A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. It can measure the pressure exerted by the atmosphere by using water, air, or mercury. Pressure tendency can forecast short term changes in the weather. High pressure indicates "nice" weather and low pressure is associated with storms and "bad" weather. [D° - E.L] (Information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barometer) Image (http://www.atmos.washington.edu/2005Q3/101/LINKS-html/MercuryBarometer.jpg)


A bay or drowned valley where a river empties into the sea. Image (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c2/River_Nith_estuary.jpg) [D - H.M.]


A biome dominated by grasses and associated herbaceous plants. Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/bf/AntelopeValleyCAgrassland.JPG [S.K.]

Boreal Forest

A broad band of mixed coniferous and deciduous trees that stretches across northern North America (and also Europe and Asia); its northernmost edge, the taiga, intergrades with the arctic tundra, Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/Talkessel_von_Werchojansk.JPG [S.K]


A broad, regional type of ecosystem characterized by distinctive climate and soil conditions and a distinctive kind of biological community adapted to those conditions. Image (http://www.marietta.edu/~biol/biomes/biome.jpg) [D - H.M.]

mass extinction

A catastrophic, widespread, often global event in which major groups of species are wiped out over a short time compared with normal (background) extinctions. Compare background extinction, mass depletion.

Convection Cell

A circular pattern of air rising, air sinking, and wind. [D Period DK]

Alfred Russel Wallace

A co-founder of the theory of biological evolution with Charles Darwin and the creator of the idea of Realms (E period, R.F.) Image (http://www.libraries.uc.edu/libraries/arb/exhibits/darwin/images/alfredrusselwallace_000.jpg)


A colorless unstable toxic gas with a pungent odor and powerful oxidizing properties, formed from oxygen by electrical discharges or ultraviolet light. It differs from normal oxygen (O2) in having three atoms in its molecule (O3) (D˚, EY) http://aura.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/features/ground_ozone.jpg


A crude approximation of a chemical toxicity defined as the dose at which 50% of the population dies of exposure. J.M.

S curve

A curve that depicts logistic growth over time. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=s+curve+logistic+growth&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&biw=1920&bih=965&tbm=isch&tbnid=7vLHMmVuvLPxHM:&imgrefurl=http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/biobookpopecol.html&docid=JUfAUG-yDI2HKM&w=531&h=321&ei=eKJVTt6lBMnSiAL9vbm9CQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=178&page=1&tbnh=106&tbnw=176&start=0&ndsp=57&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0&tx=6&ty=66 [Per.C - Ian S]

Environmental Law

A field of law concerning the conservation and use of natural resources and the control of pollution


A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current (D˚, EY)

Butchart Gardens

A former limestone quarry on Vancouver Island that was restored and turned into a beautiful garden that is open to the public for relaxation purposes. - http://attractions.uptake.com/blog/files/2008/11/butchart_gardens2.jpg [Per. C- Ian S.]


A furnace for burning garbage and other waste. [D Period DK]

What are some examples of an artificial ecosystem?

A pond that is part of a waste-treatment plant; Zoos, animal reserves [D-N.P.]

Kilowatt hour

A measure of electrical energy equivalent to a power consumption of 1,000 watts for 1 hour (used to measure electrical energy) (D˚, EY)


A period of months, or more commonly years, of unusually dry weather constitutes a drought. This phenomenon is related to natural cycles of wet years that alternate with series of dry years. The reasons for the cycles of drought are not well understood, but are thought to be related to the heating of ocean waters and the moving of major air masses. Droughts in California, for example, are thought to be due to the decadal shift in high-pressure zones that form in the central Pacific Ocean and to the jet stream that allows winter storms to extend south or remain further. Dry years in southern California occur when storm tracks remain north of central California for several years. Prolonged droughts in the Midwestern states, such as the Dust Bowl that developed that developed in the 1930s in Kansas and other nearby regions, are associated with gigantic dust storms that commonly occur is desert regions. Droughts in central Africa have been devastating to human populations.


A ridge of rocks or sand, often of coral debris, at or near the surface of the water. http://nature-talk.com/oceans/climate/images/coral-reef-image.jpg [R.P.]

Ecological Island

A small habitat separated from a larger habitat of the same kind (E period, R.F.)

Exotic Species

A species introduced into a new geographic area (E period, R.F)

indicator species

A species that, if effected, means that something is changed in its environment; shows a disturbance [D-N.P]

Cosmopolitan Species

A species with a broad distribution, occuring wherever in the world the environment is appropriate (E-LS)


A structure that carries water over long distances. [D Period DK]

dependent variable

A variable in a logical or mathematical expression whose value depends in the independent variable. Also known as the responding variable. Image: (http://www.williamsclass.com/Variables/PlantGrowth.gif) [KZ]


A tree with a unique type of roots that curve upward to obtain oxygen, which is lacking in the mud in which they grow, and that serve as stilts to support the tree in changing water levels. Image (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/feb/01/endangeredhabitats.conservation) [Dº - W.W.M.]


A type of biome characterized by low moisture levels and infrequent and unpredictable precipitation. Daily and seasonal temperatures fluctuate widely. Image (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/08/Judea_2_by_David_Shankbone.jpg) [D - H.M.]

Positive feedback

A type of feedback that occurs when an increase in output leads to a further increase in output. Slippery slope in nature. [B.L] Information Botkin-Keller; Image (http://www.google.com/imgres?q=positive+feedback&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1364&bih=707&tbm=isch&tbnid=eK1Ld7ygTFDCKM:&imgrefurl=http://gerrymarten.com/human-ecology/chapter02.html&docid=DDW-nRhhoTcK_M&w=660&h=300&ei=eLhAToTSD6PciAKC__3IBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=409&vpy=333&dur=483&hovh=144&hovw=318&tx=191&ty=108&page=1&tbnh=109&tbnw=239&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0) Simply put; More people means more births which means more people, and so on...


All the individuals in a population born during the same time period (E-LS)

habitat conservation plan

Agreements under which property owners are allowed to harvest resources or develop land as long as habitat is conserved or replaced in ways that benefit resident endangered or threatened species in the long run. Some incidental "taking" or loss of endangered species is generally allowed in such plans

1974 Federal Safe Drinking Water Act

Aims to provide all Americans with safe drinking water; sets contaminant levels for dangerous substances and pathogens

Secondary Pollutants

Air pollutants produced through reactions between primary pollutants and normal atmospheric compounds. [SY] Image: (http://aidhyl.wordpress.com/category/air-pollution/)

What are some examples of a common?

Air, water, fisheries, forests [D-N.P]


Altering a stream channel to speed the flow of water to prevent it from reaching flood height. [D Period DK]


An ecological community and its local nonbiological community is called _____ [D° - T.G]

Ecological justification to placing a value on our environment

An ecosystem is necessary for the survival of some species of interest to us, or else the system itself provides some benefit.


An educated guess made from prior known knowledge about something that people aren't sure about.


An organic compound composed of oxygen, hydrogen,carbon, and chlorine. It is a by-product from materials such as herbicides. It is extremely toxic to mammals. (E-LS)


Animal plankton. Small floating herbivores that feed on plant plankton (phytoplankton). Image: (http://drake.marin.k12.ca.us/stuwork/rockwater/PLANKTON/zoodrawings.gif) [B.L]


Animals that have backbones.http://cliluva-s1-vertebrates.wikispaces.com/file/view/vertebrates_divider.jpg (Wil Loveless photo)


Animals that have no backbones.


Any form of life, such as animals and plants. Even cells are organisms, but they are extremely small and m


Any genetically controlled structural, http://bioap.wikispaces.com/file/view/swim_adaptation.gif

Birth control

Any method used to reduce births, including celibacy, delayed marriage, contraception; devices or medication that prevent implantation of fertilized zygotes, and induced abortions http://www.doesbirthcontrolwork.com/does-birth-control-work-3.jpg [R.P.]

freshwater life zones

Aquatic systems where water with a dissolved salt concentration of less than 1% by volume accumulates on or flows through the surfaces of terrestrial biomes. Examples are standing (lentic) bodies of fresh water such as lakes, ponds, and inland wetlands and flowing (lotic) systems such as streams and rivers.


Chapter 15: particular kind of toxin that increases the risk of cancer. [MYK]


Arctic National Wildlife Refuge on the North Slope of Alaska is one of the few pristine wilderness areas remaining in the world. It is the center of controversy of drilling or not drilling for oil housed in the region. [C - A.Y.] http://www.anwr.org/gallery/images/01-ANWR%20land%20use%20map.jpg

Alien Species

Are species that are not native to an area, and can be there due to human activity. Image (http://www.grampiansquirrelgroup.co.uk/red_squirrels_fact_sheets.htm) {Red Squirrel is an alien to India} [D-N.P] [Dº - W.W.M.]

Geothermal Systems

Areas of high-heat flow near tectonic boundaries.

biodiversity hot spots

Areas with exceptionally high numbers of endemic species

Barometric Pressure

Atmospheric pressure indicated by a barometer. [D Period DK]

Rare Earth Theory

Bacteria is common in universe, but many successive steps were necessary in order to occur [E, CM]


Bottom-dwelling organisms.

Sediment Pollution

By volume and mass, sediment is our greatest water pollutant. It can choke streams, fill reservoirs, bury vegetation. A nuisance.

Carbon monoxide

CO; taken up in the blood 250 times faster than oxygen, so high exposure can easily lead to death. It can cause birth defects and mental retardation. 90% is from natural sources; it can come from automobile exhaust [D ND] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Carbon-monoxide-3D-vdW.png {C-M.T.}

boreal forest

Canada, Alaska, Russia, Scandinavia; variation in temperature and precipitation; cool and dry climate; long, cold winters; short, cool summers; poor and acidic soil; few evergreen tree species;


Canada, Scandinavia, Russia; minimal precipitation; nearly as dry as a desert; seasonal variation in temperature; extremely cold winters; permafrost: permanently frozen soil; few animals: polar bears, musk oxen, caribou; lichens and low vegetation with few trees

Free Radical

Cancer causing agent, often originates from radiation [E, CM]

genetic adaptation

Changes in the genetic makeup of organisms of a species that allow the species to reproduce and gain a competitive advantage under changed environmental conditions. See differential reproduction, evolution, mutation, natural selection.

Ecological restoration

Chapter 10: Returning a particular degraded habitat to a condition as similar as possible to its natural state. Information: Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restoration_ecology). Image URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wetland_restoration_in_Australia.jpg [C period - yy]

Sea Floor Spreading

Caused by lava spewing from the upper mantle that then pushes older rock to the side and creates new sea-floor rock [E, CM] Image (http://library.thinkquest.org/17457/platetectonics/seafloor.jpg)


Caused or produced by humans. [D Period DK]

tropical rainforest

Central America, South America, southeast Asia, and west Africa; year-round rain and warm temperatures; dark and damp; lush vegetation; variety of animals and tree species, but in low numbers; very poor, acidic soils

The Neotropical Realm is found in...

Central and South America (E period, R.F)


Ch 22: Increase in concentration of chemical elements required for living things (ex=phosphorus). [D-Z.X.]


Ch 29: Process of collecting data on a regular basis at specific sites to provide a database form which to evaluate change. For example, collection of water samples form beneath a landfill to provide early warning should a pollution problem arise [E - M.Y.]

