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Catherine II

"the Great"; claimed that she wished to reform Russia along the lines of philosophes; had policy of favor toward the landed nobility that led to revolt

Gustavus III of Sweden

A vocal opponent, as he saw it, of abuses by the nobility of a permissiveness established by parliamentarian reforms that had been worked out before his reign (the so-called Age of Liberty), he enacted the Act of Union and Security to reinstate absolute monarchy with himself as autocrat.

Great War for Empire

A. K. A. The French and Indian War; the war (1755-60) between the French and British, each aided by different Indian tribes, that formed part of the North American Seven Years' War


At the beginning of the 18th century, Spain went from rule by Habsburgs to rule by the ________, who had also ruled in France.


Because the aristocracy was divided by factional struggles based on family rivalries, the king took advantage of the divisions to win aristocratic supporters through _________, awarding them titles, government posts, positions in the church staff, etc.

Robert Walpole

Both George I and George II (Hanover) relied on ______ as their chief prime minister.

Philip V of Spain

Bourbon ruler of Spain; under him, the king of Castile truly became the King of Spain; French-style ministries and officials were put in place

Natural Laws

Closely related to the Enlightenment idea of _________ was the belief in natural rights, which were thought to be inalterable privileges that ought not be withheld from any person. These natural rights included equality before the law, freedom of religious worship, freedom of speech and press, and the right to assemble, hold property, and seek happiness.

Natural rights

Closely related to the Enlightenment idea of natural laws was the belief in _________, which were thought to be inalterable privileges that ought not be withheld from any person. These ______ included equality before the law, freedom of religious worship, freedom of speech and press, and the right to assemble, hold property, and seek happiness.

poland; Austria; Prussia; Russia

Crowded by three great powers, ________ was divided a s result of their rivalries--between ____, ______, and _____.

Treaty of Paris (1763)

Ended the "Great War of the Empire"; the French withdrew and left India to the British

country house

English landed aristocracy invested much time, energy, and money into their rural estate, giving the English __________ an important role in English social life.

diplomatic revolution of 1756

France abandoned Prussia to ally with Austria; Russia joined them; Great Britain allied with Prussia. This ___________ led to the Seven Years' War.

General Directory

Frederick William I promoted the evolution of Prussia's civil bureaucracy by establishing the ___________; it served as the chief administrative agent of the central government, supervising military, police, economic, and financial affairs.

William Pitt the Elder

Furthered imperial ambitions by acquiring Canada and India in the 7 Years' War; he was dismissed by George III despite his success as prime minister.

Gustavus III of Sweden

His economic reforms "smacked of laissez-faire"; considered to be an enlightened monarch; nephew of Frederick the Great; assassinated by nobles incensed by his reforms

Hanoverian; Hanover

In 1714, the ______________ dynasty was established. The British crown was offered to the Protestant rulers of the German state of _________.

Jethro Tull

In England, _____ discovered that using a hoe to keep the soil loose allowed air and moisture to reach plants and enable them to grow better.

Enclosure Movements

In England, where small land holders resisted the end of the open field, Parliament enacted legislation allowing agricultural lands to be legally enclosed as a result, England became a land of large estates, and many small farmers were forced to become wage-laborers or tenant farmers working farms of 100-500 acres.


In northwestern Europe, the average age for marriage was _______ because the couple would first save up what they needed to run a household.

ideology; confrontation; withdraw

In the 18th century, war was no longer guided by ______; clever and elaborate maneuvers rather than direct _________; allowed defeated opponents to ________ without being captured or destroyed

cottage industry

In the countryside, textiles were produced by the putting-out or domestic system, in which a merchant-capitalist bought the raw materials and put them out to rural workers, who spun the raw material into yarn and then wove it into cloth in simple looms. Capitalist-entrepeneurs sold the finished product, made a profit, and used it to manufacture more. This system became known as the ___________ because spinners and weavers did their work in their own cottages.

phase in human development

In upper classes, toys were developed especially for children; books aimed to please as well as teach children; childhood was being viewed more as a ____________.

