AP Euro

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instrument used to determine latitude by measuring the position of the stars


An artistic style of the seventeenth century characterized by complex forms, bold ornamentation, and contrasting elements. More often found in Catholic countries as a statement against the Reformation.


AP Euro Review: Anchor Years


Period of time when Napoleon returned to France a year after his exile to Elba and restored himself as emperor for a few months. He was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo

100 days

Siege of Constantinople; seen as unofficial start of Renaissance


Martin Luther's 95 Thesis; starts the Protestant Reformation and challenges church authority of faith and law


Peace of Augsburg; signed by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (a Catholic), it allowed local rulers to determine the faith of their territory


Treaty of Westphalia; ends religious wars while granting some religious freedom; establishes power of nation is greater than church


French Revolution; Bourbons lose control of country to liberal revolt


Napoleon rises to position of Emperor; will conquer Europe and inspire nationalism


German unification; led by Bismarck's policy of 'blood and iron,' Germany is born


Complex technological processes allow for an explosion of technological improvements. New technologies allow Belgium, France and Germany to catch up to British production. Continental railroad systems are implemented which enhances continental trade and industry. Steel and oil become important

2nd Industrial Revolution


AP Euro Period 4: 1914

The idea that a monarch holds all power and governs by divine right. The monarch only has to answer to God



Age of Enlightenment

Weakening of the monarchy coupled with the rise of a powerful and very wealthy nobility. Characterized through Freedom of Expression, Constitutional Government, Religious Toleration, Reason Rationalism and Optimism

Age of Enlightenment


Age of Liberal Revolution


Age of Nationalism and Nation Building

the Americas the Caribbean the Pacific Spain was a dominant state in Europe due to its trade network and colonial empire

Areas of Spanish trade and colonial dominance

the Turkish government organized the department of the armenians in the Ottoman Empire and over a million were murdered or starved - one of the first genocides of the 20th centuries

Armenian Genocide

The battle in which the Russians defeat the Swedish during the Great Northern Wars

Battle of Poltova

The blockade was a Soviet attempt to starve out the allies in Berlin in order to gain supremacy. The blockade was a high point in the Cold War, and it led to the Berlin Airlift.

Berlin Blockade

May 1990 became president of the Russian republic and by July he resigned from the Communist Party, tried to have a capitalist economy

Boris Yelton

Rococo Artist whose most famous work is "Diana after Bathing"


A secret revolutionary society working to unify Italy Italy in the 1820s


16th Century. Partly in response to the Protestant Reformation, Roman Catholic authorities undertook a reform effort within their own church. To some extent, their efforts represented a reaction to Protestant success. Roman Catholic authorities sought to define points of doctrine so as to clarify the differences between the Roman and Protestant churches. They also attempted to persuade the Protestants to return to the Catholic church.

Catholic Reformation

States that exploited religious conflicts to promote political and economic interests

Catholic Spain Protestant England France, Sweden, Denmark in the 30 Years' War

A Political reform movement, that favored universal man sufferage and secret ballots


associated with northern Europe; studied classical texts-Focused on Early church writings rather than the pagan ones. ; gave humanism a Christian context; committed to religious piety and institutional reform; Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More

Christian Humanism


Cold War

conflicts and rivalries among European powers.

Competition for trade led to

This term is used to refer to the Congress of Vienna because it created peace for 100 years and had no punishment on the French which helped decrease tension

Concert of Europe

Meeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon.

Congress of Vienna

those who went to the Congress of Vienna were politically inclined this way. The believed in a traditional monarchy with a national church and an economy controlled by the nobility. They hate nationalism and liberalism.


This has a separation of powers, voting rights for property owners. This document gives all citizens equal rights (even black citizens in colonies!)

Constitution of 1791

Napoleon establishes himself as the First Consulate for life instead of Sieyes


When Napoleon returns from his Egyptian Campaign, Abbey Sieyes is so impressed with his efforts that is is given control of a part of the coup against the French Government

Coup d'état of Brumaire

This is a movement amongst middle class women 1. Virtue: Code for virginity. Cannot express sexual desire 2. Motherhood: You are a servant to your children and husband 3. Religion: The strong religious figure in the family 4. Charity: Women form savior societies 5. Refuge and Privacy: Create the home as a safe place for your husband and children to relax 6. Moderated Sexuality: Results in the total and complete objectification of women

Cult of Domesticity

An artistic movement of the 1920s and 1930s that attacked all accepted standards of art and behavior and delighted in outrageous conduct.


French revolutionary leader who stormed the Paris bastille and who supported the execution of Louis XVI but was guillotined by Robespierre for his opposition to the Reign of Terror


This stated that Austria would get involved if France is not returned to its old regime ways

Declaration of Pillnitz

French Philosophe who loves collecting information so he creates the first Encyclopedia, Encyclopedie. It is oppressed by the french monarchy because it includes information about oner governments in the world. He is saved by Catherine the Great of Russia and is placed in charge of her personal library

Denis Diderot

Belief that God placed each ruler on the throne and therefore they owe their authority to no kne

Divine Right Theory of Rule

1598 - Granted the Huguenots liberty of conscience and worship.

Edict of Nantes

The idea that government can take private land for public use. In France, a taxation system was set up under this name in order to prevent peasants from owning land

Eminent Domain

A suffragette who says that men only respond to violence so the suffragette movement must become increasingly violent

Emmeline Pankhurst

Agreements between England and France that stopped the ongoing small conflicts between the nations and started a regime of peace that still exists, stopped the disagreements over colonial expansion in Africa and ceded Fashoda to England

Entente Cordiale

An international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members.

European Union

A form of art in which the artist depicts the inner essence of man and projects his view of the world as colored by that essence.


art movement of early 20th century that emphasized subjective feelings above objective observations and focused on conveying emotions


A political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, a denial of individual rights, and a dictatorial one-party rule.


the first stage of the Russian Revolution of 1917, in which the monarchy was overthrown and replaced by the Provisional Government.

Feburary/March Revolution

An alliance of Austria, Great Britain, Netherlands, Prussia and Spain which was organized against Fraance

First Coalition


First Industrial Revolution

Rococo Artist whose most famous work is "The Swing"


Solidified autocratic rule in Prussia by doubling the size of the military

Fredrick William I

He is supported by Cavour to liberate southern Italy, starting with Sicily, uses violence and leads the 'Red Shirts' to military victory


A policy of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev which called for more openness with the nations of West, and a relaxing of restraints on Soviet citizenry.


This is a war between Peter the Great and Charles XII of Sweden. Peter initially fails but Charles XII becomes sick so Peter wins the warm water ports in Latvia and Estonia for Russia

Great Northern War

(1491-1547) King of England from 1509 to 1547; his desire to annul his marriage led to a conflict with the pope, England's break with the Roman Catholic Church, and its embrace of Protestantism. Henry established the Church of England in 1532. He subordinated the Church to the state. The Act of Supremacy is one example when he made himself the Head of the Church of England, so that he was the head of the state and the head of the church.

Henry VIII

Louis XIV revokes the Edict of Nantes so 50,000 Calvinists (mostly skilled craftsmen) leave France and go to Prussia which leads to the rise of Prussia

Holy Terror

Examples of religious conflicts that were based on challenging the monarch's attempts to control religious institutions.

Huguenots, Puritans, Nobles in Poland

Created under Richelieu. These were administrative officials who were hired from the merchant or banking classes to oversee the 33 districts of France and check the power of the local nobles


"Ivan the Great" The prince that made Moscow the new capital of Russia, and he overthrew the Mongols that were dominating Russia.

Ivan III

This order was founded by Ignatius of Loyola. They set up schools to teach the Catholic belief. The Catholic faith spread by this to Africa and Asia. The establishment of the religious order was part of the counter-Reformation.

Jesuit Order

A French theologian who established a theocracy in Geneva and is best known for his theory of predestination. Bible is the sole word of God. Helped create the protestant work ethic. Wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion (1509-1564)

John Calvin

A French theologian who established a theocracy in the Geneva and is best known for his theory of predestination. Bible is the sole word of God. Helped create the protestant work ethic. Wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion (1509-1564)

John Calvin

(Night of the Broken Glass) November 9, 1938, when mobs throughout Germany destroyed Jewish property and terrorized Jews.


British political party founded in 1900 with the help of trade unions to represent the interests of the urban working class. Eventually their growth will help displace the Liberal Party

Labour Party

Leader of the (Red) Communists in the russian civil war

Leon Trotsky

in 1925, these were things Germany had made not to breach the Versailles treaty; by entering the Rhineland, Germany breached the terms of these agreements

Locarno Agreements

Parliament that meets for a longer period of time during Charles I's reign. Insists that Charles must sign the Petition of Rights, eradicate the Star Chamber Court and end religious unity. Charles I refuses which starts the English Civil War

Long Parliament

a treaty created in 1991 that set strict financial criteria for joining the proposed monetary union, with it single currency and set 1999 as the start date for its establishment.