Logistic Carrying Capacity

Ch 4. A carrying capacity as defined by the logistical growth curve. CH http://www.uwyo.edu/dbmcd/popecol/janlects/Fig5.1Logistic.gif

zero population growth

Ch 4. No growth in population. CH http://web.pdx.edu/~rueterj/courses/casestudies/demographic_transition/demo_trans.gif


Ch 4. a group of organisms of the same species that live in the same area. CH


Ch 4. a population or group of populations of a particular type of organism whose members share certain characteristics and can breed freely with one another and produce fertile offspring. CH

logistical growth

Ch 4. how the growth of population is brought to a standstill by limiting factors. CH

maximum lifetime

Ch 4. the longest period of life reached by a type of organism. CH


Ch. 23: is the thin layer of gases that envelops the Earth. These gases are almost always in motion, sometimes rising, sometimes falling, most of the time moving across the earth's surface. Image: http://room162y.edublogs.org/2010/12/05/the-4-spheres/ [D.Lai]

Limiting factor

Ch. 5 A chemical that is not available at the right time, amount, or concentration. AB http://extension.usu.edu/smac/images/uploads/most_limiting_factor_nutrients.jpg


Ch. 5 A flood is the inundation of an area by water. Floods are produced by intense rainstorms, melting of snow, storm surge from a hurricane, tsunami, and rupture of flood protection structures. Flooding occurs as water is transported across the surface of land or inundates a particular location. These floods can cause erosion among riverbeds. AB http://www.dosomething.org/files/pictures/Flood.jpg

Chemical reaction

Ch. 5 A reaction between two or more reactants that results in chemically different products. AB http://edu.glogster.com/media/3/9/42/60/9426025.jpg

Carbon-silicate cycle

Ch. 5 Atmospheric carbon dissolves in water making carbonic acid, which falls as rain. The acidic rainwater does the weathering of silicate-rich surface rock, which creates carbonate and bicarbonate ions. These ions are used by marine organisms to create shells that eventually sink to the bottom and re-enter the lithosphere. The sedimentary rock eventually enters a subduction zone where it becomes magma that releases CO2 into the atmosphere through volcanic activity. This creates a flux between the atmosphere and lithosphere. AB http://lasp.colorado.edu/~bagenal/3720/CLASS21/CO2cycle.jpg

Carbon cycle

Ch. 5 Carbon appears in the atmosphere mostly as CO2 and CH4, but also in some other gases. The uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthetic processes plants do is the primary flux from the atmosphere to the biosphere. The carbon compounds in the plants are spread throughout the biosphere through consumption. when an organism dies, the carbon enters the lithosphere through the decomposition of dead tissue. The sequestered carbon can, over an extremely long period of time, become a usable fossil fuel that is extracted and burned, releasing the carbon back into the atmosphere. Atmospheric carbon can also enter the hydrosphere by dissolving into the ocean, creating carbonic acid, carbonate, and bicarbonate. The carbon in the hydrosphere is used by marine organisms to create shells, bones, and tissue. When they die, they sink to the bottom of the sea where their tissues decompose and release carbon back into the hydrosphere and their bones and shells enter the lithosphere. AB http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/82/Carbon_cycle-cute_diagram.svg/502px-Carbon_cycle-cute_diagram.svg.png

Hydrologic cycle

Ch. 5 Driven by the heat from the sun. It is the transfer of water from the oceans to the atmosphere to the land and back to the ocean. Water evaporates from the ocean into the atmosphere, forming clouds. When the clouds become dense enough, it rains onto the land, where it enters lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater. Groundwater can be used by plants, and surface water can be drunk by animals and humans. Water transpires out of plant leaves into the atmosphere, and surface water then returns to the ocean. AB http://www.eoearth.org/files/159101_159200/159153/hydrocycle-hires.jpg

Drainage basin

Ch. 5 The area that is the source of surface runoff for a stream or river AB http://cgz.e2bn.net/e2bn/leas/c99/schools/cgz/accounts/staff/rchambers/GeoBytes/GCSE%20Revision/Hot%20Potatoes%20GCSE%20Quizzes/Rivers.quiz1/DrainageBasin.watershed.id.jpg

Biogeochemical cycle

Ch. 5 The complete path a chemical takes through the four major types of reservoirs. AB http://www.colorado.edu/GeolSci/courses/GEOL1070/chap04/GR000000.JPG


Ch. 5 The process when nitrogen compounds are broken down and released back into the atmosphere as Nitrogen gas. AB http://www.soils.umn.edu/academics/classes/soil2125/img/9wtncyc.jpg

Geologic cycle

Ch. 5 The processes responsible for the formation and change of Earth materials, like the tectonic, hydrologic, rock, and biogeochemical cycles. AB http://water.me.vccs.edu/courses/SCT112/rock_cycle.gif

Polar Amplification

Ch.23: a process where surface air temperature increase in polar regions because of snow and ice melting revealing ground and vegetation, which reflects much less solar energy. This positive feedback loop results in enhanced warming. Image: http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/essay_lynch.html [D.Lai]

Climate Forcing

Ch.23: an imposed perturbation on the energy balance on Earth. Image: http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2007/02/aerosols-the-last-frontier/ [D.Lai]

General Circulation Models (GCMs)

Ch.23: are a kind of mathematical models formed by analytical theory and computer simulations; they attempt to reproduce and predict global atmospheric changes. Image: http://www.aos.wisc.edu/~dvimont/Research/ [D.Lai]

Greenhouse Gases

Ch.23: include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, some oxides of nitrogen, and chlorofluorocarbons. These gases are responsible for the absorption and re-emission of thermal radiation and the trapping of heat. Image: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Greenhouse_Gas_by_Sector.png [D.Lai]

Greenhouse Effect

Ch.23: is a process in which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gasses, the thermal radiation is re-radiated in all directions. Some of the heat is re-radiated at the planetary surface which is how the heat is trapped. Image: http://www.ucar.edu/learn/1_3_1.htm [D.Lai]


Ch.23: is the average weather, and usually refers to average weather conditions over long time periods, at least seasons, but more often years or decades. Image: http://www.meteorologyclimate.com/Climate.htm [D.Lai]


Ch.23: is what's happening now or over some short time period - in the atmosphere near the ground. Weather includes temperature, pressure, cloudiness, precipitation, and winds. Image: http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/essay_lynch.html [D.Lai]

Global Warming

Ch.23: the increase in the average measured temperature of the near surface air and oceans. http://www.greenscroll.org/images/global-warming.jpg [D.Lai]

Earth System Science

Ch.23: tries to integrate various fields of academic study to understand the Earth as a system. It looks at interactions between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Image: http://serc.carleton.edu/ess_vocab/ [D.Lai]

Qualitative Data

Ch.2: Information describing color, odor, shape, or some other physical characteristic. It is a nonnumerical recorded quality. [D.Lai]


Ch.2: a deliberately simplified construct of nature. The model can be a physical working model, a pictorial model, a set of mathematical equations, or a computer simulation. [D.Lai]

Scientific Theory

Ch.2: a grand scheme that relates and explains many observations and is supported by a great deal of evidence. [D.Lai]


Ch.2: a statement, that can be disproved and that is converted from an inference, that scientists make when they wish to test an inference.Image (http://www.debunking911.com/hypothesis.gif) [D.Lai] [KZ]


Ch.2: a widely accepted explanatory idea that is broad in scope and supported by a large body of evidence. It can also be models that offer broad, fundamental explanations of many observations. [D.Lai]

Quantitative Data

Ch.2: numerical information describing the scientist's input and output values. [D.Lai]

Liebig's Law of the Minimum

Chapter 11: the concept that the growth or survival of a population is directly related to the single life requirement that is in least supply, rather than due to a combination of factors AKA - "Yield is proportional to the amount of the most limiting nutrient" Information Botkin-Keller and http://www.soils.wisc.edu/~barak/soilscience326/lawofmin.htm [J.T]

No-Till Agriculture

Chapter 12: A combination of farming practices that includes not plowing the land and using herbicides to keep down weeds. Effective at reducing erosion. Information: textbook. Image URL: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ipjLMBtIw44/TA8kvDucwzI/AAAAAAAAAmQ/PUJE9CcM8FY/s1600/corn-no-till.jpg [C period- yy]

Terminator Gene

Chapter 12: A genetically modified gene in crops that makes them sterile after the first year. This poses a variety of social and political concerns relating to the worlds food supply. Information: textbook. Image URL: http://www.gmo-safety.eu/data/media/591/454x276.png [C period - yy]

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Chapter 12: Control of pests using a combination of several methods including biological and chemical methods to minimize the use of artificial chemicals and to prevent resistance by organisms to pesticides. Information: textbook. Image URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:IPMtrap4854.JPG [Period C - yy]

Contour Plowing

Chapter 12: Plowing land along topographic contours, as much in a horizontal plane as possible, thereby decreasing the erosion rate. Information: textbook. Image URL: http://dnr.wi.gov/wnrmag/html/images/photo/2003/jun03/8.jpg [Period C - yy]

tree plantations

Chapter 13: a stand of trees typically planted in straight rows [IF] http://www.loe.org/images/content/090529/tree_plantation_tuscany.gi


Chapter 13: an area set aside for use by people [IF] http://www.bestourism.com/img/items/big/773/Hyde-Park_Park-view_3045.jpg

certification of forestry

Chapter 13: comparing the actual practices of specific corporations or government agencies with practices that are believed to be consistent with sustainability [IF] http://www.fountainforestry.com/images/forest-certification.jpg

nature preserve

Chapter 13: it may used by people, but its primary purpose is conservation of some resource, typically a biological one [IF] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6f/View_from_Arastradero_Preserve_in_Palo_Alto_California.JPG/220px-View_from_Arastradero_Preserve_in_Palo_Alto_California.JP

national park

Chapter 13: its purpose is to protect nature as well as public access [IF] http://www.rockymountainmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Glacier-National-Park-British-Columbia-Canada.jpg

strip cutting

Chapter 13: narrow rows of forest are cut, leaving wooded corridors whose trees provide seeds [IF] http://finchpaper.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/FINCH-StripCutting-large-300x175.jpg

sustainable forest

Chapter 13: one from which a resource can be harvested at a rate that does not decrease the ability of the forest ecosystem to continue to provide the same rate of harvest indefinitely [IF] http://www.thedailygreen.com/cm/thedailygreen/images/pM/sustainable-forest-md.jpg

Vulnerable species

Chapter 14: A species categorized by the IUCN as likely to become endangered unless there is an intervention. Information: Wikipedia. Image URL: http://www.pictures-of-cats.org/images/IUCN-categories.jpg [C period - yy]

Endangered species

Chapter 14: A species considered to be in imminent danger of extinction as classified by the IUCN. Source: Wikipedia. Image URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Siberischer_tiger_de_edit02.jpg [C period - yy]

What happens if the mercury is in the surface water?

Chapter 15: Once the mercury is in surface water, it enters into complex biogeochemical cycles and a process known as methylation may occur. Methylation changes inorganic mercury to methyl mercury which is much more harmful. [MYK]

Noise pollution

Chapter 15: Unwanted sound that disrupts everyday activities. Information: Textbook. Image URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Qantas_b747_over_houses_arp.jpg [C period - yy]

Thermal pollution

Chapter 15: also called heat pollution. It occurs when heat released into water or air produces undesirable effects. [MYK]

Area sources

Chapter 15: also called nonpoint sources, more diffused over the land and include urban runoff and mobile sources, such as automobile exhaust. [MYK]


Chapter 15: an unwanted change in the environment caused by the introduction of harmful materials or the production of harmful conditions (heat, cold, sound). [MYK]

Hormonally active agents (HAAs)

Chapter 15: chemicals in the environment able to cause reproductive and developmental abnormalities in animals, including humans. [MYK]

Organic compounds

Chapter 15: compounds of carbon produced naturally by living organisms or synthetically by human industrial processes. [MYK]


Chapter 15: due to an imbalance resulting from poor adjustment between the individual and the environment. It occurs on a continuum from a state of health to a state of disease. [MYK]


Chapter 15: implies making something unfit for a particular use through the introduction of undesirable materials. Example: the contamination of water by hazardous waste. [MYK]


Chapter 15: materials (pollutants) that are poisonous to people and other living things. [MYK]

Heavy metals

Chapter 15: metals with relatively high atomic weight. Pose health hazards to people and ecosystems include mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel, gold, platinum, silver, bismuth, arsenic, selenium, vanadium, chromium, and thallium. [MYK]

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs)

Chapter 15: part of everyday urban life. Magnetic and electrical fields produced naturally by our planet and also by appliances such as toasters, electric blankets, and computers. [MYK]


Chapter 16, A tornado is a funnel-shaped cloud of violently rotating wind that extends downward from large cells of thunderstorms to the surface of Earth. Severe thunderstorms may occur when a cold air mass collides with a warmer one. Water vapor in the warmer part of the atmosphere is forced upward where it cools and produces precipitation. As more warm air is drawing in, the storm clouds grow higher and thu7nderstorm activity increase in intensity, forming lines of storm activity (squall lines hundreds of kilometers long or large cells of updraft called super cells). Tornadoes in the U.S. are concentrated in the Plains states between the Rocky and Appalachian mountains, where severe thunderstorms generally are more common. Some parts of this region have been called "tornado alley." [K.E]


Chapter 16, A tsunami is a series of large ocean waves produced after the ocean water is suddenly disturbed vertically by processes such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, submarine landslides, or the impact of an asteroid or comet. Over 80% of all tsunamis are produced by earthquakes. [K.E]


Chapter 16, A wildfire is a rapid, self-sustaining, biochemical oxidation process that releases light, heat, carbon dioxide and other gases and particulates into the atmosphere. Fuel, plant material, is rapidly consumed during wildfires, helping maintain a balance between plant productivity and decomposition in ecosystems. The primary cause of periodic wildfire is vegetation. When microbes in the environment are not able to decompose plants fast enough to balance the carbon cycle, fire is necessary to achieve a long-term balance. [K.E]

Natural Hazard

Chapter 16, Any natural process that is a potential threat to human life and property (the process and events themselves are not a hazard but become so because of human use of the land). [K.E]

Why are the economic costs of natural disasters in the U.S. increasing?