11 largest cities in Europe

London, Paris, Naples, Lisbon, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Vienna, Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Madrid

Cardinal Fleury

Louis XIV had left France with enlarged territories, an enormous debt, an unhappy populace, and a five-year-old great-grandson as his successor. The governing of France fell into the hands first of the regent, the duke of Orléans, whose good intentions were thwarted by his drunken and immoral behavior, and later of ______________, the king's minister. The budget was even balanced for awhile.

Louis XVI

Louis XV's twenty-year-old grandson who became __________ knew little about the operations of the French government and lacked the energy to deal decisively with state affairs.

patrician oligarchies

Many cities in Western and central Europe had ___________ that continued to control their communities by dominating town and city councils. They constituted a small minority of the urban population

enlightened absolutism (enlightened despotism)

Many historians once asserted that a new type of monarchy emerged in the late eighteenth century, which they called _________. These monarchs supposedly followed the advice of the philosophes and ruled by enlightened principles, establishing a path to modern nationhood.

The Seven Years' War

Maria-Theresa refused to accept the loss of Silesia to Prussia, so she rebuilt her army to prepare for another war with them. France abandoned Prussia and allied with Austria; Russia joined them; Great Britain allied with Prussia. 3 major areas of conflict were Europe, India, and North America.

the Grand Tour

One important aspect of 18th century travel, in which the sons of aristocrats completed their education by touring Europe's major cities

Madame de Pompadour

One mistress of Louis XV--probably the most famous eighteenth-century Europe--was ________. An intelligent and beautiful woman, she charmed Louis XV and gained both wealth and power, often making important government decisions and giving advice on appointments and foreign policy.

Battle of Plassey 1757

Small British force defeated a Mughal-led army more than ten times its size; allowed the British East India Company to receive authority to collect taxes from the lands surrounding Calcutta

William Pitt the Younger

Son of William Pitt the elder; appointed by George III and managed to stay in power through the French revolutionary and Napoleonic eras

Louis XV

Succeeded Louis XIV; was lazy and weak, and ministers and mistresses began to influence his rule once Fleury died.


The 18th century British parliament was dominated by a landed aristocracy historians divided into 2 groups: ____, who sat for life in the House of Lords, and the landed gentry, who sat in the House of commons and served as justices of the peace in the counties.

landed gentry

The 18th century British parliament was dominated by a landed aristocracy historians divided into 2 groups: peers, who sat for life in the House of Lords, and the _________, who sat in the House of commons and served as justices of the peace in the counties.

House of Lords; House of Commons

The 18th century British parliament was dominated by a landed aristocracy historians divided into 2 groups: peers, who sat for life in the ________, and the landed gentry, who sat in the _________ and served as justices of the peace in the counties.

increases; improved; open-field

The 18th century saw ______ in food production, farmland, yields per acre, and livestock, and an ________ climate (little ice age declined) as well as an abandonment of the _________ system.

potato; corn

The 18th century witnessed greater yields of vegetables, including two important American crops, the _____ and ______.

balance of power

The 18th-century _____________ was dedicated on how to counter-balance the power of one state by another to prevent any one state from dominating the others.


The United Kingdom of Great Britian came into existence in 1707 when the governments of England and Scotland were united; the term ______ came to refer to both English and Scots.

navies; armies; poor

The maritime powers like Great Britain and the Dutch Republic regarded _____ as more important than ______. Conditions on navy ships were often ______. Diseases like scurvy and yellow fever were rampant; crews were frequently press-ganged into duty.

Bank of England

Unlike other banks accustomed to receiving deposits and exchanging foreign currencies, the _________ also made loans. In return for lending money to the government, the bank was allowed to issue paper "bank notes" backed by its credits.

Pocket boroughs

Who could vote varied widely, enabling wealthy landed aristocrats to gain support through patronage and bribery; the result was a number of _________ controlled by a single person.

diplomacy; reason of the state

_____ of the 18th century focused mainly on the dynastic interests or the desire of ruling families to provide their dependents and extend their dynastic holdings; it also focused on the _________, which was based on long-term future of states.

Gustavus III of Sweden

a benefactor of arts and literature. He founded several academies, among them the Swedish Academy, created a National Costume and had the Royal Swedish Opera built.

Rotten boroughs

a borough able to elect a representative to parliament though having very few voters; choice representative usually in the hands of one person or family.

infanticide; foundling homes; hospitals

in time soy economic crisis, children proved such a burden to some families that they resorted to ______ or abandonment to ______________ or _________, which became a favorite charity of 18th century rich people.