Maastricht Treaty

Renaissance writer; formerly a politician, wrote The Prince, a work on ethics and government, describing how rulers maintain power by methods that ignore right or wrong; accepted the philosophy that "the end justifies the means."


known for discovering radium

Madame Curie

She was a very critical debater in the salon movement in the Enlightenment period that patronized certain works, such as the Encyclopedia

Madame de Geoffrin

A nation governed by another nation on behalf of the League of Nations


Artistic movement against the Renaissance ideals of symmetry, balance, and simplicity; went against the perfection the High Renaissance created in art. Used elongated proportions, twisted poses and compression of space.


(1947) A set of foreign policies adopted by the United States after World War II. Named after Secretary of State George C. Marshall, the policies provided substantial aid to European countries to help them rebuild their countries, economies and democracies, many of which had been destroyed or severely damaged during the war.

Marshall Plan

(1483-1546) a German monk who, in 1517, took a public stand against the sale of indulgences by nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the castle church in Wittenburg; he believed that people did not need priests to interpret the Bible for them; his actions began the Reformation

Martin Luther

Leninism - the political and economic theories of Lenin which provided the guiding doctrine of the Soviet Union; the modification of Marxism by Lenin stressed that imperialism is the highest form of capitalism


Is extremely fearful of the National Assembly so she has Louis surround his place with 18,000 troops as a precaution, this causes outrage and fear among the 3rd estate

Mary Antoinette

Queen of England. Daughter of Catherine and Henry VIII, tried to return England to Catholicism, killed many Protestant heretics, married Philip II of Spain.

Mary I

Highly intelligent woman who responds to Rousseau's view on women by completely shutting down his claims

Mary Wollstoncraft

"My Struggle"-a book written by Adolf Hitler during his imprisonment in 1923-1924, in which he set forth his beliefs and his goals for Germany

Mein Kampf

Belief that there is a specific checklist one must complete in order to get to heaven.


Head of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. His liberalization effort improved relations with the West, but he lost power after his reforms led to the collapse of Communist governments in eastern Europe.

Mikhail Gorbachev

A French general, political leader, and emperor of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Bonaparte rose swiftly through the ranks of army and government during and after the French Revolution and crowned himself emperor in 1804. He conquered much of Europe but lost two-thirds of his army in a disastrous invasion of Russia. After his final loss to Britain and Prussia at the Battle of Waterloo, he was exiled to the island of St. Helena in the south Atlantic Ocean.


Shows Napoleon as idealistic, brave, a great leader Davi

Napoleon Crossing the Alps

He is elected President and then declares himself the emperor of France. In the first half of his reign, he is extremely authoritarian with secret police and censorship. However, in the second half, he becomes much more socialist with redesigning Paris, instating hospitals, distributing free medicine and giving workers the right to strike and organize. His foreign policies, however, lead to his downfall

Napoleon III

1938; gullible British Prime Minister; declared that Britain and France would fight if Hitler attacked Poland.

Neville Chamberlain

Policy proclaimed by Vladimir Lenin in 1924 to encourage the revival of the Soviet economy by allowing small private enterprises/replaced with Five-Year Plans.

New Economic Policy


New Imperialism

(Term) 15th-century European rulers who unified their respective nations, creating stable and centralized governments. Especially known for limiting feudal aristocracy, promoting trade and exploration, and reinforcing religious unity. Key new monarchs include Charles VII, Louis XI, Henry VII, and Ferdinand and Isabella.

New Monarchs

(1642-1727) An English natural philosopher who studied at Cambridge and eventually developed the laws of movement found among the bodies of Earth. Spent his life dedicated to the study of mathematics (created calculus) and optics. Published Principia Mathematica and discovered the law of universal gravitation.


1935 laws defining the status of Jews and withdrawing citizenship from persons of non-German blood

Nuremburg Laws

English military, political, and religious figure who led the Parliamentarian victory in the English Civil War (1642-1649) and called for the execution of Charles I. As lord protector of England (1653-1658) he ruled as a virtual dictator.

Oliver Cromwell

The British Empire pushes opium onto the Chinese so 30% of the country becomes addicted. The Chines governments threatens to cut off trade with Britain so England goes to war in order to open up Chinese ports. England wins and gains Hong Kong and Beijing as British lands. Now British law applies to these places.

Opium Wars

Legislation that deprived the House of Lords to veto power in all money matters

Parliament Act of 1911

(1648) ended the Thirty Years' War It confirmed the principle of "cuius regio eius religio" (that a ruler's religion determined that of his country) introduced by the Peace of Augsburg, but mandated relative tolerance of other (Christian) (and added Calvinism)faiths. It adjusted the borders of German states and strengthened their princes with respect to the Emperor and transferred most of Lorraine and some of Alsace to France.

Peace of Westphalia

Farmers. 85% of the population. Pay taxes at 70%


This is an extremely oppressive piece of legislation passed under William and Mary that is against the Catholic Irish. They cannot teach, be in government, or own property

Penal Code

Joseph of Spain who is Napoleon's brother is especially cruel which causes widespread revolt through Portugal and Spain. Britain funds guerrilla warfare.

Peninsular Wars

Starts during the Great Awakening, A much milder form of puritanism


Government supported attacks against Jews in Russia


Parliament got rid of everyone who supported the monarchy so the Rump Parliament was left

Pride's Purge

Set the framework for schooling of all children between the ages of 5 and 12 in England

Public Education Act 1870

Reflection on the way people are starting to perceive the world around them. Focused on the realistic portrayal of the everyday laborer




This was the period in France where Robespierre ruled and used revolutionary terror to solidify the home front. He tried rebels and they were all judged severely and most were executed. Over 20,000 people were executed

Reign of Terror

January, 1905, a group of workers marched on the tsar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to petition Nicholas for a popularly elected assembly and other political concessions. Government troops killed 130. Eventually the Duma was recognized, but the tsar gave himself powers to restrict it.

Revolution of 1905


Rise of Totalitarian Regimes

Utopian socialist who tries out a new business model in which workers are provided with a school, basic housing needs and a living wage. He is extremely successful and becomes very rich

Robert Owen

Placed emphasis on the carefree life of the aristocracy rather than on grand heroes or pious martyrs

Rococo Art

Focus on the unseen supernatural and human emotion. Embracing folklore and a separation from sciences. It is the cultural foundation for Nationalism


50/500 original parliament who did not support the King. They vote to have Charles I executed and he is

Rump Parliament

1918-1920: conflict in which the Red Army successfully defended the newly formed Bolshevik government against various Russian and interventionist anti-Bolshevik armies. Red vs. White Army.

Russian Civil War

Russia refuses to accept continental law so France goes to war with them. Russia practices Scorched Earth military strategy so they destroy all of France's supply lines until his supply line is 2,000 miles Because of this 500,000 men die from hypothermia and starvation

Russian invasion


Scientific Revolution


Second Industrial Revolution

Tax imposed to all costal cities in England. This is expanded to all cities but is not approved by parliament. Charles I also revives old feudal taxes

Ship tax

The idea by Rousseau that states that the ideal society can be created if people can work together and create a commune without government

Social Construct or The General Will

This uses the principles of natural selection to explain and justify racial structures in society (slavery and colonialism). Created categories for race for the first time

Social Darwinism

Peter the Great sees Paris and he wants a grand city for the wealthy in Russia so he builds this huge city in 10 years by forcing 50,000 surfs to work for free and forcing their families to send them food

St. Petersburg

A movement in art emphasizing the expression of the imagination as realized in dreams and presented without conscious control.


Bismarck divides up Africa using superficial lines with no basis in actual nationality. Sets up modern global structure

The Conference of Berlin

Bismarck gives Slavic nations sovereignty which means Russia can no longer justify its interference. Bismarck gives Serbia a small land-locked country even though they believe they should get the entire Balkan Peninsula.

The Congress of Berlin

the common currency created by the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 between member nations of the European Union. Began circulating in 2002

The Euro

Prussian War - Bismarck needs to unify the Southern german states that are controlled by France and very Catholic. He does this by proposing to put one of his cousins on the empty throne in Spain. He knows that this would start a war with France. Then Bismarck edits a telegram from William I so that it insults the French which starts the war. Before Bismarck reaches Paris, they hold a revolution and create a Third Republic however, they are eventually starved into submission of the Prussians. Bismarck leaves France extremely weakened so German can easily take over the Southern German states. This ends Napoleon III and forces him to flee to England

The Franco

Political treatise- "The ends justifies the means" A book wrote by Niccolo Machiavelli in 1513 about the imperfect conduct of humans and says how a ruler is able to keep power and manage to keep it disregarding enemies.