Chapter 16, Because the population is increasingly moving from the interior toward the coasts where hazards tend to occur. As a result, losses of life and property damage are likely to increase significantly in coming decades. [K.E]

What good things do landslides do?

Chapter 16, Can block or dam a valley, forming a lake in mountains where otherwise a lake would be rare. [K.E]

What good things do dust storms do?

Chapter 16, Dust travels far to enrich soil elsewhere on the plane, keeps soils fertile. [K.E]

What are signs of a future volcanic eruption?

Chapter 16, Earthquake activity, release of gases, heat that melts surface snow and ice, and swelling or growth of the mountain. [K.E]


Chapter 16, Flat valley floor next to a stream channel. For legal purposes, the term often applies to any low area that has the potential for flooding, including certain coastal areas. [K.E]

Indirect effects

Chapter 16, Follow the disaster i.e. donations of money and goods, shelter, taxes to help financial recovery, emotional distress. [K.E]

Tsunami Warning System

Chapter 16, Includes a buoy and bottom sensor. Travel time-each band equals one hour. [K.E] Image: http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40956000/jpg/_40956703_tsunami_detection2_inf416.jpg [M.S.]


Chapter 16, Landslide is a general term for the down slope movement of soil and rock. Landslides occur when the driving forces that tend to movie soil, rock, vegetation, houses, and other materials down a slope exceed the resisting forces that hold the slope in place. The resisting forces are produced by the strength of the material on slopes and result of from interlocking rains of rock or soil, natural cementing material in rock and soil, or plant roots that bind the slip materials together and resist movement. Weak rocks on steep slopes provide for the combination of large driving forces and weak resisting forces that favors development of landslides. The dominant driving force of slopes is the weight of slope materials influenced by the force of gravity. The steeper the slope and the heavier the slope materials, the greater the driving forces. Human processes that add to or increase the slope angle (how steep it is) increase the drive forces. Resisting forces may be reduced by increasing the amount of water on or in a slope, or by removing vegetation that reduces the root strength of the soil or rock. [K.E]

What good things do earthquakes do?

Chapter 16, Make mountains (scenery, move sediments) and create springs. [K.E]

Concepts to help understand how to prevent hazards

Chapter 16, Natural processes have service functions, hazards are predictable, linkages exist between hazards, hazards that previously produced mostly disasters are now producing catastrophes, risk from hazards can be estimated, adverse effects of hazards can be minimized. [K.E]

Where is the most likely location for a large earthquake?

Chapter 16, One where one has recently happened- earthquakes are often clustered in time. [K.E]

What good things do volcanoes do?

Chapter 16, Produce new land i.e. the Hawaiian Islands, and volcanic ash can make good soil. [K.E]


Chapter 16, Results when the rocks that are under stress from internal earth processes rupture, mostly at depths of 10 to 15 km along faults. Releases vast amounts of energy!! Images (http://www.dimensionsguide.com/what-is-the-biggest-earthquake/) [K.E]

Global Scale

Chapter 16, Scale that shows where most earthquakes and volcanoes are likely to occur. [K.E] Image: http://comp.uark.edu/~sboss/tectonic14.gif [M.S.]

Volcanic Eruption

Chapter 16, Volcanoes are the result of extrusion at the surfaces of molten rock (magma). Volcanic eruptions may be explosive and violent or they may be less energetic lava flows. Volcanoes generally occur at boundaries between tectonic plates, where active geologic processes favor the melting of rocks and the upward movement of magma. Some volcanoes also occur in more central parts of tectonic plates where hot spots deep below heat the rocks above i.e. Yellowstone or the Hawaiian Islands! [K.E]

Direct effects

Chapter 16, involve the people killed, injured, dislocated, made homeless, or otherwise damaged by the event. [K.E]

risk assessment

Chapter 16, the process of determining potential adverse environmental health effects on purpose exposed to pollutants and potentially toxic materials. [K.E]

Deep-well Disposal

Chapter 29: Method of disposal of hazardous liquid waste that involves pumping the waste deep into the ground below and completely isolated form all freshwater aquifers. A controversial method of waste disposal that is being carefully evaluated. Image (http://www.crmwa.com/LMSCP.htm) [E - M.Y.] [Dº-W.W.M.]

Land Application

Chapter 29: Method of disposal of hazardous waste that involved intentional application of waste material to surface soil. Useful for certain biodegradable industrial waste, such as oil and petroleum waste, and some organic chemical waste. Image (https://portal.navfac.navy.mil/portal/page/portal/NAVFAC/NAVFAC_WW_PP/NAVFAC_NFESC_PP/ENVIRONMENTAL/ERB/LANDFARM) [E - M.Y.] [Dº - W.W.M.]

Surface Impoundment

Chapter 29: Method of disposal of some liquid hazardous waste. This method is controversial, and many sites have been closed.


Chapter 29: Noxious, mineralized liquid capable of transporting bacterial pollutants. Produced when water infiltrates though waste material and becomes contaminated and polluted [E - M.Y.]http://lib.bioinfo.pl/app/webroot/img/UserFiles/65944/Image/Figure%201.%20Generation%20of%20Landfill%20Leachate.JPG [MG]

Three R's of Waste Management

Chapter 29: Reduce, reuse, recycle. Source: textbook. Image URL: http://enviroshare.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/reuse_reduce_recycle.jpg [C period - yy]

Integrated Waste Management (IWM)

Chapter 29: Set of management alternatives including reuse, source reduction, recycling, composting, landfill, and incineration. Image (http://www.rethinkyourwaste.com/waste-management.asp) [E - M.Y.] [Dº - W.W.M.]

Environmental Justice

Chapter 29: The principle of dealing with environmental problems in such a way as to not discriminate against people based open socioeconomic status, race, or ethnic group [E - M.Y.] [Dº - W.W.M.]

Industrial Ecology

Chapter 29: The process of designing industrial systems to behave more like ecosystems where waste form one part of the system is a resource for another part. Image (http://www.is4ie.org/) [E - M.Y.] [Dº - W.W.M.]


Chapter 29: To collect and reuse resources in the waste stream. http://www.innovativelyorganized.com/sites/default/files/images/res-hall-recycle-logo.jpg [C- S.Y]

Hazardous Waste

Chapter 29: Waste that is classified as definitely or potentially hazardous to the health of people. Examples include toxic or flammable liquids and a variety of heavy metals, pesticides, and solvents [E - M.Y.] [Dº - W.W.M.]


Chapter 29: With respect to waste management, refers to finding ways to reuse products and materials so they need not be disposed of.http://usedpoles.com/images/reuse-reduce-recycle.jpg (Wil Loveless photo)


Chapter 29: With respect to waste management, refers to practices that will reduce the amount of waste we produce.http://www.hunter-ed.com/az/az_specific_images/graphics/az_carrying_capacity.jpg (Wil Loveless photo)

Independent variable

Chapter 2: An experimental factor who's effects are being studied as the variable is being changed. Source: textbook. Image URL: http://www.experiment-resources.com/images/third-variable.jpg [C period - yy] [KZ]


Chapter 2: An observation of some sort that is absolutely true. Source: textbook. Image URL: http://www.autobulktraffic.com/images/fact.jpg [ Period C - yy] [KZ]

Deductive Reasoning

Chapter 2: reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect) [D-M.Z.]

Environmental unity

Chapter 3, A principle that says everything affects everything else, impossible to change only one thing. [B.L]


Chapter 3, A set of components that are linked and interact to produce a whole. For example, the river as a system is composed of sediment, water, bank, vegetation, fish, and other living things that all together produce the river. [B.L.] Information Botkin-Keller

Closed system

Chapter 3, A system in which the exchange of energy and mass with other systems does not occur [B.L.]

Open system

Chapter 3, A type of system in which exchanges of mass or energy occur with other systems. Materials can move in or out of that system. [B.L.] Information Botkin-Keller

Negative feedback

Chapter 3, An increase in output leads to a later decrease. Is self regulating. [B.L] Information Botkin-Keller; Image (http://apollo.lsc.vsc.edu/classes/met130/notes/chapter16/graphics/neg_feed.free.gif) Illustrates how temperature and clouds over the ocean are a negative feedback system


Chapter 3, The principle stating that processes that operate today operated in the past. Therefore, observations of processes today can explain events that occurred in the past and leave evidence, for example, in the fossil record or in geologic formations. Aka, the present is the key to the past. [B.L] Information Botkin-Keller

polar amplification

Chapter 3, This is the effect of the positive feedback from the decrease in ice from warming [B.L]


Chapter 3, When 1 part of a system changes and then those changes in turn affect another part of the system. [B.L]

exponential growth

Chapter 3, growth at a constant rate of increase per unit of time; can be expressed as a constant fraction or exponent. Image: (http://www.onlineinvestingai.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/exponential-curve.gif) [B.L.]

doubling time

Chapter 3, the time it takes for a population to double [B.L]

Steady state

Chapter 3, when input equals output in a system, there is no net change and the system is said to be in a steady state. A bathtub with water flowing in and out at the same rate maintains the same water level and is in a steady state. Compare with equilibrium. [B.L] Information Botkin-Keller

Rock Cycle

Chapter 5: Consists of numerous processes that produce rocks and soils. [S.K] http://www.cotf.edu/ete/images/modules/msese/earthsysflr/EFCycleP2.gif [C- S.Y]


Chp 6: A commonly used practical delineation of the boundary of an ecosystem on land. {C-M.T.} http://www.sanduskyriver.org/uploads/watershed.jpg (D-D.S.)

Community-Level Interactions

Chp 6: Changes in one group that affect another. Indirect and complicated interactions. {C-M.T.}

Food Webs

Chp 6: Complex linkages of who feeds on whom. {C-M.T.} http://tinyurl.com/3zmr5e4 [S.J.O.]

Trophic Level

Chp 6: Consists of organisms in a food web that are the same number of feeding levels away from the original source of energy. {C-M.T.} http://www.bcb.uwc.ac.za/sci_ed/grade10/ecology/images/pyra5.gif (D-D.S.)


Chp 6: Feed on wastes and dead organism of all trophic levels. {C-M.T.} http://www.rspb.org.uk/images/cache/fc5_352_tcm9-96736_v1.gif (D-D.S.)

Food Chains

Chp 6: Linkage of who feeds on whom. {C-M.T.} http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/foodchain/trophiclevels.GIF (D-D.S.)


Chp 6: Organisms in the first trophic level which make their own food and inorganic chemicals and a source of energy. {C-M.T.} http://www.biology.iupui.edu/biocourses/N100H/images/41ecosys.gif (D-D.S.)