Battle of Rossbach

in which Frederick the Great defeated Austria, France, and Russia during the 7 years' War

Battle of the Plains of Abraham, 1759

in which the French under General Montcalm were defeated by the British under General Wolfe during the French and indian war


independent tribes of fierce warriors who had at times fought for the Russians against the Turks but then resisted government's attempt to absorb them into the empire; support the revolt of Russian peasantry against Catherine the Great

Frederick II the Great

influence by Enlightenment thinking (against the will of his father); king during the War of Austrian Succession and the 7 Years' War

priveleges of the nobility

judgement by peers, immunity from severe punishment, exemption from many forms of taxation

General Wolfe

led the British forces to victory on the Plains of Abraham

General Montcalm

led the French and was defeated on the Plains of Abraham

wet nurses

lower-class women often served as ________ for children of the aristocratic and upper middle classes. Mothers from these higher social strata considered breastfeeding undignified.

woolen cloth

made up 75% of Britain's exports in the early 18th century

lower middle-class, petty bourgeoisie

master artisans, shopkeepers, small traders

working clas

masters, journeymen, and apprentices

factors of population growth in Europe in the 18th century

more plentiful food, better transportation of food supplies, end of the bubonic plague

upper middle-class

non noble office holders, financiers and bankers, merchants, important professionals (like lawyers)

The Great Lisbon earthquake of 1755

occurred in Poland on All Saints' Day

John Wilkes

ambitious middle-class member of the House of Commons; outspoken journalist who publicly criticized the king's ministers; arrested and soon released, but expelled form his seat in parliament


an illiterate Cossack who succeeded in wielding the disparate elements of discontent into a mass of revolt in Russia by the peasantry

Charles III of Spain

banished the Jesuit and circumscribed the activities of the Inquisition (brought Catholic church under control)

Pragmatic sanction

by which different European powers agreed to recognize charles VI's daughter Maria Theresa as heir (this recognition did not last, hence the War of Austrian Succession)

French and Indian War

greatest conflict of the seven years' war, fought in North America

Frederick William I

promoted the evolution of Prussia's civil bureaucracy by establishing the General Directory


seized by Prussia during the War of Austrian succession; Prussia was allowed by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle to keep it

Marquis of Pombal

served as chief minister to a series of Portuguese kings; the nobility and Catholic church were temporarily curtailed

Joseph II

son of Maria-Theresa; wanted to govern based on reason, but sought to enhance Habsburg power within the monarchy and Europe

flying shuttle

sped up the process of weaving on a loom, thereby increasing the need for large quantities of yarn

Robert Clive

the British were saved during the French and Indian War by the military genius of _________, an aggressive British empire-builder who eventually became the chief representative of the East India Company in India; said to have laid the foundations of the British empire in India; "conquerer of India"

John law

the French company under ________ was tied to his attempt to create a national bank and paper currency for France. When people went overboard and drove the price of stock to incredibly high levels, the bubble burst.________'s company and bank went bankrupt, leading to a loss of confidence in paper money that prevented the formation of a French national bank.


the nobility or landed aristocracy, who owned large estates with many serfs; played a dominant role in Prussian State in the 1700s


the practice of treating the first son as favorite; came under attack in the 2nd half of the 18th century

standing army

the professional ____________, initiated in the 17th century, became a standard feature of 18th century Europe.

War of Austrian Succession

the war involving a pragmatic sanction instituted by Charles VI on behalf of Maria Theresa, whose vulnerability inspired Frederick II and France to invade.

Gustavus III of Sweden

tried to maintain Sweden's eastern borders, even hoping to expand them, through a war against Russia which was not completely successful. He was assassinated by a conspiracy of noblemen claiming thus only to commit tyrannicide, but it has been shown that they also had more personal motives.

Black Hole of Calcutta

underground prison in Fort William for holding prisoners

George III

was determined to strengthen monarchial authority and to wield power of the patronage personally; had periodic bouts of insanity


was stunned by the loss of Silesia; resolved to reform her empire in preparation for the next conflict with rival Prussia

Leeds woolen workers

wrote a petition asking that machines no longer be used to prepare wool for spinning

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