The Prince

An attempt by Robspierre to de-Catholize France

The Republic of Virtue

A parliamentary republican democracy that was created following the collapse of the Empire of Napoleon III in the Franco-Prussian War. It survived until the invasion of France by the German Third Reich in 1940. It got rid of Universal Male Suffrage and its National Assembly was made up mostly of Monarchists which led to conflict

The Third Republic

The term is used to describe late nineteenth century society, with its rigid moral standards and its sharply differentiated roles for men and women and for middle-class and working-class people. This period is characterized with Political Stability Material Prosperity (height of the British Empire) Strict Moral Code Power struggle between monarchy and Prime Minister

The Victorian Age

Bismarck adopts the principle of pan-slavicism by saying that Germans in a Danish providence are being persecuted. He then makes an alliance with Austria and defeats the Danish in two months. In order to start a war with Austria later, Denmark does not give up promised territory. He makes sure that Austria has no other European allies by making deals with Russia, Italy, and France

The War with Denmark

Austrian journalist and Zionist; formed World Zionist Organization in 1897; promoted Jewish migration to Palestine and formation of a Jewish state

Theodor Herzl

This was written by Marx and states that capitalists are successful because they exploit workers.

Theory of Surplus Labor

True and honest toleration. You may openly practice religion but that doesn't mean your community won't punish you

Toleration Act

First leader of the Haitian Revolution, a former slave (1743-1803) who wrote the first constitution of Haiti and served as the first governor of the newly independent state.

Toussaint L'Ouverture

The end of the Franco-Prussian War, which ceded the territories of Alsace and most of Lorraine to Germany

Treaty of Frankfurt

Leader of the Bolshevik (later Communist) Party. He lived in exile in Switzerland until 1917, then returned to Russia to lead the Bolsheviks to victory during the Russian Revolution and the civil war that followed. Peace land and bread, NEP

Vladimir Lenin

elected president of Russia in 2000, launched reforms aimed at boosting growth and budget revenues and keeping Russia on a strong economic track.

Vladimir Putin

"Candide" Philosophe who views institutionalized religion as a bad thing. He believes in Freedom of Expression for the aristocracy. He believes that the common people are incapable of governing themselves.


A meeting in which the "Final solution" and use of concentration camps were decided in 1942, Heydrich was the chief executor of the "Final Solution". Held in Wannsee, Berlin

Wannsee Conference

in World War I Russia, government control of banks and most industries, the seizing of grain from peasants, and the centralization of state administration under Communist control

War Communism

in treaty of Versailles; declared germany and austria responsible for WWI; ordered Germany to pay reparation to Allied powers

War Guilt Clause

The powers of Europe fought against a possible unity of France and Spanish, which would then upset the balance of power. It was ended by the Treaty of Utrecht.

War of Spanish Succession

German theoretical physicist, 1927 observations emphasized the apparent randomness of subatomic particles called the uncertainty principle/quantum mechanics

Werner Heisenburg

First moment in modern western civilization in which political parties are allowed to exist and debate over political policy

Whigs vs Tories

Kaiser of Germany from 1888-1914, leading up to World War I. Dismisses Bismarck, who was responsible for the European Alliance system, and pursues militarization of country

Wilhelm II

Realizes the Liberal Party must soften to stay in power. However, his social legislation is too little too late for the Liberal Party as he is the last great Liberal Prime Minister

William Gladstone Jr

a series of violent conflicts fought in the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia between 1991 and 1995 (with wars and ensuing infighting still continuing within the region

Yugoslav Civil Wars

A form of local government that was instituted during the great liberal reforms performed in Imperial Russia by Alexander II of Russia.


The name of the free trade zone that German states created prior to their unification.


living, or occurring naturally in a particular region- native


the move to individualism in religion in the middle ages stressed simplicity & humility states that the individual can have a direct relationship with God.

lay piety

An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought


a religious belief that God has already decided who will go to heaven and who will not


Woodrow Wilson's peace plan: included: self-determination, no imperialism, free trade, no secret pacts, freedom of the seas, arms reduction, creation of world organization/League of Nations.

14 Points

Columbus sails across the Atlantic; European exploration kicks into high gear and Spain and Portugal are relevant


Spanish armada defeated by British; signals rise of Britain as Europe's power and decline of Spanish influence


Glorious Revolution: England's parliament given power over the monarch in a peaceful maneuver, resulting in a constitutional monarchy


Louis XIV dies; the greatest example of absolute rule is gone; tears shed by no one


James Watt develops his steam engine; essential for growth of Industrial Revolution by powering factories, leading to urbanization, industrialization and so on


Congress of Vienna; in an effort to preserve peace as well as monarchical rule, a conservative-led coalition rewrites the map after Napoleon


This allows some members of the upper middle class to vote by lowering the property right requirement to vote. Also restructures Parliament seats and gets rid of some "rotten boroughs." The king threatened to raise more peers to the House of Lords because they would not pass the bill.

1832 Reform Bill

Children under 9 could not work in textile mills.

1833 Factory Act

No pregnant women or child can work in the mine

1842 Mine Act

Liberal revolutions across Europe; they fail but demonstrate the political shifts and show increasing nationalism, as well as liberalism


"When France sneezes, Europe catches a cold;" the French uprising against the increasingly oppressive Louis-Philippe sparked a wave of revolt (German states, Austria, Russia, Poland, Italy) by the liberal middle and lower classes against conservative governments; overall they failed because of internal class and ethnic divisions among the revolutionaries

1848 Revolutions

This extends the right to vote to farmers so there is finally universal male suffrage in Britain

1884 Reform Bill

Start of World War I; brings about the crushing failure of human progress


Russian Revolution; Due to World War I and the miserable conditions of farmers and workers, Communists take control


Treaty of Versailles/Weimar Republic; Germany's first attempt at a liberal democracy, it suffers under the weight of the punitive Treaty of Versailles and post-war economic conditions


Hitler is in power; immediately consolidates his rule by establishing fascist state-outlawing political parties


Invasion of Poland; World War II begins


End of WWII and Yalta Conference; plans to divide Germany and establish free elections in formerly occupied countries


Kruschev's Secret Speech; condemns the policies and practices of Stalinism though Kruschev will maintain the authoritarian Communist rule


Prague Spring and student movement; Socialism with a human face crushed by Soviet invasion; liberal protests across the West demonstrate dissatisfaction with the old-left


Solidarity movement in Poland; independent union grows into political force that takes down Polish Communism


Berlin Wall falls; Soviets will not intervene as Communist states fall


USSR and Soviet Communism ends; the Cold War comes to an end, and Eastern bloc countries shift to capitalism


Maastricht Treaty signed, signaling start to European Union


1% of the Population. Bishops and Cardinals (not priests) that come from the noble class. Legally exempt from paying taxes. Receive tithes

1st Estate

Austria, Britain Prussia and Russia try and fail to defeat France

2nd Coalition

2% of the population. The aristocratic class, have easy legal loopholes out of taxation

2nd Estate

21st ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church

2nd Vatican Council

Working class women who bind together and write of how their daughters are forced into prostitution in order to make ends meet

3rd Class Petition

Austria, Russia, Prussia, and Great Britain joined forces to defeat France (they do)

3rd Coalition

97% of the Population. Broken down into the Bourg, the Sans Coulat and the peasants. Anyone who is not in the nobility is considered this class. Subject to a great many taxes

3rd Estate

Plans put in place by Stalin in 1928 to increase the development of iron and steel. He justified this by saying that doing so would help defend themselves against invasion from western countries

5 Year Plans


AP Europe Period 1 Review: 1450


AP Europe Period 2 Review: 1648


AP Europe Period 3: 1815

This is a call to arms for the 3rd Estate to identify as the most important estate. This often serves as a foundation for protests in the 3rd estate

Abbey Sieyes



British Physiocrat who says that limited government regulation is good but that does not mean that business should abuse labor

Adam Smith

Time period during the 15th and 16th centuries when Europeans searched for new sources of wealth and for easier trade routes to China and India. Resulted in the discovery of North and South America by the Europeans.

Age of Exploration


Age of Exploration Old Imperialism

Do not deny the existence of God but they do not acknowledge it


Russian leader; saw the need for reform because of the Crimean War loss. He emancipated Serfs, levied local taxes, operated elementary schools, built roads and bridges, trial by jury, equality before the law. The first political parties in Russia form. Later becomes more autocratic, still no Duma, is assassinated.

Alexander II

Takes away the constitution of Russia and freedom before the law. Instates Pogroms and the Trans-Siberian Railroad

Alexander III

Banking center of Europe, experienced golden age


The union of Austria with Germany, resulting from the occupation of Austria by the German army in 1938.


