A.P. Euro Chapter 15 terms

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These people are what ultimately saved France from the three Henrys war. They believed that only restoration of strong monarchy could reverse the trend toward collapse. No religious beliefs was worth the destruction of their country or intense disorder. So they accepted all religions, such as the Huguenots. Henry the Fourth of Henry of Navarre was a politique, so when he became king France accepted all religions.


These was the Spanish areas that they owned in central and north America. They were divided into four different viceroyalties; New Spain, Peru, New Granada, and La Plata. They used this stratagy to excersise the full amount of authority that they could possibly use. Within each territory there was a vicerory, or the mayor, which ruled the viceroyalties.


They were the French Calvinists. Almost one-tenth of the French population was a Huguenot by 1559. They were still prosecuted and killed, such as during the Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre. They earned their right to have liberty of conscience and liberty of public worship by the Edict of Nantes.

Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis

This ended the long conflict known as the Habsburg-Valios wars. It was between France and Spain. Spain was the winner. After the treaty, France had to accept Spanish dominance in Italy. Spanish governors ruled many of the major cities in Spain.

Magnetic Compass

This is on of the many technological advances that helped explores discover and charish the Ameicas. It was a device that let you know what direction you were going even when you were in the middle of a sea. This device would prove to be useful and almost all of the Reformation explorers used it.

Peace of Westophilia

This is the document that ended the thirty years was. They were signed at Munster and Osnabruk. This document is what advanced Europe from a uni-religious and uni-governmental area to a multi-religious and multi-government. Conflicts over religious came to a hlat, though there still was a slight uncomfortablenss when the other religion is around.

Spanish Armada

This was a Spanish navy at the time. It confronted the Engilsh in battle. Because of storms and spoiled food the English were able to take an easy victory with their 150 ships. Out of the 130 ships that sailed wtih the armada at the beggining, only 65 ships sailed back to their home ports. They say that this battle was one of the most crucial battles in the history of the world.

'General History of the Indies'

This was a book by Feranadez de Oviedo. He explained in this book how the Americas looked, with extreme details to eyewittness accounts, plants, animals, and people. This book was very widley read and inticed the imagination of many of the common Europeans, wanting to see the Americas for themselves.

Edict of Nantes

This was a document published by Henry the Fourth. It granted the Huguenots the liberty to conscience and the liberty of public worship. It was effective in 150 different fortified towns. The reign of Henry the Fourth and this document helped France reach absolutism and restored internal peace in France.

Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre

This was a massacre on Huguenots. About twelve thousand Huguenots were killed between August 25 and October 3. It all started when Margret of Valois (the kings sister) and Henry of Navarre (a protestant) decided to get married. Henry of Guise then planned an attack on all protestants. This day led to the three Henry's war. A war between Henry the third, Henry of Navarre, and Henry of Guise.


This was a thing that served as a residence for Jeromite monks. It was located northwerst of Madrid. The tomb was for many important people like the Habsburgs and a royal place for Philip and all of his family. These bulidings resembled a gridiron and was a huge center in the Italian Rennassiance building complex.

Protestant Union

This was a union that the german, Lutheran princes formed to try to get rid of Cathlolicism in their area. As a counter, the Catholics created the Catholic League. There struggles and arguments led to the thirty years war. After the thirty years war was complete, and the Peace of Westophila was created, Europe had evolved to a multi-government, multi-religion continent.


This was aperson who hath conference with the Devil to consult with him or to do some act. They were belived to be older women, from 55-75 years of age, that practiced midwifery or folk medicine. They were said to join together at sabbats which were just big sexual orgie were they feasted on infants. Becasue of all of this imagination between 50,00 and 100,000 women were exectued on the behalf of witchcraft.

Golden Century of Spain

This was during the sixteenth century and descirbed the increase in weath umong Spain. It was very big becasue of all the money coming in from all the mines in the Americas. They had gold and silver imported to their lead city Antwerp. Becuase of all of the money many poeple moved into the area. This turned out to be a bad thing becasue then the area got overcrowded and prices were increaded greatly. This then led to Spain's downfall.

Union of Utrecht

This was formed by the seven northern provences to declare their indepenance from the Spanish Netherlands. They were led by Holland in 1581. The Dutch struggle for independence continued becasue it became tied up with many English affairs. The ten southern provences did not go with them.


This was one of the many devices that helped the explorers reach America swiftly and return saftley. This wasw invented by Muslim navogatorsin the twelth century. This was how the explorers discovored the altitude of many different things including the sun. That then led to their discovery of latitude or postion north or south of the equater.


This was one-fifth of all precious metals mined in South America was given to the thrown. This led to 25% of all of the crowns income. In return, thr crown shipped manufactured goods over to America because they did not want to set-up-shop in America. This was mainly the mining of gold and silver in Mexico and many other central America areas.

Price revolution

This was the increase in costs after the Golden century of Spain. Philip the second had to repudiate the state debt many times between 1557 and 1647. This then made poeple start to question the goverment and they lost much confidence in the government. By the seventeenth century, the Spanish economy was horrible and and Spanish predommonince was over.


This was the saying for the gothlic style that had deveoped from the Renaissance. This word derived from the Portuguese language which ment "odd shaped, imperfect peral." Many art critics used this word to describe the Gothic style of medival cathedrals. Many specialists now agree that the borowue period was one of the turiuphs in the history of Western Culture.


This, in the straight defintion, means exchange. This is the place where counties all across Europe went to buy or sell goods. These things included German Iron, English wollens, French wines,ect... The main bourse was at Antwerp, and becasue of all this revanue coming in, it made Antwerp one of the weathiest cities in the spanish Netherlands.

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