Chp 6: Process that occurs in an ecosystem that is necessary for life. {C-M.T.} http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/images/succession.gif (D-D.S.)

Ecological Community

Chp 6: Set of Species Interacting within an organism. {C-M.T.}

Keystone Species

Chp 6: Species that have a large effect on its community or ecosystem. {C-M.T.} http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_v1HFKHjiq9c/THqPKzvprLI/AAAAAAAAAGs/RirLrKWnizE/s400/krill+-+keystone+species.gif (D-D.S.)

The most common distribution in animal populations

Clumped [D° - T.G]

Temperate Rainforest

Coastal Pacific Northwest region; great deal of precipitation; coniferous trees: cedar, spruce, hemlock, fir; moisture-loving animals; Banana slug; the fertile soil is susceptible to erosion and landslides; provides lumber and paper. Image (http://www.alaska-in-pictures.com/temperate-rainforest-5789-pictures.htm) [Dº - W.W.M.]

Family planning

Controlling reproduction; planning the timing of birth and having as many babies as are wanted and can be supported; has decreased the growth rate (in particular, developing countries) [D° S.C.]

Drawbacks of tidal power

Corrosive, hard to find a perfect area, expensive, affects marine life [D° - T.G]

Nuclear reactors

Devices that produce controlled nuclear fission [D - D.K.] http://kidzcoolzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/nuclear-power-plant.jpg [MG]

area sources

Diffuse sources of pollution such as urban runoff or automobile exhaust.

Drawbacks of hydroelectric power

Disrupts fish migration cycles, sediment trapped, limited number of rivers, danger of dams breaking [D° - T.G]

Strip Mining

Double, already a notecard for strip mining. http://library.thinkquest.org/05aug/00461/images/stripmining.jpg [D-M.Z.]

Reservoir Rock

During the chemical transformation of organic material in the sediment into oil and gas (in elevated pressure and temperature) oil and gas upward migrated to a lower-pressure environment called reservoir rock. [C - A.Y.] http://labspace.open.ac.uk/file.php/6333/s278_1_003i.jpg

Polar Vortex

During the polar winter, the Antarctic air mass is isolated from the rest of the atmosphere and circulates about the pole in what is known as the Antarctic polar vortex. [E, BH]

UV Radiation

Energy from the sun that damages DNA structure, increases mutation rate, and causes skin cancer. [D Period DK]

What is the distribution of water on Earth?

Earth is 70% water. Of this 97% is seawater, 3% is freshwater (2% in ice, 1% in lakes, rivers, and atmosphere). Information Env. Science Quick Study [D° S.C.]


Earths twin, ended up colliding with Earth and adding mass to Earth, allowing it to have a gravitational pull strong enough to hold in an atmosphere [E, CM] Image (http://www.foxnews.com/images/527437/0_21_earth_theia_impact.jpg)

Thomas Malthus

Eighteenth-century English intellectual who warned that population growth threatened future generations because, in his view, population growth would always outstrip increases in agricultural production Image: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/images/malthus_thomas.jpg [J.T]


Endangered Species Act; the primary legislation, enacted in 1973, for protecting biodiversity in the United States


Energy is carried by a photon from one place to another [E, CM] Image (http://www.ux1.eiu.edu/~cxtdm/met/radiation_pres.jpg)


Energy is moved by energy containing particles from one place to another [E, CM] Image (http://thecomplementarynature.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/chap01_convection.gif)


Energy is transfered from one particle to another through collision [E, CM] Image (http://www.aos.wisc.edu/~aalopez/aos101/wk5/heatrans.jpg)

Nuclear energy

Energy of the atomic nucleus- ways to release energy: fission and fusion [D - D.K.]

Charles Darwin

English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-1882) http://www.crystalinks.com/darwin.jpg [D-M.Z.]

Alfred Russell Wallace

English naturalist who proposed, independently of Charles Darwin, the concept of natural selection as a mechanism for evolution and as a way to explain the great variety of living things

1956 Federal Water and Pollution Control Act

Enhances the quality of water resources and prevents, controls, and abates water pollution

Mesozoic Era

Era of flying reptiles, birds, and dinosaurs [E, CM]http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/mesozoic/mesozoic.gif (Wil Loveless photo)

Cenozoic Era

Era of mammals [E, CM] http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/cenozoic/tertiary.gif (Wil Loveless photo)

Precambrian Era

Era of one and multi-celled organisms [E, CM] http://www.kinderscience.com/Precambrian%20Era%201.GIF (Wil Loveless photo)

Paleozoic Era

Era of reptiles, insects, amphibians, land plants, and fish [E, CM]http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/paleozoic/paleozoic.gif (Wil Loveless photo)

1987 Water Quality Act

Established national policy to control nonpoint sources of water pollution; important in development of state management plants to control nonpoint water pollution sources


Flowing body of surface water. Examples are creeks and rivers. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=stream&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1920&bih=965&tbm=isch&tbnid=RQ9XfVRF7zioDM:&imgrefurl=http://streamstar-mountainclan.blogspot.com/2010/04/stream.html&docid=HWXOnDRFA03l8M&w=1024&h=768&ei=l61VTuOeLYPWiAKMjbmwCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=576&vpy=120&dur=1120&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=131&ty=96&page=1&tbnh=119&tbnw=160&start=0&ndsp=64&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0 [Per. C - Ian S.]

Tropical Rainforest

Forests in which rainfall is abundant- more than 00 cm (80 in.) per year- and temperatures are warm to hot year-round. Image (http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/images/rainforest.jpg) [D - H.M.]

What is an energy source whose energy is not ultimately derived from the sun?

Geothermal energy [D° S.C.]

Types of Nonrenewable Resources

Geothermal, Nuclear, Oil, Natural gas, Biomass [D° S.C.]

Exponential growth

Growth in which the rate of increase is a constant percentage of the current size [D° - T.G]

hydrogen sulfide

H2S; smells like rotten eggs, corrosive, can cause damage to plants and is toxic to animals; produced at geysers and swamps and bogs, also a byproduct of petroleum production and smelting [D ND]

Cloud Forest

High mountain forests where temperatures are uniformally cool and fog or mist keeps vegetation wet all the time. Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/Cloud_forest_mount_kinabalu.jpg [S.K.]

Discuss the La Conchita Landslide of 2005

In 2005, in La Conchita California, a landslide killed ten people and destroyed 30 homes. This was a partial reactivation of a landslide that occurred in 1995. There was high rainfall in 2005, but no one recognized the risk for a landslide. They should have realized that not only was there a risk that year, but there was always a risk and no one should've been living there. La Conchita had been having landslides for 100 years, and was built on 15m of older landslide departments. It was later discovered that all these landslides were part of a major prehistoric landslide.


Individuals of a species that live in a habitat patch. http://www.geatbx.com/docu/algindex-57.gif

genetic engineering

Insertion of an alien gene into an organism to give it a altered genetic trait. Compare artificial selection, natural selection. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Genetic-engineering-wheat.jpg [Per. C - Ian S]


Invasive species- deliberately or accidentally take away from the natives

Natural Gas

It is considered a clean fuel; burning it produces fewer pollutants than does burning oil or coal, so it causes fewer environmental problems than do other fossil fuels. New discoveries and construction of pipelines make natural gas more available for use but only in the near future as its supply is also limited. [C - A.Y.] http://www.mapsofworld.com/thematic-maps/maps/natural-gas-exports.jpg

coastal wetland

Land along a coastline, extending inland from an estuary, that is covered with salt water all or part of the year. Examples are marshes, bays, lagoons, tidal flats, and mangrove swamps. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=coastal+wetland&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1920&bih=965&tbm=isch&tbnid=3B7U_Pol3VIulM:&imgrefurl=http://dcerp.rti.org/DCERPPublicSite/EcosystemModules/CoastalWetlands/tabid/105/Default.aspx&docid=U5g1kP8ThAocEM&w=800&h=400&ei=4KlVTo_PIoTUiALO7YCaCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=265&page=1&tbnh=82&tbnw=163&start=0&ndsp=62&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0&tx=39&ty=30 [Per.C - Ian S]


Land area that delivers water, sediment, and dissolved substances via small streams to a major stream (river). If a drop of rain falls anywhere within a watershed, it can flow out only through that same stream or river.


Large natural body of standing fresh water formed when water from precipitation, land runoff, or groundwater flow fills a depression in the earth created by glaciation, earth movement, volcanic activity, or a giant meteorite. Image (http://www.flickr.com/photos/alq666/2339444058/) [Dº - W.W.M.]

R-strategist characteristics

Large number of offspring, short(er) lifespan, and faster maturity [D° S.C.]


Lines joining places on a map that have the same air pressure. [D Period DK]


Liquid or gas fuels derived from solid fossil fuels. [D Period DK]

When a population has reached its maximum limit, what type of curve does it display?

Logistic/ S curve [D° S.C.]

reproductive isolation

Long-term geographic separation of members of a particular sexually reproducing species. http://www.pnas.org/content/102/suppl.1/6522/F1.large.jpg (D-D.S.)


Long-term, large-scale evolutionary changes among groups of species. Compare microevolution. http://creationwiki.org/pool/images/0/04/Evolution_tree_of_life.png (D-D.S.)

Barrier Islands

Low, narrow, sandy islands that form offshore from a coastline. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpz_rDY3ZVjf78gcDE4PcVHdyTf5no6PBffP-3UZzG7IF6xtMH [D-M.Z.]

1958 Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act

Mandates the coordination of water resources projects such as dams, power plants, and flood control must coordinate with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to enact wildlife conservation measures

What ended the Ice Age and made our Earth once again animal inhabitable?

Many volcano eruptions that released CO2 gas which warmed the atmosphere, melted the ice, and began to cycle through the ecosystems promoting plant life [E, CM]

Where does the majority of the world's Oxygen come from?

Marine phytoplankton! Dismiss the common misconception that trees produce our oxygen, 70% of our oxygen is produced by phytoplankton [E, CM]


Materials (pollutants) that are poisonous to people and other living things. Image (http://www.google.com/imgres?q=toxic&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1280&bih=610&tbm=isch&tbnid=eldIYZVAFoKw9M:&imgrefurl=http://ptcl.chem.ox.ac.uk/~hmc/hsci/chemicals/iodine.html&docid=N2SZ-ngGHo_JFM&w=249&h=253&ei=vDhQTtWmHbLLsQKxnNzIBg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=385&page=1&tbnh=140&tbnw=138&start=0&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0&tx=84&ty=93) [Dº - W.W.M.]

Optimum Sustainable Population

Maximum population that can be sustained indefinitely without harming the species or ecosystem [E, CM]


Mediterranean Sea, California, Chile, and southern Australia; high seasonal; mild, wet winters; warm, dry summers; frequent fires; densely thicketed, evergreen shrubs

How do you manage an ecosystem of a zoo?

Must provide food, water, and remove the waste that natural processes cannot do in the confinement of the zoo[D-N.P.]

Geothermal Energy

Natural heat from the interior of the Earth.


Needle-bearing trees that produce seeds in cones. Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c3/Conifer_forest.jpg [S.K.]

Net growth efficiency

Net production efficiency (P/A), or the ratio of the material produced (P) to the material assimilated (A) by an organism; material is assimilated is less than the material consumed because some food taken in is egested as waste (discharged) and never used by an organism [C - WW]

What two elements is the inner core made of for the most part

Nickel and Iron [D° - T.G]

background extinction

Normal extinction of various species as a result of changes in local environmental conditions. Compare mass depletion, mass extinction. http://www.tropical-rainforest-animals.com/image-files/dodo.jpg

Deep Ocean

Of all the aquatic biomes on earth, we know the least about the _____. Image:

Alpha Particles

One of the major types of nuclear radiation, consists of two protons and two neutrons (E-LS) Image [S.J.O.]