Currency that the National Assembly prints in excess in order to pay for their debts. This makes the money worthless and causes huge inflation


Decrees passed by the National Assembly of France in August of 1789 renouncing and abolishing most of the traditional privileges of the nobility and the clergy.

August Decrees

Composer who believed music was a means to worship God and lived a quiet life at a church; created the Mass in B Minor


This scientist spread the word about the experimental method and formalized the empirical method and combined his thinking with Descartes to form the scientific method


British document that promised land in Palestine as homeland for Jews in exchange for Jews help in WWI

Balfour Declaration

This makes it illegal for employers to persuade employees to vote in a certain way

Ballot Act

Napoleon establishes this and it is still around today. It collects and distributes taxes fairly, no one is exempt

Bank of France

"Spirit of Laws". Defined theory of separation powers as well as checks and balances.

Baron Montesquieu

First bishop of Chiapas, in southern Mexico. He devoted most of his life to protecting Amerindian peoples from exploitation. His major achievement was the New Laws of 1542, which limited the ability of Spanish settlers to compel Amerindians to labor.

Bartolome de las Casas

Believed in an impersonal mechanical universe. Denied Free will. one of the first ardent athiests

Baruch Spinoza

this was the battle that Napoleon lost after his return from Elba that ended his reign as French ruler

Battle of Waterloo

A Weimar (German) architectural school created by Walter Gropius which combined the fine arts and functionalism


Conservative, Aristocratic, Jewish Prime Minister in England. Leader of the British Tory Party who engineered the Reform Bill of 1867, which extended the franchise to the working class. Added the Suez Canal to English overseas holdings. Also gave Queen Victoria the title of Emperess of India which backfires as the British believe they are a democratic empire. He strengthens the public health act and gives the working class the right to strike

Benjamin Disraeli

This is the use of air pockets to create a cheaper and more durable steel. This is so effective that the amount of steel produced in England jumps from 125,00 tons in 1860 to 32 million tons in 1913

Bessemer Process

This is the basis to every single parliament or congress in the world today 1. Parliamentary Supremacy 2. No taxation without Parliamentary approval 3. Free Debate 4. Free Elections 5. Cannot declare war without Parliamentary approval 6. Trial by Jury 7. No unreasonable bail 8. Parliament must meet frequently

Bill of Rights

French political philosopher who was a strong proponent of absolutism during the reign of Louis XIV


The overthrow of Russia's Provisional Government in the fall of 1917 by Lenin and his Bolshevik forces, made possible by the government's continuing defeat in the war, its failure to bring political reform, and a further decline in the conditions of everyday life.

Bolshevik Revolution

Highly educated and wealthy such as doctors, lawyers and management positions. Pay taxes at 6%


Catholic bishop who advocates for absolutism. He says that monarch's power derives from For and the king represents God on earth


The artist and architect of the Dome of Florence Cathedral- the first domes since Classical antiquity.


Prussia says that if harm comes to the king, the people will be attacked.

Brunswith Manifesto

Bismarck creates two houses, this is upper house consisting of all princes in the German empire. They hold the power of the purse and all real political power in Germany


Anyone can send in complaints to be read by the Estates General


Regent for Louis XIII, set in place the cornerstone of French absolutism. Attempted to break the power of nobility by creating the intendant system

Cardinal Richelieu

He knew that the ideal man was many talented, including artistic, intellectual and physical skills. Wrote regarding manners. Wrote Book of the Courtier


German Princess who took over Russia after killing her husband. She destroys the Table of Ranks system and frees surfs. Aristos revolt against her so she slaughters the uprising and enslaves 20 million surfs. During the Primean War she takes Crimea and a part of Poland

Cathrine the Great.

Prime Minister of Sardinia-Piedmont who wants to unify Italy.


Considered the father of Humane law. He determines through research that torture does not lead to accurate information and that capital punishment does not deter crime. He believes that punishment should be used to deter crime and reform the criminal and should be quick and fast

Cesare Beccaria

English scientist whose theory of evolution through natural selection was first published in 'On The Origin of the Species" in 1859.

Charles Darwin

"Oliver" His work is very popular and sympathetic to the poor because he had been poor at one time

Charles Dickens

King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1625-1649). His power struggles with Parliament resulted in the English Civil War (1642-1648) in which Charles was defeated. He was tried for treason and beheaded in 1649

Charles I

King of England, Scotland, and Ireland. His power struggles with Parliament resulted in the English Civil War in which Charles was defeated. He was tried for treason and beheaded in 1649

Charles I

Becomes leader of England after Cromwell. Restores a constitutional government. He does not punish Cromwell supporters except for the Rump Parliament

Charles II

Holy Roman Emperor and Carlos I of Spain, tried to keep Europe religiously united, inherited Spain, the Netherlands, Southern Italy, Austria, and much of the Holy Roman Emperor from his grandparents, he sought to stop Protestantism and increase the power of Catholicism. He allied with the pope to stamp out heresy and maintain religious unity in Europe. He was preoccupied with struggles with Turkey and France and could not solely focus on the rise of Protestantism in Germany.

Charles V

French general and statesman who became very popular during World War II as the leader of the Free French forces in exile (1890-1970)

Charles de Gaulle

A document, issued by the National Assembly in July 1790, that broke ties with the Catholic Church and established a national church system in France with a process for the election of regional bishops. The document angered the pope and church officials and turned many French Catholics against the revolutionaries.

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

This means that a person must pass a test in order to gain a governmental position. It makes the empire much more efficent

Civil Service Reform Bill

Passed under Charles II This bans Puritans from government

Claridon Code

The codification and condensation of laws assuring legal equality and uniformity in France Became a model for codes of law in many European countries

Code Napoleon

These play a huge role in the Age of Enlightenment. Come from the ottoman empire to Europe. They are extraordinarily expensive so they are a status symbol where aristos can go and talk about ideology.

Coffee Houses

economic policy in France developed by Colbert. Inward looking mercantilist policy. prioritises exports and imposes trade tariffs on imports. Controls manufacture and guilds to regulate domestic French production to be sold abroad. Laissez faire policies with the colonies that gives them a sense of autonomy.


Creation of large, state-run farms rather than individual holdings; allowed more efficient control over peasants; part of Stalin's economic and political planning; often adopted in other Communist regimes.


The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages.

Columbian Exchange

Was an international communist organization founded in March of 1919 by Lenin, this thing wanted to overthrow the international Bourgeoisie and create a socialist state.


Quality regulation of goods that was established under colbertism. This destroys the guild system and allows merchants to be sure of the quality of their goods

Commercial Code

This is set up by Robespierre in order to rule over everything with no checks to its power

Committee of Public Safety

Another name for the European Economic Community, which created a free-trade area among the Western European countries

Common Market

This is the agreement between Pope Pius VII and Napoleon that healed the religious division in France in which the palpacy renounced claims over church property and Napoleon was allowed to nominated bishops

Concordat of 1801

Treaty under which the French Crown recognized the supremacy of the pope over a council and obtained the right for the government to nominate all French bishops and abbots (1516)

Concordat of Bologna

Created by Napoleon, it was a loose alliance of German states that ended the Holy Roman Empire after defeating Austria. This abolished feudalism and awakened German nationalism

Confederation of the Rhine

Following Napoleon's exile, this meeting of European rulers in Austria established a system by which the balance of power would be maintained, liberal revolutions would be repressed, as would imperial expansion, and the creation of new countries in Europe.

Congress of Vienna

A U.S. foreign policy adopted by President Harry Truman in the late 1940s, in which the United States tried to stop the spread of communism by creating alliances and helping weak countries to resist Soviet advances


A Polish astronomer who put forth the theory that the sun is at rest near the center of the universe, and that the earth spinning on its axis once daily, revolves annually around the sun. This is called heliocentric, or sun centered system


Labor tax created under Richelieu placed on peasants so whenever infrastructure improvement was need, peasants could be used as free labor


Church council that reaffirmed basic Catholic doctrines such as papal supremacy and exclusive Church authority to interpret the Bible; prohibited Church abuses; required clergy to renounce worldly pleasures; authorized an index

Council of Trent

a judicial innovation of Henry VII of England, designed to curb the independence of the nobility, whereby criminal charges brought against the nobility were judged by a court of the king's own councilors

Court of the Star Chamber

(1853-1856) Russian war against Ottomans for control of the Black Sea; intervention by Britain and France cause Russia to lose; Russians realize need to industrialize. Destroyed the Concert of Europe.

Crimean War

Liberal Prime Minister who instated inheritance tax on things that Aristos were likely to own, this destroys Aristo families. Also instates a minimum Wage

David Lloyd George

A wealthy individual who proposes The Law of the Iron Wage which says that it is good for a business to pay its employees as little as possible (Market wage instead of Natural Wage) because it decreases the population of the poor

David Ricardo

stalinization - Khrushchev's policy of purging the Soviet Union of Stalin's memory; monuments of Stalin were destroyed; Stalin's body was moved outside the Kremlin Wall; Khrushchev did this because he disliked Stalin for jailing and killing loyal Soviet citizens


Connects Napoleon's empire to the roman empire Davi

Death of Marat

This is the French Bill of Rights that only applied to white men. This grants a basic rights to white men such as freedom of speech, thoughts, religion, due process, taxation with representation.

