AP Euro Chapter 23

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By 1914, what percentage of Britain's population lived in cities?

80 percent

Which of the following statements best applies to Spain and Italy in the late nineteenth century?

Both countries remained second-rate European powers, less transformed by the economic and cultural innovations of the age.

By 1900, in which one of the following countries had full literacy not been achieved?


The Irish parliamentary leader who demanded home-rule for Ireland in the 1880s was,

Charles Parnell.

Which one of the following pairings does not accurately present a nation of origin with its leading export item bound for Europe?

Chile and gold.

Which statement best applies to the Germany under chancellor Otto von Bismarck?

Coalitions were used by Bismarck to get what he wanted and then he dropped them.

After 1870, Britain regained its position as the industrial leader of Europe.


Because of bad living conditions in cities, rural populations increased while urban populations decreased in the late nineteenth century.


Because of the increased employment opportunities for women as clerks, typists, secretaries, and salesclerks, prostitution almost entirely disappeared from Europe's largest cities.


By the late nineteenth century, the middle-class had merged with the lower class, making the two indistinguishable.


In 1898, Spain defeated the United States in the Spanish-American War, hence breaking Cuba free from the United States.


The mass society of the late nineteenth century primarily benefited the middle classes, with the lower classes reaping few if any rewards.


Louis Napoleon's Second Empire was brought to an end by,

France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War.

After 1870, who replaced Great Britain as the leading industrial power in Europe?


Who amongst the following was key to the development of the automobile?

Henry Ford

By 1912, what was the single largest political party in Germany?

Social Democrats.

By 1900, which of the following nations was the least advanced industrially?


When the Irish representative in Parliament Charles Parnell called for "home rule," what was he requesting?

That Ireland get its own parliament but remain part of Great Britain.

Which of the following statements best applies to Austria-Hungary before World War I?

The nationality problem remained unresolved.

The "father" of tourism in England was,

Thomas Cook.

Although the German Reichstag was elected on the basis of universal male suffrage, it had little power because government ministers were responsible to the emperor rather than the parliament.


Between 1850 and 1900, Britain and Germany doubled, perhaps tripled, their national incomes, and real wages in Britain increased by two-thirds during that period.


In the decades after 1870, most Western governments made elementary education mandatory through state-run systems.


Some socialists believed that Karl Marx was wrong in advocating violent revolution, arguing instead that forming political parties and participating in the democratic political process could achieve socialism.


The chief cause of rising European populations between 1850 and 1880 was,

a declining mortality rate.

Which one of the following did not account for the increasing population in Europe between 1850 and 1880?

a rising birthrate

In late nineteenth-century Europe, increased competition for foreign markets and the growing importance of domestic demand for economic development led to,

a strong reaction against free trade and imposition of steep protective tariffs by most nations.

Reforms in urban living included all of the following except

a successful effort to clean up all polluted rivers and lakes.

The policy pursued by Russia's Alexander III and Nicholas II after the assassination of Alexander II was a policy of,


For Elizabeth Poole Sanford, women should,

avoid being self-sufficient.

All of the following were used to limit family size in the late nineteenth century except,

birth control pills.

Employment opportunities for women during the Second Industrial Revolution,

changed in quality and quantity with the expansion of the service sector.

Which one of the following was not a part of the emergence of the late nineteenth century "mass society"?

diminishment of the conditions of the lower classes.

What type of new energy source powered the second industrial revolution?


The English Reform Act of 1884,

gave English agricultural workers the right to vote.

Octavia Hill's housing venture was designed to,

give the poor an environment they could use to improve themselves.

Industrialization in Japan was the result of,

government planning and initiative.

A rise in female prostitution in European cities during the later nineteenth century can best be attributed to,

heavy migration to cities by country women and their increasingly desperate struggle for urban economic survival.

During the Second Industrial Revolution, working-class organizations emphasized the gender role of women as,


Between 1850 and 1910, European population,

increased from 270 million to 460 million.

In a cartel,

independent enterprises worked together to control prices and fix production quotas.

Anarchist movements were most successful in

less industrialized and less democratic countries where ordinary people could see no hope of peaceful political change.

Initially, trade unions in the first half of the nineteenth century functioned primarily as,

mutual aid societies.

Under the chancellorship of Bismarck, Germany,

passed social welfare legislation to woo workers away from the Social Democrats.

The largest segment of European society in the nineteenth century was composed of,

peasant landholders, unskilled day laborers, and domestic servants.

A new development in the age of mass leisure was,

professional sports.

The Boulanger Crisis in France had the end result of,

rallying French citizens to the cause of the Republic.

Eduard Bernstein, in his book Evolutionary Socialism, claimed that,

socialism could best be achieved through the democratic process.

The "Second Industrial Revolution" saw the advent of what new product?


European middle-class families during the late nineteenth century,

stressed functional knowledge for their children to prepare them for their future roles.

Which one of the following did not lead the way to new industrial frontiers during the Second Industrial Revolution?


Which of the following was a major development in British politics before 1914?

the continual growth of political democracy

An issue that brought socialists together in the nineteenth century was,

the desire to improve working and living conditions for most workers.

By 1871, the focus of Europeans' lives had become,

the national state.

The upper classes in the late nineteenth century included all of the following except,

the professional classes, including lawyers, doctors, an engineers.

The trade union movement prior to World War I,

varied from country to country, but was generally allied with socialist parties.

By 1900, most European educational systems,

were free and compulsory at least at the primary level.

Daughters in European working-class families,

were fully expected to work until marriage.

Splits between the French working and middle classes,

were further widened by the brutal suppression of the Paris Commune in 1871.

The middle classes of nineteenth-century Europe,

were very concerned with propriety and shared values of hard work and Christian morality.

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