Organic molecules that are composed of only carbon and hydrogen. [D Period DK]

invasive species

Organisms that thrive in new territory where they are free of predators, diseases, or resource limitations that may have controlled their population in their native habitat; See also exotic/introduced species. An example of one would be the Cane Toads in Australia. [D° S.C.] http://www.fws.gov/glri/images/Large-Zebra-Mussel.jpg


Our future goal for resource management should be _________.


Overexploitation- overhunting of species and overconsumption of resources that the wildlife needs


Partially decayed plant matter in swamps and bogs, low heat content; an important source of fuel and under certain conditions, will turn into lignite coal over geologic periods of time. [D° S.C.] Information Wikipedia, Image: Peat Bog (http://pixdaus.com/pics/1219375888jFKAcrV.jpg) [B.L.]


Partially enclosed coastal area at the mouth of a river where its fresh water, carrying fertile silt and runoff from the land, mixes with salty seawater. http://sitemaker.umich.edu/chrpwe/files/estuary_image1.jpg [R.P.]

realized niche

Parts of the fundamental niche of a species that are actually used by that species. See ecological niche, fundamental niche. http://science.halleyhosting.com/sci/ibbio/ecology/notes/pics/fundnicheex2.gif (D-D.S.)

Types of coals

Peat, Lignite, Bituminous, Anthracite (from youngest to oldest). [D° S.C.]

differential reproduction

Phenomenon in which individuals with adaptive genetic traits produce more living offspring than do individuals without such traits. See natural selection. http://bealbio.wikispaces.com/file/view/natural_selection.png/89421291/natural_selection.png

What two main elements cause eutrophication?

Phosphorus, Nitrogen [D° S.C.]


Photosynthetic bacteria no more than 2 micrometers wide.

What are some examples of endangered animals?

Polar bears, pandas, tigers, rhinos, turtles, whales, dolphin, elephants [D-N.P]

Nonpoint Sources

Pollution sources that are diffused and intermitten and are influenced by factors such as land use, hydrology, topography, climate, native vegetation, and geology.


Pollution-putting nondegradeable materials into the environment, chemicals into the waters, burning fossil fuels, leads to climate change


Population growth- crowds out wildlife and degrades their lives

surface water

Precipitation that does not infiltrate the ground or return to the atmosphere by evaporation or transpiration.

natural selection

Process by which a particular beneficial gene (or set of genes) is reproduced in succeeding generations more than other genes. The result of natural selection is a population that contains a greater proportion of organisms better adapted to certain environmental conditions. See adaptation, biological evolution, differential reproduction, mutation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Antibiotic_resistance.svg [Per.C - Ian S.]

artificial selection

Process by which humans select one or more desirable genetic traits in the population of a plant or animal species and then use selective breeding to produce populations containing many individuals with the desired traits. Compare genetic engineering, natural selection. http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/images/evo/mustardselection.jpg


Process in which water is absorbed by the root systems of plants, moves up through the plants, passes through pores (stomata) in their leaves or other parts, and evaporates into the atmosphere as water vapor.

Nuclear fuel cycle

Process involved in producing nuclear power from the mining and processing of uranium to conrtoradioactive waste [D - D.K.]

Coral Reefs

Prominent oceanic features composed of hard, carbonaceous skeletons produced by coral animals; usually formed along edges of shallow, submerged ocean banks or along shelves in warm, shallow, tropical seas. Home to the greatest biodiversity of any biome. Threatened by certain fishing practices and ocean acidification. Image (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/11/Coral_reef_diagram.jpg) [D - H.M.]

Alfred Wegner

Proposed idea of continental drift and idea that earths continents had moved. To support his idea he looked at maps and stated that continents should fit together like puzzle pieces, which was bolstered by modern fossil evidence and analysis [E, CM] image: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=%2bAlfred+Wegner+Pangea&view=detail&id=44480FB8935F6B050D1E734F94130293AB061774&first=0&qpvt=%2bAlfred+Wegner+Pangea&FORM=IDFRIR [CH]

1899 Refuse Act

Protects navigable water from pollution


Provide soil formation, erosion control, nutrient cycling, storage of atmospheric Co2 in biomass, and maintenance of biodiversity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Konza1.jpg - [Per. C - Ian S.]


Random change in DNA molecules making up genes that can alter anatomy, physiology, or behavior in offspring. See mutagen. http://www.accessexcellence.org/RC/VL/GG/images/mutation.gif (Wil Loveless photo)

Direct Water Use

Refers to the use of treated wastewater that is piped directly from a treatment plant to the next user

1984 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

Regulates underground gasoline storage tanks; reduces potential for gasoline to pollute groundwater

Primary Treatment

Removal of large particles and organic materials from wastewater through screening AB http://members.shaw.ca/gp.lagasse/800x600/Primary.jpg

1969 National Environmental Policy Act

Requires environmental impact statement prior to federal actions (development) that significantly affect the quality of the environment; included are dams and reservoirs, channelization, power plants, bridges, and so on

Inadvertent Water Reuse

Results when water is withdrawn, treated, used, treated, and returned to the environment, followed by further withdrawals and use

Drawbacks of Nuclear power

Risk of meltdowns, waste disposal, extremely expensive to build plants, thermal polluhttp://a.quizlet.com/a/i/spacer.Sar9.giftion [D° - T.G]

Example of a Keystone Species

Sea otter is a Keystone species [D-N.P.]

1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act)

Seeks to clean up nation's water; provides billions of dollars in federal grants for sewage treatment plants; encourages innovative technology, including alternative water treatment methods and aquifer recharge of wastewater

geographic isolation

Separation of populations of a species for long times into different areas. http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evosite/evo101/images/owlrange.gif (D-D.S.)

Convergent Evolution

Similar shapes result from evolution in similar desert climates ( E-LM)


Single-celled, prokaryotic, microscopic organisms. Before being reclassified as monera, they were called blue-green algae. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:20100422_235222_Cyanobacteria.jpg [Per. C - Ian S]


Six biogeographic regions of the world separated on the basis of fundamental features of the native animals (E period, R.F)


Skeletons, bones, shells, body parts, leaves, seeds, or impressions of such items that provide recognizable evidence of organisms that lived long ago. Image: http://cache2.allpostersimages.com/p/LRG/21/2173/YWLCD00Z/posters/waltham-tony-fossils-ammonites.jpg [J.T]

K-strategist characteristics

Small number of offspring, longer lifespan, and slower maturity [D° S.C.]


Small plant organisms (phytoplankton) and animal organisms (zooplankton) that float in aquatic ecosystems. http://spongebob.net/sbcharacterpics/plankton.jpg [R.P.]


Small, drifting plants, mostly algae and bacteria, found in aquatic ecosystems. Image:(http://nerrs.noaa.gov/Doc/SiteProfile/ACEBasin/html/image/photos/phyto.jpg) [B.L.]

Urban Runoff

Surface runoff of rainwater created by urbanization. Hard, non-permeable surfaces, such as concrete and asphalt, replace soil, preventing water from entering aquifers. Rainwater instead flows over the hard surfaces, gathering pollutants and chemicals until it eventually rejoins a water source. AB http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/09/Storm_Drain.JPG/250px-Storm_Drain.JPG

mangrove swamps

Swamps found on the coastlines in warm tropical climates. They are dominated by mangrove trees, any of about 55 species of trees and shrubs that can live partly submerged in the salty environment of coastal swamps. http://inchinapinch.com/hab_pgs/marine/mangrove/images/mangrove4.jpg [MG]

Coriolis Effect

The Coriolis effect is an apparent deflection of moving objects when they are viewed from a rotating reference frame. This force causes moving objects on the surface of the Earth to appear to veer to the right in the northern hemisphere, and to the left in the southern hemisphere. [C° - E.L.] Information Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriolis_effect) Image (http://www.mhhe.com/physsci/astronomy/fix/student/images/08f06.jpg)

Fujita Tornado Scale

The Fujita scale (F-Scale), or Fujita-Pearson scale, is a scale for rating tornado intensity, based on the damage tornadoes inflict on human-built structures and vegetation. Values range from F0 to F5 (F12 originally) that represent wind speeds from less than 72 miles per hour to over 318 miles per hour. [E° - E.L] Information Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fujita_scale); Image (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/Fujita_scale_technical.PNG)

Why was the Ice Age essential to human's eventual development?

The Ice Age assisted in killing off many types of bacteria that would have otherwise populated the planet and in a sense taken over [E, CM]

US Army Corps of Engineers

The _____ is responsible for undoing the development of the Everglades that the same agency has done since the 1940s. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQMwfffP1F8mwvd3YWPLbdX7MAcrG_XV2pIPbCYVgDTrNUpzQWx [D-M.Z.]


The ability of a call or organism to maintain a constant environment. J.M. http://www.lionden.com/graphics/AP/feeback-loop-body.gif (D-D.S.)


The ability to be disproven, refutability, the possibility that something is wrong. [KZ]


The ability to resist or withstand stress resulting from exposure to a pollutant or harmful condition. AB http://www.boiler-tubes.com/pic/Seamless-Stainless-Steel-tubing.jpg


The act of dispersing or diffusing something. [D Period DK]


The atmospheric layer between the troposphere and the mesosphere [D Period DK]

Total fertility rate

The average number of children born to a woman during her childbearing years


The buildup of sand and clay in a natural or artificial waterway. [D Period DK]

Lag time

The delay between a cause and the appearance of its effect. (This is also referred to as the time between a stimulus and a response.) If the _________ is short, consequences are easier to identify. For example, the release of a highly toxic gas from a chemical plant has had rapid effects of the health of people living near the plant. [D° S.C.] Information Botkin-Keller

founder effect

The effect on a population founded when just a few members of a species survive a catastrophic event or when they create a new habitat geographically isolated from other members of the same species. Associated with a loss of genetic variation due to a restricted gene pool. May lead to new population becoming markedly different from original population. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Founder_effect.png [Per.C - Ian S.]

secondary succession

The establishment of various communities in places that contain soil or bottom sediment, life was there before http://www.google.com/imgres?q=secondary+succession&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1920&bih=965&tbm=isch&tbnid=ViIXJDrfeSYD_M:&imgrefurl=http://www.s-cool.co.uk/a-level/geography/ecosystems/revise-it/types-of-succession&docid=_YnflUSOik7t3M&w=425&h=354&ei=prNVTsT-E6vTiALEs_mrCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=200&page=1&tbnh=119&tbnw=144&start=0&ndsp=61&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0&tx=41&ty=38 [Per.C - Ian S.]

Abortion rate

The estimated number of abortions per 1000 women aged 15 to 44 in a given year. J.M.

Climax Stage

The final stage of succession, viewed as a stable end point that experiences little change. (E-LS)


The irrevocable elimination of species; can be a normal process of the natural world as species out-compete and kill off others or as environmental conditions change. - http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/06/01/common-sense-added-to-endangered-species-list/ - [Per. C - Ian S.]

Historical Range of Variation

The known range of abundances of a population [E, CM]


The largest wetlands restoration project in the US is in the _____. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYknXbMFov3GvdFMfSftjgURJyyyedtAU8Zp3r722dqfOAZkdyAw [D-M.Z.]

Benthic zone

The lowest level of a body of water. http://static.newworldencyclopedia.org/b/b7/Floridian_seagrass_bed.jpg [D-M.Z.]


The lowest region of the atmosphere, extending from the earth's surface to a height of about 6-10 km (the lower boundary of the stratosphere) (D˚, EY)

biotic potential

The maximum reproductive rate of an organism when given unlimited resources and ideal environmental conditions. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/learning/hunter_education/homestudy/wildlife/images/duckchart.gif (D-D.S.)

Total growth rate

The net rate of population growth resulting from births, deaths, immigration, and emigration

In which cycle is lightning involved?

The nitrogen cycle [D° - T.G]


The northernmost edge of the boreal forest, including species-poor woodland and peat deposits; intergrading with the arctic tundra. Image (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/Picea_glauca_taiga.jpg) [D - H.M.]