Declaration of the Rights of Man

This document, written by Olympe de Gouges wrote in response to the Declaration of the Rights of Man, states that Woman deserve the same political rights of men

Declaration of the Rights of Woman

The collapse of colonial empires. Between 1947 and 1962, practically all former colonies in Asia and Africa gained independence.


The belief that God is great and created everything but then he took a step back to let it take its course. Believe that Christ is not the son of God


Wrote Discourse on Method. Believed in Cartesian Dualism where the body can be doubted, but the mind can't so the two must be radically different. Used deductive reasoning (reasoning through previously know facts) to come to conclusions.


Early industrial labor system in which workers produced goods at home

Domestic system

A Jewish army officer is convicted of treason by a military court and goes to jail for 20 years. Evidence is found that shows that Major Esterhazy is the guilty party. However, the French army refuses to open the case again. This divides the nation and creates a crisis. The Army, anti-Semites, monarchists and Catholics feel he is guilty. Liberals, Republicans and anti-Catholics believe he is innocent and is only blamed because of Antisemitism. Eventually the case is reopened and is found guilty again by the French Army but the French President pardons him anyway and cuts all ties the French government has with the Catholic Church by separating church and state.

Dreyfus Affair

Bismarck's (Germany's) secret treaty with Austria which provided for support if attacked by Russia.

Dual Alliance

This alliance was created in 1879 between Germany and Austria-Hungary. This alliance was Bismarck's attempt to limit the possibility of war between the European powers, and was primarily defensive. The two countries agreed to protect each other if Russia attacked. Furthermore, both countries agreed to remain neutral if the other was attacked by another European country.

Dual Alliance

After Austria's defeat by Prussia in 1866, Hungarians demanded more freedom. Austria responded in 1867 by forming this monarchy, also called the Austria-Hungary, in which Hungarians shared power with Austrians. Under this system, Austria's emperor is also the king of Hungary. They only work together in times of war and commerce

Dual Monarchy

European Economic Community; a group of European countries acting together to set regulations in production and trade


1598 grant of limited tolerance in France to French Protestants after lengthy civil wars between Catholics and Protestants.

Edict of Nantes

Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Laboring Population. This was a public health official in England who wrote reports on the poor living conditions of the cities and believed that poverty was caused by illnesses.

Edwin Chadwick

This allows the middle class to live outside the city and create suburbs.

Electric Street Car

The first public power plant was created in 1881 which means that production increased because people could work by electric light. Also allows the working class to have a nightlife in relative safety


(1558-1603) Queen who established compromise between Protestants and Catholics and shaped the Church of England, led the defeat of the Spanish Armada, ruled during England's Golden Age (age of Shakespeare)

Elizabeth I

Napoleon holds a legitimate election for emperor and overwhelmingly wins the title. He holds a massive coronation and crowns himself in order to slow that he alone has the power to give himself power

Emperor of France

Conflict from 1640 to 1660; featured religious disputes mixed with constitutional issues concerning the powers of the monarchy; ended with restoration of the monarchy in 1660 following the execution of the previous king

English Civil War

A ruler who aimed for the advancement of society by fostering education, aiding the economy and promoting social justice

Enlightened Despotism

Born in Rome, Italy. Conducted the first artificial nuclear reaction under the football stadium at the University of Chicago. Nobel prize winner for induced radioactivity by neutron bombardment.

Enrico Ferni

Dutch Humanist and friend of Sir Thomas More. Perhaps the most intellectual man in Europe and widely respected. Believed the problems in the Catholic Church could be fixed; did not suport the idea of a Reformation. Wrote Praise of Folly which criticized the hypocrisy of the church.


The French Style Parliament in that each estate gets one vote. This makes it so that the 1+2 estate always work together in the Parliament. White men who own property can vote no matter what

Estates General

An area within France that does not have tariffs so there is a free trade zone that opens up immense wealth

Five Great Farms

Louis XVI and his family try to raise a counterrevolutionary army but they are caught and become prisoners of the Parisian mob

Flight to Varennes

Advocates the Red Cross to help soldiers on both sides of the war. She starts sterilization which decreases death from infection.

Florence Nightingale

States that allowed religious pluralism in order to maintain domestic peace.

France (after Edict of Nantes), The Netherlands, Poland

Spanish General; organized the revolt in Morocco, which led to the Spanish Civil War. Leader of the Nationalists - right wing, supported by Hitler and Mussolini, won the Civil War after three years of fighting.

Francisco Franco

(military alliance) France wanted support against Germany; and Russia, against Austria-Hungary. The two powers slowly came closer together, upsetting the system of alliances that had been established by Bismarck to protect Germany against such a potential "two-front" threat. If one of the countries of the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy) attacked France or Russia, its ally would attack the aggressor in question. The alliance was to remain in place as long as the Triple Alliance existed.

Franco Russian Alliance

French physiocrat who believes that successful business does not have government regulation on financial matters. This is the beginning of the theory of Laissez Faire.

Francois Quesnay

King of Prussia. "Fredrick the Great" He subscribes to Enlightenment in that he limits torture, establishes a 1 year public education system and has a system of religious toleration. He wants to expand the size of Prussia so he takes territory from Austria-Hungary which ignites the French and Indian War

Fredrick II of Prussia

King of Prussia who promised and later reneged on his promises for constitutional reforms in 1848.

Fredrick Williams I of Prussia

This movement started in the 1700s. It is an organization that is about unlocking knowledge. You can be a part of any religion to join but you must acknowledge the existence of a supreme being

Free Masonry

Powerful organization that helps France develop a powerful navy. Bans food exports which keeps peasants fed

French East India Trading Company

You are legally appropriated into which estate (class) you are a part of

French Estate System

A series of civil wars in France by nobles against Louis XIV's . Key role in Louis XIV's decision to leave Paris and build the Versailles Palace


(1564-1642) An Italian who provided more evidence for heliocentrism and questioned if the heavens really were perfect. He invented a new telescope, studied the sky, and published what he discovered. Because his work provided evidence that the Bible was wrong he was arrested and ended up on house arrest for the rest of his life.


Signed by 23 nations in 1947 to ensure fair rules for trade, replaced by world trade organization

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

A German Protestant prince who spoke no English, therefore completely let Parliament have control and started the Cabinet, which was a handful of Parliament advisers

George I

English monarch at the time of the revolution. He was the main opposition for the colonies due to his stubborn attitude and unwillingness to hear out colonial requests/grievances.

George III

Consisted of 38 sovereign states recognized by the Vienna settlement, and was dominated by Austria and Prussia, the confederation had little power and needed the consent of all 38 states to take action.

German Confederation

Following the English Civil War, this event involve the British Parliament once again overthrowing their monarch in 1688-1689. James II was expelled and William and Mary were made king and queen. Marks the point at which Parliament made the monarchy powerless, gave themselves all the power, and wrote a bill of Rights.

Glorious Revolution

Restore Catholic unity across Europe. Examples: Charles V Philip II Philip III Philip IV We mostly looked at Charles V and Philip II

Goal of Habsburg rulers during the Wars of religion

This country had an immense influx of wealth (from the Americas), great artists like Velazquez and El Greco and writers like Cervantes and Lope de Vega.

Golden Age of Spain

Radicals kill all moderate members of government. Or moderates escape

Government Cleansing

Third Estate rises up against the nobility and destroys feudal residencies which caused some nobility to leave France

Great Fear

Started accidentally by a baker. Again, Charles II is not blamed because they use science to discover the source of the fire The result of is the first fire department which is supported by the community and the beginning of urban planning (creation of zones)

Great Fire of London

The plague kills 10,000s of people because they were not prepared for the Plague to come back. However, the blame was not placed on Charles II which shows that Europeans begin to think that Plagues are not religious

Great Plague of London

executions ordered by Stalin, in all about 8 million people were arrested, and millions of these were executed or never returned from prisons and forced-labor camps

Great Purges

This was created by Adam Smith. It says that a successful business starts with investment which leads to an increase in labor which increases product which drops the prices and sales skyrockets which finally leads to profit

Great Wheel of Profit

organized political party based on the principles of green politics, such as social justice, environmentalism and nonviolence

Green Party Movement

collected and published local German fairy tales, work is example of Romantic German nationalism. Considered ultimate nationalistic writings because they remove all non-german fairy tales

Grimm Brothers

Forced labor camps set up by Stalin in easter Russia. Dissidents were sent to the camps, where conditions were generally brutal. Millions died.


Occurred in 1605 when Guy Fawkes hired a group of men to blow up Parliament when the protestant King James I and the rest of the protestants Parliament members were inside. He did it solely because he wanted a Catholic England

Gunpowder Plot

(1878-1929), assumed control of German government in August 1923, called off passive resistance in the Ruhr and asked for a re-examination of reparations

Gustav Streseman

Swedish Lutheran king who won victories for the German Protestants in the Thirty Years' War and lost his life in one of the battles (1594-1632)

Gustavus Adolphus

This man is credited with inventing the printing press in Europe:


Baroque German composer who spent much of his life in England; best known for his Messiah, a masterpiece even in today's world


Described the circulation of the blood through veins and arteries.


Political and human rights agreement signed in Helsinki, Finland in 1975 by the Soviet Union and western European countries.

Helsinki Accords

(1589-1610) - Formerly Henry of Navarre; ascended the French throne as a convert to Catholicism. Survived St. Bartholomew Day, signed Edict of Nantes, quoted as saying "Paris is worth a mass." He is an example of a politique. He put the needs of the state ahead of any personal religious convictions.

Henry IV

cultural movement of the Renaissance based on the study of classical works (Greeks and Romans)


The beginnings of this movement are started in the Age of Enlightenment through Cesare Beccaria


A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially. This led to the creation of a number of European empires which extended around the world.


Major Western artistic style that gained prominence in the second half of the 1800s and into the 1900s.Against Realism, visual impression of a moment, style that seeks to capture a feeling or experience, often very colorful. Used light and color, very fast and messy


Once the middle class gains the right to vote, they move to protect those rights and not help other gain that right. They become supporters of the establishment, for example they are the #1 class to work in government

Institutionalization of the Middle Class

a United Nations agency to promote trade by increasing the exchange stability of the major currencies

International Monetary Fund

Because of the corn laws, the Irish can only afford to farm potatoes which causes Ireland's population to double so that 1/3 of the population is dependent on the potato by 1841. However, a potato blight soon comes that can wipe out an entire crop in 48 hours. This leads to the starvation of around one million people. The Irish government begs the British government to repeal the corn laws so the people can afford to eat. Millions of Irish immigrate to the US however they are faced with oppression and violence

Irish Potato Famine

(HT) , Term used by Churchill in 1946 to describe the growing East-West divide in postwar Europe between communist and democratic nations

Iron Curtain

First Lady of the World. She became regent after her husband was captured, was an excellent leader, wrote hundreds of letters, and was a great patron of the arts.

Isabella d'Este

"Ivan the Terrible" Russian ruler; cruel and tyranical; murdered nobility; extremely paranoid (killed his own son); taxed people heavily; took title of "czar"

Ivan IV

Radical republicans during the French Revolution. They were led by Maximilien Robespierre from 1793 to 1794.


Louis Davi - An artist who works for Napoleon to create Propaganda -Death of Marat -Napoleon crossing the Alps


Son of Mary Queen of Scots, Stuart monarch who ignored constitutional principles and asserted the divine right of kings. Loves art and the theatre

James I

This Scottish ruler became the English king as well once Elizabeth died. He inherited a country that was in debt, as well as in mourning for their highly-idealized former queen. He was generous with favors but Scottish and English differences made it impossible for him to gain anyone's favor. He also would have preferred to be a divine right monarch.

James I

Is only monarch for a short time because he tries to reinstate absolutism. Parliament says no, so he goes to the Netherlands and lives without power. This is significant because itis someone in power willingly giving up their power without conflict

James II

in a nutshell defended absolutism/ divine right- created the theory of sovereignty in which a state becomes sovereign by claiming a monopoly over the instruments of justice sovereignty can't be divided ---> must remain w/an individual; insisted monarch had "absolute power" over people

Jean Bodin

People are inherently unequal, creates the noble savage idea, materialism is the root of evil in society, the majority should control a nation, Alienation

Jean Jacques Rousseau

British philosopher and economist who advocated utilitarianism which is the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

Jeremy Bentham

Philosophe who Believes that man is naturally wonderful and friendly. It is our life experiences that determine who we are. Believes in a constitutional monarchy. Life liberty and property.

John Locke

Proposes woman's right to vote and paying women an equal wage. Also proposes inheritance tax in order to equal the playing field.

John Stuart Mill

The founder of Methodism

John Wesley

Bolshevik revolutionary, head of the Soviet Communist Party after 1924, and dictator of the Soviet Union from 1928-1953. He led the Soviet Union with an iron fist, using Five-Year Plans to increase industrial production and terror to crush all opposition.

Josef Stalin

Emperor of Austria-Hungary empire. Bans capital punishment and torture. He makes aristos pay races and makes it so that they are equal in the law. Abolishes surfs (slavery). Establishes a 3 year public education system. He is hated by aristos and loved by peasants so he must create a secret police

Joseph II of Austria

Join together to write the "Communist Manifesto" This says that capitalism cannot sustain itself. Also says that there will be a workers revolution in Europe due to their bad conditions. Also says that religion is worse than capitalism as it is oppressive and enforces bad relationships

Karl Marx and Engel

(1571-1630) Assistant to Tycho Brahe who believed in the Copernican view. He continued Brahe's observations and created three laws of planetary motion published between 1609 and 1619. They provided mathematical backing for heliocentrism and suggested that the planets orbits were ellipses.


(1950-3) A conflict between UN forces (primarily US and S Korea) against North Korea, and later China; Gen. Douglas Macarthur led UN forces and was later replaced by Gen. Ridgeway; Resulted in Korea remaining divided at the 38th parallel.

Korean War

Bismarck's anticlerical campaign to expel Jesuits from Germany and break off relations with Vatican. Eventually, after little success, Bismarck halted these policies.



La Belle Epoque Fin de Siecle

Faire - Hands off government in financial business deals.


The government controlled the price of bread

Law Maxum

Banning the right to strike which enraged the sans-coulat

Le Chapalier Laws

An international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations; suggested in Wilson's Fourteen Points.

League of Nations

Hitler's expansionist theory based on a drive to acquire "living space" for the German people


A Polish politician, a former trade union and human rights activist, and also a former electrician. He co-founded Solidarity, the Soviet bloc's first independent trade union, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983, and served as President of Poland from 1990 to 1995.

Lech Walesa

People have to be able to pass a test in order to become a military officer in France

Legion of Honor

Thanks to the invention of the weekend, the working class is guaranteed a day and a half off. It is now harder to tell class by clothing due to department stores so distinctions are made through jewelry and technology. Drinking is also on the decline

Leisure Time

A well known Italian Renaissance artist, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, and scientist. Known for the Mona Lisa.

Leonardo da Vinci

Seized power from Nikita Khrushchev and became leader of the Soviet Communist party in 1964. Ordered forces in to Afghanistan and Czechoslovakia.

Leonid Brezhnev

Loves the free market with little tax revenue. In favor of a constitutional government in order to protect their wealth. They believe in laissez faire economics and Malthusian theory


post WW1 generation,specifically a group of writers who came to age during the war to estalish literary reputationsin the 1920's

Lost Generation

Frenchman who is considered the father of socialism. He advocates for governmental control of public commodities (such as mines, water, transportation, and police). If it is for the public it should be run by the government

Louis Blanc

Frenchman who uses his discovery of the bacterial theory to promote his idea of the pasteurization of milk

Louis Pasteur

Known as the Sun King, he was an absolute monarch that completely controlled France for 42 years however his many wars bankrupted the country. One of his greatest accomplishments was the building of the palace at Versailles. Created Estate System Colbertism Revoked Edict of Nantes Made Catholicism mandatory

Louis XIV

French monarch during the French Revolution. He creates a complete freedom of the press

Louis XVI

Conservative British prime minister from 1970 to 1991; held that office longer than any other person; worked to cut welfare and housing expenses, promote free enterpris

Margaret Thatcher

Hapsburg leader that ruled as an absolute monarch. She failed recapture Silesia from Frederick the Great, but exanded her kingdom and made it more powerful.

Marie Theresa of Austria

He becomes the de facto speaker for the National Convention. He is known as a the champion for the working class. He executes Louis XVI and institutes the first republic in France

Maximilien Robespierre

(1475-1564) An Italian sculptor, painter, poet, engineer, and architect. Famous works include the mural on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and the sculpture of the biblical character David.


Impressionist Painter known for "water lily's"


This group enforces Cromwell's strict policies such as 1. Ale houses are close 2. Book burnings 3. Laughing is banned 4. Theatre is banned 5. Dancing is banned 6. Rules around sexuality (first time)

Moral Police Force

1938 conference at which European leaders attempted to appease Hitler by turning over the Sudetenland to him in exchange for promise that Germany would not expand Germany's territory any further.