Ozone Shield

The ozone layer in the stratosphere and it absorbs most of the potentially hazardous ultraviolet radiation that enters Earth's atmosphere from the sun [E, BH] http://www.metrolic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Ozone-Layer.gif {MT}

Open Sea

The part of an ocean that is beyond the continental shelf. Image: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3471/3195616770_1cd0c2b6f5.jpg [J.T]

Peak Production

The point at which less oil will be available, leading to shortages and price shocks. [C - A.Y.] http://www.hydrowaterpower.com/PeakGraph.jpg

Wastewater renovation and conservation cycle

The practice of applying wastewater to the land.

Wastewater Renovation and Conservation Cycle

The practice of applying wastewater to the land; in some systems, treated wastewater is applied to agricultural crops and as the water infiltrates through the soil layer, it is naturally purified; reuse of the water is by pumping it out of the ground for municipal or agricultural uses AB http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/pictures/wastewaterplant.jpg


The presence of undesirable material that makes something unfit for a particular use. Image )http://www.google.com/imgres?q=bp+oil+spill&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1280&bih=610&tbm=isch&tbnid=UGfC5PmQbSgHOM:&imgrefurl=http://www.bnet.com/blog/clean-energy/all-things-bnet-on-bps-gulf-of-mexico-oil-spill/2090&docid=1XYzROQgHsQd1M&w=3975&h=3327&ei=p0JQTvfCEa_KsQKZ6ZTqBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=610&vpy=301&dur=280&hovh=183&hovw=228&tx=148&ty=179&page=2&tbnh=136&tbnw=192&start=15&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:15) (c-mc) [Dº - W.W.M.]

Demographic transition

The process by which a country moves from relatively high birth and death rates to relatively low birth and death rates


The process by which the surface of the earth is worn away. Image is a result of sharp wind erosion. Image (http://www.google.com/search?q=erosion&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=TDxQTuK3MeKMsAL8ufDcBg&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CBQQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=610) [Dº - W.W.M.]


The process of fusing two nuclei together. Releases tremendous amounts of energy, but also requires tremendous energy input. Impossible with current technology. -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Deuterium-tritium_fusion.svg - [Per. C - Ian S.]

Coal-bed Methane

The process of plant decomposition to form coal produces a byproduct, methane (natural gas), which is stored inside coal. [C - A.Y.] http://www.cookinletoilandgas.org/Shallow%20Coal%20Bed%20Methane/Images/wellbore.jpg


The process of purifying a liquid by boiling it and condensing its vapors. [D Period DK]


The process that occurs when an especially a heavy nucleus such as an isotope of uranium, splits into fragments, usually two fragments of comparable mass, releasing from 100 million to several hundred million electron volts of energy. - http://www.google.com/imgres?q=fission&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1920&bih=965&tbm=isch&tbnid=D2SwPtM560yGLM:&imgrefurl=http://investingreenenergy.com/nuclear-power-as-green-energy/&docid=Eiz9dgsZaWWMJM&w=1400&h=799&ei=PJVVTsfUJ6bbiALWkKCXCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=650&vpy=131&dur=1523&hovh=169&hovw=297&tx=129&ty=81&page=1&tbnh=88&tbnw=155&start=0&ndsp=61&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0 - [Per. C - Ian S.]

Radioactive decay

The radioisotope changes from one isotope to another and emits one or more forms of radiation (D- D.K.)


The region of the earth's atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere (D˚, EY)


The removal of salt from ocean water. [D Period DK]

Cap Rock

The rock that helps form a trap that interrupts or blocks the upward migration of oil and gas. It is usually a very fine-grained sedimentary rock, such as shale, which is composed of silt and clay-sized particles. [C - A.Y.] http://www.energyinst.org.uk/education/ypg/images/yimage6.gif


The role of an organism in its habitat, or how it makes its living. [D Period DK]


The small genetic changes a population undergoes. Compare macroevolution.

Source Rock

The source material for oil and gas is fine-grained, organic-rich sediment buried to a depth of at least 500m where it is subjected to increased heat and pressure. [C - A.Y.] http://www.pgesafetyeducation.com/school/sseng/images/gas/4-4ai.gif>.


The study of energy transformations that occur in a collection of matter. [D Period DK]

gene pool

The sum total of all genes found in the individuals of the population of a particular species.

Doubling time

The time necessary for a quantity of whatever is being measured to double [D° - T.G]

agricultural revolution

The time when human beings first domesticated plants and animals and no longer relied entirely on hunting and gathering

Species Richness

The total number of species present in a sample - does not take into account the amount of each [E, CM] Image (http://www.cof.orst.edu/rangecontractions/images/fig4a+b+c_lowres.jpg)

Water Reuse

The use of wastewater following some sort of treatment; water reuse may be inadvertent, indirect, or direct


The way of giving or providing reasoning for something that needs to be backed up [KZ]

Columbia River

The worlds largest hydroelectric power system is located on the _____. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR1cGgZJZKnnduYCMW4aohaNyaDxPlnHkTYgl3lSkOoDF7Rx_2A [D-M.Z.]

organic compounds

These are compounded carbon produced naturally by living organisms or Also made synthetically by humans. AB http://www.sciencecontrol.com/organic-compounds-examples.html

Why are CFCs harmful?

They deplete stratospheric ozone [D° - T.G]


Thick, dense, thorny evergreen scrub found in Mediterranean climates. Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/93/Chaparral1.jpg [S.K.]


To utilize less than fully or below the potential use. [D Period DK]


Tool used to collect wind power. image: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=windmills&view=detail&id=7922EB2955FBDF58807E59DB9A383873F007450C&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR [CH]


Top layer of impermeable rock in an artisan formation. [D Period DK]

ecological niche

Total way of life or role of a species in an ecosystem. It includes all physical, chemical, and biological conditions a species needs to live and reproduce in an ecosystem. See fundamental niche, realized niche. http://faculty.southwest.tn.edu/rburkett/GB%20Pro11.jpg (D-D.S.)


Treeless arctic or alpine biome characterized by cold, harsh winters, a short growing season, and potential for frost any month of the year; vegetation includes low-growing perennial plants, mosses, and lichens. Image (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/46/Kerguelen_RallierDuBatty.JPG) [D - H.M.]


Trees and shrubs that shed their leaves at the end of the growing season. Image (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a9/Langaa_egeskov_rimfrost.jpg) [D - H.M.]


Trees from a number of genera that live in salt water. Above surface root structure extends below water level, providing habitats for marine life. Also can provide buffer against erosion and storm surge. Image: http://www.traveljournals.net/pictures/l/6/63756-thick-yet-diminishing-mangroves-palawan-philippines.jpg [J.T] [

tropical dry forest

Tropical deciduous forest; India, Africa, South America, northern Australia; wet and dry seasons; warm, but less rainfall; converted to agriculture; erosion-prone soil

national wild and scenic rivers act

Under _____ protection can be offered to rivers and river segments with cultural and historic value, wildlife and scenic value, and recreational value.

euphotic zone

Upper layer of a body of water through which sunlight can penetrate and support photosynthesis.


Urban areas with at least 10 million people. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:New-York-Jan2005.jpg {C-M.T.}

Secondary Treatment

Use of biological processes to degrade wastewater in a treatment facility AB http://www.thewatertreatments.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/secondary-treatment.gif


Use of genetically engineered animals to act as biofactories for producing drugs, vaccines, antibodies, hormones, industrial chemicals such as plastics and detergents, and human body organs. http://www.redicecreations.com/specialreports/2006/06jun/biopharming.jpg

Solar cell technology

Use of photovoltaics to collect energy.

Volatile organic compounds

VOCs; include hydrocarbons (methane, butane, propane, etc); in the United States, half of hydrocarbons are from human sources. VOCs are largely emitted through automobile pollution, and like other such pollutants, have decreased since the 1970s [D ND]

intrinsic value

Value of an organism, species, ecosystem, or the earth's biodiversity based on its existence, regardless of whether it has any usefulness to us.

coastal zone

Warm, nutrient-rich, shallow part of the ocean that extends from the high-tide mark on land to the edge of a shelflike extension of continental land masses known as the continental shelf.

Marine Climate

Weather pattern characterized by rainy and mild winters and cool summers. [D Period DK]


Wetland with trees.vhttp://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium/florida-swamps-peter-mcintosh.jpg [R.P.]


Wetland without trees; in North America, this type of land is characterized by cattails and rushes. Image (http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/0f/91/09/marsh-view.jpg) [D - H.M.]


Whales and porpoises are called _____. Image: (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/59/Cetaceans.svg/320px-Cetaceans.svg.png) [B.L.]


When 2 species interact in a way that they both benefit. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=mutualism&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1920&bih=965&tbm=isch&tbnid=eI0xb98HjxgY_M:&imgrefurl=http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/9f.html&docid=eoYD5L--F0TQmM&w=640&h=484&ei=crBVTuytHPDUiAKdpaWeCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=256&page=1&tbnh=119&tbnw=162&start=0&ndsp=66&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&tx=28&ty=59 [Per.C - Ian S.]

Global Extinction

When a species can no longer be found anywhere (globally) [E, CM]

Local Extinction

When a species disappears locally but remains globally [E, CM]

horizontal gene transfer

When some species can exchange genes without sexual reproductionhttp://chem3513-2007.pbworks.com/f/HorizontalTransfer.gif (Wil Loveless photo)

tragedy of the commons

When the ambitions of individuals destroy what is shared. written by Garret Hardin [D-N.P.]


When the carrying capacity is exceeded the land becomes overgrazed. This leads to less vegetation. http://grasslands-b.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/overgrazing.jpg {MT}

Coral Reefs

Where the most biodiversity is found; being destroyed by global warming. Image: (http://www.picture-newsletter.com/corals/coral-22.jpg)

Threatened Species

While still abundant in parts of its territorial range, this species has declined significantly in total numbers and may be on the verge of extinction in certain regions or localities. Example: Canada Lynx Info (http://www.nwf.org/Wildlife/Wildlife-Library/Mammals/Canada-Lynx.aspx) Image (http://www.britannica.com/blogs/2011/06/rise-fall-canada-lynx-snowshoe-hare/) [Dº - W.W.M.]

theory of evolution

Widely accepted scientific idea that all life forms developed from earlier life forms.http://creationwiki.org/pool/images/thumb/c/c5/Evolution_timeline.jpg/400px-Evolution_timeline.jpg (Wil Loveless photo)

mass depletion

Widespread, often global period during which extinction rates are higher than normal but not high enough to classify as a mass extinction. Compare background extinction, mass extinction.

domesticated species

Wild species tamed or genetically altered by crossbreeding for use by humans for food (cattle, sheep, and food crops), pets (dogs and cats), or enjoyment (animals in zoos and plants in gardens). Compare wild species. http://365thingsaustin.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/austin-dog-fair.jpg

Trawl Fishing (Trawling)

____ has the most destructive effects on ocean floor ecosystems. Image: (http://www.ilvo.vlaanderen.be/Portals/27/Gallery/Album/4/Beam_trawl_being_set_for_fishing.jpg) [B.L.]


Zone of gradual temperature decrease between warm surface water and colder deep water in a lake, reservoir, or ocean.