Munich Conference

..., North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries


When the third estate believes they are locked out of the normal estates general assembly hall they meet in a tennis court and declare legitimate and legal authority. It becomes the leading legislative force in France during the Moderate Phrase

National Assembly

France uses nationalism to get men to fight for free. Every male adult in France has to fight in the war. This is the first time this is invoked in Europe and it allows France to win the war

National Conscription

New representatives are elected and this takes over as the parliamentary system during the radical phase

National Convention

Provided sickness and unemployment benefits to workers in Britain

National Insurance Act 1911

A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country. The goal of the Congress of Vienna is to surpress this because it destroys nations due to the huge number of subsets of people in European countries


Created by Isaac Newton. Everything in nature has been discovered. Natural principles are absolute and in science we must learn to understand what has already been discovered

Natural Law

Allows English ships to stop any ship they want to

Navigation Act

Classical Art - Art that Napoleon Fosters Used as propaganda and often has classical themes


Radical questioning of the value and objectivity of truth n. His key ideas include the death of God, perspectivism, the Übermensch, the eternal recurrence, and the will to power.


A Soviet leader during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Also famous for denouncing Stalin and allowed criticism of Stalin within Russia.

Nikita Khrushchev

aggression pact (Molotov-Ribbentrop) - Germany and the Soviet Union signed this pact and promised not to attack each other. Germany offered Stalin control of Eastern Poland and the Baltic States.


Cultural and intellectual movement of northern Europe, began later than the Italian Renaissance (circa 1450), centered in France, Low Countries, England, and Germany, featured a greater emphasis on reforming society and the church.

Northern Renaissance

General of the Roundheads who helps them win. He is a Radical Puritan. He becomes the monarch of England after Charles I is executed Puritan unity in England First holocaust against Irish revolt Raises taxes which causes the wealthy to move to France

Oliver Cromwell

"Declaration of the Rights of Women" French writer who promoted the rights of women during the French Revolution; eventually guillotined for her outspoken ideas

Olympe de Gauge

Wars between Britain and the Qing Empire, caused by the Qing government's refusal to let Britain import Opium. China lost and Britain and most other European powers were able to develop a strong trade presence throughout China against their wishes.

Opium Wars

Appear for the first time as a leisure activity. Government invest in these activities for men as an extension of nationalism and as military training as a way to keep young men fit. In the German areas, Father Jahn had advocated calisthenics for the Fatherland--gymnastics.

Organized Sports

This is an explanation of natural selection for the first time. This does not create any social issues

Origin of the Species

Was appointed to Prussian Chancellor by William I. He is personally conservative and hates liberalism and socialism but will do whatever he needs in order to win. He wants to unify the german confederation with Prussia through weakening Austria and stressing German nationalism

Otto von Bismarck

Slavism - The ultimate expression of Slavic Nationalism. This is the belief that it is Russian duty to protect any people who speak languages slightly similar to Russian. Allowed Russia to invade countries in order to "protect their Slavic brothers and sisters"


This was passed under Richelieu. Restricts the rights of Calvinists in France so that they cannot pass religious laws or build fortified cities

Peace of Alias

(1555) Document in which Charles V recognized Lutheranism as a legal religion in the Holy Roman Empire. The faith of the prince determined the religion of his subjects. The prince could choose Catholicism or Lutheranism. (This would be an issue later when Calvinism became a more significant religion.)

Peace of Augsburg

A policy initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev that involved restructuring of the social and economic status quo in communist Russia towards a market based economy and society


Becomes the Czar at 18 years old after Ivan the Terrible. He tours Western European countries and reforms the government off of the absolutism ideas in the rest of Europe. Mandatory 25 year conscription in the army Makes himself head of the church Women are not allowed to leave the home All sons of noble families must go to western university

Peter the Great

A new social class that emerges during this time which consists of highly educated professionals that are not paid well, for example, teachers, nurses, accountants and clerks. They have a little bit of money to spend. lower middle class which aspire to become the high middle class

Petite Bourgeoisie

Limited the power of Charles I of England. He signed it so that he could get money for his war with Spain a) could not declare martial law during peacetime b) could not collect taxes without Parliamentary approval c) no trial without Jury d) No quartering of soldiers

Petition of Rights

considered to be the father of humanism. Wrote not only in Latin,but the Italian vernacular as well.


(1527-1598) King of Spain from 1556 to 1598. Led the Counter Reformation by persecuting Protestants in his holdings (esp. Netherlands). Also sent the Spanish Armada against England.

Philip II

Writers during the Enlightenment and who popularized the new ideas of the time


Economists during the Age of Enlightenment


Wrote "On the Dignity of Man" which stated that man was made in the image of God before the fall and as Christ after the Resurrection. Man is placed in-between beasts and the angels. He also believed that there is no limits to what man can accomplish.

Pico della Mirandola

This secret police force quietly imprisons political dissidents until there are only 4 remaining newspapers left

Police State

This Polish Pope brought the world's attention to the solidarity movement of the Polish, calling for human rights. He became a hero of the Polish nation.

Pope John Paul II

A government of all left-wing parties that took power in France in 1936 to enact social and economic reforms.

Popular front

along the African coast South Asia East Asia South America (Brazil)

Portuguese areas of commercial trade

Developed by August Comte. This says that science and logic will someday replace the need for theological views


July 26, 1945 - Allied leaders Truman, Stalin and Churchill met in Germany to set up zones of control and to inform the Japanese that if they refused to surrender at once, they would face total destruction.


In 1968, Czechoslovakia, under Alexander Dubcek, began a program of reform. Dubcek promised civil liberties, democratic political reforms, and a more independent political system. The Soviet Union invaded the country and put down the short-lived period of freedom.

Prague Spring

This is a goal of the Congress of Vienna Monarchs from the royal families who had rules before Napoleon would be restored to their positions of power in order to keep peace and stability in Europe. Because of this, most nations in France go back to their pre-napolean leaders such as the Bourbon Family

Principle of Legitimacy

In 1700, 10% of literature is secular, in 1790, 90% is secular

Printing Culture

A major turning point of the Civil Rights movement linked to Black Panther, mass protests against Vietnam, specifically the Tet Offensive

Protests of 1968

In England, First piece of western legislation to regulate the health standards of businesses. Gives the government to shut down unhealthy businesses

Public Health Act 1848


Quest for Unity

(1483-1520) Italian Renaissance painter; he painted frescos, his most famous being The School of Athens.


Nobility that leaves France during the Great Fear and go to Prussia and Austria. This puts a huge pressure on these countries to do something about France


The thought that religious and political policy need to pass rational thought. Trying to apply rationality to everything

Reason Rationalism

This gives working class the right to vote. Disraeli believes that this will make them vote conservative because they gave them their suffrage. This does end up destroying the Liberal and Malthusian party in England.

Reform Bill of 1867

This is the lower house in Germany. This is made of equal representation with universal male suffrage. this makes him initially popular among the working class however, they don't really have any political power



Religious Wars



As part of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was ordered to pay fines to the Allies to repay the costs of the war. Opposed by the U.S., it quickly lead to a severe depression in Germany.


Developed by Eduard Bernstein and it says that a Marxist revolution will not happen however, societies will increasingly move towards communism. Led to some socialists working with governments.


Small Business owners/Working class. Have a living income and work in urban cities. They feel the strains of the economy the most because they have no direct access to food. Pay taxes at 22%

Sans Coulat

a country that is economically and politically dependent on another country /Eastern European states under the control of the Soviet Union during the Cold War

Satellite States

Attack plan by Germans, proposed by Schliffen, lightning quick attack against France. Proposed to go through Belgium then attack France, Belgium resisted, other countries took up their aid, long fight, used trench warfare.

Schlieffen Plan

womens rights movement that revived in the 1960s with a different agenda than earlier woments suffrage movements; second wave feminists demanded equal rights for women in employment and education woments right to control their own bodies and the end of patriarchal domination

Second Wave feminism

12,000 prisoners are moved from one prison to another. A rumor spreads that these prisoners have been collaborating wit the king so they are butchered by the working class

September Massacre

12,000 prisoners are moved from one prison to another. A rumor spreads that these prisoners have been collaborating with the king so they are butchered by the working class

September Massacre

The un-seen reasons behind our reactions all have to do with sex. Everything is sex. It also used imprinting in his psychology which led him to get the results he wanted. Created his theory of the Id, Ego, and Super Ego

Sigmund Freud

French author of The Second Sex. She argued for women's rights and was also a prominent figure in the existentialist movement. She died in 1986.

Simone de Beauvoir

An Irish republican political movement founded in 1905 to promote independence from England and unification of Ireland

Sinn Fein

This party forms from the lower classes as an attack on the autocracy, military and nationalism. However, to maintain the survival of his party, Bismarck listens to these requests and instates social legislation (health insurance, accident insurance, old age pensions and disability pensions)

Social Democratic Party

Polish trade union created in 1980 to protest working conditions and political repression. It began the nationalist opposition to communist rule that led in 1989 to the fall of communism in eastern Europe.