Farming is in a(n) a) early successional state b) late successional state

a) early successional state


ability of a system to keep its number over time throughout change


ability of a system to resist change


ability to recover after a disturbance

limiting factor

abiotic factors that limit an organisms ability to survive in an area according to their range of tolerance and genetic makeup


absence of grazing for long periods can reduce the NPP of grassland vegetation


agreement to ban/limit trade in endangered species

Examples of ecosystem management

agriculture, managing forests for timber production, zoos [D-N.P.]

primary pollutants (Ch. 24)

air pollutants that are emitted directly into the air. (Hannah Riley) http://apollo.lsc.vsc.edu/classes/met130/notes/chapter18/graphics/primary.gif [C- S.Y]

secondary pollutants (Ch. 24)

air pollutants that are produced through reactions between primary pollutants and normal atmospheric compounds. (Hannah Riley) http://flatplanet.wikispaces.com/file/view/acid_rain.jpg/30556826/acid_rain.jpg [C- S.Y]


all of the environmental features of the location

gray water

all of the wastewater that drains from washing machines, sinks, dishwashers, tubs or showers and can be reused for non-sanitary purposes


all organisms and nonliving entities that occur and in particular areas at the same time. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTibfTA8Y3WL0lpkw6HP92UdHlqnT9uBykpdFijItX6cMVxXaRf [MG]

Wilderness Act

allows the government to protect undeveloped tracts of public land from development; Established in 1964 and created the legal definition of wilderness in the United States. It protected about 9 million acres of federal land. [D° S.C.] Information Wikipedia

Wind Power

alternative energy source that has been used by people for centuries. It is commonly used to generate electricity. [SY] Image: (http://windenergysolutions.info/)


an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism [D-N.P.]

sulfurous smog (Ch. 24)

another of the 2 types of smog, sometimes referred to as London-type smog, gray air, or industrial smog.(Hannah Riley) http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-page-main/ehow/images/a06/a2/oj/sulfurous-smog_-800x800.jpg (image from [IF])

hydrofluorocarbons (Ch. 24)

another of the two substitutes for CFCs. (Hannah Riley)

adaptive trait

any heritable trait that enables an organism to survive through natural selections and reproduce better under prevailing environmental conditions


any material that is known to produce cancer in humans or other animals (c-mc)


any water that is used in households, businesses, industries, or public facilities and is drained or flushed down pipes, as well as the polluted runoff from streets and storm drains


chemicals and compounds needed by organisms to sustain life and facilitate proper function. See macronutrients and micronutrients.

air quality standards (Ch. 24)

are important because they are tied to emission standards that attempt to control air pollution. (Hannah Riley) http://www.baq2008.org/system/files/imce/standards.jpg [C- S.Y]

biodiversity hotspots

areas that support an especially great diversity of species, particularly species that are endemic to the areas


habitat destruction and degradation-(deforestation, land development)


assemblages of populations of organisms that live in the same place at the same time.

rotational grazing

cattle are confined by portable fencing to one area for a short time and then moved to a new location. Much like leaving land to fallow, allows land to regenerate and thus be used again at a later point in time. http://www.mo.nrcs.usda.gov/news/images/RotationalGrazing_paddock.jpg[MG]


atoms of an element that have the same atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom) but vary in atomic mass number (the number of protons plus neutrons in the nucleus of an atom) [C - WW]

Chemoautotrophs (Chapter9)

autotrophic bacteria that can derive energy from inorganic sulfur compounds. [SY] Image: (http://www.biologyjunction.com/bacteria_notes_b1.htm)

Utilitarian justification to placing a value on our environment

certain aspects of the environment are valuable because it benefits individuals economically or is directly necessary to human survival.


bacteria convert ammonium ions into nitrite ions then into nitrate ions

denitrifying bacteria

bacteria in the soil that turn nitrates into nitrogen gas

nitrogen-fixing bacteria

bacteria that combine nitrogen gas with hydrogen to become ammonium

crown fire

bad; extremely hot, leaps from treetop to treetop, destroy vegetation, kill wildlife, damage human structures http://www.nps.gov/romo/naturescience/images/fire_crown_burn_2-body_size.jpg [MG]


based on theories and methods erroneously regarded as scientific

Sustainable Energy Development (Ch. 17)

basic goal of integrated energy management; would provide reliable sources of energy, not cause destruction to our global and local environments, would help ensure that future generations inherit a quality environment [E°, BK]

ozone shield (Ch. 24)

because it absorbs most of the potentially hazardous UV rays that enter Earth's atmosphere from the sun, the ozone layer in the stratosphere is called this. (Hannah Riley) http://www.atmos.umd.edu/~russ/ozonehole.gif [C- S.Y]

Why are upwellings important to fisheries?

because the cold water bring many nutrients to the surface, which increases fish populations in that area [D-N.P]

functional diversity

biological and chemical processes such as energy flow and mater recycling needed for the SURVIVAL of ORGANISMS (species, communities, and ecosystems)


biological material from living or recently living organisms, such as wood, waste, gas, and alcohol fuels (D˚, EY)


british thermal units [E°, BK]

Sediment Pollution

by volume and mass, sediment is the greatest water pollutant. It may choke a nuisance that is difficult to remove. [SY] Image: (http://www.sabah.gov.my/jpas/centre/Picture/pic1.asp?picname=forestry/log_rd2&page=forestry/pic_forestry_index)

ultrafine particles (Ch. 24)

cannot be filtered and are so small that they can enter the bloodstream (Hannah Riley)

Popular Aquacultural products

carp, tilapia, oysters, shrimp

Heat Wave

days or weeks in which temperature rises a lot (Some think that recent ones have been caused by global warming) AB http://www.gnurf.net/v3/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/034-heat-wave.png


deals with distribution and abundance of organisms and their interactions

1st Law of Efficiency

deals with the amount of energy without any consideration of the quality or availability of the energy; ratio of the actual amount of energy delivered where it is needed to the amount of energy supplied to meet that need [E°, BK]


death rate in a population; the probability of dying http://www.who.int/healthinfo/statistics/02.whostat2005graph_under5infantmortality.jpg

temperate deciduous forest

deciduous trees lose their leaves each fall and remain dormant during winter; mid-latitude forests in Europe, East China, Eastern North America; fertile soils; forests = oak, beech, maple

conservation easements

deed restrictions that bar future owners from developing the land


deterioration of land in arid, semi arid, and dry sub humid climates due to natural changes http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/images/dry_desert.jpg {MT}

soil texture

determined by the amounts, size, and texture of sand, clay, and silt particles http://www.soilsensor.com/images/soiltriangle_large.jpg (D-D.S.)

environmental economics

develop methods for evaluating intangibles that provide good guidelines [E - M.Y.]

ultraviolet (UV) Index (Ch. 24)

developed by the Nationalhttp://a.quizlet.com/a/i/spacer.Sar9.gif Weather Service and Environmental Protection Agency that predicts UV intensity levels on a scale of 1-11+ (Hannah Riley)


devices containing alkaline substances that precipitate out much of the sulfur dioxide from industrial plants. http://www.induscoenviro.com/img/scrubber1.jpg

active decomposition zone

dissolved oxygen content reaches its maximum, rapid biochemical decomposition by microorganisms as waste transported downstream

recovery zone

dissolved oxygen increases, BOD reduced, because oxygen-demanding organic waste from input of sewage has decomposed


drawing from or characterized by participation of two or more fields of study


dry climates, temperate shrublands ( E-LM)

Photovoltaic cells

form of energy derived from the photovoltaic effect to generate electrical energy using the potential difference that arises between materials when the surface of the cell is exposed to electromagnetic radiation (D˚, EY) http://www.daviddarling.info/images/thin-film_photovoltaic_cell.gif

city planning

formal, conscious planning for new cities [E - M.Y.]

Fossil Fuel

formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms over hundreds of millions of years. Major fossil fuels include crude oil, natural gas, and coal. Asia uses lots of coal. The U.S. uses oil and natural gas. Middle East uses oil and gas. [C - A.Y.] http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cwrSE63jF7Y/Sr-X1YlbpEI/AAAAAAAAAxk/N--0SuXkOwQ/s400/fossil_fuel.jpeg

Conventional natural gas

found above most reservoirs of crude oil http://naturalgas.wiki.lovett.org/file/view/naturalgas.jpg/112234705/naturalgas.jpg

Photochemical smog

from large amounts of coal burning in an area caused by a mixture of smoke and sulfur dioxide amounts of coal burning in an area caused by a mixture of smoke and sulfur dioxide (D˚, EY, AY) http://apesnature.homestead.com/files/fg22_04b.jpgvfrom large


fuel derived from living or recently living organisms, such as wood, waste, plant (e.g. sugar cane, corn), and alcohol. Biofuel includes ethanol (often made from corn in the United States and sugarcane in Brazil), biodiesel (vegetable oils and liquid animal fats), green diesel (derived from algae and other plant sources) and biogas (methane derived from animal manure and other digested organic material). It is considered a viable alternative to fossil fuels. [C - A.Y.] http://img.qj.net/uploads/articles_module/67498/BiofuelStats.jpg

population dispersion

general pattern in which the members of a population are arranged throughout its habitat.

smog (Ch. 24)

general term first used in 1905 for a mixture of smoke and fog. (Hannah Riley) http://www.sustainabilityninja.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/smog.jpg [MG]


genetically based change in the appearance, functioning, and/or behavior of organisms across generations, often by the process of natural selection.http://blog.michaelmichelini.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/evolution-of-man.jpg [R.P.]

Maximum Lifetime

genetically determined maximum possible age to which an individual of a species can live. [SY] Image: (http://www.benbest.com/lifeext/aging.html)

Conservation (Ch. 17)

getting by with less demand for energy [E°, BK]

surface fires

good; usually burn only undergrowth and leaf litter on forest floor; spare most mature trees; help prevent worse fires, allow vegetation to flourish

survivorship curves

graphs that show how the likelihood of death for members of a population varies with age.


grassland interspersed with trees; Africa, South America, Australia, India; precipitation only during rainy season; water holes; Zebras, gazelles, giraffes, lions, hyenas http://www.irishweatheronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/savanna4_h.jpg [R.P.]


gross domestic product; the total monetary value of final goods and services produced in a country each year

population explosion

growth of a population at exponential rates to a size that exceeds environmental carrying capacity; usually followed by a population crash http://angeles.sierraclub.org/ocglobalwarming/images/population%20Images/population-growth.JPG (D-D.S.)

logistic growth

growth rates regulated by internal and external factors that establish an equilibrium with environmental resources http://www.nlreg.com/aids.jpg


managed grasslands or enclosed meadows usually planted with domesticated grasses or other forage http://wallno1.com/data/media/23/Greener%20Pastures,%20Moose%20Pass,%20Alaska.jpg [MG]

Ecosystem Management

managing and conserving life by considering chemical cycling, energy flow, community-level interactions, natural and natural changes within ecosystems [D-N.P.]

affects malnourishment has on the body

marasmus (progressive emaciation caused by lack of protein and calories) & kwashiorkor (leads to neural development failure in infants and eventual learning disabilities) Image: Effects of malnourishment on a child: (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3352/3575736075_0e8aef2948.jpg) [B.L.]


mature female of mammals of which the male is called 'bull' http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CXFfl9luHPM/TV-Os6opQfI/AAAAAAAAA2E/oCgrgvWqzrY/s1600/cow.jpg{MT}

Carrying Capacity

maximum number of individual of a species that can be sustained by an environment without decreasing the capacity of the environment to sustain the same in the future. [SY] Image: (http://www.paulchefurka.ca/Population.html)


may refer to a mineral family or to a very fine-grained sediment; it is associated with many environmental problems, such as shrinking and swelling of soils and sediment pollution [C - WW] http://images.wikia.com/ceramica/images/2/2c/Clay-ss-2005.jpg [T.Y.]

policy instruments

means to implement a society's policies [E - M.Y.]

selective breeding

method of breeding that allows only those individual organisms with desired characteristics to produce the next generation.

subsurface mines

mines that are much smaller than open-pit mines; less visible because less land at the surface is disturbed (E-LS)


minimal precipitation; some deserts are bare, with sand dunes (Sahara); some deserts are heavily vegetated (Sonoran); they are not always hot; temperatures vary widely; saline soils; nocturnal or nomadic animals; plants have thick skins or spines Image: http://www.saharamet.com/desert/photos/Sahara01.jpg [J.T]

temperate grasslands

more extreme temperature difference between winter and summer; less precipitation; also called steppe or prairie; once widespread throughout parts of North and South America and much of central Asia; much was converted for agriculture; bison, prairie dogs, antelope, and ground-nesting birds

scrubbing (Ch. 24)

most highly developed technology for the cleaning of gases in tall stacks. (Hannah Riley) http://www.chemicalscrubbers.co.za/images/Chemical%20Scrubbers.jpg [C- S.Y]

air toxics (Ch. 24)

most other air pollutants that cause problems other than the "criteria pollutants." (Hannah Riley) http://www.exponent.com/files/Uploads/Images/Energy/nuclear%20plant.jpg [C- S.Y]

nitrogen oxides

mostly NO and NO2. They are produced mainly from automobile pollution and power plants; can affect the lungs and eyes and infection; they may hurt plant growth. [D ND]

surface mining

much cheaper than subsurface mining, but has more direct environmental effects (E-LS)


muddiness created by stirring up sediment or having foreign particles suspended


native or restricted to a particular geographic region.

El Nino

natural perturbation of the physical earth system that affects global climate; characterized by development of warm oceanic waters in the eastern part of the tropical Pacific Ocean, a weakening or reversal of the trade winds, and a weakening or even reversal of the equatorial ocean currents [E°, BK]

Aesthetic justification to placing a value on our environment

nature is inherently beautiful, and should be preserved for the sake of beauty.

salt water intrusion

near the coast, over-pumping of groundwater causes saltwater to move into the aquifer

nitrogen cycle

nitrogen fixation-->ammonification-->nitrification + nitrifying bacteria-->assimilation-->nitrification-->nitrifying bacteria-->denitrifying bacteria-->nitrogen fixation http://www.windows2universe.org/earth/climate/images/nitrogencycle_sm.jpg [R.P]

moose, wolves, bears, migratory birds

no definition--sucks

are natural disasters becoming more frequent?

no, people are living in areas more prone to disaster and in greater density.

biogeochemical cycle

nutrients cycling in a continuous flow in various forms from the environment to organisms and back to the environment http://www.google.com/imgres?q=biogeochemical+cycle&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1920&bih=965&tbm=isch&tbnid=Y2YVAmbRmRKIpM:&imgrefurl=http://staff.tuhsd.k12.az.us/gfoster/standard/bcycles.htm&docid=XJYjgOzxI2yxiM&w=400&h=384&ei=GqlVTtziHMnZiAL0p9m6CQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=487&vpy=245&dur=396&hovh=215&hovw=224&tx=166&ty=72&page=1&tbnh=119&tbnw=123&start=0&ndsp=66&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0 [Per.C - Ian S]

green building (Ch. 25)

objectives include: improving the indoor environmental quality through designing, constructing, and maintaining buildings that minimize indoor air pollutants, ensuring that fresh air is supplied and circulated, and managing moisture content to remove the threat of moisture related problems such as mold.http://www.newenglandmetalroof.com/construction_directory/green-building.gif (Wil Loveless)


occurs when species crossbreed to produce fertile offspringhttp://www.accessexcellence.org/RC/VL/GG/images/NUCLEIC.gif (Wil Loveless photo)

chimney effect (Ch. 25)

occurs when there is a temperature differential between the indoor and outdoor environmentshttp://www.daviddarling.info/images/chimney_effect.jpg (Wil Loveless)

atmospheric inversion (Ch. 24)

occurs when warmer air is found above cooler air, and it poses a particular problem when there is a stagnant air mass. (Hannah Riley)


of, relating to, or living along shorelines between the highest reach of the highest tide and the lowest reach of the lowest tide


of, relating to, or living between the surface and floor of the ocean


of, relating to, or living on the bottom of a water body

hydroclorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) (Ch. 24)

one of the two substitutes for CFCs. (Hannah Riley) http://0.tqn.com/d/chemistry/1/G/J/D/1/Chlorodifluoromethane.jpg [C- S.Y]

Bingham Canyon copper mine

one of the world's largest largest human-made excavations in Utah, covers a depth of 800m (2,600 ft) Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/54/Bingham_Canyon_April_2005.jpg/800px-Bingham_Canyon_April_2005.jpg [J.T]

coal gasification (Ch. 24)

option of pollution control which converts coal that is relatively high in sulfur to a gas in order to remove the sulfur. (Hannah Riley) http://fossil.energy.gov/images/programs/powersystems/gasification_schematic.jpg [C- S.Y]

heterotrophs (Chapter9)

organisms that cannot make their own organic compounds from inorganic ones and must feed on other living things. [SY] Image: (http://creationwiki.org/Trophic_level)


organisms that feed on dead organic matter [C - WW] http://www.scetv.org/web/web_of_water/images/uploads/Decomposers_in_lying_in_a_large_tree.jpg {MT}


organisms that make their own organic matter from a source of energy and inorganic compounds. [SY] Image: (http://www.sarracenia.com/faq/faq1100.html)

The main element in the crust is _____

oxygen [D° - T.G]

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (Ch. 24)

ozone depleting chemicals used as refrigerants and propellants in aerosol cans. (Hannah Riley) http://tinyurl.com/3dhs3sy [S.J.O.]

c horizon

parent material- dark brown firm clay http://www.enchantedlearning.com/geology/soil/soillayers.GIF [MG]

ultraviolet B (UVB) (Ch. 24)

radiation that's energetic and strongly absorbed by stratospheric ozone. Ozone is the only known gas that absorbs UVB rays. (Hannah Riley)

infant mortality rate

rate of infant death within a population

Inductive Reasoning

reasoning from detailed facts to general principles [D-M.Z.]

deductive reasoning

reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect) Image: (http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/Assets/images/deduct.gif) [KZ]

Integrated Energy Management (Ch. 17)

recognizes that no single energy source can provide all the energy required by the various countries of the world; a range of options necessary [E°, BK]

heavy metals

refers to a number of metals, including lead, mercury, arsenic, and silver; have a relativelly high atomic number and are often toxic even at relatively low concentrations [E°, BK]

2nd Law of Efficiency (Ch. 17)

refers to how well matched the energy end use is with the quality of the energy source [E°, BK]


relating to a river or the area along a river

Surface mining

removing shallow deposits such as nonfuel mineral and rock resources and 60% of U.S. coal http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Coal_mine_Wyoming.jpg/350px-Coal_mine_Wyoming.jpg [D-M.Z.]


replacing a degraded ecosystem with another type of ecosystem

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act

requires mining companies to restore most surface-mined land by grading and replanting it; Established in 1977 due to growing concerns about strip mining, it is the primary federal law that regulates the environmental effects of coal mining in the United States. It regulates active coal mines and created a program for reclaiming old mine lands. [D° S.C.] Information Wikipedia

renewable resources

resources that can be replenished

Obligate symbionts

symbiotic relationship between two organisms in which neither by themselves can exist without the other [C - WW] Image (http://www.fasebj.org/content/21/4/1058/F2.small.gif)

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

synthetic compounds, carbon based structure, manufactured by humans, don't break down easily, polluting and toxic, soluble in fat, able to be transported long distances. AB http://www.treehugger.com/SnowCycle.jpg


synthetic fuels, which may be liquid or gaseous, derived from solid fuels, such as oil from kerogen in oil shale, or oil and gas from coal [C - WW] http://image.absoluteastronomy.com/images/encyclopediaimages/n/nr/nrel_ft_diesel_vs_conventional_diesel_photo.jpg [T.Y.]


term denoting a species with high biotic potential whose members produce a large number of offspring in a relatively short time but do not care for their young after birth.


term denoting a species with low biotic potential whose members produce a small number of offspring and take a long time to gestate and raise each of their young.

Good farming methods:

terracing, strip cropping, no-till, drip irrigation, integrated pest management [D° - T.G]

Chemical energy

that part of the energy in a substance that can be released by a chemical reaction (D˚, EY)


that portion of a commercial fishing catch consisting of animals caught unintentionally

Noise pollution is regulated by ____

the EPA [D° - T.G]

interspecific competition

the ability of one species to become most efficient in acquiring resources leading another species to 1)migrate and therefore change its feeding habits through natural selection or 2) population decline or 3) extinction in that area.


the actual physical ability to reproduce

Net energy

the amount of high-quality energy that is available to be used from a resource after subtracting the energy needed to make it usable http://www.greencirclebio.com/images/netEnergyGain_img.jpg

half life

the amount of time it takes for half of a radioactive sample to disappear. Image (http://library.thinkquest.org/27917/content/halflife_ra_decay.gif) [D - H.M.]

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

the law provides a Federal "Superfund" to clean up uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous-waste sites as well as accidents, spills, and other emergency releases of pollutants and contaminants into the environment (D˚, EY)

Clean Air Act

the law that defines EPA's responsibilities for protecting and improving the nation's air quality and the stratospheric ozone layer; the last major change in the law, the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, was enacted by Congress in 1990; legislation passed since then has made several minor changes (D˚, EY)

Clean Water Act

the law that gives the EPA the authority to set effluent limits on an industry-wide (technology-based) basis and on a water-quality basis that ensure protection of the receiving water (D˚, EY)


the likelihood of life

carrying capacity Ch. 14

the maximum number of individuals of any species that can be supported by a particular ecosystem for an indefinite amount of time with the resources available. (http://www.hunter-ed.com/az/az_specific_images/graphics/az_carrying_capacity.jpg) C.C.

carrying capacity

the maximum population size that a given environment can sustain http://www.algebralab.org/img/cb07ae0c-5106-416c-8407-38da526923c6.gif [MG]


the minimal entity that has the properties required to sustain life. [D-N.P.] Image (http://www.andysalo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/ecosystem.jpg)


the treeless land area in alpine and arctic areas characterized by plants of low stature and including bare areas without any plants and areas covered with lichens, mosses, grasses, sedges, and small flowering plants. [SY] Image:(http://arcticstudies.pbworks.com/w/page/13623330/Tundra)

Biological Control

the use of biological predators and parasites to control pests http://www.jasonslawn.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/pest-control2.gif {MT}


the use of water movement and pressure to spin a turbine in order to generate electricity (D˚, EY) Image (http://www.alternative-energy-news.info/images/technical/hydro-power.jpg)

geothermal energy

the useful conversion of natural heat from the interior of the earth [E°, BK]


the valuable material that is extracted from the ground. Usually refined in some way before use. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Vxl95PopxJo/TKQY1nIVNjI/AAAAAAAAAK4/nuu5uyunhIs/s1600/1.075833PeacockOre_A_%5B1%5D.jpg [D-M.Z.]

Dependent Variable

the variable that is measured in an experiment [D-M.Z.]

Biological Production

the variety of life-forms, commonly expressed as the number of species in an area or the number of genetic types in an area. [SY] Image: (http://www2.estrellamountain.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/BioBookDivers_class.html)


the volume of all open spaces between the solid grains of soil http://www.belmont.sd62.bc.ca/teacher/geology12/photos/erosion-water/porosity-low-high.jpg (D-D.S.)


the waste material left over after the desired metal is extracted http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Rubis_sur_gangue_(Vietnam).jpg [D-M.Z.]

water power

there is little possibility to further develop ______ because most sources have already been tapped


this continent gets the least precipitation in mm/yr. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Location_Antarctica.svg {C-M.T.} Image

South America

this continent gets the most precipitation in mm/yr. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:South_America_(orthographic_projection).svg {C-M.T.}

secondary production (Chapter9)

this is production by heterotrophs. [SY] Image: (http://www.cornucopia.org/horizon-factory-farm-photo-gallery/auroras-surrogate-heifer-ranch/)

direct costs

those borne by the producer and passed directly on to the user or purchaser [E - M.Y.]

often cultural reasons or the lack of new education

why don't birth rates fall with death rates?

Marine evaporates

with respect to mineral resources, refers to materials such as potassium and sodium salts resulting from the evaporation of marine waters [C - WW]

Nonmarine evaporates

with respect to mineral resources, refers to useful deposits of materials such as sodium and calcium bicarbonate, sulfate, borate, or nitrate produced by evaporation of surficial waters on the land, as differentiated from marine waters in the oceans {C - WW]

reconciliation ecology

working together, compromising, finding ways to share land; inventing, establishing and maintaining new habitats to conserve species diversity in places where people live, work, or play

Paul Ehrlich

wrote "The Population Bomb" Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0f/Paul_R_Ehrlich.png/800px-Paul_R_Ehrlich.png [J.T]


zone of earth where life is found, abiotic and biotic factorshttp://images.tutorvista.com/content/environment/biosphere-illustration.jpeg (Wil Loveless photo)

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