In 1936 a rebellion erupted in Spain after a coalition of Republicans, Socialists, and Communists was elected. General Francisco Franco led the rebellion. The revolt quickly became a civil war. The Soviet Union provided arms and advisers to the government forces while Germany and Italy sent tanks, airplanes, and soldiers to help Franco.

Spanish Civil War

Catherine de Medici encouraged her son to order the killing of French Huguenots. This was an example of tensions between a monarch and rival nobles that also had a religious component. It was neither a wholly religious nor wholly political conflict.

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Court where Henry VII dealt with lawless nobles that did not have juries and allowed torture to be used for confession

Star Chamber

The working class storms this castle because it represents complete monarchial control, even though it is only an arms depot. The Persians steal guns and amp which shows the National Assembly has power

Storming of the Bastille

Considered the turning point from the moderate to radical phase of the French Revolution. The working class storms the castle and over a thousand people are killed

Storming of the Tuleries

Popularly known as "Star Wars," President Reagan's SDI proposed the construction of an elaborate computer-controlled, anti-missile defense system capable of destroying enemy missiles in outer spaced. Critics claimed that SDI could never be perfected.

Strategic Defense Initiative

Noble families rebel while Peter is in Europe. When he returns he brutally crushes the rebellion and hangs their corpses on display

Streltsy Rebellion

Created by the Treaty of Versailles out of the ruins of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Followed the principle of nationalism that ethnicity was the chief determinant. Like Finland and Latvia and Estonia and Lithuania and Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia and Poland.

Successor States

Egypt faces severe financial issues so the British buy the canal via hostile takeover. They have control until 1956.

Suez Canal

July 26, 1956, Nasser (leader of Egypt) nationalized the Suez Canal, Oct. 29, British, French and Israeli forces attacked Egypt. UN forced British to withdraw; made it clear Britain was no longer a world power

Suez Crisis

An artistic movement that displayed vivid dream worlds and fantastic unreal images


Peter the Great declares that every noble person Russia has to participate in the government. This checks the power of the nobles because it forces them to become government workers

Table of Ranks

restricts the working hours of women and children in British factories to effectively 10 hours per day.

Ten hours Act

This declares that the 3rd Estate will not leave the tennis court until there is a new constitution for France. They want to abolish feudalism and manorialism

Tennis Court Oath

This prevents Catholics from taking political office. This is done to protect the government from retaliation from French Catholics

Test Act

Prussian War - Bismarck makes alliances with Russia and France so Austria declares war on Prussia which makes Prussia look like a victim even though they are destroyed in seven weeks. The Northern German confederation votes and join with Prussia to create the North German Confederation

The Austro

After Trafalgar, France destroys all trade with Britain which destroys the French economy. He coerced Russia, Denmark, Prussia, Portugal and France to join him but this is unsuccessful

The Continental System

The five-man executive committee that ruled France in its own interests as a republic for four years after Robespierre's execution and prior to Napoleon's coming to power

The Directory

Robpierre installs an absolutist regime with no representation. However, he realizes he has gone too far so he tries to kill himself in the bathtub, however, he is unsuccessful so he is dragged out of the tub and beheaded bleeding and naked.

Thermidorian Reaction

(1618-48) the last great religious war fought in Europe- brought into France by Richelieu (who ironically supported the protestants) began in Bohemia when protestant nobles revolted against the newly crowned Catholic emperor Ferdinand II when he revoked their religious freedoms. ended with Protestant-French victory by the Peace of Westphalia. reshaped the religious and political map of central Europe. (While it is in the "Wars of Religion" unit, it should be remembered that it was as much about political power. For example, the fight between the French and the Habsburgs was between two Catholic powers.)

Thirty Years' War

A British Philosophe who believes that humanity is awful and that Absolutism is the solution to Humanities problems because man has no capacity for self-government Levianthan- A book that says the government is a kind of monster

Thomas Hobbes

His Essay on Population states that there are too many people and not enough food so population will soon outstrip food supply. He proposes that the poor are the biggest problem so it is acceptable for disease and poverty to run rampant in the poor in order to manage the population. He says that the poor do not understand sex which is why they have more kids than the aristos (false). Aristos hate Malthus but the working class loves his idea because they believe they had to work for their money and they use his ideas as a justification for their poor treatment of the poor.

Thomas Malthus

"Common Sense". Advocated deism and progress and the idea of an improved society through natural laws

Thomas Paine

The first alliance that Bismarck established which was Germany Austria-Hungary and Russia, conservative

Three Emperors League

During which the Russian nobles elected series of tsars a tried to demand their liberties. Contending factions and civil war. Finally in 1613 national assembly elected a 17 year old boy as tsar - start of Romanov dynasty.

Time of Troubles

The British barely beat Napoleon in this battle so he cuts off Britain as a trading partner which devastates the French economy


Siberian Railroad - Constructed during the 1870s and 1880s to connect European Russia with the Pacific; increased the Russian role in Asia


Pope's agreement Spain and Portugal to divide the New World- ignored by the rest of the world

Treaty of Tordesillas

Prohibited joining of French and Spanish crowns; ended French expansionist policy; ended golden age of Spain; vastly expanded British Empire

Treaty of Utrecht

(1919) treaty ending World War I; required Germany to pay huge war reparations and established the League of Nations

Treaty of Versailles

Alliance among Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy at the end of the 19th century; part of European alliance system and balance of power prior to World War I.

Triple Alliance

James' Essay that monarchy should be an absolutist government

True Law of Free Monarchy

1947, President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology, mainly helped Greece and Turkey

Truman Doctrine

Written by John Locke. This says that men have the Natural Right to life, liberty and property. If the Government fails to protect our natural rights, the people have the power to overthrow the government.

Two Treatises on Government

Italy is united by 1871 through the efforts of Camilo di Cavour and Vittorio Emanuel, the king of Sardinia

Unification of Italy

An international organization formed after WWII to promote international peace, security, and cooperation.

United Nations

Equivalent to the Department of Education in America. This oversees efforts to supply history lessons to the public

University of France

The second industrial revolution allows for a physical space of class because people can now travel by electric street car.

Urban Planning

(1511-1574) wrote The Lives of Artists; contemporary Renaissance art historian


Mass protests in Czechoslovakia, led by playwright Vaclev Havel, that culminated in the fall of communism in that country in November 1989.

Velvet Revolution

Beautiful but excessive palace in Baroque style that was built by Louis XIV that bankrupts the country. This controls the nobles because they are distracted by living there and Louis can easily keep an eye on them. Nobles become indebted to Louis through gambling


War against Austria that leads to National Conscription for the first time

Wars of the French Revolution

An alliance between the Soviet Union and other Eastern European nations. This was in response to the NATO, supports communism

Warsaw Pact

Rococo Artist whose most famous work is "Pilgrimige to the Island of Cythera"


German republic founded after the WWI and the downfall of the German Empire's monarchy.

Weimar Republic

Only co-rulers in British history. They are protestants from the Netherlands who are very intelligent and have no kids

William of Orange and Mary Stuart

A member of a democratic club established in Paris in 1789. They were the most radical and ruthless of the political groups formed in the wake of the French Revolution, and in association with Robespierre they instituted the Reign of Terror in 1793-1794

Women's Jacobin Society

This is the first major, public revolt led by women. These women march to Versailles because they cannot feed their children

Women's Revolt

A specialized agency of the United Nations that makes loans to countries for economic development, trade promotion, and debt consolidation. Its formal name is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

World Bank

an international organization based in Geneva that monitors and enforces rules governing global trade

World Trade Organization


World War I


World War II

1945 Meeting with US president FDR, British Prime Minister(PM) Winston Churchill, and and Soviet Leader Stalin during WWII to plan for post-war


France and Britain allowed Germany to gain back lost land to try and avoid another war


European scholars, writers, and teachers associated with the study of the humanities (grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, languages, and moral philosophy), influential in the fifteenth century and later. Explored human endeavors in their art, literature, and poetry.


people who placed politics before religion- believed no religious truth was worth a war. Rulers who put political necessities above personal beliefs. For example, both Henry IV of France and Elizabeth I of England subordinated theological controversies in order to achieve political unity.


people who placed politics before religion- believed no religious truth was worth a warRulers who put political necessities above personal beliefs. For example, both Henry IV of France and Elizabeth I of England subordinated theological controversies in order to achieve political unity.


Protestants in England inspired by Calvinist ideas who wanted to "purify" the Anglican Church of Catholic elements


Many people (mostly older women) were accused of this and burned at the stake in medieval and early modern Europe.


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